The young girlsstand upfrom the benchindignantly, knocks onsomethingedge that the thumb of both hands the skirtarranges.
少女气愤不已地从长椅上站起,将双手的大拇指叩进裙摆下的某物边缘。Thenbends the waist, curls the even/includingpantyhose on legslipperyis escapingdownward.
“诗、诗羽学姐??”„Shut up, givesmylittle darlingto wait!”
“闭嘴,给我乖乖等着!”„Whatmustwait for-!?”
“要等什么啊-!?”Had a premonition that not wonderfulKatou Yusukeis looking around, is a little ready to make trouble.
预感到不妙的加藤悠介四下张望着,有点蠢蠢欲动。„- Words that daresto run, Ido not forgiveyou!”
“-敢跑的话,我绝不饶你!”„Whythereforeyouactuallydo want?!”
“所以你到底想干吗啊?!”Utahacoldsnort/hum, pays no attention tohim.诗羽冷哼一声,也不理他。Sits downon the benchagain, „dá” a treadfalls the shoes, grips fastto entraincompletelyfrom the footto the sock of calfplace, is outstanding a pair of shapeexquisitesnowfoot.
重新在长椅上坐下,“啪哒”一声蹬掉鞋子,把滑至小腿处的袜子从脚上完全拽下去,秀出一双形状优美的雪足。Under the gaze of Katou Yusuke, shewears the shoesbarefoot, is calm and composed even in press of workstands up, arrives in front ofhim.
在加藤悠介的注视下,她就那么光着脚重新穿上鞋子,而后又好整以暇地站起身,走到他面前。„Shuts the eye, Yu-chan.”
The young girlboth handslinkchest, looks athimexhaltedly, in the handstillalsograbsthatgroup of silk stockings.
咕都……Somebodyswallowssalivadifficultly, the visionhas swepton the presentwhite and tenderthigh, disturbedsay/way: „Whycanclose one's eyes......?”
某人艰难地咽下一口口水,目光在眼前的白嫩大腿上扫过,忐忑道:“为什么要闭上眼……?”„Do youdo?”Utahais narrowing the eye, coldlysaid, the bodysends outdangerousdensecold air.
“…………”Katou Yusukecoughed, confessed that is a being adaptable to the situationperson, althougha littlehesitates, but the little darlingcomplied.加藤悠介咳嗽了一声,自认是一个能屈能伸的人,虽然有点犹豫,不过还是乖乖照做了。
The nextsecond that the field of visiongrow darks, the newordermade a sound.
视野变黑的下一秒,新的命令又响了起来。„- Opens the mouth.”
“-把嘴巴张开。”„Under, youshouldnot want......”
“等下、你该不会是要……”„- Hurry up! Ifyoualsoacknowledged that Iamyourgirlfriend!”
“-快点!如果你还承认我是你的女朋友!”„Thisistwo matters-!?”
“这是两码事吧-!?”„Youdo, doesn't do?”
The voice of young girlfillssuddenlyearnestly, somebodyinstantis dumbfounded.
After crossing for threeandfourseconds,......
The Katou Yusukehumiliationsqueezes outthisreplyfrom the throat, thensteels one's heart, opens mouthsilently.加藤悠介屈辱地从喉咙里挤出这一回答,接着把心一横,默默张开嘴。„...... Goodcleverquiteclever.”
A handfeelshisheadgently, commends.
一只手轻轻摸着他的头,以示赞许。„Was OK?”
沙沙、沙沙~„It is not good! Opens, then the leans forwardbody the mouthagainlowers the head.”
“还不行!把嘴巴再张开一点,然后前倾身体低下头。”Ifthere isfragranceto flutter, has the slighttemperature that resemblednot to have, as well asundulatingseemed the leatherflavor.
“…………”Things have gotten to this point, Katou Yusukealsono longerrevoltssimply, the bodygoes into actionstifflyaccording toopposite party'sinstruction.
事已至此,加藤悠介索性也不再反抗,就那么身体僵硬地按照对方的吩咐行动起来。At this moment, the time seemed elongatedinfinitely.
