TTC :: Volume #17

#2850: Going and... comes out

Chapter 2850 goes and... comes out 第2850章进去的以及…出来的 Do not move!” “别动!” Heard that many calls out, at once a fist wields, strangeness that the goal...... mother investor on the shoulder finds out. 闻多一声暴喝,旋即一拳挥出,目标……金主妈妈肩膀上探出的诡异。 The fist wind touches and goes from mother investor cheeks on, is pain that the icy blast blows, she asked calmly: Hit... overthrows?” 拳风自金主妈妈的脸颊上擦过,是凛冽寒风吹来的痛楚,她镇定地问道:“打…打倒了吗?” Also no.” “还没有。” No?” “没有?” Disappears.” Heard that wrinkled frowns, simultaneously took back the fist. “不见了。”闻多皱了皱眉头,同时收回了拳头。 Deng Chanyu turns around instantaneously, no one...... on shoulder also nothing. 邓婵玉瞬间转身,身后无人……肩上也没有任何的东西。 I have not deceived your.” Hears multi- said solemnly: A moment ago, yourself also saw? That strange child's face.” “我没有骗你的。”闻多沉声道:“刚才,你自己也看见的吧?那个怪孩子的脸。” mother investor the complexion nods ugly/difficult to look at...... at this time, an expert will gather rapidly. 金主妈妈脸色难看地点点头……此时,一行家将迅速聚拢了过来。 Good that you said that our speeds were too slow.” Heard that multi- this time said directly: This place cannot stay for a long time, we must find the outlet as soon as possible.” “你说的不错,我们的速度太慢了。”闻多此时直接道:“这地方不能久留,我们必须要尽快找到出路。” Actually only then a straight channel, is not the round trip walks is proceeds...... only to proceed. 其实就只有一条笔直的通道,不是往回走就是往前走……只能往前走。 That thing that but... may present a moment ago......” “可…可刚才出现的那东西……” Heard that many have not spoken, is only in the heart secretly strange...... this strange child form, he first time is not saw- before flashed past. 闻多没有说话,只是心中暗自奇怪……这诡异的孩童身影,他已经不是第一次见了-之前一闪而过。 What sound?” A famous expert will ask at this time anxiously. “什么声音?”一名家将此时紧张问道。 The people wait and see everywhere, see only on the wall of unusual conditions, probably suddenly dug out standard circle...... the light does not have the means to pass, but throws into the thing, can actually broadcast the sound that the thing rolls. 众人四处观望,只见浑然天成的墙壁上,像是突然被挖出了一个标准的圆圈似的……光没有办法透进去,但扔入东西,却能够传来东西滚动的声音。 Young lady, can go to search?” “小姐,要不要进去探一探?” mother investor subconsciously looked to heard many. 金主妈妈下意识地望向了闻多。 Only story multi- this time puts out a hand to block, said directly: Walks, has proceeded, do not care about the scenery on road.” 只见闻多此时伸手一拦,直接说道:“走,一直往前走,不要在意路上的风景。” This road does not have the end to be the same, how you knows that goes from here has not transferred?” That will knit the brows: You , if worried, can make Madame Ru summon a small beast, searches advanced.” “这条路没有尽头一样,伱怎知道从这里进去没有转机?”那家将皱眉道:“你要是担心的话,可以让阿茹夫人召唤一只小兽,先进去探一探。” You what, when my small beast is?” “你当我的小兽是什么?” Controlling beast Madame master in that team, at this time a brow wrinkle, the sound disgruntled...... she is the retainer of rain field, the senior adviser of brocade clothes, does not obey these bystanders' directions-, even if heard that many are not good, most can only discuss and request. 那位队伍之中的驭兽师夫人,此时眉头一皱,声音不悦……她是雨化田的门客,锦衣的高级顾问,可不听这些外人的指挥-就算是闻多也不行,最多只能商量和请求。 