Chapter 631valentine dayandchocolate
The dayflashes by.
The timeenters in mid Februaryquickly.
时间很快进入二月中旬。Wintercoldas beforestern, whenever the drynorth windhas blown, the glassclick of windowwill make noise.
The classroom of midday rest, the temperatureas ifdropped.
午休时分的教室,气温似乎又下降了些。Is goodholdsin the dualin addition of warm airandair conditioningbecause of the backing, the indoorwarm feelingis instead full, making one just likehas the misconception that the typespringarrives atahead of time.
好在依托于暖气与空调的双重加持,室内反而暖意十足,让人恍若有种春天提前降临的错觉。In view of the fact that after the spring beginning, over the past ten days, suchviewas ifalsohas no issue.
鉴于立春之后已经过去十天,这样的说法似乎也没有什么问题。In the classroomalsoscatters the atmosphere that the springis arriving.
The male studentsorkeeprunning back and forth in confusionin the classroom, orsitson the seatdisturbedglances right and left. The population that goes to the cafeteriato eat mealgreatlyreduces, in the classfillsoneto move restlesslyindistinctly.
男生们或是不停在教室里乱晃,或是心绪不宁地坐在座位上左顾右盼。去食堂吃饭的人数大为减少,班上隐隐约约弥漫着一股躁动。Duringshortest the monthasoneyear, hasownunique merit in February/two months, thatis-
作为一年之中最短的月份,二月却也有着自己的独特之处,那就是-„Isaid that Isaid~today'svalentine day did youprepare the chocolate?”
“我说我说~今天的情人节你们准备巧克力了吗?”Girl'scheerfulvoiceresounds, makingmanydrowsymale studentshear the spiritto inspire, deliberatelyexudes the loud and clearconversationsound.
女孩子欢快的嗓音响起,让不少昏昏欲睡的男生听得精神一振,刻意发出洪亮的交谈声。„, Does not know how to do, suddenlythought that wantsto eat a sweetthing, ifat this timehadthattooto be good.”
“啊啊,不知怎么搞的,突然觉得很想吃点甜的东西,这种时候要是有那个就太棒了。”Somemale studentprovokes the hairwhile said that changed several other male studentsto strike with force the thighto express the support, echoed.
某个男生一边拨弄头发一边说道,换来其他几名男生猛拍大腿表示赞同,附和起来。„Very much so!”
“是那个吧!”„You want to say that right!”
It looks like frogandsnake that revivesfrom the hibernation.
就像是从冬眠中苏醒过来的青蛙与蛇。Male studentsyouhave a look atmymeto have a look atyou, flirts with the eyesunceasingly, thensaid the answertacitlyfullysimultaneously.
男生们你看看我我看看伱,不断地眉来眼去,然后默契十足地同声道出答案。„„ „ For example...... chocolateand so on?” ” ”
A wordssayingended, everyonethenshowed " didwell " the expressiontoeach otherto signal with the eyes, immediatelyshape, iflookedat willsecretlyto the female student, the facecolor on anticipationcan be seen in speech and appearance.
“……哈?”Underatmosphere that inso the feelings of loveripple, firstprovokes the thread of conversationinwrinkles the browfragrantundisguisedly, intersectedtwoarmsin the chest frontcomparedoneX.
在如此春心荡漾的气氛下,最先挑起话头的里香露骨地皱紧眉头,将两臂交叉于胸前比了一个X。„What do your group of male studentsthink sousto make? Beforehandreaches an agreement, Ihave the boyfriend, that thereforechocolateanything'sbeing hopeless, mostcomfortstoyou.”
“你们这群男生这么看着我们做什么?事先说好,我已经有男朋友了,所以巧克力什么的没戏,最多给你们安慰的那种。”Thousandgenerationsalsoraise a handgrinningly, „I am also ~sorry.”
The male studentsremain unmoved, the visionvaguelyandstaresrigidinfinally...... not, orstaresongoal that intheymostcare about.
男生们对此不为所动,目光隐晦又执着地盯在最后……不,或者说盯在他们最为关心的目标身上。On the classroomfrontseatby the window, an appearancecuteyoung girlpartlyis lying down by thousandgenerations of bosoms.
