TM :: Volume #40

#3973: 6 arms

Zi Chen brings the booklet, the resources that inside records are indeed many, moreover before all resources, has to lose two characters. 紫宸把小册子拿了过来,里面记载的资源的确不少,而且所有的资源之前,都带有失落二字。 Means that this place the resources lose the world to be in sole possession. 意味着此地的资源是失落世界独有的。 And most is the crystal stone, can refine the crystal stones of various types of weapons, but exceeds the most quantity, can refine spirit Soul Weapon. 其中最多的就是晶石,可以炼制成各种兵器的晶石,而其中超过大半的数量,都是可以炼制灵魂兵器的。 In the Holy Rune World world, spirit Soul Weapon is very common, is in Holy Spirit World, this is one extremely scarce resources. 圣符界的世界里,灵魂兵器很常见,可是在圣灵界,这就是一种极其稀有的资源。 In these resources among, regarding losing some Heavenly Crystal also special explanations, besides transmission, many uses, same supplements the consumption of soul strength. 在这些资源当中,对于失落天晶也有专门的解释,除了传送之外,还有诸多的用途,其中一样就是补充魂力的消耗。 Previously Zi Chen swept one, many attention, have not seen the above record after at present, his in heart moved, looks at thunder Mang, losing Heavenly Crystal took to give me to have a look.” 先前紫宸只是扫了一眼,并未过多的关注,眼下看到上面的记载之后,他的心中一动,看着雷吂,“把失落天晶拿出来给我看看。” thunder Mang put out one to lose Heavenly Crystal, together/one path golden light departs from the Zi Chen forehead, falls above Heavenly Crystal. 雷吂拿出了一块失落天晶,一道金光紫宸的眉心飞出,落在了天晶之上。 Sees only Heavenly Crystal also to start to shine, the strength of among circulation, forcefully suction. 只见天晶也开始放光,当中流转的力量,正在被强行吸走。 Others are amazed looks at this, the Zi Chen soul strength, was too rather strong. 其他人都是惊异的看着这一幕,紫宸的魂力,未免太强了些。 golden light vanishes, Zi Chen nods, said: Good thing.” 金光消失,紫宸点了点头,道:“不错的东西。” His vision looks toward all around, is examining the terrain of this place. 他的目光向着四周望去,查看着此地的地形。 No matter what crystal stone, may have mineral lode, so long as discovers one, that is the huge harvest. 不管是什么晶石,都有可能存在着一个个矿脉,只要发现一座,那就是巨大的收获。 Naturally, if the discovery loses the Heavenly Crystal mineral lode fortunately, that is extraordinary. 当然,如果有幸发现失落天晶矿脉,那更是了不得。 Zi Chen had previously had the exchange with the little elf, opposite party's explicit expression, if this Heavenly Crystal quantity were many enough, even if did not swallow Soul Mansion still yes. 先前紫宸跟小精灵有过交流,对方明确的表示,如果这种天晶的数量足够多,就算不吞噬魂府也是可以的。 The step of group has not stopped, has turned toward the front to walk, in this period others were also passing on the booklet mutually, remembers the above content. 一行人的步伐没有停止,一直都向着前方走去,期间其他人也在互相传着小册子,牢记上面的内容。 All around has the trace that the fight leaves, has the stump residual limb of being cut off, the bloodstain without done thoroughly. 四周已经有战斗留下来的痕迹,有断掉的残肢,还有未干透的血迹。 Looks at these traces, thunder Mang said: We came late.” 看着这些痕迹,雷吂说道:“我们来晚了。” Zi Chen said: You should feel to rejoice, some people blocked the danger for you.” 紫宸说道:“你应该感到庆幸,有人替你们挡住了危险。” Also went forward a section of road, Zi Chen saw others, even if came late for several days, they still had not cast off the distance. 又前进了一段路,紫宸看到了其他人,哪怕晚来了几天,他们依然没有被甩开距离。 In the field of vision, the fight is continuing, the light of Holy Rune erupts unceasingly, various phenomenon appear in the sky. 视野之中,战斗在持续着,圣符之光不断爆发,各种异象出现在天空。 Can come here, lowly is Five Stars Saint Spirit, but their real True Realm, in seven Eight Stars about, the sound of fight naturally are enormous. 能够来到这里的,最低都是五星圣灵,而他们的真实境界,都在七八星左右,战斗的动静自然是极大的。 Zi Chen saw lost Yi Clan, indeed each appearance was strange, was strength extremely strong, facing Holy Rune, they can definitely resist by the mortal body hardly, but the attack that they made, often can injure to these Holy Rune masters. 