TTC :: Volume #12

#119: Rumor

David chose the arson, the manufacture confusion, as shield that oneself flee. 大卫选择了纵火,制造混乱,作为自己逃离的掩护。 Are many in January/one month, leading the people to submerge Farm Time, he has found out this Farm Structure. 在一月多前,带着众人潜入【农场】的时候,他就已经摸清楚了这个【农场】的结构。 But among the person of this journey, the companion of shore la as well as another revolutionary army, came in this Farm, Therefore this deepens David regarding to place the environment at present the familiarity. 而这次出行的人当中,湄菈以及另外一名革命军的同伴,原本就是出身在这个【农场】,所以这更是加深了大卫对于目前身处环境的熟悉程度。 The fire intensity soon starts to spread from the horse stable...... is neighbor several buildings. 火势很快就从马厩开始蔓延开来……紧接着是附近几所的建筑物。 When Vampire of nearby patrol rush, fire intensity already quite violent. 当附近巡逻的吸血鬼们赶到的时候,火势已经相当的猛烈。 Naturally, this fire intensity must suppress to appear the difficulty regarding human in the short time, but regarding Vampire, not consumption time extremely. 当然,这种火势对于人类来说要在短时间扑灭显得困难,但对于吸血鬼来说,并不会太过的耗费时间。 However, those who let Vampire didn't expect is, Farm Middle sounded ding suddenly- along with giant explosive sound. 然而,让吸血鬼没想到的是,【农场】当中突然敲响了钟声-伴随着一道巨大的爆炸声。 At this moment, Farm A middle high tower collapsed instantaneously. 此刻,【农场】当中的一座高塔瞬间倒塌了下来。 This is the revolutionary army buries the blasting explosive in the middle of this high tower...... to plan one point to use as them very early in the morning. Revolutionary army headed by David actually before the action has not launched, is captured all. 这是革命军一早就埋藏在这座高塔当中的炸药……本来是作为他们原本计划中的一环而使用。只是,以大卫为首的革命军却在行动还没有展开之前,就已经被尽数擒获。 Now, David not only set on fire to burn several buildings, and will immediately hide the explosive initiation in this high tower! 如今,大卫不仅仅纵火烧了几所建筑物,并且在第一时间将藏在这座高塔上的炸药引爆! The explosion has not wounded any Vampire, but actually enough caused entire Farm Middle attention...... particularly, lives in Farm In all Crops! 爆炸并没有炸伤任何一名吸血鬼,但却足够引起了整个【农场】当中的注意……尤其是,居住在【农场】内的所有【农作物】们! Turning on a light. 亮灯。 Entire Farm Small town at this moment because of exploding, but gradually turning on a light light. 整个【农场】小镇此刻因为爆炸而渐渐亮起了灯光。 Chaotic...... bigger confusion, is the capital of his safe withdrawal. In the dim light of night, David walks randomly at a quicker speed in the shadow of town, fast toward Copulation farm But goes. 混乱……更大的混乱,将会是他安全撤离的资本。夜色中,大卫以更快的速度游走在镇子的阴影当中,飞快地朝着【交配农场】而去。 In the meantime, David met shore la once again. 就在此时,大卫又一次遇见了湄菈。 But this time, shore la seemed to be injured, by left in a alley shadow place. 而这一次,湄菈似乎受伤了,独自一人靠左在了一处巷子的暗影处。 ...... …… ...... …… Before a half hour . 半小时之前。 In the middle of the square, a shore la person is dealing with dozens Vampire- she perhaps regarding just rescued these revolutionary armies quite indifferent, however after leaving their meeting, actually chose resolutely started to slaughter Vampire in the middle of the town in high-profile manner. 广场当中,湄菈正一人应付着数十名的吸血鬼-她或许对于刚刚解救了的那些革命军相当的冷漠,但是在离开了他们会后,却毅然地选择了在镇子当中高调地开始屠杀着吸血鬼们。 Perhaps is only she stemming from destiny unfair one vent, perhaps she also wants to kill several Vampire purely...... or, she will want entire Farm Line of sight of Vampire, centralized on own body. 