TTC :: Volume #16

#224: Dungeon master

In a dirty dungeon, has one crowd of look miserable youngster...... mostly is the young girls, has the boy of part. 一个肮脏的地牢之中,有着一群神色凄苦年轻人……大多都是少女,亦有部分的男孩。 Mattatron and 【Yulia】 study elder sister, places oneself in this environment at this time. 梅丹佐【尤利娅】学姐一行,此时就置身在这种环境之中。 They were caught by the fellow of that crowd of robber, after entering some region of ruined city, was delivered to this place. 他们是被那群强盗似的家伙抓来,进入了破败城市的某个区域之后,就被送到来了这个地方。 Here perhaps is not the den of that group of robbers-, because in the middle of this has a process of connection. 这里恐怕不是那群强盗的老巢-因为这当中存在一个交接的过程。 The robbers harvested some finance after a chancellor person hand of dungeon side, then left directly. 强盗们从地牢一方的主事人手中收获了一些财务之后,便直接离开了。 Very bad opening.” “很糟糕的开局。” After 【Yulia】 study elder sister both hands gripped the door lock of dungeon iron gate for a long time...... for a long time, shakes the head, this also gave Mattatron to send a signal. 【尤利娅】学姐双手握住了地牢铁门的门锁许久……许久之后才摇摇头,这也给梅丹佐释放了一个信号。 Here, she is not even able to conduct Star Creation. 在这里,她甚至连星创也无法进行。 ...... …… In the dungeon suffers injustice, can only through the food delivery time of daily fixed point, be able to maintain...... Ke Lili reluctantly to the feeling of time is entering the dungeon same day evening to wake. 地牢内不见天日,只能够通过每天定点的食物投放时间,才能够勉强地维持对时间的感觉……克丽丽在进入地牢当天的晚上就醒过来了。 The 【Yulia】 study elder sister simply after Ke Lili explained a situation, this Wild rose mansion Young maid, accidentally not extremely exciting mood, but rolled up peacefully in corner/horn corner, did not exchange. 【尤利娅】学姐简单地与克丽丽说明了一下情况之后,这位【蔷薇公馆】的小女佣,意外地没有太过激动的情绪,只是安静地蜷缩在了角角落处,也不与人交流。 But the 【Yulia】 study elder sister is good at exchanging very much- in dungeon also has the fellow who was caught much, they are very good exchange objects. 【尤利娅】学姐很擅长与人交流-地牢内还有不少被抓来的家伙,他们就是很好的交流对象。 Exchanges in the mouth of object from these, 【Yulia】 study elder sister quick then had the information about this place. 从这些交流对象的口中,【尤利娅】学姐一行很快便掌握了一些关于这个地方的信息。 At present the place that they are , the predecessor as the human habitat, is known as safely, most prosperous and stable God Yushi city, Also resists world demon God blesses Holy See Headquarters. 目前他们所在的地方,前身是作为人类栖息地之中,号称最安全,最繁荣稳定的【神佑之城】,同时也是对抗世界魔物的【神佑教廷】的总部。 However a disaster arrives, overnight, Holy See Suffers defeat and flees, the aristocrat and elite class leaves one after another, is only left over floor people, but God Yushi city Then becomes now the bleak appearance. 然而一场灾难降临,一夜之间,【教廷】败走,贵族与精英阶层相继离开,只剩下底层人们,而【神佑之城】便成为了如今荒凉的模样。 Here lost the fetter of all moral and law, to go on living, abandoned human almost anything was also...... some fellows to find some residual equipment in Holy See Headquarters, even started to make the transformations in varying degrees to the body, obtained the strength of certain extent rapidly. 这里失去了一切道德与法律的束缚,为了活下去,被遗弃的人类几乎什么也做……部分家伙在教廷总部找到了一些残留的设备,甚至开始对身体进行不同程度的改造,迅速地获得了一定程度的力量。 