TTC :: Volume #12

#117: Employment

The time that secure and David contact is not long, if placed in the middle of dozens years of life lengths to calculate, probably was...... absent-minded time. 安和大卫接触的时间并不长,如果放在了数十年的人生长度当中计算的话,大概就是……一个恍惚的时间。 Although the time is very short, that but David displays always hatred to the Vampire aristocrat so intense. 时间虽然很短,但是大卫无时无刻都表现出来的那种对吸血鬼贵族的憎恨是如此的强烈。 ...... …… Again David who opens the eye, before the peaceful feeling instead did not have was intense, she as if saw other anything from his both eyes. 再次睁开眼睛的大卫,给安的这种感觉反而没有之前的强烈了,她从他的双眼中似乎看到了别的什么东西。 No longer probably a revolutionary army. 不再像是一个革命军。 Regarding the revolutionary army, peaceful strange...... cannot think the resistance, can think the person of fleeing, in big of respectively clan Farm Always has the appearance, they mostly can die a tragic death finally in the hand of Vampire. 对于革命军,安并不会陌生……会想着反抗,会想着逃离的人,在氏族的各大【农场】历来都有出现,他们大多最后都会惨死在吸血鬼的手上。 To let similar secure this being resigned be Farm The adult of service, the consciousness of germination resistance, they cannot frequently the quilt Invitation Watches the revolutionary army sentences...... and even the process of execution. 而为了让类似安这种甘心为【农场】服务的成年人,不会萌生反抗的意识,他们会常常被【邀请】观看革命军的处刑……乃至处死的过程。 These people, lethal both eyes is such hatred, deeply ingrained hatred, very pure hatred...... they, both eyes before dying still purely. 那些人,致死双眼都是那样的憎恨,刻骨的憎恨,很纯粹的憎恨……他们,双眼在死前依然纯粹。 Although has grown up, although already adult, although experiences numerously, but with Farm Child, does not have the essential difference probably. 虽然已经长大,虽然已经成人,虽然经历众多,但与【农场】中的孩子,好像没有本质上的区别。 He, is more like these to be resigned now, if the adult of supervisory group...... is more like present. 他,现在更像是那些甘心假如督导组的成年人……更像是如今的自己。 secure felt suddenly cold intent- David still stood in livingly oneself at present, but she felt, David had been destroyed. 安忽然感觉到了一阵冷意-大卫依然活生生地站在了自己的眼前,但她却觉得,大卫已经被摧毁了。 Such short time...... does not have Vampire so many penalties merely, does not have long-term suffering. 仅仅只是这么短暂的时间……没有吸血鬼那么多的刑罚,也没有长时间的折磨。 You... are you good?” Could not endure calmly to ask. “你…你还好吧?”安忍不住上前询问了起来。 I now am very good.” David's reply came as a surprise to peaceful again, former better...... to be better.” “我现在很好。”大卫的回答再一次出乎了安的意料,“远比从前的更好……再好不过了。” Where good... to be good?” secure resembles some not to adapt to present David- the time that although, she and he contact very short is very short. “好…好在什么地方?”安似有些不适应眼前的大卫-尽管,她和他接触的时间真的很短很短。 Tries you to understand.” David gives a calm smile at this time, here so many things, you have not put also have a try...... to sell out some to seem like the nightmare the same as suffer your thing daily, will then trade some to make you powerful thing.” “尝试一下你就会明白。”大卫此时淡然一笑,“这里还有这么多的东西,你不放也试一试……卖掉一些天天会像是噩梦一样折磨着你的东西,然后换回来一些会让你变得强大的东西。” secure retrocedes panic-stricken several steps, knocked behind anything all of a sudden, the whole person then somewhat depended on weak- she saw from David complexion, was the so strange smile. 安惊恐地后退几步,一下子就磕到了身后的什么东西,整个人接着有些无力地靠着-她从大卫脸色看见的,是如此诡异的笑容。 It seems like, the mister should satisfy this transaction.” Luo Qiu showed the joyful look, because probably made the customer satisfaction feel satisfaction once again. “看来,先生应该是满意这次的交易。”洛邱对此露出了欣喜般的神色,好像是因为又一次让顾客满意而感觉到了满意。 Is this countenance of merchant? 这就是商人的嘴脸? secure not too clear...... merchant, to her is also very strange and remote occupation- Farm All that the merchant who in has not done business, here child enjoys have the aristocrats to provide, can freely live: Before grown. 