TTC :: Volume #16

#27: Social death of miss maid

One crowd of deaths after headed by Lyon Bell, variation cavalry, when Mr. Yak leads in years Qingcun the militiaman to arrive, instantaneously had the response. 以里昂贝尔为首的一群死亡后变异的骑兵,在雅克先生带领年青村中民兵到来的时候,瞬间就有了反应。 Fearful cavalry who this crowd did not say, has besieged instantaneously. 这群不言的可怕骑兵,瞬间就已经围攻上来。 The warhorse, the weapon, the blood-stained armor, the muddy white eyeball...... all these all elements, the front constituted painting a just like Hades in Yak Mr. and the others directly. 战马,武器,染血的铠甲,还有浊白色的眼球……这一切一切的元素,直接在雅克先生等人的面前构成了一副宛如冥府的画作。 They face is not the savage native of Bourgogne cavalry, what they face is more fearful than it, like devil same monster! 他们面对的不是凶残的勃艮第人骑兵,他们面对的是比之更加可怕的,如同魔鬼一样的怪物! I... I do not deal with these fellows!” “我…我不要对付这些家伙!” Under the fear, a master takes the youth of mallet, yelled, turning around to flee- is only how he possibly to pass through from Battle Armor of cavalry. 恐惧之下,一名手拿着木枪的青年,大叫了一声之后,转身就想要逃离-只是他怎么可能从骑兵的战甲之中穿过。 He attempts to lie on the ground, attempts to escape from the crotch of warhorse, then a fought the spear/gun to stab directly his body...... the cavalry on warhorse, at this time will fight the spear/gun to hold up directly. 他尝试着趴在地上,企图从战马的胯下逃脱,然后一柄战枪直接刺中了他的身体……战马上的骑兵,此时更是直接将战枪举起。 The body of young militiaman, was therefore lifted up high. 年青民兵的身体,也因此而被高举了起来。 Others are struggling and wailing in the midair painfully, may be this, his body then along fighting the spear/gun falls little. 他人在半空之中痛苦地挣扎与哀嚎着,可越是这样,他的身体便沿着战枪一点点地滑落下来。 The people do not endure to look at this cruel one, lowers the head much instantaneously. 众人不忍看这残忍一幕,不少瞬间低头下去。 Devil!” “恶魔!” Mr. Yak is startled at this time fears and gets angry, his brain almost blank, the arm actually waves the weapon, the body is wielding a sword to go to the cavalries with the instinct. 雅克先生此时又惊又恐又怒,他大脑几乎一片空白,手臂却挥舞着武器,身体凭着本能向骑兵们挥剑而去。 Begins a new career late in life practice after a period of time sword technique, perhaps even the crude person is not, however even so, Mr. Yak is in the village a substantial number of strong strengths. 只是半路出家练习过一段时间的剑术,甚至半吊子恐怕也算不上,然而即便如此,雅克先生已经是村中为数不少的强大战力。 But at this time, a big sword actually chops directly the treasured sword of Mr. Yak! 但此时,一把大剑却直接将雅克先生的宝剑劈断! This treasured sword, before obviously wants Mr. Bjarke, takes away Wild rose mansion That wanting preciously many...... this is the antique that Mr. Yak in the family/home collects, before it spoke the truth is also less, in Wild rose mansion Lent the sharpness and hardness of Luo Qiu use. 这把宝剑,明显要比雅克先生之前带去【蔷薇公馆】的那把要名贵不少……这是雅克先生家里收藏的古董,其实说起来还不及之前在【蔷薇公馆】借给了洛邱使用的锋利和坚硬。 Although this treasured sword is precious, what is pure is only the thing of watching. 这宝剑虽然名贵,但纯粹的只是观赏之物而已。 On this time, the big sword not only cut off the treasured sword of Mr. Yak, shook him directly threw down after the ground...... fell to the ground, Mr. Yak looks at person of the repelling panic-stricken! 就这个时候,大剑不仅仅将雅克先生的宝剑斩断,更是将他震得直接摔倒了在地上……倒地之后,雅克先生惊恐不已地看着将自己击退之人! Lyon Bell! 里昂贝尔! The young cavalry team leader of that native of Bourgogne, single-handed can brandish the fearful fellow of both hands big sword freely...... this time Lyon Bell, was more fearful! 