Ogiwara who Chapter 446is favoredstudies the elder sister
第446章被人看好的荻原学姐Fridayon this day.
周五这天。„- Preparation, starts!”
“-预备,开始!”Resoundson the drill groundalong with the sportsteacherresonantvoice , a young girl on starting lineto/clashesimmediately.
The weather of Hokkaidouis coldergradually, makes clear to the winter that mustapproachimmediately.
北海道的天气愈渐寒冷,昭示着马上就要来临的冬季。Onmid November, Hokkaidouwill then welcome the winterfirstsnow. Nowalthough at the end of October, the daily averagetemperatureactuallyalsopaced back and forthin8 ~ 13degrees.
每逢11月的中旬,北海道便会迎来冬季的第一场雪。现在虽然处于10月末,日均温度却也在8~13度之间徘徊了。Todayis the rising sunhighmarathoncongress, in the traditionaccording toschool, the studentswill holdthisactivityin the thirdsemester.
The male studentis10,000meters, the female studentiseightkilometers.
男生是一万米,女生是八千米。In the cheering onsound of crowd.
在人群的呐喊助威声中。On the runway, a prettyformspread outwithotherparticipatingplayersgradually.
跑道上,一道靓丽的身影渐渐与其他参赛的选手拉开了距离。AndTwoandthree, fromincreaseunceasingly,
一圈、两圈、三圈,距离不断增加,Fourandfiveandsix, the disparitydoes not reduceinsteadincreases.
The brownlong hairgrippedhighponytailafter the brainsimply, is swinginglithelywith the windbrightly, just like a flinging abouthare, is full of the vigor, is attractingfollowing of peoplevision.
Under is in the glare of the public eye, wears the young girlphysique of redlong sleevegym suitto be imposing, leadsis the first, does not know that wrappedlastplayerseveral.
The player who evenall the year roundexercises the track and field, was actually still flungbyherby far after behind, can only be able not hold a candle.
即使是长年锻炼田径的选手,却也被她远远地甩在身后,只能望尘莫及。Thenisin such a case, the young girltook the leadto run the turn of stipulation, firstarrived in the end point.
便是在这样的情况下,少女率先跑完了规定的圈数,第一个抵达终点。„Was too fierce! Sayusauce~!!”Defendedcheersto runinend pointnearbyMasakaseedloudly, deliveredintimatelyhas prepared the goodmineral water.
“太厉害了!沙优酱~!!”守在终点附近的真坂结子大声欢呼着跑了上去,贴心地送上早就准备好的矿泉水。„good work! Drinks a water~ ~ ~”
“辛苦了!喝点水吧~~~”„Un, thank you~seed.”
“嗯,谢谢你~结子。”Sayuis complyingin a soft voice, on the faceshows the softsmile, took the mineral watersmallmouthsmallmouthplaceto drink.沙优轻声答应着,脸上露出软软的笑容,拿着矿泉水小口小口地喝了起来。„Unexpectedlycansurpass the people of thesetrack and fieldsections, whycanbe so fierce?”
“居然能超过那些田径部的人,为什么可以这么厉害呢?”„ei~ ~ ~does not have, yousaidtooexaggeratingly.”
“欸~~~也没有啦,你说得太夸张了。”„Notexaggerating! Because the Sayusauceisfirst!”
“才没有夸张呢!因为沙优酱就是第一呀!”„, Inot am quite not clear, is onlytoday'scondition is quite probably good?”
“唔,我也不太清楚,大概只是今天状态比较好吧?”Sayuwas sayingputs down the PET, after stretching out the right handtaking bearingbrain, will tie up the sendingcircleinponytailto loosen, fluffysoftbeautiful hairthen„”dispersesall of a sudden, flows outunder.沙优说着放下宝特瓶,伸出右手探向脑后,将绑在马尾上的发圈解下,一头蓬松柔软的秀发便“唰”地一下子散开,流泻而下。Then, shewill send the circleto niptemporarilyin the mouth, disperses the hairto gripagainwith the finger.
