TTC :: Volume #16

#16: You are thinking what danger probably the matter

The name of clinic is very simple, is called Hank's clinic. 诊所的名字很简单,就叫做【汉克的诊所】。 The medical system of holy city is actually very developed, basically the birth and death has the city hall in the supporter, will therefore not appear cannot see a doctor such matter. 圣城的医疗体系其实十分发达的,基本上生老病死都有市政厅在支持者,所以并不会出现看不起病这样的事情。 But this did not mean soil that the small clinic has not survived. 但这并不是说小诊所就没有生存的土壤。 It is convenient, how many roads downstairs took to arrive, moreover even the private clinics is still integrated into the healthcare guarantee system, therefore looked at a cold simply and so on slight illness, the small clinic wasn't it fragrant? 它方便啊,楼下走几步路就能到了,而且就算是私人诊所也是纳入医疗保障体系的,所以说只是简单地看个感冒之类的小病,小诊所它不香吗? Incense stick|Fragrant! 香! Therefore Hank's clinic Just now opens the door, the patient who comes to register are many, but majority is nearby resident, is in the majority by old person and child. 所以【汉克的诊所】才刚开门,前来挂号的病人并不少,但大部分都是附近的居民,其中又以老人和小孩居多。 This Dr. Hank, seems like very popular appearance.” “这个汉克医生,看起来很受欢迎的样子。” The before gate of clinic, the white clothing youth is sizing up...... quickly with two high-level angels, the white clothing youth then walked into the clinic directly. 诊所的门前,白衣青年与两名高级天使正在打量……很快,白衣青年便直接走入了诊所之中。 Three do, see a doctor? Please first register.” The young nurse in onstage smiles at this time was saying. “三位,看病吗?请先挂个号。”前台的小护士此时微笑着说道。 White clothing youth has not heard, walks into directly, the young nurse in onstage is just about to speak to prevent, but before following the white clothing youth that female angel that comes is walks, one step, stretched out the palm in the front of young nurse, said indifferently: We can go.” 白衣青年似未听见似的,径直走入,前台的小护士正要出言阻止,但跟随白衣青年而来的那位女性天使则是走前了一步,在小护士的面前伸出了手掌,淡然道:“我们可以进去。” Yes, you can go in......” young nurse absent-minded from repeating the speech of female angel, later sat slowly. “是的,你们可以进去……”小护士失神地从重复着女性天使的说话,随后缓缓地坐了下去。 ...... …… „Are you? Next sick person? Sorry, my patient has not looked, can ask you to wait a bit the moment to outside?” “你们是?下一个病号吗?对不起,我这个病人还没有看完,能请你们到外边稍等片刻吗?” Dr. Hank the surprise looks that pushes three people that the gate enters. 汉克医生诧异地看着推门而入的三人。 At this time he is being the symptom that a child looks at to give off heat, but mother of child also looks that at this time surprisedly pushes three fellows who the gate enters directly. 此时他正在为一名小孩看着发热的症状,而小孩的母亲此时也惊讶地看着直接推门而入的三个家伙。 Angel at this time direct make a move, making that mother lead the child to arrive silently was standing at the same time...... this child as well as child's mother, was similar to the vulture to be like instantaneously, motionless. 朗度天使此时直接出手,让那母亲带着孩子默默地走到了一边站着……这个孩子以及孩子的母亲,瞬间便如同雕像似的,一动不动。 „Who you... are you?!” Dr. Hank has a big shock immediately, the matter that this has instantaneously was extremely really strange. “你…你们是什么人?!”汉克医生顿时大惊失色,这瞬间发生的事情实在太过诡异了。 Saw only the white clothing youth to push the chair to sit down in the front of Dr. Hank at this time, the vision like the sharp sword, saw Dr. Hank the complexion instantly to be pale. 只见白衣青年此时在汉克医生的面前拉开了椅子坐下,目光有如利剑,看得汉克医生脸色霎时苍白。 „Did this person, you know?” The white clothing youth spread out the palm directly. “这个人,你认识?”白衣青年直接摊开了手掌。 