TIWYCC :: Volume #2

#170: Came to come, that greatly was bald he to come.

August 7. 8月7号。 LPL welcomed in the summer match the war of receiving officer! LPL迎来夏季赛的收官之战! But the competition of TOP and WE was arranged in today's last. 而TOP和WE的比赛就被安排在了今天的最后一场。 Altogether three competitions, TOP is around 3 : 00 pm embarks to take the bus to go to rainbow bridge Performance Center. 总共有三场比赛,TOP是下午3点多出发乘坐大巴车前往虹桥演艺中心。 When the TOP whole staff arrives at the backstage, the equipment sends to the official inspection, then waits for the make-up artist oneself dress to do one's toilet, on the field is the second competition conducts, by EDG to fighting RNG. 当TOP全员来到后台,设备送去官方检查,然后等化妆师给自己上妆的时候,场上已经是第二场比赛进行,由EDG对战RNG。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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