The surroundingsresound a pieceacclaimedcalling out in alarmindistinctly.
周围隐隐约约响起一片赞叹似的惊呼。Masakaseedfromtheselookedstayedon the maleunfamiliar facetakes back the vision, continuedwith a laugh: „~pleaseuse the towel.”
真坂结子从那些看呆了的男生脸上收回目光,笑呵呵地继续说:“给~请用毛巾。”„Thanks, shouted~Ihad/leftmanyperspiration, helpedbusy.”
“谢谢,呼~我出了好多汗,帮大忙了。”„Do not caredo not care~”
“别在意别在意~”Inprocess that two peopletalked, adviserteacher of women'strack and fieldsectionwalked.
两人交谈的过程中,女子田径部的顾问老师走了过来。„Can SchoolmateOgiwara, discuss?”
“荻原同学,可以谈一下吗?”„, Yes, whatmatterhas?”
“啊,是,请问有什么事情吗?”„No, does not usesuchanxiously, butwantsto chatwithyou.”
“不,不用这么紧张,只是想跟你闲聊一下而已。”Keeps a femaleteacher of agileshort hairto beckon with the handwith a smile, said: „The youspeedis quick, usuallyhasat the practicelong-distance race?”
留着一头利落短发的女老师笑着摆摆手,说道:“伱的速度很快呢,平时有在练习长跑吗?”Sayushakes the head, returned toonenot to havepolitely.沙优对此摇摇头,礼貌地回了一句没有。„Originallyis the talenttype, yourbackgroundis very good, laterhasto considerto participate in the track and fieldsection?”
“咦?”HearsthissayingSayuto blink, somepuzzlesare slightly excessive, said: „Teacheryousaidshouldnot be the high school? Do Iwantto graduatenext year?”
听闻这话的沙优不由眨了眨眼睛,有些困扰地微微偏过了头,说道:“老师您说的应该不是高中吧?我明年就要毕业了喔?”„Of course not.”
The track and fieldteachershakes the head, said: „Irefer to the university, ifyouinterestedmight as welltryto attend the track and field competitionto have a look, youas ifhave the considerableoutstandingtalentinthisaspect, perhapshas very bigprobabilityat the competitionto win a prize.”
田径老师摇摇头,笑着说:“我指的是大学,如果你有兴趣的话不妨试着参加田径比赛看看吧,你在这方面似乎有相当出众的天赋,也许有很大的几率可以在大赛上得奖呢。”NearbyMasakaseedinserted the topic.
一旁的真坂结子插入了话题。„Well~competition that the teacher said that is it possible thatis of National Big Game!?”
“咦咦~老师说的大赛,莫非是全国大赛的那种吗!?”„Right~IfavorSchoolmateOgiwara'stalentvery much, onlypitifullydiscoverywas little too late, otherwise can actually participatein the high school. Perhapsifafter the detailedinstruction, canbreak the record of ourHokkaidou.”
“没错~我很看好荻原同学的天赋,只可惜发现的有点晚了,不然在高中其实就可以去参赛了。如果经过详细指导的话,说不定还可以刷新我们北海道的记录。”„Realfalse! AlthoughIknow that the Sayusauceis very fierce, what renovatesrecords, canbe too exaggerating? Iam notdo not believe the teacher, butwas a little frightenedslightly.”
The track and fieldteachersmiles, has not cared aboutherwords, continued: „It is not exaggerating, SchoolmateOgiwara the performancehad provena moment agoownpotential, mustsaytrulyexaggeratingperson, last yearat the competitionhad/left a dark horse?”
田径老师对此笑了笑,没有在意她的话,又继续说:“一点也不夸张,荻原同学刚才的表现已经证明了自己的潜力,要说真正夸张的人,去年大赛上可是出了一匹黑马哦?”„Dark horse?”Masakaseedwondersto lean the head.
“黑马?”真坂结子纳闷地侧过脑袋。„Right, the opposite partyis the high-school student in Tokyo, although is still readingonehigh, has actually been ableto run the result of professionalin the competition, thismatterhad returned the newspaperat that time.”
