TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#659: Bottleneck period

On Thursday, " TYPE-MOON " work room all as before. 周四,「TYPE-MOON」工作室一切如旧。 ~. “呲啦~”一声。 Eriri makes an effort to tear down a sketch paper, rubs one group it agitated and throws into the trash can, the whole person dejected by to the chairback, low nan talked to oneself. 英梨梨用力撕下一张素描纸,烦躁地将其揉成一团并丢进垃圾桶,整个人颓然靠向椅背,低喃自语一句。 „...... It is not really good.” “……果然还是不行。” Well? What did cypress wood Teacher brave reason you say?” “咦?柏木英理老师你说了什么吗?” Sits in nearby happy really by taking off the earphone in ear, was inquiring looks. 坐在旁边的相乐真由摘下耳朵里的耳机,询问着看过来。 „......, It‘s nothing, I was thinking aloud.” “啊……嗯,没什么,我只是在自言自语。” In order to conceal the distress of innermost feelings, Eriri asked back on own initiative. 为了掩饰内心的狼狈,英梨梨主动反问回去。 Therefore? Which chart Miss Le you are drawing......- your is not playing the cell phone completely! Is the present the operating time??” “于是呢?相乐小姐你在画哪张图……等-你这不是完全在玩手机嘛!现在是工作时间吧??” Ah ~ oh no, was discovered?” “啊呀~糟糕,被发现了吗?” Happy really by selling to be sprouted the spitting tongue, the frank moon's orbit: 相乐真由卖萌似的吐了吐舌头,坦白道: Is sorry, I looked the video that Miss Katou sends is a little fascinated, did not forget the time carefully. Hehe......” “抱歉抱歉,我只是看加藤小姐发的视频有点入迷,不小心忘了时间。诶嘿嘿……” Hui send/hair video......? Where? How haven't I received the notice?” “惠发的视频……咦?在哪里?我怎么没有收到通知?” „, It is not the present sends. I referred to Miss Katou sending yesterday in contacting the group, these videos about master.” “啊啊,不是现在发的啦。我指的是加藤小姐昨天发在联络群里的,关于师傅的那些视频。” This......” “这样啊……” Was says the master quite fiercely he really ~! Does cypress wood Teacher brave reason also think?” “是说师傅他真的好厉害哦~!柏木英理老师也这么认为吧?” „?” “诶?” Is these music that the master he creates music ~ “就是师傅他创作的那些音乐啦音乐~” Happy really makes an effort on the ground by the single foot, pushes to Eriri own swivel chair taking advantage of the reacting force, is placed the cell phone in each other field of vision center, the furnishing is released externally the pattern. 相乐真由单脚在地上用力一点,借着反作用力将自己的转椅推向英梨梨,把手机摆在彼此视野中央,调成外放模式。 Eriri looked at a phone screen, above is Katou Yusuke directs the video that the musicians play. 英梨梨看了一眼手机屏幕,上面是加藤悠介指挥乐手们演奏的视频。 Really good ~ I am also good to look at the master charming appearance, only then Miss Katou anything was also too sly. Also, these songs are really good to sprout/moe of pleasant to hear ~ ~ ~ “真好啊~我也好想看师傅帅气的样子,只有加藤小姐什么的也太狡猾了。还有,这些曲子真的好萌好好听哦~~~” „...... That fool, handles this showing off matter.” “……那个笨蛋,又做这种出风头的事情。” Hee hee ~ after all is the master.” “嘻嘻~毕竟是师傅嘛。” Happy was really said grinningly: Said, can hear such good song, making me anticipate to play to complete ~ ~ ~ 相乐真由笑嘻嘻地说道:“不过说真的,能听到这么棒的曲子,让我更加期待游戏完成的时候了呢~~~” Eriri did not speak, in the heart felt an anxiety inexplicably. 英梨梨默不吭声,心中莫名感到一阵焦躁。 Such mood not in view of others, but aims at itself. 这样的情绪不是针对别人,而是针对自己。 She is in some bottleneck period, the inspiration and creativity is attacked seriously, she no matter now looked that anything is a little not pleasing to the eyes, does not know how should come out of the difficult position. 她目前正处于某种瓶颈期,灵感和创造力都受到严重的打击,以至于她现在不管看什么东西都有点不顺眼,又不知道该怎么走出困境。 