TTC :: Volume #12

#171: The god of death came ( 3 )

Nero does not know Teacher Purin...... or at present this God of death mister what exactly is it thing that takes. 尼禄并不知道普林老师……或者说眼前这位【死神先生】所取出来的到底是什么东西。 She is only in intuition pitch-dark seal book a quite strange strength- attention, this type strange is even if as Black Soul Envoy her felt the strange strangeness. 她只是直觉这本黑漆漆的封皮书上又着一股颇为诡异的力量-注意,这种诡异是即使作为黑魂使者的她都感觉是诡异的诡异。 But this will not make Nero stop there...... some temper always to raise obviously to be long, will not in one single day change truly- certain temper that she comes out now perhaps, existed, but has actually been covered. 但这显然不会让尼禄就此罢手……有些性子是一直以来养长的,并非一朝一夕就会真正的改变-她如今所多出来的某些性子,或许是原本就存在但却一直被掩盖。 She also has the possibility not to know that very much...... the pure feeling will become by oneself comfortable- perhaps she will also be knows that the accommodation temper, has therefore made it so by own interest. 就连她自己也很有可能并不知道……只是单纯感觉会让自己变得舒服-或许她也是知道的,所以更加的顺应性子,一直都让自己兴趣使然。 Has one thing, Teacher Purin is actually understood wrong Nero likes fighting, is not because needs the fight as having reason, but is she really likes the dry/does frame. 有一样东西,普林老师其实是理解错误的-尼禄喜欢战斗,并非因为需要将战斗作为存在的理由,而是她真的喜欢干架。 Really really likes the dry/does frame very much, in this world that is bored soon dry decays, what but also there is able compared with doing the frame can one's blood bubbles up to the brim, making one want to stop but cannot...... to make people feel that oneself is not the in the unseen world pulling line puppet, but had had the resistance time? 真的真的很喜欢干架,在这个无聊得快要枯朽的世界当中,还有什么能比干架更加能够让人热血沸腾,让人欲罢不能……让人感觉到自己并非冥冥之中的扯线木偶,而是曾经有过反抗的时候? Yan Demon- after this is Nero becomes Black Soul Envoy, according to the Black Soul Envoy characteristics, to one that oneself develop specially the condition of being used for the dry/does frame...... because just will do as to joyful source, therefore she has not cared to develop Yan Demon to be used to do Dazhe at first with hit the dead wood. 阎魔化-这是尼禄成为黑魂使者之后,根据黑魂使者的特性,给自己特别开发出来的一种用来干架的状态……正因为将干架作为一种通往快乐的源泉,所以她并没有在意起初开发阎魔化是为了用来干到大哲之用就打死藏着。 Since must do the frame, and bumps into the strength good opponent, naturally is carefree dripping is better! 既然是要干架,并且还是碰到实力不错的对手,当然是畅快淋漓更好! I hope that you can let loose the Joe soul......, because I do not like using the strength of present.” Teacher Purin sighs suddenly lightly...... the ancient black seal book, at this time in his palm in the heart spread, this made the aura of Teacher Purin stranger. “我希望你能够放开Joe的灵魂……因为我并不喜欢使用现在的这种力量。”普林老师忽然轻叹了一口气……古老的黑色封皮书,此时在他的掌心中张开,这让普林老师的气息更加的诡异了。 If from the beginning Teacher Purin to the feeling of Nero is the quiet shepherd, actually not too many threatening, then this time Teacher Purin looked like turned into the hunter in forest. 如果说一开始普林老师给尼禄的感觉是静谧中的牧羊人,其实并没有太多威胁性的话,那么此时的普林老师就像是变成了森林中的猎手。 