Quick, past was prosperous God Yushi city, Was divided the foothold that to become the one by one size varies by this group of fellows...... the illegal invasion between foothold and foothold, namely regards as the war. 很快,昔日繁荣的【神佑之城】,就被这群家伙划分成为一个个大小不一的据点……据点与据点之间的非法侵入,即视为战争。 ...... …… This is a without owner, is unable city- however in this past God Yushi city In, besides tangled warfare deliveries among the major footholds, actually still had a fearful strength, is suppressing entire God Yushi city These human. 这是一处无主,无法之城-而在这座昔日的【神佑之城】內,除了各大据点之间的混战交割之外,其实还存在了一股可怕的力量,镇压着整个【神佑之城】的这些人类 Or this fearful strength, is ruling the present God Yushi city, And ignores God Yushi city The present deterioration, takes this as happily. 或者说,这股可怕的力量,正统治着如今的【神佑之城】,并且放任着【神佑之城】如今的衰败,以此为乐。 As for the dungeon master, is actually a slave merchant. 至于地牢的主人,其实是一名奴隶商人。 This slave merchant, in the back with God Yushi city The influence of each block foothold has colluded with...... or the dungeon, can be seen as in a strong influence, and through dealing in slaves, accumulated the quite considerable wealth and survival resources. 这名奴隶商人,背地里与【神佑之城】各个街区据点的势力都有所勾结……或者说,地牢,也可以视同于一股强大的势力,并且通过贩卖奴隶,积累了相当可观的财富与生存资源。 Had the resources of survival, naturally can absorb many artificial him to work oneself to death...... more people to work oneself to death, means that the dungeon the master business can get bigger and bigger, this is a being positive and progressive circulation. 有了生存的资源,自然能吸纳更多的人为其卖命……更多的人卖命,也意味着地牢的主人生意能够越做越大,这是一个积极向上的循环。 ...... …… Does not flee God Yushi city? 不逃离【神佑之城】吗? Fled God Yushi city Where can also go? 逃离了【神佑之城】又能去什么地方? Since Holy See After suffering defeat and fleeing, the outside world also fell into the fear. 自从【教廷】败走了之后,外边的世界也陷入了恐惧之中。 Between the city-state and city-state, are flooding massive low-grade demon everywhere, many people can live to the next city-state...... even lived the next city-state, who can guarantee that is not another God Yushi city? 城邦与城邦之间,到处都充斥着大量低等级的魔物,有多少人能够活着都到下一个城邦……即使活到了下一个城邦,谁又能够保证,那将不会是另一个的【神佑之城】? Perhaps, Radha under stars, was the human final pure land......” “或许,星辰下的拉达普,才是人类最后的净土了吧……” Radha?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister blinks. “拉达普?”【尤利娅】学姐眨了眨眼睛。 Spoke with her, was a age not big young girl, was she gains one of the information important origins...... had the price- for example a mildewy bread of lunch time delivery. 与她说话的,是一名年纪不大的少女,也是她获取情报的重要来源之一……有代价的-比方说一份午餐时候投放的发霉面包。 This is a friendship of value mildewy bread! 这是价值一份发霉面包的友谊! The young girls say Raman, in God Yushi city Destroys the later family background...... this year's 15 years old- in other words, from God Yushi city Was destroyed, the world fell into scared, had passed for enough 15 years. 少女自称拉曼,是在【神佑之城】破坏之后出身的……今年十五岁了-也就是说,距离【神佑之城】被破坏,世界陷入了恐慌,已经过去了足足十五年的时间。 