Talentonesecondremembers the home stationaddress:[ Lovespenbuilding] https://quickestrenewal! Adless!
天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告!Takes offthat moment of earphone, immediatelyis a giantsound waveis attackingownear, thisfeelingis very subtle, LiHanshengactuallyenjoyment.
摘下耳机的那一刻,顿时就是一股巨大的声浪冲击着自己的耳朵,这种感觉很微妙,李汉升却十分的享受。LiHanshengsets outfast, clapswithhighdawnwith a smile the celebration.
李汉升快速起身,笑着跟身旁的高天亮击掌庆祝。To be honest.
说实话。Being true that thiswinsis a little relaxed.
这胜利来的属实有一点过于轻松。Howeveris also normal.
不过也正常。Bystrength that floodwrestles, canposecertainthreatexcept forthata small number ofseveralteamstooneself, the entire world99teamsaresucheasilywas wrestled the steamrollto carry offbyflood.
以滔搏的实力,除了那么少数的几支队伍能够对自己造成一定的威胁,全世界99的队伍都是这么轻易的被滔搏碾压带走。„Does the worldmatchwinplays the league tournamentalsoto have no toobig difference from usprobably?”Jackwalkswith a smile, lookedisto install the cup, „because ofinternallyreason of competition?”
确实有这样的原因。Thisisonemanifestation of home advantage, youcanpreparein the environment that youare familiar with, the competition, the person can always have a betterdisplayin the familiarenvironment, becauseis more comfortable.
这就是主场优势的一种体现,你可以在你熟悉的环境里面备战,比赛,人在熟悉的环境中总是能够有更好的发挥,因为更加舒适。„Installed?”Gao Deweiteasedwith a smile, „whichthento , you do not think that has won the championship?”
“装起来了是吧?”高德伟笑着调侃,“这才哪到哪,你不会以为就已经夺冠了吧?”„Don't wethiscondition, winnowcasuallyrandomly?”Jackis grinning, has not cared, „thenweonewill be impossibleto lose!”
The strength of three starsyoucannotsay the difference, althoughis only No. 3seed of lck, butby the strengthdefinitelyis the world leader.
三星的实力你不能说差,虽说只是lck的三号种子,但论实力肯定是世界前列。Makes such strongopponent, floodwrestles is almost the steamroll, winswith ease.
打这样强劲的对手,滔搏都几乎是一路碾压,轻松获胜。Tradingto doisstrongerpointskt, how the dragon bead??
换做是更强一点的skt,龙珠又如何??Jackthisboyalwaysinexplicableoptimism , the inexplicableinflation, the appropriateinflationismanifestation of positiveoptimisticmentality, isonemanifestation of playerspowerfulself-confidence.
杰克这小子总是会莫名的乐观,也会莫名的膨胀起来,适当的膨胀是一种积极乐观心态的体现,也是选手们强大自信心的一种体现。Is always insufficientin the world'sfirstcorps, but must feel inferiorto think that thiscould not win, thatdid not win.
总不至于在全球第一的战队里面,还要自卑到觉得这也赢不了,那也赢不了。Perhaps if suchmentalityhas not really walked away.
The appropriateinflationcompared without the confidencewantscrediblemany.
适当的膨胀远比毫无信心要靠谱的多。Playerseat of three stars.
三星的选手席这边。Theirwhole staffsomewhatcompelignorant, the disparitydefinitelyhas, theyhave not inflatedtofeelingoneselfwill certainly not lose tofloodto wrestle, buthas not thoughtcanloseis so miserable, the audienceled by the nose, theylivelihoodorare the special skilloperate unable to hit.
他们全员都有些懵逼,差距是肯定有的,他们并没有膨胀到觉得自己就一定不会输给滔搏,只是没想到会输的这么惨,全场被人牵着鼻子走,他们赖以生存或者说是看家本领运营根本就打不起来。Yourselfhave no wayto control the rhythm, but alsodiscussed that whatoperates??