或许只是她出于对命运不公的一种发泄,或许她也只是单纯想要多杀几个吸血鬼……又或者,她想要将整个【农场】的吸血鬼们的视线,都集中在自己的身上。 Who knows? 谁知道呢? She now is only all alone, but can depend upon only, only then that bases on one group of black flame of own cheeks wound place. 她如今只是孤身一人,而唯一可以依靠的,只有那凭依在自己脸颊伤口处的一团黑色的火焰。 This black flame truly fierce...... , before obtaining it, can definitely describe with the woman own? 这黑焰确实的厉害……在没有得到它之前,完全可以用弱女子来形容自己的吧? Shore la aura slightly some are not observing the situation side more and more Vampire steadily...... farm In, nowadays how many Vampire in? 湄菈气息略微有些不稳地环视着身边越来越多的吸血鬼们……【农场】内,现如今到底有多少吸血鬼在? She does not have a concrete concept, but knows that own physical strength could not somewhat have supported...... the strength powerful black flame not to give her endless physical strength probably obviously. 她没有一个具体的概念,只是知道自己的体力好像已经有些支撑不住……力量强大的黑色火焰显然没有赋予她无尽的体力。 After all this merely is only Weapon The same strength, rather than changes her life structure essentially the thing. 毕竟这仅仅只是【武器】一样的力量,而不是从本质上改变她生命结构的东西。 However...... continues to kill. 但是……继续杀吧。 It, probably this and is speaking. 它,好像就这样和自己说着话。 This fight, quick attracted Baz. 这的战斗,很快就将巴兹比吸引了过来。 Since going to the road in No. 7 dormitory was attacked by shore la, Baz changed continued to go to the No. 7 dormitory traveling schedule, but changed to directs Vampire, launched to hunt of this bad Vampire killer. 自从在前往第七号宿舍的路上被湄菈袭击了之后,巴兹比就改变了继续前往第七号宿舍行程,而是改为指挥吸血鬼们,展开对这名恶劣的吸血鬼杀手的追捕。 At this time, under besieging of numerous Vampire, shore la was limited in the space of square temporarily...... Baz under following of several guards, the half step comes. 此时,在众多吸血鬼的围攻之下,湄菈暂时被限制在了广场的空间之中……巴兹比在几名护卫的追随之下,快步而来。 After he has exchanged one new clothes...... had torn the pair of wings forcefully, now the look is seemingly indistinct also the appearances of some dispiriteds. 他已经换上了一套新的衣服……只是硬生生自己撕裂了双翼之后,如今神色看起来隐约还有些萎靡的样子。 Now what situation?” “现在什么情况?” A subordinate comes back to report to say fast: Sir Baz, we have constrained this killer at present temporarily, but... is only opposite party extremely terrifying. She can use a strange flame, our so long as every moistens to is either dead or wounded.” 一名下属飞快回来汇报道:“巴兹比大人,目前我们已经将这名杀手暂时拖住,只是…只是对方太过恐怖。她能使用一种诡异的火焰,我们的人手只要一沾到就是非死即伤。” Baz have also asked for advice fierce of this type of flame, the performance that therefore dreads regarding the subordinate at this time has not said anything. 巴兹比自己也领教过这种火焰的厉害,因此对于下属此时畏惧的表现并没有说些什么。 He nods faintly, later looks into the distance is fighting in the circle, the brain is analyzing the scene crazily, she was probably slow..., was the issue of physical strength...... strange, the might of this type of flame, probably some were how unstable. Un......” 他淡漠地点了点头,随后眺望着战圈之内,大脑疯狂地分析着现场,“她好像慢下来了…,是体力的问题吗……奇怪,这种火焰的威力,怎么好像有些不稳定。嗯……” Sir, didn't you say stably?” A subordinate surprise looks at Baz. “大人,你说不稳定?”身边的一名下属不禁诧异地看着巴兹比。 Sees only Baz to hesitate at this time does not speak, the vision has not actually left fight of shore la and Vampire. 只见巴兹比此时沉吟不语,目光却始终没有离开过湄菈与吸血鬼们的战斗。 