TM :: Volume #46

#4508: The technique of the world

The people saw the black stone in Zi Chen, is only everyone's expression not too big change, previously similar black stone had, what rugged strange shape has. 众人都看到了紫宸手里的黑石,只是大家的表情并没有太大的变化,先前类似的黑石有很多,什么嶙峋怪状的都有。 „Do you pick a stone to do?” Alva has doubts to ask. “你捡一块石头干什么?”阿尔瓦疑惑问道。 Found in a hole, is very hard!” Zi Chen gives the opposite party the black stone in hand. “在一个洞里找到的,很坚硬!”紫宸把手中的黑石递给对方。 Previously he sensation repeatedly, is a hard stone, in addition did not have other uses again. 先前他已经感知过多次,就是一块坚硬的石头,除此之外再无其他用处。 Alva received to come to see, tries the crumb not to succeed, startled well. 阿尔瓦接过来看了看,尝试着捏碎没有成功,惊咦一声。 Interesting, you also try.” “有趣,你们也来试试。” He passed to others to look, naturally was nothing discovered. 他传给其他人看了看,自然是没有什么发现。 Finally passed to Luo Xiao hand, Helen swept his one eyes, Luo Xiao gives Zi Chen Blackstone immediately, gives back to you.” 最后传到了罗晓手里,海伦扫了他一眼,罗晓立刻把黑石递给紫宸,“还给你。” Zi Chen is startled. 紫宸微怔。 Later will frequently meet the strange thing, majority is useless, some part perhaps uses. To understand you to remain, which day does not want to understand threw directly on the line.” Luo Xiao said. “以后经常会遇见奇奇怪怪的东西,大部分都没用,只有少部分或许有些用处。想要参透你就留着,哪天不想参透了直接扔了就行。”罗晓说道。 The people continue, Zi Chen still walks with Alva in behind, Zi Chen is holding appreciatively the stone in hand. 众人继续前行,紫宸跟阿尔瓦依然走在后面,紫宸一路都在把玩手里的石头。 This time has achieved nothing, but the people are not depressed, such should have many times. 此次算是一无所获,但众人并不沮丧,这样的一幕应该发生过很多次了。 Alva was Zi Chen was saying on the road had had the amusing thing, exuded the laughter from time to time, among is mixing with the embarrassed matters of some people. 阿尔瓦在路上为紫宸说着曾经发生过的趣事,时而发出着笑声,当中夹杂着一些人的囧事。 Others are also merry, in this jet black Void, as if has no danger. 其他人也是有说有笑,在这漆黑的虚空,似乎并没有什么危险。 In a while, the second bright appears in the sensation, the facial expression of people changed, is the beforehand formation, everyone one by one enters the fragment space. 没过多久,第二道亮光出现在感知里,众人的神情都发生了变化,还是之前的阵型,大家一一进入碎片空间。 When Zi Chen comes in finally, the war has happened, is a giant turtle, has several thousand zhang (3.33 m), conducts the back to conduct the back a trim mountain range. 紫宸最后进来的时候,大战已经发生,是一只巨大的乌龟,足足有着数千丈,背上驮着一整片山脉。 My goodness, such big spirits!” “好家伙,这么大的界灵!” Alva is somewhat surprised, looks like this harvest to be definitely big!” 阿尔瓦有些吃惊,“看来这一次收获肯定不小!” As if sees the doubts of Zi Chen, Alva explained: Broken world among, the bounded spirit will exist, they absorb the remnant strength to grow, so long as kills the command, this remnant also destroyed.” 似乎看出紫宸的疑惑,阿尔瓦解释道:“残破的世界当中,会有界灵存在,它们吸取着残界的力量成长,只要杀死界令,这个残界也就毁灭了。” Points at that spirit turtle, Alva is only continue say: If in remnant has the life, then in this remnant had the possibilities of other good things is very small, because spirit favored by Heaven, definitely will swallow the energies in all remnant, did not give the space that other things had.” 指着那只界灵龟,阿尔瓦继续说道:“如果残界里面有生灵,那么这个残界里有其他好东西的可能性就很小了,因为界灵得天独厚,必然会吞噬掉所有残界中的能量,根本不给其他事物存在的空间。” Six rotations!” “六道轮转!” Zi Chen heard the sound of full beard, an enchanting ray fell on the big turtle, like revolving light ring, is cutting the body of big turtle, in this period sparks erupted, the spirit turtle defense was astonishing. 