那个勃艮第人的年青骑兵队长,单手就能够自如挥舞双手大剑的可怕家伙……此时的里昂贝尔,更加可怕了! Saw that Lyon Bell waves the big sword again, resembles to want Mr. Yak to cut off directly around the middle, the sound that calls out together resounds suddenly! 眼看着里昂贝尔再次舞动大剑,似想要将雅克先生直接拦腰斩断,一道暴喝的声音猛然响起! Walks quickly!” “快走!” Sees only a wood/blockhead vehicle that transports the grocery to use, at this time is dashing to come fast......, but promotes the person of this wood/blockhead vehicle in the back, impressively as Mr. Atha who Chios the outsider arrives at the Domremy village! 只见一架运送杂货用的木头车子,此时正在飞快的冲撞而来……而在背后推动这辆木头车子的人,赫然是作为外乡人而来到栋雷米村的阿萨谢斯先生! Was you......” Mr. Yak revealed the inconceivable color. “是你……”雅克先生露出了不可思议之色。 The wood/blockhead vehicle, under promotion of Atha Chios boss, hit the warhorse directly, making is sieging the cavalry lineup present a gap-, not only that the wood/blockhead vehicle hit at this time directly to the young team leader of troop: Lyon Bell! 木头车子,在阿萨谢斯老板的推动之下,直接撞开了战马,让围困着的骑兵阵形出现了一个缺口-不仅如此,此时木头车子更是直接撞向了骑兵队的年青队长:里昂贝尔! Escapes quickly!” Mr. Atha Chios drank one greatly. “快逃啊!”阿萨谢斯先生大喝了一声。 Mr. Yak quickly grasps the meaning of something with a villagers soldier immediately, looks at the broken gap, fierce wells up! 雅克先生与一众的村民兵顿时一个激灵,看着被打破的缺口,猛一下地涌上! At this time Mr. Atha Chios inserting got angry in the wood/blockhead car(riage) taking, being regarded as the weapon makes same, wields...... him not to think that before a cavalry crazily this flare can cope with these cavalries, but hopes that the flare can make the warhorse alarm, thus chaotic the position of cavalry! 此时阿萨谢斯先生则是将插在了木头车上火把拿下,当作是武器使一样,在一众的骑兵面前疯狂地挥动着……他不想这火把能够对付得了这些骑兵,只是希望火把能够让战马惊动,从而乱了骑兵的阵脚! But what didn't expect is, is first thrown into confusion instead is not the warhorse, but is the cavalry above warhorse. 没想到的是,最先乱了阵脚的反而不是战马,而是战马之上的骑兵。 Do this group of cavalries, fear the fire? 这群骑兵,怕火? Instantaneously, Mr. Atha Chios in the heart had such speculation......, but he pondered without enough time, turns around the straw ignition on wood/blockhead vehicle directly, later is pushing the wood/blockhead vehicle of combustion, dashes to go again! 瞬间,阿萨谢斯先生心中有了这样的推测……但他来不及细想,直接转身将木头车上的稻草点燃,随后推着燃烧的木头车子,再次冲撞而去! With the Nan Xiaonan words...... 南小楠的话来说…… Simply fierce!” “简直猛的一匹!” The distant place, sees this its Sub-World succuba, dumbfounded- how she has not thought, this Atha Chios boss like this fierce, in advance a sound did not have, said that to to/clashes......, even, but also made him successfully rescue! 远处,看见这一幕的它子世界魔女,不禁目瞪口呆-她怎也没有想到,这位阿萨谢斯老板会这样的猛,事前一点动静也没有,说冲就冲……甚至,还让他成功救援了! You also run!” “你也快跑!” Is pushing the wood/blockhead car(riage) of getting angry after the instance of Nan Xiaonan hiding place, Atha Chios boss was not busy bellows...... Nan Xiaonan this little while almost to curse at people. 推着冒火的木头车经过南小楠藏身地方的瞬间,阿萨谢斯老板不忙大吼了一声……南小楠这会儿差点就想要骂人的了。 The old ladies are here careless... hide well, you expose me to make anything!! 老娘在这里苟…藏得好好的,你暴露我做啥子哦!! But the unrest the troop of moment, quickly then restored, at this time is pushing Atha Chios of getting angry wood/blockhead car(riage), is completely night brightest that boy, wants unable to see is not good. 但骚乱了片刻的骑兵队,很快便恢复了过来,此时推着冒火木头车的阿萨谢斯,完全就是夜里最亮的那个boy,想要看不见都不行。 