安不太清楚……商人,对于她来说也是十分陌生又遥远的职业-【农场】内没有做生意的商人,这里的孩子所享受的一切都有贵族们提供,可以一直无忧无虑地生活着:在成年之前。 Was satisfied.” “再满意不过了。” Said this saying time, David is also retroceding similarly. He still closely grasps this that is buying not to put down Tang blade......, when soon approaches to junks door, stopped, then seems like quite said with ease: I , to buy other things again, can sell other more memories.” 说这话的时候,大卫同样也在后退着。他依然紧紧地握着买回来的这把唐刀不放下……当快要靠近到杂物房门口的时候,才停了下来,然后看起来相当轻松地说道:“我如果想要再买其他的东西的话,可以出售更多的其他记忆吗。” This......” Luo Qiu took a look at David, very direct said/tunnel: Is escaping Farm After joining the revolutionary army, the mister seemed like the woman of admire...... is only you hides this sentiment at heart. If must continue to purchase, can admire with this as exchange.” “这样啊……”洛邱打量了一下大卫,很直接地道:“在逃脱了【农场】加入革命军之后,先生好像有一位爱慕的女士……只是你将这份感情藏在了心里。如果还要继续购买的话,可以用这份仰慕作为交换品。” Some this difficult offices.” David chuckle. “这就有些难办了。”大卫轻笑了一声。 secure felt this smile how many somewhat evil...... a person, after losing a memory, will really change another person probably? 安感觉这笑容多少有些邪性……一个人,失去一段记忆之后,真的会像是变了另外一个人? However, properly speaking, he does not lose all memories to be right. 但是,按理说,他并非失去了所有的记忆才对。 He planned that continues to trade peacefully...... quite somewhat anticipated is waiting for David's answer- why does not know, she hopes that David can comply. 他打算继续交易吗……安颇有些期待地等待着大卫的答案-不知道为何,她更希望大卫能够答应下来。 Perhaps stems from the humane curiosity. 或许是出于人性的好奇。 I have matter that needs to handle.” “我还有需要做的事情。” This is answer that David gives- gave him of answer, opened the door directly, walked from here, does not return, probably completely forgot peaceful exists. 这是大卫给出的答案-给出了答案的他,直接就推开了门,从这里走了出去,头也不回,好像完全忘记了安的存在似的。 He really left like this peacefully...... became somewhat feels helpless suddenly-, because, now is only left over her to face this mysterious young merchant alone. 他是真的就这样离开了……安突然变得有些不知所措起来-因为,现在就只剩下她独自面对这位神秘的青年商人。 When she heard walking of that old pocket watch sound...... ticktack, ticktack, ticktack. 她又听到了那老旧怀表的走时声……嘀嗒,嘀嗒,嘀嗒。 He planned on copes with the aristocrat like this?” She asked hurriedly has problems, after attempting broke David to leave, silence that here again presents. “他难道是打算就这样去对付贵族吗?”她匆忙地问出了问题,试图打破大卫离开之后,这里再次出现的沉默。 Woman cares about the action of this mister probably very much.” Luo Qiu smiling faintly: You do not compare the hope to be separated troublesome.” “女士好像很在意这位先生的举动。”洛邱微微一笑:“你不是比较希望能够脱离麻烦吗。” secure shrugs saying: I also want to take a look at him whether really doesn't have the issue...... to take itself to buy what reference with you?” 安耸耸肩道:“我好歹也想要看看他到底是否真的没有问题……作为自己应不应该和你买点什么的参考吧?” Luo Qiu quite therefore said: You referred.” 洛邱相当所以说道:“那你参考好了吗。” Also- no- has!” “还-没-有!” She one word at a time, like stood before the new product booth is sold the middle-aged woman of wringer by the seller. 她一字一顿,像极了站在了新产品展台前正在被销售员推销着榨汁机的中年女人。 Boss Luo said suddenly: Madame, but also the plan hires me.” 洛老板忽然道:“女士,还打算雇佣我吗。” secure does not have said angrily: „Haven't you rejected?” 安没好气道:“你不是已经拒绝了?” Boss Luo said indifferently: In turn but how can change another way...... I to employ you? As the words of reward, I can the safety belt you leave this Farm.” 洛老板淡然道:“但是可以换另外一种方式……我反过来雇用你如何?作为报酬的话,我可以安全地带你离开这个【农场】。” You......” secure Bujin grew up the mouth, is pointing at itself unclear, employs me? What can I make to you?” “你……”安不禁长大了嘴巴,不明就里地指着自己,“雇用我?我能给你做什么?” She does not understand an own ordinary person, having anything is can help the opposite party. 她不明白自己一个再普通不过的人,有什么是可以帮到对方的。 