TTC :: Volume #17

#12: Filthy rich

Speaking of the investigation, Nan Xiaonan self-examines is not major, but there is one thing, she is major- that splits the corpse. 说到查案,南小楠自问不是专业的,但有一样东西,她是专业的-那就是剖尸。 Blade of scalpel on chest, if the blade is sharp enough, that touch on such as incision butter same exquisite...... thinks that the finger as if exhibited on some uncontrolled posture that grasps the scalpel time. 手术刀在胸膛上化一刀,如果刀刃足够锋利的话,那触感就如切开黄油一样的细腻……想想手指似乎就有些不受控制地摆出了手持手术刀时候的姿势。 But as a biology teacher, how possibly to appear indoor the dissection of hot cloud city Police Department? 但作为一名生物老师,怎么可能出现在火云市警局的解剖室內呢? Well, Dr. side, you have not gotten off work, how to come back?” “咦,方医生,你不是已经下班了吗,怎么回来了?” Forensic report must hand over tomorrow, can only come back to work overtime.” “有一份验尸报告明天就要交的,只能回来加班了。” Was that case of abnormal murderer...... forms the special group to say.” “是变态凶手的那件案子吧……都成立了专项小组的说。” I may go.” “我可已经去了吗。” Naturally.” “当然。” The gate guards have not stopped, very politely passing walks to this Examiner side- what is only he has not noticed, true Examiner side this little while actually still in stopping the parking lot vehicle- in tailstock box, was only peeled is left over the underpants as well as a pair of sock. 门卫没有阻拦,很是客气地给这位方法医给通行走-只是他没有留意到的是,真正的方法医这会儿其实还在停车场的车子里-在车尾箱里,被剥得只剩下底裤以及一双袜子。 ...... …… Dark green blue The forensic medicine of the world has not surpassed the Nan Xiaonan knowledge node is too many- removes beyond the monster study. 【苍蓝】世界的法医学并没有超出南小楠的知识点太多-除掉妖怪学之外。 She splits the corpse time, actually a habit person, then plays the terrifying music and so on...... this to be able in the dissecting room more dedicated. 她剖尸的时候,其实习惯一个人,然后在解剖室里放点儿恐怖音乐之类……这能让人更专注一些。 However to exempt will present anything to trouble, she can only defer to truly Examiner side habit comes...... clipped on the recording pen after neckband, Nan Xiaonan lifted arrange/cloth on the surgery table, began officially. 不过为免会出现什么麻烦,她只能按照真正的【方法医】的习惯来……在领口处别上了录音笔之后,南小楠掀开了手术台上的布,正式动手了。 Said, yesterday I was exploded one time by you bewilderedly, was this little while operates several blades to you, averages?” “说起来,昨天我莫名其妙被你炸了一次,这会儿给你开几刀,也算是扯平了吧?” She thought aloud, is sizing up the present corpse earnestly. 她自言自语似的,认真地打量着眼前的尸体。 The picture has is announced in hot cloud height campus network, the big probability is the murderer disseminates, but saw the material object after at this time, Nan Xiaonan for murderer special feels aesthetically surprised. 照片是有被公布在火云高的校园网之中的,大概率是凶手散播,但此时看见了实物之后,南小楠还是不禁为凶手的特殊审美而感到惊讶。 The size of arm and thigh is different, actually without the means sutures very well, therefore the murderer chooses is the calf of dead shuts off, as the matter stands, the fracture and fracture of arm shoulder of place knee place, few. 手臂与腿部的大小不同,其实没有办法很好地缝合,所以凶手选择地是将死者的小腿切断,这样一来,膝盖处的断口与手臂肩膀处的断口,就相无几。 Idea is good, the technique of suturing is slightly rough, possibly is first committing a crime?” Nan Xiaonan is inspecting the sutured place carefully, wound side gate presents red, the wound has the eversion slightly sign...... is the vital injury.” “想法挺好的,不过缝合的手法略显粗糙,可能是第一次作案?”