Although that person said to her does not need to worry, but she is unable to get out of this negativity, falls into a self-doubt the condition. 尽管那个人对她说了不用着急,可她还是无法摆脱这种负面情绪,陷入一种自我怀疑的状态。 Especially in this node, Katou Yusuke displays immediately more is outstanding, she more feels to rebuke oneself. 特别是在当下这个节点,加藤悠介表现得越是抢眼,她就越是感到自责。 The opposite party places the great expectations on her obviously, her actually anything cannot draw. Just likes gets sucked into the mire, this pressure makes her be subject to the suffering. 明明对方对她寄予厚望,她却什么都画不出来。犹如深陷泥沼,这种压力让她倍受煎熬。 The Eriri interest pleasure looked at a while video dully, is perfunctory several casually happily really by, decides to continue to draw. 英梨梨兴味索然地看了一会儿视频,随便敷衍几句相乐真由,决定继续画图。 Repairs and maintains the pencil with the penknife slightly. 用削笔刀稍微修整铅笔。 Sweeps off the sketch on oak leather meal with the feather broom again. 再用羽毛帚扫去素描本上的橡皮屑。 Takes the pencil. 拿起铅笔。 Closes the eyes, imagines the picture that wants in the mind. 闭上双眼,在脑海中想象想要的画面。 After the moment, she opens the eye wooden. 片刻后,她木然地睁开眼睛。 To buoy up obviously, a brain actually blank. 明明想要振作,大脑却一片空白。 Such situation has continued incessantly for 1-2 days, now is also familiar with gradually. 这样的情况已经持续了不止1-2,现在也渐渐习惯。 Her is sending a while to be dull to the blank sketch itself/Ben, first time to drawing to have the fatigue. 她对着空白的素描本发了一会儿呆,头一次对画画产生了厌倦感。 The pencil transferred several in the elegant fingertip. 铅笔在秀美的指尖转了几圈。 Facing not being able to draw the original situation, she plans first to draw other thing hot hands, therefore takes up the pen. 面对画不出原画的情形,她打算先画点其他东西热手,于是动起笔来。 Rustle and rustle ~ 沙沙、沙沙~ The lead radical crosses the paper, the time flows peacefully. 铅笔划过纸张,时间安静地流淌。 After a half hour, happy really puts down cell phone by one satisfiedly. 半小时后,相乐真由一本满足地放下手机。 Saw that Eriri is still painting, she cannot bear search the head to collect curiously, then saw such a picture- 见到英梨梨还在作画,她忍不住好奇地探着脑袋凑上去,然后就看到了这样一幅画面- On drawing paper, a female student who wears the gym suit tied up on the vaulting horse of sports warehouse, person who several do not have the five senses is encircling in the surroundings, spurts on some pigment her unscrupulously. 画纸上,一名身穿体操服的女生被绑在体育仓库的跳马上,几个没有五官的人正围在周围,肆无忌惮地把某种颜料喷到她身上。 „-!?” “-!?” Happy really by immediately beautiful face changing colors, called out heatedly: ~ ~!” 相乐真由登时花容失色,面红耳赤地叫出声:“呀啊啊啊啊~~!” „- !!” “-唔哇!!” The Eriri body shakes, similarly was frightened heavily, even the pencil by her also lets go, „, you suddenly are why scary......!” 英梨梨身子一抖,同样被她吓得不轻,连铅笔也脱手而出,“等、你干嘛突然吓人啦……!” Because and because of......” “因、因为……” Happy is being really covered the face by both hands, opens the eye from the separated referring to seams, stares at the sketch this on not to blott the sensitive spot no revision schematic diagram to look fiercely. 相乐真由双手捂着脸,从分开的指缝间睁大眼睛,盯着素描本上还没涂掉敏感部位的无修正草图猛瞧。 Cypress...... cypress wood Teacher brave reason! Should the game that we play not have this content? But is both warm and touching theme is right?” “柏……柏木英理老师!我们做的游戏应该没有这种内容吧?而是既温馨又感人的题材对吧?” „?” “?” Eriri reads the sketch back and forth this and her face, beckons with the hand with something else in mind. 