TTC :: Volume #11

#46: Overlooks all living things ( 3 )

The body of youth crashes quickly from the wall place, and when spat two blood...... he not clearly to spit blood previous time is, but remembers in the middle of vaguely very remote space and time, as if pretty girls and have cracked a joke. 青年的身体很快就从墙壁处坠落下来,并且吐了两口血……他已经记不清楚上一次吐血是什么时候了,只是依稀记得十分久远的时空当中,似乎有一名俏丽的女孩和自己开过玩笑。 Spits spits on being accustomed to. 吐啊吐啊就习惯了 Also really not habit...... the youth inspires, but the rib of break as if pricked in the middle of the lungs, such movement makes his whole body painful instantaneously almost wants the convulsion to get up. 还真是不习惯……青年吸了口气,只是断裂的肋骨似乎刺入了肺部当中,这样的动作瞬间让他全身都痛得几乎要痉挛起来。 king tiger arrived at the front of youth directly, the giant shadow covers in which the youth sufficiently directly. 王虎直接走到了青年的面前,巨大的影子足以把青年直接笼罩其中。 You were too weak.” “你太弱了。” The youth move the lip...... these words for the last time to appear during he consciousness the time, time that and he spits blood finally, almost same remote. 青年动了动嘴唇……这句话最后一次出现在他意识当中的时间,与他最后吐血的时间,几乎一样的久远啊。 didn't expect also had physical quality such good Warrior......” youth to cough a blood. 没想到还有身体素质这么好的战士啊……”青年又咳出了一口鲜血。 Hides the vision under bangs actually emits wisp of cold light suddenly, the shadow, makes a long-range raid to king tiger from the side together at the same time rapidly. 只是藏在刘海下的目光却忽然冒出一缕的寒光,一道暗影,与此同时从侧边向王虎迅速奔袭而来。 This time king tiger still a face simple-hearted appearance, but that arm does not have the indication to wield, pats the powder this group of shadows directly. 此时的王虎依然一脸木讷的模样,可那手臂却毫无征兆地一挥而出,直接把这一团暗影拍散。 Looks that king tiger is at this moment stupid, but nonchalant make a move is so accurate as well as overbearing, two cards entirely different feels like the dislocation to be the same, has also exists, does the youth cannot help but corner of the eye twitch the monster where one...... this is comes? 看着王虎此刻呆头呆脑,但不经意间的出手如此的精准以及霸道,两证截然不同的感觉好像是错位一样,却有同时存在,青年不由得眼角抽搐了一下……这是哪里来的怪物? Here king tiger gives full play of power and strength, tramples the mysterious youth directly does not have the strength to hit back, that side Liu Minghao and Wei Zidao have not naturally idled are leaving undecided regarding battle efficiency in the heart of king tiger although, but the first important matter first controls at this time this mysterious youth. 这边王虎大发神威,直接把神秘青年踹得毫无还手之力,那边刘明浩与卫子道自然也没有闲着对于王虎的战斗力尽管心中存疑,可此时第一要务还是先把这个神秘青年控制下来。 Two people take out the administrative bureau to develop hastily, is used to seize the unusual tool, catches up directly. 二人连忙取出管理局开发出来,用来抓捕超凡的工具,直接赶来。 Unexpectedly this youth broke by biting at this time suddenly own palm, immediately the blood braves. His blood fell on the instance of ground, integrated in the middle of the floor. 不料这青年此时突然咬破了自己的手掌,顿时鲜血直冒。他的鲜血落在了地上的瞬间,就融入了地板当中。 Instantaneously, this floor looked like melted suddenly, started to seethe...... to turn unexpectedly like the waterbed, making people be hard to maintain the balance. 瞬间,这地板就像是突然融化了般,竟是开始翻腾起来……变成了如同水床般,让人难以保持平衡。 Liu Minghao and Wei Zidao instantaneous imbalance to...... king tiger is actually motionless palatial on the ground, just like the mountain, actually also subconsciously frowns. 