TTC :: Volume #12

#50: 【Inhuman domain】 Beginning story

The train shuttles back and forth from the darkness , the light grazes by the track such as floats the light, the sound of thundering lets in the tunnel deafening, for a long time. 列车自黑暗中穿梭而过,灯光在轨道旁飞掠如浮光,轰鸣的声音让隧道内震耳欲聋,好久。 For a long time later, the mind sorceress young lady will cover both hands of ear to let loose, then wrinkles the brow. 好久之后,心灵女巫小姐才将捂住耳朵的双手放开,然后皱紧眉头。 She has stayed in the gloomy place had most of the day time- perhaps is longer. Her patience has even worn down completely, however Farrell still has not sobered from some condition. 她已经在阴暗的地方呆了有大半天的时间-或许更长。她的耐性甚至已经消磨殆尽,然而法雷尔依然没有从某种状态中清醒过来。 Since Farrell left after last night suddenly abnormally, he has hidden in this place very for sometime. 自从昨晚法雷尔突然失常离开之后,他就已经躲在了这个地方很有一段时间了。 How if not personally saw Farrell to break open the island prison, then hung to hit three round table Knight by invincible stance one person, imperial assembly hall first half powerful- she was very even difficult to imagine, the present man, is she man who in that legend released from the prison. 若非亲眼看见法雷尔是怎么破开了海岛监狱,然后以无敌的姿态一人吊打三名圆桌骑士,还有皇家礼堂前半段的强大-她甚至很难想象,眼前的这个男人,就是她所从监狱中释放出来的那个传说中的男人。 Farrell at this moment is rolling up oneself body, keeps whispering bit by bit anything, from time to time is flurried, from time to time trembled...... his nerve already sensitively to nearly racing Kui condition. 此刻的法雷尔蜷缩着自己的身体,不停地嘀咕着着什么,时而慌乱,时而哆嗦……他的神经已经敏感到了一种近乎奔溃的状态。 This way is not good.” The mind sorceress even more was worried...... she also to depend upon this man to help itself find Aksha Records. “这样下去可不行。”心灵女巫越发的苦恼起来……她还要依靠这个男人帮自己找到【阿克夏记录】。 Obviously, she is not willing to wait for Farrell to return to normal. 显然,她不愿意等法雷尔自己平复下来。 Finally, this sorceress young lady clenches teeth, then by the shortcut Farrell's side, both hands also holds his cheeks, then the forehead resisted the forehead of opposite party. 终于,这位女巫小姐咬了咬牙,然后靠近道了法雷尔的身边,双手同时捧着了他的脸颊,然后额头抵住了对方的额头。 She attempts with oneself strength, letting Farrell can come soberly......, as long as is the confusion of mind, so long as can find the root, the mind sorceresses are capable of being able to bring order out of chaos. 她试图用自己的力量,让法雷尔能够清醒过来……但凡是心灵的错乱,只要能够找到根源的话,心灵女巫都有能力能够拨乱反正。 You are afraid anything.” “你到底在害怕什么。” Whispered...... seems like the incantation, seemed like some ancient language, resounded near Farrell's ear gently. 低语……像是咒语,又像是某种古老的语言,在法雷尔的耳边轻轻响起。 Perhaps, you object who needs one to lean to state...... let loose your mind temporarily, Farrell.” “或许,你需要一个倾述的对象……暂时放开你的心灵,法雷尔。” When the consciousness starts to sneak, soon touched this man deep in one's heart instance, the sorceress young lady actually falls down suddenly painfully- her consciousness seemed like by the infinite flame is fired, that seedling source from the pain in innermost soul, making her instantaneously pale, was streaming with sweat. 当意识开始潜行,快要触碰到这个男人内心深处的瞬间,女巫小姐却突然痛苦地倒在了地上-她的意识好像是被无穷的火焰灼烧过了似的,那种源自灵魂深处的痛苦,让她瞬间就脸色苍白,汗流浃背起来。 