TM :: Volume #43

#4225: Win

Mo Lunke regretted, regretted oneself actually only led that little person to come, present he has to acknowledge, Mo Yichan was right. 魔纶克后悔了,后悔自己竟然只带了那么一点点人过来,现在的他不得不承认,魔忆颤是对的。 Brings enough many expert one time, can thorough extinguishes Zi Chen kills. 只有一次带来足够多的强者,才能彻底的把紫宸灭杀。 At present, he only wants to flee from here, then kills. 眼下,他只想逃离这里,然后再杀回来。 This time, the world protection seems especially firm, the people attack jointly, itself actually seems like one living target, whatever these Spirit Clan attack. 只是这一次,世界防护显得格外坚固,众人联手出击的时候,本身却像是一个活着的靶子,任由那些灵族攻击。 As a together/one path attack falls on the body, the defenses of these Demon Clan are gloomy, are defeated and dispersed, then the landing body dies. 随着一道道攻击落在身上,那些魔族的防御暗淡,溃散,然后落地身死。 Opens to me!” “给我开!” Mo Lunke is bellowing, in the eye is completely crazy, nowadays refine demon Ancient Jade, but also be by the condition of seal, once it broke open the seal, everyone must die here. 魔纶克大吼着,眼中尽是疯狂,现如今的炼魔古玉,还处于被封印的状态,一旦等它破开封印,那所有人都得死在这里。 You also begin, fast breaks open the defense, in advance retreats!” “你们也动手,速速破开防御,先行撤退!” He shouts to these half Holy Venerable, in heart is the unusual anger, has been scolding the waste, ten -and-a-half Holy Venerable could not kill Zi Chen, what wasn't this waste is? 他冲着那些半步圣尊大喊起来,心中则是非常的愤怒,一直在骂着废物,十个半步圣尊都杀不了一个紫宸,这不是废物又是什么? These half Holy Venerable do not know obviously the true idea of Mo Lunke, looks at the present aspect, they also know game is as good as lost, therefore gave up striking to kill the Zi Chen thought in abundance, soared, launched the attack toward the world defense of Zi Chen. 这些半步圣尊显然不知道魔纶克的真实想法,看着眼下的局面,他们也知道大势已去,于是纷纷放弃了击杀紫宸的念头,腾空而起,向着紫宸的世界防御发起了攻击。 12 -and-a-half Holy Venerable collaborate, attacks extreme tough, short several time make a move, then broke open the world protection of Zi Chen. 十二个半步圣尊联手,攻击极度的强悍,短短的几次出手,便是破开了紫宸的世界防护。 Then, Demon Clan shoot up to the sky, wants to flee from this world. 接着,一个又一个魔族冲天而起,想要从这个世界逃离出去。 Zi Chen silently looks, has not intended to stop immediately. 紫宸默默的看着,并没有立刻出手阻拦。 In these half Holy Venerable as well as Mo Lunke leave, a powerful pressure emerges out of thin air, the Demon Force storm surges. 就在这些半步圣尊以及魔纶克离开之时,一股强大的威压凭空出现,魔力风暴重新涌动起来。 refine demon Ancient Jade broke open prohibiting, in an instant then extended the innumerable say/way tentacles, goes toward Sky Martial world each place. 炼魔古玉破开了封禁,刹那之间便是伸出了无数道触手,向着天武世界各个地方而去。 Each tentacle is twining one or more Demon Clan, is swallowing their strength. 每一根触手缠绕着一个或者多个魔族,然后吞噬着他们的力量。 Part runs away by luck, but just arrived at the edge in the world, the protection that previously vanished, appeared unexpectedly once again, blocked the people. 还有一部分侥幸逃走,可是刚刚到达世界的边缘,先前消失的防护,竟然又一次出现了,挡住了众人。 Is such a time, others in Spirit Clan acts full power, carried off large quantities of Demon Clan. 就是这么一个功夫,灵族里的其他人全力出手,又带走了一大批的魔族 In this among, killing of refine demon Ancient Jade is fearful, by Demon Clan that it twines, can run away rare. 在这当中,炼魔古玉的杀伤最是可怕,被它缠绕的魔族,少有能够逃走的。 Seemed like the intense death crisis, making these Demon Clan stimulate the infinite potential, possibly or was the Zi Chen world underwent several times of attacks, the protection has become is vulnerable, after three breaths, defended breaks open once again, this Demon Clan of approaching, escaped smoothly. 似乎是强烈的死亡危机,使得这些魔族一个个都激发了无限潜力,或者可能是紫宸的世界经过了数次攻击,防护已经变得脆弱不堪,在三息之后,防御又一次破开,这一次临近的魔族们,顺利的逃了出去。 