Suddenly, Baz waves, the sinking sound told: Do not contact and senseless near body fight with her, takes avoiding the flame attack of this killer as mainly...... maintains the distance! If were burnt by the flame, so long as is not the heart, first cuts off limb to me!” 忽然,巴兹比一挥手,沉声吩咐道:“不要和她接触以及无谓的近身战斗,以躲避这个杀手的火焰攻击为主要……保持距离!如果被火焰烧到了,只要不是心脏,都第一时间给我断肢!” Compliant!” “遵命!” With Baz issuance of order, Vampire in square dispersed all of a sudden- they have to obey Baz order. 伴随着巴兹比的命令下达,广场上的吸血鬼们一下子就散了开来-它们不得不服从巴兹比的命令。 Originally, as the acting Grand Duke trusted aide, Baz has the jurisdiction of very high control guard, but now Baz is running the authority of clan. 本来,作为代理大公身边的心腹,巴兹比就拥有很高的控制卫队的权限,而如今巴兹比更加是掌管着氏族的权柄。 So long as does not bump into the heart, immediately cuts off limb...... obviously, order that can accept. 只要不是碰到心脏,马上就断肢……显然,还是能够接受的命令。 Breaks the limbs, regarding Vampire, most also attracts some people blood afterward, can get back. 断去肢体,对于吸血鬼来说,最多也就事后多吸一些人血,就能够恢复过来。 However in a minute, changed Vampire of fighting method,...... she even has to gasp for breath to a terrifying situation the physical exertion of shore la gradually in gulps, the body is sweat profusely. 不过片刻,改变了打法的吸血鬼,渐渐地将湄菈的体力消耗到一种恐怖的地步……她甚至不得不大口大口地喘着气,身上更是香汗淋漓。 She even feels herself, had had mild symptom of dehydration- what awfully is, because is unable to swallow the Vampire soul for a very long time, the might of black flame started rapidly is dropped. 她甚至觉得自己,已经出现了脱水的轻微症状-更加要命的是,因为久久无法吞噬吸血鬼的灵魂,黑色火焰的威力开始飞速系下降了起来。 How long perhaps...... could not have supported! 恐怕……已经支持不了多久了! At this moment, fought Baz beyond circle to send to fight in the middle of own sound the circle...... to deliver to near the shore la ear suddenly, „has your physical strength supported does not get down? Is without a fight, you cannot escape.” 此刻,战圈之外的巴兹比忽然将自己的声音送入战圈当中……送到了湄菈的耳边,“你的体力已经支持不下去了吧?束手就擒吧,你逃不掉的。” You came to catch me personally well...... the rebel!” “那你就亲手过来擒住我好了……叛徒!” Shore la sneered directly, later stimulates to movement the black flame in hand...... the flame to scatter in all directions suddenly instantaneously loudly, the might rose suddenly probably suddenly, making all around Vampire start to dread. 湄菈直接冷笑了一声,随后猛然催动手中的黑色火焰……火焰瞬间轰然四散,威力好像突然又暴涨了回来,让四周的吸血鬼们不禁又开始忌惮起来。 Again...... rebel? 再一次……叛徒? Baz wrinkled frowns, he does not know at present this killer woman, but why she shouted time and time again oneself rebel? 巴兹比皱了皱眉头,他不认识眼前这个杀手女人,但为何她一次又一次地喊自己叛徒? Does not need to bluster.” Baz stabilizes the mind , to continue the sinking sound saying: Your strange flame, has the restriction on use? Perhaps will come under the influence of your physical strength, what thing also or is other...... for example, it can through burning our bodies, provides the strength, right?” “不用虚张声势。”巴兹比稳定心神,继续沉声说道:“你的这种诡异的火焰,有使用限制的吧?或许是会受到你本身体力的影响,又或者是别的什么东西……比如说,它可以通过燃烧我们的身体,来提供力量,对吗?” Shore la in the heart is startled. 湄菈不禁心中一惊。 But on her face is still cold as ice and frost, the black flame in hand, the might as if promoted several points, „...... that you can try. Naturally, the consequence is proud.” 但她脸上却依然冷若冰霜,手中的黑色火焰,威力似乎又提升了几分,“是吗……那你们可以来试试。