Chapter 470stops the arms, decides the disturbance
第470章止干戈,定风波For quite some time.
The surroundingpersonbecomes more and more, peopleas ifgathered.
周围的人变得越来越多,人们似乎都聚集过来了。AbundantZakiAcademiesandon the side ofvariousrising sunhighstudentsstations, distinguishes right from wrongrespectively, presents the confrontationstance of two armies pitted against each other.
丰之崎学园和旭高的学生们各站一边,泾渭分明地各自为阵,呈现出两军对垒的对峙姿态。Facingburning with rage of rising sunhighpeople, the abundantZakistudentsheaded byarundinaria japonicumbrothers was very not happy,andlooks atKatou Yusuke, probablyis waiting for the instruction.
Between both sidesis away from a distance, just likeis away from a boundary.
The tightatmospherespreadsat the scene, in the airwas full of the gunpowderflavor.
紧张的气氛在现场蔓延,空气里充满了火药的味道。Saw that the mattersoonwill makein a big way.
眼瞅着事情即将闹大。„- Makeslet, the teachercame!”
“-让一下让一下,老师来了!”Girl'sresoundingscreamfrom far to near.
女孩子高亢的喊叫声由远及近。Then, JiSichuanYoshiko and lotusseegoodarechildrun over.
After the teacherbringshere, Yoshikoreturns the team, the lotusseesgoodischildwalks the appearancecenterself-poise, stops the footsteps.
把老师带来这里后,佳子重新回到队伍,莲见佳乃子则是镇定自若地走到场中央,停下脚步。„In brief, first calmpointlistened tometo say.”
“总之,都先冷静一点听我说。”Shelooked at about both sidesrespectively, bygentledoes not lose the severetoneto make the caution, simultaneously the pressureunderboth handsmakes the comfortingshape, making the peoplekeepquiet.
她分别看了一眼左右双方,以温柔又不失严厉的语气做出警示,同时将双手下压做安抚状,让众人保持安静。Receivesimpact that " teacher " thisstatushas, rising sunhighstudentsalsosubconsciouslycollectivesyllabic final, the attentionwill throwonher, watches changes quietly.
The crowdthereforequickly changesmustbe peaceful.
The lotusseesgoodischildnodsgently, the visionrespectivelystays for onesecondon the face of YusukeandSayu, finallyshifted tothis side of rising sunhighstudent the body.
莲见佳乃子对此轻轻点头,目光分别在悠介与沙优的脸上停留一秒,最后将身体转向了旭高学生的这一边。Heardwhenhereprobablyaccount, shedisplaysverycalmly, andsoexpressed:
大概是在来这里时就听说了事情经过,她表现得十分沉着冷静,并这般表示道:„Specificsituation I see, Ithink that in possiblyhassomemisunderstanding. However, canmakemeask that whatourherestudentsdid make?”
“呃……”Standsbears the bruntbeforemostvalley entrance, looked atonesubconsciouslybehind, what to dolookhands overhereto the seed.
站在最前的谷口首当其冲,不由下意识地看了一眼身后,向结子递去一个这里要怎么办的眼神。Masakaseedspeechless, makes excuses the long time unable to speak.
The lotusseesgoodischildmakes the waitingslightly, took advantage of opportunityto say.
莲见佳乃子稍作等待,顺势说了起来。„In brief, that sidethatschoolmate, Ithinks that youmisunderstoodanythingprobably. Wecome toChibahereto make the extracurricularteachingfromTokyo a high school, is notsuch that youthink, can should the wordsapologizetoKatouschoolmate?”
“总之,那边那位同学,我想你们大概是误解了什么。我们是从东京来千叶这里做校外教学的一所高中,并不是你想的那样,可以的话是不是应该向加藤同学道个歉呢?”Alsois a silence.
The rising sunhighpeopleare exchanging the lookmutually, actuallyno oneopens the mouth, finallywill focus on.
旭高的众人相互交换着眼神,却无人开口,最后将目光集中在了一处。Feels the Masakaseedeyes of public eyesfloodred, a littleputs in great inconveniencewantsto cry.
感受到众人视线的真坂结子双眼泛红,委屈得有点想哭。Matterdevelopsthisstep, shealsorealized before oneself , was extremely indelib, in the heartalsohasa littleregret.