In his palm, presented phantom of villain immediately...... phantom of this villain, impressively was that self-ignition death the appearance of male drunkard. 他的掌心之中,顿时出现了一个小人的虚影……这小人的虚影,赫然是那名自燃死亡的醉汉的模样。 I... I did not know that......” Dr. Hank deep breath, seeming like is also the calm appearance. “我…我不认识……”汉克医生深呼吸着,看起来还算是镇定的模样。 White clothing youth said indifferently: „Before this person soon, just passed away, the cause of death is the body sudden self-ignition, finally the corpse then became a hard coke.” 白衣青年淡然道:“这个人不久之前刚刚去世了,死因是身体突然自燃,最后尸体便成了一具焦炭。” How can like this?” Dr. Hank exceptionally opened the opens the mouth surprisedly, at once shakes the head: What relations therefore... this and I do have?” “怎会这样?”汉克医生异常惊讶地张了张口,旋即又摇摇头:“所以…这和我有什么关系?” The female angel said: „Before this person died, has seen a doctor your here, and took you medicine of place...... one type to be able the happy medicine. Dr. Hank, did you have the impression?” 那女性天使道:“这个人死亡之前,在你这里看过病,并且服用了一种你所开处的药……一种能让人幸福的药。汉克医生,你有印象了吗?” Cracks a joke?” Dr. Hank shakes the head, how possibly to have such medicine?” “开什么玩笑?”汉克医生摇摇头,“怎么可能有那样的药?” Female Gabriel said indifferently: We need the answer, if you can confess naturally are best, otherwise we can only open your destiny system, had a look at your daily diary record.” 女性淡然道:“我们需要答案,如果你能够坦白的话自然是最好的,否则我们只能打开你的天命系统,看看你的日常日志纪录了。” What?!” Dr. Hank looks at the present these three people inconceivable, you think, you are Sage?” “什么?!”汉克医生不可思议地看着眼前的这三人,“你们以为,你们是【圣人】吗?” Do not waste the time on him.” The white clothing youth said indifferently. “不要在他身上浪费时间。”白衣青年淡然说道。 The female angel complied with one directly, later then arrived at the front of Dr. Hank, put out a hand to hold down Hank's forehead. 那女性天使直接应了一声,随后便走到了汉克医生的面前,伸手按住了汉克的额头。 Instantaneously, in Dr. Hank under the incomparably panic-stricken vision, his destiny system opened uncontrolled...... records he daily all diaries even, at this time also opened before the person uncontrolled. 瞬间,在汉克医生无比惊恐的目光之下,他的天命系统不受控制地打开了……甚至于记录着他日常一切的日志,此时也不受控制地在人前打开。 You cannot this! This is the matter of my most personal secrets! I do not have the crime, had not been determined guilt, you do not have the power this!!” “你们不能这样做!这是我最私隐的事情!我没有犯罪,更没有被定罪,你们没有权力这样做!!” The diary, records Holy Light state everyone, started all that from the birth. 日志,纪录着圣光国度每一个人,从出生开始的一切。 Not is only the matter that he experiences, even his idea, good to record...... the diary outspokenly in the middle of the diary, it can be said that most real individual. 不仅仅是他所经历的事情,甚至于他内心的想法,都好毫无保留地纪录在日志当中……日志,可以说是最真实的个人。 You cannot be...... you unable like this-!!” “你们不能这样做……你们不能-!!” Peaceful.” “安静。” You...... cannot......” “你们……不能……不……” The vision of Dr. Hank lost the appearance gradually, finally sat down exhausted above the chair...... the female angel at this time directly in Dr. Hank opened in the destiny system put out a hand to grasp. 汉克医生的目光渐渐失去了神采,最终瘫坐在了椅子之上……女性天使此时直接在汉克医生打开了的天命系统上伸手一抓。 She grasped a principal white book, later both hands delivered to the front of white clothing youth respectfully. 她抓出来了一本银白色的书,随后恭敬地双手送到了白衣青年的面前。 The white clothing youth waves at will, the female angel and masculine angel, then nods, went out of the office of Dr. Hank directly. 白衣青年随意地挥了挥手,女性天使与男性天使朗度,便点点头,直接走出了汉克医生的办公室。 Some clinic here many people, these two angels were will also begin to process obviously...... for example, the clinic rests today for day. 