当然,后果自负。” I have analyzed, whenever your flame might starts to be weaken, you must attack us very urgently......, whenever after burning our body successes, its might will restore again.” Baz said indifferently: As for this theory whether correct, so long as I continued this tactical rules to be OK, the time grew, the answer naturally knows.” “我分析过,每当你的火焰威力开始减弱的时候,你就十分迫切地要攻击我们……每当燃烧我们的身体成功之后,它的威力就会再次恢复。”巴兹比淡然道:“至于这个理论到底是否正确,只要我继续这种战法就可以了,时间长了,答案自然就会知道。” That tries!!” “那就来试试吧!!” With a cold drinking sound of shore la, her both hands brandish, the black flame does in a big way immediately, is similar to the eruption in a flash, but gas spray, the instantaneous 360 degrees, do not have the dead angle to proliferate, at the session in square all Vampire! 伴随着湄菈的一道冷冽的喝声,她双手挥舞,黑色的火焰顿时大作,一瞬间如同爆发而出的气雾般,瞬间三百六十度,毫无死角地扩散而出,席间着广场上所有的吸血鬼们! Sees that numerous Vampire in great surprise......, no matter the might of this thing does have to be weaken, but once bumps into on the racket is not loose, is actually solid! 见状,众吸血鬼不禁大惊……不管这玩意的威力到底有没有减弱,可一旦碰到就拍之不散,却是实实在在! Numerous Vampire has to scatter in all directions to open hurriedly......, even if Baz, because has eaten owing relations, at this moment still subconsciously must avoid this eruption the flame. 吸血鬼不得不匆忙地四散而开……即便是巴兹比,因为吃过一次亏的关系,此刻也下意识地要躲开这股爆发的火焰。 Unexpectedly flame momentum of this eruption very scary, may come quickly, goes also quickly, but is the time of a while, has disappeared. 不料这爆发的火焰声势十分的吓人,可来得快,去得也快,不过是一会儿的功夫,就已经散失。 Sir...... the killer, disappears!” “大人……杀手,不见了!” Pursues to me.” Baz issued the order calmly, she should not walk away......, once found, according , if burnt down, so long as is not a strategic point that I said that immediately cuts off limb! Was sure to remember, cannot the go it alone!” “给我追。”巴兹比沉着地下达了命令,“她应该没有走远……一旦找到,按照我所说的,如果被焚烧了,只要不是要害,马上断肢!切记,不许单独行动!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Then, Baz hesitated for several seconds, shouted a subordinate, told: You lead a person of squad to rush to the place that aristocrats today stays, told them this matter, making them wait same place, do not run all over the place everywhere.” 接着,巴兹比沉吟了几秒,又呼来了一名下属,吩咐道:“你带一小队的人赶往贵族们今日下榻的地方,将这件事情告诉它们,让它们原地等着,不要四处乱跑。” The line... the line, the subordinate thought. 行…行吧,下属心想。 This verbal message belt/bring to can bring, but listens as for these higher authority aristocrats, is not it can control. 这个口信带到是一定会带到的,但至于那些上级贵族到底听不听,就不是它能够左右的了。 Saw that the subordinates have performed its own functions, Baz aspirates...... he still to feel that slowly behind that was torn the wound of pair of wings to pain by oneself. Perhaps, truly should take some blood, supplemented that consumed......, since crashed Loses crack Later, by the present, several fights, he cannot stop to rest, do not say that is the feed. 眼看着属下们已经各司其职,巴兹比才缓缓的吐了口气……他依然感觉到背后那被自己撕裂了双翼的伤口隐隐作痛。或许,确实应该吸食一些鲜血,补充一下消耗了……自从坠落了【失落裂缝】之后,到现在,几番战斗,他都未能停下来休息过,更不要说是进食。 He said to subordinate instruction slowly: Prepares a pure blood of mass production to me.” 他缓缓地向身边的下属吩咐说道:“给我准备一份量产的纯血吧。” The subordinates suggested at this time: Sir, or I go to call to you Crops! The clan does not have the stipulation, if in the wartime, can directly through taking Crops Does the blood restore? Also, how the pure blood of mass production compared favorably with the fresh ancient race blood.” 