事情发展到这一步,她也意识到自己之前太过先入为主了,心中也不是没有那么一点后悔。In the final analysis, today'sboth sides can only beunfortunatemeeting by chance, andhits the personon own initiativeshe, thatmale studentas iffromstartingnot to have madewhatout of the ordinarybehavior.
说到底,今天的双方只能算是一场不幸的偶遇,并且主动撞到人的还是她自己,那个男生似乎从开始就未做出过什么出格行为。Alsohas not come up the entanglementharassment, evena few wordshave not saidwiththem.
既没有上来纠缠骚扰,甚至连一句话也未同她们讲过。Shemoreangryandvigilantcame frombefore, andwas affectedto take the subjectivejudgment and actionbythis.
她更多的愤怒和警惕还是来自于以前,并受此影响做出了主观判断和行动。Masakaseedacknowledgedoneselfaresomewhatimpulsive, butdid not feeloneselfhave the mistake.
真坂结子承认自己是有些冲动,但却不觉得自己有错。Ifmadeherharass the male studentapology of Sayutothatfor this reason, sheis not really ableto accept.
The atmospheresomewhatrefuses to compromisefor a while.
气氛一时有些僵持不下。At this moment-
The fiercesoundwaveraids, attractscompletely the attention of people.
凶猛的音浪袭来,将人们的注意力全部吸引过去。As iftobreak the deadlock is the same.
A bright redPorscherace car, drivesfrom the entrancedirection of service area, and„-”stopsby the people.
The vehicle dooropens, blackhigh-heeled shoesstepped.
The slowracket, wears the blacksuittogether, wears the blacksoft hatselects the beautiful figurethento go downfrom the vehiclehigh.
The wine redlong hairties uponebunch, arrestsuninhibitedafter the brain, sends out a flavor that drifts the prodigal son.
酒红色的长发绑成一束,不羁地拘在脑后,散发出一股漂泊浪子的味道。Is welcoming the vision of people, the prodigal sonputs out a handto lift the hat brim, a pair of wine redbeautifulpupilnarrows the eyesslightly, lazyandhas swept the crowdat will, finallystoppedin one.
The beautifulred lipsbring backwipe the curve.
The prodigal sonsbump into the vehicle doorconveniently, does not lock the car(riage), takesdispatch casestand forth.
浪子随手碰上车门,也不锁车,就这么拿着一份文件袋向前走去。Dá, dá, dáanddá.
The high-heeled shoesare making a soundby the placeclearlyfor the time being.
高跟鞋清脆且自由地响着。Evenherecrowdrevolves, shestillsuch asstrolledto walkgenerally, turned a blind eyeto the surroundingenvironment.
A scenecomplete silence.
The future was only solitarily, actuallyas ifsuppressedeveryoneobviously, sent out the powerfulair/Qifield.
明明来者仅是只身一人,却仿佛将所有人都压制了下去,散发出强大的气场。Thenisin such a case, the prodigal sonstoppedin one, opens the mouthon own initiative.
便是在这样的情况下,浪子停在了某一处,主动开了口。„Yo, boy, good morning.”
The sexyslightlymutevoicebringsseveralpoints of careless.
性感微哑的嗓音带着几分漫不经心。Was towedbythis, the peoplealsocannot help buton the object who re-focuses onhertalking, the facial featuresoutstandingwhite hairyoungsterreflectsimmediatelypleasant.
受此牵引,众人也不由自主地把注意力转到了她搭话的对象身上,面容俊逸的白发少年随即映入眼中。In the crowdresounded the smalltumult, butsubsidesimmediately.
人群中响起了小小的骚动,但又马上平息下去。Katou Yusukelooks at the presentperson, the darkmutevoiceis low and deep: „How...... will youcome tohere?”加藤悠介看着眼前之人,暗哑的嗓音低沉:“……你怎么会来这里?”Redbanvermilionsoundponderssmiles, lifts the handto raise hand the dispatch case, whilesaidcareless: „It is lively, what is thisis making?”
红坂朱音玩味地笑了笑,一边抬手扬了扬手中的文件袋,一边漫不经心道:“还挺热闹的,这是在做什么?”„...... It‘s nothing.”
“……没什么。”„Right, thatthisbamboo slip.”
The dispatch case and fountain penwere handed overtogether.
文件袋与钢笔一同被递了过来。„...... Thiswhat?”
“……这什么?”„youindenture of sale of person into servitude.”
