TTC :: Volume #12

#112: The revolution... has not succeeded

Shore la walks fast on the street in town, she has very clear goal...... on the cheeks is burning the black flame to flicker at this time, some probably reminder is the same. 湄菈快速地行走在镇子的街道上,她有着十分明确的目标……脸颊上燃烧着的黑色火焰此时忽明忽暗,好像是某种提醒一样。 Her speed slow, ice-cold both eyes is sizing up several night patrol Vampire. 她的速度不禁慢了下来,冰冷的双眼正打量着几名夜间巡逻的吸血鬼 They should not be the members of patrol team, but as Farm Vampire of supervision group- their prime tasks prevent Crops Will move in the night quietly. 它们应该不是巡逻队伍的成员,而是作为【农场】监督组的吸血鬼-它们的主要工作是防止【农作物】会在夜间悄悄活动。 A hungry feeling arises spontaneously...... shore la only to feel that behind is similar the pair of big hand to control own body, making her take a step to go toward these Vampire. 一股饥饿的感觉油然而生……湄菈只感觉身后仿佛有一双大手正在操控着自己的身体般,让她朝着这几个吸血鬼迈步而去。 The black flame gave her very powerful strength......, but this strength is unable to maintain for a long time. 黑色的火焰赋予了她十分强大的力量……但是这种力量无法长久维持。 It is more like a special weapon......, but her revenge Object Vampire, is the energy of this weapon originates- she needs through with black flame incinerator Vampire, to swallow their souls unceasingly, can provide the black flame use time in turn the energy. 它更像是一种特殊的武器……而她的复仇对象-吸血鬼们,则是这件武器的能量来源-她需要通过不断地用黑色的火焰焚烧吸血鬼,吞噬它们的灵魂,才能够反过来提供黑色火焰使用时候的能量。 In addition, she cannot serve as to swallow other soul with this flame...... a very severe restraint. 除此之外,她不能用这股火焰用作吞噬别的灵魂……一种十分严苛的约束。 But because of the great strength of binding force, the flame might can also become powerful- the descendant who lets her ordinary ancient race, had eliminated the Vampire ability with ease. 但又正因为约束力的强大,火焰的威力也才能变得强大-让她一个普通古人种的后裔,拥有了轻松消灭吸血鬼的能力。 She just like ghosts and demons close to......, when black flame suddenly in they burn behind, they have not even made any response with enough time. 她宛如鬼魅般靠近……当黑色的火焰骤然在它们身后燃烧之时,它们甚至未曾来得及做出任何的反应。 Even what spoke has not stayed behind...... stays behind was only pile of ashes. 甚至说话也未曾留下……留下的只是一堆灰烬。 As if ate to the full, at this time the black flame is burning on the cheeks of shore la once again stably, is blooming the ashes misty glimmer. 仿佛是吃饱了般,此时黑焰又一次在湄菈的脸颊上稳定地燃烧着,绽放着灰灰蒙蒙的微光。 The strength filled the whole body again, shore la had no hesitation, at the maximum speed, arrived in the first destination of trip- detained the place of her companion. 力量再一次充满了全身,湄菈没有任何的迟疑,以最快的速度,抵达了此行的第一个目的地-关押她的同伴的地方。 ...... …… Transmits unceasingly, low and deep and as if also has a pain the color sound to transmit...... in the middle of the dungeon, was stranded the person here to raise the head much. 不断传来的,低沉而似乎又带着点痛苦之色的声音传来……地牢当中,被困在这里的人不少都纷纷抬起头来。 Their appearances were too miserable, body suffered wound, like spider network of spreading across...... suffering of body, but must be light. 他们的样子实在太惨了,身上被折磨的伤口,如同纵横交错的蜘蛛网路般……身体的折磨,还需还算是轻的。 Because some people could not have insisted long time ago, has collapsed completely- is living obviously, Vampire that whatever actually sentences wreaks havoc on their bodies, has not made the least bit response. 因为已经有人早早就坚持不住,已经完全崩溃-明明活着,却任由处刑的吸血鬼在他们的身上施暴,也未曾做出半点反应。 