TTC :: Volume #9

#165: Just infinite

Bang hōng lóng lóng- bang! 嘭-轰隆隆-嘭! Alfa Romeo's automobile body tumbles on the cliff, finally falls into bottom of the cliff time, hit pile of scrap iron thoroughly. 阿尔法罗密欧的车身在山崖上一路翻滚而下,最终落入山崖底部的时候,彻底撞成了一堆废铁。 Afterward the thick black smoke raises from the bottom of cliff. 随后浓浓的黑烟自山崖的底部升起。 In the small-scale lookout tower of nearby Panshan road, a man is rotating the night vision goggle on hand at this moment. On the light-green lens can still see under that cliff the flame that burns. 附近盘山公路的一处小型了望塔中,一名男子此刻正转动着手上的夜视镜。浅绿色的镜头上依然能够看见那山崖下方正在燃烧的火焰。 This man looked like some little time, nodded finally finally. 这男子又这样看了好一会儿,最后终于点了点头。 He put down the night vision goggle, then took out the cell phone. 他放下了夜视镜,然后取出了手机。 BOSS, completed, the vehicle has exploded turns.” This man was saying at the same time, suddenly pressed down a button. “BOSS,完成了,车子都已经炸翻了。”这男子说着的同时,忽然又按下了一个按钮。 Only heard the distant place to transmit a loud sound again...... this explosion, impressively already by the Song Ying driving skills discarded the Hennessy poisonous snake. 只听见远方再次传来了一道巨响……这次爆炸的,赫然是已经被宋樱的车技报废了的轩尼诗毒蛇。 Men at this time grinning hideously. 男人此时狞笑了一声。 Because this is very crisp feeling, the flash blows up supercar! The explosion is romantic, these words not wrong! 因为这是很爽的感觉,一瞬间把一辆超跑炸毁!爆炸就是浪漫,这句话一点也没有错! Hasn't left behind the hands and feet?” The sound that telephone that braves, urgently asked at this time slightly. “没有留下手脚吧?”电话那头冒出来的声音,此时略为急切地问了起来。 BOSS, I think that the lucky goddess is certainly caring for you.” This man smiled saying with a smile at this time: Because before I act, does not know one group of vagrants who where come, drove several car(riage)s to intercept Song Ying......” “BOSS,我想幸运女神一定在眷顾你。”这男人此时笑了笑道:“因为就在我行动之前,不知道哪里来的一群小瘪三,开了几辆车过来拦截了宋樱……” This man the matter that saw from the distant place roughly said one time oneself, „...... this, although we did not know this group of person what exactly is it origins, but since appeared at this time, was equal to that said and gave us a shield again. In this case, the matter that we need to handle was short, even does not serve as anything perhaps. Perhaps because of the direction of Song Family investigation, is will begin from this group of vagrants.” 这男子把自己从远处看见的事情大致说了一次,“……就这样,虽然我们不知道这伙人到底是什么来历的,但既然在这个时候出现,等于说又给了我们一重新的掩护。这样的话,我们需要做的事情就少了很多,甚至根本不用做什么或许也可以。因为宋家调查的方向,恐怕是会从这群小瘪三身上着手的。” Un...... first came back to say again.” Telephone that head, that person of this time said solemnly: Limelight, to discover, the nearby has many Song Family dark sentry posts.” “嗯……先回来再说。”电话那头,那人此时沉声道:“注意点,不要让人发现,附近有不少宋家的暗哨。” Knows.” The men smile, later closed the telephone, and starts to pack here thing. “知道。”男人笑了笑,随后关闭了电话,并且开始收拾这里的东西。 Some food and water-, because he had waited for some time in this place, in addition has the tool that the surveillance uses. 一些食物和水-因为他已经在这个地方等了相当长的一段时间,另外还有监视用的工具。 After these things tidied up, after the man stretches oneself...... this assassination ended, he is thinking should trade a status. 把这些东西都收拾好了之后,男人伸了伸懒腰……这次暗杀结束之后,他想着自己又应该换一个身份了。 His habit completes a work every time, will trade a status. To him, the different status can bring the different lives to him. 习惯每完成一次工作,就会换一个身份。对于他来说,不同的身份能够给他带来不一样的人生。 After a part of work ended, is a start of life, a conclusion of life, was the arrival of new work. 