The troop who rallies shortly raids again . Moreover the direction that is at toward oneself comes, a Nan Xiaonan face black from hiding to crawl. 眼看重振旗鼓的骑兵队再次袭来,而且还是朝着自己所在的方向而来,南小楠不禁一脸黑的从藏身地爬出。 You come with me!” Mr. Yak then said at this time fast: We are delay this group of cavalries, good and other villagers to evacuate...... they should evacuate similarly, we get rid of this crowd of monsters through the terrain of village, they are riding the warhorse, acts in the village cannot the side......” “你们跟我来!”雅克先生此时回头飞快地说道:“我们是来拖延这群骑兵,好等村民能够撤离的……他们应该撤离得差不多了,我们通过村子的地形来摆脱这群怪物,他们骑着战马,在村子里行动不会很方……” The words have not spoken, see only two cavalries to dash the fence of house courtyard... even to dash the house of villagers directly directly, battering, is slightly not affected. 话没有说话,只见两名骑兵直接撞破了屋舍院子的围墙…甚至直接撞破了村民的房子,横冲直撞,丝毫不受影响。 This crowd of monsters! This crowd of monsters!” Yak climate shouted abuse hastily! “这群怪物!这群怪物!”雅克顿时气得连忙破口大骂! Nan Xiaonan in the heart was also obloquying. 南小楠心中也在大骂。 So long as the old lady can the star create one time, is insufficient distressedly like this. 只要老娘能星创一次,也不至于这样的狼狈。 Damn, miss maid said that is because here rule does not permit, what does here rule permit? The dead spirit same cavalries braved! Does not bring to play like this! 该死,女仆小姐说是因为这里的规则不允许,但这里的规则允许什么?亡灵一样的骑兵都冒出来了!不带这样玩的! Falls face down!” “趴下!” In the confusion, the familiar sound resounds together...... hears this sound the instance, does not know why Mr. Atha Chios remembered the exploration group to enter the forest to bump into the instance of wild wild boar subconsciously for the first time. 混乱之中,一道熟悉的声音响起……听到这声音的瞬间,不知道为何阿萨谢斯先生下意识的想起了探索组第一次进入森林碰到狂暴野猪的瞬间。 He has almost not thought, the body instinct threw toward the front road. 他几乎没有多想,身体本能地就往前面的路扑了下去。 Sees only in the nighttime sky, as if tossed into an oil pot by whom, later lit the feather arrow, directly falls in the oil pot shoots instantaneously! 只见夜空之中,似乎被谁抛入了一个油壶,随后一根点燃了羽箭,直接在油壶落下的瞬间射来! Bang-! 砰-! The oil pot of seal exploded one group of roaring flame...... the roaring flame to disperse in the midair instantaneously immediately, by way of blasting out the fat, sprinkled the body of this group of cavalries directly! 密封的油壶瞬间在半空之中炸成了一团烈焰……烈焰随即散开,经由炸开的油脂,直接洒落到了这群骑兵的身上! The fat attaches above the body of cavalry, the flame starts the rapid spread, the warhorse of cavalries immediately becomes startled, is hard-to-control, many falls the ground the cavalry directly! 油脂依附在骑兵的身体之上,火焰开始迅速的蔓延,骑兵们的战马顿时变得惊慌,难以控制,不少更是直接将骑兵摔到地上! In that side!” “在那边!” At this time, a young militiaman puts out a hand a finger/refers. 此时,一名年青民兵伸手一指。 Sees only above the private residence in village, at this time is having form together, above the roof of house, the rapid climbing up movement...... the moment, this person's shadow ejected the oil pot to the nighttime sky again, later lights the feather arrow to defeat. 只见在村庄的民房之上,此时正有一道身影,在房子的屋顶之上,迅速的攀爬移动……才不过了片刻,这道人影再一次向夜空抛出油壶,随后点燃羽箭击破。 The second oil pot made the fire intensity more violent, only heard whiz whiz whiz the sound of breaking space to get up, advantage arrows, hit on receiving flame attack the face of cavalry. 第二个油壶让火势更加的猛烈了,只听见嗖嗖嗖的破空之声响起,一支支的利箭,纷纷命中在受到火焰侵袭的骑兵的脸上。 