TMA :: Volume #10

#55: Gathering together

Hey, do you buy? Do not stand hinders me to exchange here.” Setting up a stall sees Oliver to read before own stall as if deluded is studying «Magic Philosophy Math principle» and «Calculus Foundation» two books, drives out to say ill-humoredly loudly. “喂,你到底买不买啊?不要站在这里妨碍我交换。”摆摊者见奥利弗如痴如醉地在自己的摊位前阅读学习着《魔法哲学的数学原理》和《微积分基础》两本书,没好气地高声驱除道。 „?” The Oliver whole body hit to tremble, entered in the feeling of Mountain Paradise to recover from beautiful probably, makes an effort to brandish two books, bought! I buy! Which organization are their authors?” “啊?”奥利弗浑身打了个哆嗦,从美得像是进入了天堂山的感觉中回过神来,用力挥舞着两本书籍,“买!我买!它们的作者是哪个组织的?” He wants to see that impatiently can study so wonderful mathematical system and shocks the theory Sorcerers, expressed the excitement of oneself innermost feelings to them. 他迫不及待地想要见到能研究出如此美妙数理体系和震撼理论的魔法师,向他们表达自己内心的激动。 Although because of the relations of foundation, he can only roughly glance through, even begins has not profoundly studied with enough time, but this does not hinder him to feel shock of transcendence time pure mathematical the aesthetic sense and attraction bring. 虽然因为基础的关系,他只能大致的翻阅了一下,连开头都没来得及深入学习,但这不妨碍他感受到纯粹数理的美感和引力带来的超越时代的震撼。 Congress of Magic Douglas your excellency, " Calculus Foundation » author also has Congress of Magic silver gray woman and Mr. Fernando.” Mentioned them, in the tone of setting up a stall also showed the obvious respect. 魔法议会道格拉斯阁下,《微积分基础》的作者还有魔法议会的‘银灰女士’和费尔南多先生。”提到他们,摆摊者的语气里也透出了明显的尊敬。 Oliver dances with joy puts out a low quality the sea billows stone, jubilantly receives the other materials of books and choice, the mouth talked to oneself: Congress of Magic, is Congress of Magic, I must join Congress of Magic! „ 奥利弗手舞足蹈地拿出一枚低品质的海澜石,兴高采烈地将书籍和挑选的其他材料收好,嘴里自语道:魔法议会,都是魔法议会的,我要去加入魔法议会!“ This rank the vibration of books to beginner simply is unequalled! 这种等级的书籍对一位初学者的震动简直是无与伦比! Talked incessantly several, he one raised the head, two eyes look at setting up a stall fiery, frightened setting up a stall to back up several steps, the mouth unclearly was saying I, I have not sold the tripe.” 就这么唠叨了几句,他一下抬起头,两只眼睛炯炯有神地看着摆摊者,吓得摆摊者倒退了几步,嘴里含糊不清地说着“我,我没卖劣质品。” Can tell me, where joins Congress of Magic?” Oliver asked excitedly. “能告诉我,去哪里加入魔法议会吗?”奥利弗激动地问道。 Setting up a stall aspirates quietly. Ill-humored said/tunnel: I, if knows, I have joined!” 摆摊者悄悄吐了口气。没好气地道:“我要是知道,我早就去加入了!” Then, his sincere said/tunnel: This more than 20 years, the church maintains to our oppressions, each organization can only ambush the development, where has is so easy to join?” 说完,他语重心长地道:“这20多年来,教会对我们的压迫一直保持,各个组织都只能潜伏发展,哪有那么容易加入?” I believe that certainly can ask!” Oliver has set firm resolve, even Congress of Magic female Sorcerers is scarce, oneself must join them! “我相信一定能问到的!”奥利弗已经下定了决心,即使魔法议会女性魔法师非常稀少,自己也要加入他们! Therefore, he is inquiring everyone in rural fair unceasingly, even if times disappointed depressed. But does not affect him to continue to ask. Therefore, he paid many valuables and money prices. 于是,他不断地在集市里询问着每一个人,哪怕一次次失望沮丧。但丝毫不影响他继续问下去。为此,他付出了不少的财宝代价。 But he such conspicuous behavior, makes observes the rural fair in secret soul roughly confirm that to high master he is not Night Watch. 但他这样显眼的行为,也让暗中观察集市的“灵魂至高”法师大致确认他不是守夜人 Finally, has high soul to Sorcerers looks in soul stone in face. Raised selected his one: Congress of Magic Mr. Fernando is a guest here. You go to there to wait.” 