TTC :: Volume #17

#15: Infinite city

Zero hour, 23. 零时,二十三分。 Officer Ma one line of self taxi company go out of...... old Zheng is not questioned by carry away finally- is mainly Police Department this little while estimated that is inappropriate accepts. 马警官一行自出租车公司走出……老郑最终也没有被带走问话-主要是警局这会儿估计也不合适进行收容。 According to old Zheng's description, this named Raises high Person, regularly in named Infinite city The place appears and disappears. 根据老郑的描述,这位叫作【高扬】的人,经常性地会在一处名为【无限城】的地方出没。 Is surnamed person who the high fame raises, having numerous number, this name was too ordinary. 姓高名扬的人,多不胜数,这名字太普通了。 Officer Ma has to fan out in two groups, makes the subordinate search the material of person of tallying, while rushes nonstop Infinite city...... Because old Zheng said, raising high this person was very difficult to find, only had in Infinite city Time, can bump into this fellow. 马警官只好兵分两路,一边让下属去查找符合之人的资料,一边则是马不停蹄地赶往【无限城】……因为老郑说,高扬这个人是很难找到的,唯有在【无限城】的时候,才能碰到这家伙。 This person, strictly speaking, is the illegal resident in hot cloud city, does not have the person of status. 这人,严格来说,是火云市的黑户,是没有身份之人。 That old Zheng, then why easy to give an illegal resident to relay the vehicle?” “那个老郑,为什么那么容易就将车子给了一个黑户替班?” On the vehicle, the red child is out of control to frown, she is not even clear, why Officer Ma old Zheng carry away...... she did not feel very keen, direct old Zheng has not confessed completely. 车上,红孩禁不住皱起了眉头,她甚至不明白,马警官为什么不将老郑带走……她感觉是很敏锐的,直接老郑并没有全部坦白。 This old Zheng went to the hospital last night.” Sir Ma said indifferently: His wife examined the bone poison sickness, needed the definitive hospitalization. He shouted the person to relay last night, oneself were goes to the hospital to see his wife.” “这个老郑昨晚去医院了。”马SIR淡然说道:“他的妻子诊出了骨毒症,需要长期住院。他昨晚喊人替班,自己是去了医院看望他的妻子。” How do you know?” The red child revealed the color of surprise. “你怎么知道的?”红孩不禁露出了诧异之色。 „The taxi company head told me.” Sir Ma said: Saw on his desktop mobilizes the staff...... also to the document that old Zheng donates money, you had not smelled a moment ago, on old Zheng has one share hospital potion flavor? Evidently, should be just came from the hospital . Moreover the the oil of ash as well as hair from face looks like, should be at least day has not gone home.” “出租车公司的负责人告诉我的。”马SIR道:“在他的桌面上看到了一份动员员工给老郑捐款的文件……还有,你刚才没有嗅到,老郑身上有一股子医院药水的味道吗?看样子,应该是刚从医院过来,而且从脸上的灰以及头发的油看来,应该是至少有一天没有回家了。” Even but if this......” red child wrinkled frowns. “可就算是这样……”红孩皱了皱眉头 Sir Ma said indifferently: Sometimes, knows that these enough, why must find the person to relay, why must take risk to ask an illegal resident to relay...... why clearly knows that the risky matter must be done, naturally is because, cannot have, but for it reason.” 马SIR淡然道:“有些时候,知道这些就够了,为什么要找人替班,为什么还要冒险找一个黑户来替班……为什么明知道是有风险的事情还要去做,自然是因为,有不得而为之的理由。” The red child said: „But how you know, his these also aren't camouflage?” 