南小楠细致地检查着被缝合的地方,“伤口侧门呈现出红色,伤口有略微外翻的迹象……是生前伤。” Lower part has is seriously destroyed......” “下体有被严重破坏过……” Has not inspected the body fluid to remain......” “没有检查到体液残留……” Stomach......” “胃部……” Throat bone by direct crumb?” “喉骨被直接捏碎?” My goodness......” “好家伙……” ...... …… Was busy at work most in the evening, Nan Xiaonan took off the mask, stretches oneself well satisfied, splits the corpse the addiction to cross slightly, she is reorganizing the report of autopsy. 忙活了大半晚上,南小楠才脱下了口罩,心满意足地伸了伸懒腰,剖尸的瘾稍稍过了,她正在整理着验尸的报告。 This thing must put at Examiner side The front, finally to this medical examiner hypnosis, making him think that oneself really had the experience of autopsy, matter ended even perfectly...... 这玩意还要摆在【方法医】的面前,最后对这位法医催眠一下,让他认为自己真有验尸的经历,事情就算是完了……完美。 She thinks like this. 她是这样想的。 But she actually forgot, oneself always the luck compares the back, goes out cannot withstand the almanac the words, has pit possibility anytime- the gate of room shoved open suddenly. 但她却忘记了,自己历来运气都比较背,出门不堪黄历的话,随时都有掉坑的可能-房间的门突然推开了。 Afterward wears the brown windproof coat, small beard, look to the middle-aged man half step walked, old side! Forensic report?” 随后一名穿着土黄色风衣,小胡子,神色冲冲的中年男人快步走了进来,“老方啊!验尸报告出了吗?” Middle-aged man behind, follows at this time a look bad young girl: Red child. 中年男人的身后,此时还跟着一名神色不善的少女:红孩。 Horse... Sir Ma?” Nan Xiaonan blinks, her body instinct put out a hand to pinch own thigh- this TM isn't having a dream? “马…马SIR?”南小楠不禁眨了眨眼睛,她身子本能似地伸手捏了捏自己的大腿-这TM的不是在做梦? You usually did not shout me Old Ma?” The middle-aged windproof coat male... Officer Ma knits the brows, but does not have extremely to care: Let alone these, report?” “你平时不都喊我老马的吗?”中年风衣男…马警官皱了皱眉,但没太过在意:“别说这些了,报告?” Also is really... Sir Ma? 还真是…马SIR Or yes Dark green blue Sir Ma of the world? 或者说,是【苍蓝】世界的马SIR Nan Xiaonan calms down slightly, although is accidental/surprised, but not cannot Accept Sub-World real is very complex, but if compares with it is the one by one different parallel world, can actually understand very well. 南小楠稍稍定了定神,虽然意外,但并非不能接受-子世界的真实很复杂,但如果将它比作是一个个不同的平行世界的话,其实又能很好地理解。 So long as is not these already own legend unified fellow, the average person was very easy to find another in parallel world. 只要不是那些已经将自己的传说统一的家伙,普通人是很容易在平行世界找到另外一个自己。 As for unified method ten points of legend, moreover all sorts of strange and unusual- even during was void also spread a technique of special side door-, so long as got rid of each Sub-World, left behind last, was a unification. 至于传说的统一手段十分之多,而且千奇百怪-甚至虚空之中还流传了一种特别偏门的手法-只要将每一个子世界的自己都干掉,留下最后一个自己的话,也算是一种统一。 Other name: I kill me. 又名:我杀我自己。 ...... …… Dark green blue Is the Officer Ma mark Sir Ma 2.0? 姑且,将【苍蓝】的马警官标记为马SIR2.0吧? This must tell boss? 这要告诉老板的吧? Nan Xiaonan is going against at this time Examiner side The waistcoat, Sir Ma appearance of 2.0 with red child, interrupted her original plan...... this hot cloud city Princess, How can 2.0 mix together with Sir Ma? 南小楠此时顶着【方法医】的马甲,马SIR2.0与红孩的出现,打断了她原先的计划……这火云市的【公主】,怎么会和马SIR2.0混在一起的? This is what CP combination...... 这是什么CP组合啊…… She is hesitating the say/way: Had just inspected, had the preliminary result. As for pharmacology analysis, but also requires some time, but... the lethal reason found.” 她沉吟着道:“刚检查过,有初步的结果了。至于药理分析,还需要一些时间,不过…致死的原因找到了。” How does Padan die?” The red child voice sank slightly...... cannot calm down. “巴丹是怎么死的?”红孩声音稍沉……沉不住气了。 