Yes, Radha......” in Raman eyes saw an extremely base and low hope vaguely, as well as confused, listened to the grandfather saying that was Holy See, the place that the human aristocrat and elite class departed finally...... there, human will not come under the attack of demon, was fertile, people can walk freely in the suburb, bathed the fresh wind...... Elder Sister Yuliya, did you see to cross ocean? Heard that in Radha, can see the sea......” “是啊,拉达普……”拉曼眼中依稀看到了一丝极其卑微的期盼,以及迷茫,“听爷爷说,那是教廷,人类贵族和精英阶层最后离去的地方……在那里,人类不会受到魔物的攻击,土地肥沃,人们能够自由地行走在郊外,沐浴新鲜的风……尤利娅姐姐,你见过海吗?听说在拉达普,能够看见海……” Has seen. 见过。 This is also 【Yulia】 and for the last time hears matter about this world from drawing full- that night, Raman by carry away, and has not come back again. 这也是【尤利娅】最后一次从拉满的身上听到关于这个世界的事情-那天晚上,拉曼就被带走了,并且再也没有回来。 The friendship boat, was whirled away by the monstrous waves directly. 友谊的小船,直接就被巨浪卷走了。 ...... …… Isn't right?” “不对劲啊?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister and Mattatron squatted in the corner, was discussing anything- present young youngster, is not the evening day is handsome, fair and clear appearance. 【尤利娅】学姐与梅丹佐蹲在了角落里,商量着什么-眼前的小小少年,已经不是夕日唇红齿白,白白净净的模样。 Mattatron, had become the skin and bones Appearance 【Yulia】 hungrily study elder sister situation is also similar. 梅丹佐,早就被饿成了皮包骨似的模样-【尤利娅】学姐情况也差不多。 Here, they very ordinary body condition, cannot eat to the full daily, let alone fled from this place, thought something , will be diverted the attention hungrily. 在这里,他们只是很普通的身体状态,天天吃不饱,别说逃离这个地方了,就连想些事情,也会被饥饿分散了注意力。 Even under this extremely short situation, the Celion situation is actually better than them- this is Mattatron insisted throws the reason that feeds every day with own food. 即便是在这种极短的情况之下,赛莉恩情况却比他们要好一些-这是梅丹佐每天坚持用自己的食物投喂的原因。 Ke Lili, she will also branch out one every day, gives Mattatron, is used to maintain the body of Celion- then...... then continues not to exchange. 还有克丽丽,她每天也会分出一份来,送给梅丹佐,用来维持赛莉恩的身体-然后……然后继续不与人交流。 What isn't right?” Mattatron worn out as by the moist wall, the mildewy bread will rip cautiously cleanly. “什么不对劲?”梅丹佐有气无力似的靠在了潮湿的墙上,将发霉的面包小心翼翼地撕干净。 Properly speaking, by you and my beauty, as the slave, shouldn't be the high-quality goods?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister quite squared oneself hungry skeleton face earnestly. “按理说,以你和我的姿色,作为奴隶来说,难道不应该是高级货?”【尤利娅】学姐颇为认真地摆正了自己饿的骷髅似的脸。 Mattatron blinks, then?” 梅丹佐眨了眨眼睛,“然后呢?” „Shouldn't high-quality goods, marketablily be very right?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister analyzes step by step, „, but why, couldn't we have sold?” “高级货,难道不是应该很抢手才对?”【尤利娅】学姐一步步地分析,“但为什么,我们还卖不出去?” Let alone sold, after being grasped the dungeon, they even have not seen the dungeon master one time, do not say that was sent to conduct the display and so on. 别说卖出去了,被抓进来地牢之后,他们甚至连一次也没有见过地牢的主人,更加不要说被送去进行展览之类。 Mattatron thinks saying: Probably is because poor?” 梅丹佐想了想道:“大概是因为穷?” Good reasonable?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister held breath immediately a cold air-, if were divided for the high-quality goods, by God Yushi city This survival condition , is really few individual original intentions shops one only to be the slave of toy with a lot of commodities probably at best. “好有道理?”