下属此时却建议道:“大人,要不我去给你叫来【农作物】吧!氏族不是有规定,如果是在战时,可以直接通过吸食【农作物】的鲜血来恢复吗?再说,量产的纯血怎么比得上新鲜的古人种鲜血。” Baz was only the eye looked at subordinate one eyes vacantly. 巴兹比只是目无表情地看了下属一眼。 The subordinates heart alarmed, trembling in fear, lower the head immediately hastily, said fast: I give you to prepare the mass production immediately the pure blood blood package!” 下属顿时心惊胆颤,连忙低着头,飞快说道:“我马上去给您准备量产的纯血血包!” In the meantime, a subordinate never the distant place half step walks, his arm is making an effort to hold a wrist/skill of young girl at this time, draws the young girl to walk crudely. 就在此时,一名下属从不远处快步走来,他的手臂此时正用力地抓住一名少女的手腕,粗暴地拉着少女走来。 Sir, our nearby discovered this Crops! Perhaps she was a moment ago the same party members of that female killer!” “大人,我们附近发现了这个【农作物】!或许她是刚才那个女杀手的同党!” Baz has not spoken, vision the young girl who was caught from this one sweeps, later the vision one cold...... he flashes past suddenly, sees only that to hold young girl wrist/skill the arm of Vampire, this had cut off instantaneously. 巴兹比没有说话,目光从这被抓来的少女身上一扫而过,随后目光忽然一冷……他一闪而过,只见那抓住少女手腕的吸血鬼的手臂,这瞬间就已经被斩断。 Broke the Vampire subordinate pain of arm surface-to-surface to fall down, covered the wound in arm place panic-stricken, actually does not dare to yell, can only look panic-stricken Baz...... looks he integrated in the middle of this young girl oneself cloak slowly, gently hugging. 断了手臂的吸血鬼下属痛苦地地倒在地上,惊恐地捂住手臂处的伤口,却不敢大叫,只能惊恐地看着巴兹比……看着他缓缓地将这少女纳入了自己的披风当中,轻轻搂着。 The young girl is...... Minna! 少女是……米娜! Sees only the young girl as if to hug anything at this time stubbornly in the bosom...... seems like one volume of what things. Meanwhile, she also buried the face in Baz bosom, probably the fear...... the body is shivering gently. 只见少女此时似乎将什么东西死死地抱在怀中……好像是一卷什么东西。同时,她也将脸埋在了巴兹比的怀中,像是害怕……身子轻轻地颤抖着。 Continues you to work.” “继续你们工作。” Has not paid attention to that to pour in ground breaking arm Vampire, Baz coldly sweeps all Vampire...... numerous Vampire to keep silent immediately. 没有理会那倒在地上的断臂吸血鬼,巴兹比冷冷地扫所着身边的所有吸血鬼们……一众吸血鬼顿时噤若寒蝉。 Walks.” “走。” But this saying, is Baz looks down Minna in bosom said...... this, he leads Minna from present departure of subordinate. 而这话,则是巴兹比低头看着怀中的米娜所说的……就这样,他带着米娜从下属的眼前离开。 The subordinates do not understand that...... does not understand why this Sir sees only suddenly cruelly so. They can only look silently Baz leads the young girl to leave. 下属们不明白……不明白为何这位大人突然只见如此的残暴。它们只能默默地看着巴兹比带着少女离开。 „...... Did not have really to rise my higher authority aristocrat, learned that set of higher authority aristocrat quickly. This Crops Looks at own private property,” “啧……还没有真的上升我上级贵族呢,这么快就学会了上级贵族的那一套了。是将这个【农作物】看着自己的私有财产了吧、” „, The low voice point...... he wields the authority of clan now!” “嘘,小声点……他现在执掌了氏族的权柄!” Snort...... is just the luck good,...... was considered as finished by the Baraggan imperial prince, did not say!” “哼……只不过是运气好点,被拜勒岗皇子……算了,不说!” The square gradually becomes empty. 广场渐渐变得空荡起来。 ...... …… ...... …… Negligent...... by the wall of ice-cold alley, the shore la feeling lungs looked like inhaled the anger, the intermittent scalding hot feeling, was almost suffocated by oneself...... gasps for breath in gulps, is still unable to make the heartbeat slow. 大意了……靠在了冰冷的小巷的墙壁上,湄菈感觉肺部就像是吸入了火气般,阵阵灼热的感觉,让自己几乎窒息般……大口大口地喘气,依然无法让心跳慢下来。 Obviously, her fierce movement, has gone beyond the range that oneself can withstand...... stemming from own protection, the body had crossed her will, but stopped. 显然,她剧烈的运动,已经超出了自身能够承受的范围……出于对自己的保护,身体已经越过了她的意志,而停了下来。 On the cheeks is attaching to the black flame is still burning, but is actually similar to the flame that soon must extinguish. 脸颊上依附着的黑色火焰依然燃烧着,但却如同即将要熄灭的火苗般。 Probably formerly had listened to a fairy tale, Little Match Girl hand the matches of last ignition are the same. 好像是从前听过的一个童话故事里面的,卖火柴的小女孩手中的最后一根点燃的火柴一样。 But obviously, it has not given her to be the same like that Little Match Girl, warm and happy all. 但显然,它并没有给她如同那位卖火柴的小女孩一样的,温暖而美好的一切啊。 The sound of footsteps transmits. 脚步声传来。 Is Vampire...... the finger is not even able to move. 吸血鬼吗……可是甚至连指头都无法动一下。 The sound of footsteps approaches gradually. 脚步声渐渐靠近。 She instead does not have extremely panic-stricken, instead had a feeling relaxed feeling faintly...... generally speaking, has killed many Vampire tonight, probably doesn't owe? 她反而没有太过的惊恐,反而隐隐有种释然的感觉……总的来说,今晚已经杀了不少的吸血鬼了,好像已经不亏了吧? Originally, the person of dying...... they, should successfully escape? 本来,就是将死的人了……他们,应该已经成功逃出去了吧? Shore la...... is really you.” “湄菈……果然是你。” The sound of footsteps has stopped, but follows to come, was the slightly familiar sound...... some shore la surprise raised the head together, looks at that to bind an odor man, subconsciously was opening the opens the mouth. 脚步声已经停下,但伴随而来的,是一道略为熟悉的声音……湄菈有些诧异地抬起头来,看着那裹着一身恶臭一副的男子,下意识地张了张口。 David squatted all of a sudden, simultaneously pulled open the cloth strip on face, revealed the original appearance, was I! David!” 大卫一下子蹲了下来,同时将脸上的布条拉开,露出了本来的模样,“是我!大卫!” She naturally is recognizes, since he pulled open the arrange/cloth on face,...... shore la not to the vision that on David pays attention, but pulled down own face slightly, that injured cheeks, hid in the hidden place of hood, you... you not already... and they, ran away......” 她自然是认得的,从他拉开了脸上的布之后……湄菈没有对上大卫关注的目光,只是略微地压低了自己的脸,将那受伤的脸颊,藏在了兜帽的暗处,“你…你不是已经…和他们,逃走了吗……” I returned, our also two partners, escaped at that time, I did not feel relieved, therefore remained!” David sincere said. “我又返回来了,我们还有两位伙伴,当时也逃脱了,我不放心,所以留下来!”大卫正色说道。 You...... can leave obviously, why can also come back?” Shore la wrinkled frowns, what your own can make?” “你……明明可以离开,为什么还要回来?”湄菈皱了皱眉头,“你自己一个能做什么?” I do not have the means to see somebody in danger and do nothing.” David deep breath said angrily: If saw somebody in danger and did nothing...... that what I also do have to distinguish with these Vampire?” “我没办法见死不救。”大卫深呼吸一口气道:“如果见死不救了……那么,我和那些吸血鬼又有什么分别?” He looks at shore la, said in a soft voice: We, are not the companions.” 他看着湄菈,轻声道:“我们,不是同伴吗。” She opened the opens the mouth, in the heart had anything to be touched probably, visits him. 她张了张口,心中好像有什么被触动了似的,怔怔地看着他。
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