Nan Xiaonan has not spoken, but knit the brows looked at Sir Ma 2.0, Sir Ma 2.0 said hastily: old side, she now is also the member of special group, moreover vice-chairman.” 南小楠没说话,只是皱眉地看了眼马SIR2.0,马SIR2.0连忙道:“老方啊,她现在也是专项小组的成员,而且还是副组长。” Has the right really to act in a self-serving manner... 有权真的可以为所欲为嘛… Nan Xiaonan shrugs, „the dead suffered almost suffering of trouble-maker before the body, the injury on her body, before finding multi- executions, created, moreover her both hands both legs , conducted...... her who sutures to be by the murderer before the death, looks that own body was made this behavior.” 南小楠耸耸肩,“死者在身前遭受了几乎是非人的折磨,在她的身上,找到了多处死前所造成的伤势,另外她的双手双腿,也是在死亡之前被凶手进行缝合的……她应该是,看着自己的身体被作出这种行为。” Bastard......” “混蛋……” The palm of red child pressed firmly between the fingers the corner of table instantaneously...... the table corner, direct dissolve. 红孩的手掌瞬间捏住了桌子的一角……桌角,直接溶化。 Nan Xiaonan in the heart one cold, split the corpse is too happy a moment ago, then bumped into Sir Ma 2.0, almost forgot, this Dark green blue Especially is an immortal civilized potential surface, subordinates Heavenly Court. 南小楠心中一凛,刚才剖尸太开心了,接着又碰到了马SIR2.0,差点就忘记了,这【苍蓝】特么是一个仙道文明的位面,隶属天庭 Red child young lady, please be calm.” Sir Ma 2.0 calm down hastily. “红孩小姐,请你冷静一下。”马SIR2.0连忙劝住。 I am all right.” Red child took a deep breath, said solemnly: Examiner side, please continue, I will not burn your.” “我没事。”红孩深呼吸了一口气,沉声道:“方法医,请你继续吧,我不会烧死你的。” True mortal wound, was the throat by the crumb.” Nan Xiaonan nods saying: These that actually, before her dies suffers looks like, perhaps even non- crumb her throat, how long she cannot boil......, but murderer as if for some reasons, direct crumb her throat. Perhaps is afraid is discovered, perhaps rushes to time, there is a possibility, is the murderer wants the dead before the point of death, looks how oneself are killed.” “真正的致命伤,是喉咙被捏碎了。”南小楠点点头道:“其实,按照她死前遭受的这些看来,即便是不捏碎她的喉咙,她恐怕也熬不了多久……但凶手似乎出于某种原因,才直接捏碎了她的咽喉。或许是害怕被发现,或许是赶时间,也有可能,是凶手想要死者在临死之前,看着自己是如何被杀死的。” What meaning is this saying?” Sir Ma 2.0 wrinkled frowns. “这话是什么意思?”马SIR2.0不禁皱了皱眉头 Today's old is side learned very much? 今天的老方很有料啊? It is not usually sluggish, is not willing to say several, will for fear that annoy troublesome upper body, in the morning on and other at noon, at noon on and other, in the afternoon field, on the wait class...... 平时不都是慢吞吞的,也不愿多说几句,生怕会惹麻烦上身似的,上午就等中午,中午就等三点三,下午场之后就等下班…… I in the both legs place of dead......, the present was the both arms, discovered some bruise above.” Nan Xiaonan thinks saying: how about this, Sir Ma, you lie down, I make a demonstration to you, you understand.” “我在死者的双腿处……嗯,现在是双臂了,在上面发现了一些瘀伤。”南小楠想了想道:“这样吧,马SIR,你躺下来,我给你做个演示,你就明白的了。” Sir Ma 2.0 dull lay down, today's old side will really be learned...... should not be that crowd in drawn game will thicken is the same, will the idea try to want in the front of red child to display? 马SIR2.0呆呆了躺了下来,今天的老方果然有料……该不会也是和局里的那群加厚一样,想法设法地想要在红孩的面前表现吧? As such.” Nan Xiaonan does not have the Sir Ma 2.0 such wishful thinkings, at this time the direct both legs knelt to press in his arm place, later both hands pressed firmly between the fingers his throat. “像这样。”南小楠却没有马SIR2.0那么的的小心思,此时直接双腿跪压在了他的手臂处,随后双手捏住了他的咽喉。 