红孩道:“可你怎么知道,他这些还不是伪装出来的?” „Before long hospital bed, does not have the loyal son.” Sir Ma said at will: His wife is hospitalized for several years, he looked after for several years, the wind and rain does not change...... such person, even is bad, is still love wife's bad guy. Even if he wants the misdemeanor, should still restrain itself.” “久病床前无孝子。”马SIR随意道:“他妻子入院几年,他就照顾了几年,风雨不改……这样的人,就算是坏,也是个爱老婆的坏人。他就算想要坏事,也会克制自己。” Why?” “为什么?” Why......” Sir Ma knit the brows looks at this hot cloud city princess, the forced smile said: He, if had an accident, he will be afraid no one to take care of his wife...... so to be simple.” “为什么……”马SIR不禁皱眉地看着这位火云市的“公主”,苦笑道:“他要是出事了,他会害怕没有人来照顾他的妻子……就这么简单。” He, if had an accident, will be afraid no one to take care of his wife......” red child to be low the vision, muttering: Couple's relations, can have such......” “他要是出事了,会害怕没人来照顾他的妻子……”红孩却低下了目光,喃喃自语着:“夫妻的关系,能有这么好吗……” Sir Ma and back seat place Dr. side Looked slightly was jealous of the child. 马SIR与后座处的【方医生】稍稍地看了眼红孩。 The relations of ox Daguang and iron demons, as if can only describe with as incompatible as fire and water...... Dr. side At this time suddenly said: Said, this Infinite city Where is coming?” 牛大广与铁罗刹的关系,似乎只能用水火不相容来形容……【方医生】此时忽然道:“说起来,这个【无限城】是什么地方来着?” The vehicle vibrated suddenly, was Sir Ma almost steps on the brake to cause mistakenly, old side , you do not know Infinite city, You open with me play......” 车子忽然抖动了一下,是马SIR差点踩错了刹车导致,“老方,不是吧,你不知道【无限城】,你跟我开玩……” Seeing only Dr. side At this time outputs the red child with the vision crazily. 只见【方医生】此时疯狂地用目光输出红孩。 Sir Ma then responded, immediately understood old side meaning...... this to ease up at this time the atmosphere in car(riage), no wonder. 马SIR这才反应了过来,顿时明白老方的意思了……这原来是为了缓和此时车里的气氛,怪不得呢。 old side in the fire clouds that Police Department was more than ten years of law doctors, how possibly not to know Infinite city This place...... this is the topic that looks for intentionally. 老方在火云警局当了十几年的法医官了,怎么可能不知道【无限城】这个地方……这是故意找的话题。 Infinite city Is place that the fish dragon mingles, all around building revolves to construct, heard to build an ultra-large community initially...... afterward why, but did not know, the project stopped, causing most constructions to turn into the messy building.” The red child restores at this time as usual, raised the head, said indifferently: Afterward no one managed, therefore then attracted many tramps to move, afterward evolved slowly becomes an agglomeration. Hears inside, at least 100,000 people live, just like a stronghold...... infinite city, Also called Infinite stronghold.” “【无限城】是个鱼龙混迹的地方,四周的大楼围绕而建,听说当初是为了打造一个超大型的社区……但后来不知道为什么,工程停了,导致大部分的建造变成了烂尾楼。”红孩此时恢复如常,抬起头来,淡然道:“后来没人管,于是便吸引了许多的流浪汉入住,后来就慢慢地演变成为了一个聚集地。听说里面,起码有十万人居住,俨然是一个城寨……【无限城】,又叫【无限城寨】。” Good.” Sir Ma nods saying: But do you know, why initially Infinite city Will the project terminate suddenly?” “不错。”马SIR点点头道:“可你知不知道,为什么当初【无限城】的工程会突然终止?” Why?” Examiner side Asked curiously. “为什么?”【方法医】好奇问道。 