“……”Katou Yusukewas silentwas receivingit, tookfrominside the document. The blackeye pupilis producing an inverted image the abovewriting, glances throughuninhibitedlyat the scene.加藤悠介沉默着将其接过,把文件从里面拿出来。黑色的眼瞳倒映着上面的文字,就这么旁若无人地当场翻阅起来。Strangeis silentis spreading, the peopleare all looking at each other in blank diamay.
诡异的寂静在蔓延,众人皆是面面相觑着。Althoughsomepeoplefeelanxiousabout the currentsituation, actuallycomes under the influence of depressingatmosphere, thusis unable easilyto open the mouth, thereforethensameremains silentwith others.
虽然有人对当下的事态感到焦躁不安,却受到压抑气氛的影响,从而无法轻易开口,于是便与其他人一样保持沉默。Perhapswasdozensseconds, seems likeseveral minutes later.
也许是过了几十秒,又像是过了几分钟。Katou Yusukeread the document on hand, immediatelylifts the pupilto lookto the presentperson, asked: „Did youthink?”加藤悠介看完了手上的文件,随即抬起眸子望向眼前的人,问道:“你想好了吗?”Redbanvermilionsoundselects the brow tip, asked back: „What's wrong? Youreallythink that Ido idletohaving free timeto comefromTokyospecially? Has not changed the mindbeforemehurriesto sign.”
红坂朱音对此一挑眉梢,反问道:“怎么?你真以为我闲到有空专程从东京过来吗?趁我没改变主意之前赶紧签字。”ThereforeKatou Yusukealsono longertalks too much, subsequentlytakes pen in handto signownnamein the documentagily, dispatch caseagain.
于是加藤悠介也不再多言,继而提笔在文件上利落地签下自己的名字,把文件袋重新还了回去。„Ok, looked that you are also very busy, the laterspecial detailsreturned toTokyoto discussagain. After your contractand othercoverHaozhang, informsyou, at the appointed timeoneselfaskmeto take.”
“……”Redbanvermilionsoundnarrows a pupilslightly, firststared athimto look ata while, immediatelysweptaroundone, askedonesuperficially.
红坂朱音略微眯起眼眸,先是盯着他看了一会儿,随即又扫了一眼周围,轻描淡写地问了一句。„Were youannoytroublesome? Goodto solve?”
“你这是惹麻烦了?好解决吗?”Katou Yusukeshakes the head, „no, Iwill process.”加藤悠介摇摇头,“没什么,我自己会处理好。”„Ok, Iwalked, having the place that musthelptoldme.”Redbanvermilionsoundsaid,turns aroundto move toward the vehiclesimply.
“行,那我走了,有要帮忙的地方就告诉我。”红坂朱音如此说道,干脆地转身走向车子。Two peopleone asked questions and other answered, simplyto the leeway that the personinterposed, the atmospherehas not made one unable to speak.
The peoplethenlook that helplesslythatstrangefemaleboardsnatural.
众人便又眼睁睁地看着那名奇异的女子潇洒地上车。Cī, raises-
The engine noise of race carbuzzcry.
跑车的引擎声嗡鸣。„Right, a matterforgot.”
“对了,还有一件事忘记说了。”Redbanvermilionsoundshakes down the glass, the lookand otheronnumerousfemaleunfamiliar facehas glancedin the benefit, Eriri, the newstripfragrancerespectively, smiledthought-provokingly.
红坂朱音摇下车窗,眼神分别在惠、英梨梨、新条香等一众女生脸上瞟过,耐人寻味地笑了起来。„Yourbeautiful woman are really actually many.”
After leavingsuchmeaningfulwords, underredbanvermilionYincaiaccelerator.
轰-Suddenlysoundwavevibrationair that sends outfrom the rowair pump, shakes the tympanic membrane, makingpeoplecannot help butcover the ear.
The bright redrace carjust like a lightning, swaggers awayquickly, onlyleaves behindmist and dust that madeonebe able not hold a candle.
鲜红色的跑车宛如一道闪电,很快扬长而去,只留下一片令人望尘莫及的烟尘。Crossedafter a little while, peopleawakenslowly.
过了少顷,人们才迟钝地醒悟过来。When the rising sunhighpeoplelookagaintothatwhite hairyoungster, in the eyehassomeunusuallooks, alwaysthought that the opposite partyis a little as deep as a well.