Has not arrived at each arrow to be able the hit cavalry forehead center degree, has not actually failed...... the feather arrow is all goes toward this group of cavalry soldiers' face greeting unexpectedly, the archery of person of make a move can be inferred! 没有到每一根箭都能够命中骑兵额头中心的程度,却也没有落空……羽箭竟是全部都往这群骑兵的脸招呼而去,出手之人的箭术可见一斑! Finally, after a round output, the form of archery stopped, she stood in one at this time from the roof in people recent house above. 终于,一轮的输出之后,射箭的身影停了下来,她此时就站在了一间距离众人最近的房子的楼顶之上。 The complementing each other of moonlight and under flame, grasps is hunting for the bow, is wearing the young girl of lady long skirt, at this time lifts the bow again, made contact with the last feather arrow, the aiming. 月色与火光的交映之下,手持着猎弓,身穿着淑女长裙的少女,此时再次举弓,搭上了最后一根的羽箭,瞄准。 The bowstring contracts instantaneously, quivers the final arrow, at this time also shot to break eyes of cavalry directly. 弓弦瞬间收缩,箭筒中最后的箭,此时也直接射破了一名骑兵的眼睛。 Is she... Jeanne! Is Yak's daughter......” “是她…让娜!是雅克的女儿……” Mr. Atha Chios raise one's head, looks at this young girl under moonlight at this time. He is not even able to rescue the young girl of people this time, dresses up to relate with this upper circles of society young lady. 阿萨谢斯先生此时抬头,怔怔地看着这个在月华之下的少女。他甚至无法将此时救援了众人的少女,与她这上流社会大小姐打扮联系起来。 Jeanne, how you can......” “让娜,怎么你会……” Mr. Yak was just about to say anything at this time. 雅克先生此时正要说些什么。 The young girls actually have striven to be the first step saying: Father, does not say now these times...... leaves a bit faster is farther, this group of cavalries, must come up!” 少女却已经争先一步说道:“父亲,现在不是说这些的时候……快点离远一些,这群骑兵,要上来了!” What? They are not......” “什么?他们不是……” Mr. Yak in great surprise, then looked, is sees these cavalry flame to suppress unexpectedly. 雅克先生大惊,回头一看,竟是看见这些骑兵身上的火焰已经扑灭。 These cavalries, although had almost been fallen the warhorse, but as if no sensation of pain at this time...... even these hit a target the face strategic point by the arrow , can still stand up! 这些骑兵,虽说几乎都已经被摔下了战马,但此时却似乎没有痛觉似的……甚至那些被箭射中了面门要害的,也依然能够站起身来! Faces the imminent cavalry, the young girl is retroceding again suddenly, the form hid in into the roof people vision blind spot. 面对着再次迫近的骑兵,少女忽然后退,身影躲入了楼顶处众人视觉的盲区之中。 Sees only the young girl to rip open from thigh edge the long skirt at this time fast directly, later puts out a hand into...... instantaneous, a long sword of stone, has taken out from the skirt. 只见少女此时飞快地将长裙从大腿的边缘处直接撕开,随后伸手入内……瞬间,一柄石头的长剑,就已经从裙子里面取出。 The hand is grasping among the stones, young girl took a deep breath, arrived at front again- was standing a moment ago position, she stone dagger in hand...... 【the sword of victory Lifting up high. 手握着石间,少女深呼吸了一口气,才再次走到了前方-刚才站着的位置,她将手中的石剑……【胜利之剑】高举。 I, met the miracle!” “我,遇见了神迹!” Only hears the young girl clear and bright voice, resounds under the nighttime sky. 只听见少女清朗的声音,在夜空之下响起。 I also met Saint more/complete Eer! The belief will direct me, takes to people to hope. Holy Light will also direct me, until evil elimination!” “我亦遇见了【圣弥额尔】!信仰将指引我,带给人们希望。圣光也将指引我,直到邪恶消灭!” Because...... I am the pure white Saint sword cause!!” “因为……我乃纯白的圣剑使!!” In a twinkling, a dazzling brilliance, released from the stone dagger unexpectedly, changed to the light beam, the direct horizon went! 霎时间,一道耀眼的光辉,竟是从石剑释放,化作了光柱,直接天际而去! ...... …… The brilliance of that twinkle, not only illuminated the entire village, even the field near village, mountains! 