TTC :: Volume #12

#122: Birth

They are Vampire. 它们是吸血鬼 They are the devil...... are all these painful roots. 它们是魔鬼……是这一切痛苦的根源。 Should...... not, at least from the beginning should bind these two Vampire that they kill thoroughly,...... the string is not good with the string, must use the iron chain to be good. 应该将它们杀死的……不,最起码一开始就应该将这两个吸血鬼彻底绑住的,用绳子……绳子不行,要用铁链才行。 Ties up one...... not, is two, three. 绑一圈……不,是两圈,三圈。 . 或者。 Kills... kills. 或者杀…杀死。 If can kill...... if can kill, Amanda will not be held under duress, oneself will not be in danger in the middle. 如果能够杀死的话……如果可以杀死的话,阿曼达就不会被挟持了吧,自己也不会陷入危险当中。 Why does not have to do this, why does not go to do this...... why has not thought like this. 为什么没有这样做,为什么不去这样做……为什么没有这样想到。 secure felt that the heart flash jumps, pondered that almost stagnated- cold sweat, the whole body is incapable, the leg took root to be the same probably. 安感觉心儿一瞬间就跳出来似的,思考几乎停滞了下来-冷汗,浑身无力,腿更加像是生根了一样。 She does not even dare to face up to these two Vampire vision, she put aside oneself vision, her vision to the vision of other women...... these vision, as if had some changes. 她甚至不敢正视这两名吸血鬼的目光,她移开了自己的目光,她的目光对上了其它女人们的目光……这些目光,似乎有了一些变化。 They have not appeared delay and cavity, instead is...... becomes frightened- feared front these two to reveal the sharp fang merely, the eye became sharp some Vampire slightly. 它们并没有显得十分的呆滞与空洞,反而是……变得恐惧-恐惧着面前这两个仅仅只是露出了尖锐獠牙,眼睛稍微变得尖锐了些的吸血鬼 Shivers...... frightened, starting to seem like the plague to be the same, spreads on the bodies of these women. 颤抖……恐惧,开始像是瘟疫一样,在这些女人的身上蔓延开来。 Their fierce enclasped own body, trembles, after rolling up...... rolls up, shivers fiercely, probably was stranded in the middle of the unjust dry well one year, suddenly three years...... ten years of person, sees opened the well head place to appear sunlight...... frightened. 她们猛一下地抱紧了自己的身体,哆嗦,蜷缩……蜷缩之后颤抖得更加的厉害,好像是被困在不见天日的枯井当中一年,三年……十年的人,突然看见了打开了的井口处出现的阳光般的……恐惧。 ...... Like them. 和她们……一样的。 Oneself. 自己。 Is actually same as them, exactly the same......, even if, not, in this in the middle of workshop that takes the milk receives these to suffer, may be the same with them. 和她们其实是一样的,一模一样的……就算,并没有在这间取奶的工场当中受过这些折磨,可和她们是一样的。 Since that day all after happy was shattered, since that left for the first time happily visionally Farm Later, after looking had been executed revolutionary army, occasionally has seen these enough outstandingly not in Farm The after fate of adult, leaves behind...... already Vampire terrifying, deeply brand mark in the entire mind. 自从那天一切的美好都破灭了之后,自从那第一次离开了梦幻般美好的【农场】之后,看过了被处死了的革命军之后,偶尔看到过那些不足够优秀在【农场】留下的成年人的下场之后……就已经将吸血鬼恐怖,深深地烙印在了整个脑海当中。 Facing that several man who wants to encroach upon own inspection group, can send out most virulent cursing. 面对那几个想要侵犯自己的督察组的男人,可以发出最恶毒的咒骂。 Facing with is being human David, can sneak attack from the back without hesitation. 面对着同为人类的大卫,也可以毫不犹豫地从背后偷袭。 But what facing is Vampire time, even Elimination, Kills...... Injury Cannot subconsciously think. 