诊所这里会还有不少人,这两名天使显然是去着手处理了……比如说,诊所今日休息一天。 In the office of Dr. Hank, the white clothing youth opened records Dr. Hank all diaries. 汉克医生的办公室之中,白衣青年翻开了记录着汉克医生一切的日志。 He seems like the heart to have a feeling, opens from the middle directly. 他似乎心有所感般,直接从中间翻开。 The white clothing youth looked down one, the brow then wrinkled instantaneously. 白衣青年低头看了一眼,眉头瞬间便皱了起来。 Because he in this page of diaries, first saw a few words that records Dr. Hank the psychological activity. 因为他在这一页的日志上,第一眼就看见了记录着汉克医生心理活动的一句话。 Hosts, where? 主,在什么地方? ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Here should be the village the place that is used to discuss official business. 这里应该是村子用来议事的地方。 In the room, explores three people of several representatives group with village, at this time is gathering round a table to sit...... that to have exploration group three people of young girl who enters the village, at this time sat in peacefully by the chair of wall on, is looking down secondhand book that turned some breakages. 屋子之中,探索组的三人与村庄的几名代表,此时正围着一张桌子坐着……那位带着探索组三人进村的少女,此时则是安静地坐在了靠墙的椅子上,正低头看着一本翻得有些破损的旧书。 „... Then, three main goal, retrieves your Mr. Durand at present, right?” “…这么说来,三位目前最主要的目的,就是寻回你们的杜兰德老爷,对吗?” What speech is a 40-50 years old middle-aged man, the status is the village head, the name calls Charris. 说话的是一名四五十岁的中年男人,身份是村长,名字叫查里斯。 Truly is this, Village head.” Mr. Atha Chios's in oldest as three people of groups, took the lead to talk at this time directly, moreover our also several female family members, as well as two injured, are pitching camp in another side of grove at present. Really lucky, can see the agglomeration here.” “确实是这样的,村长。”阿萨谢斯先生作为三人组中最年长的一位,此时直接带头交谈了起来,“另外我们还有几名女眷,以及两位伤者,目前正在林子的另一边扎营。实在很幸运,能够在这里看到聚集地。” Your luck is truly good.” Master Charris nods, „, but can also be said as the misfortune, because around here by the territory of native of Bourgogne was surrounded, it can be said that is isolated and cuts off from help. You escape here, sooner or later will also be sent the discovery by a native of Bourgogne.” “你们运气确实不错。”查里斯村长点了点头,“但也可以说是不幸的,因为我们这里四周都被勃艮第人的领土所包围,可以说是孤立无援。你们逃到这里,迟早也会被勃艮第人发发现。” Mr. Atha Chios wrinkled frowns, he has not been clear about relations between this villages and so-called natives of Bourgogne temporarily-, but should the hostile relations right, otherwise the young girl will not make them to be attacked to take the breach by a native of Bourgogne, seeks the help of village. 阿萨谢斯先生皱了皱眉头,他暂时还不清楚这个村庄与所谓的勃艮第人之间的关系-但应该敌对的关系没错的,否则少女不会让他们以被勃艮第人袭击作为突破口,寻求村子的帮助。 But listens to the tone of this Master Charris, as if regarding native of Bourgogne similarly dreading , will also be worried to bring in the unnecessary trouble. 但听这位查里斯村长的口吻,似乎对于勃艮第人同样十分的忌惮,甚至还会担心引来不必要的麻烦。 We really do not have the means.” Mr. Atha Chios a face sincere said/tunnel: If can retrieve Mr. Durand, we will feel grateful your.” “我们实在是没有办法。”阿萨谢斯先生一脸诚恳地道:“如果能够找回杜兰德老爷,我们会感激你们的。” The several representatives in village looked at this time to Master Charris, seemed like his opinions. 村庄的几名代表此时纷纷看向了查里斯村长,似乎是等他的意见。 This matter is not simple.” Master Charris thinks saying: For a short time, I am unable to comply with your anything. The custom of our village is after at nightfall, cannot go out to act, the present range at nightfall did not have how much time, therefore wanted to mobilize the villagers to look for the words of person, needs to wait till early tomorrow morning most quickly.” “这件事情并不简单。”