TTC :: Volume #17

#624: Hand

s1: Thank book friendbook friend Something went wronghitting enjoyed, was the first dozen that a book received enjoyed =. = s1:感谢书友”书友[Not Found]“的打赏,也是本书收到的第一打赏了=。= ps2: In addition sought the collection, although was only Chapter 2 mouth tooth...... please the generous support small seedlings have my irrigated the small seedling...... the rookie, smiled ~ ps2:另求收藏,虽然只是第二章口牙……不过请多多支持小幼苗还有我这个正在灌溉小幼苗的……新人,笑~ Following main text 以下正文 Trafford’s Trading Club transaction flow its three, can only guide to the buyer, does not allow to present the forced sale behavior......” 特拉福买家俱乐部交易流程其三,对买家只能够进行引导,不允许出现强卖行为……” Read here, Luo Qiu put on starting the club master Instructions manual, thinks interesting: If this is really the case, is reading of this handbook, is by the victim of irregularity? 读到这里,洛邱就放下了手头上的这本‘俱乐部’主人须知手册,有趣地想到:如果真的是这样的话,那么正在阅读这份手册的自己,是不是就是被违规操作的受害者? Master, your lunch.” “主人,您的午饭。” Filled the borsht of attractive fragrance to deliver to own front, You Ye even also carefully was the tableware that Luo Qiu placed is needing to use, then stood in side, is waiting for the Luo Qiu's instruction. 弥漫着诱人香味的红菜汤送到了自己的面前,优夜甚至还细心地为洛邱摆放着需要使用的餐具,然后就站在了旁边,等候着洛邱的吩咐。 You Ye is this Club's maid. 优夜就是这家俱乐部的女仆 A little Luo Qiu estimates wrong, that is her age is not reaches agreement with, but quite ancient. 有一点洛邱是估计错的,那就是她的年纪并不是与自己相约,而是相当的古老。 Moreover, You Ye is not human, puppet that but with the special material, becomes through the Alchemy manufacture. 另外,优夜并不是人类,而是用特殊的材料,通过炼金术制造而成的人偶 But seems like with the average man almost does not have two, because besides excellent of Alchemy, the most essential reason is, in body of You Ye seal a living soul. 而之所以看起来与常人几乎无二,除了因为炼金术的高超之外,最关键的原因是,优夜的身体之中封印着一个活生生的灵魂。 This is not a joke, thus Luo Qiu personally saw You Ye also to have the left arm to dismantle own head, then naturally at the scene that own front installed. 这并不是玩笑,因而洛邱就亲眼看见了优夜把自己的脑袋还有左臂拆下,然后又自然地在自己的面前重新装上去的情景。 According to You Ye, she was made by Alchemist, is used to pay some type of commodity transaction fee, later becomes maid, has served for over 300 years in the club. 优夜所说,她是被一名炼金术士所制造,用来支付某样商品的交易金,之后就成为女仆,在俱乐部已经服务了超过三百年的时间。 ...... …… The time of sobering, original that boss has vanished does not see, but also left a letter/believes very carefully, explained situation that some Luo Qiu should to know. 清醒过来的时候,原来的那个老板已经消失不见,但也十分细心地留下了一封信,说明了一些洛邱应该要知道的情况。 As completing the object of transaction, Luo Qiu will have control from now on Trafford’s Trading Club ’ the power. But at the same time, he will be imprisoned forever here. 作为完成交易的对象,洛邱今后将会拥有主宰‘特拉福买家俱乐部’的权力。但与此同时,他将会永远地被禁锢在这里。 Wants from the method of this place extrication, only then, some that people are willing to trade with forever freedom. 想要从这个地方解脱的方法只有一个,那就是有人愿意用永远的自由来进行交易。 Then, is told that also has what not clear matter, can watch the content on handbook. 然后,就是吩咐还有什么不明白的事情,可以观看手册上的内容。 