TIWYCC :: Volume #2

#163: Now the pressure arrives at the body of RNG

Who can defeat this TOP?? 谁能击败这一支TOP?? This is EDG after losing to TOP, illustrated that in an inquiry that at that time sent out extemporaneously. 这本是EDG在败给TOP之后,解说们在当时即兴发出的一个提问。 The original intention wants to flatter to be unbeaten TOP of golden body until now. 本意只是想要吹捧一下至今保持不败金身的TOP而已。 Has not thought the sand sculpture netizens really online have the vigorous discussion unexpectedly, possibly is only one crowd bored to being all right the dry/does netizens in the net upper opening hi several. 可没想到沙雕网友们居然真的在网上产生激烈的讨论,原本也可能只是一群无聊到没事干的网友们在网上口嗨几句。 Cannot support TOP now the words in electricity competition circle 架不住TOP如今在电竞圈内的话 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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