TTC :: Volume #10

#32: Changes life ( 2 )

Changes name to continue the life the method, is not the yellow inspiration inherits from Blind Mister. 改名续命的方法,不是黄启发从盲先生身上传承下来的。 Sackcloth Dao is legitimate the technique geomancy school, naturally also has to stipulate that the boring does not permit use such cruel method-, but the yellow inspiration cannot say that in fact is the Sackcloth Dao legitimate disciple, because his grandfather is only the Blind Mister near body young lad, not official acknowledging as teacher. 布衣道是正统的相术风水门派,自然也有规定闷人不允许使用这样阴损的法子-但黄启发事实上也不能说是布衣道的正统门人,因为他的爷爷只是盲先生的近身童子,并没有正式的拜师。 Therefore yellow inspires to feel oneself should not be within Sackcloth Dao the limit of sect rule. 所以黄启发觉得自己应该不在布衣道的门规的限制之内。 But the evil law of this continuing life, is his these years studies from elsewhere- that is the matter of morning, once his was invited, to go to a Thailand, a local general shows the right direction, a dropping head master in known southern coastal provinces, and from learned of this dropping head this method. 而这种续命的邪法,则是他这些年从别处学来的-那是早间发生的事情,有一次他受人邀请,去了一趟泰国,给一名当地的将军指点迷津的时候,结识的一名南洋的降头师,并且从这名降头师的身上学会了这种法子。 This method truly quite cruel, even if the yellow inspiration has learned, for these years, altogether still has used twice. 只是这种法门确实相当的阴损,即使黄启发已经学会了,这么多年来,前后也总共用过两次。 To the life that a height top great person continues one time, but other be forced one time, receives coerced- others tool rest on his neck, he not from, since. 一次是给一名身高高位的大人物续的命,而另外一次则是迫于无奈,受到了要挟-人家把刀架在了他的脖子上,他不从也得从。 This is the third time. 这是第三次。 Yellow inspires took a deep breath, but the Jane|treasure the heavy place pulled out a short bamboo tube- this thing was he spends the greatest price to make from the dropping head master in that southern coastal provinces, altogether can only use three times. 黄启发深呼吸了一口气,珍而重之地掏出来了一根短短的竹筒-这东西是他花费了莫大的代价才从那位南洋的降头师身上弄来,一共只能够使用三次。 For these years, the yellow inspiration has been retaining for the last time, is leaves behind a escape route to oneself...... but now, has been extraordinarily the time of this escape route. 这么多年来,黄启发一直把最后一次保留着,也算是自己给自己留下一条后路……而现在,已经到了不得不走这条后路的时间了。 What in the bamboo tube is installing is named even/including Minggu strange gu insect. It can biting the life under of first person intercepting, when it bites second again, will then be will give to put out this life, will pass the burden to the body of another person-, but after this type even/including Minggu will use one time, will die directly 竹筒内装着的是一种名为‘连命蛊’的奇异蛊虫。它能够把咬下的第一口的人的命给截取下来,当它再咬第二口的时候,则是会把这一份的命给吐出,转嫁到另外一个人的身上-但这种‘连命蛊’使用一次之后,就会直接死亡 The yellow inspiration must seize the opportunity. 黄启发要看准机会。 Because in his opinion, the present these two young fellows, radiance is reserved, has miraculous glow sending out, is person who that future can make a rapid career advance-, but he cannot look, which life will be better. 因为在他看来,眼前的这两个少年人,光华内敛,颇有灵光散发,都是那种未来能够飞黄腾达的人-但他看不出来,到底哪一个的命会更好一些。 The yellow inspiration does not care to live forever, he knows that oneself simply does not have this aptitude, otherwise, have seen founder Blind Mister several times, he will not never say was followed he by oneself. 黄启发并不在乎长生不老,他知道自己根本没有这个资质,不然的话,几次见过祖师爷盲先生,他也不会从未开口说让自己跟着他。 