TTC :: Volume #12

#256: Your back no one?

The pharaohs in kingdom are also magnanimous, since Princess After saying the topic, wields on the big hand, son who not only lets the ministers, even the young guard in royal palace, can still move in places besides several palace even freely, seeks to let Princess Reveals the thing of smile. 王国的法老也是大度,从【公主殿下】说出了题目之后,就大手一挥,不仅仅让大臣们的儿子,甚至就算是王宫内的年轻侍卫,也可以在除了几处宫殿之外的地方自由活动,去寻找可以让【公主殿下】露出微笑之物。 Princess The original words are this: Wants me as well as my wealth? The wanted words can you, seek completely! Can make me smile the thing, it hides in the middle of this royal palace! 【公主殿下】的原话是这样的:想要得到我以及我的财富吗?想要的话可以全部都给你,去寻找吧!可以让我微笑之物,它就藏在这王宫当中! Roar! Looks! Clash/To duck! 吼啊!找啊!冲鸭! Therefore then has in the royal palace these for dozens years had not as if had lively one. 于是便有了王宫内这数十年来似乎都没有过的热闹一幕。 The pharaohs in kingdom have seemed like for many years not like this happy, whatever at this time these young men are tossing about oneself royal palace, drinks to one's heart's content with the ministers, at the same time looks at the young warriors, takes all kinds of things unceasingly, walks into Princess Above garret that is, later dejectedly walked. 王国的法老似乎多年来都没有这样的高兴过,此时任由着这些年轻的男子折腾着自己的王宫,与众大臣们开怀畅饮,一边看着年轻的勇士们,不断地拿着各种各样的东西,走入【公主殿下】所在的阁楼之上,随后又沮丧地走了下来。 „, This seems like the son of general, hasn't he succeeded? Actually I very like his braveness.” “哦,这好像是将军的儿子,他也没有成功吗?其实我挺喜欢他的勇武的。” The pharaohs in kingdom review...... as for by the review sons' these fathers, in the heart once for a while was been once for a while happy, was unknown. 王国的法老时不时地点评一番……至于被点评了儿子们的那些父亲们,心中时不时高兴,就不得而知了。 Farce still also when continues...... is being the moon/month upper culmination. 闹剧依然还在持续着……已经是月上中天的时候。 In the meantime, has the guard anxious hasty to run over, the front of pharaoh as well as minister in kingdom said: High Priest came back! Immediately!” 就在此时,有侍卫急忙忙地跑了过来,在王国的法老以及众大臣的面前说道:“大祭司回来了!马上到!” High Priest?” The pharaohs in kingdom are startled, later stood up the body, haha laughs saying: This is really an auspicious day!” 大祭司?”王国的法老一怔,随后站起了身来,哈哈大笑道:“这真是一个好日子!” Different from the Wang Guofa old this time happiness, a numerous minister actually secretly heart startled- they are know that Princess Raner's another status...... the saintess in temple. 不同于王国法老此时的高兴,一众的大臣却暗自心惊-他们是知道的,雅曼拉娜公主的另外一个身份……神庙的圣女。 Although, the temple has not forbidden the marital problem of temple saintess......, but the appearance of this time High Priest, as if means anything. 虽然,神庙并没有禁止神庙圣女的婚姻问题……但此时大祭司的出现,似乎意味着什么。 After all, former empress, is Raner Princess's Holy Mother, once was the Predecessor temple saintess...... 毕竟,前任的皇后,也就是雅曼拉娜公主的圣母,也曾经是上一任的神庙圣女…… High Priest now person?” The pharaohs in kingdom asked at this time directly. 大祭司现在人呢?”王国的法老此时直接问道。 The guards replied hastily: High Priest said that does not want to alarm everyone, only makes me tell you one, he himself walks everywhere, will wait to come back here.” 侍卫连忙回答道:“大祭司说不想惊动大家,只让我来告诉您一声,他自己到处走走,等会就回来到这里。” “Oh? ” the pharaohs in kingdom wrinkled frowns, later nods, „, since this, we then continue the banquet...... you also to get down.” “哦?”