查里斯村长想了想道:“一时半会,我也无法答应你们什么。我们村庄的规矩是入夜之后,就不能够外出行动的,现在距离入夜也没有多少时间了,所以想要发动村民找人的话,最快也需要等到明日一早。” Livar said suddenly: Village head, our Mr. Durand is uncertain of one's fate now, are many stops over a evening outside, were many a danger.” 利瓦尔却忽然道:“村长,我们的杜兰德老爷现在生死未卜,多在外边逗留一个晚上,就多了一份危险。” Very sorry, this custom has spread.” Master Charris shakes the head saying: Even if I want to help you, but is unable to find to be willing in the villagers who the night goes on a journey...... your mood I to understand, but hopes that you can understand our difficulties.” “很抱歉,这个规矩是一直流传下来的。”查里斯村长摇头道:“即使我想要帮你们,但是也无法找到愿意在夜里出行的村民……你们的心情我能理解,但希望你们能够谅解我们的难处。” Atha Chios said: That, I want also meet to come to here several female family members and wounded person of camp, Ok?” 阿萨谢斯道:“那么,我想把营地的几名女眷和伤员也接来这里,可以吗?” Master Charris said: This does not have the issue actually, but you returned to the camp, perhaps the weather thorough is dark...... you to could wait early tomorrow morning again. Really, I did not suggest that you hurry along in the night.” 查里斯村长道:“这倒是没问题,只不过等你们回到营地,恐怕天色已经彻底暗下来了……你们或许可以等明日一早再来。真的,我并不建议你们在夜里赶路。” Livar thinks saying: We hope that can bring to go back some food, does not know that your here the currency that what achievement uses to trade?” 利瓦尔想了想道:“我们希望能够带回去一些食物,不知道你们这里用什么作为交易的货币?” The village head said: Some grain rations, gave gave, had no need to buy. Although here is remote, but food is sufficient, then I make one take some food to you.” 村长道:“一些口粮而已,给了就给了,用不着买。我们这里虽然偏远,但食物还算充足,回头我让人给你们带上一些食物吧。” Is really deeply grateful.” Livar nods. “实在是感激不尽。”利瓦尔点点头。 What accidental/surprised is, regarding exploration group three people of identity issues, village representative including this village head, as if not many suspicions. 让人意外的是,对于探索组三人的身份问题,包括这位村长在内的村庄代表,似乎并没有过多的怀疑。 After short exchange, the village head then returned the matter to process for by leaving, several other representatives also had matter that respectively needs to handle, one and left. 短暂的交流之后,村长便以还有事情要处理为由离开了,另外几名代表则也各有需要处理的事情,也一并离开。 Is only left over a representative in village, remains. 只剩下其中一个村庄的代表,是还留下来的。 You, should not bump into Jeanne that side the brook.” The representative who in the village keeps said at this time suddenly. “你们,应该不是在溪流那边碰到让娜的吧。”留下来的这名村庄的代表此时忽然说道。 Mr. Atha Chios subconsciously looked that to that sat the young girl who peacefully reads in the corner, discovered that the young girl raise one's head visits him at this time, meaning that in the eye warned was quite strong. 阿萨谢斯先生下意识地看向了那安静地坐在角落看书的少女,发现少女此时正抬头看着他,眼中警告的意味颇浓。 We truly bump into Miss Jeanne near the stream.” Mr. Atha Chios has to brace oneself to say. “我们确实是在溪边碰到让娜小姐的。”阿萨谢斯先生只好硬着头皮道。 The men shake the head at this time, Jeanne is my daughter, words that she spoke, when should believe when should not believe that I can distinguish...... I think, you should bump into the forest her? What prey today projected on?” 男人此时摇了摇头,“让娜是我的女儿,她说的话,什么时候应该相信,什么时候不应该相信,我还是能够分辨得出来的……我想,你们应该是在森林碰到她的吧?今天打到了什么猎物?” Wild boar......, no!” Mr. Atha Chios smiled bitterly hastily. “野猪……哦,不!”阿萨谢斯先生连忙苦笑了一声。 Wild boar?” The men looked at to that corner young girl at this time, the faint smile: Your technique, it seems like it was even more adept, really planned to become an outstanding hunter?” “野猪啊?”