但面对着的是吸血鬼的时候,甚至连【消灭】、【杀死】……【伤害】都未能下意识地去想过。 Could not mention the courage of least bit resistance......, even if has had such idea, still made some dissociation merely at the matter of edge. 提不起半点反抗的勇气……即便有过这样的想法,也仅仅只是做一些游离在边缘的事情。 On the one hand wants to go out from this nightmare, on the one hand is actually not able to make anything. 一方面想要从这噩梦中走出,一方面却始终无法做些什么。 A person, what cannot achieve? 一个人,根本什么都做不到的吧? Snort-! 哼-! That is came from a Vampire coldly snorted sound...... speed rapid of as always Vampire. 那是来自其中一名吸血鬼冷哼的声音……吸血鬼的速度一如既往的迅速。 secure knows that they in the speed are this fast, seems like the spirit to be the same. Its five fingers gather, the palm probably sharp thorn, punctures...... the peaceful pupil to contract toward oneself ruthlessly suddenly. 安知道的,它们在速度上就是这样的快速,就好像是幽灵一样。它的五指并拢,手掌就好像是尖刺,狠狠地朝着自己刺来……安的瞳孔猛然收缩。 She thinks the resistance...... she thought she should be able to revolt. 她想到了反抗……她觉得自己应该能够反抗。 She thought of the ring on hand, inside has useful thing- what, but can use? 她想到了手上的戒指,里面有许多有用的东西-但要用什么? Pondered without enough time, she was only the instinct raised the arm, but the severe pain has started to spread...... Vampire that from her body just like the palm of sharp thorn, passed through her abdomen directly. 来不及思考,她只是本能地提起了手臂,而剧痛就已经从她的身上开始蔓延开来……吸血鬼那宛如尖刺的手掌,直接贯穿了她的腹部。 After twisting, extracts...... both hands to cover the wound on that abdomen peacefully painfully, fell down directly. She thinks that should be spread the mouth, moreover spread very greatly, but why cannot make the painful sound. 一绞之后抽出……安痛苦地双手捂住那腹部上的伤口,直接倒在了地上。她想自己应该是张开了口的,而且张开得很大,可为什么未能发出痛苦的声音。 The throat, is been probably same by blocked, her entire body started to twitch got up...... to fall down, the vision can only look from top to bottom. 喉咙,像是已经被堵死了一样,她整个身体都开始抽搐了起来……倒在地上,目光只能够自上而下地看着。 The blood, drops...... that from make a move the palm of Vampire is own blood. 鲜血,从出手吸血鬼的手掌上滴落……那是自己的鲜血。 , Amanda sat down exhausted again suddenly on the ground, absent-minded...... collapse, suddenly held the head, the hissing crack lung was whinning. 再远一点,阿曼达忽然瘫坐在了地上,失神……崩溃,忽然抱着头,嘶声裂肺地哀嚎了起来。 Vampire said probably what...... said what? 吸血鬼好像说了些什么……说了些什么呢? Could not hear...... 听不见了…… Always felt that usually most likes Delusion Probably did not move. 总感觉就连平时最喜欢的【妄想】好像都动不了。 This must leave the stage, since being grown, oneself do not know that is the life of life. 啊,就这样就要退场了吧,自从成年之后,自己也不知道到底是不是人生的人生。 The line of sight starts...... the tarnish fuzzily...... dark. 视线开始模糊……变暗……黑暗。 What looks to disappear. 什么都看不见了。 Really, only then oneself, what cannot achieve? 果然,只有自己一个,什么都做不到的吧? If we had known...... did not use the anaesthetic rifle, can kill their weapons with anything. What is also good..., so long as can kill them. 早知道……就不用麻醉枪了,用点儿什么可以杀死它们的武器。什么也好…只要是可以杀死它们的。 Did not have the opportunity...... 没有机会了吧…… Sorry, Amanda...... I am not the gods, but has no merit to speak, says being better incompetent human that compares to make forever. 