yellow Qifa wants to live much some years, has not enjoyed thing enough this whole life , to continue to enjoy. 黄启发只是想要多活些年,把这辈子还没有享受够的东西,继续享受下去。 20 years...... not, 15 years.” yellow Qifa is clenching teeth, the complexion plug pull open/start of bamboo tube, I takes 15 years gloomy young...... you also like this.” “二十年……不,就十五年。”黄启发咬着牙,脸色阴沉地把竹筒的塞子拔开,“我就要十五年……你们还这样的年轻。” Finally, the yellow inspiration aimed at the bamboo tube seemed like younger Zhui Feng, and put out a strange syllable from the mouth- this was stimulates to movement in the bamboo tube the special method of gu insect, was the dropping head master of blood from that southern coastal provinces. 终于,黄启发把竹筒对准了看起来更为年轻的追风,并且从口中吐出一种奇怪的音节-这是催动竹筒内蛊虫的特殊手段,也是血自那名南洋的降头师。 However, no matter at this time yellow inspiration what kind of stimulation of movement, the gu insect in that bamboo tube never leaves unexpectedly! This frightened the yellow inspiration hastily to examine, the gu insect in this bamboo tube had not died, this felt relieved slightly. 然而,此时不管黄启发如何的催动,那竹筒内的蛊虫竟是始终不出!这吓得黄启发连忙查看了一下,这竹筒内的蛊虫并没有死去,这才略微地放下心来。 The yellow inspiration cannot help but wrinkled frowns, that dropping head master has not raised with him has assigned please...... be possible the present that gu does not bite is not looks that dropping head master ascertains, unavoidablily , the yellow inspiration has the goal to shift to another nearby Mo Xiaofei. 黄启发不由得皱了皱眉头,那降头师并没有跟他提过‘连命蛊’并不咬人的请……可现在也不是去找那降头师问个清楚的时候,不得已之下,黄启发只好把目标转向了另一旁的莫小飞 Moved!” “动了!” But this time, under the stimulation of movement of special syllable, in the bamboo tube a whole body colorful centipede crawled unexpectedly slowly! 而这次,在特殊音节的催动之下,竹筒内一条浑身色彩斑斓的蜈蚣竟是缓缓地爬了出来! Breath of yellow inspiration cannot help but rapidly, but he believes these two young men will not easily wake like this- after all he before, drew support from the air to put the fan smoke of large dose. 黄启发的呼吸不由得急速了了一些,但他相信这两后生是不会这样轻易就醒过来的-毕竟他在进来的之前,就借助了空气放了大剂量的迷烟。 May make the matter that the yellow inspiration is shocked once again happen- although gu insect time stimulated to movement, however it actually never climbs up the body of Mo Xiaofei. 可让黄启发又一次愣住的事情发生了-蛊虫这次虽然被催动出来了,然而它却始终不远爬上莫小飞的身上。 It seems afraid anything to be the same, rolled up on the table unexpectedly automatically! 它仿佛在害怕着什么一样,竟是自动地在桌子上蜷缩了起来! Damn! This what's the matter!” “见鬼!这到底是怎么回事!” This even/including Minggu unexpectedly such fear...... this should not! These two did not have the grown young man, are their lives hard assign/life gu not to dare to nip? 这‘连命蛊’竟然如此的害怕……这不应该!难道说,这两还没有成年的后生,他们的命硬得连‘连命蛊’也不敢去咬? More does not dare, showed that this life is harder!” yellow Qifa at this time not breathless, instead plants the unprecedented excitement! “越是不敢,证明这命越硬!”黄启发此时并没有气急败坏,反而还有种前所未有的兴奋! The life that if even/including Minggu bites is harder, then he himself will profit will be more! 如果‘连命蛊’咬回来的命越硬的话,那么他自己受益将会更多! Therefore the yellow inspiration clenched teeth at this time, makes a determined effort to break by biting generally own finger, did he use the blood in this variegated centipede?? Delimited a bloodstain gently! 于是黄启发此时一咬牙,发狠一般地咬破了自己的手指头,他用鲜血在这条斑斓的蜈蚣的??