TTC :: Volume #16

#157: Are you that almost kick the man of big result?

Ka ka, ka ka. 咔咔,咔咔。 The phalanx that will twist breaks off is a very sour crisp matter...... Metatron is pondering the matter of resurrecting coin- this matter some fishy. 将扭曲的指骨掰直是一件十分酸爽的事情……梅丹佐正在思考着复活币的事-这事情有些蹊跷。 Anqi Li clean sovereign female said that kills the temper of killing to make Metatron be surprised slightly, but after dying, can resurrect lets Metatron was truly puzzled...... even has faintly seems to be controlled the feeling. 安琪莉洁皇女说杀就杀的性子让梅丹佐稍感意外,但死后还能复活才是让梅丹佐真正不解……甚至隐隐有着似乎被操控了的感觉。 Because of the relations of page? 难道是因为书页的关系? Half itself/Ben 【The book of Gaia Although afterward by Lilith seizing, but he and Yuliya Studied the elder sister to obtain on the page of page world as guaranteeing a minimum......, if said that anything can make him die to resurrect, as if only then on hand on the page. 半本的【盖亚之书】虽说后来被莉莉斯给夺走了,但他与【尤利娅】学姐还是得到了上个书页世界的书页作为保底……若说有什么能够让他死而复活的,似乎就只有手头上的这张书页。 The key is, this type of resurrecting coin, is disposable, has been able to use? 关键是,这种复活币,是一次性的,还是一直能用? Has anything to approach- in own behind. 有什么东西在靠近-就在自己的身后。 Metatron is not does not know that is having anything close to oneself, the key is the leg or breaks, appearance that also can only sit same place, anxiously also anxiously. 梅丹佐也不是不知道正有什么东西靠近自己,关键是腿还是断的,也就只能原地坐着的样子,急也急不来。 He does not know oneself where, because was dying until resurrecting beforehand these days, he with all cognition is to separate- how long he even passed not to have the concept. 他也不知道自己在什么地方,因为在死去直到复活之前的这段时间,他与外界的一切认知是断开的-甚至过去了多久他也没概念。 After waking up, breaks besides a whole body bone, how many knives was the abdomen chest place has three places to transmit the feeling of stabbing pain indistinctly...... the feeling seems like held to be the same? 醒来之后除了浑身个骨头散架之外,就是腹胸处隐约有三个地方传来刺痛的感觉……感觉就像是被人捅了几刀子一样? Metatron lifted reluctantly, during a shadow covered at this time...... was dim, he even saw a dark green eye. 梅丹佐勉强地抬起了头来,一道黑影此时覆盖了……昏暗之中,他甚至看见了一双墨绿色的眼睛。 Brother..., first eats a sugar?” “老兄…要不,先吃颗糖?” Saying, Metatron then puts out a hand fast into the bosom, takes out the handkerchief to wrap a small group thing is spreading out...... is some crushed the dessert candy and so on. 说着,梅丹佐便飞快地伸手入怀,取出了手帕包着的一小团东西摊开……里面是一些压碎了的点心糖果之类的。 He picked up one fast, then ejects upward, sees only that behind shadow to throw rapidly, such as the vicious dog snatches the food. 他飞快地挑出了一块,然后往上抛出,只见那身后的黑影迅速地扑去,如恶狗抢食般。 Hey, relaxed loosen.” “嘿,放轻松点。” Sees that Metatron put the ground food slowly, double handles gently presses, I am very delicious, shouldn't the delicious thing remain to eat finally? These desserts are also good, is the masterpiece of palace chef...... is planned midnight snack that probably gives my companion to keep, but wants to come this little while is not hungry, do you first eat?” 见状,梅丹佐将食物缓缓地放到了地上,双手轻按,“我很好吃的,不过好吃的东西难道不是应该留到最后才吃吗?这些点心也不错,大概是宫廷厨师的杰作……本来是打算给我的同伴留的夜宵,不过想来她这会儿也不饿,你先吃吃呗?” That thing crawls slowly in the distant place, quick crawled Metatron to lay aside food place- here was too dim, Metatron can only feel that the opposite party is crawling. 那东西在远处缓缓爬来,很快就爬到了梅丹佐放置食物的地方-这里实在太昏暗了,梅丹佐只能感觉到对方是爬着过来的。 