你自己都没法掌控节奏,还谈什么运营??Butalsodemonstratedthismvpplayerin the playerseatultra-largeledelectronic screen.
而在选手席正后方的超大led电子屏幕里面也显示出了这一场的mvp选手。Without a doubt, in the audiencecrazybelt/bringrhythm, substitutes the mvpplayer who three stars the highdawn in chaoticwarbecomeselects by ballotthoroughly.
毫无疑问,在全场疯狂带节奏,将三星彻底代入乱战中的高天亮成为了票选的mvp选手。In the screenishedecides the makeupphotocharming, data that as well ashehits.
4-1-17。Looks that the head/number of peoplenumberare not many, the people who so long aswatched the competitionwere clear,floodwrestlescan the rhythmbe so smoothearlier, cannot leave the responsibilitywithhisgankrepeatedly.
看着人头数并不多,但只要是看了比赛的人都清楚,滔搏前期之所以能够节奏这么顺畅,跟他多次gank离不开干系。„Smalldaymvp is also name will follow reality, hehas not madesecureleader the rhythmdraw to the rhythm that inboth sidesconsumemutually, butis the usesplendidgankability, makingsecureleaderbe tired out from the press, said that the peacefulleaderwas hitto explodeby the smalldaypara-positionwas not overrated.”Haospoke frankly!
the evaluation of mvpthisthing, lplalwayshas a drawback.
mvp这玩意的评选,lpl向来有一个弊端。Leapsto competesometimestocreate the topic, in the choice of mvp, the manufacturetopicwill make the audiencediscussintentionally, andwill be partial toCplayersin the choice of mvp.
因为……Cplayerseatmoreeconomies, is also easierto have the display of brighteyein the groupwar.
c位选手吃到更多的经济,在团战中也更容易有亮眼的发挥。Insteadis the wildauxiliarytwotoolpersonpositions, becauseverydifficultto make the performance of brighteyein the groupwar, was neglectedeasily.
反而是野辅两个工具人位因为很难在团战中打出亮眼的表现,容易被忽视。ButactuallyLeague of Legendsthisgame.
A teamwantsto establish the advantage, most difficultissince the earlier period the rhythm, butexactlywildauxiliaryis the teamrhythmsponsor.
一个团队想要建立起优势,最难的就是前期起节奏,而恰恰野辅就是团队节奏的发起者。In addition.
A wave of goodopeninggroup, canletCpositionbetterdisplays.
一波良好的开团,也能让c位更好的发挥。Followsto lose, hittingharvestinginsteadison the field the simplestmatter, teammatesperfectrolling, the controlalsoarrives, youfollowto lose the skillon the line, doesn't thishave the handon the line??
跟着打输出,打收割反而是场上最简单的事情,队友都已经完美的把团开好,控制也到位,你跟着丢技能就行,这不是有手就行??Butwildauxiliaryfunctiononfield, needed the audienceto havecertaingamefoundationeven saying that was the gameunderstood, ifwere the player who will not play the gameoris the purecloudplayer, theycould not understandwildlyauxiliary the role that playedon the field.
但野辅在场上的作用,需要观众有一定的游戏基础甚至说是游戏理解,如果是一个不怎么会玩游戏的玩家又或者说是纯粹的云玩家,他们根本就看不懂野辅在场上所起到的作用。Inmvpevaluation, wildauxiliarywill suffer a lossspecially.
在mvp的评选方面,野辅就会特别吃亏。Likesomepositions, for exampleon the list, elects a Kennan, youcan the audiencestealth, find a wave of groupwarto make the heavenly thunderto gain the giantimpression mark to capturemvp.
像有的位置,比如上单,选个凯南,你可以全场隐身,找到一波团战打出天雷获取巨大的印象分就能斩获一个mvp。Buthitswildlydifferent, youneed the brighteyeto have the opportunityto strive formvpto the tailfrom the beginning.
而打野不同,你需要从头亮眼到尾才有机会争取mvp。As forassistance??
至于辅助??Only ifplaysvariousclaspherohits, otherwisebasicallydoes not havethatpossibility.