The name of leader is called David- he once was by the pure blood hunter from another clan Farm Middle abducts, afterward after going through many places, from a hand that purchased his subordinate Vampire aristocrat escaped the birth day. 首领的名字叫做大卫-他是曾经被纯血猎人从另一个氏族的【农场】当中掳走,后来几经辗转,才从一名购买了他的下级吸血鬼贵族的手中逃出生天。 He understands all Crops Tragic destiny- he resolved to finish this Vampire treating enslaving of ancient race. 他了解一切【农作物】的悲惨命运-他立志要结束这种吸血鬼对待古人种的奴役。 Soon found ambition same companion- that is compared with him earlier from respectively big Farm human that middle escapes from. 大为很快就找到了志向相同的同伴-那是比他更早从各大【农场】当中逃脱出来的人类 They start to sneak in an organized way quietly in a big way respectively Farm Middle, to Farm Children disseminate free thought- they in the virus like clan Vampire eye are the same, to quite the terrifying speed, destroying Crops Flavor. 他们开始有组织地悄悄潜回各大【农场】当中,向【农场】中的孩子们传播自由的思想-他们就如同氏族吸血鬼眼中的病毒一样,以相当恐怖的速度,破坏着【农作物】的味道。 Perhaps was the corrupt merit- a half month ago, planned greatly plotted together large-scale fleeing- was only the unceasing success seems to have made them forget vast gap that between ordinary human and Vampire innate had. 或许是贪功了-半个多月之前,大为打算策划一起大规模的出逃事件-只是不断的成功似乎已经让他们忘记了普通人类吸血鬼之间天生存在的巨大差距。 A small mistake- entire ambush in Torito Clan Farm The action team, exposes thoroughly, since becomes Torito The captive of clan. 只是一个小小的错误-整支潜伏在【托瑞朵】氏族【农场】的行动队伍,都彻底曝光,既然成为了【托瑞朵】氏族的阶下囚。 Perhaps, perhaps without the Huang Jinlong's destruction to the castle, they cannot be seeing all outside castle forever, but even so...... 或许,如果没有黄金龙对城堡的破坏,他们恐怕永远都在看不见城堡外的一切,但即便如此…… Even so. 即便如此。 David looks stubbornly that outside prisoner's cage is dozing off, as guarding here Vampire retinue- even, the upfront resistance, human even is not so able to defeat such a retinue...... do not say that at this moment is scarred. 大卫死死地看着囚笼外的那名正在打着瞌睡,作为看守这里的吸血鬼的仆从-即便如此,正面对抗的话,人类甚至连这样的一个仆从也无法战胜……更不要说此刻伤痕累累。 Unwilling is unwilling! 不甘心不甘心不甘心! Opened both eyes left behind the bright red blood...... the lip also to break by biting-, but the wrist/skill besides urged the abrasion because of overstrain, has not worked loose from the shackles. 睁开的双眼留下了鲜红的血液……嘴唇也已经咬破-但手腕除了因为过度用力而促使擦伤之外,并没有从镣铐之中挣脱而出。 Is I am unfair to you......” “是我对不起你们……” David closed the eye...... he even not to dare to look at the companion of these similarly suffered suffocation painfully. 大卫痛苦地闭上了眼睛……他甚至不敢去看那些同样被折磨的奄奄一息的同伴。 Then...... the black flame, burns from the body that retinue guards together suddenly. 然后……一道黑色的火焰,自那仆从看守的身上忽然燃烧。 Here been stranded all revolutionary armies( their saying) in eye, that whole body by the guarding that the flame swallows, at this moment is not even able to send out the call. 在这里被困的所有革命军(他们的自称)的眼中,那浑身都被火焰吞噬的看守,此刻甚至无法发出呼叫。 It falls down, is rolling crazily, rolled motionless............ was turning into the ashes suddenly. 它只是倒在地上,疯狂地滚动着,滚动着……忽然不动……变成了灰烬。 Dungeon doorpost also because of opening slowly, but exuded the sound of slight linking...... to wear the form of black robe in this time together, walked into the middle of the dungeon slowly. 地牢的门轴也因为缓缓的开启,而在此时发出了轻微的咬合之声……一道身穿黑袍的身影,缓缓走入了地牢当中。 