TM :: Volume #37

#3650: Lan Gumeng

Lan Hongyi brought Zi Chen to leave that discussing official business hall, went to other mansions, here achievement Lan/blue Family core, the region was huge. 蓝紅依带着紫宸离开了那座议事的大厅,去了其他的府邸,这里作为蓝家的核心,地域庞大。 The both sides words are not all the way many. 一路上双方话都不多。 Shan Ya looks at Lan Hongyi one actually from time to time, as if is very curious such woman, how can say such words. 倒是山垭时而看蓝紅依一眼,似乎很好奇这样的女人,怎么能说出那样的话来。 The Zi Chen four people walked half double-hour, goes the place that Lan Hongyi said that that is an alone courtyard, outside is planting some green bamboo, in the institute is fine spring day. 紫宸四人足足走了半个时辰,才到达蓝紅依所说的地方,那是一个独栋院落,外面栽种着一些翠竹,院中则是鸟语花香。 Here was the place that you lived, inside anything thing has, eats will have the specialist to distribute.” “这里就是你们居住的地方了,里面什么东西都有,吃得也会有专人配送。” Lan Hongyi is pointing at another alone yard outside hundred zhang (333 m), said: I live there, has anything to look for me, I will give you appropriately the help.” 蓝紅依指着百丈外的另外一个独栋小院,说道:“我居住在那里,有什么事情可以去找我,我会适当的给你们一些帮助的。” Zi Chen said hesitant: We have lived here, can be not quite appropriate?” 紫宸犹豫道:“我们一直住在这里,会不会不太合适?” Lan Hongyi looked at Zi Chen one, meaningful saying: „To walk is impossible.” 蓝紅依看了紫宸一眼,意味深长的说道:“想走是不可能的。” Then, she walked. 说完,她就走了。 Nuo Ya and Shan Ya look at Zi Chen, waits for him to make a decision. 诺亚山垭看着紫宸,等着他拿主意。 First walks one step to look at one step.” “先走一步看一步吧。” Zi Chen walks toward the front, in this moment, he has to sigh, the reward is not good to take. 紫宸向着前方走去,在这一刻,他不得不感叹,报酬是一点都不好拿啊。 The journey crisis of experience did not say, cannot do well will also lose the life here. 经历的路途危机不说,搞不好还会在这里丢掉性命。 The room is very clean, as if there is specialist to clean, everything that should be here is here, even the martial arts room has. 房间很干净,似乎有专人打扫过,应有尽有,甚至连练功房都有。 Moreover the ground in entire room, as if has Rule Formation of gathering soul strength, making this place the soul strength quite rich. 而且整个房间的地面,似乎有着一座汇聚魂力的法阵,使得此地的魂力颇为浓郁。 In the room is also suspending various types of fine accessories, and can enhance the soul strength, only this then can see the wealth of Lan/blue Family, as well as powerful. 房间里也摆着各种精美的饰品,且都是可以提高魂力的,仅此便可以看出蓝家的富有,以及强大。 Zi Chen starts cultivation, the heart calms down slowly. 紫宸开始修行,心慢慢静了下来。 Actually Shan Ya and Nuo Ya two people, are unable to be tranquil for a very long time, originally thought arrives at Lan/blue Family is the good matter, after all they are the men of merits, who can think, they will really be in danger. 倒是山垭诺亚二人,久久无法平静,本以为来到蓝家是好事情,毕竟他们都是有功之人,但谁能想到,他们竟然会有生命危险。 After half double-hour, Lan Rui came, besides him, Xiao Ya/small mute, this makes Zi Chen somewhat accidental/surprised. 半个时辰之后,篮睿来了,除了他之外,还有小哑,这让紫宸有些意外。 This time Xiao Ya/small mute, wears the magnificent and expensive women's clothing, with former lost/carrying sword woman, widely divergent, after seeing three people, in her eye had the color of pleasant surprise. 此时的小哑,穿着华贵的衣裙,与之前的负剑女子,大相径庭,看到三人之后,她的眼中有了惊喜之色。 Zi Chen looks at Lan Rui, the opposite party said: Does not have the means that Heavenly Female to be determined to come to here, I can only bring her.” 紫宸看着篮睿,对方说道:“没办法,天女执意要来这里,我只能把她带来了。” Zi Chen still looks at Lan Rui, without speech. 紫宸依然看着篮睿,没有说话。 Lan Rui said again: This place, unavoidably is initially ill, but you do not need to worry, if smooth, two days later you can see an acquaintance, when the time comes he naturally can tell you all. These days, first makes Heavenly Female live here.” 