轻轻地划出来了一道血痕! The bloodstain that the variegated centipede bears in this integrated in the middle of its body instantaneously fast, but its body also in this time slowly spread! 斑斓蜈蚣背上的血迹在这瞬间飞快地融入了它的身体当中,而它的身体也在此时缓缓地张开 Only hears the yellow inspiration to send out the specific syllable from the mouth rapidly, but this variegated centipede, crawls little toward the arm of Mo Xiaofei- first climbed up the arm of Mo Xiaofei, is the shoulder of Mo Xiaofei. 只听得黄启发飞速地从口中发出特定的音节,而这斑斓的蜈蚣,也一点点地朝着莫小飞的手臂爬去-先是爬上了莫小飞的手臂,然后是莫小飞的肩膀。 Finally, this variegated centipede crawled Mo Xiaofei, but the left ear place, then searched into his ear little- looks that this even/including Minggu has crawled completely into the ear of Mo Xiaofei, the yellow inspiration implored the tone immediately, and sat. 最后,这条斑斓的蜈蚣爬到了莫小飞而左耳处,然后一点点地探入了他的耳朵当中-看着这条‘连命蛊’已经完全爬入了莫小飞的耳朵,黄启发顿时吁了口气,并且坐了下来。 Then, so long as he, when this even/including Minggu bites to him the life on the line. 接下来,他只要等到这条‘连命蛊’把命给他咬回来就行。 But in this instantaneous, Zhui Feng actually opened the eye suddenly! 可就在这瞬间,追风却猛然睁开了眼睛! ...... …… Opens Zhui Feng of eye suddenly, in the eyeball the red light flashes past. Zhui Feng raised the head at this time directly, just saw on yellow inspiration to grip the bamboo tube, on the finger also has the appearance of blood. 猛然睁开眼睛的追风,眼珠子中红光一闪而过。追风此时直接抬起头来,刚好看见了黄启发手上握住竹筒,手指上还有鲜血的模样。 This bamboo tube aimed at Mo Xiaofei. 这竹筒更加是对准了莫小飞的。 Big brother? Big brother?” Zhui Feng subconsciously pushed Mo Xiaofei, actually sees the trend that Mo Xiaofei simply has not waked, he cannot help but angry looks at the yellow inspiration, reveals a pair of sharp canine, „your old man, made anything to my big brother!” “大哥?大哥?”追风下意识地推了推莫小飞,却见莫小飞根本没有醒过来的趋势,他不由得大怒地看着黄启发,露出一双尖锐犬齿,“你这老头,对我大哥做了什么!” yellow Qifa was frightened at this time by Zhui Feng this fierce appearance, his is handling the matter of owing heart, at this time is directly pale, the cold sweat streaming, how you... you can wake, I in the clear a lot of fan dizzy smog was clearly right!” 黄启发此时被追风这凶恶的模样吓到,他本又正在做着亏心的事情,此时直接脸色苍白,冷汗涔涔,“你…你怎么能醒过来的,我明明放了很大量的迷晕烟雾才对!” Zhui Feng actually pays no attention, puts out a hand to hold arm of yellow inspiration directly- under the great strength that his strength of hand waits for very much, this grasps, making the yellow inspiration even have a bone directly stressing the broken feeling. 追风却是不理,直接伸手抓住黄启发的手臂-他的手劲是很等的强大,这一抓之下,让黄启发甚至有种骨头直接把抓碎的感觉。 He called out pitifully immediately, puts and lets loose me!” 他顿时惨叫了一声,“放、放开我!” I asked again your one time, you made anything to my big brother!” Zhui Feng both eyes depended at this time directly, is staring at the yellow inspiration stubbornly, you did not say, was careful my killed...... me not to have the favorable impression you to human!” “我再问你一次,你对我大哥做了什么!”追风此时双眼直接靠了过来,死死地盯着黄启发,“你不说,小心我这就把你杀了……我原本对人类就没有好感!” You... you are not a person!” “你…你不是人!” Panic-stricken within, the yellow inspiration saw Zhui Feng this both eyes bead, the pupil to split a seam from the middle unexpectedly unexpectedly, turned into the long and narrow appearance, and exuded the purple light...... this is not being the eye that the person can have! 