He spread out the palm in the front of secure, the position of palm emerged out of thin air a fine ring- under Luo Qiu's hinted, secure received this ring, is sizing up carefully. 他在安的面前摊开了手掌,掌心的位置凭空出现了一枚精美的戒指-在洛邱的示意之下,安接过了这枚戒指,仔细地打量着。 She discovered that the edge of ring altogether mounted ten gray crystals...... obviously is not the diamond, has not listened to have what gem to be pessimistic. 她发现戒指的边缘一共镶嵌了十颗灰色的晶体……显然不会是钻石,也没有听过有什么宝石是灰色的。 What is this?” secure asked curiously. “这是什么?”安好奇问道。 Luo Qiu said: Took it...... to see the ten gems on ring? After accepting my employment, you need to do lightens these ten gems. The gem that lightens can present the purple glimmer.” 洛邱道:“带上它……看到戒指上的十颗宝石了吗?接受我的雇佣之后,你需要做的就是点亮这十颗宝石。点亮的宝石会呈现出紫色的微光。” How can I lighten them?” “我要怎么点亮它们?” secure inquired directly got up...... to seem like some heart movements. 安直接就询问了起来……似乎是有些心动了。 Boss Luo smiled saying with a smile: „Very simple, so long as you rescue these to be stranded in Copulation farm, And in Copulation farm Later Slaughter house human, was OK. human that you rescue are more, the lightening speed of gem will be faster, the quantity will also be more.” 洛老板笑了笑道:“很简单,你只要去救那些被困在【交配农场】,以及在【交配农场】之后的【屠宰场】的人类,就可以了。你救下的人类越多,宝石的点亮速度就会越快,数量也会越多。” secure is angry, indignant, but throws the ring, you are playing me is right? Let me save others? Do I rescue with what? I could not save me!” 安大怒,愤而将戒指扔出,“你在耍我对不对?让我去救人?我拿什么去救?我自己都救不了我自己!” boss not pissed, after hitting a sound referred, still in the ring of ground returned to the middle of his palm, he to the peaceful line of sight, smiled saying with a smile: Naturally will not let...... here all things that you save others like this, you can use casually.” 老板生气,打了个响指之后,被仍在地上的戒指又回到了他的掌心当中,他对上了安的视线,笑了笑道:“当然不会让你就这样去救人的……这里的所有东西,你可以随便使用。” What?” secure was startled being startled. “什么?”安怔了怔。 Boss Luo also raised that old pocket watch at this time, put own palm in the heart- he extends the make a move palm to secure again. 洛老板此时将那老旧的怀表也提了起来,放到了自己的掌心中-他向安再次伸出手掌。 On the palm, the ring and pocket watch depended like this in one. 掌心上,戒指和怀表就这样靠在了一起。 Is this fellow...... earnest? 这个家伙……是认真的? ...... …… ...... …… secure thinks suddenly glossary that daily will not use- obsessed. 安忽然想起来了一个日常不怎么会用到的词汇-鬼迷心窍。 What is the ghost? Is Vampire that ghost? God knows? 鬼是什么?是吸血鬼的那种鬼吗?天知道哦? Foreign language inside Vampire and ghost obviously are not the same words, this word is she sees in the library: Still in the travel notes that the corner it's nothing person read. 洋文里面吸血鬼和鬼显然不是同一个单词,这个词是她在图书馆看到的:一本被仍在了角落没什么人看的游记。 Then, anticipated very much you succeed...... brave woman. 那么,很期待你成功的时候……勇敢的女士。 That mysterious young merchant disappears to disappear like this. 那个神秘的年轻商人就这样消失不见了。 Where went as for him, peaceful obviously is not very clear- before just like perhaps him , said that he along one does not know is secretly said that who digs, planned to find to throw the thief of his thing. 至于他到底是去了什么地方,安显然不是十分清楚-或许正如他之前所说的一样,他只是沿着一条不知道到底是谁挖出来的暗道,打算找到投了他东西的小偷而已。 After that thief was caught, can be very miserable? 那个小偷被抓到了之后会不会很惨? She is somewhat thinking curiously these relate matter that does not have with her properly speaking at this time-, but leaves before the merchant the thing that keeps, actually cannot find the clue of reorganization from the start. 她不禁有些好奇地想着这些按理说和她此时关系全无的事情-但对于商人离开之前留下来的东西,却压根没能找到整理的头绪。 Makes secure feel that only what convenience is, the belt/bring in hand ring, had mysterious storage function- so many things forced in this ring, when she plans to use, so long as a thought were OK. 唯一让安感觉到方便的是,带在了手中的戒指,拥有神奇的储存功能-那么多的东西都被塞进去这个戒指了,当她打算使用的时候,只要一个念头就可以了。 