We were stranded in this place!” That purple armor said solemnly: „Shouldn't at this time, pool brains and brawn? If you do not give up 1-2 small beasts, after going back, I deliver you to hit!” “我们被困在这个地方了!”那紫甲家将沉声道:“这时候,不应该是群策群力?你要是不舍得1-2小兽,回去之后,我送你一打!” Boorish fellow!” Madame Ru slightly anger. “莽夫!”阿茹夫人微怒。 „Did you say again one time?” That purple A whole face anger, Zheng's, revealed the weapon unexpectedly directly, if just now were not my family young lady used the bang heavenly thunder, you by mechanism / order pressing meat patty! How many do you know a bang heavenly thunder value? With your small beast how, selfish fellow!” “你再说一次?”那紫甲家将满脸怒气,铮的一声,竟是直接亮出了兵器,“方才如果不是我家小姐用了轰天雷,你们早就被机关给压成肉饼了!你知道一枚轰天雷价值多少?用你一个小兽怎样了,自私的家伙!” What with is strong is?” Controlling beast Madame master sneers, the single-handed constipation had/left an incantation seal to come out. “用强的是吧?”驭兽师夫人冷笑一声,单手便结出了一个咒印出来。 In the meantime, Madame Ru after this will only feel the neck was pressed firmly between the fingers by anything suddenly, later then hits uncontrolled ruthlessly toward the opposite party. 就在此时,啊茹夫人与这家将只感觉后脖子突然被什么东西捏住,随后便不受控制地狠狠地朝着对方撞去。 The head knocks the head, the ache is incomparable. 脑袋磕脑袋,疼痛无比。 You must make anything!” “你要做什么!” Everyone looks fellow who instigator- hears many. 人人纷纷看着始作俑者的家伙-闻多。 Kindergarten or food market?” Heard that Duvun the sound was saying: Bewilderment quarrelled, you did not think that had strangely?” “幼儿园还是菜市场?”闻多翁着声音道:“莫名其妙就吵起来,你们不觉得有古怪吗?” Madame Ru and purple armor will be startled...... Madame Ru to rub to hit the painful forehead instantaneously, hesitates saying: Why just now does not know, the sudden anger well ups, I am not even able to control my mood.” 阿茹夫人与紫甲家将瞬间怔了怔……阿茹夫人更是揉了揉撞痛的额头,沉吟道:“方才不知为何,突然一股怒气涌上心头,我甚至无法控制自己的情绪。” I am also......” “我也是……” mother investor a brow wrinkle said: „, Can this place affect our mood to be inadequate?” 金主妈妈眉头一皱道:“难道,这个地方能够影响我们的情绪不成?” Walked...... hears the mister saying that do not think this circle!” mother investor the sinking sound said. “走……听闻先生说的,不要去想这个圆!”金主妈妈沉声说道。 But, the front of channel, above the both sides wall surfaces, was symmetrical is presenting the one by one circle...... to extend the end that in the meantime unexpectedly one after another unexpectedly could not see to the front. 可就在此时,通道的前方,两侧的墙面之上,竟是对称着纷纷出现了一个个的圆圈……竟是一直延伸到前方看不见的尽头。 The channel is incomparably luminous, the round hole on wall surface is the pure black, the airtight any ray, strange makes the people look at each other in blank dismay, the back shines. 通道是无比光亮的,墙面上的圆孔则是纯黑色的,不透任何一丝的光线,诡异的一幕让众人面面相觑,背后发亮。 Heard that a multi- brow wrinkle, actually lifted up the lizard person sacrificial offering directly, takes to one's heels to proceed to dash about wildly, not caring a whoop both sides round holes. The people see that also followed to hear in abundance many behind. 闻多眉头一皱,却是直接扛起了蜥蜴人祭祀,撒腿往前狂奔而出,丝毫不在意两侧的圆孔。众人见状,也纷纷跟在了闻多的身后。 This line, even the strength worst brocade clothes, is still the level of big grandmaster, foot journey can/but not slow- such told runs, about three hours, by the normal computation, running 180 kilometers were only many. 