对不起了,阿曼达……我可不是什么神明,只不过是个一无是处,说得永远比做的要好的一个无能的人类啊。 If comes again one time, how you plan to do. 如果重来一次,你打算怎么做。 How possibly comes again...... 重来……怎么可能。 Will really plan to resist the destiny, not only thinks purely. 会真的打算对抗命运,而不只是单纯地想一想了吗。 Can...... probably. 会的吧……大概。 Who un...... is speaks...... seems like, his sound...... 嗯……是谁说话……好像是,他的声音…… Before is dies, final auditory hallucination, is other anything...... 是死前最后的幻听,还是别的什么吗…… That... goes, again. 那…就去吧,再一次。 He said like this. 他这样说道。 However, again...... what? 但是,再一次……什么? ...... …… Wakes up suddenly, probably had a long dream, the air poured into the middle of the lungs all of a sudden, secure opened the eye. 猛然醒来,好像是做了一个漫长的梦,空气一下子灌入肺部当中,安睁开了眼睛。 The ground is still the ice-cold sense of reality, as well as viscous- after that is own blood flows, filled sense of reality that the all crevices of cheeks and ground brought. 地面依然是冰冷的质感,以及粘稠-那是自己的鲜血流淌之后,填充了脸颊与地面的所有的空隙而带来的质感。 The abdomen is not painful, even the wound has also vanished does not see. 腹部已经不痛了,甚至伤口也已经消失不见。 Her angle of view from bottom to top, stated differently, Amanda at this time Vampire held the neck raising. 她还是这样自下而上的视角,不同的是,阿曼达此时正被其中一名吸血鬼抓住了脖子给提了起来。 You started is too quick, at least should ask that understands this woman used what method, restored these women.” “你下手太快了,至少应该问明白这个女人到底用了什么方法,将这些女人都恢复过来的。” „Is how should I know so easy to massacre? However wants to know, asked this wasn't good?” 我怎么知道这么容易就杀掉?不过想要知道,问下这个不就好了?” Also really has......, the body of that woman enough acts unreasonably?” “还真是有够乱来的……咦,那个女人的尸体呢?” They looked together to place that secure dropped down...... ground, at this time is only left over a beach bloodstain merely! 它们一同看向了安倒下的地方……地上,此时仅仅只剩下一滩血迹! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Their fierce looked at each other one...... then, felt that as if had the huge danger to approach, has not waited for them to respond, the loud sound blasts out in their ears together instantaneously. 它们猛一下地对视了一眼……然后,感觉到了似乎有巨大的危险靠近,可未等它们反应过来,一道巨响就瞬间在它们的耳边炸开。 Sees only, Vampire this time head direct blasting open...... falls to the ground, turned into a headless corpse, twitching, is motionless. 只见,其中一名吸血鬼此时的头颅直接炸裂……倒地,变成了一句无头的尸体,抽搐,然后不动。 Most preliminary Vampire, is unable to seem like patrol leader Vampire of these high ranks to be the same, even head blasting open, so long as the heart still, still can also survive shortly, and dependence supplemented that restores- it died like this. 最低级的吸血鬼,无法像是巡逻队的那些高级别的吸血鬼一样,即使头颅炸裂,只要心脏还在,依然还能短暂存活,并且依靠补充而恢复-它就这样死掉了。 Remaining another Vampire, let loose Amanda at this moment suddenly, toward workshop flushes away somewhere- it planned that sounds the warning! 剩下的另一名吸血鬼,此刻猛然放开了阿曼达,朝着工场的某处冲去-它打算去拉响警报! Bang- bang- bang-! 砰-砰-砰-! Three bangs resound one after another, charge into warning station the both arms of Vampire, and left leg, after this sound, the direct break...... seems like by the break that anything blasts out! 