紫宸看到了失落遗族,的确各个长相奇怪,都是力量极强,面对一张张的圣符,他们完全可以凭借肉身去硬抗,而他们打出的攻击,往往都能伤到那些圣符师。 In the field of vision, has makes mang and the others feel the threat of terrifying, but falls on the bodies of these Yi Clan, probably superficial flexure is itchy. 视野之中,有着许多让雷吂等人都感到恐怖的威胁,可是落在那些遗族的身上,却像是不痛不痒的挠痒痒。 One only then Yi Clan of three heads six ears, after resisting several attacks, then rushed to front of a Holy Rune master. 一只有着三头六耳的遗族,在抗住数道攻击之后,便是冲到了一位圣符师面前。 Sees only his fist to grip tightly, goes toward the surface gate attack of Holy Rune master. 只见他的拳头紧握,向着圣符师的面门攻击而去。 The before body of Holy Rune master, having Holy Rune is luminous, formed the One Layer protection. 圣符师的身前,有着圣符之光亮起,形成了一层守护。 In the surface of protection, the ancient writing appears. 在守护的表面,还有古老的文字显现。 Of bang shakes greatly! 轰的一声巨震! This One Layer powerful protection, instantaneous comes shatter. 一层强大的守护,瞬间破碎开来。 thunder Mang and the others stared the big eye, stubbornly is staring at the front, looks the Six Stars Holy Rune master who that loses the protection, the body tore in half. 雷吂等人瞪大眼睛,死死的盯着前方,看着那个失去守护的六星圣符师,身体被撕成了两半。 That Yi Clan opens the mouth attracts, the soul of Holy Rune master is divided into three, was swallowed by three heads Yi Clan. 那个遗族张口一吸,圣符师的灵魂一分为三,被三头遗族吞噬。 thunder Mang and the others the heart braves the cold air, is somewhat scared, did a powerful Six Stars Holy Rune master, die? 雷吂等人心头冒着凉气,有些胆寒,一位强大的六星圣符师,就这么死了? In this moment, they understand finally why Zi Chen makes them come late for several days. 在这一刻,他们终于明白,为何紫宸让他们晚来几天。 If comes early, perhaps they also died much. 如果来早的话,说不定他们也死了不少。 „It is not a fist, is six fists, is only the fist is fast, probably strikes, but the Holy Rune master was also negligent, therefore died.” “不是一拳,是六拳,只是拳速过快,像是一击,而圣符师又大意了,所以死了。” Zi Chen light saying, the facial expression is still tranquil. 紫宸淡淡的说道,神情依然平静。 The opposite party overestimated the self-defence, should be some ancient Holy Rune technique, simultaneously underestimated the fist number of opponent, or runs into such enemy for the first time, too does not adapt. 对方高估了自己的防御,应该是某种古老的圣符术,同时低估了对手的拳头数量,或者说首次遇到这样的敌人,不太适应。 If two fists of normal human(ity), wants to break through the defense instantaneously is almost impossible, but the opponent actually used enough six fists. 如果是正常人类的两拳,想要瞬间攻破防御几乎是不可能的,可对手却是用了足足六拳。 Besides the three heads six ears, opposite party also six arms, but previously fought time, has not used. 除了三头六耳之外,对方还有六臂,只是先前战斗的时候,并未动用罢了。 Zi Chen stands in the rear area, looks at the front fight, the meaning without acted. 紫宸站在后方,看着前面的战斗,并没有出手的意思。 Such that just like in that booklet records, Yi Clan battle strength of this place is very strong, moreover excels at the soul attack very much, the mortal body also compared ordinary Saint Spirit more powerful, looking like polished the mortal body to be the same specially. 正如那小册子上记载的那样,此地的遗族战力很强,而且都很擅长灵魂攻击,肉身也比普通的圣灵强大了许多,就像是专门打磨过肉身一样。 Others disperse panic-stricken, that only three heads Yi Clan sweeps away all obstacles, without rival. 其它人惊恐散开,那只三头遗族所向披靡,没有敌手。 Suddenly, the opposite party saw here Zi Chen and the others, human(ity) that as if in his eyes, has not acted, is small and weak existence. 忽然,对方看到了这边的紫宸等人,似乎在他的眼里,没有出手的人类,都是弱小的存在。 The opposite party clash toward here. 对方向着这边冲来。 thunder Mang and the others saw that immediately puts out prepared good Holy Rune, started the attack. 雷吂等人见状,立刻拿出了准备好的圣符,开始了攻击。 The thunderclap thunders, heavenly thunder is billowing, Saint Thunder Force crazy random walk. 