TTNH :: Volume #20

#1984: Knows the circumstances of the matter after the life and death seriously, the disaster vicissitudes side looks at the sincerity

Xue Leihan more looks more looks like. 雪泪寒越看越像。 Right, was such a matter, I looked to understand! Such simply had been completely understood by me, has not seen such performing skill of trash , it seems like that this boy by the idol of person appearance, performing skill no trash is coming. 对了,就是这么回事了,我看明白了!这么简单就被我看透了,真没见过这么垃圾的演技,看来这小子就是靠人样子的偶像派,一点演技都没有的垃圾来着。 According to the reason, can you most at least also throw to have a look? What tries the pulse? Drops again also ought to trace heartbeat? Draws back again 10,000 steps, tries body temperature most conventional procedure you to use with hand? 按照常情来说,你最起码地也要扑上去看看吧?试试脉搏什么的吧?再怎么滴也总该摸摸心跳吧?再退10000步,用手试试体温这个最常规的做法你总该用一下吧? But this deserves death bastard from beginning to end, anything has not done, immediately jumps to seize my collar to bellow to yell! Wasn't this he too false? 可是这该死的混蛋从头到尾,啥也没做,就马上跳起来揪住我的衣领子大吼大叫!这他么不是太假了么? Clearly is this fellow opens eyes sees itself, was at heart calm and steady immediately, assured allow they will not die in light of this, in the heart early has felt at ease, at this moment actually comes to put on airs, clearly must gain the favorable impression of that female, its intention is really dangerous and shameless! 分明就是这家伙一睁眼就看到自己,心里立即就安稳了,笃定自己绝不会容许他二人就此死去,心中早已经安心,此刻却又过来装模作样,分明就是要赚那女子的好感,其用心真是险恶之极、无耻至极! That matter that you said...... You look at the office, Eastern Emperor Heaven you think that massacre on massacre, I will not prevent, when this tone left cleanly, you received the hand again.” Xue Leihan ill-humored saying, passes message immediately: I may warn your boy, even if acts in a play must have a limit, I can coordinate your, to this was to the end, if went too far, has provoked me...... Ahem!” “你说的那个事……你自己看着办吧,东皇天你想血洗血洗吧,我不会阻止的,啥时候这口气出干净了,你再收手。”雪泪寒没好气的说道,随即传音:“我可警告你小子,就算演戏也要有个限度,我能配合你的,到这就算是到头了,若是真过了火,惹恼了我……哼哼!” The Chu Yang eye winks , to continue to bellow to yell: This is the woman who I most like, most beloved woman! Your you...... If she could not live, I do not live, did not have her, in this world also had any matter to be worth me yearning for...... Do not think that I take you not to have the means that I can with banning to incur one time, did not mind that uses again many one time. Today I have been ready for any sacrifice, perishes together with your this old goods!” 楚阳眼睛一眨,继续大吼大叫:“这可是我最喜欢的女人,最心爱的女人!你你你……她要是活不过来了,我也不活了,没有了她,这世上还有什么事值得我留恋的……你别以为我就拿你没办法,我能用禁招一次,也不介意再用多一次。今天我豁出去了,就跟你这老货同归于尽!” Then, unexpectedly resembles mold type bellows: With the blood of my heart! Ten thousand tribulations will collapse!” I use the life to pick up the little girl, can you manage? 说完,居然似模似样的大吼一声:“以我心血崩毁万劫!”我用生命来泡妞,你丫管得着么? On the Xue Leihan face the muscle is twitching. Thinks very much a palm of the hand makes into the meat sauce this bastard! 雪泪寒脸上肌肉抽搐着。很想一巴掌把这混蛋打成肉酱! The tooth that in the Xue Leihan heart hates is itchy. 雪泪寒心中恨的牙痒痒的。 You must pick up the little girl we not to oppose that I coordinated am not \; You must deepen this little girl's degree to your heart is dead with no plans for anything new, we are also happy, I did not coordinate...... But do not regard your tool me! 你要泡妞咱不反对,我都配合了不是\;你要加深这妞对你死心塌地的程度,咱也乐见其成,我不还是配合了……可是你别把我当成你的工具啊! How I said again is also Emperor of the East your majesty. Such was acted by you have soaked the little girl stage prop? 我再怎么说也是东皇陛下啊。就这么被你充当了泡妞道具? Unexpectedly also perishes together with me? Unexpectedly also wants Ten thousand tribulations will collapse? 居然还跟我同归于尽?居然还又要崩毁万劫 Nine Tribulations Sword in my hands, what do you use to come Ten thousand tribulations will collapse? 