那闪烁的光辉,不仅仅照亮了整个村庄,甚至于村庄附近的田野,山川! In village, dazzling brilliance by opening the gate, invaded in each household by the window. 村庄内,耀眼的光辉透过打开的门,透过窗户也同时侵入到了各家各户之中。 But at this time, that is used to place in the house of outsider, when the brilliance appears, when the sound reverberation of young girl, miss maid that perfect correct manners discipline presented two uncoordinated twitches suddenly. 而此时,那用来安置外乡人的房子之中,当光辉显现,当少女的声音回荡时,女仆小姐那完美的仪容冷不丁地出现了两下不协调的抽动。 That behind etiquette skill as if must break merit momentarily...... she even one is hand-held own forehead, sighed layer on layer/heavily. 那身后的礼仪功力仿佛随时都要破功似的……她甚至一手扶着自己的额头,重重地叹了口气。 I should not come . This is really......” “我不应该来的,真的。这实在是……” miss maid of this shop, suddenly had to plant is feeling the feeling of social death...... to turn the head, miss maid looks at that because the destiny system regained consciousness to lose the main consciousness temporarily, became ignorant to subdue|grams Lili. 这位店铺的女仆小姐,突然有种正感受着社会性死亡的感觉……转头,女仆小姐看着那因为天命系统苏醒而暂时失去主意识,变得浑浑噩噩的克丽丽。 She is pondering this issue. 她在思考这个一个问题。 Might as well consider as finished like this, did not give this maid young lady to install equipment...... 不如就这样算了,不给这个女佣小姐装机了…… ...... …… ...... …… I am the pure white Saint sword cause-!” “我乃纯白的圣剑使-!” The young girl final voice, just like reciting, 【The sword of victory After the light beam that shoots up to the sky vanishes, saw only the space cloud layer to reveal a holy white light! 少女最后的声音,宛如吟唱般,【胜利之剑】那冲天而起的光柱消失之后,只见天上云层露出了一片圣洁的白光! Under Holy Light, in the sky presented a huge light shadow unexpectedly...... the light shadow at this time, both hands hold the long sword, was launching behind wing slowly...... six pieces of wings! 圣光之下,天空之中竟是出现了一道巨大的光影……光影此时,双手捧着长剑,正缓缓地展开了身后的羽翼……六片的羽翼! heavens! This is the angel!!” 天啊!这是天使!!” Saint more/complete Eer...... Really is Saint more/complete Eer!” “【圣弥额尔】……真的是【圣弥额尔】!” Formerly I did not believe that but...... I believe now!” “从前我是不信的,但现在……我相信了!” Miracle, this is really the miracle!” “神迹,这真的是神迹!” Distant place, the villagers in evacuating Domremy village, when saw great Archangel light shadow that under the nighttime sky presents, knelt on the ground, held their palms together...... this time they, in abundance devout is paying respect! 远处,正在撤离的栋雷米村的村民,当看到夜空之下出现的巨大天使光影的时候,纷纷跪在了地上,双手合十……此时的他们,纷纷虔诚的参拜着! But in the middle of the village, looks at the young girl to summon the angel light shadow, a young militiaman also kneels down to pay respect instantaneously, under shining of Holy Light, their look is reverent. 而村子当中,看着少女召唤出来了天使的光影,一众的年青民兵也瞬间跪倒参拜,在圣光的照耀之下,他们神色虔诚。 Mr. Yak has not moved, but was shocked, look complex sees the daughter to lift up high the appearance of stone dagger...... another side, Nan Xiaonan is only frowns, was pondering. 雅克先生没有动,只是愣住了似的,神色复杂的看着女儿高举石剑的模样……另一边,南小楠只是皱着眉头,正在思考。 Mr. Atha Chios yes damn the expression, muttered: „Does angel... flaming the angel? Saint more/complete Eer...... This is not Blazing a day of city That? Said, here is belongs Blazing a day of city Control area? Here is......” 阿萨谢斯先生则是见鬼的表情,喃喃自语:“天使…炽天使?【圣弥额尔】……这不就是【炽天之城】的那位?这么说,难道这里是属于【炽天之城】的管辖范围?这里到底是……” Holy Light. 圣光 Atha Chios also felt at this time, with him in 【The city of freedom In limited number of times, feels Sage Holy Light on statue is basically consistent. 