TLLFCI :: Volume #5 全新征程

#659: Refining up the body to strive

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gold/metal Fengguo, red rock mountain ridge family place. 金丰国,红岩山梁家族地。 At this moment, in the secret room in some cave mansion, transmits one once for a while the sound. 此时此刻,某一座洞府的密室中,时不时传来一阵噼里啪啦的声音。 Looking into the distance, the Lin Tianming complexion becomes flushed, the blue vein on forehead sticks out suddenly, the pea-sized beads of sweat drop along the long hair in the ground. 放眼望去,林天明面色涨红,额头上的青筋暴起,豆大的汗珠沿着长发滴落在地面上。 Obviously, Lin Tianming is at this moment painful. 很显然,林天明此刻非常痛苦。 However his both eyes shut tightly, the tooth fastens to nip, the time has not relaxed, has maintained consciousness clearly. 不过他双目紧闭,牙关紧咬着,时刻都没有放松,一直保持着自己意识清晰。 But in 而在 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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