TTC :: Volume #12

#320: Bears, cannot pissed, unable to be afraid

You should better not to make a show!” The woman voice is low and deep, is going against the Luo Qiu vanguard, you could rest assured that I will not harm you, I rest a meeting in your manor!” “你最好不要耍花样!”女人声音低沉,一路地顶着了洛邱前行,“你放心,我不会伤害你,我只是在你的庄园里面休息一会!” Probably without such strong borrowing. 大概没有这样强硬的借用的。 „Were you injured?” Boss Luo asked calmly...... asks something already known to ask. “你受伤了?”洛老板平静地问道……明知故问地问道。 I said makes you should better not to make a show...... to take your cell phone!” The women make an effort again, in silver pistol the muzzle by hand withstood/top the Luo Qiu's back, immediately!” “我说了让你最好不要耍花样……将你的手机取出来!”女人再一次用力,以手中的银色手枪的枪口顶了顶洛邱的后背,“马上!” „.” Boss Luo very natural took out the cell phone. “给。”洛老板很自然地取出了手机来。 Women without delay then cell phone seizing, then stopper to own waistband above. 女人二话不说便将手机给夺过,然后塞到了自己的腰带之上。 Before the gate, Boss Luo put out a hand in the pants pocket, she then responded that quite held the Luo Qiu's wrist/skill rapidly, cold sound said: what do you want to do.” 门前,洛老板伸手到了裤袋里面,她便反应相当迅速地抓住了洛邱的手腕,冷声道:“你想做什么。” Opens the door, needs the key.” “开门,需要钥匙。” Luo Qiu spread out the palm , is a key that takes from the bag...... the woman hesitates impressively does not speak, but was vigilant that the color does not have the retrogradation. 洛邱摊开了手掌来,果然,从袋子中取出来的赫然是一把钥匙……女人沉吟不语,只是警惕之色并没有退减。 But merely is only the amount of exercise that this comes, then had touched the injury in within the body, a fishy smell sweet direct impact throat place, she shuts up is unable to stop, puts out a hand unable to cover, the blood gushed out the lip freely, infiltrated from referring. 但仅仅只是这一路进来的运动量,便已经触动了她体内的伤势,一股腥甜直冲喉咙处,她闭嘴也无法止住,伸手也无法捂住,鲜血就自由涌出了嘴唇,从指间渗透了出来。 Her line of sight becomes the incomparable fuzziness in this moment, the whole person goes , the instance that pours toward this black hair young man directly at present but actually, she can only say weakly: Do not call...... the doctor......” 她视线在这一刻变得无比的模糊,整个人直接朝着眼前这黑发年轻男子倒去,倒下去的瞬间,她只能虚弱地说道:“不要叫……医生……” Therefore Boss Luo retroceded one step in this time, the woman has not successfully poured on his body...... she falls very much slowly on the ground, as if has anything to hold her, then puts down gently. 于是洛老板在此时后退了一步,女人并未成功地倒在他的身上……她只是很缓慢地落在了地上,仿佛有什么将她托着,接着轻柔放下。 Master, you came back.” “主人,你回来了。” In the woman pours the next instance after entrance floor, front front door opens, temporarily substituting for maid work Eve Then appeared in the Boss Luo front. 就在女人倒在门口地板之后的下一个瞬间,面前的大门打开,暂代女仆工作的【夏娃】便出现在了洛老板的面前。 Eve Looks the woman who ground spat blood, the eye does not have the expression: Intruder?” 【夏娃】看了一眼地上吐血的女人,目无表情道:“入侵者?” Boss Luo had not directly replied, but asked suddenly: Eve, You will administer first aid, of normal mode.” 洛老板没有正面回答,只是忽然问道:“【夏娃】,你会急救吗,正常方式的那种。” Eve The direct nod said: I can perform some surgeries simply, if insufficiently, I can learn/study immediately. Has this need, master.” 【夏娃】直接点头道:“我可以简单地进行一些外科手术,如果不够,我可以马上学习。有这个需要吗,主人。” You look at the office.” Boss Luo smiling faintly, then bypassed the woman, walked into the room, tonight I do on the line of eating.” “你看着办吧。”