Really do not pinch......” “别真的捏……” „...... The murderer should be this appearance at that time.” Nan Xiaonan said directly: Is suppressing the dead directly, is staying the condition of looking at each other with the dead, then both hands start to make an effort. The murderers should be wish make the dead see clearly oneself appearance before dying...... this possibly are the approach of declaring the authority, speculated that the murderer masculine possibility is bigger.” “……凶手当时应该就是这个样子。”南小楠直接说道:“正面地压制着死者,与死者保持着对视的状态,然后双手开始用力。凶手应该是想要让死者在死前看清楚自己的样子……这可能是一种宣示着自己权威的做法,推测凶手男性的可能性更大一些。” The heat wave raids together. 一道热浪袭来。 The red child whole body braves the blazing aura, a lot of sparks/Mars glitters in her long hair does not listen to...... the high temperature, the smoke feeling installment of instantaneous side room exuded the ear-piercing cry, later sprays water! 红孩浑身都冒着炽热的气息,大量的火星在她的长发之间闪烁不听……高温,瞬间方房间的烟感装置发出了刺耳的叫声,随后喷水! I am very calm! Who haven't I set on fire...... to give to close this noisy alarm sound? I must burn this broken place!” “我很冷静!我已经没有放火了……谁给关了这吵死人的警报声?我要烧了这个破地方!” The warning eventually relieved, the fire clouds that Police Department evaded a total destruction. 警报最终还是解除了,火云警局躲过了一次灭顶之灾。 Looks the red child who the anger subsides gradually, Nan Xiaonan shakes, suddenly hid a document quietly behind. 看着怒火渐渐平息的红孩,南小楠手一抖,忽然将一份文件悄悄地藏到了身后。 What are you hiding?” “你藏着什么?” The ghosts know how she does discover? 鬼知道她是怎么发现的? The Nan Xiaonan complexion changes, but the red child actually spread the palm directly, with unquestionable language said angrily: Hands over!” 南小楠脸色微变,可红孩却直接摊出了手掌,用不容置疑的语气道:“交出来!” „The heart of dead cast off.” Nan Xiaonan has to sigh, „...... should be the murderer who operates after the back killed a person, again the heart gives the excision.” “死者的心脏被摘掉了。”南小楠只好叹了口气,“从背后开刀的……应该是凶手杀完了人之后,再将心脏给摘除的。” Bang-!! 砰-!! The flame, such as fireworks is radiant, today the hot cloud city police station headquarters, light the fireworks. 火光,如烟火般璀璨,今天火云市警察局总部,放烟花啦。 „...... Is catching fire!!!” “着……着火了!!!” ...... …… ...... …… „Does black star, the evening have the firework now?” ox Daguang lay before the lathe curiously, looks at the position that got angry very much curiously, „did there seem like Police Department?” “黑星,今晚上有烟花表演吗?”牛大广好奇地趴在了车床前,很是好奇地看着那冒火的位置,“那里好像是警局?” Had not heard.” The black star sits straightly, both hands placed the knee place, the corner of the eye swept in the outside flame place, did not have to care many greatly. “没有听说。”黑星笔直地坐着,双手放在了膝盖处,眼角只是在外边的火光处一扫而过,就没多大在意。 Always felt that a little bored......” cow retracted greatly broadly the vision, black star, I felt that our person or the belt/bring were short......, goes back to prepare again?” “总感觉有点闷得慌……”牛大广缩回了目光,“黑星,我感觉咱这次人还是带少了……要不,回去再准备准备?” Today's combat troops, have been able to quell a small-scale capital city.” Black star said indifferently: Only if the demons princess deploys the army of demons ghost country's, her single horse, cannot rush to front of you otherwise, boss.” “今天的战斗部队,已经可以荡平一个小型都城了。”黑星淡然道:“除非罗刹公主动用罗刹鬼国的部队,否者她单人匹马,是闯不到您面前的,老板。” This......” cow shrank the neck greatly broadly. “这样吗……”牛大广缩了缩脖子。 At this time, this underwent massive explosion-proof processing, safety coefficient full, the construction cost almost tied hot cloud city one year of GDP extended version speeding car, slowly landing. 