TM :: Volume #41

#4077: Truth

Zi Chen thinks that the opposite party will quit when you're ahead, does not want completely to be destroys, has to tear down the meaning of entire including the family greatly, therefore makes noise to stop. 紫宸原以为对方会见好就收,不曾想完全是来破坏的,大有拆掉整个连家的意思,于是出声制止。 Naturally no one stops, these are also not the Saint Spirit goons, movement(s) is very agile, the construction is collapsing one after another. 当然没有人住手,那些还不是圣灵的打手们,动作很是敏捷,建筑一栋接着一栋的倒塌着。 Many people are escaping flurriedly, crying aloud that many children frighten. 许多人在慌乱逃跑,有不少孩子吓的啼哭。 The scholartree looked at Zi Chen one, sneers saying: " What thing you are, dares to gesticulate before me? " 槐都看了紫宸一眼,冷笑道:"你算什么东西,也敢在我面前指手画脚?" Zi Chen said: " Should everything have is not? Destroyed so many to construct, hasn't been able to calm down? " 紫宸说道:"凡事都该有个度不是?都毁了这么多建筑了,难道还不能消气?" " Calms down? " "消气?" Scholartree coldly smiles, " this few air/Qi foot, is also wanting to vanish also early. " 槐都冷冷一笑,"本少的气还足着呢,想要消掉也还早着呢。" Zi Chen said: " That does not know when you can calm down? " 紫宸说道:"那不知你什么时候才能消气?" " Naturally is discovers the Spirit Clan spy the time. " Scholartree said: " You think that this few is causes trouble? Actually you made a mistake, but this few goal to grasp Spirit Clan. Cannot hold Spirit Clan, you said that this few air/Qi can disappear? This few, but the demon snake, the only mission is to grasp Spirit Clan remnant! " "当然是找出灵族奸细的时候。"槐都说道:"你以为本少是来闹事的是不是?其实你错了,本少的目的可是为了抓灵族。抓不住灵族,你说本少的气能消吗?要知道,本少可是魔蛇,唯一的使命就是抓灵族余孽!" Zi Chen sighed: " I think that I am rampant enough, but compares with you, felt that missed much. " 紫宸感叹道:"我以为我足够嚣张,但跟你比起来,感觉还是差了不少啊。" " That is because you do not have this capital, because you insufficiently look! Even if I raze to the ground here today, still no one can do to me, moreover afterward they must visit to apologize, that woman who I want must visit finally personally. " "那是因为你没有这个资本,因为你不够看!就算今天我把这里夷为平地,依然没有人能够奈何我,而且事后他们还得登门赔罪,我要的那个女人最终还得亲自上门。" The scholartree looks at Zi Chen, said: " You said, tossed about, tossed about the family/home did not have, without preserving that woman, why bother was this? " 槐都看着紫宸,道:"你说,折腾了一圈,把家都折腾没了,还是没保住那个女人,这又是何苦?" Zi Chen looks at the scholartree, the look gradually becomes cold. 紫宸看着槐都,眼神逐渐变冷。 Stands continually stands in the one side definitely, in heart also not is the negativity, at least this young people named Zi Chen, has not feared few Town Lord, perhaps also hopeful. 连立决站在一旁,心中也并非全是负面情绪,最起码这个叫做紫宸的年轻人,并没有惧怕少城主,或许还有希望。 The scholartree also said: " Moreover, what thing are you? Also dares to gesticulate before me? You said me to be rampant, that is because I have the rampant capital, I have the Town Lord mansion behind, has the demon snake army, what do you have? " 槐都又道:"而且,你算个什么东西?也敢在我面前指手画脚?你说我嚣张,那是因为我有嚣张的资本,我身后有城主府,有魔蛇军,你有什么?" The Zi Chen figure vanishes suddenly. 紫宸的身形忽然消失。 Everyone at present is a flower, next quarter scholartree figure also vanished. 所有人的眼前都是一花,下一刻槐都的身形也消失了。 Voice resounds one after another, is not sound that the construction collapses, but is the object passes through the wall the sound. 蓬蓬的声音接连响起,并非建筑倒塌的声音,而是物体贯穿墙壁的声音。 When the sound vanishes, the people then responded, looked toward side, they noticed that on the wall were many a human form trace. 待声音消失,众人这才反应过来,向着旁边望去,他们看到墙壁上多了一个人形痕迹。 Everyone's heart is startled. 所有人的心头都是一惊。 These are hitting exist, is the flying that pounds plunders. 那些正在打砸的存在们,也是飞身掠来。 They surrounded all around, does not dare to go in rashly. 他们围住了四周,没敢贸然进去。 