Only then that pair of dark green eyeball. 只有那双墨绿色的眼珠子。 Wolfs down the sound resounded...... the quick sound to stop, that pair of dark green eyeball stared at this time again toward Metatron. 狼吞虎咽般的声音响起……很快声音又停了下来,那双墨绿色的的眼珠子此时再次地朝着梅丹佐盯来。 In this little while heart is to curse at people, actually listened to the front to broadcast a hoarse sound. 梅梅这会儿心内是要骂人的,却听前方传来了一道沙哑的声音。 Delicious...... also wants......” “好吃……还要……” The sound is not agile, but is at least clear. 声音不怎么利索,但起码是清晰的。 Metatron was actually startled being startled, the subconsciousness said: I can only leave here, can bring to you.” 梅丹佐却不禁怔了怔,下意识道:“我只能离开这里,才能给你带来更多。” The dark green eyeball started to rotate around Metatron all around- front fellow, was one gathers round him to rotate unexpectedly. 墨绿色的眼珠子开始绕着梅丹佐的四周转动了起来-面前的家伙,竟是一只围着他在转动。 On you...... has...... the flavor......” “你身上……有……味道……” Sorry, my two days have not taken a bath......” “对不起,我两天没洗澡……” Anqi...... Anqi...... flavor......” “安琪……安琪……的味道……” I and her it's nothing , I am not really surnamed Wang!” Metatron quickly said. “我和她没什么的,真的,我不姓王!”梅丹佐急忙说道。 In this instantaneous, he by the master of dark green eyeball, was thrown to...... this fellow directly even more draws close, seems like smelling anything. 就在这瞬间,他被墨绿色眼珠子的主人,直接扑到……这家伙越发的贴近,似乎是在嗅着什么。 Elf why...... the flavor............ has!” “精灵的……味道……为什么……有!” I have a friend truly am the elf, but is only half elf.” Metatron said as far as possible calmly: She a moment ago also with me in all, but disperses...... such as you to see now, my was thrown this place. For, what can throw probably feeds?” “我有个朋友确实是精灵,不过只是半精灵。”梅丹佐尽量平静地说道:“她刚才还和我在一切,不过现在走散了……如你所见,我被人扔下来了这个地方。大概会为,要投喂什么?” Dark green eyeball in Metatron at present, is almost pasting him. 墨绿色的眼珠子就在梅丹佐的眼前,几乎贴着了他。 Some little time, the dark green eyeball leaves...... it / he as if to suppress anything to resemble all of a sudden, after roaring lowly several, during fell into suddenly was silent. 好一会儿,墨绿色的眼珠子才一下子离开……它/他似乎在强忍着什么似的,低吼了几句之后,突然间陷入了沉默之中。 Metatron took a deep breath, silent sat, is straightening up own thigh quietly- suddenly, a pair of hand touched to his both legs. 梅丹佐深呼吸了一口气,无声地坐了起来,悄悄地扶正着自己的腿部-突然,一双手摸向了他的双腿。 Metatron in the heart one cold, later a tap web pain transmits, sound that but also moves along with several bones. 梅丹佐心中一凛,随后一股锥心痛楚传来,还伴随着几道骨头移动的声音。 Was the bone straightened up? 骨头被扶正了? You have not been able to move, try not to move.” That sound resounds again, even was more agile. “你还不能动,尽量不要动吧。”那声音再次响起,甚至利索了许多。 Metatron feels because of the opposite party at this time Sober Many relations. His subconsciously raise one's head looks upward, the above is also pitch-dark one piece, does not know this place deeply. 梅丹佐感觉是因为对方此时【清醒】了许多的关系。他下意识地抬头往上看去,上方也是黑漆漆的一片,不知道这个地方到底有多深。 My I do not eat you as far as possible.” That sound resounds again, you give my food to make me support some time, how long but I do not guarantee am, because I was too hungry.” “我尽量我不吃你。”那声音又再次响起,“你给我的食物能让我支持一段时间,但我不保证是多久,因为我真的太饿了。” Is...... that sovereign female your highness you sleepily here?” Metatron at this time starts to ask: How you do offend that woman?” “是……那位皇女殿下将你困在这里的?”