TTC :: Volume #12

#46: Dawn

? ? Suddenly is raining, obviously first a while is time with a bright moon and few stars- or experienced obviously soul-stirringly, after end terrifying. 忽然下起了雨來,明明前一會兒才是月明星稀的時候-或者說,明明才經曆了驚心動魄,宛如末日般的恐怖之後。 People walked above the street, puts out a hand fine drizzle that touched that to descend slowly, is feeling the rainwater to oneself got wet at the same time, as if started to forget something. 人們走在了街頭之上,伸手觸碰著那緩緩降落下來的蒙蒙細雨,感受著雨水對自己沾濕的同時,似乎開始忘記著一些事情。 The street in entire fog city...... in the city, can see such a everywhere. 整個霧都的街頭……城市之內,到處可以看見這樣的一幕。 People look at the sky dull, heavy rain, then gradually absent-minded...... old person, man woman, child, even is the pets. 人們呆呆地看著天空,淋著雨,然後漸漸失神……老人,男人女人,孩子,甚至是寵物們。 Seems to be anything, shuttles back and forth in the middle of this rainwater...... is shuttling back and forth fast- form that is wearing the black long gown. 似有什麼,在這雨水當中穿梭著……快速地穿梭著-是一個個身穿著黑色長袍的身影。 They walk randomly in each corner of city, takes can the increase magic technique -type magic club, started to wield to these destroyed building and street. 他們遊走在城市的每個角落,拿著可以增幅魔術術式的魔棒,開始揮向了那些被破壞的建築物和街道。 Will see such marvelous sight: 會看見這樣的奇景: The construction that collapses, the material of disruption started to float little, then returned to their original positions fast...... after the material combined, even if were the fissure has not even stayed behind- restored its original appearance. 倒塌下來的建築,碎裂的材料開始一點點地漂浮了起來,然後快速地回歸到它們原本的位置……當材料重新組合完畢之後,哪怕是連裂痕也沒有留下-恢複到了它原本的模樣。 On street destroyed bumpy, started to be levelled...... was damaged the public facilities, started to recover just like the self- repair gradually. 街道上被破壞的坑坑窪窪,開始被填平了……受到破壞的公共設施,也開始宛如自我修複般地漸漸複原。 What use is named restoration technique special technique, as for release technique, naturally is the magician army of this arrival. 使用的是一種名為‘複原術式’的特殊術式,至於釋放術式的,自然是這次到來的魔術師部隊。 Makes the best use of the time! We need before the sunrise, repair this city destroyed place!” “抓緊時間!我們需要在日出之前,將這個城市被破壞的地方修複回來!” Directs person who the magicians are acting, at this time is sending greetings all magicians. 指揮著魔術師們行動的人,此時傳音著所有的魔術師。 Does not need to care about all consumptions! All secret crystal consume, the queens in Britain will be responsible for reimbursing! Although this time we have not entered the war, but must make the knights in Britain have a look carefully, the ability of our magician association!” “不用在意一切的消耗!所有的秘晶消耗,不列顛的女王都會負責報銷!這次我們雖然沒有參戰,但也要讓不列顛的騎士仔細看看,我們魔術師協會的能力!” Therefore, form of these shuttles in street building, the speed enhanced for several points......, but in street, can see to be used up everywhere stored up magic power, turned into ordinary stone secret crystal. 於是,這些穿梭在街道樓宇中的身影,速度又提高了幾分……而街道中,隨處可以看見已經被用光了儲存魔力,變成了普通石頭的秘晶。 ...... …… Out of the window is the drizzle, occasionally perhaps can also see a shadow, has flown...... in the studio from the distant place, Caesar has not really relaxed oneself tight condition, but silently and approached two steps. 