God of death mister Are you a fool?” Even Yan Demon, Nero as if no too many changes- at least...... she blinks in the speech tone, „, since is own strength, where will have anything to like with will not like with...... the child intertwining this type, the Sir will not care ~ naturally is how crisp how to come!” “【死神先生】你是傻逼吗?”即使是阎魔化,尼禄似乎也没有太多的改变-至少是在说话口吻上……她眨了眨眼睛,“既然是自己的力量,哪里还有什么喜欢用不喜欢用的……小孩子才会纠结这种,大人是不会在乎的哟~当然是怎样爽怎样来呐!” Teacher Purin smiled bitterly, in the end he discovered oneself is not truly able to understand this white hair girl's idea...... perhaps is really only because contacts too few relations, perhaps she has not made one understand, therefore no matter who, is unable from some traces, finding trace that can understand the opposite party. 普林老师苦笑了一声,到头来他发现自己确实无法了解这个白发女孩的想法……或许真的只是因为接触太少的关系,或许她从来都没有让人理解过,所以不管是谁,都无法从一些蛛丝马迹当中,找到可以了解对方的痕迹。 I as far as possible will be careful, after all I want Joe...... that is all.” Teacher Purin said took off the palm of white gloves gently according to above one page that in the black seal book opened, other...... I was not God of death mister.” “我会尽量小心的,毕竟我只是想要回Joe……仅此而已。”普林老师讲脱去了白手套的手掌轻轻地按在了黑色封皮书所打开的某一页之上,“另外……我并不是什么【死神先生】。” Teacher Purin moved, finally emphasized again after something ,- same also has Yan Demon Nero- she can offensive be willing to hit staggering blow absolutely absolutely the type, tries to speak any custom with the opposite party radically. 普林老师动了,再最后强调了某件事情之后-同样的还有阎魔化的尼禄-她绝对是能够先手就绝对愿意打闷棍的类型,根本就和对方试图讲任何的规矩。 But then has promoted obviously the fight of another stage, instead accidental/surprised tranquil- even has not moved mountains momentum, without appearing earthly-shaking...... looks like sleek/moist breeze, fight after promotion, used merely for several seconds had finished. 但接下来显然已经升级到了另外一个阶段的战斗,反而意外的平静-甚至没有排山倒海般的声势,也没有显得惊天动地……就像是润物的微风似的,升级后的交手,仅仅只是用了数秒的时间就已经结束。 After the result is...... Nero Yan Demon , the blade that the body manager has, almost broke 70%- even she from left shoulder to the position of right abdomen, but also was broken...... the huge wound not to recover ruthlessly fast, because the strange strength winding in this terrifying wound, was preventing Black Soul Envoy the function of self- repair capability crazily. 结果是……尼禄阎魔化之后身体所长出的刀刃,几乎破碎了70%之多-甚至她从左肩到右腹的位置,还被狠狠地破开……巨大的伤口并没有飞快地痊愈,因为有一股诡异的力量缠绕在了这恐怖的伤口当中,正在疯狂地阻止着黑魂使者的自我修复能力的作用。 For all this, but Teacher Purin must be more miserable- at least he seems like person of the true being on the verge of death at this time...... his body, has several hundred cut open traces. 尽管如此,但普林老师还要更惨一些-至少他此时看起来像是一个真正濒死之人……他的身上,有着数百道被割开的痕迹。 The jet black seal book drops from his palm, later closed- its form secondhand book door first ten dollars can pack in the middle of worn-out magazine in which resembling that buys...... even makes the desire that the person picks continually not have. 漆黑的封皮书从他的手掌上跌落,随后闭合-它就形式旧书店门前十块钱就可以打包买走的破旧杂志当中的其中一本似的……甚至让人连捡起来的欲望都没有。 „After it seems like that the intensity was insufficient......” Nero looks at Yan Demon, at this time broke over 70% knife edges, whispered: Really the boss bias, did with me...... made my time cheated on labor and materials, has not made Dazhe Oboe's such earnestness, was really sad.” “看来强度还是不够呐……”尼禄此时看着阎魔化后破碎了七成以上的刀刃,嘀咕道:“果然老板偏心,和我做……做我的时候就偷工减料了,没有做大哲欧巴那样的认真,真是伤心呀。” Sad...... will be strange, because Yan Demon receives the degree of destroying is too high Yan Demon blade that finally, but has to be separated from Nero humming sound two, probably is the same in tsukkomi. 会伤心……才怪,因为阎魔化最终受破坏的程度太高而不得不从尼禄身上脱离出来的阎魔刀嗡嗡了两声,像是在吐槽一样。 At will stripping the Yan Demon blade of body knocked two on the ground, probably after the warning, Nero is taking a look at Teacher Purin- has not cared about injury completely. 随意地将剥离身体的阎魔刀在地上敲了两下,像是警告之后,尼禄才打量着普林老师-完全没有在意身上的伤势。 Actually use all that she understands very much to the advantageous thing...... for example Black Soul Envoy, even if were really killed by anyone, finally can resurrect through the life lamp- just like from the beginning, her understood that brushes the soul to work as the currency to be the same, purchases various services from the club. 其实她很懂的利用一切对自己有利的东西……比如黑魂使者就算真的被什么人打死了,最终还是能够通过命灯来复活-正如从一开始,她就懂得刷灵魂当货币一样,从俱乐部当中购买各种的服务。 This instinct, even makes Boss Luo believe more than once, if regarded as the game all, Nero truly is a player who experiences Old Daoist. 这种天性,甚至让洛老板不止一次认为,如果将一切都当作是游戏的话,尼禄确实是一个经验老道的玩家。 At this time, Teacher Purin has arrived on the ground, Nero walked slowly, selects to turn inside out the body of Teacher Purin with the Yan Demon blade- the blue flame that Teacher Purin on the forehead burns has been put out, both eyes shuts tightly, probably Dies Condition. 此时,普林老师已经到在了地上,尼禄缓缓地走了过来,以阎魔刀将普林老师的身体挑翻过来-普林老师额头上燃烧的蓝色火焰已经熄灭,双目紧闭,像是【死】的状态。 After looked at two at will, Nero then fell the vision above the black seal book of ground- because Teacher Purin officially used the strength of this strange seal book, can break her Yan Demon forcefully. 随意地看了两眼之后,尼禄便将目光落在了地上的黑色封皮书之上-普林老师正式因为使用了这本诡异的封皮书的力量,才能将她的阎魔化给硬生生打破。 Swallowed looked.” Nero knocked two on the ground the Yan Demon blade, probably worst capitalist's staff under exploitation. “吞了看。”尼禄又将阎魔刀在地上敲了两下,像是最恶劣的资本家在剥削手底下的员工般。 The Yan Demon blade did not mind but actually, the shadow of its knife lengthens all of a sudden, the black seal book of ground wraps...... the blade shadow looked like turned into the mire, made the black seal book sink to little. 阎魔刀倒也是不介意,它刀身的影子一下子延长,将地上的黑色封皮书包裹其中……刀刃的影子就像是变成了泥沼般,一点点地让黑色的封皮书沉入其中。 What has not thought that in at this time, a palm held the thigh of Nero suddenly-, when she responded the instance that the feeling of body Nero starts the revolutions, later was pounded down...... Teacher Purin to stand up toward the land ruthlessly again! 不曾想到的是,就在这时候,一只手掌忽然抓住了尼禄的腿部-当她反应过来的瞬间,尼禄之感觉身体开始到转,随后被狠狠地朝大地砸下……普林老师再一次站起身来了! Mist of after faint trace since he wounds on that by Nero Yan Demon, in the wound of separating emits...... this time Teacher Purin both hands to hang down, the head is also hanging down-, but he gives people the dangerous feeling, actually must compared with also want intense several times early. 