梅丹佐这时候才开始发问:“你到底是怎么得罪那个女人的?” Offends?” That sound exuded a sneering sound, I have not offended her, I almost killed her father.” “得罪?”那声音发出了一道冷笑声,“我没有得罪她,我不过是差点杀死了她的父亲而已。” Almost kills...... the father?” Metatron is stunned, at once says with amazement: You say founder Great Emperor Kara Farr? You almost got rid of...... wait/etc, where have I listened to similar matter probably? Who had told me is coming? Elf... flavor?” “差点杀死……父亲?”梅丹佐愕然,旋即大为惊讶道:“你是说开创者大帝卡拉法尔?你差点干掉了……等等,我好像在什么地方听过类似事情?谁跟我说过的来着?精灵的…味道?” My name was called...... triumphant.” “我的名字叫……【凯】。” You is a that almost blade hold the big result Triumphant sovereign??” “你就是那个差点一刀捅出大结局的【凯皇】??” Blade?” That sound, says at once: I do not bring the blade, is the leg! What I use is the leg!” “刀?”那声音顿了顿,旋即又道:“我不带刀,是腿!我用的是腿!” ...... …… ...... …… Good... to stop probably completely.” “好…好像完全停下来了。” In the compartment, in the dead crowd, Daphne in the ear of Carrie Anna said on the quiet- compartment truly static, Daphne in the heart silent silently count, altogether counted 69. 车厢内,死人堆之中,达芙妮悄悄地在卡莉安娜的耳边说道-车厢确实静止了,达芙妮心中默数了下,一共数了六十九下。 „, Feigns death.” Carrie Anna covered Daphne's mouth at this time fast, some people came.” “嘘,装死。”卡莉安娜此时则是飞快地捂住了达芙妮的嘴巴,“有人来了。” Carrie Anna hearing is more powerful than the average person, can hear a farther sound- quick, the compartment was opened, the outside luminous flash pricks. 卡莉安娜的听力比普通人要强大一些,能够听到更远的声音-很快,车厢就被人打开,外边的光亮一瞬间刺入其中。 Two closed both eyes hastily, the body is motionless. 俩连忙闭上了双眼,身体一动不动。 Pours does not need the area to dress up specially, this stumbles along, the body has stained the bloodstain of corpse...... outside the sound to start becomes clear, clear also very noisy- even is, lively. 倒也不用特意地区装扮,这一路磕磕撞撞的,身上早就沾满了尸体的血迹……外边声音开始变得清晰,清晰的同时也十分的嘈杂-甚至是,热闹。 Is the summon general sound! 是呼唤一般的声音! Harvest is good! These are accompanying of aristocrat, heard that even also has Bestows an aristocrat Corpse. On them should also many valuable things!” “收获不错!这些都是贵族的随从,听说甚至还有【赐封贵族】的尸体。他们身上应该还有不少值钱的东西!” Hurries to dig up! Heard that immediately wanted the entire city to declare martial law, we must catch up before actually supplement the commodity, otherwise rich could not spend.” “赶紧扒下来吧!听说马上就要全城戒严了,我们得赶在之前却补充一下物资,不然有钱也花不出去。” Packed outside the compartment of corpse, at this time was assembling the gang, ten quantities, three females. 装满了尸体的车厢之外,此时正围聚了一伙人,十来个的数量,其中还有三名的女性。 Their looks are slightly exhausted, clothing also quite messy and dirty. 他们的神色略显疲惫,衣衫也颇为的脏乱。 All around piled up with all kinds of waste materials, just like garbage dump same- at this time, on a face was delimited a cross scabs man, is sitting above steel bar that in inserted horizontally, the correct use slightly is truncating the apple, the eye looks people who vacantly under are summoning. 四周堆满了各种各样的废料,宛如垃圾场一样-此时,一名脸上被划了一道十字伤疤的男子,正坐在了一处横插出来的钢条之上,正用小削着苹果,目无表情地看着下方正在呼唤的众人。 Side man who truncates the apple, but also sits the little girl who both eyes closed. 削苹果的男子身边,还坐着了一名双眼闭紧的小女孩。 In the meantime, the little girl wrinkled frowns suddenly, said in a low voice: Heartbeat...... two.” 就在此时,小女孩忽然皱了皱眉头,低声道:“还有心跳……两个。” Although the voice of little girl is very low, made the shouts stopping in a flash- below people raise one's head looked at this time. 