刘明浩与卫子道瞬间失衡到在地上……王虎倒是巍峨不动,宛如大山,却也下意识地皱起眉头。 He pinched the fist subconsciously, had loosens suddenly, the huge monster strength has not broken through body sending out, but has been dormant, but stepped on. 他下意识捏起了拳头,却有突然之间松开,庞大的妖力还没有冲破身体散发而出就已经蛰伏了下来,只是一脚踩了出来。 This treads, the entire new classroom building under-construction instantaneous vibrates crazily, these limes are one expose layer upon layer crazily, has not actually injured arrives at the foundation of building, simultaneously broke all around phenomenon. 这一踏之间,整座在建的新教学楼瞬间疯狂震动起来,那些石灰更是一层层疯狂抖落,却又没有伤害到大楼的根基,同时破去了四周的异象。 Liu Minghao and Wei Zidao fall down, this thinks to fall into the middle of the mire, but sober looked, oneself sits on the ground. 刘明浩与卫子道倒在地上,本以为陷入泥沼当中,可是清醒一看,自己不过只是坐在地上。 But that mysterious youth, has disappeared at this time does not see. 但那神秘的青年,此时已经消失不见。 Criminal!” arrange/cloth Bugao rushes comes, holds king tiger the arm to ask. “犯人呢!”布步高冲上前来,抓住王虎的手臂问道。 king tiger is bewildered, shakes the head later. 王虎一脸茫然,随后摇了摇头。 Let alone is this time king tiger, perhaps even king tiger under normal state, is the doubts is still in the majority, the method that because this youth uses is strange, can be said as day leaving with the god state route gate badly. 别说是此时的王虎,就算是正常状态下的王虎,恐怕也是疑惑居多,因为这青年使用的手段诡异非常,与神州道门可说是天差地别。 Sees king tiger not to know how the criminal disappears, arrange/cloth Bugao somewhat is disappointed. 见王虎也不知道犯人如何消失,布步高不禁有些失望。 At this time Liu Minghao and Wei Zidao complexion not that youth looks at the appearance attractively after all already the severe wound, finally makes him escape. 此时刘明浩与卫子道脸色也不怎么好看毕竟那青年看模样已经重伤,最后还是让他逃脱。 However what rejoices, the appearance of this mysterious youth had actually been recorded quietly, was issues a warrant for arrest the copy clerk naturally, before then, they needed to know the situation of this mysterious youth many. 不过庆幸的是,这神秘青年的模样却已经悄悄被记录了下来,接下来就是出通缉文书了当然,在这之前,他们需要更多地了解这个神秘青年的情况。 Dong Shaofeng remains unconscious, the scene only had Zhao Le, several people of simultaneously focused on the body of Zhao Le. 董少风昏迷不醒,现场就只剩下一个赵乐了,几人不禁齐齐把目光放在了赵乐的身上。 ...... …… I and I are not very clear. This person said oneself are called 24......” “我、我也不是很清楚。这个人说自己叫做24……” Zhao Le very anxious, even if this man who says Liu Minghao the injured place still had treated to oneself at this time, that but his in the heart panic-stricken fights in these administrative bureau detectives and mysterious youth. 赵乐十分的紧张即使这个自称刘明浩的男子此时也已经给自己受伤的地方进行了治疗,可他心中还是惊恐于这几个管理局探员与神秘青年打斗的一幕。 Indistinct, Zhao Le hears from several people of few words, they are tracing the mysterious person of hand-held silver pistol...... 隐约中,赵乐从几人的只言片语中听到,他们正在追查手持银色手枪的神秘人而来…… Zhao Le is somewhat well aware, silver pistol that the people of these administrative bureaus, are really perhaps tracing, is hides that in book bag. 赵乐有些心知肚明,这几个管理局的人,恐怕正真追查的银色手枪,就是自己藏在书包中的那一把。 But that mysterious 24 innocent lying down spears/guns. 只不过那神秘24无辜躺枪。 But how at this time Zhao Le makes a clean breast, confessed the truth to Liu Minghao and the others, he wants this matter subconsciously rottenly in the middle of the belly, makes Liu Minghao and the others see anything for exempting, therefore coordinates opposite party's inquiry, why immediately arrived at the matter of this place to say this time, but left out matter that was threaten. 