DNDB :: Volume #1

#26: Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist

day sunset, spring last winter. 日起日落,春去冬来。 Quick, Ye Chen and Buku then practice for a year on Korin Tower. 很快,夜辰舞空便在卡林塔上修行了一年的时间。 On this day 这一天 hōng hōng!! hōng hōng hōng!!! 轰轰!!轰轰轰!!! Above the sea of clouds, often resounds a slating deafening sound, sees only two person's shadows in airborne intensely to bumping is battling. 云海之上,不时地响起道道雷鸣般的震响,只见两道人影正在空中激烈地对碰交战着。 Unexpectedly is two exactly the same Ye Chen! 竟然是两个一模一样的夜辰 The aura or the appearance are completely same, the only difference is on a Ye Chen's forehead is then reappearing one Yin character, but on a Ye Chen's forehead is reappearing Yang character. 无论是气息还是样子都完全一样,唯一的区别便是一个夜辰的额头上浮现着一个“阴”字,而一个夜辰的额头上则浮现着一个“阳”字。 One set of fist method that this is Ye Chen practices in a year of creates on Korin Tower, named Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist. 这是夜辰卡林塔上修行的一年里创造出的一套拳法,名为【阴阳二仙拳】。 Use Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist After Ye Chen can divide into two, melts two immortal being obviously, respectively is Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen. 使用【阴阳二仙拳】后,夜辰可以将自己一分为二,显化出两具仙身,分别为阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰 Two Ye Chen have the unified thought and soul, but they can actually act alone, moreover what is more important being they have the strength of also and original Ye Chen is exactly the same! 两个夜辰拥有着统一的思想和灵魂,但是他们却又可以独自行动,而且更重要的是他们所拥有的力量也和原来的夜辰一模一样! Although Buku is a good training opponent, but Buku's is too young, the strength also missed Ye Chen many, each time with Buku to fighting Ye Chen is also only the practice in martial arts and style, cannot make him fight full power, therefore Ye Chen then wants whether can create one set of fist method, making him divide into two itself and fights. 虽然舞空是一个不错的训练对手,不过舞空的年纪太小,力量也还差了夜辰许多,每次和舞空对战夜辰也只是武术和招式上的练习,并不能让他全力战斗,所以夜辰便想是否能够创造出一套拳法,让他一分为二自己与自己战斗。 Takes Ye Chen present martial arts to cultivate to want to create such a set of fist method with the experience story actually somewhat reluctantly, under the guidance of the suggestion and Korin immortal, Ye Chen finally this set Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist Created. 夜辰如今的武道修为和经验阅历想创造出这样的一套拳法其实还是有些勉强,不过在卡林仙人的建议和指导下,夜辰总算还是将这套【阴阳二仙拳】创造了出来。 Although compared with Kaio-ken What and so on was also in the difference, but without a doubt this was also one set of powerful fist method. 虽然比起【界王拳】之类的是还差上了许多,但毫无疑问这也是一套强大的拳法 Yin Immortal Ye Chen or Yang Immortal Ye Chen have the original Ye Chen same strength, not only in usual to fighting in the training can discover that own insufficiency , to promote itself very well, even in true fight still very useful. 无论是阴仙夜辰还是阳仙夜辰都有着原本夜辰一样的实力,不仅是在平时的对战训练中可以发现自己的不足,很好地提升自己,即使在真正的战斗中也非常的有用。 It can be said that the intention has Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen of unification idea interlinked each other coordinates, can definitely display originally the Ye Chen several times above strength! 可以说,心意相通拥有着统一思想的阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰彼此配合,完全可以发挥出原本夜辰数倍以上的战力! Naturally, this set of fist method not without its faults. 当然了,这套拳法也不是毫无缺点 Once used Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist After the Ye Chen's strength will then double the diffusion. If original Ye Chen can fight continuously for 100 hours, is using Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist Are latter most can only fight for 50 hours, very simple principle of conservation of energy. 