TM :: Volume #37

#3648: God Soul Heavenly Female

After several months travelling, Lan Rui returned to the family finally. 历经数月的游历,篮睿终于回到了家族。 How you come back, whether the duty has successfully been accomplished?” “你怎么才回来,任务是否已经顺利完成?” Obviously experiences for a long time the high position old person, looks at Lan Rui, in the tone has several points of severity, but also has the disaffection. 一位明显久经高位的老人,看着篮睿,语气之中有着几分严厉,还带有着不满。 Lan Rui has not gone to see this bringing dignified old person, he pulled out the ear very much at will, said lightly: Looking was very long, has not seen, really pitifully.” 篮睿没有去看这个自带威严的老人,他很随意的掏了掏耳朵,淡淡说道:“找了很久,都没有看到,真是可惜了。” What?” “什么?” The old person hears sound look changes, looks angrily and fiercely saying: Hadn't discovered? Why does not feed in the news sooner, do we quite make the subsequent arrangements? You may know, you did delay the family big matter?” 老人闻声色变,横眉怒目道:“没有发现?为何不早些传回消息,我们好做后续安排?你可知道,你耽误了家族多大的事情?” Lan Rui still light saying: My this is not does not want to trouble the family, has sought in trying hard, what a pity could not find.” 篮睿依然淡淡的说道:“我这不是不想麻烦家族吗,一直都在努力寻找,可惜怎么也找不到啊。” Lan Rui sighed, sympathetical saying: Look I can only come back, having a look at the family to have any good way.” 篮睿叹息一声,惋惜的说道:“这不,我只能回来了,看看家族有没有什么好的办法。” Nonsense! Crossing was so long, where can we also obtain the information?” “胡闹!过了这么久,我们还能从哪里得到情报?” The old person points at Lan Rui, the air/Qi whole body is shivering, you are the hope of our Lan/blue Family, if this time you successfully completed the task, future Lan/blue Family will inevitably be your. But how you can be so muddled, doesn't know the weight?” 老人指着篮睿,气的浑身都在颤抖着,“你可是我们蓝家的希望,此次如果你顺利完成了任务,将来的蓝家必然是你的。可你怎能如此糊涂,不知轻重?” Lan Rui raised the head suddenly, is looking straight ahead old person's vision, sincere saying: „The hope of Lan/blue Family is not I, will be not always Annihilation colored glaze, is god wing that in colored glaze long will sob, will be that forever not God Soul Heavenly Female on the wane.” 篮睿忽然抬起头来,直视着老人的目光,正色的说道:“蓝家的希望不是我,是永世不会破灭的琉璃盏,是琉璃盏中长泣的神翼,是那个永不会凋零的神魂天女。” What did you say?” “你说什么?” The old person looks at Lan Rui, the look fluctuated several times. 老人看着篮睿,眼神变幻了数次。 Lan Rui turns head to look outside the room, the line of sight as if penetrates the innumerable constructions, saw some direction. 篮睿扭头望着屋外,视线似乎透过无数的建筑,看到了某个方向。 This is we owes others, should make others come back.” “这是我们欠人家的,也该让人家回来了。” Said, here is others families/home!” “说起来,这里才是人家的家啊!” At this moment, the Lan/blue Family older generations habitat , the Lan/blue Family most sacred ancestral temple ancestor, does not know that had the statues of many years, suddenly released the ray. 就在这时,蓝家先辈们的栖息之地,蓝家最为神圣的祠堂祖地里,一个不知道存在了多少岁月的雕像,忽然释放出了光芒。 The statue shines, entire Lan/blue Family starts to vibrate, such as the large handcart tumbles, the innumerable constructions start to sway. 雕像放光,整个蓝家开始震动,如地牛翻滚,无数的建筑开始摇晃。 So the accident, in this huge family, provoded an unrest. 如此变故,在这个庞大的家族里,引发了一场骚乱。 The room old person, turns head suddenly, looked at one in the direction that the statue is, then he looks to Lan Rui, gets angry: „Is this you do the good deed?” 房间里的老人,猛然扭头,向着雕像所在的方向看了一眼,接着他又看向篮睿,怒道:“这是你干得好事?” Things have gotten to this point, has a look.” The Lan Rui expression, is still light. “事已至此,去看看吧。”篮睿的表情,依然平淡。 Snort! 