当旭高的众人再次看向那名白发少年时,眼里已经有了一些异样的神色,总觉得对方有点高深莫测。Througha moment agothatfamefieldfullfemale, even ifhow the slowpeoplecanrealizeagainitsstatusis not simple.
通过刚才那名气场十足的女性,即便是再怎么迟钝的人都能意识到其身份的不简单。From thisunder the imagination, canrelate the significantpersonwithsuchperson, canbe an average person?
由此推想之下,能与那样的人关系匪浅的人,难道会是普通人吗?This is almost onedoes not needto ponder that canobtain the matter of answer.
这几乎是一件不用思考就能得出答案的事情。Making use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditionsis the instinct of human.
趋利避害是人类的天性。Althoughredbanvermilionsoundhad walked, the impact that buthasbyherkeptin the peopleheart.
虽然红坂朱音已经走了,但由她带来的影响却留在了众人心中。Just likedis irrigatedbasincold water, the rising sunhighstudents who previouslyalsokicked up a fussfell intosilent, in the drifting from place to placelooksproutedto draw backintent, the facial expressionsomewhatwas quite disturbed, obviouslyhad no intentionto confrontagain.
犹如被浇了一盆冷水的,先前还大吵大闹的旭高学生们陷入沉默,飘忽不定的眼神中萌生出退意,神情颇有些忐忑,明显无意再对峙下去。Butto the abundantZaki'sstudents, equallyissurprisedforpreviousone, onlythought that onownstudentassociation president were also manysomemysteriousair.
而对丰之崎的学生们来说,也同样为先前的一幕感到惊讶,只觉得自家的学生会长身上又多了一些神秘色彩。Althoughin the hearthascuriously, butno onewill not send out the inquiryinthissituationtactful.
虽然心中不是没有好奇,不过也无人会在这种场合下不识趣地发出提问。Thenisin such a case, somepeopletook the leadto open the mouth.
便是在这样的情况下,有人率先开口了。„ei, Isaid...... Yusuke.”
“欸,我说……悠介。”Was sayingHuiWangopposite, asked: „Thereforethat sidetwofemale studentsyoudo know? Whotheyare, what to do can youthen?”
The tone of speechis light, meaning that alsohas not certainly requestedto reply, whatare more is to knowhisfollowingplan.
The dark cloud of spaceopenedgradually, revealed an corner/horn of Sun.
天上的乌云渐开,露出了太阳的一角。Beautifulfallsunlight came from the distantphoto, since Katou Yusukedid not narrow the eyesvoluntarily.
The jet blackpupilreflects the beautiful figure of young girl, in the appearancewithmemoryoverlapsin the same place, duplicate/restoresis also separated.
漆黑的眸子倒映出少女的倩影,与记忆中的样子重迭在一起,复又分开。Thatis not the place that heshouldgo.
那不是他该去的地方。Hetold himselflike this, in the brainis overlooking the presentconditioncalmly.
“是谁吗……”Katou Yusukeinspiresslowly, as ifhasto be above the ice-coldair of imaginationto enter the lungs, the stabbing painnasal cavitydeep place seems informing the winterto be near.加藤悠介缓缓吸一口气,似乎有超乎想象的冰冷空气进入肺部,刺痛的鼻腔深处仿佛在告知冬日将近。
The wind that blowsfrom the distant placegraduallyweakens, the surroundingvegetationno longerrustlemakes noise, seems the trimspaceto raise up the earto listen carefully, for fear thatomitshisanywords and expressions.
从远方吹来的风逐渐减弱,周围的植被不再沙沙作响,好似整片空间都在竖起耳朵细听,生怕遗漏他的任何字句。Those presentallaresilentspeechless, togetherwaiting.
在场的人皆是静默无言,一同等待着。„She...... no oneis.”
“她……谁也不是。”Katou Yusukemakes the manifestoevery single word or phraseindifferently, the lookfinallylooked atSayuone, at oncehas transferred the bodyresolutely, walkstoward the bus of parking lot.加藤悠介一字一句地做出宣言,眼神漠然的最后看了沙优一眼,旋即毅然决然地转过身体,朝停车场的大巴车走去。Inserts the doublefistinpocketgrips tightly, tenfingers of fingertipdeeplyjab into the skin, andstopsshiversfreely.
插在口袋里的双拳紧握,十指指尖深深刺进皮肤,并止不住地颤抖。Even so, does not stop the footsteps.
The slenderformcarefully, moves towardtomorrowextremely cautious.