惊恐间,黄启发竟是看见了追风双眼珠子,瞳孔竟是从中间裂开了一道缝,变成了狭长的模样,并且泛着紫光……这不是人能够拥有的眼睛! You made anything to my big brother!!” “你对我大哥做了什么!!” How Zhui Feng sees Mo Xiaofei to shake at this time also calls not to wake up, the innermost feelings worry, did not plan and this old man says anything, put out a hand to seize the neck of yellow inspiration directly! 追风此时见莫小飞如何摇动也叫不醒来,内心着急,根本不打算和这老头多说什么,直接伸手掐住了黄启发的脖子! He makes an effort slightly, the yellow inspiration then scant of breath, whips painfully! 他只是微微用力,黄启发便呼吸困难,痛苦地拍打起来! But, Mo Xiaofei in that lethargic sleep actually threw down in the meantime suddenly on the ground, starts to sway back and forth painfully Mo Xiaofei enclasped own head, seems experiencing extreme what painful! 可就在此时,那昏睡中的莫小飞却猛然间摔倒了在地上,开始痛苦地打滚起来-莫小飞抱紧了自己的脑袋,似乎正在经历着什么极端的痛苦般! But at this moment, the body of Mo Xiaofei is float, a wild thrust force scatters in all directions from his body. The Zhui Feng flash is unable to respond, the body was raised to fly directly, hit the wooden beam of this room directly. 而此刻,莫小飞的身体更是悬浮而起,一股狂暴的推力从他的身体四散而出。追风一瞬间无法反应过来,身体直接被掀飞而出,直接撞到了这屋子的一根木梁。 The yellow inspiration is drearier, this tremendous strength pushed to wall his body directly- his old bones, almost hit directly disrupt. 只有黄启发则是更加惨淡,这巨大的力量直接把他的身体推向了墙壁-他这一身老骨头,几乎直接撞得碎裂。 Yellow inspires an old blood blowout, entire in the remaining years of life like the wind is the same, is aspirates unexpectedly a lot, inspiration were few! 黄启发一口老血喷出,整个儿如同风中残烛一样,竟是吐气得多,吸气的少了! Big brother!” “大哥!” Zhui Feng is clenching teeth at this time, crawls the body, wants to approach to go toward Mo Xiaofei, however regarding present Zhui Feng, oneself looks like the average person to walk before the hurricane, by he opened the Greedy Star Wolf magical powers strength, unexpectedly is also difficult! 追风此时咬着牙,爬起了身来,想要朝着莫小飞靠近而去,然而对于现在的追风来说,自己就像是普通人行走在飓风之前般,以他开启了的贪狼星的神通力,竟也是寸步难行! Big brother!!” “大哥!!” Mo Xiaofei at this time body float in in the air, suddenly spread, and exuded a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound! 莫小飞此时身体悬浮在空中,猛然间张开,并且发出了一道凄厉的惨叫声! In a flash, the body of Mo Xiaofei, crashed on the ground directly, but these terrifying thrust forces, are also vanishing instantaneously do not see! 一瞬间,莫小飞的身体,直接坠落在了地上,而那些恐怖的推力,也在瞬间消失不见! Big brother!” “大哥!” ...... …… Mo Xiaofei felt suddenly the body does not seem like own, he somewhat is even uncomfortable, have a splitting headache. 莫小飞忽然感觉身体不像是自己的,他甚至有些难受,头痛欲裂 The innumerable chaotic sounds start to reverberate...... these sounds somewhat to be similar to the bell in his brain, somewhat seems like the mighty force shouting sound, there is a Yingying Yanyan ** the sound, making him difficult to distinguish the thing. 无数纷乱的声音开始在他的脑中回荡……那些声音有些如同大钟般,有些像是千军万马的嘶吼声,也有莺莺燕燕的**之声,让他难辨东西。 Emperor! Now six country series! Is it possible that king earth, leads shore is it possible that king official earth all over the world!” “皇上!如今六国一统!普天之下莫非王土,率土之滨莫非王臣!” ...... …… Xu Fu! I assign/life you to seek not the old elixir, you may act accordingly!” “徐福!寡人命你寻来不老仙药,你可有照办!” ...... …… You die like a dog! Burns the book pit child! You must suffer the scourge!!” “你不得好死!焚书坑孺!