哼! Old person cold snort, then wielded the sleeve to Lan Rui, two people of figure vanished in the hall. 老人冷哼一声,然后冲着篮睿挥了挥袖,二人的身形消失在了大厅之中。 The next quarter, they appeared in the ancestor ancestral temple, saw that shining statue. 下一刻,他们出现在了祖地祠堂里,看到了那个放光的雕像。 This time all around, had gathered on much the old person of age, they look at present this shining statue, the facial expression filled excitedly, but the looks of some people are also very complex. 此时的四周,已经汇聚了不少上了年岁的老人,他们看着眼前这个放光的雕像,神情充满了激动,但也有一些人的眼神很复杂。 Looks woman that front that has the light wing, the Zi Chen three people of expressions all changed. 看着前方那个拥有着光翼的女子,紫宸三人的表情全都发生了变化。 This time Xiao Ya/small mute, as if in picture immortal. 此时的小哑,仿佛画中仙。 She no longer is that young maidservant, her elegant is also noble, such as the water vision is horizontally viewing the people, actually a feeling inferior feeling. 她不再是那个小侍女,她的气质优雅又高贵,如水目光平视着众人,却给人一种自惭形秽的感觉。 Zi Chen understood, actually very early in the morning should understand. 紫宸明白了,其实一早就该明白的。 Xiao Ya/small mute is Young Lady that need many people protect, but has been in the seal, looks like a shackles winding on the body, needs to receive the key to open. 小哑就是那个需要很多人守护的小姐,只是一直处于封印之中,就像是一个枷锁缠绕在身上,需要拿到钥匙才能开启。 The key has high and low two. 钥匙有上下两把。 One is this mountain peak, another is the Zi Chen belt/bring in round bead. 一把是这座山峰,另外一把就是紫宸带在身上的圆珠。 At present two key normalizing, the seal unties, the duty is accomplished. 眼下两把钥匙归一,封印解开,任务完成。 This change, was really big. 这个变化,实在是太大了。 Shan Ya and Nuo Ya two people, were shocked completely. 山垭诺亚二人,完全惊呆了。 This turned into the beautiful white swan to be the same with the ugly duckling suddenly, although Xiao Ya/small mute was not ugly. 这就跟丑小鸭忽然变成了美丽的白天鹅一样,尽管小哑本来就不丑。 At this time similar shock also has Xiao Ya/small mute, her change, frightened itself to jump, the mood cannot return to normal for a very long time. 此时同样震惊的还有小哑,她的这种变化,也吓了自己一跳,心情也是久久不能平复。 „...... Purple...... Zi Chen.” “……紫……紫宸。” She looks at front Zi Chen, tries the voice, in the sound has several points to be timid and anxious, what are more is disturbed. 她看着前方的紫宸,尝试着发声,声音里带着几分胆怯与不安,更多的还是忐忑。 Zi Chen nods, says with a smile: Is I, congratulates you.” 紫宸点了点头,笑道:“是我,恭喜你。” A soul empty boundary will actually not speak, even Soul sound transmission cannot achieve, beforehand Zi Chen is very strange, the present doubts untied. 一个魂虚境竟然不会说话,连魂念传音都做不到,以前的紫宸就很奇怪,眼下的疑惑解开了。 Shan Ya.” 山垭。” Nuo Ya.” 诺亚。” Xiao Ya/small mute makes noise again, these was time good many. 小哑再度出声,这一次则是好了不少。 Two people also nod again and again, Shan Ya weeps, she regarded the friend Xiao Ya/small mute very early in the morning, at this moment saw that Xiao Ya/small mute can speak, the in heart nature was happy. 二人也是连连点头,山垭更是喜极而泣,她一早就把小哑当成了朋友,此刻看到小哑能够说话,心中自然高兴。 At this moment, had the tyrannical aura to arrive at this place suddenly, together/one path another ray of light glow appears in all around. 就在这时,有强横的气息忽然降临此地,一道又一道光芒出现在了四周。 The ray diverged, turned into old people, these old people look at Xiao Ya/small mute, in the eye full was shocking. 光芒散去,变成了一个又一个老人,这些老人看着小哑,眼中满是震惊。 Zi Chen retreats toward the rear area, because he from these old people, felt such as the deep pool common aura, the terrifying of ten points. 紫宸向着后方退去,因为他从这些老人身上,感觉到了如渊一般的气息,十分的恐怖。 Their among each, has kills his strength with ease. 他们当中的每一个,都有着轻松杀死他的力量。 Retreat Zi Chen, the vision flashes suddenly, he in these old people, saw a familiar form unexpectedly. 