一旦使用了【阴阳二仙拳】后,夜辰的力量便会加倍耗散。如果说原本的夜辰可以连续战斗100个小时,那么在使用了【阴阳二仙拳】后最多就只能战斗50个小时,很简单的能量守恒原理。 However compares with its merit, this shortcoming is not anything, the time of even if fighting how cut in half, so long as before the strength exhausts defeats the enemy to be good. 不过和它的优点比起来,这点缺点也不算什么,就算战斗的时间减半了又如何,只要在力量用尽之前打败敌人就好了。 If used Yin-Yang Two Immortals Fist Could not have won the opponent, that also hits, escapes as early as possible! 如果使用了【阴阳二仙拳】都还赢不了对手,那还打个屁啊,趁早逃命去吧! Returns to the proper topic, at this time above the sea of clouds Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen still still in incomparably intensely to fighting, each collision will be shaking huge hollow above the sea of clouds. 言归正传,此时云海之上阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰依然还在无比激烈地对战着,两人每一次碰撞都会在云海之上震荡出一道巨大的凹陷。 Is familiar with the opposite party is looking like being familiar with itself, in addition has the completely same strength, therefore Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen play inextricably involved, cannot branch out high under. 熟悉着对方就像是熟悉着自己,再加上拥有着完全相同的力量,所以阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰打得难解难分,根本就分不出高下。 In this case, either one wants to win only then surpasses the limit to promote itself in the fight, only then this has the possibility of defeating the opposite party! 在这种情况下,任何一方想要取胜就只有在战斗中超越极限地提升自己,只有这样才有打败对方的可能! pēng lóng one, two people is a collision, then each other flashed draws back spread out. 砰隆一声,两人又是一次碰撞,然后彼此闪退拉开了距离。 ah ya ya ya ya ya!!!!!” 啊呀呀呀呀呀!!!!!” Both hands wave like the wheel generally, Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen throw to project hundreds of ki burst sphere simultaneously to the opposite party assault, immediately above the entire sea of clouds hōng hōng hōng exploded one piece. 双手如同车轮一般舞动,阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰同时扔射出数以百计的气功弹向对方袭去,顿时整个云海之上都轰轰轰炸成了一片。 On Planet Vegeta, to launch so ki burst sphere of powerful at least also to have over a thousand points battle efficiencies, but if will discover the Ye Chen present battle efficiency with the detector survey also several hundred points. 贝吉塔行星上,要想发射出如此强力的气功弹至少也要拥有上千点的战斗力,但如果用探测器探测的话就会发现夜辰如今的战斗力也不过才几百点而已。 Only can launch so ki burst sphere of powerful depending on several hundred points battle efficiencies, simply is inconceivable, this can only explain that understanding of Ye Chen to the air/Qi and grasped has achieved the extremely high boundary. 仅凭几百点的战斗力就可以发射出这般强力的气功弹,简直就是不可思议,这只能说明夜辰对气的理解和掌握都已经达到了极高的境界。 Ye Chen, come on come on!” 夜辰,加油加油!” Above temple, Buku vivaciously is Ye Chen come on. 神殿之上,舞空蹦蹦跳跳地为夜辰加油着。 Below has two Ye Chen, it is estimated that she does not know which Ye Chen come on oneself are. However manages his, in any case both Ye Chen are Ye Chen, that together come on was good. 下面有两个夜辰,估计她也不知道自己是在为哪个夜辰加油吧。不过管他的呢,反正两个夜辰都是夜辰,那就一起加油好了。 Threw round of ki burst sphere not to decide the victory and defeat, Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen shoots up to the sky, simultaneously then received in airborne fitting both hands in the waist: 扔了一轮气功弹还是未分出胜负,阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰又冲天而起,同时在空中贴合双手然后收于腰间: Ka... Me... Ha... Me... Ha!!!!!” 