一丝丝的雾气从他射伤上那被尼禄阎魔化之后割裂的伤口中冒出……此时的普林老师双手低垂,头颅也是低垂着-但他给人危险的感觉,却要较之早前还要强烈数倍。 The Yan Demon blade made buzz humming sound sound at the same time unceasingly- that soon the blade shadow that wants the black seal book to sink, even also seethes...... to seem like the boiling water! 阎魔刀与此同时不断地发出了嗡嗡嗡的声音-那即将要黑色封皮书沉入的刀刃影子,甚至也翻腾起来……像是沸水! Finally, the blade shadow contracted violently, later the black seal book is separated directly- or it has to this black seal book putting out. 终于,刀刃影子猛烈收缩了一下,随后黑色的封皮书直接脱离而出-或者说,它不得不将这本黑色的封皮书给吐出。 Put out black seal book flew at this time directly Teacher Purin The front, he is still hanging down the head, but has put out a hand- before this and him, opens this black seal book time discretely the appearance differently...... this change, appears at will and neat. 被吐出的黑色封皮书此时直接飞到了【普林老师】的面前,他依然低垂着脑袋,只是已经伸出了手来-这和他之前谨慎地翻开这本黑色封皮书时候的模样不同……这次的翻动,显得随意并且干脆利落。 Float in Teacher Purin Front black seal book, opens at this time crazily, the page of rapid change even made rustle the sound...... later, dark grey long and narrow shadows project from the black seal book. 悬浮在【普林老师】面前的黑色封皮书,此时疯狂地翻开,飞速翻动的书页甚至发出了沙沙的声音……随后,一道道暗灰色的狭长影子从黑色封皮书当中射出。 They seem like the snake! 它们像是蛇! Facing this attack suddenly, Nero wrinkled frowns......, because this is similar to the snake long and narrow shadow, the speed quick even makes her have the feeling that planting is hard to resist. 面对这种骤然的攻击,尼禄皱了皱眉头……因为这如同蛇般的狭长影子,速度之快甚至让她有种难以招架的感觉。 She uses anti- human various postures to avoid completely, is actually not able to avoid the attacks of these grey long and narrow shadows finally thoroughly- finally, her four limbs by this type of strange long and narrow shadow entangling, then finally is her neck! 她用着完全反人类的各种姿势躲避着,却最终无法彻底避开这些灰色狭长影子的攻击-最后,她的四肢都被这种怪异的狭长影子给缠上,最后则是她的脖子! Nero was put up completely in the middle of the midair, her body was being pulled crazily, as if will be torn momentarily general- however the Yan Demon blade was entangled stubbornly on the ground, is unable to move unexpectedly. 尼禄完全被架在了半空当中,她的身体被疯狂地拉扯着,仿佛随时都会被撕裂一般-而阎魔刀更加是被死死地缠在了地上,竟是也无法动弹起来。 This...... is unamusing......” neck is quite said by Untidy-looking almost distortion Nero difficultly. “这样……就不好玩了……”脖子被勒得几乎变形的尼禄颇为艰难地说道。 But this time Teacher Purin seems like anything cannot hear- from waving makes the black seal book crazy change before float body start, he again does not have any action. 只不过此时的普林老师像是什么都听不见似的-从挥手让悬浮身前的黑色封皮书疯狂翻动开始,他就再没有任何的举动。 But Black Soul Envoy body this had not easily been eliminated...... the Nero appearance to be truly dreary obviously, but these long and narrow shadows are actually not able little while truly Nero tearing. 黑魂使者的身体显然并没有这样轻易地就被消灭……尼禄的模样确实惨淡,可这些狭长的影子却一时三刻也无法真正地将尼禄撕裂。 Finally, Teacher Purin Had new action- he waves again, again makes the black seal book change...... the fog, all around, because Teacher Purin Turning book, but surged a lot of black mist. 终于,【普林老师】有了新的举动-他再一次挥手,再一次让黑色的封皮书翻动起来……雾,四周因为【普林老师】的翻书,而涌起了大量黑色的雾气。 