“对,对方是东京的高中生,虽然还在念高一,却已经能在比赛中跑出职业选手的成绩了,这件事当时还上过报纸。”„IsTokyo, really will the outstandingpersonall go toTokyo? Then, Teacher, does thatpersonname?”
“又是东京啊,果然优秀的人全都会去东京吗?说起来,老师,那个人叫什么名字?”„Iremember that seems likeKatou Yusuke.”
“我记得好像是加藤悠介。”Falls that moment of decidingalong with the voice.
伴随着话音落定的那一刻。Drinking waterSayustoppedunexpectedly, but the seedissuddenlystartledwellone.
The sceneis suddenly dead silent.
现场忽然寂然无声。„You? SchoolmateOgiwara, SchoolmateMasaka.”Saw the track and fieldteacher who theyexceptionallyrespondedaskedonestrangely.
“你们怎么了吗?荻原同学,真坂同学。”看到她们异常反应的田径老师奇怪地问了一句。Masakaseedglances the looktoSayu.
真坂结子不由将眼神瞟向沙优。Sayu is actually calm and composed, andshakes the head, somewhatsaidapologetically: „It‘s nothing, Teacher, good intentionthank you, butItotrack and fieldnotthatbiginterest, thereforeis sorry......”沙优对此倒是神色自若,并摇了摇头,有些歉然地说:“没什么,老师,谢谢您的好意,不过我对田径没有那么大的兴趣,所以抱歉……”
The track and fieldteacher who hearsthissayingseemssomewhatregrettable, butalsoshowed the understanding, inchattedseveralafterthemsimplythenturned aroundto leave.
听到这话的田径老师显得有些遗憾,但也表示理解,在与她们简单聊了几句后便转身离开。„, Sayusauce.”Masakaseedcannot bearopen the mouthto ask: „Really, before thatKatou Yusukeis, had pesteredyourperson?”
“呐、沙优酱。”真坂结子忍不住开口问道:“果然,那个加藤悠介就是之前曾经纠缠过你的人吧?”„This didn't...... say? After all the color of hairis completely different, shouldbe only we make a mistake.”Sayuis ambiguous ambiguous, does not wantto discussatthismatter.
“这个……不好说吧?毕竟头发的颜色完全不一样,应该只是我们搞错了而已。”沙优模棱两可地含糊着,不想在这件事情上多谈。Suddenlywas mentionedthatname, madehercannot help buthave the relatedassociation.
The passingpicturestartsto reappearat present.
过往的画面开始在眼前浮现。‚Does not knowperson who initiallythatdisrupted the calm life, wherenowgoes to......’
‘也不知道当初那个扰乱自己平静生活的人,现在又去哪里了……’Hersomebe irrelevantare thinking, the picture in mindframesinthatsay/waydesolateback, the innermost feelingssurgesuddenly an unexplainedmood.
她有些不着边际地想着,脑海中的画面定格在那道落寞的背影上,内心忽然涌起一股说不清道不明的情绪。Thismoodcomesbewilderedly, not to have the originto makepeoplethinksad.
这情绪来得莫名其妙,却又没由来让人觉得感伤。Immerses in thismood, when triesto get to the bottom conducts the analysistoit......
就在她沉浸于这种情绪,并试图追根溯源地对其进行解析时……„- That! Excuse medisturbed, Ogiwarastudies the elder sister!”
“-那个!不好意思打扰了,荻原学姐!”Girl'suneasyvoicepasses on the hearingbankunexpectedly, awakensSayuimpressively, andturns the headto looksubconsciously.
The female students of twolower gradesare standing after behind, the look that looks atfilledintense, a starting to speak but hesitatingappearance.
两名低年级的女生正站在身后,望过来的眼神充满了紧张,一副欲言又止的模样。„...... Is? Whatmatterhas?”