雷声轰鸣,天雷滚滚,圣雷之力疯狂的游走。 No matter the might, at least the sound is how enormous, as if in the flash, the vision of many people went to here. 不管威力如何,最起码动静是极大的,似乎在一瞬间,许多人的目光都投向了这边。 Because can have the so giant sound, takes a broad view at Holy Spirit World, only has a side influence. 因为能有如此巨大动静的,放眼圣灵界,唯有一方势力。 Saint Thunder Clan! 圣雷族 Many Holy Thunder attacks, fell on three heads Yi Clan, the body of opposite party bathed in thunder light, did not seem to receive any injury. 诸多的圣雷攻击,落在了三头遗族身上,对方的身体沐浴在雷光之中,似乎没有受到任何的伤害。 In an instant, to convenient ran out of the thunderbolt range, kills toward here. 转眼间,对方便是冲出了雷霆的范围,向着这边杀来。 thunder Mang and the others the complexion big change, strike an attitude to retrocede. 雷吂等人脸色大变,作势就要后退。 At this moment, a person flushes away forward. 就在这时,一人向前冲去。 Zi Chen. 正是紫宸 In his hand were many a long stick, above the long stick shone the golden ray. 他的手中多了一杆长棍,长棍之上亮起了金色的光芒。 The figure is almost a twinkle, then to the three heads Yi Clan near. 身形几乎是一个闪烁,便是到了三头遗族的近前。 A stick falls! 一棍落下! In people's eyes, as if has together/one path golden thunderbolt to blast out. 在众人的眼睛里,仿佛有着一道金色雷霆炸开。 Of bang! 轰的一声! Unprecedented three heads Yi Clan, the body flies upside down to go toward the rear area. 一往无前的三头遗族,身体向着后方倒飞而去。 Zi Chen stands there, golden light blooms all over the body, thunderbolt that said golden innumerably, walked randomly in around the body. 紫宸站在那里,通体金光绽放,无数道金色雷霆,在周身游走。 three heads Yi Clan stands up, the corners of the mouth he of overflowing blood, had roared, to/clashes again toward Zi Chen. 三头遗族站起身来,嘴角已经溢血的他,怒吼了一声,再次向着紫宸冲来。 Zi Chen holds up the long stick, falls. 紫宸举起长棍,又是一落。 Bang! 轰! The land thunders, several cracks extend from the under foot, the innumerable mist and dust surge. 大地轰鸣,数道裂缝自脚下延伸,无数烟尘激荡而起。 three heads Yi Clan this time flying is farther. 三头遗族此次飞的更远。 Rear thunder Mang and the others, looked completely dumbfounded. 后方的雷吂等人,完全看傻眼了。 Was this too also powerful? 这也太强大了吧? Falls to the ground tumbling three heads Yi Clan, had not died, he of setting out, in the eye obviously had panic-stricken. 落地翻滚的三头遗族,并没有死去,起身的他,眼中明显有了惊恐。 He turns around to run, does not dare to look for the trouble of Zi Chen. 他转身就跑,再不敢找紫宸的麻烦。 Sees only the Zi Chen figure in a flash, was ordinary like Instant Shift, arrived at the three heads Yi Clan front. 只见紫宸的身形一晃,如同瞬移一般,来到了三头遗族的面前。 In the hand the golden long stick lifts up high. 手中金色的长棍高举。 Falls again! 再落! The together/one path golden arc, cut the expansive sky. 一道金色的弧线,划破了长空。 thunderbolt blasts out, the innumerable say/way waves are scattering in all directions going far away. 雷霆炸开,无数道波浪四散着远去。 three heads Yi Clan this time has not drawn back, has not flown upside down, but stands there is motionless. 三头遗族此次没退,也没有倒飞,而是站在那里一动不动。 The together/one path dark red bloodstain, flows off from his forehead. 一道殷红的血迹,从他的眉心流下。 His vitality has vanished. 他的生机已经消失。 As Zi Chen of Holy Rune master, used three sticks merely, then killed three heads Yi Clan. 作为圣符师的紫宸,仅仅用了三棍,便是杀了三头遗族 Even the method of Holy Rune master is useless. 圣符师的手段都没用。 ( https://) (https://) «Thunder Martial» only dismounts the sincere viewpoint on behalf of the author, such as discovered that its content is contrary to the content that the state law conflicts, please make deletion processing, the standpoint of https:// only devotes to providing the healthy green reading platform. 【】, Thank you! 雷武》仅代表作者中下马笃的观点,如发现其内容有违国家法律相抵触的内容,请作删除处理,https://的立场仅致力于提供健康绿色的阅读平台。【】,谢谢大家!
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