But Farrell actually stopped his unusual behavior at this time...... seemed like Sober Or became peaceful. 但法雷尔此时却停下了他那异常的行为……似乎是【清醒】了过来,或者变得安静了下来。 Do not try to spy on my innermost feelings.” Farrell sees Miss Gillian at this time, the eye does not have the expression: One time, I will deliver you to leave this world again personally.” “不要试图窥探我的内心。”法雷尔此时看着吉莲小姐,目无表情道:“再有一次,我会亲手送你离开这个世界。” „Is this you to helping the attitude of your person?” The sorceress young lady in the heart was on fire at this time...... the good and evil is she makes him peaceful. “这是你对帮助过你的人的态度?”女巫小姐此时心中不禁起火……好歹是她让他安静了下来。 I have not requested you this.” Farrell stood up the body, starts to reorganize the somewhat disorderly clothes...... to leave. “我没有要求你这样做。”法雷尔重新站起了身来,开始整理着自己有些凌乱的衣服……边离开着。 Old fogy, where do you want to go?” The sorceress young lady could not attend to with the opposite party at this time bore a grudge, crawled to set out hastily. “老家伙,你又要去什么地方?”女巫小姐此时顾不上和对方怄气了,连忙爬起身来。 They came back... me unable to idle again.” Farrell does not return, I must go to be ready...... the hope also to be able ahead of time with enough time.” “他们回来了…我不能再闲着。”法雷尔头也不回,“我要去提前做好准备……希望还能来得及。” They?” The sorceress young lady was startled being startled, before remembering Farrell vaguely often, as if had said similar words, whom do they...... refer to?” “他们?”女巫小姐不禁怔了怔,依稀记得法雷尔时常之前,似乎就说过了类似的话,“他们……指的是谁?” Is the catastrophe.” Farrell said solemnly: Is one crowd plays with everyone is holding the in the heart fellow...... not to revolt, will only turn into their grain.” “是浩劫。”法雷尔沉声道:“是一群将所有人都玩弄在掌心中的家伙……不反抗,只会变成他们的粮食。” I really do not know that you sober now, said that from being insane turned into the mental illness insanely!” “我真不知道你现在是不是清醒了过来,还是说只是从失心疯变成了神经病!” You walk, walks the farther the better! Had better be able be far away from the West.” “你走吧,走得越远越好!最好能够远离西方。” You comply to help me look Aksha Records!!” “你答应过帮我找【阿克夏记录】的!!” If this time I do not die, I will cash to your commitment.” “如果这次我不死,我会兑现对你的承诺。” Old fogy, how you do not die!!” The sorceress young lady is angry: Bastard who your ungrateful, bullies the woman!!” “老家伙,你怎么不去死!!”女巫小姐愤怒道:“你这个忘恩负义,欺负女人的混蛋!!” The sound reverberates in the train tunnel place, but Farrell's form she could not have seen...... the sorceress young lady to stamp the feet immediately, said bitterly: Do not want to repudiate a debt! Even the ends of the earth, I will find your, old fogy!!! I said really!!” 声音在列车隧道处回荡,但法雷尔的身影她已经看不见……女巫小姐顿时跺了跺脚,恨恨道:“别想要赖账!就算是天涯海角,我都会找到你的,老家伙!!!我说真的!!” The next class of train, grazes again. 下一班列车,再次飞掠而过。 ...... …… ...... …… Our Miss Dance this little while is kneeling on the chair, then both hands held down the glass on train, stares the eye to size up the outside all greatly- in this row of paths Inhuman domain On special train. 我们的翩跹小姐这会儿正跪在了椅子上,然后双手按住了列车上的玻璃,瞪大着眼睛打量着外边的一切-在这列通往【非人领域】的特殊列车上。 