Inhim, reallycannot think that merelya halfyearpasses by, WuChengfenginjury can actually restore7788.
在他心里,实在想不到仅仅半年过去,吴承峰的伤势竟然能够恢复个七七八八。InitialWuChengfengwas seriously battered, a strengthdroppedmost.
要知道,当初的吴承峰可是遭受重创,一身实力下降大半。ButtoWuChengfengthatlevel, the difficulty that the injuryrestoredwas much bigger than low rankCultivator.
而到了吴承峰那个层次,伤势恢复起来的难度远比低阶修士要大得多。Is just likerefiningCultivator, even ifhangs in the balance, so long as the one breath, usessomeordinarytherapycompounded drugs, the yearcanbe extensivemostmostly
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