TIWYCC :: Volume #2

#165: Brings the shield, controls, the man who hangs dozen of sword Ji

Illustrated that on the seat three illustrations are starting to conduct for the showdown of this fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents with the rich experience ahead of time preheating. 解说席上三名解说正在用自己丰富的经验开始为这场龙争虎斗的对决进行提前预热。 On the field players of both sides start to conduct the final equipment debugging after arrival, will eliminate all disturbances for the forthcoming fierce confrontation. 场上双方的选手们在登场之后开始进行最后的设备调试,为即将开始的激烈对抗排除一切干扰。 At present LPL has not adopted alliance officially, without so-called home / away game system, the bases of all corps arrange in the demon, because LPL venue in rainbow bridge world deduction 眼下LPL还没有正式采取联盟化,没有所谓的‘主客场’制度,所有战队的基地都安排在魔都,因为LPL的举办地点就是在虹桥天地演绎中 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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