这一行,就算是实力最差的锦衣,也是大宗师的水平,脚程可不慢-这样的告诉奔跑,将近三个小时的时间,按正常计算,跑个百八十公里只多不少。 However the channel does not have the end, above the both sides wall is still abreast in row round hole, all have not changed. 然而通道没有尽头,两侧墙壁之上依然是并排着的圆孔,一切都没有变化。 In so remain unchanged as well as peaceful, can only hear itself to walk in the middle of the environment of time sound of footsteps quickly, the anxious heart does not know when starts to multiply. 在如此一成不变以及安静非常,唯能够听到自己快走时候脚步声的环境当中,不安之心不知何时开始滋生。 „It is not good, I cannot walk!” “不行,我走不下去了!” In the team, only hears the sound of scream to remember together, then saw a brocade clothes insanely at this time, in round hole that direct banged into the wall side, vanished instantaneously does not see. 队伍之中,只听见一道尖叫的声音想起,便见一名锦衣此时疯了般,直接一头撞入了墙侧的圆孔之中,瞬间消失不见。 We ran were so long, must have the outlet, has...... me unable to bear!” “我们跑了这么久,要有出路,早就有了……我也受不了!” Brocade clothes, direct luck cultivation technique that protects the body, bangs into another round hole resolutely. 有一名锦衣,直接运气了护体的功法,毅然地撞入另一个圆孔之中。 Saw that a matter round cannot receive, hears aspirates, the chest blew up directly, sent out huge roaring, decided with the law of roar. 眼看着事情一发不可收般,闻多吐了一口气,胸膛直接鼓起,发出了一道巨大的咆哮,用上了狮子吼的法决。 The sound seems like the startling thunderclap, presented the unusual condition person to shake to be pale these spirits instantaneously, stopped-, however, but in a minute, was alarmed by the roar, the pale people actually went crazy again, cannot stop, walked into the round holes on both sides wall surfaces! 声音像是惊雷,将那些精神出现了异状的人震得脸色发白,瞬间停了下来-然而,不过片刻,被狮子吼所惊动,脸色发白的众人却又再一次地发疯了般,根本停不下来,纷纷走入两侧墙面上的圆孔! Not is only the brocade clothes, even mother investor family/home. 不仅仅是锦衣,甚至连金主妈妈的家将们。 Do not go in!” “别进去!” Deng Chanyu held on a famous expert, however the family/home will actually be bewitched probably, stared stubbornly to the recent round hole, on the face is reappearing to wipe the strange smile, muttered: It is summoning me...... it saying that makes me go in...... has the treasure! Has the treasure!” 邓婵玉一手拉住了身边的一名家将,然而家将却像是着魔了似的,死死地盯着离自己最近的圆孔,脸上浮现出了一抹诡异的笑容,喃喃自语道:“它在呼唤我……它说让我进去……有宝贝!有宝贝!” Who is it?” Heard that makes an effort to catch this purple A shoulder, caught. “它是谁?”闻多用力一抓这紫甲家将的肩膀,将人给生生抓了回来。 This actually a fist bang to will hear at this time many, heard that many sweeps by the hand, that will have seized the chance to move sideways to enter in the round hole directly. 这了这家将此时却一拳轰向了闻多,闻多以手扫开,那家将已经趁机直接闪身进入了圆孔之中。 How...... Deng Chanyu will be afraid like this at this time. “怎会这样……”邓婵玉此时不寒而栗。 Madame Ru also entered the round hole quietly, purple armor will also only walk has two...... the brocade clothes, the brocade clothes has not remained several, remaining several, is staring at the round hole on wall helplessly, the body is uncontrolled nearness that gradually resembles. 阿茹夫人悄悄地也进入了圆孔,紫甲家将走得也只剩下两个……锦衣,锦衣也没剩几个,剩下的几个,也是眼睁睁地盯着墙上的圆孔,身体不受控制似的渐渐靠近。 Actually in this round hole to have anything.” Deng Chanyu subconsciously looked that to...... in all black round hole anything cannot see...... her to see clearly some anything diligently. “这圆孔里面究竟有什么。”