Luo Qiu oneself am quite calm, after seeing the correspondence the content, first on the attempt opened the Club's door, outward walks, then the least bit hindrance does not have, ran out of the club...... 洛邱本人比较冷静,看到书信的内容之后,第一时间就尝试打开了俱乐部的门,朝外走去,然后半点阻碍也没有,就冲出了俱乐部…… The so-called imprisonment, does not refer to the captivity on body, but is the shackles in soul. 所谓的禁锢,并不是指身体上的囚禁,而是灵魂上的枷锁。 Therefore speaking, to let me was insufficient dead, can I once in a while, ’ offer the sacrificial offering forclub?” “所以说到,为了让我不至于死掉,我必须要每隔一段时间,就为‘俱乐部’献上祭品吗?” Luo Qiu aims at some issues on handbook to start to consult modestly. 洛邱针对着手册上的一些问题开始虚心地请教着。 Although said that You Ye also as the Club's possession, now has belonged to Luo Qiu. But why does not know, he is facing this puppet time, always unnatural feelings. 虽然说优夜也作为俱乐部的所有物,如今已经归洛邱所有。但不知为何,他面对着这人偶的时候,总有一种不自然的感觉。 Yes.” You Ye nods, is completing as the maid responsibility very well: According to the master you will offer the quality of sacrificial offering, but the definite master you can enjoy the long time.” “是的。”优夜点点头,很好地完成着自己作为女仆的职责:“会根据主人您献上祭品的质量,而确定主人您能够享用多长的时间。” ... „It seems like me not to get sick not to have the pain, this is really for a lifetime long.” Luo Qiu teased. …“貌似我没病没痛,这一辈子还真长。”洛邱自我调侃道。 Hears here, You Ye leaves suddenly, soon after held an hour glass to walk. 听到这里,优夜忽然离开,不久之后就捧着一个沙漏重新走了进来。 The hour glass placed in front of Luo Qiu's, this is master your rest of time. When the sand of hour glass falls completely, the master your life of will end.” 沙漏放在了洛邱的面前,“这就是主人您剩余的时间。当沙漏的沙子完全落下的时候,主人您的生命就会结束。” How the sense of coldness was again good, saw that such situation becomes somewhat will be startled-, but does not help matters startled, Luo Qiu calms down quickly, how long do these sand drop also the time completely?” 再怎么冷感好了,看到这样的情况都会变得有些惊慌起来-但惊慌无补于事,洛邱很快就冷静下来,“这些沙子完全落下还有多长时间?” 30 days.” “三十天。” „......” “……” Thought that during the matter has not imagined happy Luo Qiu, took a deep breath, calms down saying: In other words, if I could not gather guest, becomes will die?” 觉得事情并没有想象之中美好的洛邱,深呼吸了一口气,定了定神道:“也就是说,如果我招揽不了客人的话,就会变得死翘翘?” Person who has the need, he will come, does not need to gather. The masters you can come here, is the best proof.” You Ye said in a soft voice: Moreover, the master beforehand shop owner had also used some methods, flowed out some certificates outward. Person who if on has the certificate on hand, naturally can also come here.” “有需要的人,他会进来,无须招揽。主人您能够来到这里,已经是最好的证明。”优夜轻声道:“另外,主人之前的店主也曾经用过一些方法,对外流出了一些凭证。如果是手头上持有凭证的人,自然也能够来到这里。” So long as therefore , and the others walk in patiently, was OK?” “所以说,只要耐心地等人自己找上门来的话,就可以了吧?” Yes, cannot die generally.” “是的,一般死不了。” Generally cannot die...... 一般死不了…… Good...... 好吧…… Leaves behind the correspondence that says like predecessor boss, he by eternal captivity here, but takes the price by this, he also obtained this Club's all. 诚如前任老板留下的书信所说的一样,他将会被永恒地“囚禁”在这里,但以此作为代价,他也得到了这家俱乐部的一切。 ...... …… ...... …… Comes a going ahead traveling with the schoolmate, don't worry.’ ‘和同学来一场说走就走的旅游,不用担心。’ Ok, the message sent...... the good cell phone to use.” Luo Qiu thought aloud: Although is insufficient is not worried, but is insufficient to be afraid at least results in the degree of warning...... such reason, switches off the cell phone is quite good? Temporarily, on how about this......” “好了,短信发出去了……还好手机能用。”洛邱自言自语道:“虽然不至于不会担心,但起码不至于害怕得报警的程度……这样的理由,还是关掉手机比较好吧?暂时,就这样吧……” The Luo Qiu deciding on principle, first did not go home over the two days temporarily, first clarified own real situation to say again. 洛邱打定主义,这两天暂时先不回家,首先弄清楚自己的真正情况再说。 ...... Does not attend class for 1-2 days as if also to have no relations as for the university. 至于大学……不上课1-2似乎也没有什么关系。 Temporarily after having the plan, Luo Qiu starts to spunk up. 暂时有了计划之后,洛邱开始打起精神。 Since previous boss can be replaced him by oneself, then the simple point, as if he can also use the same method, making others replace itself...... or, exists is discovered, not only can leave the Club's fetter, doesn't need to trade the ownership the method? 既然上个老板能够让自己代替他,那么简单点来说,似乎他也能够用相同的方法,让别人来代替自己……或者,是否存在着还没有被发现的,既能够离开俱乐部的束缚,又不用交易拥有权的方法呢? So thinking, Luo Qiu felt oneself should also be a greedy person. 如此想着,洛邱觉得自己应该也算是一个贪心的人。 But thinks carefully, after experiencing the so strange matter, if some nonexistence wishful thinkings, the general truth cannot say. 但仔细想想,经历了如此诡异的事情之后,如果不存在一些小心思的话,大概道理也讲不过去。 That waits for the arrival of first transaction patiently. 那就耐心等候第一宗交易的到来吧。 Regarding patient this, Luo Qiu to oneself is somewhat self-confident. 对于耐心这点,洛邱对自己还是有些自信。 Perhaps is the instinct the reason that likes living alone, he even can sit in the park is in a daze one in the afternoon, does not seem like the average person the same as play the cell phone, in the hand does not hold translation books. 或许是天性喜欢独处的原因,他甚至能够坐在公园发呆一下午,不像是普通人一样玩着手机,也不会手上捧着一本译文书籍。 Improvising on the cameo surprise. 既来之,则安之。 The handbook number of pages that needs to read are not many, Luo Qiu has read off quickly. 需要阅读的手册页数并不多,洛邱很快就已经读完。 He then starts carefully to observe this club. 他接下来开始仔细地观察着这家俱乐部。 In fact, in the club area be much more spacious, and is on the respective three structure that seems like outside. But if looks outside , can only see this Club's shop front. 事实上,俱乐部里面的面积要比外边看起来的要宽敞得多,并且是上各自三层的结构。但如果在外边看的话,又只能够看到这家俱乐部的店面而已。 ... And in fact, according to You Ye said that only then some talents can see. Not visible will only see this place original appearance, original that store. …并且事实上,根据优夜所说,只有部分人才能够看得见。看不见的只会看到这个地方原本的模样,原本的那家商店。 Is this also one of the Club's magical things? Luo Qiu had not instead thought that like this had anything improper...... he to look at You Ye to open a frightened picture that after all with own eyes opened the hand then to assemble. 这也算是这家俱乐部的神奇之处之一吧?洛邱反而没有觉得这样有什么不妥……毕竟他是亲眼看过了优夜拆头拆手然后又组装的惊悚画面。 ...... Club's above three respectively are: A shop front, two and three living rooms and rooms, included certainly the kitchen, bathroom such equipment. ……俱乐部的上面三层分别是:一层的店面,二层和三层的客厅与房间,当然也包括了厨房,卫生间这样的设备。 