These mist made all welcome death- they did not have the object who aimed at fixedly, perhaps but brought the death...... to say purely, they aimed was all things. 这些雾气让一切都迎来了死亡-它们没有固定针对的对象,只是单纯地带来死亡……或许说,它们原本针对的就是万事万物。 This black mist, soon must cover...... them even to proliferate over 50 meters distance the hospital in small town thoroughly, wraps in which all in street. 这股黑色的雾气,即将要彻底将小镇的医院笼罩……它们甚至已经扩散了超过五十米的距离,将街道中的一切都包裹其中。 In the middle of the black fog, the pedestrian of street drops down the instance that...... drops down, they even welcomed the death directly! 黑雾当中,街道的行人纷纷倒下……倒下的瞬间,他们甚至直接迎来了死亡! In the middle of this type of black fog, did the body of Nero even start to receive the crazy corrosion...... this even to corrode the secretive strength of Black Soul Envoy body is? 在这种黑雾当中,尼禄的身体甚至开始受到了疯狂的侵蚀……这股甚至能够侵蚀黑魂使者身体的诡秘力量到底是? Perhaps boss can know...... must seem like the child to be bullied such called the guardian, then shouted boss? In the Nero brain had such idea suddenly, and hesitation that has almost does not have any, the plan implements this idea. 或许老板会知道的……要不要像是小孩被欺负了那样叫家长,然后将老板喊来?尼禄脑中突然冒出了这样的想法,并且几乎没有任何的犹豫,就打算将这个想法实行起来。 Cannot be victorious runs, is victorious oppressively, having the guardian...... there is the guardian called is silly? 打不过就跑,打得过就虐,有家长……有家长不叫是不是傻? Meow-! 喵-! She is thinking like this time, in the fog of rich death, a small black cat, walked slowly- it even not because of the strength of death black fog, but died like this, instead appeared the unusual spirit. 她这样想着的时候,浓郁的死亡之雾中,一只小小的黑猫,缓缓走来-它甚至没有因为死亡黑雾的力量,而就这样死去,反而显得异常的精神。 This black cat, arrived at this time in front of Nero that receives the punishment of long and narrow shadow tearing, and begins slowly supinely. 这只黑猫,此时来到了受到狭长影子撕裂之刑的尼禄面前,并且缓缓地仰起了头来。 When Nero noticed this black cat, saw only the build of black cat to start to grow little got up...... it gradually to turn into person...... to complete its change. 尼禄注意到了这只黑猫的时候,只见黑猫的体型开始一点点地增长了起来……它渐渐地变成了人型……完成了它的变化。 The black formal clothes and hat...... unexpectedly are one Teacher Purin! 黑色礼服与帽子……竟又是一个【普林老师】! You are not......” “你不是……” Although turned regarding the black cat finally Teacher Purin The appearance feels surprisedly, but Nero recognized this fellow- this was she Yan Demon blade buries, when Mr. Smith family/home underground, that fellow who cuts! 尽管对于黑猫最终变成了【普林老师】的模样而感觉到惊奇,但尼禄还是认出来了这家伙-这就是她将阎魔刀埋在了史密斯先生家地下的时候,所砍的那个家伙! Hi! Can the handsome fellows, manage busily?” Nero blinks to ask...... her neck to be distorted by Untidy-looking at this time obviously at this time completely. “嗨!帅哥,能办个忙吗?”尼禄此时眨了眨眼问道……明明她的脖子此时已经被勒得完全变了形。 At present this black cat changes, wears the black formal clothes Teacher Purin Looked at Nero one silently, has not actually paid attention, instead turns around to read at this time the control black seal book Purin...... His suddenly spread both hands. 眼前这个黑猫所化作,穿着黑色礼服的【普林老师】默默地看了尼禄一眼,却是没有理会,反而转身看着此时操控者黑色封皮书的【普林】……他忽然张开了双手。 With his action, the black fog that these spread unceasingly is starts to contract unexpectedly little- finally, died the black fog to start to return to the black seal book...... even to tear the Nero long and narrow shadow little. 