Is wearing the person of black robe...... the face of opposite party, has one group of black flame, tunnelled the vision of people- only sees it to extend make a move at this time slowly. 身穿着黑袍的人……对方的脸,有着一团黑色的火焰,挡住了众人的视线-只看见它此时缓缓伸出手来。 David as well as his companions, shackles, will be burnt down shortly- they look at this inconceivable: Has gotten out of trouble one's own side! 大卫以及他身边的同伴们,身上的枷锁,顷刻间就被焚毁-他们不可思议地看着这一幕:已经脱困了的己方! Quickly leaves this place, outside guard had been killed by me.” “赶快离开这个地方,外面的守卫已经被我杀死了。” You are......” David are startled, was about to walk several steps, before the anxious hasty arrived at the body of black robe person . “你是……”大卫不禁一怔,快走了几步,急忙忙地走到了黑袍人的身前。 The black robe person...... she retroceded silently two steps, said again: Leaves here.” 黑袍人……她只是默默地后退了两步,再一次道:“离开这里。” David in the heart incomparable surprise, but knew in the heart at this time truly does not lose the time time- he made the judgment quickly, the companion who lets the revolutionary, the mutual brace holds, leaves from this dungeon. 大卫心中无比的诧异,但心知此时确实并不是耽误时间的时候-他很快就做出了判断,让革命家的同伴,相互撑扶着,从这个地牢当中离开。 The mysterious and powerful black robe person, walked in their front...... just as she said that on the road has not seen the guard of any clan. 神秘而强大的黑袍人,一路走在了他们的面前……正如她所说的一样,路上并没有看见任何一个氏族的守卫。 Quick was shocking but not dangerous arrives Farm Edge. 很快就有惊无险地抵达了【农场】的边缘。 Five hours to dawn.” She looks at the revolutionary armies that these are scarred, Vampire will reduce the range of activity, should you better find a place to hide...... to see that fence? That side of fence, yes Copulation farm, You hide, will be quite safe...... that side management, not seeming like here is so strict.” “还有五个小时才会到天亮。”她看着这些伤痕累累的革命军们,“吸血鬼才会减少活动的范围,你们最好找个地方躲起来……看见那堵围墙了没有?围墙的那边,是【交配农场】,你们躲进去,会比较安全……那边的管理,不像是这里那么严格。” Saying, her is turning around directly, must enter in the middle of the small town shortly again. 说着,她直接转身,眼看着是要再一次进入小镇当中。 David quickly arrives at her front, said fast: Shore la...... you are shore la, is right? I hear your voice! Exactly...... what happened, you why?” 大卫急忙走到她的面前,飞快地说道:“湄菈……你是湄菈,对不对?我听出来你的声音!到底……发生了什么事情,你为什么?” She stopped the footsteps, has not actually turned head, walks, the following matter, had nothing to do with you.” 她不禁停下了脚步,却并未回头,“走吧,接下来的事情,和你们无关了。” David was startled, puts out a hand then to hold her wrist/skill, worried saying: Shore la? Exactly what happened, Saass? Wasn't he and you escapes together?” 大卫不禁一怔,伸手便抓住了她的手腕,着急道:“湄菈?到底发生了什么事情,阿扎斯呢?他不是和你一起逃脱了吗?” don't touch me!!” 不要碰我!!” Has not thought that this moment she responded exceptionally intense, the hand wields, has the black flame light to flow...... the David entire body to be struck indistinctly to fly. 不曾想到这一刻的她反应异常的激烈,手一挥而出,隐约还有黑色的焰光流动……大卫整个身体都被击飞而出。 He fell down directly, put out bloody pus...... David to cough, finally crawled under the help of companion difficultly-, but people, at this time astonishedly erratically has looked like toward her. 他直接倒在了地上,吐出了一口脓血……大卫咳嗽着,最终在同伴的帮助之下艰难地爬了起来-但众人,此时已经惊异不定地朝着她看来。 „The words that does not want dead, leave immediately.” After she threw down these words desolately, then turns around to go, suddenly has vanished does not see. “不想死的话,就马上离开。”