Sir Ma shrugs saying: Because developed initially Infinite city That enterprise of project, received even heaven The ambush of group, causing the funding chain to break seriously, afterward that enterprise also quilt even heaven Group annexing, but Infinite city Debt even heaven The group has not undertaken, finally boss of that enterprise, because could not shoulder the debt pressure on be missing...... had the rumor saying that in a night of thunderstorms writings, boss of this enterprise, since Infinite city In the highest building cleared all strengths, jumped from an upper story to commit suicide directly.” 马SIR耸耸肩道:“因为当初开发【无限城】项目的那家企业,受到了【平天】集团的狙击,导致资金链严重断裂,后来那家企业也被【平天】集团给吞并了,可【无限城】的债务【平天】集团并没有承担,最后那家企业的老板,因为扛不住债务压力失踪了……有传言说,在一个雷雨大作的夜里,这位企业的老板,从【无限城】最高的楼上散尽了所有的力量,直接跳楼自杀了。” Do not speak irresponsibly!” The red child gets angry: How don't I know this matter?” “你别乱说!”红孩微怒道:“我怎么不知道这件事情?” Why will you know this matter?” Sir Ma asked back: This was happened the matters 30 years ago...... at that time, ox Daguang are most will also shoot age on wall the seed, how possibly to have you such big child?” “你为什么会知道这件事情?”马SIR反问道:“这是发生在三十年前的事……那时候,牛大广最多还只是会将种子射墙上的年纪,怎么可能有你这样大的孩子?” Ma Houde...... do you court death?” The sound of violent anger and flame. 马厚德……你找死?”暴怒与火焰的声音。 „Do you also want to look for the murderer who kills Padan?” Sir Ma said light, I, you have not known in Infinite city How to walk.” “你还要不要找杀死巴丹的凶手?”马SIR轻飘飘地说了一句,“没有我,你知道在【无限城】里怎么走吗。” I have!” The red child clenches teeth. “我又不是没有去过!”红孩咬了咬牙。 Sir Ma said with a smile lightly: In that dangerous, I think, no matter ox Daguang or iron demons mayor Sir has also told you more than once? But they have told you, in the past dozens years, even heaven Group as well as municipal government, in view of Infinite city Started encircling five times, cannot shovel evenly it, Infinite city Matter of this land for building continuously idle?” 马SIR轻笑道:“那里面有多危险,我想不管是牛大广还是铁罗刹市长大人也已经不止一次跟你说过了吧?但他们有没有告诉过你,在过去的几十年间,【平天】集团以及市政府,前后针对【无限城】发动了五次的围剿,都未能将它铲平,以至于【无限城】这块地皮一直闲置的事情?” even heaven Doesn't the group handle?” Examiner side Also blinks. “【平天】集团也搞不定?”【方法医】又眨了眨眼睛。 Develops, then develops! 演,接着演! Sir Ma 2.0 did not have feel mad white this old side eyes, shook the head saying: Infinite city In, but there is that to exist, ox Daguang and iron demons, how dare act rashly.” 马SIR2.0没好气地白了这老方一眼,摇摇头道:“【无限城】里,可是有那位存在,牛大广与铁罗刹,怎敢轻举妄动啊。” That...... which?” Examiner side Continues to blink! “那位……哪位?”【方法医】继续眨眼! Emperor thunder.” The reply, is the red child. “雷帝。”回答的,是红孩。 ...... …… ...... …… Rumbling rumbling-! 轰轰轰轰-! Metal floodgates fall, even heaven In 99 of building, height one meter three cow greatly broad both hands hold the black stars of 45 his sizes to dash. 一道道的金属闸落下,【平天】大厦的九十九层里,身高一米三的牛大广双手抱着四五个他大小的黑星飞奔着。 His armpit also clamps two of black star broken hand. 他的腋下还夹着黑星的两根断手。 At this time, even heaven Outside building, even also arranges the large airship that ten fights used, as well as over a hundred small-scale fighter aircraft...... entire even heaven The big building even entered the first-level garrison condition. 此时,【平天】大厦之外,甚至还布置了十艘战斗用的大型飞艇,以及上百架的小型战斗机……整座【平天】大大厦甚至进入了一级警备状态。 Dr. Li! Dr. Li! Help, Dr. Li!!” “李博士!李博士!