男人此时看向了那角落处的少女,似笑非笑道:“你的技艺,看来是越发娴熟了,真的打算成为一名出色的猎人?” The facial expression of man is gradually serious. 男人的神情渐渐严肃。 Sees only the young girl at this time some vision nowhere imposition, finally fluttered outside the window, ear slightly red. 只见少女此时目光似有些无处安放似的,最后飘到了窗外边去,耳根子微红。 Really is person of father's generation's dignity...... Mr. Atha Chios in the heart laughs in one's heart worthily at this time, is saw appearance that the girl who finally this spirit demon admits defeat. 果然不愧是父辈的威严啊……阿萨谢斯先生此时心中暗笑,总算是看到这个古灵精怪的丫头吃瘪的样子。 Actually was Miss Jeanne saved us.” Boss Luo said at this time suddenly: I and my companion were chased by a wild boar in the forest, Miss Jeanne's words, probably our some people must be wounded.” “其实是让娜小姐救了我们。”洛老板此时冷不丁道:“我和我的同伴在林中被一头野猪追赶,要不是让娜小姐的话,或许我们有人是要负伤的。” The young girls hear to say raise one's head, small mouth slightly looks like. 少女闻言抬头,小嘴微微一张看来。 “Oh? is that right? Just, are you thinking some dangerous matter probably? ” The men looked at Luo Qiu one meaningfully. “哦?是这样吗?只不过,你好像在想一些很危险的事情?”男人意味深长地看了洛邱一眼。 Boss Luo smiling faintly to deal. 洛老板微微一笑以应对。 The men nod at once: Good, I believe your words for the time being......, but I have not been able to believe your status temporarily. Not only I, I think that you should also be able to feel, the village head they, have to your origins worry.” 男人旋即点了点头:“好吧,我姑且相信你们的话……但我暂时还不能相信你们的身份。不只是我,我想你们也应该能够感觉得出来,村长他们,对你们的来历还是有所顾虑的。” Boss Luo said: Village head can us food, even also permission makes us bring here the companion, very good...... after all we are the outcomers of unknown origin.” 洛老板道:“村长能给我们食物,甚至还允许让我们将同伴带来这里,已经很好了……毕竟我们是来历不明的外来者。” This cannot blame his.” The men shake the head saying: Perhaps Jeanne has not told you...... our village, has suffered attack several times of native of Bourgogne, even put fire one time, burnt down most village. You come to notice that all the way, many places reconstructed afterward.” “这不能怪他的。”男人摇摇头道:“让娜或许没有告诉过你们……我们的村庄,已经遭受过勃艮第人的袭击好几次了,有一次甚至放了一场大火,烧毁了大半的村子。你们一路上过来看到的,很多地方还是后来才重建的。” Livar is surprised the different way: „Since this case, then regarding our arrivals, you should guard is very right, how......” 利瓦尔不禁诧异道:“既然这样的话,那么对于我们的到来,你们应该十分防备才对,怎么……” Has been guarding.” The men smiling faintly said at this time: Has not introduced oneself, my Yak Ducker, is in the village is responsible for the public security officer of tax revenue as well as protection work.” “已经在防备了。”男人此时微微一笑道:“还没有自我介绍,鄙人雅克・达克,是村庄內负责税收以及防备工作的治安官。” What?” Atha Chios both hands held down the table to stand at this time suddenly, stared in a big way the eye, you said, what you did call... to call?!” “什么?”阿萨谢斯此时霍然双手按住了桌子站了起来,瞪大了眼,“你说,你叫…叫什么?!” Yak Ducker.” The men...... Yak Ducker the surprise look at Atha Chios who the look alarms at this time, had doubts: „Does my name, what issue have?” “雅克・达克。”男人……雅克・达克此时诧异地看着神色惊动的阿萨谢斯,不禁疑惑了起来:“我的名字,有什么问题吗?” Not... it's nothing issue.” Atha Chios actually shakes the head, sat worried. “没…没什么问题。”阿萨谢斯却摇了摇头,心事重重地重新坐了下来。 Livar is in the heart moves, this Mr. Yak, Excuse me, does your village have the name?” 