【尤利娅】学姐顿时倒吸了口凉气-如果被划分为了高级货,以【神佑之城】这种生存状态来说,好像还真是没几个人原意用大量的物资来购物一个充其量只能做玩具的奴隶。 Must buy the slave, is Raman this beauty is probably ordinary, but should have the function that to be equally many, is the goods in great demand? 要买奴隶,大概是拉曼这种姿色普通,但是该有的功能一样不少的,才算是抢手货? Celion could not wake up, the dungeon master does not pay attention unexpectedly.” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister said at this time suddenly: I count food that a next every day put, they are actually even Celion one, there are counted.” 赛莉恩一直醒不来,地牢的主人居然不理会。”【尤利娅】学姐此时忽然说道:“我数了一下每天投放的食物,他们其实是连赛莉恩的一份,也有算上的。” Un.” “嗯。” Mattatron nods gently, obviously it also noticed this unreasonable place very early in the morning. 梅丹佐只是轻轻地点了点头,显然它也一早注意到了这不合理的地方。 Only pitifully, all information can only be closed from the dungeon the bodies of these would-be slaves obtain, based on environment that they place at present, is unhelpful. 只可惜,一切的信息只能够从地牢之中被关着的这些准奴隶的身上获得,基于他们目前身处的环境,毫无帮助。 This made these two have the fellow of controlling the forces of nature high light time outside, started to suspect that the life...... is thinking whether will really confess in this gloomy and cold moist dungeon, in the most aggrieved way, said goodbye with the life. 这不禁让这两个曾经在外边有过呼风唤雨高光时刻的家伙,开始怀疑人生……想着自己是否真的会交代在这个阴冷潮湿的地牢之中,以一种最憋屈的方式,与生命告别。 The bonus is to study elder sister type can specially the careless fellow, over time, somewhat could not sit still. 饶是学姐这种特别能苟的家伙,随着时间的流逝,也有些坐不住了。 Day-by-day in the past, was stressed into dungeon one month later, the anxiety of 【Yulia】 study elder sister in the heart, was almost the maximum degree. 一天天过去,被抓入了地牢的一个月之后,【尤利娅】学姐心中的不安,几乎达到了最大的程度。 She must plan to flee this dungeon, no matter result, must make anything......, but opportunity, only then every day instance of fixed twice food delivery. 她要打算逃离这个地牢了,不管成功与否,总要做些什么……而机会,只有每天固定两次的食物投放的瞬间。 The method, has thought that and rubbed to discuss with Mattatron secretly were innumerable! 方法,已经想好了,并且与梅丹佐暗搓搓地讨论了无数次! „Did senior, prepare?” “前辈,准备好了吗?” Un!” “嗯!” That comes!” “那就来吧!” The small sheet iron of food delivery mouth starts to open slowly, Mattatron and 【Yulia】 study elder sister looked at each other one at this time, rushed to that delivery place in a flash! 食物投放口的小铁板开始缓缓打开,梅丹佐【尤利娅】学姐此时对视了一眼,一瞬间冲到了那投放口处! In the meantime, the dungeon iron gate opens instantaneously, one crowd of devils, the body has had many rough transformation traces, grasps the fellow of weapon to break in instantaneously. 就在此时,地牢的铁门瞬间打开,一群凶神恶煞,身体有过不少粗糙改造痕迹,手持着武器的家伙瞬间冲入。 You, you, you...... have you!” Was that man of head puts out a hand at this time fast on the 【Yulia】 study elder sister four people of bodies, followed me!” “你,你,你……还有你!”为首的那名汉子此时飞快地伸手点在了【尤利娅】学姐四人的身上,“跟我走!” Studied the elder sister and Mattatron looked at each other one again, the favorable turn unexpectedly when this type unexpected appeared! 学姐与梅丹佐再次对视了一眼,转机居然在这种意想不到的时候出现了! ...... …… ...... …… They, regarding front situation, some quite doubts...... silent. 他们,对于面前的情况,颇有些疑惑……沉默。 