救命啊,李博士!!” ox Daguang the voice kills resounding of pig on the corridor, felt he even soon cries- before long, ox Daguang carries already the black star of down, ran into a dark room. 牛大广的声音在走廊上杀猪似的响起,感觉他甚至快要哭出来似的-不一会儿,牛大广扛着已经宕机的黑星,跑入了一间黑暗的房间里。 In room, only then several screen sparking light...... ground, is assorted big pile of books of- all kinds of script types have. 房间里,只有几个屏幕闪亮的光……地上,则是杂七杂八的一大堆的书卷-各种各样的文字类型也有。 ox Daguang studies, only then by the language class bullying experience, ox Daguang the name will be written is also relations that because this name many are really good to recognize- he looked that does not read these precious literature ancient books, stepped on directly. 牛大广念书的时候,就只有被语言类欺负的经历,牛大广的名字会写也是因为这个名字真的好些好认的关系-他看也不看这些珍贵的文献典籍,直接踩了过去。 Dr. Li! Help!” “李博士!救命啊!” He the black star still on the ground, turned in the books later is looking for Dr. Li in mouth. 他将黑星仍在了地上,随后在书海之中翻找着口中的李博士。 Cow boss, you not do the important matter in the office and secretary, what coming here to make?” “牛老板,你不在办公室和秘书干大事,来我这里做什么?” ox Daguang subconsciously has turned around, sees only one to wear the wrinkled white coat, wears the cotton slipper, beard stubble...... the chest front pocket place is even also hanging a small rabbit myna rag doll man, at this time is holding one cup surface to walk slowly with the remote control is pressing. 牛大广下意识地转过了身来,只见一名穿着皱巴巴的白大衣,穿着棉拖鞋,胡渣子……胸前的口袋处甚至还挂着一个小小兔八哥布偶的汉子,此时正捧着一用遥控器压着的杯面缓缓走来。 Black star was bad!” ox Daguang finger/refers of ground lacked the black stars of two arms at this time, was just unloaded!” “黑星坏了!”牛大广此时一指地上缺了俩手臂的黑星,“刚被人卸的!” „......” Put on the man of wrinkled white coat to reveal the color of surprise at this time slightly, said looking pensive: Is Madame ox makes.” “呵……”穿着皱巴巴白大衣的男子此时稍稍地露出了诧异之色,若有所思道:“是牛夫人弄的吗。” „It is not! Is one is very long handsome young nurse!” ox Daguang shivers suddenly, my TM, thinks that iron fan was the entire world most fearful women, didn't expect bumps into her tonight unexpectedly is more fearful than! Scared to death old ox I! Do you know how the black star is removed both hands by her?” “不是!是一个长得很俊的小护士!”牛大广忽然打了个冷颤,“我TM的,以为铁扇儿是全世界最可怕的女人了,没想到今晚居然碰到比她更可怕的!吓死老牛我了!你知不知道黑星是怎么被她卸去双手的?” How to unload?” The man of named Dr. Li asked at will. “怎么卸的?”名为李博士的男子随意问道。 ox Daguang both hands, „this, place vanishes at this time, then a place appearance, then both hands of black star did not have, then smilingly look at me, I carried the black star to run! Scared to death old ox!” 牛大广此时双手一张,“她就这样,咻一声地消失,然后咻一声地出现,然后咻一声黑星的双手就没了,接着笑眯眯地看着我,我就咻一声扛着黑星跑了!吓死老牛了!” -! 咻咻咻-! Dr. Li suo cup surface sound. 李博士嗦杯面的声音。 ...... …… -! 咻咻咻-! This time is ox Daguang the suo surface sound. 这次是牛大广嗦面的声音。 He squatted in the one side, stared at Dr. Li to disassemble the carapace that the black star chest had/left steadily, asked curiously: Doctor, can the black star also rescue? The incorrect words I sent back Kunlun Mountains, 100 years of warranty period of reaching an agreement!” 他蹲在了一旁,目不转睛地盯着李博士将黑星胸膛出的甲壳拆开,好奇地问道:“博士,黑星还能不能抢救回来?