Footsteps sound, Zi Chen walked, he drags to entrain scholartree hair, the place visited, leaves behind the together/one path bloodstain. 脚步声响起,紫宸从中走了出来,他拖拽着槐都的头发,所过之处,留下一道血痕。 Scholartree seven orifices are bleeding, aura already extremely weak. 槐都的七窍在流血,气息已经极其虚弱。 Solemn Two Stars, did not have half life instantaneously. 堂堂一个二星,瞬间没了半条命。 " Lets loose Young Master!!! " "放开少主!!!" Person who the scholartree brings, loud scolding. 槐都带来的人,都在大声的呵斥。 Stood continually looked at each other definitely with the steward, saw shock from the eyes of opposite party, so relaxed wanted the scholartree half life, what Realm was this? 连立决与管家相视了一眼,都从对方的眼中看到了震撼,如此轻松的就要了槐都半条命,这是什么境界 Three Stars? 三星 Four Stars? 四星 Zi Chen throws the trash to be the same probably, threw the scholartree, looks that in the mouth spurts the opposite party of blood unceasingly, light saying: " I do not have the influence behind, what I depend on is the strength. " 紫宸像是丢垃圾一样,把槐都丢了出去,看着口中不断喷血的对方,淡淡的说道:"我身后没有势力,我凭的是力量。" Others go forward, help up the scholartree, some people feed his medicinal pill, some people are alerting Zi Chen. 其他人纷纷上前,扶起槐都,有人喂他丹药,有人戒备着紫宸 Zi Chen stands there, calm looks at the scholartree, until he swallowed medicinal pill, the facial expression restored, this said: " Did we chat? " 紫宸就站在那里,静静的看着槐都,直到他吞服了丹药,气色恢复了一些,这才说道:"我们谈谈?" The scholartree wipes the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, said: " My qualifications insufficiently discussed with you, allowing me to ask the father to come. " 槐都擦去嘴角的血迹,道:"我的资格不够与你谈,容我让人叫父亲过来。" " Ok. " Zi Chen nods. "可以。"紫宸点头。 The scholartree caused a meaningful glance, a person soars immediately, flies toward the Town Lord mansion. 槐都使了一个眼色,一人立刻腾空而起,向着城主府飞去。 During this period, the scholartree maintains total silence. 在这期间,槐都一语不发。 Zi Chen said: " Suddenly cannot hear the sound, but also some are not familiar with. Can continue to pound? " 紫宸说道:"忽然间听不到声音,还有些不习惯。要不要继续砸下去?" The scholartree continues silent, maintains total silence. 槐都继续沉默,一语不发。 Zi Chen looks to several other people, " you? " 紫宸又看向另外几人,"你们呢?" Several people hurry to shake the head. 几人赶紧摇头。 Struck wanted the few Town Lord half life, changed them not to die? 一击就要了少城主的半条命,换了他们不得死? Since the scholartree does not speak, Zi Chen was also disinclined with the opposite party idle talk, although he was good at being reasonable, but with these unreasonable person, temporarily was having no way reasonable. 既然槐都不说话了,紫宸也懒得跟对方废话,虽然他擅长讲道理,但跟这些不讲道理的人,暂时是没法讲道理的。 The woman who the distant place, appears quietly, sees this secretly, in heart was calm, shouted the Bodhisattva to bless secretly. 远处,悄悄露头的妇人,看到这一幕后,心中则是大定,暗呼菩萨保佑。 " Goes, moves a stool. " Zi Chen looks to front one person. "去,搬个凳子来。"紫宸看向前方一人。 That person slightly is running immediately departure, walked from the beforehand shatter house, puts out a stool, placed in front of Zi Chen. 那人立刻小跑着离开,从之前破碎的房子里走了进去,搬出一条凳子来,放在了紫宸面前。 Zi Chen said: " Has to be close to Saint Spirit Realm, is not why good, must follow this bastard no steady job, sooner or later will die by his pit. Has not died while the present, hurries to look for other jobs. " 紫宸说道:"有接近圣灵境界,干什么不好,非得跟着这个王八蛋瞎混,迟早会被他坑死。趁现在还没死,赶紧去找个其他营生。" That person does not dare to speak, because scholartree eye has been torching, disliked him to move the stool to Zi Chen. 那人没敢说话,因为槐都的眼睛已经在喷火,嫌他给紫宸搬凳子了。 Zi Chen sat, " introduced oneself, I called Zi Chen, where did not need to manage from you, even you can regard Spirit Clan me, or did you give Lian Jia Ann's charge not to find the person? You can calculate in my head. " 紫宸坐了下来,"自我介绍一下,我叫紫宸,来自哪里你不用管了,甚至你可以把我当成灵族,或者你给连家安的罪名不是还没找到人吗?