窗外是瀝瀝細雨,偶爾或許還能夠看見一道黑影,從遠方飛過……書房中,凱撒並沒有真的放鬆自己的緊繃狀態,而是默默地又靠近了兩步。 „The previous time is a passer-by, this time is a salesman, next time can be anything.” Caesar eye asked vacantly. “上次是路人,這次是推銷員,下次又會是什麼。”凱撒目無表情地問道。 The mysterious young people...... Boss Luo said at will: Words that next time will meet, can be any appearance, to be honest I not too clear...... the opportunity, even, perhaps not having said goodbye is uncertain. I compared the custom to make the matter happen recently naturally...... simply speaking, is the comparison along with the reason meaning.” 神秘的年輕人……洛老板隨意道:“下次見麵的話,會是什麼樣子,老實說我也不太清楚……甚至,或許沒有再見的機會也不一定。我最近比較習慣讓事情自然而然地發生……簡單來說,就是比較隨緣的意思。” Suddenly, Caesar relaxed oneself body, the tight muscle also started to relax, he implored the tone slowly, your excellency late at night visited, always really to not sell to come...... to seem like, I had no need thing.” 忽然,凱撒放鬆了自己的身體,繃緊的肌肉也開始鬆弛了下來,他緩緩地籲了口氣,“閣下深夜造訪,總不會真的是為了推銷而來吧……好像,我並沒有什麼需要的東西。” Luo Qiu is saying with a smile: Some association things, are...... want the life that your I need, when acts for something. If really does not have, probably only then ‚, so long as can sleep on were good such lifeform...... approximately before four hours, I received some prompts......” 洛邱微笑著道:“總會有些事情,是你我都需要的……隻要生靈,還在為了某件事情而行動的時候。如果真的是沒有,大概就隻有‘隻要能睡覺就好了’這樣的生物了吧……大約在四個小時之前,我收到了一些提示……” Luo Qiu looks at the brow that Caesar wrinkles, said slowly: Prompts me, the received soul quantity...... in the middle of this even also included the souls of 1000 pigs...... to speak the truth, I truly was a little surprised.” 洛邱看著凱撒皺起的眉頭,緩緩說道:“提示我,收到的靈魂數量……這當中甚至還包括了一千頭豬的靈魂……說實話,我確實是有點吃驚的。” Suddenly, Caesar's forehead place deep place close sweat. 猛然間,凱撒的額頭處深處了一絲細密的汗水。 At this time, as if there is whole world that one darkness is covering him...... and even he sees- dark has not really appeared, is only he felt merely at this moment. 此時,仿佛有著一種黑暗籠罩著他……乃至他所看見的整個世界-黑暗並沒有真的出現,僅僅隻是他此時此刻的感覺。 You are...... chalice?” Caesar complexion also at this time drastic change. “你是……【聖杯】?”凱撒臉色也在此時劇變了起來。 Mr. Caesar also had the sense of humor.” “凱撒先生原來也有幽默感的呀。” Luo Qiu smiles, „, but, strict, I and you know Chalice Some truly relations...... it can be said as me or, thing that recently inherited. Un, inherits a little improper, should say, at present should the thing under my name...... this, quite be good to understand.” 洛邱笑了笑,“不過,嚴格來說,我和你們所知道的【聖杯】確實有些關係……或者說,它可以說是我,最近才繼承過來的東西。嗯,繼承有點不妥,應該說,目前應該是在我名下的東西……這樣,會比較好理解嗎。” Is......” the Caesar silent half sound, is frowning saying: Chalice The origin is very mystical, the knight institution has been hiding away......, but obviously, Chalice That load bearing sage's the cup of blood had distinguished...... you in the history had presented is, manufacture Chalice Person?” “是……”凱撒沉默半響,才皺著眉頭道:“【聖杯】的來曆十分神秘,騎士機關一直都秘藏著……但顯然,【聖杯】與曆史中曾經出現過的那個承載了聖人之血的杯子有所區別……你是,製造【聖杯】的人?” „It is not I makes.” Boss Luo shakes the head, „, but I am also capable of making it.” “不是我製造的。”