不行的话我就送回去昆仑了,说好的一百年保修期呢!” it's nothing major problem.” Dr. Li said: „The arm joint position that was unloaded is perfect, begun person interesting, as if quite familiar...... center transmission strategy slightly shut off the energy circuit of black star to the structure of this half machinery half magic weapon, retracing should be good one time.” 没什么大问题。”李博士道:“被卸下来的手臂关节位置完好无损,动手的人有点意思啊,对这种半机械半法宝的构造似乎相当的熟悉……黑星的中心驱动阵法只是稍稍被切断的能量回路而已,重描一次应该就好了。” Is so simple?” ox Daguang wrinkled frowns saying: „Haven't I given a pretext the customer service daughters with Kunlun Mountains to chat?” “这么简单吗?”牛大广皱了皱眉头道:“那我不就是没有借口和昆仑的客服小娘子唠嗑了?” Cow boss, gives me three immortal crystals.” Dr. Li said indifferently: Retraces the energy circuit to use.” “牛老板,给我三块仙晶吧。”李博士淡然道:“重描能量回路用的。” Wants... to take three so many?” ox Daguang the mouth trembles immediately...... three immortal crystals, by his financial resource actually non- meat pain- he pure is only stingy. “要…要三块这么多?”牛大广顿时嘴巴一哆嗦……三块仙晶,以他的财力其实并不肉痛-他单纯只是抠门。 You send back four princess shops in Kunlun Mountains.” Dr. Li shrug saying: Gives you to trade a core in any case casually, little unavoidably ten eight immortal crystal stones, this is also not the upkeep and so on assorted expense.” “那你送回去昆仑的四公主店吧。”李博士耸耸肩道:“反正随随便便给你重新换一个核心,少不免十块八块的仙晶石,这还不算保养费之类的杂七杂八的费用。” TM, I go to four princess shops, they will really give me four princess hobbies...... TM的,我去四公主店,他们真的会给我四个公主玩好吗…… ox Daguang pulled out three immortal crystal stones to come out finally crassly, gave Dr. Li. 牛大广最终骂骂咧咧地掏了三块仙晶石出来,交给了李博士。 Then, this Dr. Li is he picks from the road, the lord studies what him not to look, the research of what in chaos has in any case, is the wealthy and powerful family of fever money. 说起来,这李博士还是他从路上捡回来的,主研究什么他至今没看出来,反正什么乱七八糟的研究都有,是个烧钱的大户。 But has same ox Daguang to determine that what that is this Dr. Li on TM is the restore talent of magic weapon. 但有一样牛大广是能确定的,那就是这李博士就TM的是个法宝的修复人才。 These years, ox Daguang lets the person purchased with low price massively discarded the high rank magic weapon in secret, again after both hands restore of Dr. Li, traded the packing high price to sell, truly gained much. 这些年,牛大广暗中让人低价大量收购了一些报废了的高阶法宝,再借由李博士的双手修复之后,换了个包装高价卖出,确实赚了不少。 Similarly, Dr. Li also obtained even heaven Building 99 housing qualifications. 同样地,李博士也获得了【平天】大厦九十九层的居住资格。 The when restore of black star is conducted. 黑星的修复进行时。 ox Daguang the mood returned to normal gradually, cup surface also suo ended, then remembered another matter, doctor, I this morning gives your two less than half pill, what ingredient did you analyze are?” 牛大广心情渐渐平复了下来,杯面也嗦完了,便想起了另外一件事情,“博士,我今早给你的那两小半颗的药丸,你分析出来是什么成分了吗?” I am not the major pharmacist.” Dr. Li said indifferently: Anything has not looked.” “我又不是专业的药剂师。”李博士淡然道:“啥也没看出来。” „Can't you analyze?” ox Daguang wrinkled frowns. “连你也不分析不出来?”牛大广不禁皱了皱眉头 Gives two less than half pills of Dr. Li, actually red and blue pill that there must come from Dr.- last night, he has not really put in the complete two pills on two Dong secret body, but deducted a block quietly. 交给李博士的两小半药丸,其实就是从洛医生那里要来的红蓝药丸-昨晚,他并没有真的将全部的两颗药丸都投放在了俩董秘的身上,而是悄悄地扣下了一下块来。 