洛老板微微一笑,然后绕过了女人,走入了屋子里面,“今晚我自己做吃的就行。” Eve Gazes after Boss Luo to depart, lowers the head the woman who looks at the ground. 【夏娃】目送着洛老板离去,才低头看着地上的女人。 Eve On the face does not have the impatient facial expression, but thought aloud the said/tunnel: „The You Ye master has said that any enters the females in manor to record...... the scanning, scans successfully. The execution first instruction, starts to rescue......” 【夏娃】的脸上始终没有不耐烦的神情,只是却自言自语般地道:“优夜主人说过,任何进入庄园的女性都要记录下来……扫描,扫描成功。执行优先指令,开始施救……” Therefore. 于是。 It bends the waist, then hugs...... 它弯下腰来,然后将人抱起…… ...... …… ...... …… Waske returns to the original topic to tidy up several Saint Knight reserve duties of hand tail to be truly quick arrives in the church that Stee God Ra father was. 瓦斯科说回来收拾手尾的几名圣骑士预备役确实很快就抵达了史特拉神父所在的教会。 The Saint church in European earth mainland, has mingled among with these in the dark lifeform resistance of human society...... this already has continued for several thousand years, therefore the Saint church even has plan of one set of complete and mature processing extraordinary event. 圣教会一直都在欧土大陆上,和那些混迹在人类社会的暗黑生物对抗……这已经持续了数千年的时间,因此圣教会甚至已经有了一套完整并且成熟的处理特殊事件的方案。 The police caught up afterward, discovered that the church was destroyed , because in the church explosion causes...... as for the believers stupor, is because after inhaling the explosion , the relations of a lot of exhaust gas has. 警察后来赶来了,发现教会被破坏,是因为教会里面的锅炉爆炸导致……至于信众们昏迷,则是因为吸入了锅炉爆炸后产生的大量废气的关系。 heavens, how can such reason easily refuse? 哦,天啊,这样的理由怎能轻易地就推搪过去的? God knows why...... the police hit probably evilly, easily believes this reason- a female student in Saint Knight reserve duty, at this time rode the vehicle of police directly, went to the police station to record the oral confession. 天知道为什么……警察们像是撞邪了般,轻易地就相信了这个理由-圣骑士预备役中的一名女生,此时直接坐上了警察的车子,前往警察局去录口供去了。 As for the church inside, when came such a female intern- does ghost know? 至于教会里头,什么时候来了这样一个女性的见习生-鬼知道? Then, even if only an intern, can still be female? The father should not be the male is right, if female, isn't the nun is right? 说起来,即使只是见习生,也能够是女的啊?神父不应该都是男性才对,如果是女性的话,难道不是修女才对? Who knows that...... the police this comes soon then to leave. 谁知道呢……警察就这样才来不久便已经离开。 The remaining three Saint Knight reserve duties are the believers who start to process these to wake up one after another- to comparing to police's inquiry, this group of believers are the huge projects. 剩下的三名圣骑士预备役则是开始处理那些陆续醒来的信众们-对比起警察的查询,这一群的信众才是庞大的工程。 Cannot counterfeit, did our violate the ninth commandment?” A Saint Knight reserve duty asked at this time suddenly. “不可作假,我们这是不是犯了第九戒条?”一名圣骑士预备役此时忽然问道。 „Our is the believers who protect, is doing good deeds.” Another belief firm Saint Knight reserve duty replied immediately. “我们这是在保护住的信众,是在行善。”另一名信仰坚定的圣骑士预备役则是马上回答道。 Right, you are truly counterfeiting, is dishonest, the front door of heaven cannot open for you.” Nearby Stee God Ra father came such a suddenly, at the same time also bit open the bottle cap of joyful water with the tooth, thump thump drank. “没错,你们确实就是在作假,不诚实,天国的大门不会为你们打开的。”一旁的史特拉神父忽然来了这么一句,与此同时还用牙齿咬开了快乐水的瓶盖,咕咚咕咚地喝了起来。 This may really be the father who sends individually...... the Saint Knight reserve duties thought. 这可真是个别致的神父……圣骑士预备役们心想。 