这一刻,时间彷佛被无限拉长。Onetypejust like the prisonerbeforebeing executed the void and sense of desperation, suddenlyraisesfrom the heart.
一种犹如囚犯在被行刑前的空虚感与绝望感,蓦然自心头升起。What do the opposite partyactuallywantto make?
对方到底想做什么?Associatestothatpair of taken offeven/includingpantyhose, as well asUtahajustthata series ofmovement......
The answeringtuart of issue does not seem difficultto explain, evenhas reappearedfaintlyin the mind.
问题的答桉似乎并不难解答,甚至已经隐隐浮现在脑海。Then, with...... was thrownby a beautiful young girlfeeds, is actually whatexperiences?
那么,被一名美少女用……来投喂,究竟是什么体验呢?In the sound of xixisusu, Katou Yusukecanbe clear the sensationtopulling closer of distance.
窸窸窣窣的动静中,加藤悠介能够清晰得感知到彼此间距离的拉近。Meanwhile, placeshisheadhandalsoto presshimdownward.
Very warmandsofttouchupwellsfrom the lip, sends out the delicate fragranceobjectto shootsleek/moist.
…Not onlyhas not imagined the roughfrostingfeeling, insteadis mildandexquisite, andbringsto make the will of the peoplelive the smoothnessandcompact of vacillation.
不仅没有想象中粗糙的磨砂感,反而温润又细腻,并带着让人心生动摇的光滑与紧致。Heprobes, the feeling of feeding backwith the tip of tonguesubconsciouslymildlylike the jade, such as the silkis smooth.
他下意识地用舌尖去试探,反馈回来的感觉温润如玉,如丝般柔滑。„Snort~ ~ ~......”
The young girlsdo not know why exudesonelightly, the voicetrembleslightly: „Yu-chan...... sexual harasser......”
少女不知为何发出一声轻哼,话音轻颤:“悠酱……色狼……”In the Katou Yusukeheartthump, does not dareto moveimmediatelyagain, asks: „...... Studyelder sister'spractical jokeended, can Iopen eyes?”加藤悠介心中咯噔一下,立时不敢再动,问道:“……学姐的恶作剧结束了吗,我能睁眼了吗?”„Hehe~Ido not dislike your obedientappearance, youcanopen eyes.”
“呵呵~我不讨厌你这种乖乖的样子呢,你可以睁眼了。”Thereforeheopens the eyeimmediately.
“咦……?”Reflectspleasant, issuch as the milkgenerallyfairthighflesh, in whichscrappositionslightlymoist, the sizejusttalliesopens mouth.
映入眼中的,是如牛奶一般白皙的大腿肌肤,其中的一小块位置上微微湿润,大小刚好符合一张嘴。Hiseyechildis contracting, dullon the spot.
他的眼童收缩着,不由呆愣在原地。Utahais smilinghappily, puts down the leg that liftsleisurely, probably is very satisfiedhisresponse.诗羽开心地笑着,慢条斯理地放下抬起来的腿,像是很满意他的反应。Afterwardridiculeswas asking: „Yu-chanyou, is notdoes not likemybody, soto have been why aloof?”
随后揶揄着问:“悠酱你,也不是不喜欢我的身体嘛,干嘛一直这么无动于衷?”ThissayingmakesKatou Yusukeget back one's composuresuddenly, thencannot bearlook the forced smile.
这话让加藤悠介恍然回神,接着忍不住面露苦笑。Hetouches the noseawkwardly, withoutspeech.
The young girlsdelete the watermark on thighwith the silk stockingsgently, continued: „OriginallyIam angryvery much, is thinkingmustletyourowninstep, butthistimeeven~corresponding-”
少女用丝袜轻轻擦去大腿上的水迹,又继续说:“本来我是很生气的,想着要不要让你亲脚背的,不过这次就算了吧~相应的-”Onegroup of warmmuslinsforced in hishand.