教室前排靠窗的座位上,一名容貌可爱的少女正半躺着靠在千代怀里。Shehas the richglossmild-manneredshort hair, the snow whiteflesh, the smallface, the slenderfour limbs, as well as a paircovers, in the purewhitecrosses the charmingthigh under kneesock. The whole personis commonlike the small creature, is very easyto arouse the masculineprotectiondesire.
她有着富有光泽的柔顺短发,雪白的肌肤,小小的脸,纤细的四肢,以及一双覆盖在纯白色过膝袜下的迷人大腿。整个人就像小动物一般,很容易激起男性的保护欲。Butissuch a delicate and exquisitefemale student, haswith the cheekis completely incompatibleandalsomakes the chest that oneis choked up with emotions.
可就是这样一名娇小玲珑的女生,却有着与脸蛋完全不符、又叫人心潮澎湃的胸部。Bothconstitute the inconceivablecontrast, sends out the intenseexistencefeeling.
两者构成不可思议的反差,散发出强烈的存在感。At this moment the almostmore than 50%male students, are staring atthatyoung girlsecretly.
“哇哦~”Thousandgenerationsexpress the exclamationaffectedly, to the female student who hugsin the bosomsaidgrinningly: „Everyoneis visitingyou, smallfragrant?”
The newstripfragrancecomplied withonebriefly, the naivetefacial featureswas joined to the softglutinousvoice, causing the male studentswasoneshouts and wrangles.
“哦呼!”„Newstripschoolmateis quite lovable.”
“新条同学好可爱。”„Probably the puppet is the same.”
“好像玩偶一样。”„Iam also good to hug.”
“我也好想抱。”„Simplyis the angel.”
“简直是天使。”„Althoughspeakssometimes will be very severe, but the angel of venomous tonguedepartmentalsogood.”
“虽然有时说话会很严厉,不过毒舌系的天使也好棒。”„Hateful, is goodto want the newstripschoolmate'schocolate.”
“……”Also is not only their group of people.
也不光是他们这一群人。Actually the entireclassroomis brimming withlike this warmaura and delusion, as if everyone was anticipating that whosecanreceive the chocolatefromthere.
其实整间教室都洋溢着这样的温暖气息与妄想,似乎每个人都在期待能从谁那里收到巧克力。„- Isaid! That sidemale students.”
“-我说!那边的男生们。”Inboth handsinsert the waistfragrantimmodestly, todid not say the aspirationmale studentto show the whites of the eyescarefully.
里香不客气地双手插腰,冲着不小心说出心声的男生翻起白眼。„Urgedyouto lose heart, the newstripschoolmatewasnot possibleto deliver the chocolatetoyou, can therefore not stare here again? Thisreallyverystupid, dispersesquickly.”
The male students who were punctured the concern cannot help but startled, risesto blushto look at each other in blank dismayin abundance.
被戳破心事的男生们不由得一怔,纷纷涨红了脸面面相觑起来。Somepeopledo not lose heartwantto refute12, but the attention on classhas all gatheredat this time, they must close the mouthresentfully, scatters in a panicawkwardly.
有人不死心地想要反驳一二,不过此时班上的注意力已经全都汇聚过来,他们也只得悻悻闭上嘴巴,尴尬地做鸟兽散。Being noisyinstantaneouslybecomespure.
闹哄哄的局面瞬间变得清净。„In is smallfragrantquitecharming~!”
“小里香好帅气~!”Thousandgenerations„squirtsquirt~”racket, infragrant does not siton the latterrow of school deskpatiently.
千代“啪唧啪唧~”地拍着手,里香则是不耐烦地一屁股坐在后一排的课桌上。„, Thisgroup of male students are really, radicallyis the stupidandnaiveanimal.”
“啊啊,这群男生真是的,根本就是愚蠢又天真的动物嘛。”„...... Said that iswhatanimal, were theyalsotooprobably pitiful?”
“呃……说是动物什么的,他们好像也太可怜了吧?”„Snort, whocalledthem is so optimistic? Wantsinmost lovable the femalepoor handfromourclassto receive the chocolate, how is thatpossible?”