Sir Waske has told, cannot have any conflict with the opposite party the words...... such fellow, was once the prison in invincible might prison was really long, that for the god travel imprisonment, the duty of penalty, dozens years was called 【The iron fist of light Man? 要不是瓦斯科大人吩咐过,不可与对方发生任何冲突的话……这样的家伙,真的是曾经神威狱的狱长,那个替神行驶监禁,惩罚之职,几十年强被称为【光明之铁拳】的男人? Is the iron fist is invincible!” Has drunk up father of one bottle of joyful water to disdain the said/tunnel at this time: In addition the bright two characters, were too preliminary!” “是铁拳无敌!”已经喝完了一瓶快乐水的神父此时不屑地道:“加上光明两个字,太低级了!” Bears, cannot pissed, bear- the Saint Knight reserve duties start to read silently the Saint Knight self- morals and training in in the heart. 忍住,不能生气,忍住-圣骑士预备役们开始在心中默诵着圣骑士的自我道德与修养。 No longer paid attention to this to move in a sand beach chair to lie down in the father who inside the courtyard supervised work, three Saint Knight reserve duties started to handle the other things silently. 不再去理会这个搬来了一张沙滩椅躺在了院子里头监工的神父,三名圣骑士预备役们开始默默地处理余下的事情。 Soon, Waske comes back from outside, seems fruitless. 不久之后,瓦斯科从外边回来,似乎无果。 Waske arrived at Stee God Ra father's side directly, sat on the ground directly- side of sand beach chair, then snatched the corn flakes on Stee God Ra father hand, stressed one then to chew, „the Black Religious Order person will not attack you with no reason at all.” 瓦斯科径直来到了史特拉神父的身边,直接坐在了地上-沙滩椅的旁边,然后抢来了史特拉神父手上的玉米片,抓了一把便嚼了起来,“黑色修会的人不会无缘无故来袭击你。” How you know that they are attack my?” Stee God Ra father stared one, snatched the corn flakes. “你怎么知道它们是来袭击我的?”史特拉神父瞪了一眼,将玉米片抢了过来。 Why don't they hit the Saint church? But selected sought you at this time?” Waske does not have feel mad to say. “那他们为什么不去打圣教会?而是挑这个时候来寻你?”瓦斯科没好气地说道。 Father natural said/tunnel: Naturally does not do the Saint church, selects my old and weak remnants to bully? Do not look that I am now good, my internal injury is actually very heavy, in a short time could not make the heavy labor, these little fellows who you brought looked very industrious, taking advantage of used for several days?” 神父理所当然地道:“当然是干不过圣教会,才来挑我这种老弱残兵来欺负啊?你别看我现在挺好,我其实内伤很重,短时间内都做不了重活,你带来的这几个小家伙看起来挺勤劳的,借来用几天?” These are the students in Saint Knight reserve duty camp, does not turn over to me to manage, has the skill you directly the battalion commander important person to reserve duty camp.” A Waske coldly snorted sound said: Otherwise you go back the invincible might prison to shout the person, inside that group of lawmen only listen to your transfer order in any case, for these years, changed several prisons long to comply in public but oppose in private, the Pope were mad several times wants to dismiss them!” “这些是圣骑士预备役营的学生,不归我管,有本事你直接向预备役营的营长要人。”瓦斯科冷哼一声道:“不然你回去神威狱喊人,反正里面的那群执法者只听你的调令,这么多年来,换了几个狱长都是阳奉阴违,教宗好几次都气得想要解散他们!” Well, the old fogy had not been irritated, is really the miracle!” Stee God Ra father sat exaggeratingly, a face inconceivable appearance. “咦,那老家伙还没有被气死,真是奇迹!”史特拉神父夸张地坐了起来,一脸不可思议的模样。 Waske bears has not come up to punch an impulsion at the scene fat, suddenly lowers the head to sigh, was similar.” 瓦斯科忍住没有当场就上去胖揍一顿的冲动,忽然低头叹了口气,“差不多了。” Stee God Ra father opened the opens the mouth, throughout is silent has not spoken, some little time later, he sighed said angrily: If the Pope really must dismiss the law enforcement team, remembers that reminded him to want the compensation for removal.” 