伴随着他的举动,那些不断扩散的黑雾竟是开始一点点地收缩起来-最终,死亡黑雾开始一点点地返回到了黑色封皮书当中……甚至连撕裂着尼禄的狭长影子。 The Yan Demon blade also obtained the liberation, first returned to In Nero the hand of Nero still has that say/way soon the wound that her half body broke out, can say that the whole person split resulted , the body of half was completely crooked. 阎魔刀也得到了解放,第一时间就返回到了尼禄的手中-尼禄依然身上有着那道快要将她的半边身子劈开的伤口,可以说整个人都裂开了似得,半边的身体完全歪开。 Oh! Really is deeply grateful!” Nero smilingly looks at this time this black cat turns Teacher Purin, Seeming like truly is a face grateful appearance, „, otherwise I almost must call the guardian!” “喔!真是感激不尽呐!”尼禄此时笑眯眯地看着这位黑猫所变成的【普林老师】,看起来确实是一脸感激的模样,“不然我差点就要叫家长了呐!” Black cat Teacher Purin Looked at Nero one indifferently, said desolately: Then your guardian to certainly have to seem like your such descendant to feel ashamed.” 黑猫所化的【普林老师】淡然地看了尼禄一眼,冷淡道:“那么你的家长一定会为有像是你这样的后代而感觉到羞耻。” Nero blinks, suddenly said: I anticipated actually very much can make my guardian feel ashamed...... therefore , you are one group? Double and so on?” 尼禄眨了眨眼,忽然说道:“我倒是很期待可以让我的家长感到羞耻啊……所以说,你俩是一伙的?双子之类?” Speech time, this half body was cut Black Soul Envoy that opens crookedly, unexpectedly held up the Yan Demon blade directly, not caring a whoop opposite party once helped own fact. 说话的时候,这个半边身子都被砍得歪开的黑魂使者,居然直接举起了阎魔刀,丝毫不在意对方曾经帮助了自己的事实。 Has not cared about Nero this time action, the black cat Teacher Purin at this time shakes the head: I and he are not the pair, we can be said as same.” 并没有在意尼禄此时的举动,黑猫所化的【普林老师】这时候摇了摇头:“我和他并不是什么双子,我们可以说是同一个。” „??” Nero flexure scratched the head, I studied few!” “??”尼禄挠了挠头,“我读书少!” Black cat Teacher Purin Shakes the head again, present world also has to seem like you to have the great power unexpectedly like this, and shameless has really twisted an unreadable degree until this degree of...... the present world.” 黑猫所化的【普林老师】再次摇摇头,“现世居然还有像是你这样拥有强大力量,而又无耻到这种程度的……果然现世已经歪曲到了一种难以理解的程度了吗。” Therefore?” Nero shrugs. “所以?”尼禄耸耸肩。 Black cat Teacher Purin Aspirates slowly, he read a black seal book still float before the body Purin, Said spookily: I am the second-generation master in Hades...... you can call for my Hardis.” 黑猫所化的【普林老师】缓缓地吐了口气,他看了一眼黑色封皮书仍旧悬浮在身前的【普林】,幽幽地说道:“我是冥府的第二代主人……你可以称呼为我哈迪斯。” „!” Nero nods, said with an air of decorum: Actually my also nickname, did grass female crazy demon Zeus...... hey, you say really? Are you Hardis?” “哦!”尼禄点了点头,煞有介事地说道:“其实我还有一个外号,草女狂魔宙斯……噫,你说真的?你是哈迪斯?” Black cat Teacher Purin...... Or said that as Hardis's, does not want to pay attention to Nero at this time obviously, he was only the look becomes dignified. 黑猫所化的【普林老师】……或者自称为哈迪斯的这位,此时显然不想要理会尼禄,他只是神色变得凝重了些。 Because control black close book Purin, Moved at this time. 因为操控者黑色封闭书的【普林】,此时动了。 Hardis said slowly: He wants earnestly...... he is also Hardis , like me.” 哈迪斯缓缓说道:“他要认真的了……他也是哈迪斯,和我一样。” emmmm...... two Hardis? emmmm……两个哈迪斯?
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