但此时赵乐又怎么全盘托出,向刘明浩等人坦白真相,他下意识就想要把这件事情烂在肚子当中,也为免让刘明浩等人看出点什么,所以十分配合对方的询问,当下就把此番自己为何来到这个地方的事情说了出来,只是略去了受到威胁的事情。 arrange/cloth Bugao authenticates very takes a small book, records matter that Zhao Le is saying, and inquired its Zhao Le background in detail. 布步高十分认证地拿着一本小本子,记录着赵乐所说的事情,并且更为详细地询问其赵乐的背景。 Liu Minghao and Wei Zidao are auditing, pours investigation in any case these things that has not prevented arrange/cloth Bugao, they must do, arrange/cloth Bugao volunteers for military service automatically, naturally wishes for earnestly. 刘明浩与卫子道在一旁听着,倒也没有阻止布步高的调查反正这些事情,他们也是要做的,布步高自动请缨,自然是求之不得。 According, this that this Zhao Le described says 24 fellows, seemed like accepted to the strong request, killed boss that contracted the entire building project.” Wei Zidao starts to analyze. “根据这赵乐所描述的,这个自称24的家伙,似乎是接受了向强的委托,杀死了承包整栋大楼工程的一个老板。”卫子道开始分析起来。 Liu Minghao is also pondering, but thinks Wei Zidao must be more than...... for example king tiger the matter. He plans to exercise the Wei Zidao this later generation at this time, therefore has not interrupted. 刘明浩也在思考着,但比卫子道想的还要多些……比如王虎的事情。只是他此时打算锻炼一下卫子道这个后辈,因此并没有打岔。 To should want to retract something said afterward, or in self-preservation, but the plan kills Zhao Le or Dong Shaofeng, is used to replace itself.” Wei Zidao said at this time dignifiedly: Dong Shaofeng wound, although processed, perhaps but his within the body also remained a strange energy...... we to be able through this strange energy, traced 24 whereabouts.” “向强应该是事后想要反口,或者说处于自保,而打算杀死赵乐或者董少风其中一个,用来顶替自己。”卫子道此时凝重道:“董少风的伤口虽然处理了,但他的体内却还残留了一股古怪的能量……或许我们可以通过这股古怪的能量,追查24的行踪。” Moreover, Zhao Le is also the insider of this matter, 24 will not necessarily not look for him again...... if so, the vast elder brother, I thought that we first do not make Zhao Le take fragment?” Finally, Wei Zidao looked to Liu Minghao. “另外,赵乐也是这件事情的知情者,24未必不会再来找他……如果是这样的话,浩哥,我觉得我们还是先不要让赵乐服用‘断片’?”最后,卫子道看向了刘明浩。 Liu Minghao nods, „...... this place is not truly suitable stays for a long time, first also has Dong less/small wind zone to go back Zhao Le.” 刘明浩点了点头,“确实……不过此地不宜久留,还是先把赵乐还有董少风带回去吧。” Wei Zidao nods, turns around to arrive at arrange/cloth Bugao the side. 卫子道点了点头,转身走到了布步高的身边。 Therefore, under the Zhao Le extremely anxious situation, he has to follow this group to leave. 于是,在赵乐极为不安的情况之下,他不得不跟着这一行人离开。 ...... …… ...... …… Endures compared with the 4 k picture quality light screen, at this time framed. 堪比4k画质的光幕,此时定格了下来。 First did not say that Chen Mingming this time appearance, on our Boss Luo faces actually appeared to wipe strange color this is after having a look at mysterious youth 24 took out the facial expression that silver short series appeared. 先不说陈明明此时的模样,咱们的洛老板脸上却浮现出来了一抹古怪之色这是在看看到了神秘青年24取出那柄银色短統之后就浮现出来的神情。 The bonus is Luo Qiu, bumps into this coincidence time, cannot help but sighed that the facial expression of destiny...... looks like still is really exists to lie down is also being hit, the occupation that the bewilderment is a scapegoat. 