小女孩的声音虽然很低,却一瞬间让呼唤声给停止了下来-下方的众人此时纷纷抬头看了上去。 The man who truncates the apple knocked at will two on the steel bar with the knife, the quick people then took up the weapon, encircled in front of compartment. 削苹果的男子用小刀在钢条上随意地敲了两下,很快众人便拿起了武器,围在了车厢的门前。 Makes me come!” And a robust man held up one sharp steel at this time, pricks toward the dead crowd in directly! “让我来!”其中一名壮汉此时举起了一根尖锐的钢枝,直接就往死人堆之中刺入! The robust men punctured one after several other, the form actually jumps out from the compartment in this time together suddenly, a foot then kicked to takes a steel robust man. 壮汉接连地刺了几下,一道身影却在此时猛然从车厢之中窜出,一脚便踢向了拿着钢枝的壮汉。 The face of robust man was kicked, the startled anger yelled, angrily brandishing in hand sharp steel...... unexpectedly opposite party really extremely skidding, at this time rode unexpectedly on the shoulder of robust man, restrained the neck of robust man stubbornly! 壮汉的脸被踢中,惊怒地大叫了一声,愤怒地将挥舞着手中尖锐的钢枝……不料对方实在太过的滑溜,此时竟然骑在了壮汉的肩上,死死地勒住壮汉的脖子! Hits!” “打下来!” People make a move, wants throwing in abundance robust man person's shadow, after one outputs, the robust man has been spitting the foam to the ground, but that form actually does not see. 众人纷纷出手,想要将壮汉身上的人影给扑到下来,一顿输出之后,壮汉已经吐着白沫到在了地上,可那道身影却是不见。 In above!” “在上面!” Sees only a above lift hook place, at this time is standing a whole body to moisten bloodstain young girl- young girl swinging lift hook, seems like wants to a farther place. 只见上方的一个吊钩处,此时正站着了一名浑身沾了血迹的少女-少女正在摆动吊钩,似乎是想要借此荡向更远的地方。 Truncated the male eye of apple to narrow the eyes, the knife in hand flung like lightning- that knife shot the lift hook place all of a sudden, in the standpoint place of blood-stained young girl. 削苹果的男子眼睛眯了一下,手中的小刀闪电般的甩出-那小刀一下子就射到了吊钩处,正正就在染血少女的立足点处。 The blood-stained young girl is frightened, the body in the unbalanced instance, static crashes on the ground- is only the young girl acts very agilely, landing has then adjusted the posture instantaneously, is shocking but not dangerous to fall to the ground. 染血的少女受了惊,身体在失衡的瞬间,静止地坠落在地上-只是少女动作十分的敏捷,落地的瞬间便已经调整了姿势,有惊无险落地。 But the blood-stained young girl raise one's head instance, all around has large number of weapons to point at her. 染血少女抬头的瞬间,四周已经有大量的武器指着了她。 Surrender! I surrender! Do not kill me!” Young girl both hands of blood-stained hold up instantaneously- in her hand also grabs a pearl the necklace. “投降!我投降!别杀我!”染血的少女双手瞬间举起-她的手上还抓着一根珍珠的项链。 The blood-stained young girl squeezed in the necklace the bosom immediately, voiced smile embarrasedly. 染血的少女顿时将项链塞入了怀中,发出了讪讪的笑容。 ...... …… Comes! Honest! Leader, you look!” “过来!老实点!首领,你看!” The blood-stained young girl had been bound both hands, to man who advancing that truncated the apple with little girl of closing one's eyes in front. 染血的少女已经被绑住了双手,给推到了那削苹果的男子与闭眼的小女孩面前。 In the male hand does not know when presented a knife, he will truncate the good apple to cut open a piece, as the knife delivered to the mouth of little girl. 男子手上不知何时又出现了一柄小刀,他将削好的苹果切开了一下片,随着刀子就送到了小女孩的嘴边。 „Do you name?” The man who truncates the apple quite asked at will. “你叫什么名字?”削苹果的男子颇为随意地问道。 