终于,有位“灵魂至高”的魔法师看在“魂石”的面子上。提点了他一句:“魔法议会费尔南多先生就在这里做客。你去那里等着。” He referred to the forest alley outside rural fair. 他指了指集市外的森林小路。 Mr. Fernando?” Oliver is hard to take again excitedly. Ran up to by the alley to wait speedily. 费尔南多先生?”奥利弗再次激动难耐。一溜烟就跑到了小路旁等着。 According to Sorcerers of hidden branches out one person to monitor him specially, determined that he will not leak this information. 按照隐藏的魔法师则专门分出一人监视着他,确定他不会将这条情报外泄。 Crossed a dozen minutes of appearance, Oliver saw short person man and a witch monster that wore the bright red magic robe. A skinny gentleman from the turning point of alley. 过了十几分钟的样子,奥利弗看到了一位身着鲜红魔法袍的矮个子男子与一位巫妖。一位皮包骨头的男士从小路的拐弯处走了过来。 Although you are not much, but your «Body constitution And Theory of circulation» can read reluctantly.” Fernando foul-mouthed said, hardly praised the person. “虽然你这个人不怎么样,但你的《人体结构和循环理论》还是能勉强读一读的。”费尔南多嘴欠地说道,几乎不表扬人。 Vicente is cold a face, the tone light said/tunnel: Although you are abnormal, but you in calculus, truly.” 维森特冷着一张脸,语气平淡地道:“虽然你这个人变态,但你在微积分上,确实还可以。” He is in sharp opposition. 他针锋相对。 Fernando curls the lip close to, exchanges with Arcane ** depressed impulsion of roaring- in Congress of Magic, the theory induction of Vicente in Arcane. 费尔南多撇了撇嘴巴,用奥术交流的**压下了咆哮的冲动-在魔法议会内部,将维森特的理论归纳在奥术里面。 He also has the good research in the body constitution, exchanges very profoundly with Vicente and Congers. 他在人体结构上也有着不错的研究,与维森特、康格斯交流得很是深入。 Oliver stands in front not far away, listening to three people to discuss the theory that oneself cannot understand completely, produced just to enter the magic front door immediately, feeling of vast world waiting exploration. 奥利弗站在前方不远处,听着三人讨论自己完全听不懂的理论,顿时产生了一种自己才刚刚进入魔法大门,还有浩瀚世界等待探索的感觉。 One day, I must join their ranks, the mystery of discussion world and human body!” Oliver makes a fist quietly, establishes the ideal. “总有一天,我要加入他们的行列,讨论世界和人体的奥秘!”奥利弗悄悄握拳,立下理想。 At this time, Oliver almost determined the red robe master who that short person is Mr. Fernando, therefore is waiting for intensely excitedly, when to three people close to him, he took a step the past, with the standard magic etiquette, the elegant bearing saluted saying: Respectable Mr. Fernando, I am a latter scholar who admires Douglas your excellency and your profound knowledge, hopes that can join Congress of Magic, listens respectfully to your instructions.” 此时,奥利弗差不多确定那位矮个子的红袍法师就是费尔南多先生,于是紧张激动地等待着,到三人靠近他时,他迈步走了过去,用标准的魔法礼仪,风度翩翩地行礼道:“尊敬的费尔南多先生,我是一个仰慕道格拉斯阁下和您渊博知识的后学者,希望可以加入魔法议会,聆听你们的指导。” Then, he stands rigidly uneasy in same place, is afraid is rejected, the fear misses this opportunity. 说完,他惴惴不安地僵立在原地,害怕被拒绝,害怕错过这次机会。 After Fernando gawked one next, enforces a face saying: Our Congress of Magic welcome each Sorcerers to join, but a little must explain beforehand, every joins Congress, must accept the atmosphere of Congress opening discussion, accepts Arcane in the paper form to other Sorcerers public stipulations, naturally, the author will obtain the corresponding reward that Congress and each reader provide.” 费尔南多愣了一下后,严肃着一张脸道:“我们魔法议会欢迎每一位魔法师加入,但有一点必须事先说明,凡加入议会者,必须接受议会开放讨论的风气,接受奥术以论文形式向其他魔法师公开的规定,当然,论文作者会获得议会和每一位阅读者提供的相应报酬。” Arcane?” Oliver a little asked at a loss. 奥术?”奥利弗有点茫然地问道。 Fernando explained the definition of Arcane, asked repeatedly: „Can you accept?” 