一段工作结束之后是一段人生的开始,一段人生的结束,就是新工作的到来。 As if a samsara. 仿佛是轮回。 This time goes to...... Iceland?” He so thinks-, because he does not have obediently to go back this boss plan, but after is plans to conclude the funds, leaves immediately. “这次去……冰岛吧?”他如此想到-因为他并没有乖乖地回去这个老板身边的打算,而是打算收了尾款之后,就马上离开。 Some object background terrifying of this assassination...... late walking words, perhaps anybody cannot be inseparable from. 这次暗杀的对象来头有些恐怖……迟了走的话,恐怕任何人都脱不了干系。 Iceland...... in the heart is longing for that tranquil lands suddenly. 冰岛……心中忽然渴望着那片宁静的土地。 He raised the bag, is planning to turn around to leave this small observation post, but in the instance of turning around, this man then has a scare instantaneously! 他提起了袋子,正打算转身离开这个小小的了望台,可就在转身的瞬间,这男人便瞬间吓了一跳! Because in his back, does not know when braved a young man...... this suddenly to present the man suddenly at this time is sizing up all around of lookout tower. 因为在他的背后,不知道什么时候突然冒出来了一个年轻的男子……这突然出现了男子此时正在打量着的了望塔的四周。 This is the explosive charge of bomb, just that two race cars blew up......” young man asked suddenly, simultaneously the vision looks at the left hand of this man. “这就是炸弹的起爆器吗,刚那两跑车炸毁的……”年轻的男子忽然问道,同时目光看着了这男子的左手。 The men stare, this remembers the explosive charge also to take...... man in the hand looks at this sudden youngster vacantly, is moving own footsteps slowly, he said suddenly: What explosive charge? Without this thing!” 男人一愣,这才想起起爆器还一直拿在手上……男人目无表情地看着这突然出现的年轻人,缓缓地挪动着自己的脚步,他忽然道:“什么起爆器?没有这东西!” Saying, he threw the thing on hand on the ground unexpectedly, then made an effort to step on directly, stepped on this explosive charge all of a sudden broken. 说着,他竟是把手上的东西扔在了地上,然后直接用力踩了下去,一下子把这起爆器踩碎。 Steps on the instance of broken explosive charge, this male ringer falls hastily toward this youngster the bag on hand! 踩碎起爆器的瞬间,这男枪手连忙把手上的袋子朝着这年轻人摔来! And, flings the instance of black leather bag while this, the man made a drawing a pistol movement...... after his waist is hanging the hoister to draw out a silver pistol. 并且,趁着这甩出黑色皮袋的瞬间,男人做了一个拔枪的动作……从他腰后挂着的枪袋中拔出了一柄银色的手枪。 The men held down the wrist/skill of oneself right hand the left hand, the silver pistol bang projected several bullets to come out in this time pēng pēng. 男人把左手按住了自己右手的手腕,银色的手枪在此时砰砰砰地射出了几颗子弹出来。 He is the famous magazine rifle, and under this short distance, even if closes the eye still to hit a target- after one after another three fires, the man actually stopped suddenly. 他是有名的快枪,并且是在这种近距离之下,就算是闭上眼睛也能够射中-在接连三次的射击之后,男人却猛然停了下来。 Because he saw inconceivable one! 因为他看见了不可思议的一幕! The bullet...... so the bullet of short distance, stopped at this moment unexpectedly in the middle of the air! 子弹……如此近距离的子弹,此刻竟是停在了空气当中! Bullet that he just projected, at this moment looked like injected in the middle of the gelatin, immediately still became slow...... the bullet to go forward, but the speed was very slow. 他刚刚射出的子弹,此刻就像是射入了凝胶当中,顿时变得缓慢起来……子弹依然前进着,但速度十分缓慢。 Finally, these three bullets stopped before the body of this year light man- three bullets from slowing-down to stop, unexpectedly was a visible process. 最后,这三颗子弹都停顿在了这年轻男子的身前-三颗子弹从变慢到停止,竟是一个可视的过程。 pēng pēng bang-! 砰砰砰-! Male ringer at this time called out in alarm one, in the silver pistol by hand conducts fire to this youngster again- shoots completely spatially until a bullet of cylinder! 