英梨梨来回看着素描本和她的脸,不以为然地摆了摆手。 „...... You said this. Relax, this is not original of game, but is I brings the informal essay of relaxation. Yourself are also a creator, how to make much ado about nothing?” “哦……你说这个啊。放心吧,这不是游戏的原画,而是我拿来放松的随笔。你自己也是创作者,怎么这么大惊小怪的?” Brings the informal essay of relaxation......” “拿来放松的随笔……” Happy really by staring to stare at the female student who on the drawing paper is unable to resist, somewhat opens the mouth to say difficultly: 相乐真由直勾勾盯着画纸上无从抵抗的女生,有些艰难地开口道: ...... that although I have the custom of picture informal essay......, but does the relaxation way of cypress wood Teacher brave reason really......, savor very much uniquely? Should say that this instead can't calm the mind?” “唔……那个,虽然我也有画随笔的习惯啦……但柏木英理老师的放松方式果然很……呃,品味独特呢?该说这样反而静不下心来吧?” Right? I have drawn in any case.” “是吗?反正我一直都是这么画的。” Continuously!?......, It is not Ling system big touches worthily, cypress wood Teacher brave reason really quite fierce......” happy really by being contrary to convictions to be praised, the corners of the mouth of hollow laugh are twitching slightly. “一直!?啊……不、不愧是凌系的大触,柏木英理老师真的好厉害呢……”相乐真由违心地夸赞道,干笑的嘴角在微微抽搐。 Snort, what does this have?” “哼,这有什么?” Eriri sees her speaking insincerely, curls the lip saying: 英梨梨看出她的言不由衷,撇了撇嘴说道: Really must say, when Yusuke he makes a debut picture book without restraint of style, inside content fierce to even currently has the fans to ask him to resurface.” “真要说起来,悠介他出道时画的本子才更加不拘一格,里面的内容厉害到连现在都有粉丝请他复出。” Happy really by exhibiting a being a long story face. 相乐真由摆出一张一言难尽的脸。 „...... ~ ~ I saw that for the first time some people with will describe the author who without restraint of style draws the NR work, cypress wood Teacher brave reason you really likes the master very much ~ “……哇~~我还是第一次见到有人会用不拘一格来形容画NR作品的作者,柏木英理老师你真的很喜欢师傅呢~” „, Ha-!?” “哈、哈啊-!?” Last second of also old god in the Eriri instantaneous complexion is red. 上一秒还老神在在的英梨梨瞬间脸色通红。 Slow! I am pure am considering the matter and of itself! Why will speak of likes in this topic? You are quite bothersome, how is not catching a fish by hand in the Eight Trigrams (gossip)! Okay work!” “慢着!我就是单纯在就事论事而已呀!为什么会说到喜欢这种话题上?你好烦呀,怎么不是在摸鱼就是在八卦!好好工作呀!” Well ~, but ~ ~ ~ “咦咦~可是~~~” Happy really by covering the mouth is laughed secretly. 相乐真由掩嘴窃笑。 Even if cypress wood Teacher brave reason you said that but work on my hand has fully been completed. Before you and master give my recent chart, matter that I cannot handle ~ “就算柏木英理老师你那么说,但我手上的工作已经全部完成了啊。在你和师傅交给我新的图之前,我也没有能做的事情了呀~” -!” “唔-!” The body of Eriri sways, had nothing to say in reply. 英梨梨的身子摇晃一下,无言以对。 Was this is shutting out own progress is too slow......? 这是在嫌弃自己的进度太慢了吗……? Her cannot help but this wants saying that cannot bear lose. 她不由自主地这样想道,忍不住失落起来。 At this time, Utaha just carried two cups of coffee to enter the office, placed in front of its Zhongyi Cup her. 这时,诗羽刚好端着两杯咖啡走进办公室,将其中一杯放在她面前。 „, Sawamura, this cup of coffee give you, does not need to thank me.” “喏,泽村,这杯咖啡给你,不用谢我。” Sees this, happy really by not being able to bear be teased. 见到这一幕,相乐真由忍不住打趣起来。 Well ~ rosy cloud poem child teacher good bias! The coffee only gives the cypress wood unexpectedly Teacher brave reason, can't your relations be good?” “咦咦~霞诗子老师好偏心!