邓婵玉下意识地看向了其中一个……纯黑的圆孔里面什么也看不见……她努力地想要看清楚里面到底有些什么。 The vortex...... the dual vortex...... the single layer heavy vortex...... lightens the light...... a warm room, an elegant woman. 漩涡……双重漩涡……一重重的漩涡……一点亮光……一个温暖的房间,一个雍容华贵的女人。 Mother......” “母亲……” -! 啪-! The burning ache transmits suddenly, mother investor awakens suddenly, covered oneself fresh pain cheeks...... the story to be only close at hand, both hands also made an effort to hold down oneself shoulder- kept off between oneself and that round holes. 火辣辣的疼痛骤然传来,金主妈妈猛然惊醒似的,捂住了自己生痛的脸颊……只见闻多近在眼前,双手还用力地按住了自己的肩膀-挡在了自己与那圆孔之间。 The awakened instance, a powerless feeling, making mother investor the direct leg soft, takes advantage of opportunity then pours in heard many bodies. 惊醒的瞬间,一股无力感,让金主妈妈直接腿软,顺势便倒在了闻多的身上。 old hears this little while is not glad, big frowns said: Wen also slapped your more than ten, your other feigning death blackmails me!” 老闻这会儿不乐意了,大皱眉头道:“闻某也不过是打了你十几巴掌而已,你别装死讹我!” Originally so many... no wonder were so painful......” mother investor to smile bitterly the sound, the trembling sound said: You... do not bump me well, I......” “原来这么多…难怪这么痛……”金主妈妈苦笑了声,颤声道:“你…你别碰我,我就会好的……” „?” “?” Puts... lets loose me!” “放…放开我!” Heard that wrinkled frowns, a both hands loosen, mother investor then fell directly on the ground...... she bit the lip lightly, stared bitterly heard many one. 闻多皱了皱眉头,双手一松,金主妈妈便直接摔在了地上……她轻咬嘴唇,恨恨地盯了闻多一眼。 The puzzled character and style did not plan the man who unties the character and style hesitates to say at this time: What did you almost go in... you to see?” 不解风情也不打算解开风情的男人此时沉吟道:“你差点就进去了…你看见了什么?” Deng Chanyu said scruple: Probably what has not seen, as if saw something...... these round holes as if to seize the person mental, unknowingly how making one walk...... not to know the gone in person...... the person?” 邓婵玉迟疑道:“好像什么都没看见,又似乎看见了一些东西……这些圆孔似乎能够夺人心智,让人不知不觉就走进去……也不知道已经进去的人怎样……人呢?” Her suddenly telling fortunes by physiognomy all around, discovered that except for oneself and heard many...... also has that lizard person to capture beside, does not have others again. 她猛然看相四周,发现除了自己和闻多……还有那位蜥蜴人俘虏之外,再无别人。 „... Went in!” Deng Chanyu reveals startled accommodates. “都…都进去了!”邓婵玉露出惊容。 Yes, you also almost went.” Heard that nods. “是啊,你也差点进去了。”闻多点点头。 You......” mother investor resembled to think of anything, blurted out: How hadn't you been affected?” “你……”金主妈妈似想到了什么,脱口而出道:“你怎么没有受影响?” Who said me?” Hears multi- said indifferently: These round holes same want to affect Wen, but does the method of this low, how possibly let in Wen the move?” “谁说我没有?”闻多淡然道:“这些圆孔一样想要影响闻某,不过这种下三滥的手段,怎可能让闻某中招?” mother investor hesitates saying: I self-examined that mind cultivation base is not low, but you...... is your state of mind higher than cultivation base?” 金主妈妈沉吟道:“我自问心灵修为并不低,可你……难道你心境比修为更高?” I?” Heard that shrugs saying: My state of mind cultivation base is not high, often gets angry...... these round holes to have minimal impact on me, is I compares the relations of nerve big strip probably.” “我?”闻多耸耸肩道:“我心境修为不高,动不动就发火……这些圆孔对我影响不大,大概是我比较神经大条的关系。” mother investor is doubtful, did not say that calculates.” 