“……是?请问有什么事情吗?”Twofemale studentseach otherlook at each otherone, probablyinflatesmutuallyselectedunderone, thensaidwith one voice:
两名女生彼此对视一眼,像是相互打气般的点了一下头,然后异口同声地说道:„„ That! Can the wordspleasetake a group photowithus, Ogiwarastudies the elder sister!” ”
The clearvoicereverberates.
清亮的嗓音回荡开来。Sayusomewhatis dumbfounded, „...... group photo?”沙优不禁有些傻眼,“呃……合影?”„Yes-! Ogiwarastudied the appearance that the elder sisterjustjogged is too charming! Iam greatly touched!”
“是-!荻原学姐刚刚跑步的样子太帅气了!我深受感动!”„Asked! Good, pleasetake a group photowithus!”
“拜托了!一张就好,请与我们合影吧!”Twofemale studentshold their palms togetherin the chest front, makes the requestshape.
两名女生双手合十在胸前,作请求状。Masakaseedsaw thatto smileopens the mouthleisurely.
真坂结子见状笑悠悠地开口了。„Aha, Ihelpedyouphotographin this case~cell phonetome.”
“啊哈哈,这样的话,那我来帮你们拍照好了~把手机给我吧。”„„- Masakastudies the elder sister! Thank you!” ”
““-真坂学姐!谢谢你!””„Has no needpolitely~, moreoveryourmoodsIam notdo not understand.”
“用不着客气~而且你们的心情我也不是不懂呢。”In the Sayusomewhatawkwardexpression, twofemale studentsuchstandingone on the left and other on the rightbyherbody, anddefers to the instructionto show the posture.
在沙优有些尴尬的表情中,两名女生就这么一左一右的站在她身体两边,并按照指示摆出姿势。Masakaseedtakes the cell phone, in the mouthis shouting„three, twoandone.”, Patsto take a group photoforthemwith a smile, againcell phone.
真坂结子拿着手机,口中喊着“三、二、一。”,笑着为她们拍下合影,再将手机还了回去。Suchsounddraws the attention of surroundingmanypeople, but after seeinghadanything, showed the understandingexpression.
The rising suntallprincesswas admired, is really a commonmatter.
After packing offtwolongingfemale students, Sayugoes toowngood friend the vision, does intentionallyto narrow the eyedisgruntledly.
送走两名依依不舍的女生以后,沙优将目光重新投向自己的好友,故作不悦地眯起眼睛。Masakaseedsticks out one's tonguecunningly, saidmischievously: „Popular was really good~Ogiwarastudied the elder sister!”
真坂结子狡黠地吐吐舌头,促狭道:“受欢迎真是太好了呢~荻原学姐!”„Whatnonsensicalisthismouth~? Looked that Itear to piecesit.”
“在胡说八道的是这张嘴巴吗~?看我把它撕烂。”„! Sorry, Iknewmistakenly, thereforedo not pinchagain.”
“呀!对不起对不起,我知道错了,所以不要再掐了。”Kidded arounda while, two peoplechattedanothermatter.
嬉闹了一会儿,两人聊起了另外一件事情。„Said, Sayusauce.”
“什么事?”„Wenext weekdo not go toTokyoDisney? Whereat the appointed time does the lastday of freeactivityneedto goto stroll?”
“我们下周不是要去东京迪士尼吗?到时最后一天的自由活动要不要去哪里逛逛?”Sayunodsimpartially.沙优不置可否地点点头。WhatMasakaseedsaidis the schoolisthreeyears of hike that lives the arrangement, the main purposeis to alleviatetheirtheseon the mood of examinee, the school excursion of natureandsecond gradeis similar, altogetherlasted three days.
真坂结子说的是学校为三年生安排的远足活动,主要目的是为了缓解他们这些应考生的情绪,性质和二年级的修学旅行差不多,一共为期三天。Shemakes the thinkingslightly, thensays: „This, Iactuallywantto go toTokyoto have a lookif possible, butwemustgo is actually the Chiba prefecture?”