接连三道巨响响起,冲向警报台的吸血鬼的双臂,以及左腿,都在这响声之后,直接断裂……像是被什么炸开的断裂! It fell down, sent out the pain wailed...... the facial expression of distortion just like wild animal of being on the verge of death- where its enemy has not even seen. 它倒在了地上,发出了痛苦的哀嚎……扭曲的脸容宛如濒死的野兽-它甚至连敌人在什么地方都未曾看见。 However felt, felt the enemy...... has the sound of slight heartbeat in the front, appears in own front! 但是感觉,感觉敌人就在面前……有轻微的心跳的声音,出现在自己的面前! Finally, it saw...... that to be passed through the body once again peacefully from the beginning, should die woman. 终于,它又一次看见了安……那个一开始就被贯穿了身体,本应该死去了的女人。 Like painter writing paints, appears in the three dimensional world peacefully little...... she lifts cloak slowly, finally turned three-dimensional. 如同画家笔下的作画般,安一点点地出现在三维的世界……她缓缓掀开身上的披风,最终变成了立体。 Her right hand, is grasping an unusual firearm, the probably former cannon...... also braved a faint trace the smoke. 她的右手,正握着一把奇特的火器,像是从前的火铳……还冒着一丝丝的烟。 On the cheeks of secure still also holds to the blood, that is her own blood, incarnadine the lip of face and half of her entire half. 安的脸颊上依然还粘着鲜血,那是她自己的血,染红了她整整半边的脸和半边的唇。 You... you why......” “你…你为什么……” secure has not spoken, the cannon at this time is maintaining Vampire that is pointing at this severe wound, after then retrocedes little......, fell back on Amanda's side. 安没有说话,火铳此时保持着指着这名重伤的吸血鬼,然后一点点地后退……后退到了阿曼达的身边。 The vision that Amanda was out of sorts had the color gradually, she spoke without enough time. 阿曼达原本失神的目光渐渐有了色彩,她来不及说话。 secure arrived at Amanda behind, grasped her palm, grasped the cannon in oneself hand- they got hold of this old cannon simultaneously. 安走到了阿曼达的身后,抓起了她的手掌,握上了自己手中的火铳-她们同时握紧了这支老旧的火铳。 Looks-- 瞄-准- Her her ear said in a soft voice: Now, I was your god.” 她的她的耳边轻声道:“现在,我是你的神了。” secure is leading Amanda, this deducted the cannon directly...... bang-!! 安带领着阿曼达,就这样直接扣下了火铳……嘭-!! The ground, being on the verge of death Vampire, instantaneously by the bullet that the cannon projects, blasted out the chest...... to turn into one pile of meat that are sending out the burnt odor flavor. 地上,濒死的吸血鬼,瞬间被火铳射出的子弹,炸开了胸膛……变成了一堆散发着焦臭味道的肉。 ...... …… ...... …… -!! 呼-!! Long aspirates, settles subconsciously to look at own abdomen- , if not the clothes broken, looks at this complete skin purely, she including oneself, does not even believe that here had been passed through. 长长地吐了口气,安下意识地看着自己的腹部-如果不是衣服是破的,单纯只是看着这完整的皮肤,她甚至连自己本人,都不相信这里曾经被贯穿过。 But now...... 但如今…… secure covered own abdomen gently, can feel, here has really recovered- is only, sees the ring on finger to discover unknowingly that has lightened becomes the light-green gem, now thorough gloomy. 安轻轻地捂住了自己的腹部,可以感觉出来,这里真的已经痊愈-只是,不经意间看见手指上的戒指会发现,那颗已经点亮成为了浅绿色的宝石,如今已经彻底暗淡了下去。 The brightness...... consumed probably. 亮度……好像消耗掉了。 secure becomes has doubts- is because consumed these brightness to let itself Resurrecting What reason is because of other? 安不禁变得疑惑-到底是因为消耗了这些亮度才让自己【复活】的,还是因为别的什么原因? But finally, heard that sound, is own illusion, is...... 