金主妈妈半信半疑,“不说算。” Hears multi-channel: Ok, was actually related with my experience, the old rain should raise with you, I was once suffered by the variation poison for a long time, during that time, the pain that Wen received every day, in the torture compared with brocade clothes prison wanted fearful hundred times...... during that time, I wanted to commit suicide am not twice, afterward forcefully, cultivation, although fell behind more than half a year, but the willpower obtained good quenching actually.” 闻多道:“好了,其实和我的经历有关,老雨应该和你提过,我曾经被异种之毒折磨了许久,在那段时间,闻某每日所受到的痛苦,比锦衣大牢里的酷刑都要可怕百倍……那段时间,我想要自尽也不是一次两次,后来硬生生挺过来了,修炼虽然落后了大半年,但意志力倒是得到了不错的淬炼。” mother investor is silent. 金主妈妈沉默不语。 If cultivator among the pain in life and death paces back and forth every day can also not go crazy...... this willpower truly to think good, but basically no one uses this extreme method to exercise the mind the strength, heard that many this is the special example. 修士如果每日都在生死之间的苦痛徘徊还能够不发疯……这份意志力确实想到不俗,但基本上没有人用这种极端的方法来锻炼心灵的力量,闻多这是特殊的例子。 This group cannot walk.” Heard that many stands up suddenly, I planned a round hole has a look.” “这路是走不下去了。”闻多忽然站起身来,“我打算进去其中一个圆孔看看。” Deng Chanyu said startled: But you did not fear that can't come out?” 邓婵玉愕然道:“可你不怕出不来?” Had attempted a moment ago, I should be able to resist the thing that this calls back the soul of the deceased.” Hears multi- said sternly: And other meetings, I will tie up a chains on the body, comes to drawing by you, once there is anything not, you first pull out me.” “刚才尝试过了,我应该能抗住这摄魂的玩意。”闻多正色道:“等会,我会在身上绑上一根锁链,由你来拉着,一旦有什么不对经,你就第一时间将我拉出。” Or is considering?” mother investor said scruple. “要不在考虑一下?”金主妈妈迟疑道。 Does not have the space of consideration.” Heard that said categorically: Now remaining I and you, this variation domestic animal. This variation I am untrustworthy, that only has you and I, or I go, or do you go to...... you to go?” “没有考虑的空间。”闻多斩钉截铁道:“现在就剩下我和你,还有这异种畜生了。这异种我信不过,那就只剩下你和我,要不我去,要不你去……你去?” You... you are more careful.” “你…你小心些。” „, Woman.” “呵,女人。” mother investor quietly a face slightly heat, to conceal awkward as, lowers the head to open storage thing item, poured a palm of the hand big bronze mirror from inside, you take it, it can resist magic arts boundary an all-out attack of time.” 金主妈妈悄脸微微一热,为了掩饰尴尬似的,低头打开储物道具,从里面倒出了一面巴掌大的青铜镜子来,“你把它带上,它能够抵御一次道法境的全力攻击。” Heard that many are impolite, takes the mirror directly, actually I have been very curious, many defense class magic weapon, said how can resist what such and such grade someone full power strikes one time twice...... this standard to come?” 闻多并不客气,直接将镜子拿着,“其实我一直很好奇,不少的防御类法宝,都说能够抵挡某某段位谁谁谁的全力一击一次两次什么的……这标准是怎么来的?” mother investor opened the opens the mouth. 金主妈妈张了张口。 old hears thinks otherwise saying: „Does the person who you do not give others the magic arts boundary, have to endure compared with the emperor step even Heavenly Venerate striking power?” 