“哼,谁叫他们那么乐观?想从我们班上最可爱的女生手里收到巧克力,那怎么可能呢?”„Iunderstandmeto understand, the smallfragrantbashfulnessis small, is very cute.”
“我懂我懂,小香的脸小小的,真的很可爱呢。”„~ ~ ~wherehasthismatter?”
“诶~~~哪有这回事啦?”Newstripfragranceis brushing the friendcircle, whilespoke thoughtlesslyto respond toteasing of twofriends, nohappyappearance.
新条香一边刷着朋友圈,一边随口回应着两名朋友的调侃,没什么高兴的样子。„Well, is not rightis not right~? Shouldn't herebethisresponse?”
“咦咦,不对吧不对吧~?这里不该是这种反应吧?”Thousandsubstitutionexaggeratingexpressionsare saying, andplaysusesfingerlightstamphercheeksnoisily.
千代用夸张的语气说着,并玩闹地用手指轻戳一下她的脸颊。„Waah! Thiswhat!? The smallfragrantfaceis softandslippery! Ultracomfortable!”
“哇啊!这什么!?小香的脸又软又滑的!超舒服!”Inwaits and seesthemto interactfragrant, inserted the sentencelooking pensive.
里香观望着她们互动,若有所思地插了句。„Then, did not think that the newstriprecentskinwas probably getting better and better?”
“这么说来,不觉得新条最近的皮肤好像越来越好了吗?”„Somehave! Ultrahas! Simplylikeyoungbaby!”
“有的有的!超有的!简直就像小婴儿一样!”„Well, is so exaggerating?”
“咦,有那么夸张吗?”„Notexaggerating! In the words that does not believeare smallare fragrantyoualsoto patlook.”
“才没有夸张!不信的话小里香你也摸摸看。”„Oh~mynon-guest...... wú!? Pulled! Soto be how comfortable, felt that like touching the pearl?”
“喔~那我就不客……唔哇!?太扯了!怎么会这么舒服,感觉就像在摸珍珠?”„Rightright? Quiteinconceivable, moreoveronheralsofragrantsoft, good to bring back to the home~”
“对吧对吧?好不可思议,而且她身上还香香的软软的,好想带回家喔~”„Hey, you twonoisilyenough?”
“喂,你们两个闹够了没?”„No, is slow, the newstrip, whatnewskin appliances did youuse? Alsorecommendstous!”
“不,慢着、新条,你是用了什么新的护肤品吗?也给我们推荐一下嘛!”„The words that mustspeak are also the cleanser and beauty cream.”
“要说的话也就是洗面奶和美容霜吧。”„Deceived people, only by doing so?”
“骗人,只有这样?”„Only thenthis.”
“只有这样喔。”„Whatyouuseiswhatsign? Ilateralsobuyto come to see.”
“那你用的是什么牌子?我之后也去买来看看。”„, Ialsowantmealsoto want!”
“啊,那我也要我也要!”„Before cleanserisus, has boughttogether that the words of beauty creamIdo not know.”
“洗面奶是我们之前一起买过的那款,美容霜的话我不知道。”„Doesn't know??”
The newstripfragranceun a nod, raises the corners of the mouthlonely.
新条香嗯地一声点头,寂寞地扬起嘴角。„Because, thatismy fathergivesmygift, abovehas not writtenanymarking, thereforeIdo not know.”
“因为,那是我的爸爸送我的礼物,上面也没有写任何标识,所以我不知道。”„„...... What-?” ”
““……什么-?””Infragrantandonthousandgenerations of headsemits the innumerablequestion marks.
里香和千代的脑袋上冒出无数个问号。„Isaid that newstrip......”
“我说啊,新条……”„Youdid not say are one single-parent family......?”
The newstripfragranceheld the bellyto smile, the chest frontHami melon also vibrated, affected the innumerableeyeballs.
新条香抱着肚子笑了起来,胸前的哈密瓜也随之而抖动,牵动了无数眼球。„After the words that does not believeIcanwaitto go home, issuesyouthatthingphotograph, butIdid not guarantee that canbuy?”
“是真的啦,不信的话我可以等回家后把那个东西拍照发给你们,不过我不保证能不能买到哦?”„Quitehateful, is slightly fragrantyouto make fun ofpersonradically, looksto incur~!”