王国的法老皱了皱眉头,随后点点头,“既然这样,我们便继续宴会……你也下去吧。” The pharaohs in kingdom wave, guard who will come the circular calling, then held up wine glass to come...... to be only again the smile does not have time from the beginning was earnest. 王国的法老挥了挥手,将前来通告的侍卫给叫了下去,然后再次举起了酒杯来……只是笑容却没有一开始时候的热切了。 ...... …… Dear Princess Raner, this is I specially from the corner of royal palace for Saint huan that you bring, you look at its lovable appearance, really can from the heart to smile!” “亲爱的雅曼拉娜公主殿下,这是我特意从王宫的一角为你带来的一只圣鹮,你看它可爱的模样,实在是能够让人发自内心的微笑啊!” Is away from together the curtain awning, Claudia actually at the back of bringing Saint huan youngster, is listening to the sweet talk in his mouth, the lights in looked out of the window Sun City truly...... celebrate victory is not only celebrate victory in royal palace, the entire city also has. She as if can hear the sound that outside the royal palace broadcasts indistinctly. 隔着一道帘篷,克劳迪娅却是背着带来圣鹮的年轻人,听着他口中的甜言蜜语,看着的确实窗外太阳城中的灯火……庆功不仅仅是王宫内的庆功,全城也有。她似乎隐约能够听见王宫外传来的声音。 She actually feels outside the royal palace possibly is better...... probably she is not the true princess's relations. 她其实感觉在王宫外可能更好……大概她不是真正的公主的关系。 Flattering of these young talents, the time truly make she has the type unprecedentedly floating from the beginning......, but this greater part of the night later, these sounds had been sick, even makes her have a repugnant feeling faintly. 这些年轻才俊的讨好,一开始时候确实让她有种前所未有的飘飘然……但这大半夜下来,这些声音早就已经厌烦,甚至让她隐隐有种反感的感觉。 After curtain awning, youngster is still still saying anything incessantly, annoyed Claudia has turned around immediately, waves then coldly saying: Ok, you successfully made me unable to smile...... next.” 帘篷后年轻人依然还在滔滔不绝地说着什么,心烦的克劳迪娅顿时转过了身来,一挥手便冷冷说道:“好了,你成功地让我笑不出来……下一个。” Princess! Princess! I to your love......” “公主殿下!公主殿下!我对你的爱……” The sound goes far away gradually, youngster actually by two powerful and brave, the guard who the chest muscles can vibrate, is clamping raise one on the left and other on the right, sent out the garret. 声音渐渐远去,年轻人却是被两名孔武有力,胸肌能够振动的侍卫,给一左一右地夹着提起,送出了阁楼。 Then, next will arrive. 然后,下一个将会到来。 Claudia rubbed the forehead, felt she who incomparable headache, at this time was pondering how should leave...... her to look at the window from this garret, discovered that here to the ground is actually not very high appearance, if crawls from here...... 克劳迪娅揉了揉额头,感觉无比头痛的她,此时正在思考着应该怎么从这个阁楼离开……她看了看窗台,发现这里到地面其实也不是很高的样子,如果从这儿爬下去的话…… Could!” Claudia clenches teeth, remembers the childhood also often the sewer pipe in family/home along the matter that climbs down, in the heart then had having made up mind. “或许可以!”克劳迪娅咬了咬牙,想起了小时候也常常沿着家中的下水管道爬下的事情,心中便有了决意。 You come!” “你过来!” Outside a Claudia's shouting came in...... the maidservant to be in reverential awe curtain screen maidservant, since later, then heard Princess Order. 克劳迪娅将帘子外的一名侍女给喊了进来……侍女诚惶诚恐,进入之后,便听到了【公主殿下】的命令。 You sit here!” Claudia the eye looks at the maidservant at this time vacantly, wait comes in every time a person, your anything words do not say, made him speak three words! After the speech, you wave, making the guard deliver him!” “你坐在这里!”克劳迪娅此时目无表情地看着侍女,“等下每进来一个人,你什么话都不要说,直让他说三句话!说话之后你就挥手,让侍卫将他送出去!” „?” The maidservants are startled immediately. “啊?”侍女顿时一惊。 Claudia studies immediately presently sells to say presently: This is the order! If you do not listen, I execute you!” 克劳迪娅顿时现学现卖道:“这是命令!