而最后,听到的那道声音,是自己的幻觉吗,还是…… She shakes the head, wields temporarily from the brain these chaotic trains of thought that then looks at Amanda...... this time Amanda, both hands also grips that the cannon, collapses to the ground on, even is good to maintain the movement of fire time. 她摇了摇头,将这些纷乱的思绪暂时从脑中挥去,转而看着阿曼达……此时的阿曼达,双手还握住那把火铳,瘫坐在地上,甚至好保持着射击时候的动作。 Saw.” The secure deep breath one breath, was saying to Amanda: Killed Vampire...... you to achieve! Achieved with me, during this has not imagined the difficulty.” “看到了吗。”安深呼吸一口气,对着阿曼达说道:“杀死吸血鬼……你做到了!和我一起做到了,这并没有想象当中的困难。” Amanda regarding the words of secure some response, subconsciously lifted. 阿曼达对于安的话有了反应,下意识地抬起了头来。 secure visits her, showed a smile, you may compared with me a moment ago, be braver much...... we, lived.” 安看着她,露出了一丝笑容,“你可比我刚才,勇敢得多了……我们,活下来了呢。” This is......” Amanda moves the lip, twittering said: Is that sound, my goddess......” “这才是……”阿曼达动了动嘴唇,呢喃道:“才是那把声音,我的女神……” secure only felt that the ring in hand transmitted warm feeling suddenly...... originally that gem that thorough gets down gloomily, started to lighten, but this time merely was only the slightly red degree. 安只感觉手中的戒指忽然传来了一股暖意……原本已经彻底暗淡下去的那颗宝石,又开始点亮了一些,但这次仅仅只是微红的程度。 This warm feeling, seemed like some type exciting...... secure Huran to hit to startle, subconsciously looks at other women besides Amanda. 这股暖意,就好像是某种刺激般……安忽然打了个激灵,下意识地看着除了阿曼达之外的其余女人。 Discovered that their vision started to have some changes. 发现她们的目光开始出现了一些变化。 Stands!” secure blurted out, following speech, even has not had any rough draft in her in the heart, but blurted out purely, stands! I give you weapon! Follows I...... I to lead you to go out!” “站起来!”安脱口而出,接下来的说话,甚至没有在她的心中打过任何的草稿,只是单纯地脱口而出,“站起来!我给你们武器!跟着我……我带着你们出去!” She clenches teeth, makes an effort to wield that belt/bring the palm of ring...... the ground, threw dozens weapons instantaneously. 她咬了咬牙,用力地挥了挥那带着戒指的手掌……地上,瞬间扔出了数十件的武器。 Picks,...... I leads you to go out with me!” “捡起来,跟着我……我带你们出去!” „Is Vampire fearful?” 吸血鬼可怕吗?” Fearful! The courage of my least bit resistance does not even have......, therefore I died! I died one time! Then I killed them! Moreover is two. Therefore...... stands!” “可怕!我甚至半点反抗的勇气都没有……所以我死了!我死了一次!然后我杀了它们!而且还是两个。所以……站起来!” Follows I, I lead you to go out!” “跟着我,我带你们出去!” Stands!” “站起来!” Stands!” “站起来!” Amanda, stood, grasped to stop stubbornly the cannon, the seedling that probably broke out from the ground...... stood. 阿曼达,站起来了,死死地握住手中的火铳,像是破土而出的幼苗……站起来了。 Amanda behind, a vision of woman sobered all of a sudden, she stands up from the chair, but goes, because too long-term did not have the movement...... to stand to tumble on the ground. 阿曼达身后,一个女人的目光一下子清醒了过来,她从椅子上站起,但去因为太长时间的没有运动……才站起来就跌倒在了地上。 But she has not given up, struggles...... is struggling, makes an effort- Amanda walked, gave to hold her. 可她没有放弃,挣扎着……挣扎着,用力地-阿曼达走了过去,将她给扶了起来。 Gods-! 