修长的身影一步一个脚印,戒慎恐惧地走向明天。„Long-drawn-out, Yusuke...... wait/etc!”Eririis yelling, no matteralso the peopleon the scene, go forwardto pursuequickly, so long as ifthislittle whiledoes not follow, will loseanythingto be the same forever.
The benefit in same placestopsslightly, the visionlooksfollowing the direction that Katou Yusukejustlooked atfinally, looked atSayuonelooking pensive, subsequentlydeparts.
惠在原地稍作停留,目光循着加藤悠介刚刚最后所看的方向望去,若有所思地看了沙优一眼,继而离去。Newstripfragrances, arundinaria japonicumbrothersandYoshikoalsowith.
The lotusseesgoodischildlooks at other rising sunhighstudents, nodsslightlyis countedto say goodbye, thenalsolifts the footto pursue.
莲见佳乃子看着旭高余下的学生们,微微颔首算作道别,然后也抬脚追去。Is aboutdozensseconds, the abundantZaki'speoplethenwalkcleanly.
事情到此为止了。As if so informing, conflictsuchthree waves to a single stroke that oneshoulderuptdrop the curtain.
仿佛在如此告知着,一场本该爆发的冲突就这么一波三折地落下帷幕。Rising sunhighstudentsyouhave a look atmymeto have a look atyou, in the heartrelaxesas if by prior agreement.
旭高的学生们你看看我我看看你,心中不约而同地松了一口气。Witnessed that theydepartone after another, Sayustays in same place, is covering the foreheadpainfully, onlyfeels the brainin the faintstabbing pain.
目睹他们相继离去,沙优停留在原地,痛苦地捂着额头,只觉得大脑在隐隐刺痛。„, Hasn't been all right? Sayusauce!”Masakaseedis worried about the inquiryin the one side.
" ...... Un, is all right, is is a little uncomfortable, restedto be goodslightly. "
「……嗯、没事,就是有点不舒服,稍微休息一下就好了。」Sayusqueezes a smilereluctantly, triesto respond, howevereye is actually suddenly a heat.沙优勉强挤出一个笑容,试图做出回应,然而眼头却是忽然一热。
The slightlymoistfeelinghas slid the cheeks, dádrops, the dryiron greygrounddyesdark-grayimmediately.
“……咦?”Sheis at a losslifts the hand, climbs up the cheeks, the warmmoistfeelinggot wet the finger.
The autumn windcaressesfrom the earlightly, fallsin the ear, just like voicingsobbing that calls out in grief.
“沙、沙优酱-!?”Masakaseedis callingflurriedly, quicklyputs outownhandkerchief, wipes the tears on faceforher.
真坂结子慌乱地叫着,急忙拿出自己的手帕,为她擦去脸上的泪水。„Were you? Whycancry??”
The caresound of talking at onceresoundsin the side, listensactuallyto be away from a membraneto be the same in the Sayuearprobably, changedentirelyslurredbuzzcry, the feelingis very remote.
七嘴八舌的关心声在身边响起,听在沙优耳中却像是隔着一层膜一样,统统化作了模糊不清的嗡鸣,感觉十分遥远。Absent-minded, as ifhasanotherto gaze under in the sky.
恍惚之中,仿佛有着另一个自己在天空注视着下方。Sunoverhangsin the sky, the nimbus cloudssettles down instay stillprobably.
The consciousnesshad the uniquefeeling, but also is onlythat the flash.
知觉出现了超脱感,但也只是那么一瞬间。„...... Superiorsauce, Sayusauce.”
“……优酱,沙优酱。”Whensherespondedagain, the whole personhas appearedon the bus of school.
当她再次反应过来时,整个人已经出现在学校的大巴上面了。Catches the eyeto look, a Masakaseedfaceworriedis looking ather.
“结子……?”„Good, youfinallyhadto respond, in brieffirstdrinks a water.”
The opposite partywere sayinghands overonebottle of Oolong tea.
The Sayuinstinctreceivedit, drankone.沙优本能地将其接过,喝了一口。
The icy colddrinkenters the mouth, making the thirstythroatmoist, moodas if also tranquil.
冰凉的饮料进入嘴巴,让干渴的喉咙变得湿润,心情仿佛也随之平静了下来。Sheputs down the PET, implored the one breathgently, „thanks, how can wehere?”