你若是不听,我就处死你!” Does not want! I listen! I listen to......” maidservant almost to have the sound of sob to lower the head to say. “不要!我听!我听……”侍女几乎带着哭泣的声音低头说道。 Claudia smiles at this time, fast exchanges the clothes and maidservant, later before arriving at the window, raised the skirt, then crawled. 克劳迪娅此时嘿嘿一笑,飞快地将衣服与侍女调换,随后走到窗台前,提起了裙子,便爬了出去。 But at this time, the next youth has arrived at...... the maidservant in the flurry, can only the anxious hasty study Princess The beforehand appearance, is turning away from the opposite party, anxiously silent silently count the number of times that comes the person to speak. 而此时,下一个的青年已经到来……侍女在慌乱之中,只能急忙忙地学着【公主殿下】之前的模样,背对着对方,担惊受怕地默默数着来人说话的次数。 Spoke three words, spoke three words...... three words......, was this several words?” “说三句话,说三句话……三句话……咦,这是第几句话了?” ...... …… Princess who goes to your Ma! The old ladies did not accompany you to play!” “去你玛的公主!老娘不陪你们玩了!” Climbs down along the outer wall of palace slowly, Claudia even also not busy one side cursed anything...... she to leave this place, left the farther the better! 一路沿着宫殿的外墙缓缓爬下,克劳迪娅甚至还不忙一边地咒骂着什么……她要离开这个地方,离开的越远越好! Man unreliable, at crucial moment try to find the solution the line...... any new schoolmate, what Mr. Otto, dies completely! 男人一个都靠不住啊,关键时候还是得自己想办法才行……什么新同学,什么奥托先生,全部都去死吧! Finally crawling, Claudia implored the tone immediately, raise one's head looked at one, discovered that so many years passed by, the appearance that the time that oneself climb a wall has not dropped probably...... she turned the neck, immediately then turns around to leave. 终于给爬了下来,克劳迪娅顿时吁了口气,抬头看了一眼,发现这么多年过去了,自己爬墙的功夫好像也没有落下的样子……她扭了扭脖子,顿时便转身离开。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 As the princess, you did not think that this behavior is to really harm princess's image...... Raner.” “身为公主,你不觉得这种行为实在是有损公主的形象吗……雅曼拉娜。” Broadcast the voice of speech...... the man. 身后传来了说话的声音……男人。 Claudia in the heart one startled, startled at the same time, turns around suddenly, looks toward the hidden place, even opened eye- this sound lets she even not real feelings! 克劳迪娅心中一惊,一惊的同时,猛然转身,朝着暗处看去,甚至睁大了眼睛-这声音让她甚至有一种不真实的感觉! Her lip fine motion, resembling was wants to say anything. 她的嘴唇微动,似是想要说些什么。 Sees only the hidden place, the person's shadow goes out together slowly, what wear is not the clothing of guard, is different from the clothing of general royal palace minister, is not the aristocrats in city...... a white robe, making one seemingly appear quite dignified. 只见暗处,一道人影缓缓走出,穿着的并非侍卫的服饰,也和一般的王宫大臣的服饰不同,也不是城内的贵族……一袭的白袍,让人看起来显得相当的庄严。 But Claudia's this time vision actually dim got up...... she even not to utter a word all of a sudden, directly toward coming the person always came, makes an effort to enclasp the opposite party. 但克劳迪娅此时的目光却一下子朦胧了起来……她甚至一声不吭,直接就朝着来人从来过来,用力地抱紧了对方。 Professor Xie Jiatu...... she in this place, saw her father unexpectedly, is missing Professor Xie Jiatu as before! 谢嘉图教授……她居然在这个地方,看见了她的父亲,失踪依旧的谢嘉图教授! Father-!” She brings the weeping voice to shout that this was full of the suffering sound...... raise one's head to look at front white robe man crazily, father......?” “父亲-!”