除非是玩个钩子英雄各种命中,不然基本就没有那个可能。Competes with the mvpdifferentpositions, basicallyis not a difficulty.
竞争mvp不同的位置,基本就不是一个难度。Butexternallyis different, South Korea, during and evenis the worldmatch, the evaluation of mvpis more scientific, the wildauxiliarythesetwopositionsgain the mvpprobabilitygreatly is also improved.
而在国外不同,韩国,乃至是世界赛期间,mvp的评选则更加科学一点,野辅这两个位置获取mvp的几率也就大大提升。Really, after the gameaccepts the person who the officialinterviewedishighdawn, LiHanshengwas accepted the interviewby the lckcontest areainvitationin the past.
果然,赛后接受官方采访的人是高天亮,李汉升则被lck赛区邀请过去接受采访。Possiblywaslast yearhas had to do, the issues that therefore the hosts in South Koreainquiredwas notveryexcessive, shealsoknows, ifaskedthatexcessiveissue, what the bigprobabilitywas awkwardwasoneself.
可能是去年就打过交道,因此韩国的主持人提问的相关问题都不是很过分,她也知道如果提那种过分的问题,大概率尴尬的是自己。LiHanshengaround the worldisto become famousdares saying that hewill not be used to the bad habit.
李汉升在全世界范围内都是出了名的敢说,他可不会惯着臭毛病。Afterconclusioninterview, returned to the backstage.
结束采访过后,回到后台这边。GuoHaostandsin the entrancepositionas beforeis waiting for the arrival of team members, this has almost becomehim each matter that a play daymusthandlefixedly.
郭皓依旧是站在门口的位置等待着队员们的到来,这几乎已经成为他每个比赛日固定要做的事情。„Haha! The man (Han)rise! Performancegoodgood!”GuoHaomengis pattinghisshoulderpraise.
“哈哈!汉升!表现的不错不错!”郭皓勐拍着他的肩膀夸奖。LiHanshengshows the whites of the eyes, latershrugs, „same, wantsnot to appearinAgroupsisveryblue.”
郭皓嘴都笑歪了。Thisisatownmain house gateconductingworldmatch, the topic of manufacture, or the current capacity of attractionfarexceededlast year!
这可是在自己家门口举办的世界赛,制造的话题,亦或是吸引的流量都远超去年!According tothismomentumgets down, iffloodwrestlesto be ablethis yearto be reelected to the champion, popularityin addition obtained will holdwill be inestimable!
按照这个势头下去,如果滔搏能够在今年蝉联冠军的话,所获得的人气加持将不可估量!He is also a worldling.
他也是个俗人。Fully realizedthishugecurrent capacitysomeback many hugeadvertisementbenefit that the wealthvalue, If nothing else, the parent companythat sidecanobtain, canbring not a poorincometo the team.
深知这份巨大流量的背后到底有多少的财富价值,别的不说,母公司那边所能获得的巨大广告效益,就能给全队都带来一笔不菲的收入。Various the followingtypes of advertisementsrepresentednot to mention, live broadcastcontract......
更别提后续各种广告代言,直播合同……Thesemaybe the bigends of income.
这些可都是收入的大头。Whowill reject the highincome, whowill dislikemoney that make is too many??
谁会拒绝高收入,谁会讨厌自己赚的钱太多呢??Before long the highdawnalsoconcluded the interviewto return to the backstage.
不一会高天亮也结束采访回到后台这边。Saw with own eyes that the whole stafftake place, after GuoHaoqingcoughstwoopens the mouth, „good that veryfirst, everyonefirstrounddisplays, the three victories in a row, have achievedourestablished objectives.”
眼见全员都就位,郭皓轻咳两声后开口,“首先呢,大家第一轮都发挥的很好,三连胜,已经达成我们既定的目标。”„Thenwewill havethreedays of vacations, Idiscussedwith the red rice, will betodaygoes backtomorrow evening, youcanfreelyarrange, thenwewill startto make the training matchagain, for the semi-final of timeswheelwill prepare, striving for the total victoryadvancementwill be good??”