As for next three respectively is: The First Underground Floor storage room, is used to deposit common transaction. Second Underground Floor similarly is also the storage room, what depositing is expensive transaction. But Third Underground Floor, place that then for conducting to offer sacrifices...... strange Altar. 至于下三层分别是:负一层的储藏室,用来存放一般的交易品。负二层同样也是储藏室,存放的是贵重的交易品。而负三层,则是用于进行献祭的地方……一个诡异的祭坛 Luo Qiu transferred in Third Underground Floor Altar, then felt that absolutely terrified, without wants to return to a shop front. 洛邱负三层祭坛转了一圈,然后就感觉到了一种毛骨悚然,没有多想就返回了一层的店面。 Third Altar is extremely really strange, just approached, has to plant does not have the dead angle is monitoring the contradiction feeling all-around. 第三层的祭坛实在太过诡异,才刚刚一靠近,就有种被全方位无死角地监视着的抵触感。 After leaving Third Underground Floor, Luo Qiu starts to set one's mind at ease, is recalling then situation. 离开负三层之后,洛邱开始沉下心来,回想着当时的情况。 Normally, oneself will say the possibility that spoke is almost zero. 正常情况下,自己会说出那句说话来的可能性几乎为零。 Really by pit.” “果然是被坑了。” Is insufficient to sigh, is insufficient the anger, habit is a very dreadful matter. 不至于叹气,也不至于愤怒,习惯是一件很可怕的事情。 „Did master, what you just say?” Is cleaning You Ye of shop front to transfer the god to come, having the doubts suddenly to ask. “主人,您刚说什么了吗?”正在打扫着店面的优夜忽然转过神来,带着疑惑问道。 it's nothing.” Luo Qiu smiles, making maid continue own work. 没什么。”洛邱笑了笑,让女仆继续自己的工作。 He starts from carefully examine You Ye newly. 他自己则是开始从新审视优夜 Does not know that makes her Alchemist with the frame of reference that who makes, felt that on You Ye seems like the people of mixed blood in East and West to be the same, tall is gently beautiful. 不知道制造她的那个炼金术士到底是用谁来做的参照物,感觉上优夜像是东西方的混血儿一样,高挑柔美。 Naturally, the stature is very good this, Luo Qiu has not thought denied......, but is actually puppet, is actually puppet, is puppet. 当然,身材很好这点,洛邱也没有想过否认……但其实是人偶,其实是人偶,是人偶 Who however did within the body seal a living soul...... that this soul is? Why will be sealed in the body of You Ye? 不过体内封存了一个活生生的灵魂……那么这个灵魂到底又是什么人?为什么会被封存在优夜的身体之中? The interesting issue as if becomes more and more, thinks, Luo Qiu started the habit nature to be distracted. 有趣的问题似乎变得越来越多,想着想着,洛邱又开始了习惯性地走神。 dīng dōng-! 叮当-! That is hangs in sound that the bell in entrance made-, when some people walk into, the bell will make a sound. 那是挂在了门口上的铃铛发出的声音-当有人走入的时候,铃铛就会响。 Luo Qiu was awakened by the sound of bell, looks toward the entrance position, what visible is a middle-aged person of whole face thin and pale place. 洛邱被铃铛的声音惊醒,朝着门口的位置一看,看见的是一个满脸憔悴地的中年人。 Excuse me...... is here Trafford’s Trading Club? Can here, really buy any thing of wish?” The middle-aged people have the anticipation, said doubtfully. 请问……这里就是特拉福买家俱乐部吗?这里,真的可以买到任何想要的东西吗?”中年人带着期待,半信半疑地说道。 Luo Qiu also saw on the middle-aged manpower takes a black card sign. 洛邱还看到了中年人手上拿着的一张黑色的卡牌。 This general idea, was You Ye had said so-called flowed out the outside certificate? 这大概,就是优夜说过的所谓流出外边的凭证了吧? 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