你必遭天谴!!” ...... …… Jade rinses the princess, you may know my intention......” “玉漱公主,你可知寡人心意……” ...... …… Suddenly, Mo Xiaofei saw itself to place oneself in the middle of a giant palace unexpectedly- around this palace lit the candle, just like the daytime, was lonely makes person in the heart feel cold. 猛然间,莫小飞看见自己竟是置身在了一处巨大的宫殿当中-这宫殿四周点燃了蜡烛,宛如白昼般,却同样冷清得让人心中发冷。 But the stair throne place of that palace front, does not know that at this time why has the azure gauze tent/account camouflage, in the palace this time cold wind is intermittent, blows that azure gauze tent/account to keep swinging. 而那宫殿前方的台阶宝座处,此时不知为何有青色的纱帐遮蔽,宫殿内此时阴风阵阵,刮得那青色纱帐不停摆动。 Indistinct within, Mo Xiaofei is sees above that palace throne to sit together the form. 隐约间,莫小飞似是看见那宫殿宝座之上坐着一道身影。 who are you......” 你是谁……” Mo Xiaofei is covering own forehead at the same time, staggers approaches goes, however that leads to the road of palace throne actually unable to walk forever, Mo Xiaofei only felt oneself above person's shadow the distance of that throne do not reduce instead increases! 莫小飞一边捂着了自己的额头,踉跄地靠近前去,然而那通往宫殿宝座的路却永远也走不完似的,莫小飞只感觉自己与那宝座之上的人影的距离不减反增! who are you? Are you my previous generation?” Mo Xiaofei held down painfully own head, who you are!!!!” 你是谁?你是我的前世?”莫小飞痛苦地按住了自己的头部,“你到底是谁!!!!” Sees only, after that azure gauze tent/account , the form of throne place, stood suddenly slowly- the person's shadow after gauze tent/account waves at this time suddenly, the candlelight in this main hall extinguished instantaneously. 只见,那青色纱帐后宝座处的身影,忽然缓缓地站了起来-纱帐后的人影此时猛然挥手,这大殿内的烛光瞬间熄灭了过去。 From now henceforth, you are then staying in this basket for me!” “从今以后,你便替寡人在这笼子中呆着吧!” ...... …… ...... …… Big brother! Big brother!” “大哥!大哥!” Zhui Feng arrived at Mo Xiaofei, made an effort to swing the Mo Xiaofei shoulders, and pasted the ear in the Mo Xiaofei chest place. 追风走到了莫小飞的跟前,用力地摇了摇莫小飞的双肩,并且把耳朵贴在了莫小飞的胸膛处。 „...... Zhui Feng lifted fortunately, the Mo Xiaofei heartbeat is powerful, this made Zhui Feng relaxed many. “还好……”追风抬起了头来,莫小飞的心跳强而有力,这让追风轻松了不少。 In the meantime, Mo Xiaofei opened the eye finally slowly. 就在此时,莫小飞终于缓缓地睁开了眼睛。 When he opens the eye, time that first sees Zhui Feng, a brow wrinkle, starts to size up all around slightly later. After this, Mo Xiaofei is also silent, the look is gloomy, does not know that is thinking anything. 当他睁开眼睛,第一眼看见追风的时候,眉头略微一皱,随后又开始打量着四周。这之后,莫小飞又沉默不语,眼神阴沉不定,不知道在想些什么。 Big brother...... you how?” Zhui Feng somewhat asked uneasy. “大哥……你怎样了?”追风有些惴惴不安地问了起来。 After big brother Mo Xiaofei wakes probably, where some were different...... particularly the look, Zhui Feng that this vision looks at somewhat feels weak, secretly said good swift and fierce vision. 莫小飞大哥好像醒过来之后,有些什么地方不一样了……尤其是眼神,这目光看的追风有些发虚,暗道好凌厉的目光。 Where is this?” Finally, Mo Xiaofei opened the mouth slowly, after saying woke up the first speech. “此乃何地?”终于,莫小飞缓缓开口,说出了醒来后的第一句说话。 „?” Zhui Feng stares, the subconsciousness said: Wudang Mountains, did the big brother you forget?” “啊?”追风一愣,下意识道:“武当山啊,大哥你忘记了吗?” Mo Xiaofei wrinkled frowns, looks at Zhui Feng, high and low sizes up, suddenly asked: What did you shout my?” 莫小飞又是皱了皱眉头,看着追风,上下打量,忽然问道:“你呼寡人什么?” What I? The big brother you, was the speech so how strange?” Zhui Feng flexure the head, was puzzled, said later: Definitely is this dead old man! Bad! The big brother you were been definitely cloudy by this dead old man, now played dumb!” “什么寡人啊?