Carrie Anna.” “卡莉安娜。” „Do you escape from the manor of that sovereign female your highness?” The men think saying: Mixes in the dead crowd?” “你是从那位皇女殿下的庄园逃出来的?”男子想了想道:“混在死人堆里?” The blood-stained young girl...... Carrie Anna has to nod at this time. 染血的少女……卡莉安娜此时只好点了点头。 The men also said: „Did you know tonight in the manor what happened?” 男子又道:“你知道今晚庄园里发生了什么事情?” Carrie Anna said honestly: At the sovereign female banquet, strange robber clown Appeared, and stole Crown Prince Cicero. Sovereign female your highness is in a rage to catch the interrogation everyone, but also all Pure blood aristocrat Beside people killed off.” 卡莉安娜老实道:“皇女的宴会上,怪盗【小丑】出现了,并且劫走了西塞罗亲王。皇女殿下一怒之下将所有人都抓起来审讯,还将所有【纯血贵族】之外的人都杀光了。” The male complexion concentrates, the brow even wrinkled little girl lip also slightly spread that got up...... that to close one's eyes tightly. 男子脸色微凝,眉头甚至紧皱了起来……那闭眼的小女孩嘴唇也微微张开了些。 As for all around people, then stared in a big way the eye, an unbelievable appearance. 至于四周的众人,则是纷纷瞪大了眼睛,一副难以置信的模样。 No wonder! I said how sacred place clouded over suddenly probably, moreover died so many people!” “难怪!我就说怎么突然之间圣地像是变天了似的,而且还死了这么多人!” Yes, that side the burning down factory inquired the news that said definitely many people, moreover there is an aristocrat, I know that what important matter will definitely have, didn't expect...... that crown prince will be robbed unexpectedly unexpectedly?” “是啊,焚烧厂那边打听到的消息只是说死了很多人,而且还有贵族,我就知道肯定发生了什么大事,没想到居然……那位亲王殿下居然会被劫走?” Strange robber! Posts a reward to make that fellow of first place! Quiet several years! My goodness, appeared again promoted a flash news! This first place I am convinced!” “怪盗!悬赏令榜首的那个家伙!沉寂了几年了!好家伙,再次出现就搞了个大新闻!这个榜首俺是服气的!” The man who truncates the apple knocked side with the knife hilt at will, making the people peaceful...... he stare to tighten Carrie Anna at this time, asked indifferently: Since everyone were killed, how you escape by luck- I meant, you mix before the dead crowd comes out. I believe clearly importance that the lackey of that crowd of governments will not make up the blade.” 削苹果的男子用小刀刀柄随意地敲了敲旁边,让众人安静……他此时盯紧了卡莉安娜,淡然问道:“既然所有人都被杀了,你是怎么幸免的-我是说,你混在死人堆出来之前。我相信那群政府的爪牙不会不清楚补刀的重要性。” I am not a guest, I was grasped.” Carrie Anna said at this time fast: I was caught by the aristocrat, is regarded as...... has an accident, I who the gift sends out am closed. After having an accident, I found an opportunity to escape from the basket, then disguised as the maid in manor, while dawn time, mixed in the dead crowd secretly...... the real man! I really am not the servants of these aristocrats, I even am not sacred place come! I was grasped, my native place in green prairie!” “我不是宾客,我是被抓进去的。”卡莉安娜此时飞快地说道:“我是被贵族抓起来,当作是礼物送出的……出事的时候,我一直都被关了起来。出事之后,我就找了个机会从笼子里面逃出,然后假扮庄园的女佣,趁着天亮的时候,偷偷地混入死人堆之中……好汉!我真的不是那些贵族的仆人,我甚至不是圣地出身的!我是被抓来的,我的老家在青青大草原!” „The flavor of elf.” That shuts the both eyes little girl to say at this time suddenly, then also said: Impure.” “精灵的味道。”那闭着双眼的小女孩此时忽然开口说道,接着又道:“不纯。” People subconsciously looked to Carrie Anna. 众人下意识地看向了卡莉安娜 The man who truncates the apple then said: „Are you half elf? What matriarchal is the paternal line?” 削苹果的男子这才说道:“你是半精灵?母系的还是父系的?” Helpless Carrie Anna said/tunnel: My father is the elf, he and Bestows an aristocrat The young ladies of family/home eloped, then gave birth to me.” 