利瓦尔则是心中一动,“这位雅克先生,请问一下,你们这村子有命名吗?” This is the Domremy village, Mister.” Mr. Yak said at will: Here was too remote, you have not listened to not strangely...... here to be surrounded by the territory of native of Bourgogne, perhaps the imperial family of France, forgot our existence, even thinks that we have revolted have the possibility. Mr. Livar, your complexion seems like not very good, is uncomfortable?” “这是栋雷米村,先生。”雅克先生随意说道:“这里太偏远了,你们没有听过也不奇怪……我们这里一直被勃艮第人的领地所包围着,或许就连法兰西的皇室,都忘记了我们的存在,甚至以为我们已经叛变也有可能呢。利瓦尔先生,你脸色看起来并不是很好,是不舒服吗?” Truly some, were too perhaps tired.” Livar shakes the head, I am unimportant, resting was good.” “确实有些,或许太累了。”利瓦尔摇了摇头,“我不要紧,休息一下就好了。” In his heart has exuded the monstrous waves. 只是他心内已经泛起了巨浪。 First did not say that Mr. Yak had mentioned imperial family that the imperial family of France...... Holy Light state there comes? 先不说雅克先生提到过的法兰西的皇室……圣光国度那里来的皇室? But the name of this village is called unexpectedly Domremy The village, this made Livar shock......, because he remembers very much clearly, traveller has mentioned, knew in a vestige of gods and ghosts Sage The hometown, is called Domremy Village! 可这个村子的名字竟然叫作【栋雷米】村,这就让利瓦尔震撼了……因为他很清楚地记得,旅行家洛就提到过的,在一处神异的遗迹之中得知【圣人】的故乡,就叫作【栋雷米】村! Comes again is...... comes again is, lets the Atha Chios's rude matter. 再来就是……再来就是,让阿萨谢斯失态的事情。 Yak Ducker, this impressively is the name of Atha Chios ancestor, is that in the author of landscape painting in the wild rose mansion vanishes. 雅克・达克,这赫然就是阿萨谢斯祖上的名字,同时也是那副在蔷薇公馆之中消失的风景画的作者。 Wait, the name of young girl, remembers she has introduced oneself...... Jeanne Ducker? 等等,那少女的名字,记得她已经自我介绍过的……让娜・达克? Yak Ducker, Sage The father...... is his daughter, how could it not be? 雅克・达克,【圣人】之父……他的女儿,岂不就是? in the heart as if thinks some day desolate talked in the night possibility, Livar took a deep breath, lowered the head in Atha Chios's ear asks a soft voice: Mr. Atha Chios, Excuse me your ancestor, except that Sage Beside, can have other...... child?” 心中似乎想到了某个天荒夜谈般的可能,利瓦尔不禁深呼吸了一口气,低头在阿萨谢斯的耳边轻声问道:“阿萨谢斯先生,请问您的祖上,除了【圣人】之外,会不会还有别的……孩子?” You......” Atha Chios swallowed a saliva at this time, „are you thinking some dangerous matter probably?” “你……”阿萨谢斯此时咽了口口水,“你好像在想一些很危险的事情?” „Haven't you thought?” Livar wrinkled frowns immediately. “你没想?”利瓦尔顿时皱了皱眉头 Atha Chios sighed: I cannot think!” 阿萨谢斯叹了口气:“我是不敢想!” Two, what are you discussing?” Yak Ducker has doubts Atha Chios at this time and Livar who look at to whisper in somebody's ear. “两位,你们在讨论什么?”雅克・达克此时疑惑地看着咬耳朵的阿萨谢斯与利瓦尔。 No, we were discussing, almost must leave the camp.” Atha Chios said hastily: „The time that we come out was too long, I feared that our companions will be worried.” “没,我们只是在商量,差不多要动身回去营地了。”阿萨谢斯连忙说道:“我们出来的时间太长了,我怕我们的同伴会担心。” Yak Ducker thinks saying: This truly. Perhaps your camps outside, night will bump into the danger...... or how about this, I lead several people to accompany you to go back. Tonight does not come back, waits for early tomorrow morning, comes back again.” 雅克・达克想了想道:“这个确实。只不过你们的营地在外边,夜里恐怕会碰到危险……要不这样吧,我带几个人陪你们回去。今晚就不回来了,等明日一早,再回来吧。” This naturally best matter, at least regarding Yak Ducker of this initiative contact, they can use whole evening time, digs out more information from the body of opposite party. 这当然是最好不过的事情,起码对于这个主动接触的雅克・达克,他们可以用一整晚的时间,从对方的身上挖出更多的情报。 The issue is, how they should explain Wild rose mansion The matter...... that not the thing that does pitch camp to grip? 问题是,他们应该怎么解释【蔷薇公馆】的事情……那不是扎营就能够扎出来的东西啊?
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