费尔南多奥术的定义解释了一遍后,重复问道:“你能接受吗?” Oliver thinks, besides the magic arts models and some skills, oneself also has no Arcane theory to be worth the discrete secret, therefore nods seriously: Mr. Fernando, I wants.” 奥利弗想了想,除了法术模型和部分施法技巧外,自己也没什么奥术理论可以值得谨慎秘密的,于是郑重地点了点头:“费尔南多先生,我愿意。” Cannot think that joins Congress of Magic is so easy, Oliver is happily excited has a not third dimension. 想不到加入魔法议会这么容易,奥利弗高兴激动得有一种不真实感。 Fernando nods gently: But before then, needs to accept our examinations, after all we cannot make Night Watch mix.” 费尔南多轻轻颔首:“但在此之前,需要接受我们的审查,毕竟我们不能让守夜人混进来。” Does not have the issue.” These words make the Oliver not third dimension vanish, found the conscientious feeling. “没问题。”这句话让奥利弗的不真实感消失,重新找到了脚踏实地感。 Vicente is listening to the conversation of Fernando and Oliver, did not feel anything matter, therefore turned around to leave. 维森特听着费尔南多奥利弗的交谈,觉得没自己什么事了,于是转身离开。 ............ ………… In snow and ice cathedral. 冰雪大教堂内。 Yarde Rehan reads material on hand, the complexion unhesitating is asking front seven levels of cardinals in charge of court: Why doesn't catch how many aristocrats? They with colluding with the Sorcerers suspicion!” 亚德里恩看着手头的资料,脸色不豫地问着面前主管裁判所的七级红衣主教:“为什么不将几名贵族抓起来?他们与勾结魔法师的嫌疑!” The cardinal respects but is not afraid the said/tunnel: Sir Yarde Rehan, they have the suspicion, we have no evidence, the lord taught us, cannot suspect others casually.” 红衣主教尊敬但不害怕地道:“亚德里恩大人,他们只是有嫌疑,我们没有任何的证据,主教导我们,不能随便怀疑别人。” Doesn't have the evidence? What does not have the evidence!” The Yarde Rehan calm face, threw a book to the cardinal in front, „haven't you looked at «Mallet of this Sorcerers»?” “没有证据?什么叫没有证据!”亚德里恩沉着脸,丢了一本书到红衣主教面前,“你没看过这本《魔法师之槌》吗?” The cardinal looked at a title page, the calm said/tunnel: Rabid dog becomes the judge from Night Watch, truly has the rich experience, his many idea and approach truly suit Sorcerers to move the rampant place, but Sir Yarde Rehan, here is the northern area, is one of places we develop at first, has the purest belief, the aristocrat is trustworthy, cannot compare with the Holm area.” 红衣主教瞄了一眼封面,不动声色地道:“疯犬从守夜人成为裁判官,确实有着丰富的经验,他的很多理念和做法确实适合魔法师活动猖獗的地方,但亚德里恩大人,这里是北方地区,是我们最初发展的地方之一,拥有着最纯正的信仰,贵族是值得信任的,不能和霍尔姆地区比起。” Yarde Rehan eyes implication anger looks at this cardinal, almost accuses him to harbor the fallen, betrayed the lord, but associates to these days other similar things that sees after the north province, he suppressed oneself anger, slight nod: No matter how, later has the suspicion to want multi- in addition to inquire.” 亚德里恩双眼蕴含怒火地看着这名红衣主教,差点指责他包庇堕落者,背叛了主,但联想到这段时间在北方行省见到的其他类似事情后,他压制了自己的愤怒,微微点头:“不管如何,以后有嫌疑还是要多加询问。” When the cardinal asks to be excused compliantly, he complexion narrowed the eye heavily, the north province was not a little right, must secret investigation. 等到红衣主教遵命告退,他才脸色沉重地眯起了眼睛,北方行省有点不对,必须秘密调查一下。 ............ ………… Also is more than 20 years passes, the time arrived at a god Shengli Year 424 end of the year. 又是二十多年过去,时间走到了神圣历424年年尾。 Yarde Rehan reads thick one pack of materials of front stack, the complexion is still stern, the issue of north province imagination is more serious, many clergy and aristocrats collude, carve up the property, degenerates to enjoy, forgot Sorcerers has not almost exterminated, forgot the war of dark mountain range consolidated the peripheral zone merely, moreover they as if had different opinions to the doctrine! 