咖啡居然只给柏木英理老师,你们的关系不会太好了吗?” What nonsense is Miss Le you speaking? This cup of coffee I originally to the Yu-chan bubble, but his was called to apply for the music copyright, therefore cheap Sawamura.” “相乐小姐你在说什么傻话?这杯咖啡我原本是给悠酱泡的,不过他被人叫去申请音乐版权了,所以才便宜泽村而已。” „? Master in application music copyright?” “诶?师傅在申请音乐版权?” Yes, Yu-chan he is passed to the video of that side Cube Corporation singing yesterday online. Small good is Schoolmate Katou requests him to register the copyright, their three this little while are handling this matter in the conference room.” “是啊,悠酱他昨天在Cube公司那边唱歌的视频被人传到网上了。小佳乃和加藤同学要求他登记版权,他们三个这会儿正在会议室处理这件事。” Video that master sang!? Deceived people? Where? I want to look that I want to look!” “师傅唱歌的视频!?骗人?在哪里?我想看我想看!” On YouTube, you searched for «Dumpling Respected family» can find.” “YouTube上面,你搜《团子大家族》就能找到了。” Good ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “好~~~~~” Therefore happy really by puts on the earphone immediately, is fiddling with the cell phone. 于是相乐真由立马戴上耳机,对着手机捣鼓起来。 Utaha looks at the work table, in the Eriri sketch this on the moment, asked: „...... Sawamura, what are you drawing?” 诗羽把目光投向工作台,在英梨梨的素描本上驻留片刻,问道:“……泽村,你这是在画什么?” „...... What does not have.” Eriri drank coffee, not salty not pale say/way: I relax in the picture informal essay.” “……什么也没有。”英梨梨喝了一口咖啡,不咸不淡道:“我只是在画随笔放松。” „?” Utaha sits down on nearby seat, raises the brow tip to visit her, in other words, you no progress in original?” “哦?”诗羽在旁边的位子上坐下,扬起眉梢看着她,“换句话说,你在原画上还是没什么进展吧?” You quarrelled, do not manage me.” “你吵死了,不要管我。” Oh, even if this situation said that you as if still have no significance...... to be inferior you told me looked what you are worrying, perhaps I can give you to select the suggestion?” “唉,这种情况就算说你似乎也没什么意义……不如你跟我说说看你在烦恼什么吧,或许我能给你点建议呢?” You do not understand to draw.” “你又不懂画画。” I for the time being am also a creator, something are exchange essentially, you did not say how to know?” “我姑且也是一名创作者,有些东西在本质上都是互通的,你不说怎么知道?” „......” “……” Eriri drank several coffee, hesitant a while, gives a thought to about his inquiry: 英梨梨又喝了几口咖啡,犹豫一会儿,顾左右而言他地询问: That......, if, I meant if, you meet does not have the inspiration the time can what to do?” “那……假如,我是说假如,你遇到没灵感的时候会怎么办?” For example you want to buoy up obviously very much, is creating very much desperately diligently, the thing that but writes how is actually not able to be satisfied by oneself, for this reason you will not even be able to bear suspect oneself......” “比如说你明明很想要振作,也很拼命地在努力创作,但写出来的东西却怎样都无法让自己满意,为此你甚至会忍不住怀疑自己……” How...... you to do like this kind of time......?” “像这种时候……你都是怎么做的……?” Utaha deeply looks at her one eyes, then lowers the head to ponder slightly, crossed raised the head a while. 诗羽深深看她一眼,而后略微低下头思考起来,过了好一阵子才抬起头。 Before this issue......, if place, I chat or go out with my editor to select material anything. “关于这个问题……如果放在以前,我会跟我的编辑聊聊或者外出取材什么的。 Present words, so long as Yu-chan is willing to treat me gently, my inspiration will emerge continuously? ” 现在的话,只要悠酱肯温柔地对待我,我的灵感就会源源不断地涌现而出哦?” Eriri frowns, muttered: I thought most likely (80%) that you will emerge are not the inspiration, but is other gadget?” 