洛老板搖了搖頭,“但我也有能力製造它。” The palm of boss stretches out, the place of palm, after a light group emits, that in the middle of the imperial assembly hall, had been destroyed by Lancelot Chalice, At this time in Caesar at present, is recovering little...... 老板的手掌伸出,掌心的地方,一陣光團冒出之後,那個已經在皇家禮堂當中,被蘭斯洛特毀滅的【聖杯】,此時就在凱撒的眼前,一點點地複原著…… When Chalice On the last crack also vanishes the instance that does not see, that he had once faced Chalice The breath that the time induces, heads on again. 當【聖杯】上最後一絲的裂紋也消失不見的瞬間,那種他曾麵對過【聖杯】時候所感應到的氣息,再一次撲麵而來。 Luo Qiu Chalice Placed on the desk of studio conveniently. 洛邱將【聖杯】隨手放在了書房的書桌上。 Caesar inspires slowly, the finger actually aimed at the floor of studio in this time quietly- he at this time only plan, is the earliest possible time prompts everyone in room, making them first leave from this room. 凱撒緩緩地吸了口氣,手指卻在此時悄悄地指向了書房的地板-他此時唯一的打算,便是第一時間提示屋內的所有人,讓他們第一時間從這屋子離開。 The disparity in strength, he has felt......, moreover is that completely irreparable disparity- possibly make a move...... or the make a move opportunity does not even have. 力量上的差距,他已經感受到了……而且是那種完全無法彌補的差距-可能一出手……或者連出手的機會都沒有。 Does not like.” “不喜歡嗎。” Instance that unexpectedly while Caesar prepares to warn, Boss Luo actually puts out a hand in Chalice Above selected a point- Chalice At this time, disintegrates in Caesar's front again directly. 不料正當凱撒準備示警的瞬間,洛老板卻伸手在【聖杯】之上點了一點-【聖杯】此時,再一次在凱撒的麵前直接瓦解。 Restoration Chalice...... Deconstruction Chalice, In a short less than ten seconds of time, seems like with the clay pinches to make the ceramic embryo simplicity. 恢複【聖杯】……毀滅【聖杯】,短短十秒不到的時間內,就好像是用粘土捏製著陶瓷胚胎般的簡單。 At this moment happening in front matter, has made Caesar's thought fall into during a stagnation...... or actually after passing through the gate, was he exerted some imaginary technique magic? 此刻發生在麵前的事情,已經讓凱撒的思維陷入了一種停滯當中……或者說,其實從進門之後,他就被施加了某種幻術魔術? But warning of plan, actually therefore stopped. 但原本打算的示警,卻因此而停止了下來。 We do not like to believe at present happened, surpasses part that oneself understand.” “我們不願意相信眼前所發生的,超出自己理解的部分。” Chalice Although direct disintegrates under the Luo Qiu's finger shatter, but has not actually diverged...... but is maintaining one type just like the granule separate condition, probably it can the repolymerization be ordinary momentarily. 【聖杯】雖然在洛邱的手指下直接破碎瓦解,但卻沒有散去……而是維持著一種宛如粒子離散般的狀態,好像它隨時都會再次聚合一般。 The boss sound continues to resound, just like tonight, the resident in fog city, is very difficult to believe all. They visit you......, but you look at this Chalice, Also is the same.” 老板的聲音繼續響起,“正如今天晚上,霧都的居民,也很難相信發生的一切。他們看著你們……而你看著這個【聖杯】,也是一樣。” Why you... look for me.” “你…為什麼來找我。” Not does not believe, first thinks oneself possibly were some imaginary technique, was the inertia protection of thought...... the great strength of opposite party, actually he has asked for advice long time ago. 並非不相信,第一時間想到自己可能是中了某種幻術,也隻是出於思維的慣性保護……對方的強大,其實他早早就已經領教過。 In the theater, he is unable to break that invisible barrier time...... he then already very clear. 