篮睿再次说道:“初来此地,难免不适,不过你们也不用担心,如果顺利的话,两天之后你们就能看到一个熟人,到时候他自然会告诉你们一切。这段时间,就先让天女住在这里。” Zi Chen then nods. 紫宸这才点了点头。 Lan Rui said goodbye to leave. 篮睿告辞离开。 In a while, then had the specialist to send food, manufactured with the special food, the fruit after food, can enhance the soul strength the good thing. 没过多久,便是有专人送来了食物,都是用特殊的食材制作成的,就连饭后的水果,都是可以提升魂力的好东西。 Eating to the heart's content that Zi Chen and Nuo Ya eat, Shan Ya and Xiao Ya/small mute seemed to be also infected, this food everyone eats the mood to be excellent. 紫宸诺亚吃的大快朵颐,山垭小哑似乎也被感染,这一顿饭大家吃得心情极好。 Also was comforts in the place of this oppressor lying in wait from all sides only. 也算是在这个虎狼环伺之地唯一的安慰了。 What to do then should we?” “接下来我们该怎么办?” Xiao Ya/small mute looks at Zi Chen, her person did not know here, therefore strongly requests Zi Chen here. 小哑看着紫宸,她在这里一个人都不认识,所以才强烈要求来紫宸这里。 Compares others, follows side getting to know each other well Zi Chen, there is a security sense. 相比其他人,跟在相熟的紫宸身边,还是有安全感的。 Only can wait.” “只能等了。” Zi Chen shows a faint smile to Xiao Ya/small mute, said: „Hadn't you detected before exceptionally?” 紫宸冲着小哑微微一笑,道:“你之前就没有察觉到异常?” Xiao Ya/small mute shakes the head saying: No, since I record events, with Young Lady lives together, I from small practice the sword assiduously , when has the danger to protect Young Lady.” 小哑摇头说道:“没有,从我记事起,就跟小姐生活在一起,我从小刻苦练剑,就是为了在有危险的时候保护小姐。” After touching the type changed, the Xiao Ya/small mute voice also becomes very of pleasant to hear, she will certainly not deceive Zi Chen. 摸样变化了之后,小哑的嗓音也变得十分好听,她当然不会欺骗紫宸 Moreover Zi Chen also listened to the helplessness of opposite party, originally must protect Young Lady her, unexpectedly was that Young Lady. 而且紫宸也听出了对方的无奈,本来是要保护小姐的她,竟然就是那位小姐 Xiao Ya/small mute do not know that oneself status, naturally can also deceive others, this chess looks like in Zi Chen, walking is also extremely wise. 小哑自己都不知道自己的身份,自然也就能骗过其他人了,这一步棋在紫宸看来,走得也是极其高明。 But concrete matter how , can only wait till that so-called acquaintance. 但具体的事情如何,也只能等到那个所谓的熟人了。 Next day, no matter Lan Rui or Lan Hongyi, have not come, without other visits troublesome, the quality of three meals a day is very high. 第二天,不管是篮睿还是蓝紅依,都不曾过来,也没有其他麻烦上门,一日三餐的品质都很高。 When third day, the so-called acquaintance came. 在第三天的时候,所谓的熟人来了。 Is the old person of that Human Soul boundary, this makes Zi Chen very accidental/surprised, is somewhat joyful, in previous that group, being him is ripest with the old person. 是那位人魂境的老人,这让紫宸很意外,也有些欣喜,上次那一行人之中,属他跟老人最熟。 In Zi Chen goes forward to greet, the old person has taken the lead to come, to Zi Chen deep bowing, little friend, this time really many thanks!” 只是在紫宸上前迎接之时,老人已经率先而来,冲着紫宸深深的鞠了一躬,“小友,此次真是多谢了!” Zi Chen rushes to go forward to help up the old person, but the left hand actually fails, the old person had lost the right arm. 紫宸赶忙上前扶起老人,只是左手却是落空,老人已经失去了右臂。 He stares slightly, stunned saying: Senior, your hand?” 他微微一愣,愕然的说道:“前辈,你的手?” The old person shakes the head saying: „It is not important, can live, the old man I have been content very much.” 老人摇了摇头说道:“不打紧,能活着回来,老头我已经很知足了。” A powerful Human Soul boundary, actually thought that lives is very being satisfied, Zi Chen does not dare to imagine completely, actually they experienced anything. 一位强大的人魂境,竟然觉得活着就很满足,紫宸完全不敢想象,他们究竟经历了什么。 Nuo Ya and Shan Ya two people, salute to the old person immediately. 诺亚山垭二人,立刻冲着老人行礼。 Xiao Ya/small mute also walked, sees the front old person. 