史特拉神父张了张口,始终是沉默没有说话,好一会儿之后,他才叹了口气道:“如果教宗真的要解散执法队,记得提醒他要给遣散费。” Also thinks that Stella will say Waske who anything comforts to speak, felt oneself underestimated the bad degree of opposite party, has the resigned-looking say/way: Now had determined, Monastery seized holy relic was reversed in the hand of Black Religious Order, moreover there are their new armor. We do not know that the foreign mission is also hiding many dangerous character in this small town, I have proposed to the Saint church supported, these 1-2 days, some people will come.” 还以为史特拉会说出什么安慰说话来的瓦斯科,觉得自己还是低估了对方的恶劣程度,只好一脸无奈道:“现在已经确定,修道院被夺走的圣遗物黑色修会的手上被逆转了,而且还有它们的新型装甲。我们不知道修会在这个小镇上还藏着多少危险人物,我已经向圣教会提出支援了,这1-2的时间,就会有人过来。” Then?” Stee God Ra father blinks. “然后?”史特拉神父眨了眨眼睛。 Waske said indifferently: Their goals very obviously are you, we cannot make you have an accident, therefore the past few days I stay with that several reserve duty student associations here.” 瓦斯科淡然道:“他们的目标很明显是你,我们不能让你出事,所以这几天我和那几个预备役学生会在这里住下。” To money!” Stee God Ra father is staring at Waske at this time with an air of decorum, tone that not discussed: Board expenses!” “给钱!”史特拉神父此时煞有介事地盯着瓦斯科,毫无商量的口吻:“还有伙食费!” You absolutely are this world's largest heresy!!” “你绝对是本世界最大的异端!!” Stee God Ra father sighed, said spookily: You do not know, cat grain very expensive/noble...... Tom follows I, soon could not eat to the full. You look, these months, Tom were thinly quick two jin (0.5 kg).” 史特拉神父不禁叹了口气,幽幽地说道:“你不知道,猫粮很贵的……阿汤哥跟着我,快要吃不饱了。你看,这几个月时间,阿汤哥都快瘦了两斤了。” Sees only Waske to stand up suddenly, on the forehead the azure root rises suddenly. 只见瓦斯科猛然地站起身来,额头上青根暴涨。 Three Saint Knight reserve duties at this time in the heart one tight, is in abundance calm, does not dare to disclose- is only their in the heart is thinking the same matter: Punches him! Sir Waske! Beats to death this shameless fat old man! 三位圣骑士预备役此时心中一紧,纷纷凝神静气,不敢声张-只是他们心中都在想着同一件事情:揍他!瓦斯科大人!揍死这个无耻的胖老头! You come! To money!” Unexpectedly Waske angrily said at this time, then angrily walked. “你们过来!给钱!”不料瓦斯科此时气冲冲地说了一句,然后便气冲冲地走了进去。 Three reserve duty Saint Knight are the look is all startled at this time, then opened the opens the mouth inconceivable...... WTF! Brutal! 三位预备役圣骑士此时俱都是神色一怔,然后不可思议地张了张口……卧槽!无情! ...... …… ...... …… At this time, and Vick Dowar were suspecting that a matter...... whether really had the enemy to track them-, although as of a Sir Dagonet Twelve Knight was such word the conclusive expression. 这个时候,马芬与威克多尔都在怀疑一件事情……是否真的有敌人在跟踪他们-尽管作为十二骑士之一的达戈尼特大人是如此的言之确凿的表情。 But can't you coming in restaurant, flirt with here school girl simply? 但你老也不能一进来餐馆,就和这里的简直的女学生调情啊? Without Dagonet that changing to the clown makeup accommodates may be called a handsome man- morning time, he then successfully exchanged the number with this school girl mutually. 没有化作小丑妆容的达戈尼特堪称一名美男子-一个早上的时间,他便成功地与这名女学生互相交换了号码。 And Vick Dowar will not envy, is absolutely impossible to envy, they have Knight of moral excellence, will not really envy. 马芬和威克多尔不会羡慕的,绝对不可能羡慕的,他们都是拥有美德的骑士,真的不会羡慕的。 Sees Dagonet to bring to smile, and Vick Dowar could not sit still eventually, gathers up to come to ask hastily: Sir Dagonet, we......” 