饶是洛邱,碰到这种巧合的时候,也不由得感叹命运的神情啊……看来还真的是存在躺着也中枪,莫名其妙就背锅的这种职业。 Chen Mingming took back the vision at this time finally, and implored the tone slowly, looked to Luo Qiu...... he is a person of habit ponder, but he actually touched does not permit the intention of this mysterious boss. 陈明明此时终于收回了目光,并且缓缓地吁了口气,看向了洛邱……他是一个习惯思考的人,但他却摸不准这个神秘老板的用意。 He asked himself to come, but pure to watch this performance? 他请自己过来,只是单纯为了观看这一幕的演出? Wait, why oneself will be regarded as...... a performance it, all that rather than has really? During Chen Mingming is lost in thought. 等等,为何自己会将之当作是……一幕演出,而不是真实发生的一切?陈明明不禁陷入了沉思当中。 Luo Qiu has not disturbed Chen Mingming this time silence, has considerable patient him, at this time sits...... him to know that peacefully Chen Mingming leader first opens the mouth, because the question of Chen Mingming in the heart are more. 洛邱并没有打扰陈明明此时的沉默,拥有相当耐性的他,此时安静地坐着……他知道陈明明会首先开口的,因为陈明明心中的疑问更多。 Finally, Chen Mingming implored the tone slowly, raised the head, said indifferently: He has not opened fire...... he is also unlikely to use this spear/gun from now on.” 终于,陈明明缓缓吁了口气,抬起头来,淡然道:“他没有开枪……他今后也不大可能会用这把枪。” Luo Qiu smiling faintly: This actually must look at your wish, with does not use, must look to donate his person, what degree achieves.” 洛邱微微一笑:“这其实要看你的意愿,用还是不用,也要看赠予他的人,做到什么样的程度。” Chen Mingming wrinkled frowns. 陈明明皱了皱眉头 Luo Qiu said slowly: First, you deliver to the spear/gun the hand of Zhao Le, many explanation this matter of spear/gun, you had not explained purely its usage...... you think, a concept is the person of modern science, how can the earliest possible time believe that this ability that the spear/gun does have? He regarding this spear/gun, the first feeling is not perhaps pleasantly surprised, but is the fear...... you thought what he is afraid is what?” 洛邱缓缓说道:“首先,你把枪送到赵乐的手上,并没有过多的说明这把枪的事情,你单纯只是说明了它的用法……你想,一个观念一直都是现代科学的人,如何能够第一时间就相信这把枪拥有的能力?他对于这把枪,恐怕第一感觉并不是惊喜,而是害怕……你觉得他害怕的是什么?” Chen Mingming is hesitating the say/way: Fear spear/gun type of thing.” 陈明明沉吟着道:“害怕枪这种东西。” Luo Qiu nods, good, a being law-abiding person, what faced is the society forbids the weapon that naturally can feel in a terrified way. However obviously, who he will care about is delivers to his hand the spear/gun. He is afraid, more is this back intention.” 洛邱点了点头,“不错,一个奉公守法的人,面对的是社会禁止的武器,自然会感觉到惶恐。不过显然,他会更加在意到底是谁把枪送到他的手上。他所害怕的,更多是这背后的意图。” Chen Mingming nods, this point he also considered, therefore Zhao Le had not used this spear/gun, within his anticipation. 陈明明点了点头,这一点他也考虑到了,所以赵乐一直没有使用这把枪,也在他的意料之内。 Luo Qiu said with a smile: Wish makes others use this spear/gun, what first you need to do, making the opposite party believe, this is a mysterious spear head...... naturally, your action is not wrong. This characteristics of spear/gun, was doomed it, even if kills people, still has perfect secretive. Secretive of spear/gun is perfect, but uses his person to be not perfect. Assuming that you are willing to live in secretly, naturally cannot act to contact, this will also meet the credibility to reduce inevitably. But if you acted, even talked with the opposite party face-to-face, making the opposite party trust, you will have appeared in this relations inevitably.” 