卡莉安娜无奈地道:“我父亲是精灵,他和一个【赐封贵族】家的小姐私奔了,然后生下了我。” The men hesitate do not speak. 男子沉吟不语。 Carrie Anna disturbed said/tunnel: Real man, real men! I am really innocent, I most want to pick the corpse to make a going home travel expense...... I not to know that you must take by force... must work! I really intentionally do not snatch your thing, do you put me to go home to be good?” 卡莉安娜忐忑地道:“好汉,好汉们!我真的是无辜的,我最多就只是想要捡尸弄点回家的路费……我不知道你们要打劫…要干活!我真不是故意要抢你们东西的,你们放我回家好不好?” Lets loose you not to have the issue, but you cannot walk.” The man who truncates the apple shakes the head at this time, „, even if you are half elf, will not represent you not to betray us-, your which companion will also be.” “放开你没问题,但是你不能走。”削苹果的男子此时摇了摇头,“就算你是半精灵,也不代表你不会出卖我们-还有,你哪位同伴也是。” Carrie Anna was startled being startled, subconsciously toward looked behind, saw only Daphne at this time pale raising by two men. 卡莉安娜怔了怔,下意识地往身后看去,只见达芙妮此时脸色苍白地被两名汉子给提着回来了。 You are half elf, I estimated that treats as you to be seized to treat as the qualifications that the gift sends out.” Truncated the apple the men's chuckle the sound said: But this should not?” “你是半精灵,我估计当做你有被抓捕起来当做礼物送出的资格。”削苹果的男子轻笑了声道:“但这个应该不是吧?” Daphne is the person of circus troupe!” Carrie Anna said: „Has dream circus troupe listened? Has a fellow named Count Dekker Rhea, caught the entire circus troupe , was used to give to Anqi Li clean sovereign female, said that was the sovereign female wants to look their performances...... both of us bumped into the same place in escaping.” “达芙妮是马戏团的人!”卡莉安娜道:“梦幻马戏团听过吗?有个叫德克雷亚伯爵的家伙,将整个马戏团都抓来了,也是用来送给安琪莉洁皇女的,说是皇女想看他们的表演……我俩是在逃出的时候碰到一起的。” The man who truncates the apple has not said anything, but looked suddenly to little girl who the side closed one's eyes. 削苹果的男子没说什么,只是忽然看向了身边闭眼的小女孩。 Little girl said indifferently: Most real.” 小女孩淡然道:“大部分真。” The man who truncates the apple nods, later ordered: You these days, stay here...... to feel relieved temporarily, I will not be hungry you. The however two freedoms, could receive some limits.” 削苹果的男子点了点头,随后下令道:“你们这段时间,暂时就留在这里吧……放心,我不会饿着你们。不过两位的自由,可能要受到一些限制。” Is always better than the belch fart.” Carrie Anna smiled bitterly the sound., “总比嗝屁好嘛。”卡莉安娜苦笑了声。, The man who truncates the apple said: We are not the aristocrats who these slaughter innocents, we are the person who one crowd of hopes can go on living...... other, I am also-and-a-half elves, but I do not have the ability.” 削苹果的男子道:“我们不是那些滥杀无辜的贵族,我们不过是一群希望能活下去的人而已……另外,我也是一个半精灵,只不过我没有能力。” What, you also......” Carrie Anna raise one's head told fortunes by physiognomy on the face to have the cross scabs man startled. “什么,你也……”卡莉安娜愕然地抬头看相了着脸上有着十字伤疤的男子。 Although age is somewhat big, 30 -year-old vicissitudes uncles' appearances- seems like, some should truly uncles have the charm that...... the complexion scabs? 年纪虽然有些大,三十来岁的沧桑大叔的模样-不过似乎,确实有些大叔该有的魅力……要不是脸色的伤疤? I called Ye Yan.” The man who truncates the apple smiles at will, later the big hand wields: Ok, delivered these two young ladies to rest, then worked!” “我叫叶言。”削苹果的男子随意一笑,随后大手一挥:“好了,送这两位小姐去休息,然后接着干活!”
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