她带着哭腔喊出来了这充满了委屈的声音……抬头痴痴地看着面前的白袍男人,“父亲……?” But quick, Claudia then felt that improper- front Professor Xie Jiatu, not only without her imagines the exciting application, unexpectedly exceptionally tranquil...... an extremely strange feeling, making Claudia subconsciously loosen both hands, even retroceded a half step. 但很快,克劳迪娅便感觉到了一丝不妥-面前的谢嘉图教授,不仅仅没有她想象中的激动申请,竟是异常的平静……一种极为陌生的感觉,让克劳迪娅下意识地松开了双手,甚至后退了一小步。 The white robe man slightly frowns, resembles at this time is pondering anything, said slowly: Raner, I heard the pharaoh wants to give you to search husband's matter...... to know you received many grievance, but you cannot therefore me shout that is the father. I am only your teacher, Raner.” 白袍男人此时略皱眉头,似在沉思什么,才缓缓说道:“雅曼拉娜,我听说了法老想要给你寻觅夫婿的事情……知道你受了不少的委屈,但你也不能因此而将我喊作父亲的。我只是你的老师而已,雅曼拉娜。” Old... teacher?” Claudia opened the opens the mouth, suddenly realized a matter. “老…老师?”克劳迪娅张了张口,突然意识到了一件事情。 Here has with her exactly the same Princess Raner, has Eburne...... that also has with own father Xie Jiatu Professor same Raner's teacher? 这里有着和她一模一样的雅曼拉娜公主,有着伊本……那么,也有着和自己父亲谢嘉图教授一样的雅曼拉娜的老师? Forgot? I am High Priest of temple, your teacher.” The white robe man shakes the head at this time, pitiful Raner, the actions of it seems like that this pharaoh, really hurt thoroughly your heart.” “忘了吗?我是神庙的大祭司,你的老师。”白袍男子此时摇摇头,“可怜的雅曼拉娜,看来这次法老的所作所为,真的是伤透了你的心。” I...... I......” Claudia suddenly discovered, I do not know how unexpectedly should go facing this with Professor Xie Jiatu same High Priest, I... I am not...... I not......” “我……我……”克劳迪娅突然发现,自己竟是不知道应该如何去面对这位和谢嘉图教授一样的大祭司,“我…我不是……我不……” High Priest actually showed the smile of affection at this time, „, I had don't worry come back, I will deal with these difficult issues for you, ended this farce.” 大祭司此时却露出了慈爱的微笑,“不用担心,我已经回来了,我会为你处理这些困难的问题,结束这场闹剧的。” Claudia was silent immediately, this discovered outside oneself strong...... her took a deep breath, was restored by oneself to the calm appearance forcefully, nods saying: This truly is a farce, I do not have the time to accompany their here crazy, High Priest, if can solve for me, that naturally best.” 克劳迪娅顿时沉默了下来,这才发现自己以外的坚强……她深呼吸了一口气,强行让自己恢复到冷静的模样,点点头道:“这确实是一场闹剧,我没有时间陪他们在这里疯癫,大祭司如果能够为我解决的话,那自然是最好不过。” I will solve for you, my little princess, all your difficulties, I for...... along with me who you solve will come.” High Priest at this time smiling faintly: I and you see your father together.” “我会为你解决的,我的小公主,你的一切困难,我都会为你解决的……随我来吧。”大祭司此时微微一笑:“我与你一起去见见你的父亲。” Claudia opened the opens the mouth, finally can only nod, felt that just went out from a difficult position, immediately fell into the middle of the mire same...... she to smile bitterly, thinks itself clearly, why radically will not run into these strange things. 克劳迪娅张了张口,最终只能点点头,感觉刚刚从一个困境中走出,马上就又掉入了泥沼当中一样……她苦笑了一声,根本想不明白,为何自己会碰到这些离奇的事情。 Obviously several days ago, she is also only an ordinary university student...... 明明就在数天之前,她还只是一名普通的大学生而已的啊…… ...... …… Two person's shadows walk into the middle of banquet...... the guard before banquet gate saw the person the time at the hurried step, is all startled, later the anxious hasty draws back. 两道人影以匆忙的步伐走入了宴会现场当中……宴会门前的守卫看见来人的时候,俱都是一怔,随后急忙忙地退开。 Princess Raner...... . Moreover the wear goes to battle with Princess of Raner time armor! 