當在劇院中,他無法打破那堵無形屏障的時候……他便已經十分清楚。 He does not like to believe, one fights to destroy Chalice, Will so easily create and destroy in the hand of opposite party, just like also raised not to imagine this great strength at that time, by with defense super rare treasure as reason of explanation. 他不願意相信,一場大戰下來才毀滅的【聖杯】,會如此輕易地在對方的手中創造與毀滅,也正如當時提普不願意想象這種強大,以用防禦型的超級秘寶作為解釋的理由。 But when faces directly these rumors and real...... he finally chose the incredible reality, the throat somewhat dry asked the doubts of in the heart. 但當直麵這些謊言與真實的時候……他最終還是選擇了不可信的真實,喉嚨有些幹澀地問出了心中的疑惑。 I really am only sell.” Luo Qiu smiled saying with a smile: I think, you may have to need...... to you, wants to handle the matter that to your life.” “我真的隻是來推銷的。”洛邱笑了笑道:“我想,你或許會有所需要……對你,對你這一生都想要做的事情來說。” You said...... chalice?” After Caesar is silent, frowns. “你是說……【聖杯】?”凱撒沉默過後,不禁皺起了眉頭。 You will not want Chalice.” Luo Qiu actually shakes the head, you, if wants Chalice The words, have not approached in Hopkins with enough time Chalice Before making a vow, you had too many opportunities, why can capture from his hand very much simply......, will also remain finally? Although, in process Chalice Was destroyed, sponsor who truly lets this plan...... that woman, as well as your some are unexpected- obviously, you are also willing to see its destruction.” “你不會想要【聖杯】的。”洛邱卻搖了搖頭,“你如果是想要【聖杯】的話,早在普金斯還沒有來得及向【聖杯】許願之前,你就有太多的機會,可以很簡單地從他的手上奪取……為何,還會留到最後呢?雖然,過程中【聖杯】被破壞了,確實讓這個計劃的發起者……那位女士,以及你都有些是始料不及-不過顯然,你們也願意看見它的破壞。” This strength, should not preserve in the world.” Caesar said sternly: Many Hopkins, can, because Chalice But appearances.” “這種力量,不應該留存在世上。”凱撒正色道:“多少個普金斯,會因為【聖杯】而一次次出現。” Therefore I must recommend other one thing to you.” “所以我才要向你推薦另外一樣東西。” Luo Qiu smiles slowly, can let you...... your after death beastly people, and even your lifetime devotes to beastly people who wanting to help, can walk frankly and uprightly in the sunlight, as well as in the middle of people line of sight place.” 洛邱緩緩一笑,“一個可以讓你……你身後的獸人們,乃至你畢生都致力於想要幫助的獸人們,可以光明正大地行走在陽光,以及人們視線當中的地方。” What did you say?” Caesar opened the mouth. “你說什麼?”凱撒不禁張開了口來。 Makes you feel intuitively.” Boss Luo smiles at this time, then hit a sound to refer to with ease. “還是讓你更加直觀地感受一下吧。”洛老板此時笑了笑,然後輕鬆地打了個響指。 The world...... shifted in this instantaneously. 世界……在這瞬間發生了轉移。 The studio of orange yellow gentle light is not even the time of blinking, from Caesar at present vanishes does not see- displaces, is lively and lively cities. 橙黃色柔和燈光的書房甚至不到眨眼的時間,就從凱撒的眼前消失不見-取而代之的,則是一個熱鬧而繁華的城鎮。 He and Luo Qiu, stood above the city wall in this giant cities at this time. 他與洛邱,此時就站在了這座巨大城鎮的城牆之上。 People of going on a trip in a hurry, in world style street, as well as...... all forms, or puts on various types of unusual armor, in the hand takes the law stick, dresses up in the female of magian like the fantasy. 行色匆匆的人們,中世界風格的街道,以及……形形式式的,或是穿著各種奇特鎧甲,或是手上拿著法杖,打扮得如同幻想中魔法師的女性。 