大哥你怎么了,说话这么奇怪啊?”追风挠了挠脑袋,一脸不解,随后道:“肯定是这死老头!糟糕了!大哥你肯定被这死老头阴了,现在犯傻了!” Bold!” Mo Xiaofei at this time unexpectedly is coldly snorted one, flings the sleeves. “大胆!”莫小飞此时竟是冷哼一声,一甩衣袖。 In this instantaneous, the Zhui Feng heart beat suddenly, only felt that a tremendous incomparable pressure emerges out of thin air, pressed the knees to kneel him on the ground instantaneously unexpectedly. 就在这瞬间,追风心脏猛然跳动了起来,只感觉一股巨大无比的压力凭空出现,瞬间竟是把他压得双膝跪在了地上。 ability of big brother gravity was more and more terrifying...... 大哥这重力的异能是越来越恐怖了…… But Zhui Feng in the heart pondered without enough time, the present Mo Xiaofei actually some be in a daze look at oneself palm suddenly, I when......” 追风心中来不及细想,眼前的莫小飞却有些发愣般地忽然看着自己的手掌,“寡人何时……” During pondering, was pressed Zhui Feng that somewhat cannot support to blow up an own monster strength, is standing under the serious gravity difficultly. 正自细想间,被压得有些支持不住的追风不得不鼓起自己的一身妖力,在沉重的重力之下艰难地站着起来。 Has shown the monster sign Zhui Feng to breathe at this time said angrily: Big brother, your sober! I am Zhui Feng! Did you forget? Big brother! Big brother Mo Xiaofei!” 已经露出妖化迹象的追风此时喘着气道:“大哥,你清醒一下!我是追风!你忘记了吗?大哥!莫小飞大哥!” Mo Xiaofei?” Mo Xiaofei wrinkled frowns, thought aloud: „Is this then the name of my? Really stupid! But you......” 莫小飞?”莫小飞又是皱了皱眉头,自言自语道:“这便是寡人这一世的名字?真是愚蠢!而你……” Mo Xiaofei at this time looks like toward Zhui Feng, the complexion is gloomy, „are you unexpectedly Monster Race? Alien race evildoer/monstrous talent, allots me to be on intimate terms?” 莫小飞此时又朝着追风看来,脸色阴沉,“你竟是妖族?异族妖孽,也配与寡人称兄道弟?” Zhui Feng hears this saying, to not having pissed, instead is a face is surprised, probably was scared to be the same, mutters: Ended the calf, the big brother really by this dead old man making stupidly, me did not remember......” 追风听到这话,到没有生气,反而是一脸惊奇,像是吓傻了一样,喃喃自语道:“完犊子了,大哥真的被这死老头给弄傻了,连我都不记得了……” But, Mo Xiaofei actually reveals color of the pain in the meantime suddenly. 可就在此时,莫小飞却忽然露出一丝痛苦之色。 Sees only him to lift the hand suddenly, aimed at own ear, then empty grasped, caught a variegated small centipede from that left ear unexpectedly. 只见他猛然抬手,对准了自己的耳朵,然后虚抓了一下,竟是从那左耳当中抓出来了一条斑斓的小小蜈蚣。 Monster evil thing, death!” “妖邪之物,死!” Mo Xiaofei the palm pinches at this time, that variegated centipede was strangled like this in the hand- at this time, was only left over the yellow inspiration of half tone saw itself to maintain life with even/including Minggu not to have like this, immediately then called one sad and shrill, my even/including Minggu!!” 莫小飞此时手掌一捏,那斑斓的蜈蚣就这样被扼杀在手中-此时,只剩下半口气的黄启发看见自己保命用的‘连命蛊’就这样没了,顿时便凄厉地叫了一声,“我的‘连命蛊’!!” Sorcerer, you dares to injure me! When death!” “妖人,你竟敢加害寡人!当死!” Mo Xiaofei one hear, then toward yellow inspires one finger/refers to point out immediately! 莫小飞一听,顿时便朝着黄启发一指指出! Saw only yellow inspiration this instantaneous entire portrait to be reassigned soul, was only left over a empty shell, lip spread, the whole person then did not have the aura...... dead like this certainly! 只见黄启发这瞬间整个人像是被抽调了魂儿,仅剩下一具空壳般,嘴唇张开,整个人便没有了气息……就这样死绝! Assigns the life and death, the unretractable statement. 一指定生死,金口玉言。
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