Reason that does this, is not because he specially careful- , because he felt, since is only the reagent, tries half and tries one yes, two hours of drug efficacy and one hour of drug efficacy for proof drug efficacy real. 这样做的原因,并不是因为他特别小心-而是因为他觉得,既然只是试药,试半颗和试一颗的都是可以的,两个小时的药效和一个小时的药效都只是为了证明药效是真的。 Remains half...... also to use in other place. Such a medicine, can dismantled get down, harvests twice joys, how could it not be beautiful? 剩下来一半……自己还能用在别的地方啊。这样一份药,可以拆分下来,收获两次的快乐,岂不美哉? Mainly by his situation...... one hour, cannot be many. 主要是以他的情况……一个小时,不能再多。 Emmmmmmmm...... Emmmmmmmm…… At least, by ingredient, at least five types of things, in Dark green blue It is difficult to find.” Dr. Li said at this time suddenly: Perhaps this needs through other synthesis method. Then, cow boss, these two medicines, what way you from do, what are the drug efficacies?” “至少,以成分来说,起码有五种东西,是在【苍蓝】很难找到的。”李博士此时忽然道:“这或许需要通过别的合成手段。说起来,牛老板,这两颗药,你是从什么途径搞来的,药效是什么?” In black market washes.” ox Daguang shakes the head saying: Origin I have not made clear......, since analysis, that first how about this, do not take a lot of care, first completed you on matter to say on hand again...... the thing, soon did fix?” “黑市上淘的。”牛大广摇摇头道:“来历我也还没有搞清楚……既然分析不出来,那就先这样吧,你别费心思了,先完成你手头上的事情再说吧……东西,快要修好了吧?” Dr. Li is just about to speak. 李博士正要说话。 ox Daguang the cell phone actually trembled suddenly, appears his whole person to jump directly. 牛大广的手机却忽然颤了起来,显得他整个人直接跳起。 He trembled, is thrown into confusion pulled out the telephone, what? You said that the young lady Infinite city?!” 他不禁一哆嗦,手忙脚乱地掏出了电话,“什么?你说小姐去了【无限城】?!” ...... …… ...... …… During because of ox Daguang the arrival the emptied street, restored...... this to be bright with many colors once again disorderly, that was not can sneak a peek at it to exist at will Clinic, Actually turns off a light quietly. 因为牛大广的到来而被清空的街道,又一次恢复了杂乱……这五光十色之中,那间不是随意就能窥见它存在的【诊所】,却悄悄地关了灯。 In the study room, wore pajamas, the front piece opened wide some Boss Luo slightly, slowly desktop on 【The book of Gaia Opening. 书房里,穿了一睡衣,衣襟稍稍敞开了些的洛老板,缓缓地将桌面上的【盖娅之书】翻开。 Before long, he then disappears in the study room. 不一会儿,他便消失在书房之中。 miss maid closed the gate of study room...... on the face to have quietly wipes light crimson her, is reorganizing the collar, while goes downstairs. 女仆小姐悄悄地合上了书房的门……脸上有着一抹淡淡绯红的她,一边整理着衣领,一边下了楼。 Evidently, Nan Young Lady was to plan to want the night non- home to return to tonight.” “看样子,南小姐今晚是打算要夜不归宿了呢。” miss maid smilingly turned off the front door, cages, then after put probably 100 dozens seals quietly, finally also closed the Main Hall lamp. 女仆小姐笑眯眯地关了大门,上了锁,然后又悄悄地放了大概一百几十层的封印之后,最后将大堂的灯也关上了。 After the lamp closed, miss maid then walked into some room in First Underground Floor. 灯关上了之后,女仆小姐便走入了负一层之中的某个房间之中。 Her front, a pitch-dark cabinet, appears quietly. 她的面前,一个黑漆漆的柜子,悄悄地浮现。 But at this time, in her hand takes, obtains from Mattatron there impressively, 11 beginning Remnant soul...... 而此时,她手中拿着的,赫然是自梅丹佐那里得到的,【始之十一】的残魂……
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