她冷淡地丢下了这句话之后,便转身而去,眨眼之间就已消失不见。 Revolutionary armies that one group of leaving behind was rescued, at this time feels helpless. 留下的一伙被解救出来的革命军们,此时茫然不知所措。 ...... …… She... her really shore la? Always felt like changed person......” “她…她真的湄菈吗?总感觉好像变了一个人似的……” Yes, shore la she, continuously very gentle......” “是啊,湄菈她,一直很温柔的……” David, we now?” “大卫,我们现在?” David deep breath several tones, clenched teeth later, entered in the finger the mouth, then broke off an inside tooth forcefully...... in the tooth, seems hiding anything. 大卫深呼吸了几口气,随后咬了咬牙,将手指伸入了口腔之中,接着硬生生地掰断了里面的一颗牙齿……牙齿中,似乎藏着什么。 Last. 最后一颗了。 David in the heart secretly said. 大卫心中暗道 This is a small pill- sees only David to swallow in the entrance from the pill of this concealed in tooth at this time directly. 这是一颗小小的药丸-只见大卫此时直接从这颗藏在牙齿中的药丸吞入口中。 He closed the eye, injury, starts quickly to restore. 他闭上了眼睛,身上的伤势,开始迅速地恢复着。 He looks that companion said: Besides shore la and Saass, in addition two companions also escaped, they currently have the possibility also to hide in very much Farm Inside, I must aid them. You first go Copulation farm Hides wait for me...... after dawn, if I have not passed and you converge, leaves immediately! Does not need to pay attention!” 他看着身边的同伴道:“除了湄菈和阿扎斯之外,另外还有两名同伴也逃脱了,他们现在很有可能还藏在【农场】里面,我要去接应他们。你们先去【交配农场】躲起来等我……等天亮之后,如果我没有过去和你们汇合的话,就马上离开!不用理会!” David!” “大卫!” This action failed, we have lost the contact to have the most time with the leader.” “这次行动失败了,我们已经和首领失去了联络有大半个的时间。” David the sinking sound said at this time: But is defeated is not fearful! Enemy who because, we face, originally is fiercer than hundred times us, thousand times! Vampire, kills among us random, in their eyes is such insignificant! However, to us, kills Vampire, is a great victory! We, are even small and weak, still one day, with this base and low both hands, will deliver them finally personally beyond redemption! We will not have been visited the small and weak body in eye with this by them, completes the true resistance, liberates all our companions! The fire of darkness will be put out finally, but daybreak dawn often/common bright/light! You must do, does not prevent me, but evacuates safely, making me not have the least bit extra worries!” 大卫此时沉声说道:“但失败并不可怕!因为,我们面对的敌人,本来就比我们厉害百倍,千倍!吸血鬼,杀死我们当中的任意一个,在它们眼中都是那样的微不足道!但是,对我们来说,杀死一个吸血鬼,就是一次伟大的胜利!我们,就算弱小,也终将会有一天,用这卑微的双手,亲手将它们送上万劫不复!我们会用这从不曾被它们看在眼中的弱小身躯,完成真正的反抗,解放我们的一切同伴!黑暗之火终将会熄灭,而黎明的曙光常亮!你们要做的,并非阻止我,而是安全地撤离,让我没有半点后顾之忧!” You...... you carefully!” “你……你小心点!” The companions 11 walked up, gave David the hug of one by one. 同伴一一走上前来,给予了大卫一个个的拥抱。 After the companions had by starlight disappeared, David implored the tone slowly, later hit the spirit, submerged in the town again. 当同伴们都已经趁着夜色消失了之后,大卫才缓缓地吁了口气,随后打起了精神,再次潜入镇子之中。 ...... …… ...... …… Listening, you like this, then like this, like this, is first knowing finally!” “听着,你先这样这样,然后这样这样,最后就这样这样,知道了吗!” In the brain playbacked Elder Sister Long to say to oneself unceasingly the words...... endorsed to be the same probably, young butterfly monster is simulating divine land the plan of True Dragon diligently. 脑中不断地回放着龙姐姐对自己说过的话……像是背书一样,小蝶妖正在努力模拟着神州的真龙的计划。 