“好可恶,小香你根本是在捉弄人耶,看招~!”„In a good moodperson, calculates that mywas good!”
“好气人,也算我一个好了!”Was sayingthousandgenerationsclampherneck in fragrantone, anotherstartsflexureto be itchyfuriously.
这么说着的千代和里香一个夹紧她的脖子,另一个则是气哼哼地开始挠痒。Threepeoplemakeonegroupnoisily, sends outintermittentbellsmilestenderly, finallyfinallyis defeated is actually-
三人闹做一团,发出阵阵银铃似的娇笑,结果最后败下阵来的却是-„„- It is not ableto accept.” ”
““-无法接受。””Thousandgenerationsfragrantstunnedlook in easilysuppresstheirnewstripfragrances, saidpantingly.
千代与里香一脸错愕地看着轻易压制她们的新条香,气喘吁吁地说了起来。„Smallthousand, youhave seen that petiteandcutefemale student, hasdoes not lose the male studentstrength the example?”
“小千,你有见过那种娇小又可爱的女生,却有着不输男生力气的例子吗?”„Completelyno! Ijustbysmallheld the wrist/skillfragrant the time, almostthinkswhatoneselffacedwas the male student.”
“完全没有!我刚刚被小香抓住手腕的时候,差一点以为自己面对的是男生。”„Do youbreak off the words of wrist/skill to winwithher? Sheseems like the male studentis fiercer.”
“你跟她掰手腕的话能赢吗?她看起来好像比男生还猛。”„Are youput saltinotherswoundintentionally?”
“你是故意在人家伤口上撒盐吗?”„OK, does not fightwill not lose, wesurrender, smallthousand.”
“OK,不战就不会输,我们投降吧,小千。”„Does, is small the fragrance.”
“就那么做,小里香。”„What are youspeaking irresponsibly?”
The newstripfragranceis casting a sidelong glanceslantinglytwosinging a duetfriends, does not pull upinplayingnoisilyis entrainedto the shoulderfollowingcoat, stretches oneselflazy.
新条香斜睨着两名一唱一和的朋友,也不拉起在玩闹中被拽到肩膀下面的外套,就那么慵懒地伸了个懒腰。Character and style that flashreveals, including was also girl'sthousandgenerationsfragranthas the momentto be absent-minded in.
那一瞬间所流露出来的风情,连同样身为女孩子的千代与里香都有了片刻恍惚。„Alwaysthought that...... smallfragrantwithchangedresembledcompletelypersonally.”
“总觉得……小香就跟完全变了个人似的。”„Really! The words that gets downagain, the popularity of newstripwill perhaps also rise, attains the abundantMissZaki'stitleat the nextschool anniversary.”
“真的!再这么下去的话,新条的人气没准还会上升,在下次的校庆上拿到丰之崎小姐的头衔呢。”„Wú~ this little...... Iheardprobablycontinually the male students of manyhigher grades, todayrunsto separate the classto talktoSawamura-sanespecially, everyoneis competing withherchocolate.”
“唔~这个好像有点……我听说连很多高年级的男生,今天都特地跑去隔班向泽村同学搭话了,大家都在竞争她的巧克力呢。”„Thatperson......, althoughsaidlike this littleis unfair to the newstrip, butIhave not truly seenhave also wanted the attractivefemale studentcompared withSawamura-san, but the newstripisbelongscutetype, therefore are not related completely.”
“那个人啊……虽然这样说有点对不起新条,但我确实没见过比泽村同学还要漂亮的女生,不过新条是属于可爱类型的啦,所以完全没关系。”„Actually do youhave no needto comfortmetactfully?”
The newstripfragrancewith a smileis crooked the head, joins the dialogue.
新条香笑吟吟地歪着脑袋,加入对话。„Sawamura-sanshenot only the personcute, but also the character is also very easygetting along with, was welcomeis very normalmatter. Iwas clear that mystandpoint, has not thoughtmustcompete withanythingwithher.”
“泽村同学她不仅人长得可爱,而且性格也很好相处,受人欢迎是很正常的事。我清楚自己的立场,没想过要和她竞争什么。”„„......” ”
““……””Thousandgenerationslook in fragranttoeach other, seefrom the opposite partyeyeswipesurprisedly.