英梨梨皱起眉头,咕哝道:“我看你会涌现出来的八成不是什么灵感,而是其他玩意儿吧?” „...... The erotic author of picture ice with humanities is such puzzled character and style, each words lower reaches that said that will be only worrying her in the future social life.” “……画凌同人本的情色作者就是这么不解风情,说出来的每句话都下流至极,只会让人担心她往后的社会生活呢。” I do not want to be written to write the fashion to become the model student, a stamp exploded found that immersed the doing one -man show authoress radically in erotic delusion such says!” “我才不想被执笔写作时装成模范生,一戳爆才发现根本是沉浸在情色妄想中的闷骚女作者那样说呢!” „...... My good intention listens attentively to your worry, you such to me?” “……我好心好意地倾听你的烦恼,你就这么对我?” Who called you intentionally with that tone speech that made one misunderstand . Moreover the reveal embarked the spring face!” “谁叫你故意用那种让人误会的语气讲话,而且还露出发春的脸啦!” „...... I do not know that you are saying anything, does not remember that I make that ashamed face...... to cough, in brief-” “……我不知道你在说什么,也不记得我有做过那种羞耻的脸……咳,总而言之-” Utaha being loaded with the mug of coffee puts on the table, implored the tone: Your condition I understood on the whole. Simply speaking, Sawamura were you fall into the bottleneck period?” 诗羽把装有咖啡的马克杯搁在桌上,吁了口气:“你的状态我大体上明白了。简单来说,泽村你这是陷入瓶颈期了吧?” The Eriri putting on a serious face hole, closes the lip. 英梨梨板起脸孔,闭上嘴唇。 Utaha looks at the action that she buries head in the sand, funnily slightly is somewhat excessive, hesitation moment. 诗羽看着她掩耳盗铃的举动,有些好笑地稍稍偏过头,沉吟片刻。 Un ~ to be honest, this aspect I have no good suggestion to you, this matter must depend on itself very to pass eventually. “嗯~老实说,这方面我没什么太好的建议能给你,这种事终究还是要靠自己挺过去。 Falls from the sky or the bath hot rebirth all looks at yourself, others cannot help. This is the process that each creator must undergo. ” 到底是就此陨落还是浴火重生全看你自己,别人是帮不上忙的。这是每个创作者都要经历的过程。” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 „...... A tone of your why seasoned person? You wrote a work! Where comes that deep sensibility?” “啧……你干嘛一副过来人的口吻?你才写了一部作品而已吧!哪来那么深的感悟?” Facing the question of Eriri, Utaha dangles slightly a pupil, replied in a soft voice. 面对英梨梨的质疑,诗羽稍稍垂下眼眸,轻声回答。 „...... Senses this type of thing only to be experienced to affect , there is nothing to do with other. “……感悟这种东西只受经历影响,和其他无关。 To me, was only pursues the Yu-chan process to experience many pain. 对我而言,光是追求悠酱的过程就已经经历过很多痛苦了。 Compared with that matter, the bottleneck of creation is not worth mentioning. ” 跟那种事情比起来,创作的瓶颈根本不值一提。” Kasumigaoka Utaha...... you......” Eriri are looking at her dumbfounded, the expression somewhat changes countenance. 霞之丘诗羽……你……”英梨梨哑口无言地望着她,表情有些动容。 ~ for the time being first did not discuss that some do not have.” “嘛~姑且先不谈那些有的没的。” Utaha waves superficially, uncovers the topic that this has a little felt sad. 诗羽轻描淡写地挥挥手,揭过这个有点心酸的话题。 You have not at least given up now diligently is a good deed. As for the bottleneck period, waited for the time to naturally to break through.” “至少你现在还没放弃努力就是一件好事。至于瓶颈期,等时机到了自然会突破的。” „...... What.” Eriri the face was saying painstakingly: Your this saying with has not said is the same, holds me of anticipation to you arbitrarily is really a fool!” “……什么嘛。”英梨梨苦着脸说:“你这话根本就和没说一样嘛,擅自对你抱有期待的我真是一个傻瓜!” ~ I am very earnest? To our such creators, most fearful is not the pressure, but takes seriously the person tolerates with self- to give up constantly?” “啊啦~我可是很认真的哦?