The ponderedvoicemakes noiseagainspookily: „Receiveswellthis, does not permitto lose, will otherwise Ireally give you penalty?? Yu-chan.”
“惩罚……么……”Katou Yusuke the thingis mutteringto the hand, suddenly a somewhatsurpriseddiscoveryfact.加藤悠介对着手中之物喃喃自语道,忽然有些惊讶的发现一个事实。Again and againgets down, he seems to have been familiar with receivethisgiftfromUtaha.
三番五次下来,他似乎已经习惯从诗羽那边收到这种礼物了。Has tosigh with emotion the custom is really a fearfulstrength, makingonebe inspired.
不得不感慨习惯真是一种可怕的力量,令人心生敬畏。But the issueis-
可问题是-„Schoolalsohasafternoontwoclasses, behind the things of somestudent associations...... during this period, where can Ireceivethisam good?”
“那是你的问题。”Utaha not saltydid not saypeacefully, resumeda moment agothatkeeping alooffeeling.诗羽不咸不澹地说,又恢复成了刚才那种高高在上的感觉。Words that „ mustspeak, Ijustcanadmit the Yu-chanmouthit, butIhave not actually donefinally, should youunderstandmysympathizing?
“要说的话,我刚刚是可以把它放进悠酱嘴里呢,但是我最后却没那么做,你应该明白我的体贴吧?Girlfriend who is with good intention, Iurgedyouto treasurewell~?? ”
这么善解人意的女朋友,我劝你好好珍惜喔~??”„Is with good intention......”
“善解人意啊……”Katou Yusukeraised the headslowly, the blackpantyhose of visionfromhandmoves to the square features , the jet blackdoublepupilslightlybecomesprofound.加藤悠介缓缓抬起头,目光从手中的黑色裤袜移至对方脸上,漆黑的双眸微微变得幽深。Heconsideredslightly, for the time beingloaded into the lefttrouserspocket the pantyhosecontinually, laterextends a handforward, saidin a soft voice:
The young girlextreme speedwinkedtwoeyes, retrocedeswith no traceonestep, asked: „...... Does?”
少女极速眨了两下眼睛,不着痕迹地后退一步,问:“……干什么?”„Endedto returnsometimeto the midday rest, wantswithbeing with good intentionUtaha-senpaimanylater, no?”
“……诶?”Utahaknits the browslightly, is sizing uphisexpressionscruple, does not let off the tiny bitsubtle change, andguessesin the heartsilently.诗羽不由轻皱起眉,迟疑地打量着他的表情,不放过一丝一毫的细微变化,并在心中默默揣测。Crossedafter a little while, had the resolutionfinally.
…„...... Todayconsiders as finished, Ihave almost playedenough, ifYu-chanalsowantsto continue, when the student associationmoves, Iwill accompanywell.”
“……今天还是算了,我差不多已经玩够了,如果悠酱还想继续,等到学生会活动的时候,我会好好奉陪的。”Sheis saying, the preparationturns aroundto depart.
她说着,就准备转身离去。Regardless ofKatou Yusukea moment agowere is really false, at leastshemade fun ofhimis not the debatablefact, even ifhewantedto retaliate is still the way things should be.
不论加藤悠介刚才的话是真是假,至少她捉弄了他是不可争议的事实,就算他对此想要报复回来也是人之常情。Howalthoughclear(ly)did not know . Moreover the opposite partywill definitely not harmher, but if wantsto makeheradmit defeat, was not difficultto achieve.
虽然明知道不会怎么样,而且对方也肯定不会伤害她,但若只是想让她吃瘪的话,还是不难做到的。Thereforeinthistime, evadesitspointtemporarily, firstwalktowonderfullyis quite good.
因此在这种时刻,还是暂避其锋芒,先走为妙比较好。Readreaches tothis, the speed of under footalsosped upseveralpointsslightly, wantedto leave this place is apt to get into troubleimpatiently.
念及于此,脚下的速度也略微加快了几分,迫不及待地想要离开这一是非之地。Howeverin the worlddoes not have such cheapmatter.