In entire European earth mainland only then three such magecraft trains, but they will go through in the fixed route every day, European earth , the one by one platforms in different country connects, but each trains also only will go every day a school grade order. 整个欧土大陆中只有三列这样的魔术列车,而它们每天都会在固定的路线上穿行,把欧土大地上,不同国家的一个个站台串联起来,而每一列列车每天也只会行驶一个班次。 In this compartment, temporarily besides Long Xiruo as well as Luo Dance, does not have other passenger again- naturally, boards the passenger who also to have from other platform- basically is the platforms in different country is corresponding the appearance of one by one compartment. 这一节的车厢内,暂时除了龙夕若以及洛翩跹之外,就再没有别的乘客-当然,从别的站台上车的旅客也是会有的-基本上就是不同国家的站台对应着一个个车厢的样子。 Without the unnecessary passenger, Long Xiruo seems to be happy, would have no to care about young butterfly monster this time action-, although she took this type of magecraft train to enter in the past for the first time Inhuman domain Time, once by the unusual civilization of the western world well surprised. 没有多余的乘客,龙夕若的心情似乎不错,也就没有在意小蝶妖此时的举动-尽管当年她第一次乘坐这种魔术列车进入【非人领域】的时候,也曾被西方世界的超凡文明好好惊讶了一下。 Elder Sister Long! You looked, the train flies ei in the space!!” 龙姐姐!你看,列车在天上飞欸!!” Good was good, make a fuss about nothing.” Long Xiruo pulled taut the ear of young butterfly monster at this time, „after will output, on the road in make a fuss about nothing, try not to bring to others' attention, knows? Also wants, without me agreed, cannot start talking.” “行了行了,大惊小怪的。”龙夕若此时扯住了小蝶妖的耳朵,“等会出站之后,路上不要在大惊小怪的了,尽量不要引起别人的注意,知道吗?还要,如果没有我同意,不能开口说话。” Why?” young butterfly monster blinks...... the truth of working few speech she to understand, but did not speak really does not understand. “为什么?”小蝶妖眨了眨眼睛……多做事少说话的道理她懂,可是不说话实在是不懂。 You cannot the language of Western country.” Long Xiruo said at this time patiently: Once the opens the mouth is easy exposes itself to come from the divine land...... inhuman domain Inside fellow, the guest to divine land is not quite friendly.” “你不会西方国家的语言。”龙夕若此时耐心说道:“一旦开口的话容易暴露自己来自神州的……【非人领域】里面的家伙,对神州的来客比较不怎么友善。” Why?” “为什么呀?” The Long Xiruo eye does not have the expression: In brief, cannot the language of Western country let alone words!” 龙夕若目无表情道:“总之,不会西方国家的语言就别说话!” But Elder Sister Long your meeting?” “可是龙姐姐你会吗?” I naturally......” Long Xiruo hit, later disdains saying: I and they exchange, with the thought on the line, where comes so many troubles directly?!” “我当然……”龙夕若打了个顿,随后不屑道:“我和他们交流,直接用意念就行,哪里来那么多的麻烦?!” at this time, the train attendant on train pushed the vehicle to walk in the middle of this section of compartment- probably and train in present world had no distinction, is pushing on the vehicle has all kinds of food as well as drink- naturally, the eaten thing probably was Inhuman domain Special product. 这时候,列车上的乘务员推着车子走进来了这一截的车厢当中-大概和现世中的列车没有什么分别,推着的车子上有着各种各样的食物以及饮料-当然,吃的东西大概是【非人领域】的特产。 Long Xiruo was planning with the so-called thought exchange rejects the opposite party time, nearby little butterfly has used almost to be fluent not to have the world language and this train attendant of voice exchanged, and success selected several types of things. 