Also or carries the bow and arrow, in person of demon the beautiful appearance just like fable. 又或者是背著弓箭,宛如傳說中精靈般的美貌之人。 Even...... or rough, or petite, has the obvious beast characteristics, walks normally in the street, at will with others are talking...... beastly people. 甚至……一個個或是粗獷,或是嬌小,有著明顯獸化特征,正常地行走在街道中,隨意地與他人交談著的……獸人們。 Here......” Caesar looks at the present all moving. “這裏……”凱撒動容地看著眼前的一切。 In various people, the Asian races...... the beastly person, the demon in fable, they are even walking on the avenue freely. 各色各樣的人中,亞人種……甚至獸人,傳說中的精靈,他們自由地在大街上行走著。 Chatted, is talking about all kinds of topics...... the strange people, everyone has not concealed oneself meaning. 說說笑笑,聊著各種各樣的話題……異人,並沒有人人赫掩飾自己的意思。 To him, at this moment as if arrived at Eden in fable. 對於他來說,這一刻仿佛來到了傳說中的伊甸。 Welcome arrives at Wonjin.” “歡迎來到‘起源鎮’。” The Luo Qiu's sound, resounds near Caesar's ear gently, I name this world am Yisu Great World...... Here is fantasized real world that the style the world,...... I create. Here, even beastly person race, will not receive any suppression and preemption, humanity will not be afraid existence of beastly person. On the contrary, a race that in the middle of the beastly person team here, is quite instead welcomed...... here, even has started to appear state that is the beastly person.” 洛邱的聲音,在凱撒的耳邊輕輕響起,“我將這個世界取名為【伊蘇大世界】……這裏是幻想風格的世界,一個……我創造出來的真實世界。在這裏,即使是獸人這個種族,也不會受到任何的打壓和排擠,人類也不會害怕獸人的存在。相反,獸人反而在這裏的隊伍當中,是相當受到歡迎的一個種族……這裏,甚至已經開始出現了屬於獸人的國度。” Is vast nearly under unlimited limpid blue sky, the cool breeze passed over gently and swiftly the city wall,...... his both hands placed in Caesar's hair dishevel the railing of city wall subconsciously, is looking into below all. 遼闊得近乎無限的清澈藍天之下,清風掠過了城牆,將凱撒的頭發吹亂……他雙手下意識地放在了城牆的圍欄上,眺望著下方的一切。 I think, perhaps here compares to Mr. Caesar you always the matter that handles in secret, wants to realize...... and change the present situation of beastly person society, perhaps is more appropriate......” “我想,這裏或許比起凱撒先生你一直以來都在暗中做的事情,想要實現……和改變的獸人社會的現狀,或許還更合適一些……” Luo Qiu said in a soft voice: Therefore, I planned that sells it to you. Certainly, here only shortcoming is...... did not have Internet this type of thing, the level of living also to act according to the different areas also to have the difference temporarily respectively advanced......, probably to last century 40-50 ages. Moreover, here also has the suspicion of escape slightly.” 洛邱輕聲道:“所以,我打算向您推銷它。當然,這裏唯一的缺點是……暫時還沒有互聯網這種東西,生活水平也根據不同的地區也各有差異……最先進的,大概隻是到上個世紀的40-50年代。另外,這裏也稍微有著逃避的嫌疑。” But, even if evades, still enough......” Caesar had turned around, „is really...... is unable to let a sales promotion that the person rejects.” “但是,即使是逃避,也足夠了……”凱撒轉過了身來,“真是……無法讓人拒絕的一次推銷。” ...... …… Probably after experiencing a long journey...... came back obviously again, the time merely passed by several points of Zhong. 好像是經曆了一次漫長的旅程……明明再次回來之後,時間僅僅隻是過去了十幾分鍾而已。 The so-called salesman has left from the studio...... left this room. 所謂的推銷員已經從書房離開……離開了這間屋子。 