Such convenience...... so many useful treasures, peaceful almost does not have any consideration, after Boss Luo vanished, raised the skirt immediately, moved toward the secretly said entrance! 这样的方便……这么多的有用的宝物,安几乎没有任何的考虑,在洛老板消失了之后,就马上提起了裙子,走向了暗道的入口! Was silly, had so many things, but also used is asking others for help to lead itself to leave? 傻不傻,有了这么多东西,还用的着求人带自己离开哦? Right, once the ring left Farm The range will expire, turns into the ordinary ring, 对了,戒指一旦离开了【农场】的范围就会失效,变成普通的戒指呢、 The people have disappeared obviously do not see, suddenly but the sound actually prepares to jump in secure made a sound in her ear instantaneously got up...... suitable sudden. 人明明已经消失不见,可声音却冷不丁地在安准备跳跃的瞬间在她的耳边响了起来……相当的突然。 This lets still maintain several points of original Person supposes The dormitory superintendent in No. 7 dormitory is on the waiting list frightens all of a sudden treads spatially, the whole person fell into the middle of secretly said. 这让依然保持着几分原来【人设】的第七号宿舍的舍监候补一下子就吓得踏空,整个人都摔入了暗道当中。 Before long, crawled from secretly said peacefully again came out...... on the hair many coherence some white spider webs. 不一会儿,安从暗道再次爬了出来……头发上多少粘着了一些白色的蜘蛛网。 She is overly suspicious and fearful to look at all around, always felt that this mysterious fellow has not really walked away, but hid in nearby was observing itself. 她疑神疑鬼地看着四周,总感觉这个神秘的家伙并没有真的走远,而是躲在了一旁观察着自己。 Until some little time, her cannot hear the voice of opposite party to resound again. 直到好一会儿,她也听不到对方的声音再次响起。 An secure person sat on the floor of junks room, smelled in the air to submerge, the old thing mildewy flavor, cautiously the first thing that shook from the ring: Boots. 安一个人坐在了杂物房的地板上,嗅着空气中沉没的,老旧物件发霉的味道,小心翼翼地从戒指中抖出来的第一件东西:一双靴子。 Boots that can accelerate 【可以加速的靴子】 The instance of boots in starting, the name of boots appear in the mind of secure naturally- as well as its application method. 靴子拿入手中的瞬间,靴子的名字就自然而然地在安的脑海中出现-以及它的使用方法。 secure does not have first to put on, but is pondering as before, whispered: Finally, must save others......” 安没有第一时间穿上,只是依旧沉思着,嘀咕道:“结果,还是要去救人……” Remembers David from the beginning, thinks she can save others. 记得大卫一开始,也是想她能够去救人的。 She makes an effort to pull oneself hair, then shook the ring on finger suddenly- this time fell a cloak. 她用力地抓了抓自己的头发,接着猛然抖了抖手指上的戒指-这次则是掉落了一件披风。 Can the cloak of stealth 【可以隐身的披风】 Dies dies! 死就死吧! She nips, like this thinks. 她咬了咬,这样想到。 ...... …… Higher authority aristocrat of one crowd of clans, at this time gathered in one- in Farm In a specially luxurious building. 一群氏族的上级贵族,这时候聚在了一起-就在【农场】中的一栋特别奢华的建筑物之内。 Farm Has this all kinds of building- luxurious is actually not rare. 【农场】中有这个各种各样的建筑物-奢华的其实并不少见。 This luxurious construction, is used to train Aristocrat young lady, Aristocrat young master And so on Person supposes Place- here had several high-level Crops Housing, but is taken over for use here by these higher authority aristocrats now temporarily, as place that stays at temporarily. 这种豪华的建筑,是用来培养【贵族小姐】、【贵族少爷】之类【人设】的场所-这里本来有好几名的高级【农作物】居住的,只是现在暂时被这些上级贵族征用了这里,作为暂时下榻的地方。 Really cannot believe, under Baz dares to be in the glare of the public eye unexpectedly killed Burge!” An aristocrat quite said angrily. “真的不敢相信,巴兹比居然敢众目睽睽之下杀了波波奇!”一名贵族颇为愤怒地说道。 Companions approve, at this time is accusing Baz at the same time, is scolding the irresponsibleness of acting Grand Duke, as well as easily on the shift clan authority, despises the precious clan authority the approach. 身边的同伴们都是赞同的,此时纷纷指责着巴兹比的同时,也在数落着代理大公的不负责任,以及轻易就转移氏族权柄,藐视贵重的氏族权柄的做法。 We cannot, whatever Baz wields the clan authority like this! He why?!” Another aristocrat at this time coldly snorted and said: In the final analysis, he is only a fellow of unknown origin!” “我们不能任由巴兹比就这样执掌氏族权柄!