达戈尼特带着微笑回来,马芬与威克多尔终究是坐不住了,连忙凑上前来问道:“达戈尼特大人,我们到底……” Sees only Dagonet to sit down at will, then takes the make a move machine, we first anticipation thing.” 只见达戈尼特随意地坐下,然后取出手机,“我们先看点东西。” Two people had doubts looked at each other one, later looked to cell phone that Dagonet turned on- cell phone started to broadcast the video. 二人疑惑地对视了一眼,随后看向了达戈尼特打开的手机-手机开始播放视频。 In eyes flashes through color of the doubts, later said: „Does this seem like our here churches? I remember that inside father is called Stella probably? Sir Dagonet, is this?” 马芬眼中闪过一丝的疑惑之色,随后道:“这好像是咱们这里的教会?我记得里面的神父好像是叫做史特拉?达戈尼特大人,这到底是?” Unmanned aerial vehicle.” Mr Clown said with a smile reluctantly: „In 9102, who inquired that an information hasn't used the high tech?” “无人机啊。”小丑先生懒懒地笑道:“都9102年了,谁打听点情报还不用高科技啊?” Knight Order gives out here funds not so many...... 骑士机关拨给这里的经费没有这么多啊…… „, Has the situation!” Vick Dowar at this time look one tight, „do some people attack the church...... this person are? It is not good, we must overtake immediately! Has Inhuman Here rebels early!” “嘘,有情况!”威克多尔此时神色一紧,“有人袭击教会……这人是?不行,我们必须马上赶过去!有【非人】早这里作乱!” Mr Clown actually pressed two people, we did not use.” 小丑先生却将二人按了下来,“我们不用过去了。” Why!” Two people of simultaneously asked. “为什么!”二人齐齐问道。 Mr Clown shrugs, narrows the eyes to focus to say with a smile: Because before this is two hours , the matter of...... the attack, is when we start to have the breakfast starts.” 小丑先生耸耸肩,眯着眼笑道:“因为这已经是两个小时之前发生的事情了……袭击,是在我们开始吃早餐的时候开始的啦。” Sir Dagonet this... this how line?” Two people immediately in great surprise. 达戈尼特大人这…这怎么行?”二人顿时大惊。 Mr Clown plays the playing cards on table saying: How cannot...... we now know at least what people aren't?” 小丑先生玩着桌子上的扑克牌说道:“怎么不可以……起码我们现在知道都有些什么人了不是?” At this time, after the cell phone enters the degeneration force field to initiate quickly the dark curtain that is broken, Stee God Ra father, the mysterious woman as well as Waske's appearance, clearly appears above the screen. 此时,当手机快进到了堕落力场所引发的黑暗之幕被打破之后,史特拉神父,神秘女人以及瓦斯科的模样,都清晰地出现在屏幕之上。 We......” “那我们……” What program tonight has?” Dagonet asked with a smile, I most liked the junketing, but can also reimburse.” “今晚有什么节目吗?”达戈尼特笑着问道,“我最喜欢公费旅游了,还能报销。” If not who in Dagonet that flashes through lets the cold light that the person dreads, they really believed. 如果不是达戈尼特那眼中闪过的一丝让人畏惧的寒光的话,他们就真的信了。 My this arranges.” Stood up suddenly the body, Vick Dowar, you are accompanying Sir Dagonet here.” “我这就去安排。”马芬忽然站起了身来,“威克多尔,你在这里陪着达戈尼特大人吧。” Saying, then wore the windproof coat, lowers the head, the anxious hasty went out of the restaurant...... Dagonet not to pay attention, but brought back the cell phone, once again is broadcasting the above content. 说着,马芬便穿上了风衣,低着头,急忙忙地走出了餐馆……达戈尼特并没有理会,只是取回了手机,又一次播放着上面的内容。 „......” Dagonet looks at the curtain of broken instance darkness at this time, suddenly thought aloud in a low voice: This interesting.” “还有一个……”达戈尼特此时看着黑暗之幕被打破的瞬间,忽然低声自言自语起来:“这有趣。” ...... …… ...... …… Woman suddenly spread eye. 女人猛然张开了眼睛。 She discovered that she is lying down above a very comfortable bed...... she crawled the body, but a severe pain almost makes her appear twitches- this needs to bear with the greatest willpower is not painful screams. 