九劫剑都在我手里,你用啥来崩毁万劫 Even if you have used Ten thousand tribulations will collapse , your degree, can how others, can how me?! 就算你真用了崩毁万劫,就你那点程度,能奈何得了别人,能奈何得了我吗?! Well? Nine Tribulations Sword? My Nine Tribulations Sword?” The Chu Yang whole body tried to find out: Where is at? In that? I want Ten thousand tribulations will collapse......” “咦?九劫剑呢?我的九劫剑呢?”楚阳浑身摸索:“在哪呢?到底在那呢?我要崩毁万劫……” Chu Yang......” a supple summon, actually sees Tie Butian to do from the ground, a face pleasantly surprised is moved in addition, affection leisurely looks at Chu Yang: I...... I have not died...... I see you!” 楚阳……”一声柔柔的呼唤,却见铁补天已经从地上做起来,一脸的惊喜加上感动,深情款款的看着楚阳:“我……我没死……我又见到你哦!” You have not died...... You have not died......” Chu Yang as if to stay, dashes randomly. Grasps. The pleasantly surprised desire is crazy: You have not died are really good. How I will make you die, I will also make you bring back to life with any method...... Tiantian, my Little Tiantian......” “你没死……你没死……”楚阳似乎呆了呆,随机飞奔过去。一把抱住。惊喜欲狂:“你没死真是太好了。我怎么会让你死了,用什么方法我也会让你起死回生的……甜甜啊,我的小甜甜……” Tie Butian whole face happy by, in he cherishes: Cannot think really we have not died...... Chu Yang. I quite affected...... Certainly is your sincerity, has moved Heaven!” 铁补天满脸幸福的靠在他怀中:“真想不到我们都没死……楚阳。我好感动……一定是你的真心,感动了上苍!” I really quite affected...... Especially you have not died. I was more affected, Heaven was also moved......” Chu Yang to hold her soft body by us stubbornly, is delighted beyond measure, the speech more and more is disgusting: If this fellow has not made you live, looked that I do not open his domain......” “我真的好感动……尤其是你没死。我更感动了,上苍也被我们感动了……”楚阳死死地抱着她柔软的身子,喜不自胜,说话越来越是肉麻:“若是这家伙没让你活过来,看我不拆了他的地盘……” Em, I know that I heard, your heart, your sentiment, your person, I knows that I understand!” Tie Butian is full of the grateful response! “恩,我知道的,我都听到了,你的心,你的情,你的人,我都知道,我都明白!”铁补天充满感激的回应! This is not anything, this is I should do, person who for I love, does this matter is anything!” Chu Yang continues to sprout nonsense! “这不算什么,这本来就是我该做的,为了我爱的人,做这点事算什么!”楚阳继续大放厥词 The Xue Leihan whole body trembles, lifts arm to look, sees only originally in the smooth muscle surface, is dense and numerous had goosebumps...... 雪泪寒浑身一哆嗦,抬起手臂一看,只见原本光滑的肌肉表面上,已经是密密麻麻的起了一层鸡皮疙瘩…… Is I saves the person obviously, rescues they, how to turn into Chu Yang is the beneficiary? What matter did this call?! 明明是我救得人,救的还是他们俩,怎么就变成楚阳是受益人了呢?这叫什么事呢?! Emperor of the East your majesty really all does not know that others strive, Chu Yang profits this matter, the Great Young Master Chu master is dry is more convenient, absolutely not that a wee bit embarrassed drops! 东皇陛下委实所有不知,别人出力,楚阳占便宜这回事,楚大少爷是越干越顺手,绝对不会那么一丁点不好意思滴! Could not bear, was really unable to continue watching......” Xue Leihan to shake the head, floating body. “忍不住了,实在是看不下去了……”雪泪寒摇摇头,飘身而起。 This Sovereign walks, leaves when here the Chu Yang love stage prop, stayed again, I feared really... I feared really a palm of the hand claps this mean and shameless, the obscene mean despicable boy! 帝君还是走吧,别在这里当楚阳的恋爱道具了,再呆下去,我真怕…我真怕一巴掌拍死这个卑鄙无耻、下流下作下贱的小子! Takes a look these matters that he does, person to inexpensive really on unmatched in the world?! 瞅瞅他干的那些事,难道人至贱真的就天下无敌了?! Walks? Where your toward walks?!” Chu Yang yelled: I have not gotten the physical exam for my woman, if there is anything not to suit, I could not forgive your this old and young!” “走?你丫的往哪里走?!”楚阳大叫:“我还没为我女人检查身体呢,若是有什么不对劲,我饶不了你这老小子!” Xue Leihan turns a deaf ear, clenches teeth to walk rapidly, is above mundane thoughts to go! The rapidness of speed, several are the Emperor of the East entire life, is also not the least bit off compared with the speed that it came a moment ago, even goes beyond! 雪泪寒充耳不闻,咬着牙急速而走,绝尘而去!