他凭什么?!”又一名贵族此时冷哼道:“说到底,他只是一个来历不明的家伙!” Everyone, compared with Baz behavior, you do not feel the Baraggan approach, impervious?” Another higher authority aristocrat knocked the table at this time. “各位,比起巴兹比的行为,你们不觉得拜勒岗的做法,更加的不可理喻吗?”又一名上级贵族此时敲了敲桌子。 He captured the attention of all higher authority aristocrats- as higher authority aristocrat, obviously he in the circle of entire clan higher authority aristocrat, has many prestige. 他吸引了所有上级贵族们的目光-作为上级贵族,显然他在整个氏族上级贵族的圈子中,也有着不少的威望。 Marquis, what view do you have?” “古达侯爵,你有什么看法吗?” He...... marquis sneered at this time, as the acting Grand Duke, at crucial moment unexpectedly leaves, even Grand Duke the faith token casual reassignment, tolerates the subordinate to kill the higher authority aristocrat! Even, but also tolerates the subordinate to change the supplies custom always...... I to feel, Baraggan takes the acting Grand Duke, has not dedicated! Therefore, I proposed that...... uses the privilege of higher authority aristocrat!” 他……古达侯爵此时冷笑了一声,“身为代理大公,在关键时候居然离开,甚至将大公的的信物随便移交,更加纵容下属杀害上级贵族!甚至,还纵容下属改变一直以来的供给规矩……我觉得,拜勒岗作为代理大公,根本就没有尽忠职守!所以,我提议……动用上级贵族的特权!” The people in attendance gate at this time in abundance the complexion changes. 与会者门此时纷纷脸色微变。 The higher authority aristocrat has many privileges-, but will let this marquis in this situation, like this raised seriously, only had one. 上级贵族拥有许多的特权-但会让这位侯爵在这种场合,这样郑重提起的,就只有一个。 That is, in the situation when over 70% higher authority aristocrats agree with...... they can awaken to be in the middle of the deep sleep clan Grand Duke! 那就是,当超过70%的上级贵族都同意的情况下……它们可以唤醒正在沉睡当中的氏族大公! What kind of reason no matter, awakens from the deep sleep the Grand Dukes of clan, will definitely make the Grand Duke not happy- historically has had repeatedly such summon, in the recorded number of times, over half of summon was punished by the Grand Duke of waking up immediately ruthlessly. 只是,不管出于怎样的理由,将氏族的大公从沉睡当中唤醒,都必然会让大公不高兴-历史上发生过多次这样的呼唤,在有记载的次数当中,超过一半的呼唤者都在第一时间被醒来的大公狠狠地处罚了一番。 Marquis is observing the situation the aristocrats present at this time, said sternly: From next time Holy blood Ceremony , the Grand Duke had actually also been the time that almost requires to regain consciousness not long. Ahead of time point words, want to come not to make the Grand Duke not happy...... . Moreover, this time awakens will come to carry out by me personally. What kind of punishment even if there is, should still have me to undertake alone, so long as everyone agrees then!” 古达侯爵此时环视着在座的贵族们,正色道:“距离下一次的【圣血】仪式,也已经没有多久了,大公其实也到了差不多要苏醒的时间。只是提前一点的话,想来并不会让大公不高兴……而且,这次唤醒将会由我来亲自执行。即使有怎么的处罚,也会有我独自承担,各位只要同意即可!” Marquis, just as you said that from Holy blood How long time the ceremony did not have, when the time comes the Grand Duke will naturally revive......” a aristocrat actually to shake the head to say at this time: Does not miss the small time, why do we take this risk?” “古达侯爵,正如你所说的,距离【圣血】仪式也没有多长的时间了,到时候大公自然就会苏醒过来……”一名贵族此时却摇摇头道:“也不差小小的时间,我们又何必冒这个风险?” Marquis the eye looks at this spokesman vacantly. 古达侯爵目无表情地看着这位发言者。 Truly, how long time naturally regains consciousness from the Grand Duke does not have...... regarding life long Vampire, naturally cannot care about this short half a month. 确实,距离大公自然苏醒是没有多长时间……对于生命漫长的吸血鬼来说,自然不会在乎这短短的一头半月。 However...... holy blood The ceremony beforehand big association revives right, won't Baraggan be ahead of time? 但是……【圣血】仪式之前大公会苏醒过来没错,拜勒岗难道就不会提前回来了? This crowd has a high and respected position, will not think...... waste! 这群养尊处优,已经不会动脑子的……废物!
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