„ Good!
” Onehearcanrest, the team memberswithhittingchickenbloodresulted in!
”一听可以休息,队员们跟打了鸡血似得!Mainly during the semi-final of the world match, full of verycompetition schedulearrangement, you have almost the competitiondaily, althoughyouonlyneedto play a competitionevery day.
主要还是世界赛的小组赛期间,赛程安排的很满,你几乎是天天都有比赛,虽说你每天只需要打一场比赛。Butis hugeregarding the consumption of energy, youdo not dareto haveanylax.
It is not youcan certainlywin, if not awe the arena, awes the opponent, will present the unexpected winner.
并不是你强就一定能赢,如果不敬畏赛场,敬畏对手的话,就会出现冷门。Looks over the history, turning over of variousstrong teamsstemming from the inflation, look down upon the opponentwithout exception, ownlax, thuscausesto lose the competition.
纵观历史,各种强队的翻车无一例外都是出于膨胀,看不起对手,自身的松懈从而导致输掉比赛。c9alsopresents the firstround of semi-finalthree victories in a row, the timeroundis eliminatedon the four losses in a rowimmediately.
The first runand a round of semi-finalare not a concept.
小组赛的首轮和次轮就不是一个概念。First round, everyoneregarding the cognitivealsoreallymoldlake of the world matchedition, needsto try to find outslowly,did not understandownopponent.
可次轮就不一样。Firstiseveryonetends to the unificationregarding the cognition of edition, will reach the consensus, for example the priority of hero, the choices of fighting methodand so on.
首先就是大家对于版本的认知趋于统一,都会形成共识,比如英雄的优先级,打法的取舍之类。Thenis you have a general understanding of ownopponent, hasenoughcompetitionsampleto makeyou conduct a more pointedresearch and observation.
然后就是你对自己的对手有一个大概的了解,有足够的比赛样本来让你进行更加针对性的研究和观察。Is equivalent tofirstroundeveryonelevelpossiblelevel is not simultaneous/uniform.
就相当于第一轮大家水平可能层次不齐。But some secondroundteams may flyto entersuddenlycourageous, butsometeamsmarkare naturally eliminated.
但第二轮可能有的队伍就会突飞勐进,而有的队伍原地踏步自然就会被淘汰。Whose the worldmatchitself/Benisonecompeteslearning capabilityto be stronger, a process of whosequickergrowth.
世界赛本就是一个比拼谁学习能力更强,谁更快成长的一个过程。Althoughfloodwrestlesdoes not needto be worried the situation that the groupturns overappears, but the red ricemustprovide for a rainy day.
尽管滔搏并不需要担心小组翻车的情况出现,但红米必须要未雨绸缪。Althoughhehas traced the incense burnerto blamethiseditionbigfather, buthecannotguaranteeoneselfcertainlyare correctregarding the cognition of edition.
他虽说早就摸到了香炉怪这个版本大爹,但他也不能够保证自己对于版本的认知就一定正确。Alsoneedsto learn others 'slessonsthrough the videos of otherduplicate/restoresplatecorps, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study the fighting method.
不然。Othersare progressing, floodwrestlesis marking.
The overall strength that even iffloodwrestlesis more intrepid, cannotinflatetothissituation.
就算滔搏的整体实力更加强悍,也不能膨胀到这个地步。Alsois a day of recuperation.
The first matches of surplustwogroupwill also soon end.
剩余两个小组的首轮比赛也即将终结。But the anticipationwithout doubtisrngtofighting the dragon bead, as well astsmwhether to obtain the groupthree victories in a row, rng and dragon beadhave also obtainedtwovictories, whowinswhocan the three victories in a row, becomesBgroupsfirst.
而看点无疑是rng对战龙珠,以及tsm能否取得小组三连胜,rng和龙珠也已经纷纷取得两胜,谁赢谁就能三连胜,成为b组第一。LiHanShenghefriendswatched the entireprocess of competitionindoor the training.