然而世上可不存在这么便宜的事。As after oneself, sound of footsteps that resounds, shejust nowwalksnottwosteps, the whole personwas huggedaround the middle.
随着自身后响起的脚步声,她才刚走了没两步,整个人就被拦腰抱了起来。„Where...... do youplanto go to?”
“……你打算去哪里?”„Long-drawn-out, Yu-chan......!”
The weightlessnessfeelingsuddenlymakesUtahabe out of controlto scream, butKatou Yusukeactuallydisregards, thenhugsherto returnto the benchonactually, hugsheron the leg.
骤然的失重感让诗羽禁不住叫出声来,不过加藤悠介却是不管不顾,便这么硬是抱着她退回到长椅上,将她抱在腿上。„Said why doesn't listen tomywords?”Somebodyis pastingherauricle the lip, is stroking gentlyasking.
“说,为什么不听我的话?”某人将嘴唇贴着她的耳廓,摩挲着问道。„That, that...... I......”
“那、那个……我……”Utahais making excusesincoherently, onlythought that the earbyitching that the voice of thatlow and deepsex appealscratches with the finger.诗羽语无伦次地支吾着,只觉得耳朵被那低沉性感的嗓音搔的发痒。„Utaha-senpaidoes not wantwithmemanylater.”
The leftshouldersuddenlywere many a weight/quantity, the opposite partyput the head.
左边的肩头突然多了一点分量,对方把脑袋放了上去。„It is not, such...... is not......”
“不是、这样的……不是……”Sheis swinging the headrepeatedly.
她反复摇着脑袋。„Thatis, what......?”
“那是,什么……?”Probablyslowed down the rhythmintentionally, the slightlymuteandmagneticinquirycontinuesto provokeherheart.
像是故意放缓了节奏,微哑且富有磁性的询问持续撩拨着她的心。Unintentional, the linktightensin the arm of waistslightly, the solidstrengthfeelingbrings the aura of intenseboy.
“唔-!”Plop plop, plop plop.
The heart of Utahabang bangjumpscrazily, frominnermost feelingsmakesherinstinctsway from side to sideanxiously, does not haveincluding the strugglingspace.诗羽的心脏砰砰狂跳,源自内心的不安让她本能地扭动着,却连一点挣扎的空间都没有。Herarmwas lockedin the waist, is really hardto make any effectiveresistance.
她的胳膊被锁在腰间,实在难以做出什么有效的反抗。Even so, the opposite partydoes not planeasilyto let offher.
即便如此,对方也不打算轻易放过她。„To turn into the Sir, thiswasstudies the elder sisterto say?”Katou Yusukeaskedcalmly, not being able to sayearnestfeelings, were called the personto be panic-stricken.
“想要变成大人,这是学姐说过的吧?”加藤悠介平静地问道,却有一种说不出来的认真感,直叫人心慌意乱。„...... Long-drawn-out, Yu-chan!”
“……悠、悠酱!”Utahatrembleis callinghisname, the chestfluctuatingis uncertainwith the rapidbreath.诗羽哆哆嗦嗦地唤着他的名字,胸口随着急促的呼吸而起伏不定。„Not, incorrect......”
“不、不行的……”„Whatisn't good?”
“什么不行?”„Here, school...... incorrect.”Sheis entreatingoff and onlow voice, completelylost the usualcalm.
The fairfleshdoes not know when caughtcrimson, just likemergeseveningthatwipes the sunset glow, verybright-coloredmoving.
白皙的肌肤不知何时染上了绯红,犹如溶入夕暮时分的那一抹红霞,十分明艳动人。Katou Yusukesmellsherto send the fragrance between silklightly, feelssuddenlyinexplicablysomewhatlonelily.加藤悠介轻嗅着她发丝间的香气,忽而莫名感到有些寂寥。Thenhelowers the head, shoves open the collarslightly, plants a strawberryonhisshoulder.