小哑也走了出来,看着前方的老人。 The old person is the steward in mansion, treats people genially, if were not same day old person shows powerful Realm, Xiao Ya/small mute does not know that the genial steward unexpectedly was the powerful Human Soul boundary. 老人是府里的管家,待人和善,如果不是当日老人展现出了强大的境界,小哑也不会知道和善的管家竟然是强大人魂境。 After the old person sees Xiao Ya/small mute, is the repetitive nod, in that old facial features, having excitement that is unable to conceal, good, very good, is very good! The old servants saw Young Lady finally once again.” 老人看到小哑之后,也是连连的点头,那苍老的面容上,有着无法掩饰的激动,“好,很好,真的很好!老奴终于又一次看到小姐了。” Suddenly, the elderly man has had tears streaming down the face. 一时间,老人家已是泪流满面。 Looks the old person who cries, Xiao Ya/small mute stands there, helpless. 看着落泪的老人,小哑站在那里,不知所措。 Your given name did not call Xiao Ya/small mute, you called the this solitary one dream, Lan Gumeng.” The old person said again. “你的本名不叫小哑,你叫孤梦,蓝孤梦。”老人再次说道。 Xiao Ya/small mute becomes Lan Gumeng, this is many years ago decides. 小哑就此成为了蓝孤梦,这是很多年前就定下来的。 Zi Chen invited in the old person the room, then to the old person one cup of water, the old person said in the past the matter about Lan Gumeng but actually. 紫宸把老人请进了房间里,然后给老人倒了一杯水,老人说了当年关于蓝孤梦的事情。 Originally when Lan Gumeng was born, then encountered the enemy to chase down, at that time the Lan Gumeng family member protected at risk of life, finally brought Lan Gumeng to return to star sand city. 原来在蓝孤梦出生的时候,便是遭遇了仇家追杀,当时蓝孤梦的家人拼死守护,最终带着蓝孤梦逃回到了星沙城。 In this period was worried about identity exposed, therefore true Lan Gumeng becomes the mute female of seal, followed to practice the sword side Young Lady. 期间担心身份暴露,于是真正的蓝孤梦就成为了一个把封印的哑女,跟在一位小姐身旁练剑。 Their life are very tranquil, is very happy, more than 20 years later, they leave star sand city for the first time. 她们的生活很平静,也很开心,一直到二十多年后,她们首次离开星沙城。 Everyone's destiny, has the transition. 所有人的命运,就此发生转折。 Ted is the friend of mine, I entrusted him to find some reliable people to complete this task.” “泰德是我的朋友,我委托他找一些可靠的人来完成这个任务。” The old person looks at Zi Chen saying: Therefore, set you finally. Zi Chen, you have not really disappointed us, this benevolence, the old servant is lifelong unforgettable.” 老人看着紫宸说道:“于是,最终就定下了你。紫宸,你果然没有让我们失望,这份恩情,老奴终身难忘。” Senior was polite, we defer to the reward to handle matters, then Ted gave a price that is hard to reject, is not great.” “前辈客气了,我们只是按照酬劳办事,当时的泰德给了一个难以拒绝的价格,可没那么伟大。” Zi Chen polite saying, but the old person spoke in the words, is quite dubious, for example obviously in Lan Gumeng that Lan/blue Family was born, why will have the enemy? 紫宸客气的说道,只是老人说得话里,疑点重重,比如明明在蓝家出生的蓝孤梦,为何会有仇家? But should the so-called enemy, not be Lan/blue Family? 而所谓的仇家,该不会就是蓝家本身吧? However the old person had not said, Zi Chen will not certainly inquire, this matter knows the fewer the better. 但是老人没说,紫宸当然也不会过问,这种事情知道的还是越少越好。 Looks at somewhat anxious Zi Chen, the old person said: Does not need to consider thoroughly, since had arrived here, protection this solitary one dream that then following Lan/blue Family, can vigorously.” 看着有些忧虑的紫宸,老人说道:“无需多虑,既然已经到了这里,那么接下来的蓝家,就会倾力的保护孤梦。” Some guarantee of old person, Zi Chen also felt relieved, since Xiao Ya/small mute without the danger, they naturally would have no necessity that keeps, therefore said: Since the matter has decided that we can leave?” 有了老人的保证,紫宸也就放下了心来,既然小哑没有了危险,那他们自然也就没有留下来的必要了,于是说道:“既然事情已定,我们是不是就能离开了?”
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