龙夕若正打算用所谓的意念交流拒绝对方的时候,旁边的小蝴蝶已经用流利得几乎没有口音的西方世界语言和这位乘务员交流了起来,并且成功点了几样东西。 Chin divine land True Dragon a little stupidly looks that after the train attendant brings the smile is leaving, swallowed a canal: „Do you...... speak their languages?” 下巴有点儿的神州真龙傻傻地看着乘务员带着微笑离开之后,才吞了口口水道:“你……会他们的语言?” Ehm!” Luo Dance nods, said very much at will: My IELTS has tested 7:05!” “嗯啊!”洛翩跹点了点头,很是随意道:“我雅思考过七点五分啦!” What, 7:05 also felt all right saying that...... Long Xiruo shook the head, did not have extremely to care, along with tastes: alright, after authorizing you to output, can start talking, but that said much, looked! Inhuman domain, Is quite dangerous.” 什么嘛,才七点五分也好意思说……龙夕若摇摇头,就没有太过在意,也是随口道:“那行吧,批准你出站之后可以开口说话了,不过还是那句,多说,多看!【非人领域】,比较危险。” Luo Dance gawked...... basically her cognition to the Long Xiruo fiercest the person besides boss, but she felt probably oneself Elder Sister Long seems like the dignity of some point. 洛翩跹愣了愣……基本上她对龙夕若的认知是除了老板之外最厉害的人,但她好像感觉到自己的龙姐姐似乎有些点儿的凝重。 Elder Sister Long, does here have compared with you also fierce fellow?” She asked inconceivable. 龙姐姐,难道这里有比你还厉害的家伙吗?”她不可思议地问道。 Long Xiruo shakes the head, cannot say that...... can only say, in Inhuman domain, My strength upper limit has not changed, but, I will die.” 龙夕若摇摇头,“倒不能这么说……只能说,在【非人领域】,我的力量上限没有变化,但,我是会死的。” The young butterfly monster expression became the delay gradually- next second, she discarded the food in hand directly, then covered own mouth stubbornly. 小蝶妖的表情渐渐变得呆滞了起来-下一秒,她就直接扔掉手中的食物,然后死死地捂住了自己的嘴巴。 what are you doing?” Long Xiruo asked curiously. 你在做什么啊?”龙夕若好奇问道。 Luo Dance covers own mouth, freely shakes the head. 洛翩跹只是捂住自己的嘴巴,不住地摇头起来。 True Dragon of divine land wrinkled frowns saying: Has not output, are you up to mischief?” 神州的真龙皱了皱眉头道:“还没有出站呢,你搞什么鬼啊?” I do not speak! If annoyed the danger, Elder Sister Long will die! I do not want Elder Sister Long you dead!” “我不说话了!要是惹到危险了,龙姐姐会死的!我不要龙姐姐你死!” After quickly and very firm language fast spoke these words, young butterfly monster instantaneously covered own mouth, pitiful appearance. 用很快并且很坚定的语速说完这句话之后,小蝶妖就又瞬间捂住了自己的嘴巴,可怜兮兮的模样。 Long Xiruo funny, later shakes the head, putting out a hand shot the bullet hit child's forehead, young fool, I said that I will die, supposed here is also similar my existence, moreover under the situation of planning and me perishes together.” 龙夕若好笑了一下,随后摇摇头,伸手弹了弹着孩子的额头,“小傻瓜,我说我会死,是假设这里也有一个类似我的存在,而且打算和我同归于尽的情况之下啦。” Really?” “真的?” When have I deceived you?” “我什么时候骗过你?” Long Xiruo rubbed her head, explained: In Inhuman domain, I cannot obtain the strength supplement from shenzhousaurus land. But Inhuman domain What are more is named demon vegetarian thing, the Spiritual Qi content is very weak. The demon element, is not very suitable we to absorb, the refinement, is only the efficiency is too actually low. Like this said that you did understand?” 龙夕若揉了揉她的脑袋,解释道:“在【非人领域】,我是得不到来自神州龙大地的力量补充的。