洛邱笑道:“想要让别人用这把枪,首先你需要做的是,让对方相信,这是一把神奇的枪头……当然,你的行动也并非是错的。这把枪的特性,就注定了它即便杀了人,也拥有完美的隐秘性。枪的隐秘性是完美的,可是使用他的人并不是完美的。假设你只是愿意身居在幕后,自然不能出面与人接触,这样也势必会可信度降低。但如果你出面了,甚至面对面与对方交谈了,让对方信任了,你也势必已经出现在了这段关系当中。” Chen Mingming shakes the head, I am not you, ability that also without you mysteriously appears and disappears.” 陈明明摇了摇头,“我不是你,也没有你神出鬼没的能力。” Actually the key lies in the information.” Luo Qiu smiled saying with a smile: „The utilization of information, can let you, even if not appear in this relations, even merely is only an average person, can still control freely.” “其实关键在于情报。”洛邱笑了笑道:“情报的运用,能够让你即使不出现在这段关系当中,甚至仅仅只是一个普通人,也能够操控自如。” Information?” Chen Mingming was startled...... some of he suddenly strange feelings, feels such having a heart-to-heart talk, probably a teaching? “情报?”陈明明怔了怔……他突然有种古怪的感觉,感觉这样的倾谈,像是一种教学? To the information of person.” Luo Qiu nods, we assumed, this ability of spear/gun, has exposed, but you have not exposed for example, had presented above the multiple because of this person of death the spear/gun. After the person knows this information, this presents the spear/gun again, the credibility will be naturally higher.” “对人的情报。”洛邱点了点头,“我们假设,这把枪的能力,已经暴露了,而你并没有暴露比方说,已经出现了复数以上因为这把枪而死亡的人。当人知道了这种情报之后,这把枪再出现,可信度自然会更高一些。” Chen Mingming nods, his itself/Ben is the intelligent person, during a saying, can comprehend the technique slightly truly, like presented several dead, and death of dead has known for the world, even with going a step further, making the world know that has words of such spear/gun, when he sends out again, perhaps the holding a spear/gun person can accept quickly, even cannot bear conduct the experimental nature experiment, will naturally know the ability of spear/gun. 陈明明点了点头,他本就是聪明的人,稍微一说,就能够领悟当中的手法确实,如同多出现了几名死者,并且死者的死亡情况已经为世人所知道,甚至跟进一步,让世人知道存在这样的一把枪的话,当他再送出的时候,或许持枪人很快就能够接受,甚至忍不住进行试验自然试验,自然就会知道枪的能力。 The key is...... the information. 关键是……情报。 Chen Mingming subconsciously looks at the body side light screen at this time still not real feelings. 陈明明下意识地又看着身侧的光幕此时依然有一种不真实的感觉。 His, sits quietly in this quiet place, knows that easily the matter of he believes this method is the genuine secret, is traceless, like God vision. 他就这样,安坐在这个静谧的地方,就轻而易举地知道外界发生的事情他相信这种手段才是真正的隐秘,毫无痕迹,如同上帝般的视觉。 Must be good at observing.” Luo Qiu at this time smiling faintly, and beckons with the hand, not only observes somebody, but the complete person, each aspect, each time...... even is complete.” “要善于观察。”洛邱此时微微一笑,并且摆了摆手,“不仅仅只是观察某个人,而是全部人,每一个方面,每一个时刻……甚至是全部。” With the Boss Luo sound, light screens, start to reappear they to look like the innumerable lens in the Chen Mingming front at this time, window that probably in the computer pops up unceasingly, but above each window, is the current matter. 伴随着洛老板的声音,一块块的光幕,此时开始在陈明明的面前浮现它们就像是无数的镜头,像是电脑中不断弹出的窗口,而每个窗口之上,都是正在发生的事情。 Far, near, public, secret, from top to bottom, from below on, sad, joyful, angry, happy...... the person and person, the matter does not have the size. 远的,近的,公开的,隐秘的,从上而下的,从下而上的,悲伤的,欣喜的,愤怒的,愉快的……人和人,事无大小。 At this moment, an unprecedented impact feeling makes Chen Mingming be hard to maintain the consistent tranquility. 这一刻,一种前所未有的冲击感让陈明明难以保持一贯的平静。 