But remains to Caesar, is only one can lead to merely freely Yisu Great World Certificate......, only then has the beastly person bloodline, can through it, enter that world. 而留下來給凱撒的,僅僅隻是一份可以自由通往【伊蘇大世界】的憑證……隻有擁有獸人血統的,才能夠通過它,進入那個世界。 First, you need to explain the situation in this world to each beastly person. 第一,你需要向每一個獸人說明這個世界的情況。 Second, decides to go, does not allow through forcing the method decided, needs beastly person to decide. Going of agreement, does not agree asked you to eliminate him to see all that. 第二,是否決定前往,不允許通過強製的手段決定,需要獸人自己決定。同意的前往,不同意的請你消除他所看見的一切。 Third, you have the beastly person who can select demonstrates respectively one time Yisu Great World Opportunity, but, once entered the beastly person in this world, cannot return to here again. 第三,你擁有可以向所選取的獸人各自展示一次【伊蘇大世界】的機會,但同時,一旦進入了這個世界的獸人,都不能再次回歸這裏。 Fourth, once after this world died, your souls...... turn over to me. 第四,一旦在這個世界死亡之後,你們的靈魂……歸我。 Speech that as well as...... he keeps. 以及……他所留下來的說話。 Yisu Great World, Can make us live the world under sunlight......” “【伊蘇大世界】,一個可以讓我們活在陽光底下的世界嗎……” Caesar sat before the desk, is getting hold of the certificate in hand silently, during is lost in thought. 凱撒坐在了書桌前,默默地握緊著手中的憑證,陷入了沉思當中。 The outside rain also not effect that stops...... his very clear these rainwater bringing- this is the magician army collaborates one named of release to eliminate memory technique, it will let experience the resident of fog city event, forgot the matter of beastly person selectively, as well as all supernatural things. 外邊的雨還沒有停止……他很清楚這些雨水帶來的效果-這是魔術師部隊聯手釋放的一種名為‘消除記憶’的術式,它將會讓經曆了霧都事件的居民,都有選擇性地忘記了獸人的事情,以及一切超自然的事情。 This is also from the beginning, he and queen draws up this action time, has prepared countermeasure. 這也是一開始,他與女王擬定這次行動的時候,所已經準備好了的對策。 Suddenly, Caesar felt own these years, seem doing wasted the physical strength matter...... a deep weary feeling, raid quietly- in front of the certificate in hand. 忽然間,凱撒感覺自己這些年來,似乎都在做了一些浪費了氣力的事情……一種深深的疲倦感,悄然襲來-在手中的這份憑證麵前。 He even has impulsive, wants to drench the rainwater that in the sky is issuing......, but this degree of eliminates technique, is unable to produce results inhuman- yes, weakest inhumanity, is unable to produce the results to it even. 他甚至有種衝動,想要出去淋著天空上下達的雨水……但這種程度的‘消除術式’,根本無法對非人產生效果-是的,就算隻是最弱的非人,都無法對其產生效果。 Suddenly, sound sound of knocking on a door. 忽然,敲門的聲音響了起來。 It is not fur garment Das, does not raise, even is not Katherine's voice...... but is another, female sound of getting old. 不是裘達斯,也不是提普,甚至也不是凱瑟琳的聲音……而是另外一道,上了年紀的女性的聲音。 Continuously in this room the voice of maid is responsible for usually cleaning the work...... an most common humanity. 一位一直在這屋子中負責平日打掃工作的女傭的聲音……一個最普通不過的人類。 Mr. Davis, is Mr. Davis, you in inside? Can I come in?” “戴維斯先生,戴維斯先生,是您在裏麵嗎?我可以進來嗎?” Caesar implored the tone at this time slowly, then his body and even his appearance, started in this time become got older- no longer was that just like prince handsome, but turned over 40 years old, look ordinary man. 