此时,这辆经过了大量的防爆处理,安全系数点满,造价几乎追平了火云市一年GDP的加长版飞车,缓缓降落。 Descended in front of Dr. clinic. 降落在了洛医生的诊所门前。 Just like the previous time, the chaotic street had been proposed to clean up, all around is much more peaceful, Warrior of one team of whole body arming composed the human wall, delivered to the gate of clinic , before ox Daguang rapidly. 与上一次一样,乱糟糟的街道已经被提请清理过了,四周安静得可怕,一队浑身武装的战士组成了人墙,将牛大广迅速地送到了诊所的门前。 Mr. ox, is also very energetic today.” miss maid offers scented tea for the customer as always. “牛先生,今天也很精神呢。”女仆小姐一如既往地为顾客奉上花茶 ox Daguang is actually afraid this thing to be virulent, from the start did not plan drinks...... fears death, seems like his matter for a lifetime. 只是牛大广却害怕这玩意有毒,压根不打算喝……怕死,似乎是他一辈子的事情。 In boss study room. 还是老板的书房里。 This cow was greatly broad took the black star, probably to embolden. 只是这次牛大广死活带上了黑星,像是为了壮胆。 Dr.! You give my small pill, really effective! The effect cannot dispute! The time of only pitifully maintaining was too short.” ox Daguang coming up access road/simply said: Your this medicine, I all wrapped, many old ox I want many! Later, you give me exclusive supplies type of pill!” “洛医生!你给我的小药丸,真的管用!效果没的说啊!只可惜维持的时间太短了。”牛大广上来便道:“你这种药,我全包了,有多少老牛我要多少!以后,你就给我独家供给这种药丸吧!” old ox is filthy rich, the entire hot cloud city, over seven entirely succeed is his industry, this has not calculated that also has in other capital city even heaven The branch of group...... rich can act in a self-serving manner! 老牛财大气粗啊,整个火云市,超过七成都是他的产业,这还不算在别的都城也有【平天】集团的分部……有钱是可以为所欲为的! Boss Luo smiled saying with a smile: Mr. ox you determined that wanted the entire package.” 洛老板笑了笑道:“牛先生你确定要全包了吗。” old ox big hand wields said: Does not have the issue! How many do you have?!” 老牛大手一挥道:“没问题!你有多少?!” Boss Luo thinks saying: My here words, should be able to produce infinitely.” 洛老板想了想道:“我这边的话,应该是可以无限生产。” Infinite......” old ox opened the opens the mouth, cannot help but hesitating the say/way: Good, so long as there is a formula, can produce...... how about this casually, old ox under my name also has pharmaceutical company, or did you sell to me the formula of this medicine? I bought out directly!” “无限……”老牛张了张口,不由得沉吟着道:“不错,只要有药方的话,就可以随便生产……这样吧,老牛我名下也有药业公司,要不你将这种药的药方卖给我?我直接买断了!” Boss Luo by the tone of ordinary businessman: Mr. ox, how you feel this medicine effect.” 洛老板以普通生意人的口吻道:“牛先生,你觉得这种药的效果如何。” Very good! Cannot be good! Simply is the wonder drug!” “很好!不能再好了!简直是神药啊!” Boss Luo said: Mr. ox, you said the person who wants to buy this medicine, will have many.” 洛老板道:“牛先生,你说想要买这种药的人,会有多少。” ox Daguang started to knit the brows, the sound sank all of a sudden: Dr., I respects you to shout you a Dr....... you should know, who my old ox is. This formula, old ox I today is to decide! Naturally, old ox I am very always just, could not owe absolutely you. You can ask an outrageous price, but does not give, but must look at old ox my mood. The black star, comes out with the skill, making Dr. enlarge ones vision!” 牛大广开始皱眉了,声音一下子就沉了下来:“洛医生,我尊敬你才喊你一声洛医生的……你应该知道,俺老牛是什么人。这药方,老牛我今天是要定了!当然,老牛我一向很公道,绝对亏不了你。你可以漫天要价,但给不给,还得看老牛我的心情。黑星,拿点本事出来,让洛医生开开眼!” Then, ox Daguang depends toward the chairback on, both hands hold the chest, confident, today ate! 