The newstripfragrancehas not managedthemto thinkanything, puts outseveralbeautifully packagedsfromowndrawer the chocolate, is placedon the table.
新条香没管她们在想什么,从自己的抽屉里拿出数个包装精美的巧克力,摆在桌上。„On the other hand, Ireceivesomechocolatefromothersthat sidetoday, do youwantto electto take away?”
“话说回来,我今天从别人那边收到了一些巧克力,你们要选一些拿走吗?”„„ Others?” ”
““别人?””„Un, after all amn't Ibeing the propaganda and disciplinecommittee member of student association? Deliveredmein the girl who in the workoftencommunicated the chocolate.”
“嗯,毕竟我不是在做学生会的宣传和风纪委员吗?一些在工作中常来往的女孩子就送了我巧克力。”„Originallyis the friendshipchocolate......” is whisperingfragrant: „Thismattermusttalk clearlyearlier, Ialsothink that somepeopledelivered your lifechocolate.”
“原来是友情巧克力啊……”里香嘀咕着:“这种事情要早点说清楚啊,我还以为有人送了你本命巧克力呢。”„, Ordinary won't no onedo? Smallinfragrance.”Thousandgenerationsare smiling bitterlycomplaining: „Receivesthislifechocolatefromhomogeneousthere, doesn't feela littlescary?”
“不不不,普通来说没人会那么做吧?小里香。”千代苦笑着吐槽:“从同性那里收到本命巧克力,不觉得有点吓人吗?”Two people said that whileis choosingto the tableonchocolate.
两人一边说,一边对着桌上的巧克力挑选起来。„......, althoughknows that is the friendshipchocolate, but the smallfragrantquantity received are really many, is goodto envy.”
“嘛……虽然知道是友情巧克力,但小香收到的数量还真多,好羡慕。”„Really...... words saying that inthisalsohas the chocolate of manufacturepersonally, broughtto make the friendshipchocolatealsotooto waste?”
“真的……话说这里面还有亲手制作的巧克力啊,拿来做友情巧克力也太浪费了吧?”„~ ~ ~whatview is smallis fragrant your is?”
“诶~~~小里香你那是什么说法啦?”„Is the chocolatefeeling of because, personallymakinga little serious? If not relatewellto deliverthistype of thing...... many to understandto the person of certain extent the mood of persondoes not wantto accept.”
“因为,亲手做的巧克力感觉有点沉重吧?假如不是关系好到一定程度的人送这种东西……多少能理解不想收下的人的心情。”„Wú~ ~ the chocolate that thenindeed, receivesdoes not know the person who gives, the feelingis a little fearful.”
“对吧?”In the fragrantapprovalnod, looks atside.
里香赞同地点头,把目光投向旁边。„Says the newstrip, can thesechocolatereallyapportionus?”
“是说新条,这些巧克力真的可以分给我们吗?”„Un, givesyou.”
The newstripfragrancesaidcareless: „I alonecould not finish eatingin any case, youalltake awayhave not related.”
新条香漫不经心地说:“反正我一个人也吃不完,你们全部拿去也没关系。”„...... This? How do youseem likenointerestappearance?”
“……这样吗?你怎么看起来好像没什么兴致的样子?”Newstripfragrance: „It‘s nothing.”
新条香:“没什么。”Nearbythousandgenerationsthink,then a facecollectsridiculing, saidmelodious: „Wasthinks the man~?”
一旁的千代想了想,然后一脸戏谑地凑上来,抑扬顿挫道:“是想男人了吧~?”„Mustbe possible, is absolutely impossible.”
“不可能不可能,绝对不可能。”Without the masteropens the mouth, infragrantwavesagain and again.
没等主人开口,里香就连连挥起手来。„After all the newstripshealsodoes not have the boyfriend, moreover when calledshegot togetherto sayeach timehas no interest, did youngthousandyouforget?”
“是这样吗……?”Thousandgenerationsslightlyare crooked the head, looksdoes not explain the newstripfragrance, said: „But, does not get togethereven, doesn't representin the manis not interested?”