雅曼拉娜公主殿下……而且还是穿着出征时候盔甲的雅曼拉娜公主! Wears the princess ray of armor too to be really powerful, even there is planting to make people unable with imposing that it looks at each other, after guards, returns to continue, even subconsciously kneels down to get up...... no one to notice this Raner behind, is actually also following a young guard. 身穿盔甲的公主光芒实在太强盛,甚至有种让人无法与之对视的凛然,守卫们后退还不止,甚至下意识地下跪了起来……没有人注意到这位雅曼拉娜的身后,其实还跟随着一名年轻的侍卫。 Your Highness Raner? Is Princess Raner!” “雅曼拉娜殿下?是雅曼拉娜公主殿下!” Entered the conference site, Princess Raner then seems like a pearl, in a twinkling captured the attention of people...... the especially those to untie Princess Young talents who the test racks brains. 走进了会场,雅曼拉娜公主便像是一颗明珠般,霎时间吸引了众人的目光……尤其是那些正在为解开【公主殿下】的考验而苦思冥想的年轻才俊们。 Although they are very curious, why the princess suddenly appears here, rather than in the middle of garret...... why, although also the curious princess put on suddenly armor that goes to battle with the time. 虽然他们很好奇,为何公主殿下突然出现在这里,而不是在阁楼当中……虽然也好奇公主殿下为何突然穿上了出征时候的盔甲。 However. 但是。 Princess! You have a look quickly, this is for you ice piece that brings from the royal palace ice bunker! I carved your appearance...... to melt it specially shortly, this damn weather!” “公主殿下!您快看看,这是为你从王宫冰库当中取来的冰块!我特意将它雕刻成你的模样……眼看就要化了,这该死的天气!” Princess, do not think his ice sculpture! This is not he carves personally! You have a look quickly my! This is a picture, did you see? This is I uses the pigment picture that blows from the royal palace wall......, do not step on me!” “公主殿下,不要看他的冰雕!这不是他亲手雕的!你快看看我的!这是一幅画,你看到了吗?这是我用从王宫墙壁上刮下来的颜料画……哎哟,别踩我!” Faces youth who one by one is welling up, Princess Raner Baleful Qi on face is even more strong- will look like a forthcoming volcano. 面对着一个个涌上来的青年,雅曼拉娜公主脸上的煞气越发的浓烈起来-就像是一座即将爆发的火山。 Princess, you must have a look at my......” “公主殿下,您一定要看看我这个……” Finally, volcanic eruption! 终于,火山爆发了! Sees only complexion pale Princess Raner to extract to wear a sword from the waist of nearby guard at this time suddenly, after lifting up high...... lifts up high, divided ruthlessly! 只见脸色铁青的雅曼拉娜公主此时猛然从旁边一名侍卫的腰间抽出佩刀,高举……高举之后狠狠地劈了下来! That ice sculpture breaks out at the same time, wore a sword even cuts directly on the ground, almost without cutting into that in the middle of the pants crotch of son of the influential had the ice sculpture to come, but this son of the influential has also frightened loses color, collapsed...... wore a sword on the ground, really missed a distance of finger, cut his lifetime happiness! 将那冰雕劈开的同时,佩刀甚至直接斩在了地上,差点没有斩入那位带着冰雕而来的公子哥的裤裆当中,但这位公子哥也已经吓得面无血色,瘫倒了在地上……佩刀,真的是差了一个指头的距离,就斩中他一生的幸福了! The people all are the back one cold, subconsciously has cropping up top of trembling air/Qi from two. 众人俱都是后背一寒,下意识地有一股哆嗦之气从两股之间直冒头顶。 Go away-!” Princess Raner shouted angrily. “滚-!”雅曼拉娜公主怒喝一声。 The people retrocede in abundance, this later Princess Raner coldly snorted, is then raising the blade, walks toward the place that the Wang Guofa old and ministers drink directly. 众人纷纷后退,这之后雅曼拉娜公主冷哼一句,便提着刀,直接朝着王国法老与众大臣喝酒的地方走去。 Takes the blade, steps onto the steps step by step, arrives at the Wang Guofa old front princess, immediately frightens the Wang Guofa old ministers to tremble. 拿着刀,一步步地走上阶梯,走到王国法老面前的公主殿下,顿时吓得王国法老身边的大臣们瑟瑟发抖。 Three years ago, once the minister opposed the princess to go to battle, Second Heaven this minister disappeared bewilderedly, among the ministers guessed that this is by...... this princess who the princess the secret kills, really dares to say does not massacre these to oppose her person at earliest convenience! 