老闻不以为然道:“你就不给人家道法境的人,拥有堪比帝阶甚至天尊的攻击力?” „...... Has that to endure compared with the emperor step even higher striking power, is he magic arts boundary?!” mother investor flips the supercilious look: This is only the vivid analogy, the value of reference, do you compete?” “……有那堪比帝阶甚至更高的攻击力,他还是道法境吗?!”金主妈妈翻了翻白眼:“这只是形象的比喻,参考的数值而已,你较什么劲?” False propaganda.” Heard that sneered, who said law boundary can't make to endure compared with the emperor step attack?” “虚假宣传。”闻多冷笑了一声,“谁说道法境的就不能打出堪比帝阶攻击的?” „Have you seen?” Deng Chanyu hesitates to ask, at once in the heart moves, you said that with 【The tears of god?” “你见过?”邓婵玉沉吟问道,旋即心中一动,“你是说,用【神之泪】?” On the same day Taihu Lake In the palace, heard that many truly used 【The tears of god Later, erupted might that endured compared with the magic arts...... level that but he truly was seven step peak big cultivator. 当日【太湖】殿内,闻多确实使用了【神之泪】之后,就爆发出了堪比道法的威力……但他本人确实还是七阶巅峰大修士的水平。 Heard that multi- did not speak at this time, took out a iron chain to entangle directly on the waist, another end throws mother investor front, grasped steadily, do not lose me.” 闻多此时不说话,直接取出了一根铁链缠在了腰上,另一端则是扔到了金主妈妈的面前,“抓稳了,别把我弄丢了。” mother investor subconsciously received the iron chain, listens to hear multi- these words, the male aura comes along with some type of strange aura. 金主妈妈下意识地接过了铁链,听着闻多这一句话,雄性的气息伴随着某种奇异的气息迎面而来。 The present thick crazy man, as if more than ten filtered mirror in addition. 眼前的粗狂男人,仿佛加上了十几道滤镜似的。 I do not lose, small cute...... 别我弄丢了,小可爱…… mother investor received an electric shock probably, trembles instantaneously, the iron chain has not grasped all of a sudden steadily, glided from her hand instantaneously several meters...... mother investor in the heart one startled, grasps hastily steadily. 金主妈妈像是触电了般,瞬间打了个颤,铁链一下子没抓稳,瞬间从她的手中滑走了几米……金主妈妈心中一惊,连忙抓稳。 At this time, heard that many had walked into the round hole thoroughly...... the black of round hole, will have heard swallows, only has the connected iron chain, at this time was pulled unceasingly on the ground, sends out sound that ding. 此时,闻多已经彻底走入了圆孔之中……圆孔的黑,已经将闻多吞噬,唯有相连的铁链,此时在地上不断地被拉扯进去,发出叮叮的声音。 What did you... you discover?” Saw that the iron chain to the end, still has actually been continuing, mother investor has to ask anxiously: Hasn't arrived? Mr. hears...... Mr. hears! Hears many?” “你…你发现什么了吗?”眼看铁链已经到头,却还在继续进去,金主妈妈只好紧张地问道:“还没有到吗?闻先生……闻先生!闻多?” -! 嘣-! The iron chain flares-out in this instantaneously instantaneously, creates to press almost also to pull into the round hole...... she to transport the vigor to grasp mother investor together at once, however on the iron chain transmitted the pulling force more powerful, was the point calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks she to tow unexpectedly toward inside. 铁链在这瞬间瞬间拉直,创促之间差点将金主妈妈也一同扯入圆孔之内……她旋即运劲抓紧,然而铁链上传来了拉力却更为强大,竟是点点将她往里面拖去。 Hears many! Actually do you have to hear me to speak! Pulls taut the person of iron chain is you?” mother investor the milk strength used at this time, but the iron chain does not know that was anything builds, the long time pulled unceasingly, even rubs through her palm skin...... the blood-stained iron chain to pull out at this time little leaves. “闻多!你究竟有没有听到我说话!扯住铁链的人是不是你?”