紫宸听到了大胡子的声音,一片炫丽的光芒落在了大乌龟身上,如同旋转的光轮,切割着大乌龟的身体,期间火星爆发,界灵龟防御惊人。 The spirit turtle sends out to neigh, this space is trembling, its mouth spits a piece of yellow sand, immediately blocks the sky. 界灵龟发出嘶鸣,这个空间都在震颤,它口吐一片黄沙,顿时遮天蔽日。 Sand columns rise straight from the ground, goes toward light ring. 一根根沙柱拔地而起,向着光轮而去。 Thousand feather cranes!” “千羽鹤!” This is the voices of thousand cranes, his figure diverges baseless, among Heaven and Earth were in an instant many several thousand feather cranes, like the real life, charges into the spirit turtle. 这是千鹤的声音,他的身形凭空散去,转眼间天地间多了数千只羽鹤,如同真实的生命,冲向界灵龟。 The mountain peak on spirit turtleback, explodes one after another broken, the yellow sand forms a sand shield in its surroundings. 界灵龟背上的山峰,一座接着一座爆碎,黄沙在其周围形成一个沙盾。 Luo Xiao around the body ray winds around, close to the turtle, the place visited, all attacks of yellow sand, is unable to break open his defense rapidly. 罗晓周身光芒缭绕,飞速临近乌龟,所过之处,黄沙的所有攻击,都无法破开他的防御。 Helen Station has not acted in the one side, but in the Zi Chen sensation, continuously she who gathers the strength, once acts is thunderbolt strikes inevitably. 海伦站在一旁没有出手,但在紫宸的感知中,一直都在蓄力的她,一旦出手必然是雷霆一击。 Alva said: Six Taoist skills are most Cultivation Technique of full beard that world, thousand spirit techniques are the strongest method of two brothers that world, Luo Xiao part of great bear you also saw, here everyone is grasping the strongest technique of respective world, what is the strongest technique of your world?” 阿尔瓦说道:“六道术是大胡子那个世界的最功法,千灵术是兄弟二人那个世界的最强手段,罗晓的天罡你也看到了,这里的每个人都掌握着各自世界的最强之术,你那个世界的最强之术是什么?” These words stumped Zi Chen, once he has the god, demon and spirit, the strongest strengths of three clans, arrive at today step by step, can always maintain powerful battle strength, is for this reason. 这句话把紫宸问住了,曾经的他拥有着神、魔、灵,三族的最强力量,一步步走到今天,始终能够保持着强大战力,也是因为这个原因。 But since enters trial, all changed, his once force superiority, is gone. 但自从进入试炼界后,一切都变了,他曾经的力量优势,正在消失。 As for Spirit World most Technique of Law, he does not know is anything. 至于灵界的最术法,他并不知晓是什么。 Believes that others definitely do not know. 相信其他人肯定也不知道。 Cuts the technique of mountain? 是斩山之术? Zi Chen shakes the head, cutting the technique of mountain is Geshan passes to his killing strike, should not be Holy Spirit World strongest Technique of Law. 紫宸摇了摇头,斩山之术是格山传给他的杀招,应该不是圣灵界最强的术法 Looks at the Zi Chen expression, a Alva understanding clearly expression, knew, was lost, this situation are many, common.” 看着紫宸的表情,阿尔瓦一副了然的表情,“知道了,是失传了,这种情况很多,屡见不鲜。” Sky at this time suddenly one bright, was airborne several thousand long swords, cold light sparkled, killing intent was imposing. 天空在这时忽然一亮,空中多了数千柄长剑,寒光闪闪,杀意凛然。 This is the method that thousand fly, is thousand spirit techniques evolves.” “这是千飞的手段,也是千灵术演化出来的。” The light sword punctured everywhere yellow sand, fell above the protection of spirit turtle, the yellow sand started to collapse layer upon layer. 光剑刺破了漫天黄沙,落在了界灵龟的防护之上,层层黄沙开始崩溃。 Of bang shakes greatly, in the people , the protection of spirit turtle explodes jointly completely broken. 轰的一声巨震,在众人联手之下,界灵龟的防护完全爆碎。 At this moment, Helen who did not have, like using flickered a technique, arrives at side the spirit turtle directly, the broadsword in hand holds up high. 