她稍作思索,然后开口说道:“这个嘛,如果可以的话我其实想去东京看看,不过我们要去的其实是千叶县吧?”„Right~quitestrange, why can TokyoDisneybe foundedinChiba? Moreover the nameunexpectedlyisTokyoDisneyland, should notbeChibaDisneylandis right?”
“对对~好奇怪哦,为什么东京迪士尼要建立在千叶呢?而且名字居然是东京迪士尼乐园,不该是千叶迪士尼乐园才对嘛?”„Aha~actuallyIhave also thoughtthisissue, becausereallyTokyois quite famous? Ifnamed after Chiba, perhapseveryonewill think that lacks the attractionand so on?”
“啊哈哈~其实我也想过这个问题,果然还是因为东京比较有名吧?如果以千叶命名的话,大家也许会觉得缺少吸引力之类的?”Masakaseedthinkscarefully, thought the indeedseveralpoints of truth, sigh with emotionsaid: „ReallyworthilyisTokyo, don't our countrysidesabsolutelyhave the ratio?”
真坂结子仔细想了一下,觉得的确有几分道理,不由感慨般地说:“真不愧是东京,我们这种乡下完全没得比吗?”„Why did yousuddenlybecomesentimental? The seed, is sayingnowisn't the freeactivity?”
“你为什么突然变得多愁善感起来了?结子,现在在说的不是自由活动吗?”„Un! The freeactivity, actuallyIalsowantto go toTokyoto stroll, otherwise do wewantto ask the teacherto have a lookat the appointed time?”
“嗯!自由活动,其实我也想去东京逛一下,不然我们到时要不要拜托老师看看?”„Generally speaking can definitely reject . Moreover the time that the freedommovesis not determined, perhapsin addition hasn't distanceback and forth, simplyresulted instrolls?”
“一般来说肯定是会拒绝的吧,而且自由活动的时间也不确定,再加上来回的路程,也许根本没得逛哦?”„Appeared! The brutalopinion of Sayusauce!”
“出现了!沙优酱的残酷言论!”„Brutalopinion......”Sayuis somewhat mutteringdumbfounded, wonders saying: „Whatmeaning is this?”
“残酷言论……”沙优有些傻眼地喃喃着,纳闷道:“这又是什么意思啊?”„Is incompatiblewith the semblance, youwill sometimes say very unlovablewords, the Sayusaucedoes not wantto go toTokyo?”
“与外表不符,你有时候会说出很不可爱的话呢,沙优酱不是也想去东京的吗?”„Thisistwo matters, universityvisit that althoughIwantto volunteer, howwants is not inappropriateduring the hike, thereforeIwill find the timeinlaterin addition.”
“可是!”Masakaseedalsowantsto sayanythingregarding thisagain, the resonantwhistling sound that howeverendedon behalf of the marathoncongressis actually resounding throughat this moment, the studentsstartto gather, prepareto greet the followingaward presentation ceremony.
真坂结子对此还想再说什么,然而代表马拉松大会结束的嘹亮哨声却在此刻响彻,学生们纷纷开始集合,准备迎接接下来的颁奖仪式。„Thisset, did wealsowalk? Seed.”Looked atcrowddirectionSayuto take back the vision, andextended a hand.
The seed that was interrupted the train of thoughtsighedreluctantly, un, thenheld onherhand.
被打断思绪的结子无奈地叹了口气,嗯了一声,然后拉住她的手。Two peoplewalktoward the drill groundcentertogether......
The timearrives at the evening.
时间来到傍晚。Another side.
The apartment near abundantZakistation, 403rooms.
丰之崎车站附近的公寓,「403」号室。Katou Yusuke of casual attiresits cross-leggedto siton the ground, the sideisputs on a stylesituated in the home and leisure, the lotus of Tiffanygreensuspenderslong skirtseesgoodis.
一身便装的加藤悠介盘腿坐在地上,身旁是穿着一条风格介于家居与休闲之间的,蒂凡尼绿色吊带长裙的莲见佳乃子。Today'slotusseesgoodis the childappearanceandis usually different.
今天的莲见佳乃子打扮与平时不同。Slightlyuses the cosmetics the facial featuresfacial expressionto be beautiful, the doublepupilis bright, but the lipis ruddy.