她发现自己正躺在了一张很是舒适的大床之上……她爬起了身来,但一阵的剧痛差点让她出现抽搐-这需要用莫大的意志力才能忍住不痛叫出声。 At this time, her upper body has entangled the bandage...... to lift the quilt to look- this time only has the upper part to entangle the bandage. 此时,她的上身都已经缠上了绷带……掀开了被子一看-她的身上此时仅有上半身是缠着绷带的。 As if...... she has been able to feel by the surgery, although the internal organs are painful, but as if underwent the treatment. 似乎已经被人动过了手术……她能够感觉得出来,内脏虽然还痛,但似乎经过了治疗。 Women instantaneous one startled, actually sees the clothing not to see, but folded to place in the cabinet of bedside. 女人瞬间一惊,却见衣物并没有不见,只是叠好放在了床边的柜子上。 On clothes, even also put her...... the woman to wrinkle frowns the silver pistol. 衣服上,甚至还放着她那把银色的手枪……女人不禁皱了皱眉头 In the meantime, the gate of room hit slowly, the woman endured suffering to lift the cup without delay, took single-handedly is keeping off on the body, later grasped nearby pistol, the side leg partly squatted above the floor, the muzzle is pointing at the entrance. 就在此时,房间的门缓缓打了开来,女人二话不说就忍痛掀开了杯子,一手拿着挡在了身上,随后抓起旁边的手枪,侧腿半蹲了在地板之上,枪口指着门口。 What coming is a wear maid attire attire, the facial expression chilly...... even facial expression indifferent beautiful female- Eve. 进来的是一名穿着女仆服装,神情清冷……甚至神情冷漠的美丽女子-【夏娃】。 A quite perfect female- similarly takes the woman, even if places in this strange and strange environment, she cannot acknowledge this point. 相当完美的一个女性-同样作为女人,即使是身处在这种陌生并且诡异的环境当中,她也不得承认这一点。 Please do not get out of bed, your present condition not suitable fierce movement.” Eve At this time the eye said without the expression. “请不要下床,你现在的状况不适合剧烈的运动。”【夏娃】此时目无表情说道。 I said that do not invite the doctor to me.” The women wrinkled frowns, my stupor how long?” “我说了,不要给我请医生。”女人皱了皱眉头,“我昏迷了多久?” Had passed for four hours to the present from your stupor 39 minutes.” Eve Direct reaction: Moreover, is I treats to you, is not a doctor.” “从你昏迷到现在已经过去了四个小时又三十九分钟。”【夏娃】直接回答道:“另外,是我给你治疗的,并不是医生。” You?” The women opened the opens the mouth slightly, cracks a joke? “你?”女人微微张了张口,开什么玩笑? First did not say how this manor sees does not seem like the hospital, present can maid, complete a surgery to oneself unexpectedly in four hours? 先不说这个庄园怎么看都不像是医院,眼前的这个女仆,居然能够在四个多小时的时间内给自己做完了一场手术? But her injured situation...... internal organs breakage! 她受伤的情况可是……内脏破裂! Clenches teeth, woman subconsciously put out a hand to touch to own neck place- she discovered that on the neck the equally important thing has actually lost, my necklace?” 咬咬牙,女人下意识地伸手摸向了自己的脖子处-她发现脖子上一样重要的东西其实已经丢失,“我的项链呢?” I had not noticed that on you have the necklace.” Eve Shaking the head. “我并没有看到你身上有项链。”【夏娃】摇了摇头。 The women sneered, in the eye projected cold light, then touched off pistol in this time without delay- in room, resounded suddenly. 女人冷笑了一声,眼中射出一丝寒光,便在此时二话不说就扣动了手枪-房间内,骤然鸣响。 Bang-!! 嘭-!! Let one of her pupil contraction appear! 让她瞳孔收缩的一幕出现了! The bullet has projected, but the next instance, is gripped...... the woman to see that warhead between woman fingers with the finger by maid clearly! 子弹已经射出,但下一个瞬间,却已经被女仆用手指夹住……女人能够清晰地看见女人手指间的那颗弹头! How god knows this maid is with the finger is clamping the bullet...... this is not the ordinary bullet! 天知道这个女仆到底是怎么用手指夹着子弹的……这可不是普通的子弹!
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