后退的紫宸,目光忽然一闪,他竟然在那些老人之中,看到了一个熟悉的身影。 Was that makes him owe favor young people. 是那个让他欠了一个人情的年轻人。 This time Lan Rui, saw Zi Chen, his eye winks slightly, shakes the head to Zi Chen slowly. 此时的篮睿,也看到了紫宸,他眼睛微微一眨,冲着紫宸缓缓摇头。 Therefore, Zi Chen comprehended the meaning of opposite party, similarly also stopped soon to call out in alarm, but Shan Ya and Nuo Ya. 于是,紫宸领会了对方的意思,同样也是制止了即将惊呼而出的山垭诺亚 This matter is not quite common. 此事不太寻常。 These powerful old people, are all looking at Xiao Ya/small mute, no one pays attention to the Zi Chen three people. 那些强大的老人,全都望着小哑,无人注意紫宸三人。 In these old people's eyes, there is a shock to have the excitement, but other mood. 那些老人的眼睛里,有震惊有激动,但还有另外的情绪。 In the eye of Xiao Ya/small mute, there is several points of timid, seeks help looks at Zi Chen. 小哑的眼中,有了几分胆怯,求助般的看着紫宸 The Zi Chen forced smile, has a mind to be incapable. 紫宸苦笑,有心无力。 Although he does not know this outcome what's the matter, but since these people appeared, that already not his anything matter. 尽管他不知道这究竟是怎么回事,但既然这些人出现了,那就已经没他什么事情了。 Zi Chen holds the fist in the other hand to Xiao Ya/small mute, then plans to have three people to leave. 紫宸冲着小哑抱拳,然后打算带着三人离开。 At this moment, Lan Rui said suddenly: Your three are this time protector? Can come back our Lan/blue Family Heavenly Female belt/bring, your three have lasting achievements.” 就在这时,篮睿忽然说道:“你们三个就是此次的守护者吧?能把我们蓝家天女带回来,你们三个可是功不可没啊。” The Lan Rui voice falls, is has several vision to project toward Zi Chen. 篮睿的话音一落,便是有着数道目光向着紫宸投射而来。 In an instant, stopped Zi Chen is critical situation, facial expression alert, because he felt killing intent. 刹那间,停下的紫宸如临大敌,神情戒备,因为他感觉到了杀意 Although this killing intent flashes to pass, even looks like in Nuo Ya and Shan Ya, is only because the pressure is oversized, causing the breath to be impeded. 尽管这股杀意一闪而逝,甚至在诺亚山垭看来,也只是因为压力过大,导致呼吸不畅。 But the Zi Chen sensation is keen, how can even killing intent unable to distinguish clearly. 紫宸的感知何等敏锐,怎能连杀意都分不清。 Brought back to Heavenly Female, your three have lasting achievements, along with me returns to Lan/blue Family, our certainly well repayment you.” “带回了天女,你们三个功不可没,随我回蓝家,我们一定会好好的报答你们。” At this moment, an old person said. 就在这时,一位老人说道。 Zi Chen holds the fist in the other hand saying: Senior was polite, we obey others 's arranged nothing more, moreover we have also taken the reward, said as for Heavenly Female, was never clear actually, does not dare to attack corruptly. Said goodbye.” 紫宸抱拳说道:“前辈客气了,我们只是听从他人的安排而已,而且我们也早已拿过了报酬,至于天女之说,倒是从不清楚,也就不敢贪攻。就此别过。” Also does not wait for the opposite party to reply, Zi Chen turns around to walk. 也不等对方回答,紫宸转身就走。 Shan Ya and Nuo Ya have not moved, because was blown completely. 山垭诺亚没动,因为完全被镇住了。 In this Blue Sand Continent, who doesn't know colossus general Lan/blue Family? 在这蓝沙洲里,又有谁不知道庞然大物一般的蓝家 Looks that two people have not moved, Zi Chen puts out a hand immediately, embraces two people of shoulders, must leave again. 看着二人没动,紫宸立刻伸手,揽住二人的肩膀,就要再次离开。 This place is not suitable stays for a long time. 此地不宜久留。 The corners of the mouth of Lan Rui, flash through wipe the happy expression, somewhat ridiculed. 篮睿的嘴角,闪过一抹笑意,有些嘲弄。 The body of Zi Chen soars, but after old person's cold snort, then drops from the sky, as if the angel of flap, had lost the flying method. 紫宸的身体腾空而起,但在老人的一声冷哼之后,便是从天空跌落,仿佛折翼的天使,已经失去了飞空的手段。
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