李汉升和队友们是在训练室内观看了比赛的全过程。Firstperformsistsmwith the msfshowdown, isEurope and USfights, the rabbitteamapparentlydoes not have the thoroughcontroleditionnow, itselftheirplayerstrengthsare weaker.
首先上演的就是tsm跟msf的对决,也算是欧美大战,兔子队现在显然还没有彻底的掌控版本,本身他们的选手实力就更弱一点。Facing the tsmluxurioustridentlineup, being defeatedis also normal.
面对tsm的豪华三叉戟阵容,败下阵来也算正常。tsmsmoothacquisitiongroupthree victories in a row!
tsm顺利的取得小组三连胜!Butafter the gamein the interview, impindicatedfacinghost'sinquiry,„nesthopescanwrestleto meetwithfloodin the elimination seriesstage, the nestmustdefeatto sell the pearpersonally, breakshisunbeatenmyth! The nestismostskirt! The nestmustbecomeonlyonetimesthreeman who wins the Smatchchampionship!”
而在赛后采访中,imp面对主持人的提问表示,“窝希望能够在淘汰赛阶段跟滔搏碰面,窝要亲手击败销梨,打破他的不败神话!窝才是最屌的!窝要成为唯一一个三次获得s赛冠军的男人!”„To winfloodto wrestleverysimply, the nesthitsto explodeoutstandinglyextravaganton the line.”
“想要赢滔搏很简单,窝打爆杰阔就行。”Has the refinedcharacteras beforeisthatcrazy!
the composition of tsm can also satisfyhimto enjoyregarding the smoothness of champion.
tsm的人员构成也能满足他对于冠军的畅享。„Damn, pū pū is thisboydoes not work as the person the buddycompletely?” The tooth that Jackair/Qiis itchy, thatcalledoneto clench jaws!
“md,噗噗这小子是完全不把哥们儿当人是吧?”杰克气的牙痒痒,那叫一个咬牙切齿!Facing the interview of the world said that thiswords, was not equal toopenlysaying that flooddoes wrestlebelowroadis a breach??
面对全世界的采访说这种话,不就等于公开说滔搏的下路是突破口??Althoughthisin the League of Legendsprofessionalcircle is almost an opensecret.
尽管这在英雄联盟职业圈子里面几乎就是一个公开的秘密。Anybodywill havesuchidea.
任何人都会有这样的想法。Butyouhavesuchideaandyouare interviewed the timesays, the significancemaybe different.
但你有这样的想法和你接受采访的时候说出来,意义可就不一样。„Hee hee, can only say that pū pūunderstandsyour, YuWenbo, remembers that littledeliverstwice.”Brightgrinningmaking upblade.
“嘻嘻,只能说噗噗还是了解你的,喻文波,记得少送两次嗷。”史森明笑嘻嘻的补刀。„All right, thiseditionInotthatdogbelt/bringeasily.”Beckoning with the hand that Jackthinks little.
“没事,这版本我不会那么轻易的狗带。”杰克不以为意的摆摆手。Why the fansthought that the incense burnerstrangeeditionisJake'sedition?
It is not becausethiseditionis very difficultto be struckto kill, canfeel relieved that loses?
不就是因为这版本很难被击杀,可以放心打输出么?Agrees withperfectly his fighting method of thishigh riskhighreturn.
完美契合他这种高风险高回报的打法。Following is the high-intensityshowdown of rnganddragon bead!
紧随其后便是rng和龙珠的高强度对决!Actuallycan look.
The incense burnerstrangeeditionreallyhascertain impact on the dragon bead, wasunder the mousekingage of roadtrulywas mainly big, the carryabilitywas far less thanhewas youngtime.
香炉怪版本对龙珠确实有一定的影响,主要就是下路的鼠王年龄确实大了,carry能力远不如他年轻的时候。Underthisedition the roadcannothave the toolpersoncompletely, musthaveCpositions, andtestsvery muchto the lineability.