龟……派……气……功……波!!!!!” The double palm promotes, above the sea of clouds ran out of two to turn the white air wave directly, ki burst wave of two powerful from the sky hit in one, then 双掌推出,云海之上直接被冲出了两道翻白的气浪,两道强力的气功波在空中撞在了一起,然后 Bang!!!!! 轰!!!!! The loud sound soars to the heavens, radiance is dazzling, the wild energy spreads everywhere, Yin Immortal Ye Chen or Yang Immortal Ye Chen were involved in then raised to fly. 巨响冲天,光华刺眼,狂暴的能量四处扩散,无论是阴仙夜辰还是阳仙夜辰都被卷入其中然后掀飞了出去。 For a long time later, all subside gradually. 许久之后,一切才渐渐平息。 What is dismayful, looked at no mark above the sea of clouds to present a near kilometer giant cavity unexpectedly! 让人惊愕的是,原本一望无迹的云海之上竟然出现了一个近千米巨大的空洞! „............” “哈……哈……” Is panting for breath in gulps, floats stands looks at each other one in airborne Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen, cannot help but smiles bitterly. 大口大口地喘息着,浮立在空中的阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰对视一眼,都不由得苦笑。 Also is a making no distinction between victory and defeat result. 又是一次不分胜负的结局。 Actually this is also the natural matter, everyone biggest enemy often is oneself, oneself want to exceed itself easier said than done. 其实这也是理所当然的事情,每个人最大的敌人往往都是自己,自己想要胜过自己谈何容易。 In Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen about hundred times to war , a side can break through the limit to exceed the other side the situation to be very few, can speak of so far also few times. 阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰近百次的对战中,其中一方能够突破极限胜过另一方的情况少之又少,可以说到目前为止也就才寥寥几次。 Each other close, Yin Immortal Ye Chen and Yang Immortal Ye Chen combines into one, on forehead Yin character vanishes with Yang character, became complete Ye Chen. 彼此靠近,阴仙夜辰阳仙夜辰合而为一,额头上的“阴”字与“阳”字消失,重新变为了完整的夜辰 The innumerable sensibility well up, in the Ye Chen eye flashed through fine glow. 无数的感悟涌上心头,夜辰眼中闪过了一道精芒。 Although this time cannot break through own limit to the war, but also makes him obtain benefits the poor to be shallow. 虽然这次的对战没有能够突破自己的极限,但也还是让他获益菲浅。 Ye Chen!” 夜辰!” The Buku's sound, sees only its one then to jump down from temple. 舞空的声音,只见其一下便从神殿中跳了下来。 Ye Chen cannot help but complexion one black, this bold death girl, Dancing Sky Art Also uses not to dare to jump well unexpectedly downward, did not fear that falls down to plunge to death directly. 夜辰不由得脸色一黑,这个胆大包天的死丫头,【舞空术】都还用不好竟然就敢往下跳,也不怕直接掉下去摔死。 The figure moves, Ye Chen hurried to catch falling Buku. 身形一动,夜辰赶紧接住了掉下来的舞空 Is learning Dancing Sky Art Before cannot this jump again carelessly downward.” “在学好【舞空术】之前不许再这样胡乱地往下跳。” Knocked the Buku's small head, the Ye Chen ill-humored said/tunnel. 敲了敲舞空的小脑袋,夜辰没好气地道。 Ye Chen will catch in any case my, xī xī......” “反正夜辰会接住我的嘛,嘻嘻……” Rubbed rubbing on Ye Chen's, Buku did not care about the said/tunnel. 夜辰的身上蹭了蹭,舞空则是不在意地道。 Shakes the head reluctantly, Ye Chen holds Buku to lift off slowly, then fell above temple. 无奈地摇了摇头,夜辰抱着舞空缓缓升空,然后落回了神殿之上。 „Since Sir Korin, many thanks you instruction, I have planned to leave here with Buku in this year tomorrow.” 卡林大人,多谢您这一年以来的指导,我打算明天就和舞空离开这里。” Put down Buku, then Ye Chen said to Korin immortal. 放下了舞空,然后夜辰卡林仙人说道。 Un, you keep here me also to have nothing again can instruct your, almost should leave.” “嗯,你们再留在这里我也没有什么可以指导你们的了,也是差不多该离开了。” But, before departure, I also gives you a gift.” “不过,在离开之前,我也送你们一件礼物吧。” Strokes own beard, Korin immortal is nodding, then lifted oneself cane...... 捋着自己的胡须,卡林仙人点了点头,然后抬起了自己手杖…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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