“-呀!”Utahacalled outunrestrainedly, the bodytightenedin the flash, buttook off/escaped the strengthquickly, the conqueringfeeling that the wetglutinousfeeling on opposite partylipas well asrevealedslightlywas ascended the strangeshyfeelingalmost to byoneselffrom the chestflood.诗羽情不自禁地叫出声,身体在一瞬间绷紧,但又很快脱力,对方嘴唇上的湿糯感以及略略露出的征服感而让自己升腾出来陌生的羞涩感几乎要从胸口满溢而出。
…„Long-drawn-out...... sauce......”
“悠……酱……”She by him, the whole piecefaceburnsred, andcloselyis nipping the lower lip.
她靠在他身上,整张脸烧得通红,并紧紧咬着下唇。Until after somebodyrelents, extricationis lax.
The nextquarter, the slightlymutesoundpasted the earto make a sound.
„ Consideringstudy the elder sister may be shy, Ichose a nottooeasilydiscoveredpositionfor the time being, should youunderstandmysympathizing?
“考虑到学姐可能会害羞,我姑且选了一个不太容易被发现的位置,你应该明白我的体贴吧?Boyfriend who is with good intention, did Iurgeyouto treasurewell? ”
The languagefinishes, thenlet goto let looseher.
The Utahaflashfeels the short of breath, in the heartshylyandmakesherquicklystand uptimid, „treadtreadtread”leavessidehim.诗羽一瞬间感到气急,心中的羞涩与畏怯让她急忙站起身,“蹬蹬蹬”地离开他身边。Until after running offseveralstepsfardistances, just nowstops the footsteps, turns aroundlooks like.
直到跑开几步远的距离以后方才停下脚步,重新转身看来。Thistime, Katou Yusukehas not pursued.
这一次,加藤悠介没有追赶。Somebody is only both handsbracesitson the benchsluggishly, ponderslooks atherto run away, the look seemed lookingcat that camouflages the lion.
Between both sideswhoishunting, seems self-evident.
双方之间到底谁才是猎食者,似乎已经不言而喻。Compared with the actions of opposite party, her a series ofthing, simplyweaklikeelementary student.
与对方的所作所为相比,她刚才的那一系列东西,简直幼稚的就像小学生。Pondersthese, Utahaloses facewishes one couldto look for a holeto worm one's way into.
一思考起这些,诗羽就丢脸得恨不得找个洞钻进去。Sherushesto get down the line of sightlowly, is reorganizing the mooddiligently, triesto restore the ordinaryattitude, thenfinds the wayto counterattack.
她赶忙把视线低下去,努力整理着心情,试图恢复成平常的态度,然后再想办法还击过去。At this time, placed the cell phone in pocket„buzz”to vibratesuddenly.
这时,放在口袋里的手机突然“嗡”地震动起来。Withlooks, aboveis a recentnews brieffromLine.
拿出来一看,上面是一条来自Line的新简讯。【Yu-chan?: tallGongzhiguards, smallkitty.】
“诶-?”Utaharaised the headcourageous, happen tosaw that somebodyis receiving the cell phone, andshows a meaningfulsmiletoher.诗羽勐地抬起头,正好看到某人正收起手机,并对她露出一个意味深长的笑容。Whydoes not know, Utahasuddenlycalm.
不知为何的,诗羽忽然冷静了下来。Perhapswas the provocation of Katou Yusukehappen tostimulatedherretrogradationheart, orotheranything.
It looks like sometype of switchto be triggeredsuddenly, in the headresounded„”.
就像是某种开关被突然触发,脑袋里响起了“啪”的一声。In the gaze of Katou Yusuke.
The Utahadeep breathone breath, thenmakes an effortto treadforwardonestep, thentreadsagainanotherstep.诗羽深呼吸一口气,然后用力向前踏出一步,接着再踏出另一步。Treadstreadtread-!
蹬蹬蹬-!Has the imposing mannersound of footstepsto resoundone after another.
Not wonderfulKatou Yusukesatstraight the bodyshortly, preparedto set outto avoidsubconsciously, however the young girlactuallythrewsuddenly.