速度之快,几已是东皇生平之最,比之刚才来的速度也丝毫不差,甚至是有过之而无不及的! Your younger sister also wants the face not to want? You are also the man of the hour, don't a wee bit cheeks want truly?! Your hugged was so long, hasn't gotten the physical exam? So long as lived, then had anything not to suit, your Nine Layered Pill can also treat immediately. 你妹的还要点脸不要?你好歹也是风云人物,真正连丁点面皮都不要了?!你丫的都抱了这么久了,还没检查身体?只要活过来了,那么就算有什么‘不对劲’,你的九重丹也是可以立即治疗。 Unexpectedly also wants to make me continue to stay here to make your set-off stage prop? 居然还想让我继续留在这里做你的陪衬道具? Really is really...... beautiful died you! 真真是……美死你了! I have been all right, I was all right...... I was all right......” Tie Butian to grasp Chu Yang really hurriedly: Do not press others, others can save us is very good, how you can treat the savior......” “我没事了,我没事了……我真没事了……”铁补天急忙抱住楚阳:“你就别难为人家了,人家能救了我们就已经很好了,你怎么能那么对待救命恩人呢……” Snort! The savior of nonsense!” Chu Yang does intentionally the pent-up anger not to disappear, puts on airs: This bastard runs may really be really quick...... If Tiantian on you also has anything not to be uncomfortable, looked that I kill the Emperor of the East palace also to for you leave the one breath, may irritate me really!” “哼!狗屁的救命恩人!”楚阳故作余怒未消,装腔作势:“这混蛋跑的可真真快……要是甜甜你身上还有什么不舒服的,看我杀上东皇殿也要为你出一口气,可真气死我了!” „Am I so really important?” Tie Butian glances the circulation. “我真的这么重要么?”铁补天眼波流转。 Naturally!” Chu Yang nods vigorously. “当然!”楚阳大力点头。 Chu Yang, you are really good.” Tie Butian extremely, is filled with joy charmingly, delivers the burning incense lip. 楚阳,你真好。”铁补天娇羞不胜,满心欢喜,送上香唇。 Has saying that the woman intelligence quotient that the sentiment moves often must calculate according to the negative number, including one generation of sovereign, Iron Cloud Sovereign Tie Butian is no exception, not to discover how inferiority obstinately the Chu Yang performing skill is, was suitable! 不得不说,情动的女人智商往往是要按照负数来计算,连一代皇者,铁云帝君铁补天也不例外,愣是没发现楚阳的演技是如何的低劣,生生的顺下来了! Knows the circumstances of the matter after the life and death seriously, the disaster vicissitudes side looks at the sincerity! 历经生死才知情重,劫难沧桑方看真心! Tie Butian complete satisfied, even if clearly knows that the Chu Yang string deceives her to coax her to be happy, but she rather believes! Be willing! 铁补天完全的满足了,就算明知道楚阳说谎话骗她哄她高兴,但她宁愿相信!心甘情愿! As a woman, my this life, already completely complete! 作为一个女人,我这一生,已经完全圆满! The welfare visits, how Chu Yang is willing to let off, gathers up the big mouth directly, a pervert general kiss. 福利上门,楚阳怎么肯放过,直接凑上大嘴,一阵色狼一般的亲吻。 In the heart is not really still satisfied, this others strove, I advantage regularly how ready-made is cheap comes one time, is infrequent, this good deed, makes ten eight not to be many every day, regret which...... 心中兀自不甚满意,这等别人出力,我得好处的现成便宜怎么才隔三差五的来一次,太不频繁了,这种好事,每天做个十件八件也不算多的,遗憾哪…… Brush! 刷! In the sky the broad sword light extremely fast flashes through together, is pasting the back of Chu Yang, inserted in the stone. 天空中一道恢弘剑光极速闪过,正好贴着楚阳的后背,插进了石头里。 „! What's the matter! Has gone bad father's mood!” Chu Yang only thinks that vest one cool, turns the head to look that originally is Nine Tribulations Sword returns, raised the head to continue to obloquy: Your bastard thing! Luckily has not injured to my Little Tiantian, otherwise I have not ended with you......” “嚓!怎么回事!坏了老子的心情!”楚阳只觉背心一凉,转头一看,原来是九劫剑归来,不由的抬起头继续大骂:“你个混账东西!幸亏没伤到我的小甜甜,要不然我跟你没完……” Above, Xue Leihan already whole face heavy line left the boundless mountain, does not have the shade invisible to upper air above, cannot hear following mindless roaring again, cannot bear mutter the complaint: „Since 3 million years, old man these 3 million years...... It saw such most is not concerned about face...... Really in best quality best quality, the degenerate in degenerate, was really too completely crazy and ridiculous!!” 