The brownlong hairtied up the bread twistpigtailwith a silk handkerchief of retro fashion, aboveis embellishing the indigo blueandcolorwaveelement, had the uniquestyle.
The whole personsends outgentlevirtuous young womanmakings.
整个人散发出一种温婉淑女型的气质。Indoorair conditioningwhistlingis blowing, the temperaturewas adjusted about 20degrees, sends the comfortablewind, is as warm as in spring.
室内的空调呼呼吹着,温度被调到了20度左右,送来令人舒适的风,温暖如春。In the airis scattering the lightorchidfragrance.
The presenttimeisevening7o'clock.
现在的时间是晚上七点30。Eatstwopeople of dinnerto bustle aboutrespectively, a sideis drawing the cartoon, the other sideis checking the homework.
吃过晚饭的二人各自忙碌着,一方在画着漫画,另一方在批改着作业。In the waterloggingbasket of kitchenputs two shares the tableware, thatis they have usedbeforeonehour.
厨房的沥水篮里放有两人份的餐具,那是他们在一小时前所使用过的。Whywill comeherereasonas forKatou Yusuke, is the apartmentmaster'sinvitation.
至于加藤悠介为什么会来这里的理由,则是出于公寓主人的邀请。Since the previoustimematter, thishas been they are meeting withfor the first timein secret.
自从上次的事情以来,这还是两人首次在私下里会面。Although the lotusseesgoodischildis notdoes not wantto talkwithhimin the school, the rumorheart that buttopossiblycanproduceafter allhas the worry.
虽说莲见佳乃子不是不想在学校里跟他搭话,不过总归还是对可能会产生的流言心有顾虑。After allKatou Yusukethisweek of disturbance is unceasing.
毕竟加藤悠介这周的风波不断。UsesUtahaeventas a turning point, struggle the discussion of related tohisempress'palace, not only the topicheat degree in anonymousforumin the schoolremains high, the lotusseesgoodischildandNakamura Masarutheyalsoheard.
以诗羽的事件为契机,有关他正宫之争的讨论,不仅在校内匿名论坛上的话题热度高居不下,就连莲见佳乃子和中村胜他们也有所耳闻。Thusthencausedhisperson, becamenoticeable.
从而便导致了连带他身边的人,也变得引人注目了起来。Undersuchsituation, the lotusseesgoodischilddoes not wantby the personwith the magnifying glassobservation, can only keep at a respectful distancetohimtemporarily, even ifmeetsin the schoolstillgreetssimply, does not dareto discuss.
In today, finallyfound the opportunityto callto come homehim, the goalis to naturally ask about the detailedinside story, butKatou Yusukehas not rejected.
一直到了今天,才终于找到机会将他叫来家里,目的自然是为了询问详细的内情,而加藤悠介也并未拒绝。Be that as it may, the lotusseesgoodischilddoes not haveoneto come upto raise the issuedirectly, buthad the patiencefirstto prepare the dinnervery much, lateraccompaniedhimto correct students'paperstogether.
话虽如此,莲见佳乃子也没有一上来就直接抛出问题,而是很有耐心地先准备了晚餐,之后又陪他一起批改作业。Until after lookinghedraws a wordsoriginal manuscript, just nowopportunisticallyinquired that musthave a drink, rests?
The Katou Yusukenodcomplies, is moving the shoulder, whilesaidunknowingly: „Ialsothink that youmustinsistfinallywill say, smallgoodis.”加藤悠介点头答应下来,一边活动着肩膀,一边似不经意地如此说道:“我还以为你要坚持到最后才会说,小佳乃。”In the lighttonebrings, ifhasteasing that resemblesnot to have, has obviously knownherthoughts.
The lotus that hearsthissayingseesgoodis the childshort of breath, somewhatgougedhisoneeyesill-humoredly, thensets outto go to the kitchen, beginsto swell the coffee.
……Thank【ReaderSomething went wrong】Hittingenjoys.
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