In a quite luxurious living room, they are sitting before a luxurious long shape table at this time- food that front places, although is not they have eaten well, but obviously in God Yushi city This place, can without doubt value many human lives. 在一处相当奢华的客厅之中,他们此时正坐在了一张豪华的长形餐桌之前-面前摆放的食物,虽然并非他们吃过最好的,但显然在【神佑之城】这种地方,无疑是能值很多条人命。 Living room...... living room, besides their four people, not others- a person of guard does not have, as if here master, will not be afraid them to seize the chance to flee is the same. 客厅……客厅,除了他们四人之外,并没有别人-就连一个看守的人也没有,似乎这里的主人,并不害怕他们会趁机逃离一样。 What condition therefore... this is?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister wrinkled frowns. “所以…这是什么状况?”【尤利娅】学姐不禁皱了皱眉头 Mattatron shakes the head, then carried plate of mushroom soup conveniently, is feeding...... actually Ke Lili to Celion personally carefully, had some and in the dungeon time different responses. 梅丹佐摇了摇头,随手便端起了一盘蘑菇汤,亲手给赛莉恩小心地喂着……倒是克丽丽,却有了些与在地牢时候不一样的反应。 In the eye of Ke Lili, as if has one anxiously...... not to adapt, does she seem like likes making that gloomy and cold moist place? 克丽丽的眼中,似乎带着一丝不安……不适应,她好像是更喜欢地闹那种阴冷潮湿的地方? The 【Yulia】 study elder sister aspirates slowly, grasped a piece of bread directly, chews carefully. 【尤利娅】学姐缓缓地吐了口气,直接抓起了一块面包,细嚼慢咽。 Then, is staying silently- suddenly, the front door of living room opens suddenly. 就这样,默默地呆着-忽然,客厅的大门忽然打开。 Sees only one to put on the aristocrat to overlook, on the face wears the iron mask, the fellow who the hand grips the scepter, pushes the door to enter...... the aristocrat half step of iron mask to walk into directly, his behind, just like follows four pretty skin to be white, young girl who only puts on the fine gauze. 只见一名穿着贵族俯视,脸上佩带着铁面具,手握住权杖的家伙,直接推门而入……铁面的贵族快步走入,他的身后,俨然跟随着四名貌美肤白,只穿着轻纱的少女。 The iron mask aristocrat figure is slim, walks, has just like the truly stance lordly. 铁面贵族身材修长,行走之间,有着宛如真正贵族般的姿态。 The 【Yulia】 study elder sister and Mattatron are gazing at the opposite party unemotionally, saw only the iron mask aristocrat to arrive on the master seat...... he to raise slightly to the people at this time, the sound was low and deep and hoarse, my Alan, god Yushi city dungeon master, everyone, but also satisfaction this night of dinner.” 【尤利娅】学姐与梅丹佐面无表情地注视着对方,只见铁面贵族此时来到了主人席上……他向众人欠了欠身,声音低沉而沙哑,“鄙人艾伦,神佑之城地牢的主人,各位,还满意这夜的晚餐吗。” Outside, truly is at night. 外边,确实已经是黑夜。 God Yushi city, Dark, is actually only passing the ray...... in that God Yushi city The religion of central place constructs in the ethnic group. 【神佑之城】,乌灯黑火,却唯有一处是透着光芒……在那【神佑之城】中央处的宗教建族群之中。 【Yulia】 looked at Mattatron quietly, later smiled bitterly the sound said: Satisfies discusses separately......, therefore, is this final dinner?” 【尤利娅】悄悄地看了眼梅丹佐,随后苦笑了声道:“满不满意另说……所以,这是最后的晚餐吗?” Said the dungeon master who Alan actually shakes the head, this is not the final dinner, if you want, this will only cause your first rich dinners. From now on later, you will enjoy, are more.” 自称艾伦的地牢主人却摇了摇头,“这不会是最后的晚餐,如果你们愿意的话,这只会使你们第一顿丰富的晚餐。从今之后,你们会享受更多,更多。” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister was startled being startled. 