金主妈妈此时奶力都用上了,但铁链不知是什么打造,久扯不断,此时甚至磨破了她的掌心皮肤……染血的铁链正一点点地被抽离。 „......” “啊……” The iron chain moves at this time suddenly, mother investor palm spring open, submerges in the round hole directly at once, vanishes does not see...... all around crafty static, Deng Chanyu subconsciously retroceded several steps. 铁链此时猛然甩动,直接将金主妈妈的手掌弹开,旋即没入了圆孔之中,消失不见……四周诡静,邓婵玉下意识地后退了几步。 The channel , as if no end...... the both sides round hole to be without limits forever. 通道,前后,仿佛都没有尽头……两侧圆孔永无止境。 mother investor took a deep breath, meditates the heart law later, was calmed down...... her simply sitting cross-legged ground by oneself, to round hole that hears multi- disappearances, the line of sight looks at the floor. 金主妈妈深呼吸了一口气,随后默念心法,让自己冷静下来……她索性盘坐地上,正对着闻多消失的圆孔,视线看着地板。 She does not dare to stare at the round hole to look too for a long time, but is unable to continue to go forward at this time- is only left over her own one, the lizard person who has not waked captures, how do the remaining roads walk? 她不敢盯着圆孔看太久,但此时也无法继续前进-仅剩下她自己一个,还有一个至今没有醒过来的蜥蜴人俘虏,剩下的路怎么走? Waiting...... incomparably long. 等待……无比漫长。 Suddenly, mother investor vision somewhat absent-minded, non- is the relations of round hole, but fell into the middle of some memories...... in the meantime, the form appeared in the round hole together suddenly. 恍然间,金主妈妈目光有些失神,非是圆孔的关系,而是陷入了某种回忆当中……就在此时,一道身影猛然出现在了圆孔之中。 It looks like from a black membrane falls off, but, maps the person in Deng Chanyu eyes, is...... hears impressively many! 就像是从一层黑膜之中脱落而出般,映入邓婵玉眼中的人,赫然是……闻多! mother investor first is one startled, at once is wild with joy, wants not to want then to stand up the body, you are all right!” 金主妈妈先是一惊,旋即狂喜,想也不想便站起了身来,“你没事!” Only the story multi- this time complexion drastic change, held mother investor arm suddenly, loudly shouted: Walks quickly!” 只见闻多此时脸色忽然剧变,一手就抓住了金主妈妈的手臂,大喝道:“快走!” What does inside have?” “里面到底有什么?” Dangerous thing!” Heard that the multi- looks are dignified, pull Deng Chanyu then to proceed to walk. “危险的东西!”闻多神色凝重,拉扯着邓婵玉便往前走去。 But the next quarter, mother investor actually patted to hear that directly many palms, erratically are staring at this thick crazy man surprisedly, you......” 但下一刻,金主妈妈却直接拍开了闻多的手掌,惊疑不定地盯着这个粗狂的男人,“你……” „Do you want dead?” Heard that is angry saying: Words that I spoke, can't you hear? Stupid woman!” “你想死吗?”闻多大怒道:“我说的话,你听不见吗?傻逼女人!” mother investor a brow wrinkle, „you do not hear many!” 金主妈妈眉头一皱,“你不是闻多!” Stupid woman!” Heard that many actually curses one directly, you want dead, oneself remain, Wen excuse my not attending!” “傻逼女人!”闻多却直接大骂一声,“你想死,自己留着,闻某恕不奉陪!” But sees the cold light twinkle to come together, being angry heard that many will be cut the head shortly...... the blood splash, dyed bright red on the pure white metal wall directly. 但见一道寒光闪烁而来,大怒的闻多顷刻之间被斩去了头颅……鲜血飞溅,直接在纯白的金属墙上染了一片的鲜红。 The head tumbled...... a foot to step in the ground directly. 头颅滚落在地上……一只脚直接踩了上去。 Deng Chanyu is surprised at this time, the vision looked startled upward from the head that the ground that dies with injustice unredressed...... sees, impressively yes- hears many! 