神啊-! More powerful warm feeling starts to flow from the ring enters peaceful body- she felt that she seems like warmed the water to wrap is being same, the slightly red gem, starts to fluctuate unceasingly the color...... along with woman one after another, had swallowed in the middle of their life standing up of chair from that. 一股更强大的暖意从戒指上开始流淌进入安的身体-她感觉自己就像是被暖水所包裹着一样,微红的宝石,开始不断地变幻着色彩……伴随着一个接着一个的女人,从那曾经吞噬过她们生命的椅子当中的站起。 Gods-! 神啊-! secure even heard many sounds...... to seem like the aspirations of these women...... perhaps is only own misconception. 安甚至听到了许许多多的声音……像是这些女人的心声……或许只是自己的错觉。 However...... this time can achieve? 但是……这次能够做到的吧? No longer yes Delusion, But pays the action words...... secure to look that these stand again, regarding in own woman, the corners of the mouth raises, follows I...... I to lead you to leave.” 不再是【妄想】,而是付之行动的话……安看着这些再一次站立,围绕在自己身边的女人,嘴角一扬,“跟着我……我带你们离开。” Gods-! 神啊-! That is their speechless aspirations...... they to her, belief. 那是她们无言的心声……她们对她的,信仰。 Gods-! 神啊-! ...... …… Very good sound.” “很棒的声音。” Farm. 【农场】。 Looking into the distance Farm Boss Luo of town street, the palm is placing near the ear, listens attentively anything that the wind is blowing. 眺望着【农场】镇子街道的洛老板,手掌正放在耳边,倾听着风吹来的什么。 Flame, in the event, has burnt.” „The god who the Luo Qiu chuckle, most started, like appears like this......” “火焰,一旦出现了,就会一直燃烧下去的吧。”洛邱轻笑了一声,“最开始的神,是不是就像这样出现呢……” Master?” “主人?” In the meantime, the miss maid sound resounds in the ear of Boss Luo. 就在此时,女仆小姐的声音在洛老板的耳边响起。 miss maid still still in the room in villa, creates Beastman to enter the background after game world at this time- is writing about from the remote Eastern Evil Dragon, at this time was being besieged by angry Beastman. 女仆小姐此时依然还在别墅的房间内,创作着兽人们进入游戏世界之后的背景-正写到来自遥远东方的恶龙,此时正被愤怒的兽人们围攻。 Has the matter.” Luo Qiu carries over sound to ask in in the heart. “有事吗。”洛邱心中传声问道。 it's nothing, but felt suddenly seems like the divine nature born, However…… is very weak.” miss maid sound some did not determine: Is the writing skill of master.” 没什么,只是忽然感觉到似乎有一丝神性诞生,只不过……很微弱。”女仆小姐的声音有些不怎么确定:“是主人的手笔吗。” Is an accident/surprise, the unexpected harvest, had pleasantly surprised feeling Boss Luo to smile saying with a smile sometimes very much: Does not know whether this pleasant surprise can continue...... me should, but must one go back again.” “算是一个意外吧,不过意外的收获,有些时候也很有惊喜感”洛老板笑了笑道:“就是不知道,这份惊喜是否能一直持续下去了……我应该,还要再一会才回去。” „Before master comes back, I will compile the Beastman background material.” “主人回来之前,我会把兽人的背景资料编写好的。” Luo Qiu smiles saying that „the story of Evil Dragon.” 洛邱莞尔道,“恶龙的故事吗。” A little.” “有一点。” miss maid sound many belts a smart-alecky feeling. 女仆小姐的声音多少带着一丝俏皮的感觉。 Boss Luo smiles, after this, temporarily shut off with the miss maid communication. 洛老板笑了笑,这之后暂时切断了与女仆小姐的通讯。 The vision to...... David and shore la, happen to arrived can lead to Copulation farm In which leading position of sewer. 目光所向……大卫与湄菈,正好抵达了可以通往【交配农场】的下水道的其中一个进入口位置。 His vision, starts becomes anticipates, does not know, but also there is a pleasant surprise.” 他的目光,开始变得期待起来,“不知道,还有没有惊喜。”
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