这版本下路完全不能出工具人,必须要出c位,并且也很考验对线能力。Regardingprofounddeeptwosaidin old agethisis a little hardto resist.
对于玄冥二老来说这就有点难以招架。Woods below road surfaceto the profounddeepparentsmakegreatlyto the lineadvantage.
The dragon beadabsolutelydoes not have the advantage, thatistheirUeno!
The khanfacingletting the emperor, s7maynot have the supermodelstrangesheepto comethishero, making the emperorhave no wayto reachall living thingsparity, bymiserable that the khansuppresses!
可汗面对让帝,s7可没有超模怪羊来这个英雄,让帝也没法实现众生平等,被可汗压制的很惨!Conforms to the rngcompetitionstylevery much.
The nextroadadvantageis infinitely great, the starting offdisadvantageis also infinitely great.
The dragon beadhas room foroperation.
龙珠有运营的空间。Oncarry of khansingleplaytrulygood, a adKennaninvarioussidewalkmanufacturepressures, rngmeansdoes not have.
可汗的carry型上单玩的确实不错,一手ad凯南在边路各种制造压力,rng一点办法都没有。Wants the reportgroupto advance, cannot push.
想要报团推进,又推不进去。Insteadwas involvedbyvariousdragon beadexperiencedoperationtypes.
反而是被龙珠老练的运营各种牵扯。No matterhow the dragon beadlooks likefloodto wrestleagain, theiressences are also South KoreanCorps, operatesthisthingto carve the thinginbone.
The hugedisadvantage of sidewalk, makingrngbe tired out from the press, oneselfare unable to end the fightfast.
边路的巨大劣势,让rng疲于奔命,自身又无法快速的解决战斗。Was towedtobiglater period, underboth sides the disparity of roadwas levelled.
The mousekingwas badto the lineability, buthit the groupability is not bad.
The dragon beadwins total victoriesin35minutes of big dragongroups, ensures the victoryat one fell swoop, rngis also incapable ofrevoltingagain.
龙珠在35分钟的大龙团大获全胜,一举奠定胜局,rng再也无力反抗。Finally the regretis defeated!
最终遗憾落败!„Is goodto be a pity that earlier the rngadvantage is so obviously big.”Umbrellasovereignregretting of , „starting offdisadvantagewas too big, rngmustsolve the problem that starts off, Ithought that can a zoomplay opportunity,...... under the roadattain the bigadvantageotherwise, but must not havemeansfastevenpush, rng is very difficultto gain the victory.”
“好可惜啊,前期rng的优势明明那么大。”伞皇十分的惋惜,“上路劣势太大了,rng必须要解决上路的问题,我觉得可以给zoom一点上场机会,不然的话……下路拿到再大的优势,还要没办法快速平推,rng就很难取得胜利。”„Thisedition, because the reason of positive/directgroupverydifficultdeceased person, youwantto speed up the rhythmoradvancement the words, is certainhas the advantagein the sidewalk, thisexactlyis the rngmost defectivething.”
“这版本因为正面团很难死人的缘故,你想要加快节奏或者说推进的话,就一定得在边路有优势,这恰恰就是rng最欠缺的东西。”Althoughis defeated.
尽管落败。Butrngobtains2-1scoresin the first run of group, an advancementformexcellence.
现在……Alsoonlyhas the edgpeopleto have a headache about the advancementissue.
也唯有edg的众人在头疼出线问题。0-3openings, wantto advancesolelyare notneedto try hard, needs the competitorto coordinate.
The first round ofconclusion of semi-final.
小组赛的首轮结束。Thenisthreedays of recuperationperiods, butregardingmostaudience, was the end of National Dayvacation.
接下来就是三天的休整期,而对于大多数观众来说,也是国庆假期的结束。Howeveris goodbecause ofthisis the homecompetition, does not affectthemto watch the competitionand that's the end.
The flames of war of semi-finalreigniteagain!
小组赛的战火再度重燃!Firstmakes waris the edgcorps!
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