Military commands are strictly obeyed, even if these come from Saint Thunder Clan expert, in heart what kind of being unwilling, the impossible disobey orders, to go the Sky Martial world to help again at present. 军令如山,就算这些来自圣雷族强者们,心中一个个再如何的不甘,眼下也不可能违抗命令,前去天武世界帮忙。 They can only expect the Sky Martial world can get through this time difficult time, although knows that this possibility is actually very uncertain. 他们只能期望着天武世界能够渡过此次的难关,尽管一个个都知道这个可能其实很渺茫。 The smile on Lei Zheng Hongtian face has no longer concealed, this serious hidden trouble removed finally, then resisted on his this leader and Demon Clan. 雷正弘天脸上的笑容已经不再掩饰,这个心腹大患终于除掉了,那么接下来就该他这个首领与魔族对抗了。 As for making concessions, that is impossible. 至于退让,那是不可能的。 If not Zi Chen is extremely repugnant, enabling in the clan to exist cannot have a liking for him, this Saint Thunder Clan will not actually draw back time. 如果不是紫宸太过讨厌,使得族中很多存在都看不上他,这一次的圣雷族其实也不会退。 Is thinking in his in heart, time how should in this war, own maximum benefit time, the front belongs to the Zi Chen world, changed. 就在他的心中思索着,该如何在这一次的战争之中,把自己的利益最大化的时候,前方属于紫宸的世界,发生了变化。 Sees only protection that previously vanished, appeared unexpectedly once again. 只见先前消失的守护,竟然又一次出现了。 Sees this people, is calls out in alarm. 看到这一幕的众人,皆是惊呼起来。 This fellow, the brain shattered, now presents the protection is also useful, can only block the person on one's own side, making them unable to run, missed the last life chance.” “这个家伙,脑子坏掉了吗,现在出现守护又有什么用,只能把自己人挡住,让他们跑不出来,丧失最后的活命机会。” The next quarter, Lei Zheng Hongtian responded, he then looks that these Saint Thunder Clan expert said: Saw, Zi Chen this was colludes with Demon Clan in one, must kill the person on one's own side completely, proved own standpoint by this. I have told you, recently ten million do not go to the Sky Martial world, so as to avoid does not come back. Now was good, does not believe in evil doctrines became others to show the heartfelt sacrificial victim.” 下一刻,雷正弘天反应了过来,他回头看着那些圣雷族强者说道:“看到了吧,紫宸这是与魔族勾结在了一起,要把自己人全部害死,以此来证明自己的立场。我是不是早就告诉过你们,近段时间千万不要去天武世界,免得回不来。现在好了,不信邪的都成了人家表衷心的牺牲品。” The words that as Lei Zheng Hongtian vows solemnly fall, see only the world protection of Zi Chen to vanish once again, then the together/one path ray of light shadow appears. 只是随着雷正弘天信誓旦旦的话语落下,只见紫宸的世界防护又一次消失,接着一道道光影出现。 It is not Spirit Clan, but is Demon Clan. 并不是灵族,而是魔族 Is of head is Demon Clan leader Mo Lunke, besides him, unexpectedly 12 -and-a-half Holy Venerable, as well as fragmentary Demon Clan. 为首的那个就是魔族的首领魔纶克,除了他之外,竟然还有十二个半步圣尊,以及零星的魔族 Why did they come out? 为何他们出来了? Moreover looks at expressions, as if this attack is not smooth. 而且看一个个的表情,似乎此次的进攻并不顺利。 At this moment, defends gets up, all releases the soul strength exist, heard Mo Lunke to scold one ‚’ damn. 就在这时,防御又起,所有释放出魂力的存在们,都听到魔纶克骂了一声‘该死的’。 The next quarter, they start to attack the protection, after three breaths, the protection broke open, has Demon Clan to fly. 下一刻,他们开始攻击防护,三息之后,防护破开,有魔族飞了出来。 Demon Clan that each presents, on the face filled flurriedly, rejoicing that as well as is survivor of disaster. 每一个出现的魔族,脸上都充满了慌乱,以及劫后余生的庆幸。 After breaking open the defense, Mo Lunke no longer stays, leading these people to leave. 重新破开防御之后,魔纶克不再停留,带着这些人离开。 Enters enter world time, has 400,000 armies, but goes back, the number of army already less than more than 50,000 people. 入世界的时候,足足有着四十万大军,可是回去的时候,大军的数量已经不足五万余人。 Others obviously were the buckles. 其他人显然都是折损了。 Fluctuates in an uproar one after another, everyone wants to know, in the Zi Chen world, actually what happened. 哗然接连起伏,所有人都想知道,在紫宸的世界里,究竟发生了什么事。 Why in such a short time, Demon Clan defeated, 350,000 can't over armies come out? 