邓婵玉此时惊疑不定,目光自地上那死不瞑目的头颅惊慌地往上看去……看见的,赫然是-闻多! Hears many, killed...... heard many! 闻多,杀了……闻多! ...... …… Quick, mother investor then implored the tone, calms down saying: Really is false, is how you......” 很快,金主妈妈便吁了口气,定了定神道:“果然是假的,可是你怎么……” At this time steps on hearing of beheading to be many, carries the show spring the broadsword, on the face has several bloodstains, as if has made contribution fierce battle. 此时踩着断头的闻多,一手还扛着秀春大刀,脸上有几道的血痕,似乎尽力过了一场恶战似的。 Inside has a sinister fellow, as soon as I go in sneak attack me.” Heard that wrinkled frowns, looks down the underground head, discovered that this beheads unexpectedly with oneself exactly the same, the brow wrinkles deeply, as if is also first awareness, was reduced the fellow of head, are unexpectedly same. “里面有个阴险的家伙,我一进去就偷袭我。”闻多皱了皱眉头,低头看着地下的脑袋,发现这断头竟是与自己一模一样,眉头不禁皱得更深一些,似乎也是第一次知道,被砍掉脑袋的家伙,竟也自己一样。 I go in again one time.” Heard that the multi- this time vision concentrates, without delay then again since the beforehand round hole. “我再进去一次。”闻多此时目光一凝,二话不说便再次进入之前的圆孔。 But what is strange, this round hole has vanished at this time does not see. 但诡异的是,这个圆孔此时已经消失不见。 Heard that many look at each other in blank dismay with mother investor. 闻多与金主妈妈面面相觑。 Their subconsciousness is looking at beheading and corpse of that ground...... also in! 俩人下意识在看去那地上的断头与尸身……都还在! This......” heard that many knocked the head with the hilt directly, blurted out: „Did we hit evilly?” “这……”闻多直接用刀柄敲了敲脑袋,脱口而出道:“我们难道撞邪了?” In the meantime, sees only in the both sides round holes, the one by one brocade clothes, a famous expert...... will walk one after another- their vision at a loss, with astonishment looks at all around people. 就在此时,只见两侧圆孔之中,一个个锦衣,一名名家将……陆陆续续地走了出来-他们目光茫然,惊愕地看着四周的众人。 How...... did I come out?” “……我怎么出来了?” A moment ago I probably......” “刚才我好像……” Corpse...... here will have a corpse- Sir hears? Two Sir hears?” “尸体……这里怎会有一具尸体-闻大人?两个闻大人?” Looks at beheading of ground, looks that carries hearing of blade to be many, this flash, the air as if solidified. 看着地上的断头,看着扛着刀的闻多,这一瞬间,空气仿佛凝固了般。 Situation, some not wonderful......” “情况,有些不妙……” With hearing many are standing together, Deng Chanyu only felt that the whole body proliferated the cold air. 与闻多一同站着,邓婵玉只感觉浑身遍布了寒气。 Ehm, did not need you saying that......” heard a multi- brow wrinkle, said in a low voice: Stupid woman, can you obtain clearly, which real, which is false?” “嗯啊,不用你说……”闻多眉头一皱,低声道:“傻逼女人,你能不能分得清楚,哪个是真的,哪个是假的?” I do not know.” “我不知道。” How do you distinguish me to come?” Heard that the multi- surprise asked. “那你方才是怎么分辨出我来的?”闻多诧异问道。 mother investor is at a loss for words immediately, made excuses does not speak. 金主妈妈顿时语塞似的,吱唔不语。 Heard that many said suddenly: Understood, the fake goods body does not have the azure bronze mirror, therefore you discovered, right!” 闻多却恍然道:“懂了,冒牌货身上没有青铜镜,所以你发现了,对吧!” „... Is this right!” mother investor nods. “就…就是这样没错!”金主妈妈点点头。 False that at all not by oneself have... the feeling, this matter, who can say to feed! 假的那个,根本不会让自己有出…的感觉,这种事情,谁说得出口来啊喂!
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