凱撒此時緩緩地籲了口氣,然後他的身體乃至他的容貌,都在此時開始變得老化了起來-不再是那宛如王子般的英俊,而是變成了四十多歲,相貌普通的男子。 Is using the sound of this age, Caesar said slowly: Is I...... you comes.” 用著這個年紀的聲音,凱撒緩緩說道:“是我……你進來吧。” The maids pushed the door to walk, after seeing is really master Mr. Davis in room, relaxes, then said: I hear here to have the sound probably, therefore has a look, the fear is a thief.” 女傭推門走了進來,看見真的是屋子的主人戴維斯先生之後,才鬆了口氣,然後道:“我好像聽到這裏有聲音,所以就過來看看,害怕是小偷。” All right, I in anticipation document.” Caesar said indifferently: Moreover, I will end the leave tomorrow, then starts Northern Ireland, here asked you to look.” “沒事的,我在看點文件。”凱撒淡然說道:“另外,明天我就會結束休假,然後啟程回去北愛爾蘭,這裏還是拜托你來照顧了。” This is my labor of duty, I will certainly look after this house.” The maids quite said respectfully. “這是我的本職工作,我一定會照顧好這棟房子的。”女傭相當恭敬地說道。 Does not look after carefully is not good, because here...... is first minister Mr. Davis in Northern Ireland area, buys in the fog city, usually takes vacation with real estate. 不小心照顧也不行啊,因為這裏……是北愛爾蘭地區的首席大臣戴維斯先生,在霧都買下來,平日度假用的房產。 She has worked to surpass here for ten years. 她已經在這裏工作超過了十年的時間了。 ...... …… ...... …… Palace of Westminster...... first repairs the good place. 威斯敏斯特宮……最先修複好的地方。 In a that named Palace of Westminster Zhong tower great Zhong's sightseeing place, Luo Qiu is looking into the little repaired city. 在那名為威斯敏斯特宮鍾塔的巨鍾的觀光層處,洛邱正眺望著一點點被修複的城市。 He says suddenly: City, seems like one to rotate, giant Zhong is the same. Each life person here, is its small components. Everyone, has his noticeable function. In this inhuman event, even if only an average person, still has the place that can display itself to affect...... is really a very substantial evening, you said right.” 他忽然開口說道:“城市,就好像是一個轉動著的,巨大的鍾一樣。每一個生活在這裏的人,都是它的一個小小的零件。每一個人,都有著他不可忽視的作用。在這場非人的事件中,就算隻是普通人,也有能夠發揮自己作用的地方……真是很充實的一個晚上,你說對嗎。” Boss Luo has turned around...... after death, miss maid walks slowly. 洛老板轉過了身來……身後,女仆小姐緩緩走來。 It seems like the master evening's time passes now is really happy.” “看來主人今晚上的時間過得真是愉快呢。” After all this time, has is an audience well.” Luo Qiu smiles, „...... and again being together of your student, fortunately.” “畢竟這次,也還是有好好地做一個觀眾啊。”洛邱笑了笑,“……和你那位學生的再相處,還好嗎。” Had to plant... makes the stubbornly disobedient student suspend a feeling?” “有種…讓頑劣的學生擺了一道的感覺?” miss maid faint smile......, but the meaningful glance has not many in those days gentle- to bystander. 女仆小姐似笑非笑……但眼色有著往日不多的溫柔-對外人。 That should also be a period of happy time.” Luo Qiu smiles, then spreads out the palm...... seven colors flowers, starts to emerge from his palm in the heart, gives to you.” “那應該也是一段愉快的時光。”洛邱笑了笑,然後攤開手掌……一朵七色的花朵,開始從他的掌心中浮出,“送給你的。” Qi Sejin in fable.” miss maid nature recognized. “傳說中的七色堇。”女仆小姐自然一眼就認了出來。 Yes, although is only the fable.” Luo Qiu handed over in the flower the hand of miss maid, makes the fable become the reality to be good.” “是啊,雖然隻是傳說。”洛邱將花交到了女仆小姐的手中,“不過讓傳說變成現實就好。” It...... naturally naturally grew, violated the real flower of natural law, was only from the creation, by the time of growth, set ahead. 