In the corridor of villa, she is seeking for the miss maid form- at this time, young butterfly monster thought of an issue suddenly. 别墅的走廊中,她正在寻找着女仆小姐的身影-此时,小蝶妖忽然想到了一个问题。 If Elder Sister You Ye is not independent one, but how is boss together...... must continue to work? 如果优夜姐姐不是单独一个,而是和老板在一起的话……要怎么继续进行下去哦? ...... Really can do this? 还有……真的要这样做嘛? The words that now goes back to ask,...... during pacing back and forth, the butterfly monster young lady had also been feeling probably without enough time suddenly as if had anything to approach itself behind. 现在才回去问的话,好像也已经来不及了……正自彷徨间,蝶妖小姐忽然感觉到了身后似乎有什么东西靠近了自己。 She has a scare immediately, turns around hastily, discovered that close to own, impressively is Elder Sister You Ye who looks. 她顿时吓了一跳,连忙转过身来的时候,发现靠近自己的,赫然就是自己正在寻找的优夜姐姐。 Was scared you.” miss maid at this time smiling faintly. “吓着你了吗。”女仆小姐此时微微一笑 Listening, you like this, then like this, like this, is first knowing finally! Knew! Knew! 听着,你先这样这样,然后这样这样,最后就这样这样,知道了吗!知道了吗!知道了吗! In the mind, as if heard to the Long Xiruo sound- selected the RePLAY key probably, endlessly is repeating in the brain, was the same like some type of scrip­tures. 脑海中,仿佛听见了到龙夕若的声音-就好像是点开了RePLAY键般,不断地在脑中重复着,如同某种经文一样。 I......” Luo Dance opened the opens the mouth at this time. “我……”洛翩跹此时张了张口。 The miss maid patience seems good, but smiling, is waiting for the opposite party to be able the words to say. 女仆小姐的耐性似乎很好,只是微笑着,等着对方能够将话说完。 Elder Sister You Ye, you do not need to accompany boss, how can here?” A young butterfly monster thread of conversation revolution...... actually only felt in suddenly the brain the True Dragon sound starts RePLAY to get up crazily. 优夜姐姐,你不用陪老板吗,怎么会在这里哦?”小蝶妖忽然话锋一转……却只感觉脑中真龙的声音又开始疯狂地RePLAY起来。 The present feeling is not only resounds in the brain merely- as if the side has incarnation divine land True Dragon surely, uses to always think about the broken voice, in her side, repeated is saying the same matter. 如今的感觉已经不仅仅是仅仅在脑中响起-仿佛身边有化身千万的神州真龙,用着念念碎般的声线,在她的身边,重复着说着同一件事情。 My words......” miss maid chuckle, but the words have not said that but said: Miss Dance, do you seem like not quite comfortable?” “我的话……”女仆小姐轻笑了一声,但话并没有说下去,只是道:“翩跹小姐,你看起来好像不太舒服?” Hey......” young butterfly monster smiles...... the feeling head soon to blast out embarrasedly is the same, even the bulge must leave, later sees stars...... entire to feel dizzy. “嘿……”小蝶妖讪讪一笑……感觉脑袋快要炸开一样,甚至头胀得离开,随后眼冒金星……整个儿都感觉到天旋地转起来。 The next second, she directly approached miss maid to the past. 下一秒,她直接就向女仆小姐到了过去。 In the instance that she will soon drop down, You Ye opens the opens the mouth...... to have instantaneous hesitation slightly, but this instantaneous hesitation action that does not affect her to write down- before young butterfly monster falls to the ground, she has put out a hand to support her. 在她即将倒下的瞬间,优夜微微张了张口……有瞬间的迟疑,但这瞬间的迟疑并没有影响她记下来的行动-在小蝶妖倒地之前,她就已经伸手扶住了她。 young butterfly monster lowers the head at this time, an unconscious appearance...... miss maid looked later all around, probably also has no discovery, then holds young butterfly monster to leave from here, nearby entered in the middle of a nearby room. 