【尤利娅】学姐怔了怔。 This has somebody silly money many fellows, bought they four rhythms? 这是有某个人傻钱多的家伙,买下了他们四个的节奏? Naturally, this does not have the condition.” Dungeon master at this time chuckle a sound said: This need you choose the selection through some type, only then after achieving the condition, you can on the happy life.” “当然,这并不是没有条件的。”地牢主人此时轻笑了一声道:“这需要你们通过某种选选拔,只有达成了条件之后,你们才能够个过上美好的生活。” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister wrinkled frowns, the subconsciousness said: „ This... this Sir, does not know that what we can do for you? 【尤利娅】学姐皱了皱眉头,下意识说道:“这…这位大人,不知道我们能为您做什么? Before the master who sees only the dungeon arrived at the window of living room at this time, will see only makes an effort the giant window curtains to pull open, pointing at God Yushi city Only translucent place, saw that place...... god Yushi city The castle of ruler.” 只见地牢的主人此时走到了客厅的窗前,只见用力将巨大的窗帘拉开,指着【神佑之城】唯一一处透亮之地,“看到那个地方了吗……【神佑之城】统治者的城堡。” Mattatron is hesitating the say/way: This how?” 梅丹佐迟疑着道:“这又如何?” The dungeon master looked at eye young youngster at will, continued the chuckle the sound said: You know, this ruler, who is.” 地牢的主人随意地看了眼这小小的少年,继续轻笑了声道:“你们知道,这统治者,到底是谁吗。” Shakes the head to express that does not know. 摇头表示不知。 Dungeon main humanity: That is the true aristocrat...... the aristocrat in high-rank Vampire! So long as you can let this true aristocrat satisfaction, you can live in into that even in the nighttime, can still in the lights radiant castle. Warm clothes, delightful honey, soft bed.” 地牢的主人道:“那位可是真正的贵族……上位吸血鬼之中的贵族!只要你们能够让这位真正的贵族满意,你们就能够住入那个即使是在黑夜里,也能够灯火璀璨的城堡之中。温暖的衣服,甜美的蜜糖,还有柔软的床。” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister actually smiled bitterly at this time the sound, „the good glorious future...... fears, this future, hard-won?” 【尤利娅】学姐此时却苦笑了声,“好美好的未来啊……恐怕,这种未来,得来不易吧?” This naturally.” The dungeon master nods to say at this time: Needs to undergo some selections...... to know why I from the hand of that group of refugees, after buying you were so long, with you hasn't contacted?” “这个自然是的。”地牢的主人此时点了点头道:“需要经过一些选拔……知道,我为什么从那群流民的手中,买下了你们这么久之后,都没有和你们接触吗?” Mattatron and 【Yulia】 study elder sister looked at each other one. 梅丹佐【尤利娅】学姐对视了一眼。 For... observation?” The 【Yulia】 study elder sister exploringly said: Observes us?” “为了…观察?”【尤利娅】学姐试探性地说道:“观察我们?” The dungeon master nods, right, to observe! Actually, bought you to start from First Heaven, I started to observe you...... on you, not God Yushi city That of person is numb and despairs. You are unusual, therefore, this month, I am observing you silently-, until, I thought that you almost must unable to insist, wanted to flee from this place.” 地牢的主人点了点头,“没错,为了观察!其实,从第一天购入了你们开始,我就开始观察你们……在你们身上,并没有【神佑之城】的人的那种麻木与绝望。你们与众不同,因此,这一个多月的时间,我都在默默地观察你们-直到,我觉得你们差不多要坚持不住了,想要逃离这个地方。” Studied the elder sister to smile bitterly immediately the sound. 学姐顿时苦笑了声。 This hits the wild goose probably all day long, then by goose which what? 这大概是终日打雁,然后被大雁哪个啥了吧?
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