它……自然是自然生長,違背了自然法則的真實之花,隻是從創造,到成長的時間,都被撥快了而已。 Drew in the flower of Qi Sejin in the chest front, miss maid lowers the head to smile, at once gains ground, master, about this time Chalice The punishment of destruction, has issued...... Eleanor to request the compensation very much tactful on own initiative.” 七色堇之花收攏在胸前,女仆小姐低頭微笑了一下,旋即抬起頭來,“主人,關於這次【聖杯】破壞的處罰,已經下達了……埃莉諾很識趣地主動請求了賠償。” She......” Luo Qiu nods, I read the account book time, before she seems like you...... maid?” “她啊……”洛邱點了點頭,“我看賬本的時候,她好像是你之前的……女仆?” Can aggravate her fine?” miss maid actually said indifferently: I thought that should aggravate, immediately stops her vacation, making her return to the work, yes.” “要加重她的罰金嗎?”女仆小姐淡然道:“我覺得應該加重的,馬上停止她的假期,讓她回歸工作,也是可以的。” Luo Qiu smiles, „, although I have not seen personally, but the good and evil had also taught your some time senior...... this time even. Also......” 洛邱隻是笑了笑,“雖然我也沒親自見過,但好歹也是曾經教導過你一段時間的前輩……這次就算了。再說……” Palm place, free state Chalice Appearance, and repolymerization. 掌心處,遊離狀態的【聖杯】出現,並且再一次聚合起來。 Only hears Luo Qiu to say at will: This thing Predecessor creation time, originally on self- repair capability of bringing, since took carry back, did not have the issue. However...... makes it continue to stay here, is a little actually inappropriate.” 隻聽見洛邱隨意道:“這東西上一任創造的時候,本來就自帶的自我修複能力,既然拿回來了,就沒問題了。不過……讓它繼續留在這裏,倒是有點不合適了。” „Does master plan to put the storehouse?” miss maid asked curiously. “主人打算放回去庫房?”女仆小姐好奇問道。 Un...... makes me think.” Boss Luo hesitated, later some wicked interest came, then had the idea...... to wave, opened a leafed door. “嗯……讓我想想。”洛老板沉吟了一下,隨後某種惡趣味來了,便有了主意……揮手,打開了一扇門。 Critical gate. 臨界之門。 Sees only Boss Luo in conveniently Chalice Threw, then says: Sub-World is stochastic, it will also bring fable to arrive, will then be competed......, might as well be called Chalice war?” 隻見洛老板就在隨手把【聖杯】扔了進去,然後開口說道:“子世界是隨機的,它也會自帶本身的傳說而降臨,然後會被爭奪……嗯,不如就叫做【聖杯戰爭】吧?” The miss maid vision still...... wants the master in any case well happily. UU reads 女仆小姐目光依然……反正隻要主人開心就好。UU看書 ...... …… Luo Qiu said at this time suddenly: Yes, end myth following, should vanish from this world little, finally thoroughly until cancels...... this, you did not need to go against the dictionary to punish by forcing to stand.” 洛邱此時忽然說道:“對了,‘末日神話’接下來,應該會一點點從這個世界上消失,直到最後徹底抹去的……這樣,你就不用頂字典罰站了。” The rain stopped. 雨停了。 boss and maid are accompanying in China , Tajikistan, until welcoming daybreak...... when the city repairs completely, dawn that first wipes, from the terminus of horizon, starts to move to them. 老板女仆在中塔上相伴著,直到迎來了黎明的時分……當城市完全地修複過來的時候,第一抹的曙光,也從地平線的盡頭,開始向他們移動而來。 Qi Sejin in her hand, is bathing the dawn, from is brilliant. 她手中的七色堇,沐浴著曙光,正自絢爛著。 # # # # # # # # # ######### PS : ( 15 / 30 ) PS:(15/30) Dear, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 親,點擊進去,給個好評唄,分數越高更新越快,據說給新打滿分的最後都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手機站全新改版升級地址:,數據和書簽與電腦站同步,無廣告清新閱讀!
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