为何在如此短的时间里,魔族就败了,超过三十五万的大军没能出来? Everyone is very curious, wants to know the answer. 所有人都很好奇,想要知道答案。 The Lei Zheng Hongtian smile solidified, stands cannot say there a few words. 雷正弘天的笑容凝固了,站在那里一句话都说不出来。 The eye of Mo Di stares perfectly round, shock looks at the front. 魔迪的眼睛瞪得滚圆,震惊的看着前方。 Mo Yan Shan Zuo also feels unbelievable. 魔严单佐也感到难以置信。 Previously after seeing they stormed into the Zi Chen world, two people of in heart very disturbed, was worried that this big merit did not have. 先前看到他们攻入紫宸的世界之后,二人的心中都是十分的忐忑,担心这个大功劳就这么没了。 Without thinking of the quick reality gave the counter-attack, 400,000 armies, only then less than 50,000 army returns. 没想到很快现实就给予了回击,四十万大军,只有不到五万大军归来。 Walks, in the past aided, preventing the Zi Chen belt/bring person to kill.” “走吧,过去接应一下,防止紫宸带人杀出来。” The Mo Yichan expression is light, walks toward the front, as if there is expectation to this early. 魔忆颤的表情平淡,向着前方走去,对这一幕似乎早有预料。 both sides have not contacted, Mo Yichan is only the belt/bring person looks from afar, but this still makes Mo Lunke unable to withstand, expression that especially Mo Di and Mo Yan Shan Zuo two people of that under punches, is to make his in heart uncomfortable. 双方并没有相接触,魔忆颤只是带人远远看着,但这依然让魔纶克承受不了,特别是魔迪魔严单佐二人那一副欠揍的表情,更是让他心中不爽。 Zi Chen has not appeared, Mo Yichan held holding the fist in the other hand to the opposite party, then transfers leaves. 紫宸并没有出现,魔忆颤冲着对方抱了抱拳,然后转身带人离开。 You are little self-satisfied, commander is still I.” Saying of Mo Lunke coldly: I will not give your.” “你少得意,统领依然是我。”魔纶克冷冷的说道:“我是不会让给你的。” I do not fight for the leader with you, I must remind you, must be careful again carefully.” “我不是与你来争抢首领的,我是要提醒你,一定要小心再小心。” Saying that Mo Yichan does not return to: If Zi Chen is so good to kill, will not live the present.” 魔忆颤头也不回的说道:“如果紫宸那么好杀,就不会活到现在了。” You had guessed correctly that he does have the subsequent hand?” Mo Lunke asked. “你早就猜到他有后手?”魔纶克问道。 Mo Yichan stopped, said: Guessed correctly, but not clear is anything, wants to come present you to know.” 魔忆颤停了下来,说道:“猜到了一些,但并不清楚是什么,想来现在的你已经知道了。” Mo Lunke in heart that lamentation, if we had known is this, he should take the million army to come before, perhaps at present has attacked and occupied the Zi Chen world, starts to enjoy the victory the fruit. 魔纶克心中那个悔恨啊,早知道是这样,他之前就该带上百万大军过来,说不定眼下已经攻占了紫宸的世界,开始享受胜利的果实。 Now is booing, several hundred thousand armies did not have, the Zi Chen world has not hit, next time will also want belt/bring more people. 现在倒好,几十万大军没了,紫宸的世界没打下来,下次还要带更多人来。 Demon Clan that can escape basically ran, at present has not run, could not have been inescapable. 能够逃跑的魔族基本上都跑了,眼下还没有跑的,已经跑不了了。 Has refine demon Ancient Jade to exist, the fight in a short time then ended, is the work of cleaning. 炼魔古玉存在,战斗在极短的时间里便结束了,接下来就是清扫的工作。 Actually does not use completely, these Demon Clan corpses, were taken away by refine demon Ancient Jade refine, the people only needed the things that took away these Demon Clan to leave behind to be good. 其实也完全不用,那些魔族的尸体,都被炼魔古玉夺去炼化,众人只需要收走那些魔族们留下的东西就好了。 The fight ended, the original ground and building in confusion, start to restore at this time, in a while, all are changed beyond recognition. 战斗结束,原先一片狼藉的地面以及建筑,此时开始恢复,没过多久,一切都焕然一新。 Is the Ancient Tree King Jono merit. 古树王乔诺的功劳。 Why made him run?” “为什么让他跑了?” The previous fight, Jolina watches, has not actually entered the war, at present arrives by Zi Chen, her puzzled asking, Zi Chen previously had the strength to leave behind that Captain Demon Clan obviously. 先前的战斗,乔丽娜都看在眼里,却没有参战,眼下来到紫宸旁边,她不解的问道,紫宸先前明明有实力留下那个魔族首领的。 