千代稍稍歪着脑袋,看着不做解释的新条香,又说:“可是,就算是不去联谊,也不代表对男人不感兴趣吧?”„Well, whatsmallthousandsaidisreal? Newstrip.”
“咦,小千说的是真的吗?新条。”„Un~ ~ ~whatis?”
The newstripfragranceis drawing the major toneambiguous, in annoysto come the fragrantdisaffection.
新条香模棱两可地拉着长音,惹来里香的不满。„To be honestIhave wantedto ask, what are newstripyourpresentmarriage requirements? Alsotoldus!”
The newstripfragrantsmiledid not speak, cannot help butthinksUtahain the friendcircle that the birthdaysenton the same day.
新条香微笑不语,不由自主地想到了诗羽在生日当天发的朋友圈。Is paying attention tothatpersonall aroundallintelligence officersas the time, she has long known that the opposite partywill surely give the Utahabirthday celebration.
作为时刻都在留意那个人周遭一切的情报官,她早就知道对方一定会给诗羽庆生。However......, whenseesthatgroup of picturesactually, shebythatexaggeratingostentationfrightening.
不过……当实际看到那组照片时,她还是被那夸张的排场给吓到了。In line withsomecurious, sheinonlineinvestigatedslightly.
本着些许好奇,她在网上稍微调查了一下。Although the helicoptersightseeingwill regard the concreterouteto charge the differentfee, butcanarrive atthatroute in Yokohamakou, the pricehas200,000.
直升机观光虽然会视具体的路线而收取不同费用,但能去到横滨港的那条路线,价格却足足有20万。Luxuriousritualcar(riage)that sidesituationis also similar, averageprice in marketapproximately about 50,000.
豪华礼车那边的情况也差不多,市场上的均价大约在5万左右。Butat first sightnot the rosegift box of eye, backgroundactuallyastonishingtobeing flabbergasted.
" ROSEGALLERY " - thatisopensin a lightextravagantflower shop in Ginza, insidecommodityis expensive.
「ROSEGALLERY」-那是开在银座的一家轻奢花店,里面的商品都价格不菲。Thatpersongives the Utahadesignisin the shopis best, the selling pricecancompare favorably with the fronthelicoptersightseeingunexpectedly, similarlyGundam/reaches as high as200,000.
那个人送给诗羽的款式是店里面最好的,售价居然可以媲美前面的直升机观光,同样高达20万。At that timesawshe who thispricestupidlyfellcompletely, evendid not attend tocalls out in alarmvividly " deceives people, thesepeopleare selling the gold!? " , Has a scare the preparing foodsmallevening.
The helicopter, the ritualcar(riage)androse, the threein additionis450,000.
直升机、礼车、玫瑰花,三者加起来就是45万。So the expenditure of great writer, obtainedactuallyonly then a fewseveralhours of scenery, reallymadeoneto be unreadable.
如此大手笔的花费,得到的却只有寥寥数小时的景色,实在叫人难以理解。Perhapshowever...... thatis onlyshehidden the old-fashionedthoughtunderenvying.
不过……那或许只是她隐藏在羡慕下面的古板念头。Somethingsarethis, the person who placesnot participatingis not always ableto realize that the mood of litigant, can only publishsomeinsignificantfeelingsthrough the picture.
有些事情就是这样,身处局外的人总是无法体会当事人的心情,只能通过照片发表一些无意义的感想。For example " an appointmentisIandsmalleveningonemonth of wages " , for example " worthilyacknowledgedname brandgirlfriend " , for example " association presidentwill remembermybirthday " and so on......
比如「一场约会就是我和小夕一个月的工资啊」,比如「不愧是被承认的正牌女友呢」,比如「会长会记得我的生日吗」之类的……Thatcould not sayissighed with emotionoranticipated, orappreciatedin the waterin the moon/monthmirror the loneliness of flower.
那说不出是感慨还是期待,又或是欣赏水中月镜中花的寂寞。Shebe irrelevantis thinkingthese, at oncefeelsto self-ridiculeforownindulging in fantasy.