上方,雪泪寒已经满脸黑线的出了苍茫山,无影无形的到了高空之上,再也听不到下面的不讲理的怒吼,忍不住喃喃抱怨:“3000000年了,老夫这3000000年以来……就之看到了这么一个最最不要脸的……真是极品极品,败类中的败类,实实在在是太丧心病狂了!!” Cannot stir up, the old man could not have hidden, starting from today, old man, so long as hears Chu Yang these two characters, is not good on a strategic withdrawal, if not good, always sent has also been ready for any sacrifice, how heard a rumor escapes in 30 thousand......” “惹不起,老夫还躲不起,从今天起,老夫只要听到楚阳这俩字,就退避三舍还不行么,要是还不行,老发也豁出去了,就闻风远遁三万里又如何……” Emperor of the East Sovereign Xue Leihan covers the whole body goosebumps to flee to the wilderness...... 东皇帝君雪泪寒捂着浑身的鸡皮疙瘩落荒而逃…… ...... …… Chu Yang......” the Tie Butian feature glances the circulation including the spring, looks about the fresh posture, directing the person daydream to be infinite. 楚阳……”铁补天眉目含春眼波流转,顾盼生姿,引人遐思无限。 Tiantian......” the Chu Yang affection stares, leisurely. 甜甜……”楚阳深情凝望,款款不已。 husband and lord......” Tie Butian only thinks that this moment happiness, hoping the time can forever stay in this moment. 夫君……”铁补天只觉此刻幸福至极,期许时间能够永远停留在这一刻 ~~ beloved wife ~~~ Chu Yang sound persuasive hundred booklets, exaggerate more and more. “哦~~爱妻~~~”楚阳声音婉转百折,越来越夸张。 Vomits ~~~ vomits ~~~~~~~~~ a towering sound passes from side, is actually disaster Divine Soul finally by disgusting not being able to bear, flies in the corner speedily, vomits to spit greatly, throughout has not actually put out anything. “呕呕~~~呕~~~~~~~~~”一个突兀的声音从旁边传出来,却是劫难神魂终于被肉麻的受不了,一溜烟飞到角落里,呕呕大吐,却始终没吐出什么来。 Shit, old man these many years has not exited, one came one to be so explosive, on old man these 1 million years of finishing, cannot control this intense disgusting feeling unexpectedly...... 我靠啊,老夫这么多年没出去,一来就来了一个这么劲爆,就老夫这1000000年的精修,居然还是不能控制住这强烈的恶心感觉…… This was really too formidable...... 这实在是太强大了…… Is you? Unexpectedly is you?” Chu Yang hears sound is terrified, unexpectedly is that both familiar and strange intonation, this with enough time sizes up all around the environment, is surprised: „Did I return to here? Unexpectedly is here? Awfully!” “是你?居然是你?”楚阳闻声悚然,竟然是那个既熟悉又陌生的声调,这才来得及打量周遭环境,不由大吃一惊:“我怎么又回到了这里?竟然是这里?要命啦!” Cannot bear is creepy feeling. 忍不住就是头皮发麻。 But here absolute has not fresh place, its degree of hazard, must surpass the slaughter to extinguish above Black Clouds Heaven Evil Spirit that absolutely! 这里可是绝对的有死无生之地,其危险程度,绝对还要超过屠灭墨云天鬼蜮那阵之上! The disaster Divine Soul terror, oneself by oneself have asked for advice. 劫难神魂的恐怖,自己可是亲身领教过的。 In his hand, oneself are ten dies absolutely not fresh! 在他手上,自己绝对是十死无生! Moreover previous time seemed like scolds miserably him, each other only feared that not moderate leeway, Chu Yang judged others by oneself again, assured disaster Divine Soul must kill itself, has not killed own reason! 而且上次貌似自己把他骂得太惨了,彼此只怕再无缓和的余地,楚阳以己度人,笃定劫难神魂必杀自己,就没有不杀自己的理由! The hatred degree, has possibly surpassed the disaster Divine Soul first personal enemy originally, Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor Zi Hao! 其仇恨程度,很可能已经超过了劫难神魂原本的第一仇人,紫霄天帝紫豪 Even if at this moment, is truly again uses time collapse myriad things not necessarily usefully, because display the limit of collapse myriad things generally to destroy into the Saint level at present Martial Artist, but disaster Divine Soul must absolutely above this, even not necessarily misses the master of Xue Leihan that level are too more than! 此时此刻,就算是自己真正再用一次崩毁万物都未必有用,因为自己目前施展崩毁万物的极限大抵是能够毁灭入圣层次的武者,而劫难神魂绝对要在此之上,甚至于未必比雪泪寒那个层次的高手差太多! deserves death Xue Leihan, how your got so far as this to come me, came also to come, you said you to walk, how does not want also to give to carry off both of us, this was awful, had been finished, must play! 该死雪泪寒,你丫的怎么把我弄到这来了,来了也就来了,你说你走,怎么就没想把我们俩也给带走了,这回糟糕了,完蛋了,要玩完了!
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