就在这时,一直没动的海伦,如同动用了瞬身之术,直接来到界灵龟身旁,手中的大刀高高举起。 Buzz! 嗡! The knife trembles, Zi Chen felt that intense killing intent, the gravity of this space, as if changed in this moment. 刀身震颤,紫宸感觉到了一股强烈的杀意,这个空间的重力,似乎都在这一刻发生了变化。 His body sank suddenly, dropped more than ten zhang (3.33 m). 他的身体猛然一沉,落下了十余丈。 Looks up the sky, Alva around the body flowing light rotation, a face teased the happy expression, forgot to tell you, an eldest child blade, the gravity of all around space will change, the strength of that blade under the gravity addition, the might was naturally stronger!” 抬头看着天空,阿尔瓦周身流光转动,一脸戏谑笑意,“忘了告诉你,老大一出刀,四周空间的重力都会发生变化,那一刀的力量在重力加成下,威力自然更强!” Obviously did not forget, but is Alva looks intentionally oneself make a move, but Helen the blade, Zi Chen has not cared about these at present. 显然不是忘了,而是阿尔瓦故意看自己出手,不过眼下海伦已经出刀,紫宸也就不在意这些。 He looks forward, the spirit turtle under this sudden gravity, the speed obviously slowed down, wants to shrink also late. 他向前望去,界灵龟在这股突然出现的重力之下,速度明显变慢,想要把头缩回去也晚了。 ! 噗! The ray flashes through, in Helen hand the long blade cuts, the head that the spirit turtle shrinks without enough time falls. 光芒闪过,海伦手中长刀斩下,界灵龟来不及缩回去的脑袋掉落。 Its body starts to tremble, this space is also rocking. 它身体开始震颤,这片空间也在晃动着。 Walks, here must collapse!” “走,这里要崩溃了!” Alva reminded Zi Chen one, flies toward the upper air. 阿尔瓦提醒了紫宸一声,向着高空飞去。 Zi Chen when soaring looks at the distant place, dying the spirit turtle blooms suddenly the dazzling ray, the body rapidly changes is small, finally turned into the fragment, fell in Helen's hand. 紫宸在腾空时看着远处,死去的界灵龟忽然绽放出刺目的光芒,身体迅速变小,最终变成了碎片,落在了海伦的手里。 !!!...... 唰!唰!唰!…… The people all flew, watches this not big fragment in Void, the fragment is trembling, quick wants the disintegration. 众人全部飞了出来,在虚空中看着这块并不大的碎片,碎片在震颤着,很快就要崩碎。 Helen last comes out, this fragment disintegration, left behind one luminously thumb-sized. 海伦最后一个出来,这块碎片崩碎了,留下了一块拇指大的光亮。 The full beard goes forward to hold immediately, says with a smile: Luck is good, discovered additionally.” 大胡子立刻上前抓住,笑道:“运气不错,还有额外发现。” At this moment everyone's attention Helen here, in her hand takes together the fragment of human head size, the fragment brightly dazzling, probably a small Sun, illuminated all around Void. 此刻大家的注意力都在海伦这里,她手里拿着一块人头般大小的碎片,碎片明亮刺目,像是一颗小太阳,照亮了四周的虚空 Luck is good, this physique brightness, when was the intermediate fragment.” “运气不错,这个块头这个亮度,当属中级碎片了。” Helen hand turns, receives the fragment, mood excellent she said: Walks, goes back!” 海伦手一翻,收起碎片,心情大好的她说道:“走,回去!” Several other people cheer. 另外几人欢呼起来。 Zi Chen is one startled, how long this comes out, can go back? 紫宸则是一惊,这才出来多久,就要回去? This time harvests big, goes back to drink by rights ought to!” “此次收获不小,理当回去喝酒!” Alva patted the shoulder of Zi Chen, said: Brat, you were developed, this fragment everyone point, may be more precious than the previous time gift on first meeting, after all previous time is also only together the lower-grade fragment. If the luck is good, perhaps you can promote the trial level by it.” 阿尔瓦拍了拍紫宸的肩膀,道:“小子,你发达了,这块碎片大家一分,可比上次的见面礼还要贵重,毕竟上次也只是一块下品碎片。如果运气好,说不定你能靠它晋升试炼级。” txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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