男枪手这时候惊叫了一声,再次以手上的银色手枪对这年轻人进行射击-直到一弹巢的子弹全部射空! Altogether six fires! 前后一共六次的射击! But these six were stopped strongly...... almost before this youngster heart position, probably the special effect of movie is ordinary. 但这六颗都被停住……几乎都集中在了这年轻人的心脏位置之前,像是电影的特效一般。 You... you are anything......” the sound of male ringer little while cannot bear shiver, fear that this do not talk clearly. “你…你是什么东西……”男枪手这会儿的声音忍不住颤抖起来,还有这自己也说不清楚的恐惧。 Actually isn't the bullet able to harm resulted in the fellow...... is what kind of monster? 子弹也无法伤害得了的家伙……究竟是怎样的怪物? Does not know, throwing down the thing is not very good habit.” youngster shakes the head at this time, is picked by the bag that this man flung from the beginning. “知道不,乱扔东西是一种很不好的习惯。”年轻人此时摇了摇头,把一开始被这男子甩出的袋子捡了起来。 He picked up the bag, patted the dust on this bag, then placed above wooden table of observation post...... this male ringer one not to dare to move at this time. 他捡起了袋子,拍了拍这袋子上的灰尘,然后放在了了望台的一张木桌子之上……这男枪手此时一下也不敢动。 These are also.” youngster looks at these stops at this time in the air bullet. “还有这些也是。”年轻人此时看着那些停顿在了空气中的子弹。 He extends make a move to come suddenly, these bullet of stops in air, places took to come out...... to take from the air, then places put above that wooden table. 他忽然伸出手来,把这些停顿在空气中的子弹,一颗颗地取了出来……从空气中取了出来,然后再一颗颗地放到了那木桌子之上。 The bullet stood erect, and arranges appearance that becomes falls. 子弹被竖立了起来,并且排好成为了一整列的样子。 youngster said: This was neater.” 年轻人道:“这样就整齐多了。” The male ringer from this youngster takes out the first bullet after the air, cannot bear the cold sweat brave, the throat rocks, the heart play jumps. 男枪手自这年轻人从空气中取出第一颗子弹之后,就忍不住冷汗直冒,喉咙晃动,心脏剧跳。 Until this youngster also arranges to be good the last bullet above wooden table, toward he looks like, this male ringer anything words had not said that but raised high own both hands, „...... I do not cooperate! You want to be how good!” 直到这年轻人把最后一颗子弹也排好在木桌子之上,朝着他看来的时候,这男枪手什么话也没有说,只是举高了自己的双手,“别……我合作!你想怎么都行!” Even if he replaces a cylinder again, makes six rounds of bullets again, perhaps finally same- finally will only turn to arrange a row of bullet on wooden table again. 哪怕他再更换一个弹巢,再打出六发的子弹,恐怕结果都会一样-最后只会变成在木桌子上再多排出来一排的子弹。 The male ringer has had many duties, all sorts of strange and unusual matter experience are too much-, but the present happened at the present matter, has been not enough with feeling strange to describe. 男枪手出过不少的任务,千奇百怪的事情见识过不少-但如今发生在眼前的事情,已经不足以用奇怪来形容。 What at this moment does the male ringer somewhat hate the calm personality...... to make actually calmly? This little while solely stands , in front of this terrifying youngster, scalp tingles, the whole body had been incapable, how actually must find the way to deal with. 此刻男枪手倒是有些痛恨自己冷静的性格……要这么冷静做什么?这会儿单单只是站在这个恐怖年轻人面前的时候,就已经头皮发麻,浑身无力了,却还要去想办法如何应付。 I actually very like non-violent solving the problem.” youngster at this time nods: Come, sits, we chat.” “我其实挺喜欢非暴力地解决问题的。”年轻人这时候点了点头:“来,坐吧,我们聊聊。” youngster this little while referred to a wooden table child side bench. 年轻人这会儿指了指木桌子旁边的一张长凳。 The wooden table and bench, are almost all ornaments in this lookout tower. 木桌和长凳,几乎就是这了望塔中的所有摆设。 Saw this youngster first to sit on own initiative, male ringer little while had the courage, sat this youngster opposite slowly. Because of close to the reason of window, taking advantage of the outside glimmer, the male ringer saw clearly this youngster appearance finally thoroughly. 