Such stupid leader, naturally must remain, perhaps next time can also give a bigger gift to us.” “这么蠢的首领,当然要留着,说不定下次还能给我们送个更大的礼物。” Zi Chen smiles, said: Such leader, is rarely seen, if everyone looks like that Mo Yichan to be common, our days do not feel better actually.” 紫宸笑了笑,说道:“这样的首领,可是不多见的,如果人人都像那魔忆颤一般狡猾,我们的日子倒是不好过喽。” Jolina said: Now needs to block off the flow of news?” 乔丽娜说道:“现在需要封锁消息吗?” Although the present Sky Martial world was isolated, however among each transmission remains, has not encountered any destruction. 眼下的天武世界虽然被隔离了出来,但是当中的各个传送阵依然存在着,并没有遭到任何破坏。 The Sky Martial world just experienced one to win, then thinks investigates the details, but many, person who perhaps inside will have Demon Clan. 天武世界刚刚经历了一场大胜,接下来想必来探查底细的可是不少,说不定里面也会有魔族的人。 Did not need, making them investigate.” “不用,让他们探查好了。” The Zi Chen expression is still light, wants to be powerful enough, did not fear that others keep thinking.” 紫宸的表情依然平淡,“只要自己足够强大,就不怕别人惦记。” Experienced fought twice, the Zi Chen confidence was getting more and more full, in the Holy Venerable motionless situation, these Demon Clan came many him to kill many. 经历了两次大战,紫宸的信心越来越足,在圣尊不动的情况下,那些魔族来多少他就能杀多少。 Sends out as for Holy Venerable, believes that Zhong Hao and the others will not see somebody in danger and do nothing. 至于圣尊出动,相信重昊等人不会见死不救。 Although Demon Clan overran to beside Saint Thunder Clan, but has not destroyed original all, Territory of Venerable that therefore communicated can also relate. 魔族虽然攻到了圣雷族之外,但并没有破坏原有的一切,所以来往的尊域还能联系。 Zi Chen second time news that destroys completely the Demon Clan army, was one and passed on, suddenly triggered bigger in an uproar. 紫宸第二次灭掉魔族大军的消息,也是一并传了出去,一时间引发了更大的哗然。 Everyone wants to know detail that fights, is shock. 所有人都想知道那一战的细节,都是十分的震撼。 But after knowing details, many people are sobbing, a Sky Martial world can block Demon Clan several hundred thousand armies, if entire Saint Thunder Clan do send out together? 而在得知细节之后,不少人都在唏嘘,一个天武世界都能挡住魔族几十万的大军,如果整个圣雷族一起出动呢? Whether to repel Demon Clan smoothly? 是不是能把魔族顺利打退? What a pity, is this, Saint Thunder Clan still gave up Zi Chen, when the news travels, Saint Thunder Clan undoubtedly becomes the joke. 可惜,就是这样,圣雷族依然放弃了紫宸,在消息传开的时候,圣雷族无疑成为了笑话。 With twice wins, ridiculed that the Saint Thunder Clan sound was more. 随着两次的大胜,嘲笑圣雷族的声音则是更多了起来。 Solemn Great Influence, does not have the little strength of spirit, naturally makes one ridicule. 堂堂大势力,没有一点点骨气,自然让人嘲笑。 What is worth mentioning is, once hit these half Holy Venerable that lives to kill for the light of Spiritual Power, after the god and demon invade, looking like Old Mouse drilled in the hole to be the same, vanished to disappear. 值得一提的是,曾经为了灵力之光打生打死的那些半步圣尊们,在神、魔入侵之后,就像是老鼠钻到了洞里一样,消失不见了。 A flying boat left Saint Thunder Clan, toward approaching Territory of Venerable goes. 一艘飞舟离开了圣雷族,向着临近的尊域而去。 This is a very common flying boat, the grade is not high, such flying boat number are all the way many. 这是一艘很寻常的飞舟,品级不高,一路上这样的飞舟数量不少。 Demon Clan seized here, is making war with the Sky Martial world, but barring traffic. 魔族占领了这里,正跟天武世界开战,但并没有封锁交通。 Vanguard, this flying boat suddenly changes, directly soars the Demon Clan direction to go. 前行的时候,这艘飞舟忽然变向,直奔魔族的方向而去。 Arrives beside star sphere/planet that Demon Clan occupies, the flying boat stopped, goes out of a person. 来到魔族占据的星球之外,飞舟停了下来,从中走出一个人来。 The opposite party look Demon Clan that guards said: I called Leizheng Hongfang, looks your leader Mo Yichan.” 对方看着守卫的魔族说道:“我叫雷正弘方,来找你们的首领魔忆颤。”
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