她不着边际地想着这些,旋即又为自己的异想天开感到自嘲。‚~actuallycannot remember that are not related, so long asgivesotherswell a pocket moneyalso~’
The newstripfragranceis curlingownhairwith the finger, the danglingeyes, playto saypeacefully:
新条香用手指卷着自己的头发,安静地垂下双眼,玩笑着说:„Un~ ~ ~, ifsomepeopleare willingto deliverme " ROSEGALLERY " the flower of thatshop, leadsmeto ride the sightseeinghelicopter and ritualcar(riage)again, I will be very happy.”
“嗯~~~假如有人肯送我「ROSEGALLERY」那家店的花,再带我去坐观光直升机和礼车的话,我会很高兴呢。”„„- What?” ”
““-啥?””Twofriendsexuded the sillycry, thenputs out the cell phoneto searchsynchronously.
两名朋友发出了傻里傻气的叫声,接着又同步拿出手机搜索起来。After a while.
过了一会儿。„! Quiteexpensive/noble-!!”
“呜哇!好贵-!!”„Cracks a joke, thisflower shopwhat's the matter, a flowersells50,000yuanunexpectedly! Theyare selling the gold!?”
“开什么玩笑,这花店到底怎么回事,一朵花居然卖5万円!他们是在卖黄金吗!?”„In other words! However...... thisfloweris quite attractive......”
“就是说啊!不过……这花好漂亮啊……”„Hey, althoughIunderstandyourmood......”
“喂,虽然我懂你的心情……”Ingrabs the hairfragrantworriedly, spits the mortiseill-humoredly:
里香烦闷地抓着头发,没好气地吐槽道:„Newstripyou are really, wheretheserequestare the things that the ordinaryhigh-school studentcanachieve, do youwantto ask a richuncleto associate?”
The newstripfragranceblinksmischievously, the headis returningslightlysaid: „Youguess~”
“咦咦?”Seesherambiguousattitude, thousandgenerationscannot bearare covering the mouthsurprisedly, „realfalse? Is slightly fragrantyouto comereally?”
见到她暧昧的态度,千代忍不住惊讶地捂着嘴巴,“真的假的?小香你来真的?”„Howpossibly? Naturallyisdeceives people~”
The newstripfragrancegrinninglywithblocking from the sleeves of half ofpalmis covering the mouth, said: „It is a pity that compared with the uncle, Ionlylikes the staturehealthysuperbeautifulyoungster~”
新条香笑嘻嘻地用遮住一半手掌的袖子掩着嘴巴,说道:“遗憾的是,比起大叔,我只喜欢身材健美的超级美少年呢~”„...... Yourthislikingdoes not make fun of the placeor the same as usual of person.”
“唔哇……你这种喜欢捉弄人的地方还是老样子。”Thousandgenerations of facescannot bear the opens the mouthsaid:
千代一脸受不了似的开口道:„Iflet alonereallyhas the unicornman of thathigh standard, had been snatched the brokenheadradically, looking likePresidentKatou is the same.”
In her word of having no interestcausesfragrantalsoto send out the disappointedsigh.
她的无心之言使得里香也发出怅然的叹息。„I.e . PresidentKatouhein the characterlikereality, thatprincedoes not bringto watchsimplywell, the average persondoes not have the opportunity.”
“就是说啊。加藤会长他简直不像现实里的人物,那种王子拿来观赏一下就好啦,普通人是没机会的。”„, But...... ifby some chancemyluckis very good, even ifcannot obtainhisheart, canobtainhisbody is still good~”
“啊,不过……万一要是我的运气很好,就算得不到他的心,能得到他的身体也不错呀~”„Smiles! Whatdaydream are youngthousandyouhaving? Youthink that you do have the newstripto be equally lovable?”
The newstripfragrancesmilesto look attwo people, in the heartis actually thinking the completelyunrelatedmatter.
新条香笑望着两人,心中却想着完全不相干的事情。‚Next weekend when aboutsleeping, having the opportunitycanenroll in supplementary lessonswith the association president......’
‘下周末的合宿时,有没有机会能和会长一起补习呢……’At this moment, the back door of classroomtransmits the uncomfortablebigvoicesuddenly.
就在这时,教室的后门忽然传来不爽的大嗓门。„- Hateful, Katou your fellow, is a from head to tailbastard!”
( Owesmanuscriptprogress6 / 9)
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