对我们这样的创作者而言,最可怕的不是压力,而是重视之人的一味纵容和自我放弃哦?” „...... What meaning?” “……什么意思?” Meaning is, your I am that external pressure on be bigger, more can be stimulated the potential the type, power that then will otherwise go all out deficient.” “意思就是,你我都属于那种外部压力越大,就越能被激发出潜力的类型,反之则会缺乏锐意进取的动力。” Utaha makes the statement calmly. 诗羽冷静地做出陈述。 Is good because of being Yu-chan he has not spoiled your plan in this aspect, but you have not given up diligently. “好在是悠酱他没有在这方面娇惯你的打算,而你也没有放弃努力。 Wasn't this good? 这不就好了吗? So long as you two can stay this condition to get down, your bottleneck period will break through sooner or later. 只要你们两个能一直保持这个状态下去,你的瓶颈期迟早是会突破的。 The present words can only say that the time has not arrived, how you worry even again still uselessly, might as well put with ease. ” 现在的话只能说时机还没到,你就算再怎么烦恼也没用,还不如放轻松一点。” Time......” “时机……” Eriri is reading this glossary gently, is lost in thought. 英梨梨轻轻念着这个词汇,陷入沉思。 At this time, happy really by loudly calls out suddenly. 这时,相乐真由忽然大叫一声。 ~ is the lotus sees the elder sister also to have Miss Katou, did you come? I heard from rosy cloud poem child teacher, did you apply for the music copyright?” “啊~是莲见姐还有加藤小姐,你们来了呀?我从霞诗子老师这边听说了,你们申请好音乐版权了吗?” The accession to office, was asked two people of name to walk together. 办公室入口,被叫到名字的两人一起走进来。 The lotus sees good was child answered happily really by the issue. 莲见佳乃子回答了相乐真由的问题。 Un ~, although spent a time, but submitted finally all materials, was and other that side the patent halls verifies.” “嗯~虽然花了点时间,但总算是把所有资料都提交上去了,接下来就是等专利厅那边审核。” Actually she received the contact of benefit after yesterday is starting preparing this matter, the material that because needs to fill were quite many, drags today. 其实她从昨天收到惠的联络后就在着手准备这件事,不过由于需要填写的资料比较多,才拖到今天。 Happy by was also really said: Right, I just looked at that video that the master he online sang, everyone in commentary area reaches an agreement to be possible the hobby to be of pleasant to hear!” 相乐真由又说:“对了,我刚刚看了师傅他在网上唱歌的那段视频,评论区里的大家都说好可爱好好听!” This answering person is the benefit. 这次搭腔的人是惠。 That ~ first did not say that " good of pleasant to hear " appraisal, will say " good cute " probably is a girl?” “那个~先不说那个「好好听」的评价,会说「好可爱」的大概都是女孩子吧?” Right, is such! Moreover most people are the members of master that backing group ~!” “对对,就是那样!而且其中大部分人都是师傅那个后援团的成员~!” Un ~ I guess that is also.” “嗯~我猜也是。” „......” “……” Utaha looked at the entrance direction, wonders saying: Small good is, Yu-chan others?” 诗羽看了眼入口方向,纳闷道:“小佳乃,悠酱他人呢?” Katou-kun words also in conference room.” 加藤君的话还在会议室。” The lotus sees good is child gives the explanation with a smile. 莲见佳乃子笑着做出解释。 That side the Cube Corporation person is talking over the telephone with him, probably found the staff of that leak video, they are consulting now handle this matter. Under Katou-kun should wait to come.” “Cube公司那边的人在跟他通话,好像找到了那个外泄视频的员工,他们现在正在协商处理这件事。加藤君应该等下就来了。” Utaha nods gently expresses the understanding, then continues to elucidate Eriri, is playing the intimate big sister's role. 诗羽轻轻颔首表示了解,然后继续开解起英梨梨,扮演着知心大姐姐的角色。 ...... ……
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