小蝶妖此时低着头,一副不省人事的模样……女仆小姐随后看了看身边四周,好像也没有什么发现似的,便扶着小蝶妖从这里离开,就近就进入了旁边的一间房间当中。 At this time, the form flashed from the corridor together flickers to pass over gently and swiftly! 此时,一道身影从走廊闪瞬掠过! Secret: so close, yet worlds apart! 秘技:咫尺天涯 Divine land True Dragon in next left this region instantly...... when stops, she then looked at one, then sneered, later sped up the footsteps. 神州真龙在下一个刹那就离开了这片区域……当停下来的时候,她回头看了一眼,便冷笑了一声,随后又加快了脚步。 Long Xiruo stopped quickly before some room......, because does not know relations when that plans female can come back, this time divine land True Dragon was not artificial, did not plan that considered own late at night sneaks a man room to have how bad effect, both hands pushes, pushed the door to walk. 龙夕若很快就停在了某间房间之前……因为不知道那个心机女到底什么时候会回来的关系,此时的神州真龙也不矫情,更加不打算考虑自己半夜三更潜入一个男人房间会造成多么恶劣的影响,双手一推,就推门走了进去。 The room appears somewhat dark...... in the positions of several corners, left behind several points candles. 房间显得有些暗……只是在几个角落的位置,留下了几根点的蜡烛。 Regarding Boss Luo, is unable directly with feeling to throw......, only when he who seizes when wants to know that his arrival, will make people feel his arrival- generally speaking, only then throws through the most direct-viewing way seizes his existence. 对于洛老板,是无法直接用感觉去扑捉的……只有当他什么时候想让人知道他的到来,才会让人感觉到他的到来-一般来说,只有通过最直观的方式来扑捉他的存在。 both eyes. 双眼 Even True Dragon of divine land, is unable to leave...... in the heart unceasingly tsukkomi divine land True Dragon of this point, at this time is sizing up the chair of room. 即便是神州的真龙,也无法离开……心中不断地吐槽着这一点的神州真龙,此时打量着房间的一张椅子。 Chair at the back of her......, but she can actually see that to be higher than the half head of chairback. 椅子是背着她的……但她却能够看见那高出椅背的半个脑袋。 The Long Xiruo half step walks up, feeds, asked your question! You replied me a bit faster! Otherwise your young sweetheart must come back!” 龙夕若快步地走上前去,“喂,问你个问题!你快点回答我!不然你的小情人要回来了!” During has not been imagined the response of Boss Luo...... Long Xiruo to be startled being startled. 并没有得到想象当中的洛老板的回应……龙夕若不禁怔了怔。 Won't really fall asleep?” True Dragon of divine land whispered subconsciously, wanted to restore to become human...... is so rigid.” “不会是真的睡着了吧?”神州的真龙下意识嘀咕了一声,“想要恢复成为人类……已经这么执着了吗。” She decided the victory, suddenly thinks, if the opposite party really fell asleep...... 她定了定胜,忽然想到如果对方真的是睡着了的话…… True Dragon of divine land subconsciously swallowed a saliva at this time, arrives at the back of chair step by step, small sound said: That...... feeds, I came, did you hear?” 神州的真龙此时下意识地咽了口口水,一步步地走到椅子的背后,小声道:“那个……喂,我来了,你听到了吗?” I am asking your words!” She has to raise the sound again little, „do you give a response?” “我在问你话呢!”她不得不将声音再提高少许,“你好歹给点反应吧?” Boss Luo that the seat still has motionless appearance. 座椅出的洛老板依然一动不动的样子。 Dead profiteer! When cannot hear me to speak is!” Rotated the chair on moving restlessly divine land True Dragon all of a sudden suddenly violent, feared that I do eat you now......?” “死奸商!当听不见我说话是不是!”一下子就躁动的神州真龙猛然将椅子暴力地转动了过来,“怕我现在就吃了你……咦?” Sees only on chair that turns around, there is what Boss Luo, but is only a pillow that is throwing over the wig...... 只见转过来的椅子上,那里是什么洛老板,不过只是一个披着假发的枕头……
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