见这年轻人首先主动地坐了下来,男枪手这会儿才鼓起勇气,缓缓地坐到了这年轻人的对面。因为靠近窗台的原因,借着外边的微光,男枪手总算是彻底看清楚了这年轻人的模样。 He cannot help but one startled......, because he recognized this youngster is! 他不由得一惊……因为他认出来了这年轻人到底是谁! Wasn't this short time ago and Song Ying together the fellow who comes out joyride? Alfa Romeo who finally he drives! But......, but Alfa Romeo had not been exploded turned, crashed into the cliff to be right directly? 这不是前不久和宋樱一起出来飚车的家伙?最后还是他驾驶的阿尔法罗密欧!可是……可是阿尔法罗密欧不是已经被炸翻了,直接坠入了山崖才对? How he is from that far place, suddenly arrived here, and appears in own back quietly? The male ringer swallowed a saliva at this time. 他是怎么从那么远的地方,眨眼间就来到这里,并且悄无声息地出现在自己的背后?男枪手此时吞了口口水。 He outside of lookout tower, with picking the log and bamboo strip, made a simple alarm, but as if this alarm has not made a sound! 他在了望塔的外边,用捡来的木块和竹片,做了一个简单的警报器,但似乎这个警报器并没有响过! youngster...... Luo Qiu took up at this time a bullet is messing with. Because fired, has not stopped over in the air the too long time, therefore bullet also remain the heat degree. 年轻人……洛邱此时拿起了其中一颗子弹把弄着。因为才刚刚射击而出,也没有在空气中逗留太长的时间,所以子弹自身还残留着热度。 Bomb in the bottom explosion of car(riage).” Luo Qiu this little while said indifferently: This vehicle starts out from Song Family my humble home directly, simply has not stopped, the possibility that must therefore install in the halfway almost does not have. Only if...... who can hide the truth from me. But I want also to be impossible, in other words...... this thing was installed above two supercar foundations very early in the morning.” “炸弹是在车的底部爆炸的。”洛邱这会儿淡然道:“这车子直接从宋家的寒舍当中开出,根本没有停顿,所以要在半路装上的可能性几乎没有。除非……有谁能够瞒过我。但我想也是不可能的,也就是说……这东西一早就被安装在了两辆超跑的底座之上。” The ringer male looks at all around at this time anxiously, desperate feeling that simultaneously one type is unable to flee. 枪手男此时紧张地看着四周,同时有一种无法遁逃的绝望感觉。 Luo Qiu also said at this time: Then only then a possibility...... the bomb installed before embarking. I am very curious, you with what method, under my humble home so many guards and monitoring, installed these bombs. Moreover I think, perhaps is not only only these two? Is all Song Ying race cars, has to install? Because did not determine that which she will open to come out. In this case, can explain, why on two race cars, is loaded with the bomb...... to be this mentality, haven't I spoken incorrectly?” 洛邱此时又道:“那么就只有一个可能了……炸弹是在出发之前就装上去的。我很好奇,你们到底是用什么方法,在寒舍那么多的护卫和监控之下,装了这些炸弹。而且我想,恐怕不仅仅只是这两辆吧?是所有宋樱的跑车,都有安装上去吧?因为不确定她到底会开哪一台出来。这样的话,就能够解释得了,为什么两辆跑车上面,都装有炸弹……应该是这种思路,我没有说错吧?” „, Has not had.” The male ringer is still tense extremely. “没、没有。”男枪手依然紧张万分。 Luo Qiu nods, whispering, is thinking aloud probably: „Who then can be? Traitor within who inside my humble home presents? Was bought over person and so on?” 洛邱点了点头,嘀咕着,像是自言自语般:“那么会是什么人呢?寒舍里头出现的内奸吗?还是被收买了的人之类?” I do not know that who he is!” Male ringer little while said fast: Among us through network and telephone communication. Sees like you, I actually am a ringer who receives the ground and soaked black beans to handle the matter......” “我不知道他是什么人!”男枪手这会儿飞快地说道:“我们之间只是通过网络和电话联系。就像你看见的,我其实就是一名收钱钱办事情的枪手……” The Luo Qiu eye looks at both eyes of this male ringer vacantly. Such indifferent look, frightens him hastily to lower the head immediately, does not dare to look at each other. 