她放下宝特瓶,轻轻吁出一口气,“谢谢,我们怎么会在这里?”„? Because the Sayusauceseems like very uncomfortableappearance, thereforeIheldyouto board, didn't youremember?”Masakaseedis frowning saying that is observingherfacecarefully.
“啊?因为沙优酱看起来很难受的样子,所以我就扶着你上车了,你不记得了吗?”真坂结子皱着眉头说道,小心观察着她的脸。„This...... aha, sorry, put to troubletoyou.”
“这样啊……啊哈哈,抱歉,给你添麻烦了。”„Do not say! Perhaps if notI...... I should not be so impulsiveat first, suchwill not be involved in the Sayusaucetroublesome.”
“别这么说!如果不是我的话……或许我最初不该那么冲动的,那样就不会把沙优酱卷入麻烦了。”Seeshermoodto be somewhat low, Sayuthenshakes the headgently, andextended the hand.
见她的情绪有些低落,沙优便轻轻摇摇头,并将手伸了过去。„Withoutthatmatter. Come, gives you water, the seedalsohas a drink.”
“谢谢。”„...... Seed......”
“不过?”„ActuallyIfelt the person who shouldapologizeisI......”
“其实我觉得应该道歉的人是我……”„Well? Why the Sayusaucemustapologize, obviouslyisI......”
“咦?为什么沙优酱要道歉,明明是我才……”„, Iam not sayingyou.”
“啊,我不是在说你啦。”Sayubeckons with the hand, lifts a handaccording to the chest, takesto grip the cinnabarbottle in shirt, hangsfocuses on the pupilsaying:沙优摆了摆手,抬起一只手按在胸口,将衬衫里的朱砂瓶拿出来握住,垂着眼眸说道:„WhatIsaidisthatmale student, because ofsomereasons, Ioncehandled very excessivemattertohim, actuallyIshouldapologizetohim.”
“哈-!?”Masakaseedopens the mouthsurprised, andput out a handto measure the temperature of herforehead, the doubtsaid: „Felt strange, does not haveto have a feverobviously, whatnonsense the Sayusauce are youspeaking?”
真坂结子吃惊地张大嘴巴,并伸手测量了一下她额头的温度,狐疑道:“奇怪了,明明也没在发烧啊,沙优酱你在说什么胡话呀?”Sayuopens outherhandgently, continued: „Made the mistake the matter to apologize, whatlike thishad is not right?”沙优轻轻拨开她的手,继续说:“做错了事情就要道歉,这样有什么不对吗?”„Not, regardless ofwhereis not right!? Sayusauceyouharassedobject! Mustapologizetothatpersonunexpectedly, were youtooalso weak??”
“不不不,无论哪里都不对吧!?沙优酱你可是被骚扰的对象耶!竟然要向那种人道歉,你也太软弱了吧??”„Weak? Actuallymyphysical abilityis good, thisyouknow?”
“软弱?其实我体能还挺好的,这点你知道的吧?”„It is not sayingthat! Irefer to the character!”Masakaseedmakes an effortto shake the head, seriousearnest.
“不是在说那个!我指的是性格!”真坂结子使劲摇着头,一脸严肃认真。„Reallyworrying, according toyousuchnaiveidea, laterreallycan a personliveinTokyo?”
“真让人担心,按你这样天真的想法,以后真的能一个人在东京生活吗?”„...... Doesn't needto speak ofthissituation?”
“……也不用说到这个地步吧?”Sayuspoke thoughtlesslyto make fun, in the heartsighssecretly, at oncelooks at the visiontoout of the window, no longerargued.沙优随口打着哈哈,心中暗暗叹了一口气,旋即将目光望向窗外,不再争辩。
After that Masakaseedalsosaidanything, butshehas entered the left earto enter the condition that the right earhas.
那之后,真坂结子又说了些什么,不过她已经进入左耳进右耳出的状态了。Just nowpicturestillcomes clearly into view, howeveroutsidedoes not have the form of abundantZakiAcademystudents, alldepartsincludingthesebuses.
方才的画面依然历历在目,然而外面却已没了丰之崎学园学生们的身影,包括那些大巴车也悉数离去。Yusuke......悠介么……Recalled that gathersat that personyoung girls.
回想起聚集在那个人身边的少女们。Sayuhappens to obtain somebody's favor the glass the head, did not muttervoluntarily: „Alsoverypopular......”沙优把脑袋靠上玻璃,不自觉地喃喃道:“还挺受欢迎的……”
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