你可以算在我的头上。" When the Zi Chen speech, sets up definitely behind steward continually, the expression had the slight change. 就在紫宸说话的时候,连立决身后的管家,表情发生了细微的变化。 " Today passed by the expensive/noble treasure trove by chance, since bumped into your creating a scene two ancestors, that is must manage. " "今日恰巧路过贵宝地,既然碰上了你这个无理取闹的二世祖,那还是要管管的。" Zi Chen looks at the scholartree, said: " You are so rampant, the person who does not know also thinks that you are the demon dragon, who knows that is a small demon snake. " 紫宸看着槐都,说道:"你这么嚣张,不知道的人还以为你是魔龙呢,谁知道才是一条小小的魔蛇。" Scholartree expression changes, the demon snake is extremely high in the Demon World position, but the demon dragon is higher. 槐都的表情一变,魔蛇在魔界的地位极高,但是魔龙却更高。 This person said the demon dragon two characters very much at will, had the background greatly? 此人很随意的说出魔龙二字,难道大有来头? Cannot allow him to consider carefully, is has sound air-splitting to transmit, his father, came to Town Lord of demon city. 只是容不得他仔细思量,便是有着破空声传来,他的父亲,同时也是向魔城的城主来了。 Besides him, but also have several position Saint Spirit follows. 除了他之外,还有数圣灵跟着。 The Town Lord figure whereabouts, first stared a scholartree, this looks to Zi Chen, asked indifferently: " Here what happened? " 城主身形下落,先是瞪了一眼槐都,这才看向紫宸,漠然问道:"这里发生了什么事?" Zi Chen said: " Your son comes to here to grasp Spirit Clan, looked awful, I who others families/home destroy look for his theory, he is not willing to listen, therefore my slightly disciplinary punishment. " 紫宸说道:"你儿子来这里抓灵族,把人家的家破坏的都不成样子了,我找他理论,他不太愿意听,所以我稍稍惩戒了一番。" Town Lord cold snort, said: " Your big courage, begins in my city, but also so righteous? " 城主冷哼一声,道:"你好大的胆子,在我的城市动手,还如此的理直气壮?" " ? " "哦?" Zi Chen unexpected saying: " Then, didn't Sir Town Lord you plan to uphold the justice? " 紫宸意外的说道:"这么说来,城主大人你并不打算主持公道了?" Town Lord holds the fist in the other hand toward the flank, said: " The accusation of demon snake health/guard is searches Spirit Clan remnant, Demon World everyone must coordinate, this is the Demon World custom, you dare to break the rule unexpectedly, but courts death? " 城主向着侧方抱拳,道:"魔蛇卫的指责就是查找灵族余孽,魔界人人都得配合,这是魔界的规矩,你竟然敢破坏规矩,可是找死?" When the opposite party spoke, several Saint Spirit that he brought, have scattered in all directions, surrounded Zi Chen. 就在对方说话的时候,他带来的几位圣灵,已经四散开来,把紫宸包围了起来。 Previously also the silent scholartree, the next quarter said: " Father, I suspected that he is Spirit Clan remnant, today the just right personal testimony material, catches this person, confiscates family's property including the family again, colludes with Spirit Clan, including the family everyone must die! " 先前还沉默的槐都,下一刻说道:"爹,我怀疑他就是灵族余孽,今天正好人证物质都在,把此人一抓,再把连家抄家,勾结灵族,连家所有人都得死!" Sets up complexion definitely continually one white, never expected that the matter evolved so the degree unexpectedly. 连立决的脸色一白,没想到事情竟然演变到了如此程度。 The expression of steward is but actually calm. 管家的表情倒还算平静。 Zi Chen shakes the head, helpless saying: " It seems like, with people like you, cannot reason with from the beginning. " 紫宸摇了摇头,无奈的说道:"看来,跟你们这种人,一开始就不能讲理。" Then, Zi Chen acted. 说完,紫宸出手了。 Fist. 一拳一个。 Resounds, several Saint Spirit that approaches along with voice is struck to fly. 伴随着蓬蓬的声音响起,临近的数位圣灵被击飞。 Town Lord after seeing Zi Chen around the body circulation the light of strength, the complexion changes, loses one's voice to call out in alarm said: " This is Demon Force, are you Sir Royal Clan? " 城主在看到紫宸周身流转的力量之光后,脸色则是大变,失声惊呼道:"这是魔力,你是王族大人?"
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