眼瞅不妙的加藤悠介不由坐直了身体,下意识地准备起身躲避,然而少女却忽然扑了过来。Atthatspeed, oncehehid, is very difficultto guarantee that Utahawill not therefore be injured.
以那种速度来说,一旦他躲了,便很难保证诗羽不会因此受伤。Thereforehesuppressed the instinct that wantedto avoid, choseremainedsame place.
The nextsecond, the softtenderbodyreturnshisarms, exudes„pū”.
下一秒,柔软的娇躯重新回到他怀里,发出“噗”的一声。Following close on, underUtahais opening mouth, goestowardhisneckaccurate, squishisone.
The toothfell into the feeling of skinto well up, the painwas also following.
“嘶-!”Katou Yusukesucks incold aircourageous, makes noisepanic-strickenly: „It is not! Youbite-!?!?”加藤悠介勐地倒抽一口凉气,惊骇出声:“不是!你咬人-—!?!?”Haswellthata while, inrooftopis reverberatingthroughout the painfulpumping airsound.
After that.
那之后。Cannormalonget downforafternoonclass, Katou Yusukewent to a clinic.
为了下午的课能够正常的上下去,加藤悠介去了一趟保健室。gets rid ofQingputeacher...... is also the subtlelook of healthcareteacher, as well ascomplex in did not discuss.
…Finallyis, whenhereturns the classroom, on the neck were also of many a band-aidlarge size......
结果就是,当他重新回到教室的时候,脖子上也多了一个大号的创可贴……Fromthis day, Katou Yusukeunderstood a truthsuddenly-
自这天起,加藤悠介忽然明白了一个道理-OccasionallyteasesfunnyUtaha, butcannotdotoooverdone.
The reasondoes not havehim.
纯粹是因为!Thisthree-legged cat! Did not speakWood-!
这三脚猫!不讲伍德-!Simplyis the scraps/condescend of the world-!
简直是人间之屑-!Then, the timearrivesis on vacation from school.
就这样,时间来到放学。Approaching that because the cultureoffers a sacrifice, sometoday'sstudent associationalsomanythingsmustarrange, thereforeis unable to suspend.
由于文化祭的临近,今天的学生会也有不少事情要安排,因此无法暂停。Held a heavyheart, Katou Yusukewas participating in the conferenceas usual, butgave the benefit the matter of managementandassignmentwork, oneselfwerenon-does not wantnot to interrupt.
抱着一种沉重的心情,加藤悠介如常参与了会议,只是把主持和分配工作的事情交给了惠,自己则是非不要不插嘴。Is being a peacefulhandsome man.
就那么做着一个安安静静的美男子。Even if opening the indoor of air conditioning, hestillwearsthatstand up collarcoat, andfastens tightlyallbuttons, coverssolid the neck.
而即使是在开着空调的室内,他也穿着那件立领外套,并把所有的纽扣扣紧,将脖子捂得严严实实。Althoughthisappearanceis a little strange, becausehehas made the seriousearnestshape, byalsono oneraised the questionin the conferenceactually.
这副模样虽然有点怪,不过因为他一直做严肃认真状,是以在会议上倒是也无人对此提出疑问。Listens to the matter that the culturehas offered a sacrifice toslightly, the student associationparticipated in the cultureto offer a sacrifice to the people of committeealsoto be decided.
稍微听取过文化祭的事情,学生会这边参加文化祭委员会的人也被定了下来。According to the objectthis pointconsideration that most suitable and outside worldhas to do, the benefitadvocatedparticipates in the cultureto offer a sacrifice to the committeebyEriri and newstripfragrantcombination.
根据最适合和外界打交道的对象这一点考量,惠主张了由英梨梨和新条香的组合去参加文化祭委员会。Althoughbothlitigantsindicatednot to have the issue, but the benefitorroutinelyaskedonetosomebody:
虽然两名当事人都表示没有问题,不过惠还是习惯性地对某人问了一句:„, Youthought that like thisarranges? Yusuke.”
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Comments for Chapter #492: Did not speak Wu De's the scraps/condescend of the world!