三年前,就曾经有一位大臣反对公主出征,第二天这位大臣就莫名其妙消失了,大臣之间都猜测这是被公主殿下所秘密杀死的……这位公主殿下,真的敢一言不合就杀掉那些反对她的人啊! Finally, stepped onto Princess of Raner throne, later wielded will wear a sword to cut above Wang Guofa's old throne hand. 终于,走上了王座的雅曼拉娜公主,随后一挥就将佩刀砍在了王国法老的王座把手之上。 In the middle of knife inserting throne, but also is shivering without consulting anybody, made buzz humming sound the sound...... the pharaohs in kingdom to swallow a saliva immediately, looks front this is swinging the blade edge, the cold sweat streaming immediately, Raner, my son! Considers and tells me, who was angered you! I will certainly execute him for you... he!” 刀身嵌入王座当中,还径自地颤动着,发出嗡嗡嗡的声音……王国的法老顿时咽了口口水,看着面前这摇摆着的刀锋,顿时冷汗涔涔,“雅曼拉娜,我的儿啊!告、告诉我,到底是谁惹怒了你!我一定会为你处死他…他的!” You will execute you yourself.” Princess Raner said one suddenly. “你会处死你自己吗。”雅曼拉娜公主冷不丁地说了一句。 The pharaohs in kingdom opened the opens the mouth, the complexion slightly changes, later under the complexion is pale, is in the glare of the public eye...... is in the glare of the public eye! 王国的法老张了张口,脸色微微一变,随后脸色铁青,众目睽睽之下……众目睽睽之下! Raner! You went too far! I am the pharaoh in kingdom!” The pharaohs are also the anger extremely, stand up at this time, is staring at front princess stubbornly. “雅曼拉娜!你太过分了!我是王国的法老!”法老此时也是怒极,一站起身,死死地盯着面前的公主殿下。 Princess Raner does not dread, looks at each other with it then just like two overlord lions of prairies, is without making any mutual concessions. 雅曼拉娜公主并不畏惧,与之对视便宛如两头草原的霸主狮子般,互不相让。 Finally the pharaohs in kingdom implored the tone, the headache to say slowly in a low voice: When has, waited for the palace to say again...... the whole body of ministers are still looking, the common people are also still looking at...... Raner, calculates that I asked you.” 最终王国的法老还是缓缓吁了口气,头痛似地低声道:“有什么时候,等回去宫殿再说吧……群臣还在看着,百姓也还在看着……雅曼拉娜,算我求你了。” The princess actually takes off the earring on right ear silently, threw before this Wang Guofa's old body. 公主殿下却只是默默地将右耳上的耳环摘下,一把扔在了这位王国法老的身前。 This action as if compares the blade cuts on the Wang Guofa old throne makes this pharaoh angry, he not in polite, Raner! You dare...... this are your mother......” 这个举动似乎比起将刀砍在王国法老的王座上更为的让这位法老愤怒,他不在客气,“雅曼拉娜!你竟敢……这是你母亲的……” „, In his hands!” The princess coldly said at this time: This was my answer...... the pharaoh in kingdom! My husband, I elects!” “还有一只,在他的手中!”公主殿下此时冷冷说道:“这就是我的答案了……王国的法老!我的夫婿,我自己选!” The pharaohs in kingdom shortly opens the mouth, subconsciously toward princess behind looks, later wrinkled frowns, Raner, you deliberately creates trouble also has a limit...... you behind radically no one!” 王国的法老顷刻张口,下意识地朝着公主殿下的身后看去,随后皱了皱眉头,“雅曼拉娜,你胡闹也有个限度……你身后根本没有人!” „??” The princess turns head subconsciously. “??”公主殿下下意识一回头。 Actually sees is empty behind, cannot see that young guard, the princess even to look downward from the stair, but under is in the glare of the public eye looks like, is unable to find that year the trace of light guard 却见身后空空荡荡,根本看不见那个年轻的侍卫,公主殿下甚至从台阶往下看去,可下方众目睽睽看来,也始终无法找到那年轻侍卫的踪影了 Excessively......” “过分……” The princess air/Qi unable to speak at this time...... 公主殿下此时不禁气得说不出话来……
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