而【非人领域】更多的是一种叫做魔素的东西,灵气的含量十分薄弱。魔素,并不是很适合我们吸收,提炼倒是可以,只是效率太低。这样说你明白了没有?” I understood! In other words, Elder Sister Long did not have motherland charge treasure here is right!” “我明白了!也就是说,龙姐姐在这里就没有了神州大地这个充电宝对吗!” The charge treasure...... the dragon vein of motherland can cry. 充电宝……神州大地的龙脉会哭的啊。 Probably is how about this.” Long Xiruo flips the supercilious look, in any case was this. However we are lower-key,...... said on the it's nothing issue again, my time comes for also a favor, rather than comes here to step on others gathering place.” “大概是这样吧。”龙夕若翻了翻白眼,“反正就是这样了。不过我们低调一些,也就没什么问题了……再说,我这次来是为了还一个人情的,而不是过来这里踩人家场子的。” But you have not told me, why Inhuman domain Is the person, the guest to divine land unfriendly?” “可是你还没有告诉我,为什么【非人领域】的人,对神州的来客不友善啊?” Un...... has all kinds of reasons in any case, I was very suddenly difficult saying that listened to you.” Long Xiruo is perfunctory the say/way: Later if possible, where told you...... you to come so many issues again?” “嗯……反正是有各种各样的原因,我一时间很难都说给你听。”龙夕若敷衍着道:“以后有机会的话,再告诉你吧……你哪来这么多的问题?” Luo Dance hee hee said with a smile: So long as Elder Sister Long were all right is OK. Thus, I later can continue side Elder Sister Long! If boss were also best...... to be right because of that! Big Sister Zijun, everyone looks like the whole family to be the same, continuously life together!” 洛翩跹嘻嘻笑道:“只要龙姐姐没事就可以了。这样,我以后就可以继续在龙姐姐身边了!如果老板也在那就最好了……对了!还有子君姐姐,大家就像是一家人一样,一直生活在一起!” Whole families...... 一家人…… Long Xiruo was startled...... in the brain of divine land True Dragon the little theater to start to perform suddenly. 龙夕若怔了怔……神州真龙的脑内小剧场忽然间开始上演。 The plot is this: 剧情是这样的: boss, smile: Xiruo, you come back. The food completed immediately, you want first to eat meal, wants first to take a bath? Said...... 老板,微笑:夕若,你回来啦。饭马上就做好了,你是想先要吃饭呢,还是想先要洗澡呢?还是说…… Un, first takes a bath! 嗯,先洗澡吧! Luo Dance: Elder Sister Long, today I and Elder Brother boss went to supermarket ei, bought you beer of that brand likes drinking. 洛翩跹:龙姐姐,今天我和老板哥哥去了一趟超市欸,买了你最喜欢喝的那个牌子的啤酒。 Un, is really clever! 嗯,真乖! boss gentle voice: Come, did the opens the mouth, taste the flavor...... to work for day, fortunately? 老板柔声:来,张口,尝一下味道吧……工作了一天,幸苦了吧? Un, but also ok! Pinches the shoulder to me, was a little tired. 嗯,还行吧!给我捏一下肩膀,有点累了。 -! 啪-! True Dragon both hands of divine land make an effort to whip oneself cheeks suddenly...... damn, what situation? What am I actually thinking?? 神州的真龙冷不丁双手用力地拍打着自己的脸颊……见鬼,什么情况?我到底在想些什么?? Elder Sister Long, what is up?” young butterfly monster at this time surprisedly looks like. 龙姐姐,你怎么啦?”身边的小蝶妖此时惊讶地看来。 Hits... hits the mosquito!” “打…打蚊子!” Mosquito??” “蚊子??” The magecraft train bumpy, the divine land True Dragon then anxious hasty stood up suddenly, was saved, holds the hand of Luo Dance, is pulling in the air, ran out of the magecraft train directly, such as the strong winds left the platform. 魔术列车忽然颠簸了一下,神州真龙便急忙忙地站起身来,得救了似的,一拉洛翩跹的手,把人扯着在空气中,就直接冲出了魔术列车,如狂风般离开了站台。 ...... …… ...... …… Truly is the world fragment. 确实是世界碎片。 The fireplace in Maria magic room after flame that raises, Luo Qiu had this type to enter at that time Face does not have moon/month World similar feeling. 透过玛丽亚魔法屋中的壁炉升起的火焰之后,洛邱就有了这种当时进入【颜无月】世界相似的感觉。 Stated differently, Inhuman domain Middle, does not seem to produce similarly Face does not have moon/month Middle the function of god, does not have the so-called theocracy, but by another unusual operational system, is managing entire Inhuman domain Operation. 不同的是,【非人领域】当中,似乎并没有产生类似【颜无月】当中的神的职能,也没有所谓的神权,而是由另外一种奇特的运行体系,在管理着整个【非人领域】的运作。 „-!!!” “哇-!!!” Near the ear broadcasts sound that Maria called out in alarm at this time directly- originally, after passing through the flame, place that the institute arrives in directly, is not a ground, but is in the upper air. 耳边此时直接传来了玛丽亚惊呼的声音-原来,当穿越了火焰之后,所直接抵达的地方,并不是地上,而是高空之中。 Saw that the body hits at the extremely quick speed directly to the land, the succuba who this is operating the magic room, then the anxious hasty pulled out the magic wand, directly aimed at the land. 眼看着身体以极快的速度直接撞向大地,这位经营着魔法屋的魔女,便急忙忙地掏出了魔杖来,直接指向了大地。 In a flash, in the land grew a seedling at the extremely quick speed- the leaf of seedling increases instantaneously, pounds to fall the instance of ground in her finally, catches her well......, but relations that because unavoidably the rebound falls to the ground, the succuba young lady was one lies on the ground finally. 一瞬间,大地上以极快的速度长出了一颗树苗-树苗的叶子瞬间变大,总算在她砸落地面的瞬间,将她好好地接住……但免不了因为反弹落地的关系,魔女小姐最后还是一头趴在了地上。 Her anxious hasty stands up, actually sees this little while Boss Luo to fall to the ground steadily- then both hands just caught falling miss maid. 她急忙忙地站起身来,却见这会儿洛老板已经稳稳地落地-然后双手刚好接住了下坠的女仆小姐 Very! 十分! She was wants to say like this, then became the cold sweat streaming all of a sudden-, because Grandmaster Qi Sejin not salty did not say at this time pale: Maria headgear young lady, this... is quite remote foothold that you said.” 她是想要这样说的,然后一下子就变得冷汗涔涔起来-因为七色堇大师此时不咸不淡地说道:“玛丽亚・头套小姐,这…就是你说的会比较偏僻的落脚点吗。” This......” the Maria hollow laugh two, after all are the illegal Coordinate, can enter on well......, moreover I really do not know why this time will turn into the upper air suddenly. My previous time presents...... me really not to lie in the ground obviously!” “这个……”玛丽亚干笑了两声,“毕竟是非法的坐标,能进入就不错了……而且我也实在不知道为什么这次会突然变成高空的。我上次明明是在地面出现……我真的没有说谎!” Boss Luo this little while You Ye putting, was then sizing up all around, here, is a little probably strange.” 洛老板这会儿才把优夜给放了下来,然后打量着四周,“这里,好像有点奇怪。” Probably yes Change terrain.” “大概是【变迁地形】吧。” miss maid supple sound said: Inhuman domain In, sometimes because maintains the domain energy is not unstable, but appears is unable to maintain originally the situation of structure, under normal conditions will express for the sudden change of terrain, is called Change terrain, After waiting for here manager to conduct the restore, should be able to stabilize.” 