阿萨谢斯此时也感受到了,与他在【自由之城】之中的有限次数之中,所感受到的【圣人】雕像上的圣光基本上是一致的。 However, the crazy cavalry who Holy Light, the emergence of angel light shadow, has not let a native of Bourgogne retreats...... instead under shining of Holy Light, the cavalry of this crowd of variations became is crazier! 然而,圣光,天使光影的出现,并没有让勃艮第人的疯狂骑兵退却……反而在圣光的照耀之下,这群变异的骑兵变得更加的疯狂了! They face upward to roar, as to ascend to heaven, as to slaughter the angel...... as if to destroy Holy Light! 他们仰天咆哮着,似乎想要登天,似乎想要屠杀天使……似乎想要毁灭圣光 Angel anger. 天使怒了。 It wields a sword in the sky, chops...... a giant sword light to sweep horizontally, the native of Bourgogne cavalry in village, then under this giant sword light, instantaneous annihilation! 它在天空之中挥剑,横劈……一道巨大的剑光扫下,村內的勃艮第人骑兵,便在这巨大的剑光之下,瞬间湮灭! The sad and shrill cry seems reverberating, however after sword light, the present all have vanished, above the land, left behind a huge fissure merely! 凄厉的叫声仿佛在回荡,然而剑光过后,眼前的一切都已经消失,仅仅只是在大地之上,留下了一道巨大的裂痕! Almost lets the troop who the village perishes directly, like this in Gabriel phantom under strikes, vanishes from this world does not see. 差点就让村庄直接灭亡的骑兵队,就这样在虚影的一击之下,从这个世界上消失不见。 The strength of miracle, lets the people complexion devout color even more rich......, but in the roof is grasping 【The sword of victory The young girl, is pink and shiny at this time. 神迹的力量,让众人脸色的虔诚之色越发的浓郁……而楼顶上手持着【胜利之剑】的少女,此时脸色红润。 She implored the tone, Gabriel phantom above sky to disappear slowly slowly, finally be only one is sending out the pure white feather of glimmer piece by piece, sprinkled from the space. 她缓缓地吁了口气,天空之上的虚影缓缓消失,最后只有一片片散发着微光的洁白羽毛,从天上洒落。 The young girls put out a hand to pick up a region to enter the feather of palm, the feather conversion was the snowflake is the same, bumped vanishes does not see. 少女伸手托起了一片落入掌心的羽毛,羽毛变像是雪花一样,一碰就消失不见。 Young girl took a deep breath, looks at the people, said in a clear loud voice: Starting from today, you may shout me Saint Joan of Arc! I am Saint more/complete Eer Proxy, I will lead you, a cruel native of Bourgogne, the action of driving away will return to their ancestor's places of origin!” 少女深呼吸了一口气,看着众人,朗声道:“自即日起,你们可呼我【圣・贞德】!我乃【圣弥额尔】的代行者,我将带领你们,将残暴的勃艮第人,驱赶回到他们祖先的发源地!” The people cheer, shouting loudly Saint Joan of Arc Name. 众人欢呼,高呼着【圣・贞德】之名。 ...... …… ...... …… Windmill viewing platform that Domremy village farm, is used to mill. 栋雷米村的农场处,用来磨面的风车观景台。 On Boss Luo is taking a charcoal strip, on drawing paper of building drawing paper anything. 洛老板手上正拿着一根木炭条,在架起的画纸上画纸什么。 What he draws is this angle looks at the Domremy village that what he draws is great Archangel phantom under that nighttime sky, what he draws was that stands above the tower, is lifting up high the young girl of sword, he is still drawing, resulted in vivid and lifelike the manner picture of young girl. 他画的是这个角度看去的栋雷米村,他画的是那夜空之下的巨大天使虚影,他画的是那站在了楼台之上,高举着剑的少女,他还在画着,将少女的神态画得栩栩如生 Un...... felt badly.” “嗯……感觉差了点。” He said in a soft voice, later waves. 他轻声说道,随后挥了挥手。 Gabriel phantom in picture, vanished like this did not see. 画中的虚影,就这样消失了不见。 Boss Luo is felt probably like this satisfied, therefore on the face then had wiped the smile. 洛老板大概是感觉这样满意了些,于是脸上便才有了一抹笑容。
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