洛邱目无表情地看着这男枪手的双眼。这样冷漠的眼神,顿时吓得他连忙低下了头,不敢对视。 Un...... has not lied.” Luo Qiu nods at this time, I believe that you do not know the person who incites secretly who is.” “嗯……没有说谎。”洛邱此时点了点头,“我相信你是不知道幕后指使的人是谁。” Many......” “多……” When thanked thanks character at this moment soon says from the ringer male mouth, hastily swallowed-, because he realized finally own operative attitude is what kind of does not have the strength of spirit, simultaneously violated their line of guild regulations. 谢谢的谢字此刻即将从枪手男的口中说出之际,连忙又吞了回去-因为他终于意识到了自己的合作态度是何等的没有骨气,同时违背了他们这一行的行规。 Reason that so many people hire the ringer, because besides the sound of gunfire has the skill greatly, because also the ringer will not easily thank the material of any concerned employer- the ringer of this betraying employer, later is to have no way to mix in this industry again. 之所以这么多人雇佣枪手,除了因为枪声本身大有本事之外,还因为枪手不会轻易地谢谢任何有关雇主的资料-这种出卖雇主的枪手,以后是没法再在这个行业上混的。 However he said- he had said that he will cooperate, therefore he said...... submits under that inhuman strength. 但是他说了-他说过他会合作,所以他说了……屈服在那非人的力量之下。 I know that I have said completely.” Ringer male at this time anxiously extremely typical: „Can you let off me?” “我知道的,我都已经全部说出来了。”枪手男此时紧张万分地道:“你能不能放过我?” Any nonsense principle, without own life important...... principle, in having the situation of life, has the words that enough energy said! 什么狗屁原则,都没有自己的命来得重要……原则,是在有命的情况下,才有足够的底气说出来的话啊! Luo Qiu shakes the head, said indifferently: I said, we sit to chat...... actually me not to ask your anything question.” 洛邱摇了摇头,淡然道:“我说,我们坐下来聊聊……其实我也没有问你什么问题。” This...... memories gets up the speech of this terrifying youngster, the male ringer in the heart fierce person is startled...... the opposite party, has not truly asked any question! These more are only he in the words that the ponder time spoke thoughtlessly to say...... 这……回忆起来这恐怖年轻人的说话,男枪手心中猛人一怔……对方,确实没有问出任何的问题!那些更多只是他在思考时候随口说出来的话…… In brief!” “总之!” Could not have controlled so many! 已经管不了这么多了! The male ringer stands up at this time suddenly, he is not even willing to stop over in this place- stay in this young fellow at present! 男枪手此时猛然站起身来,他甚至一刻也不愿意多逗留在这个地方-逗留在这个年轻家伙的眼前! Every one minute every seconds, some probably innumerable poisonous snakes are staring at him in the back same...... that appalling feeling, his life this life does not want to experience again the second time! 每一分每一秒,都像是有无数条的毒蛇在背后凝望着他一样……那种让人毛骨悚然的感觉,他今生今世都已经不希望再经历第二次! „After I and employer are about good, makes an appointment with...... this is the address of meeting!” The male ringer pulled out a paper fast, threw above the table. “我和雇主约好了事成之后约见的……这是见面的地址!”男枪手飞快地掏出了一张纸条,扔在了桌子之上。 He saw this youngster picking the paper, carefully looks, is retroceding step by step cautiously! 他看见这个年轻人把纸条给捡了起来,仔细地看着,便一步步地小心翼翼地后退着! One step, two...... three steps! 一步,两步……三步! When latter fell back on third step, he thought that has reached a safe distance, then turns around instantaneously, the exit|to speak toward lookout tower flees to go. 当后退到了第三步的时候,他觉得已经达到了一个安全的距离,便瞬间转身,朝着了望塔的出口奔逃而去。 Luo Qiu looked at one indifferently, does not seem to pursue the meaning that but put out the cell phone, input the address name on this paper on the map. 洛邱只是淡然地看了一眼,似乎没有追赶的意思,只是拿出了手机,在地图上输入了这纸条上的地址名称。 ...... …… The male ringer ran at this time panic-stricken, this makes him think many years ago has had some terrifying things...... regarding this youngster fear, as if had the chain-reaction, brought back his in the heart some not happy childhood memories unexpectedly! 男枪手此时惊慌失措地跑了出来,这让他想起来了许多年前发生过的一些恐怖的事情……对于这年轻人的恐惧,似乎产生了连锁反应般,竟是勾起了他心中一些不愉快的童年回忆 He is gasping for breath in gulps, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, only wants to leave this place as soon as possible, even is thinking tail did not receive...... went to Iceland! 他大口大口地喘着气,慌不择路,只想尽早离开这个地方,甚至想着尾款也不去收了……去冰岛! Right, goes to Iceland, he must start a new life, then forgets this not happy experience! 对了,去冰岛,他要去开始一段新的人生,然后忘记这段不愉快的经历! Very good...... that fellow not to have pursued! 很好……那个家伙没有追上来了! The male ringer opened the mouth at this time, revealed under a fear the joyful smile...... is only, suddenly, his foot actually tripped anything! 男枪手此时裂开了嘴,露出了一丝恐惧下又愉悦的笑容……只是,突然之间,他的脚却绊倒了什么! In the darkness, as if had anything to entangle his both feet! 黑暗中,似乎有什么东西在缠着了他的双脚! Following, sounds of raps resounds everywhere...... in the middle of the mountain forest of night Panshan road, at this time as if there is innumerable malicious ghosts to ridicule he is the same! 随之而来的,还有四处响起的一道道敲击的声音……夜里的盘山公路的山林当中,此时仿佛有无数的恶鬼在嘲笑着他一样! He yelled panic-stricken, the body lost immediately balanced, then entire fell from the hillside! 他惊恐地大叫了一声,身体顿时失去了平衡,接着便整个儿地从山坡上滑落了下来! His tumbling stopped finally, the body is scar of abrasion- he rolled above the street of Panshan road! 他的滚落终于停了下来,身上都是擦伤的伤痕-他滚到了盘山公路的马路之上! But, in this instantaneous, saw to shoot two intense lights suddenly, the sound of loudspeaker long cry...... the ringer male was startled being startled, subconsciously looks at own body! 可是,就在这瞬间,身后突然见射来了两道强烈的灯光,还有喇叭长鸣的声音……枪手男怔了怔,下意识地看着自己的身上! These entangle on oneself, but is some vine vines, but on vine Fujiyuki also hangs the primitive alarm that many wooden signs and bamboo strip...... this and this are being he himself manufacture! 那些缠在自己身上的,不过是一些蔓藤,而蔓藤之上还挂着了不少的木牌和竹片……这、这是他自己制作出来的原始警报器! bi-!!! 哔-!!! Sound of loudspeaker long cry. 喇叭长鸣的声音。 Bang-! 嘭-! The person's shadow from the road is hit to fly by the sedan that is unable to stop together at this time, crashed into the middle of the cliff directly. 一道人影此时被无法停止的轿车给从公路上撞飞了出来,直接坠入了山崖当中。 ...... …… Looked at one after the window of lookout tower downward, Luo Qiu then shakes the head...... in fact, his anything has not done, but this ringer is afraid suddenly, ran suddenly, then slips suddenly, then suddenly saw to be hit the cliff by the car(riage). 从了望塔的窗台上往下看了一眼之后,洛邱便摇了摇头……事实上,他什么也没有做,只是这个枪手突然害怕,突然间跑了出去,然后突然间打滑,然后突然见被车撞下了山崖。 All are such sudden. 一切都是那样的突然。 Luo Qiu looked at own palm at this time, suddenly somewhat is imposing...... so many sudden, as if came from the idea in the middle of his subconscious. 洛邱此时看了看自己的手掌,忽然间有些凛然……这么多的突然,似乎全部都来自于他那潜意识当中的想法。 The small range is affecting all around, lets all has takes own idea as the shift obviously...... 小范围地影响着四周,让一切的具显都以自身的想法为转移…… Perhaps, the destiny becomes will also obey...... 或许,就连命运也会变得服从…… He can feel this point clearly- , since black Luo Qiu appears is scattered . 他能够清晰地感觉到这一点-自从黑洛邱出现又被打散之后。 Trusts me like this, can control it......” Luo Qiu to look at a distant place, twittering said: Altar......” “就这样信任我,可以控制好它吗……”洛邱看了眼远方,呢喃道:“祭坛……”
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