说罢,牛大广往椅背上一靠,双手抱胸,胸有成竹,今天吃定了! Therefore the giant black star body started to have the change, its skin started such as rocking of fluid, the change, finally as if covered a silver hard shell from top to bottom. 于是巨大的黑星身体开始出现了变化,它的皮肤开始如流体似的晃动,变化,最终浑身上下仿佛都镀上了一层银色的硬壳。 This is the Kunlun Mountains custom-made special edition Yellow turbans person of great strength Level humanoid magic weapon, all Dark green blue Not over three!” ox Daguang treads the ox muzzle saying: You know that old ox I on black star, how many treasure pounded?” “这是昆仑定制的特别版【黄巾力士】级类人型法宝,全【苍蓝】不会超过三个!”牛大广蹬着牛鼻子道:“你知道老牛我在黑星身上,砸了多少宝贝吗?” Then, before black on-board, by the terrifying pressure, pressure on Boss Luo. 然后,黑星上前,以恐怖的威压,压向了洛老板 The next second, miss maid narrowed the eye, ox Daguang does not know that what happened, sees the both arms of black star to be picked up and unload, this entire Dark green blue Not over three Yellow turbans person of great strength The special edition was thrown directly. 下一秒,女仆小姐眯起了眼睛,牛大广也不知道发生了什么事情,就见黑星的双臂被直接卸了下来,紧接着这全【苍蓝】不会超过三个的【黄巾力士】特别版就被直接扔了出去。 Mr. ox, cannot use the violence here.” miss maid blinks. “牛先生,不能在这里使用暴力呢。”女仆小姐眨了眨眼睛。 ox Daguang also blinks. 牛大广也眨了眨眼睛。 TM...... just what happened?? TM的……刚刚发生了什么事情?? This pretty young nurse, such fierce...... 这娇滴滴的小护士,这么猛的嘛…… ox Daguang hit to tremble instantaneously, he feared death, went out biggest taking advantage is the black star...... the black star is not, his whole body was uncomfortable, is good not to have the security sense! 牛大广瞬间打了个寒颤,他本来就怕死,出门最大的依仗就是黑星……黑星不在,他浑身难受,好没有安全感! My my my my my I...... I will pay a visit another day again!” “我我我我我我……我改天再来登门拜访!” Instigated. 怂。 Instantaneously, ox Daguang then holds two arms that the black star was unloaded, dashes directly, buys the formula the matter not to discuss that the degree of fearing death may be called extremely...... the enormous and powerful combat troops, instantaneously toward even heaven The building hurries back. 瞬间,牛大广便抱起了黑星被卸下来的两手臂,直接飞奔而出,买药方的事情也不谈了,怕死的程度堪称绝顶……浩浩荡荡的战斗部队,瞬间往【平天】大厦赶回。 Probably really frightened this Mr. ox.” Before miss maid gate, looks into this that enormous and powerful combat troops, her make a move is very light, very light. “好像是真的吓到这位牛先生了。”女仆小姐门前眺望这那浩荡的战斗部队,她出手已经很轻,很轻的了。 Recently the happy feeling the bursting, did not raise vigorously the oppressive person daily. 最近幸福感天天爆棚,都提不起劲虐人好吗。 . 正要回去。 Happen to no one disturbed. 正好没人打扰了。 Then...... 然后…… But at this time. 可就在这个时候。 Well? When here... opened a clinic to come.” “咦?这里…什么时候开了一家诊所来着。” The before gate of clinic, a man has doubts raise one's head to look at anything-, when he saw clearly the male and female time before clinic gate, even also revealed color of the surprise. 诊所的门前,一名男子疑惑地抬头看着什么-当他看清楚了诊所门前的男女时候,甚至还露出了一丝诧异之色。 „Aren't you... school doctor?” “你不是…洛校医?” Hello, young tiger teacher.” Boss Luo smiling faintly said at this time: Is interested in coming to sit.” “你好,小虎老师。”洛老板此时微微一笑道:“有兴趣进来坐一坐吗。” In the dim light of night, the young tiger teacher stood in front of clinic at a loss, then unexpected happening...... nods. 夜色里,小虎老师茫然地站在了诊所的门前,然后鬼使神差似的……点了点头。 He wants, wants...... to go. 他想要进去,想要进去……进去。 Has sound together at heart, at this time is urging him...... 心里有一道声音,此时正在催促着他……
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