He as if changed to pair of everywhere both eyes, in...... is overlooking all living things. 他仿佛化作了一双无处不在的双眼,正在……俯瞰众生。 Just like before he and Luo Qiu several minutes, looks in the middle of the classroom building together all. 正如他与洛邱几分钟之前,一同看着教学楼当中发生的一切。 From to strong crazy, to 24 appearances, then administrative bureau one line of advancing recklessly , is both sides confronts their dialogues, their behaviors, their all, get a panoramic view. 从向强的疯狂,到24的出现,然后管理局一行的冒进,接着是双方的对峙他们的对话,他们的行为,他们的一切一切,都尽收眼底。 Even, no longer has the secret......, even, is facing directly the truth always. 甚至于,不再存在秘密……甚至于,无时无刻都直面着真相。 This is a marvelous feeling. 这是一种奇妙的感觉。 One type as if can control all feelings, indistinct lets the person be fascinated. 一种仿佛能够把控一切的感觉,隐约让人着迷。 For a long time for a long time, Chen Mingming came from this mysterious feeling soberly, he aspirates slowly, simultaneously is looking straight ahead Luo Qiu, said solemnly: Your goal is anything.” 许久许久,陈明明才从这种玄妙的感觉当中清醒过来,他缓缓吐了口气,同时直视着洛邱,沉声道:“你的目的是什么。” The Luo Qiu smile said: Mr. Chen, has thought works in my subordinate.” 洛邱微笑道:“陈先生,有想过在我的手下做事情吗。” A Chen Mingming in the heart startled, silent half sound, why me?” 陈明明心中一惊,沉默半响,“为什么是我?” Luo Qiu said indifferently: Because the destiny directed my front you.” 洛邱淡然道:“因为命运把你指引到了我的面前。” Chen Mingming is startled, wrinkling frowns...... this reason made him feel that some are not real, even...... two. 陈明明一怔,皱了皱眉头……这个理由让他感觉到有些不真实,甚至……中二。 Cracks a joke.” Luo Qiu smiling faintly, you should not mind that...... as for reason, I think , if possible, I hope that you can find.” “开玩笑的。”洛邱微微一笑,“你应该不会介意……至于原因,我想假如可能的话,我希望你能够自己找到。” Premise is, do I join you?” “前提是,我加入你们?” Premise is, you join us.” “前提是,你加入我们。” Complies with your invitation merely?” “仅仅只是答应你的邀请?” Naturally also needs to meet the requirement.” “当然也需要符合要求的。” What requests?” “什么要求?” Luo Qiu waves, two volumes of sheepskin scroll appear in his hand, before he placed the table sheepskin scroll, said with a smile lightly: Is regarded as the inspection, this is the background material and examination question of inspection.” 洛邱挥了挥手,就有两卷羊皮卷出现在他的手上,他把羊皮卷放在了桌子之前,轻笑道:“就当作是考核,这是考核的背景资料和考题。” Chen Mingming receives subconsciously. 陈明明下意识接了过来。 Luo Qiu at this time said indifferently: Does not need to worry to open. I do not force someone to do something against his will...... these two volumes of things to preserve the Twelve hour, you have the time of Twelve hour of consideration. The time arrived, you have not opened, they will naturally vanish, but you will also forget today the matter. If you opened within the time, you must complete in five days, otherwise you will also forfeit the qualifications, will also forget this matter...... the option in you.” 洛邱此时淡然道:“不用着急打开。我不强人所难……这两卷东西会保存十二个小时,你有十二个小时考虑的时间。时间到了,你没有打开,它们自然就会消失,而你也会忘记今日发生的事情。但一旦你在时间之内打开了,你就必须在五天之内完成,不然你也会丧失资格,同时也会忘记这件事情……选择权在你。” Five days......” Chen Mingming nods. “五天……”陈明明点了点头。 Goes abroad to leave from him, just is also only five days of...... 距离他出国离开,刚好也只是五天的时间…… You Ye, delivers Mr. Chen to go back. Then, Mr. Chen, I here, awaited calmly your answer.” 优夜,送陈先生回去吧。那么,陈先生,我就在这里,静待你的答案了。”
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