亚德里恩看着面前堆积的厚厚一叠材料,脸色依然严峻,北方行省的问题比想象的还要严重,不少神职人员和贵族勾结,瓜分财物,堕落享受,忘记了魔法师还未差点灭绝,忘记了黑暗山脉的战争仅仅才巩固了边缘地带,而且他们对教义似乎有了点不同意见! But all these, have the upper-level character's leadership obviously, all clues aimed at several nine levels of cardinals in this church parish, same is guarding the great people in various cathedrals with oneself. 而这一切,显然有着上层人物的主导,所有的线索指向了这个教区的几位九级红衣主教,与自己一样镇守着各大教堂的大人物。 In more than 20 years, Yarde Rehan got rid of the hindrance little, found the clue, finally recently was completing the preliminary investigation, decided to reveal this behind-the-scenes plotting. 这二十多年里,亚德里恩一点点排除了阻碍,找到了线索,终于在最近完成了初步的调查,决定揭开这个黑幕。 According to the procedure/program, he must first report to cardinal San Fili Kaess of this church parish. 按照程序,他首先得向这个教区的枢机主教圣菲利克斯汇报。 Regarding Felix's loyalty, he never suspected, in fact so far, no clergy have betrayed the church, excommunication and existence of true God makes this matter not happen absolutely, therefore, he defines here matter to merely wallow in enjoying, is not very reverent, but a disciple, was separated basically ** the disciple, will not degenerate in obviously enjoying, will be irreverent, otherwise main will not grant him such powerful strength. 对于菲利克斯的忠诚,他从未怀疑,事实上到目前为止,没有一位神职人员背叛过教会,“绝罚”和真神的存在让这种事情绝对不会发生,所以,他将这里的事情仅仅定义为沉迷于享受,不够虔诚,而一位圣徒,一位脱离了基本**的圣徒,显然不会堕落于享受,也不会不虔诚,否则主不会赐予他这么强大的力量。 Takes up the material, Yarde Rehan through transmission to the cathedral that Felix was, waited for ten minutes, obtained Felix's interview. 拿起材料,亚德里恩通过传送阵到了菲利克斯所在的大教堂,等待了十分钟,得到了菲利克斯的接见。 Issue is very serious.” Felix is turning the material, carefully read some little time, the complexion dignifiedly underground this judgment. “问题很严重。”菲利克斯翻着材料,仔细阅读了好一会儿,才脸色凝重地下了这个评断。 Yarde Rehan echoes the nod: Yes, San Fili Sir Kaess, must reorganize promptly.” 亚德里恩附和点头:“是的,圣菲利克斯大人,必须及时整顿。” Felix looked at the door of closure, said to Adriaan: You first draw up a plan, we discussed again.” 菲利克斯看了看关闭的房门,对亚德里安道:“你先制订一个计划,我们再讨论一下。” Yes, Sir.” After Yarde Rehan salutes, turns around to walk toward the entrance. “是,大人。”亚德里恩行礼之后,转身往门口走去。 Just walked several steps, he felt suddenly the terrifying holy light arrived, then the thought of whole person became slow. 刚走了几步,他突然感觉到恐怖的圣光降临,然后整个人的思维就变得迟缓。 Before falling into eternal darkness, he turns the head difficultly, saw indistinctly San Fili Sir Kaess just put down the right hand, the corners of the mouth brings to wipe the smiling face of taunt. 在陷入永恒的黑暗前,他艰难转头,隐约看到圣菲利克斯大人刚放下右手,嘴角带着一抹嘲讽的笑容。 On December 21 , 424, Sahlan empire north province snow and ice cathedral bishop Yarde Rehan encountered to collude with the Sorcerers attack of devil, accidently lost life, holy city Lance vibrated. 424年12月21日,沙赫兰帝国北方行省冰雪大教堂主教亚德里恩遭遇勾结魔鬼的魔法师袭击,不幸身亡,圣城兰斯震动。 ............ ………… Place that is similar to the play hall, the half ring the position of central stage is full house. 一处类似于戏剧大厅的地方,半环着中央高台的位置座无虚席。 „......, therefore, I believe, cannot be equal to the element the place hot geomancy, but should regard as a strength...... Oliver to brandish the arm them respectively, is explaining religious doctrine to below people high-spirited.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “……所以,我认为,不能将地火风水等同于元素,而是应该将它们分别视为一种力……”奥利弗挥舞着手臂,意气风发地对着下方的人们讲道。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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