女仆小姐柔声道:“【非人领域】之中,有时候会因为维持领域的能量不稳定,而出现无法维持原本构造的情况,通常情况下会表达为地形的突变,所有又叫做【变迁地形】,等这里的管理者进行修复之后,就应该能够稳定下来了。” Originally becomes Change terrain......” Maria looking pensive, hesitated at this time under then said fast: Two, we hurry to leave this place......, because the Coordinate enters from the territories of 13 clans. We need to pass through this territory, then can arrive in the autonomous region of association, place that also Fafnir dwells at present. Movement words a bit faster, need the half-day distance probably.” “原来成为了【变迁地形】……”玛丽亚此时若有所思,沉吟了下便飞快说道:“两位,我们赶紧离开这个地方吧……因为坐标是从十三氏族的领地进入的。我们需要穿越这个领地,然后才能够抵达协会的自治区域,也是目前法夫纳栖息的地方。动作快点的话,大概还需要半天的路程。” „The territories of 13 clans?” Boss Luo asked one curiously. “十三氏族的领地?”洛老板好奇地问了一句。 Maria nods, along with tastes: Un, nearby this breeding farms of 13 clans, are used to rear in a pen the farm of pure blood. That group of fellows safeguard very strictly to oneself food, moreover is nervous, the time that here stops over grew, if were discovered by them, thinks probably we are the plan come to hunt for illegally.” 玛丽亚点了点头,随口道:“嗯,这附近就有十三氏族的一个养殖场,是用来圈养纯血的农场。那群家伙对自己的食物看管得很严格的,而且还神经质,这里逗留的时间长了要是被他们发现的话,大概会以为我们是打算过来非法捕猎的。” Farm.” Boss Luo is reading this words and expressions carefully. “农场。”洛老板细细地念着这个词语。 Maria is shrugs saying: „Don't you know? The pure blood farm, is the aristocrats in supplies 13 clan enjoys, but the weight/quantity of assignment in low Vampire clansman to other is very scarce. Therefore inhuman in also has special is engaged in the gang that goes hunting from the pure blood farm, sold to middle and lower level Vampire through the transaction of black market...... the demand also very big is coming. I also bought the pure blood of 600 cc from a pure blood hunter hand last year, one hour was less than is snatched up...... walked while said that nearby this often had the law enforcement team patrols of 13 clans...... is some not affable fellows.” 玛丽亚则是耸耸肩道:“你不知道吗?纯血农场,都是供给十三氏族中的贵族享用的,而分配给其他中低等吸血鬼族人的分量十分稀少。所以非人里面也有专门从事从纯血农场打猎的团伙,通过黑市的交易卖给中下层的吸血鬼……需求还挺大的来着。我去年还从一个纯血猎人手上买了600cc的纯血,一个小时不到就被抢光了……边走边说吧,这附近经常都有十三氏族的执法队巡逻……都是些不好惹的家伙。” Law enforcement team......” Luo Qiu blinks, raise one's head looks, is wears the black windproof coat, on the windproof coat is printing the blood-color bat mark, as well as has the appearance of black army cap?” “执法队啊……”洛邱眨了眨眼睛,抬头看着,“是穿着黑色风衣,风衣上印着血色蝙蝠标记,以及带着黑色军帽的样子吗?” Right, haven't you seen?” Maria gawked staring. “对啊,你没见过吗?”玛丽亚愣了愣。 Un, now saw.” Boss Luo nods. “嗯,现在看见了。”洛老板点了点头。 Now?” Maria opened the opens the mouth, then followed the Luo Qiu's vision, turns around, raise one's head, looks upward, the complexion gives way instantaneously. “现在?”玛丽亚张了张口,然后顺着了洛邱的目光,转身,抬头,往上望去,脸色瞬间垮掉。 Sees only in the midair, ten wear the black windproof coat, brings the black army cap, fellow who the correct use the callous vision is looking like...... they, sets up in an array. 只见半空上,有十名穿着黑色风衣,带着黑色军帽,正用着冷酷目光看来的家伙……他们,一字排开。
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