DNDB :: Volume #1

#24: Instructs and practices

Next day 次日 Ye Chen, Buku, I then instruct your practicing starting today.” 夜辰,舞空,从今天开始我便指导你们的修行。” Before that you first train, how making me have a look at your respective times.” “不过在那之前,你们先对练一下,让我看看你们各自的功夫如何。” In temple, Korin immortal said to Ye Chen and Buku. 神殿之中,卡林仙人对着夜辰舞空说道。 Can with the Ye Chen fight? Good good!” “要和夜辰战斗吗?好呀好呀!” Jumps, small Buku returns happily said. 蹦蹦跳跳,小舞空高兴地回道。 Since two years ago after Turtle Immortal no longer and Ye Chen trains, basically is Buku and Ye Chen trains, therefore this matter two people are familiar and easy. 自从两年前龟仙人不再和夜辰对练后,基本上就是舞空夜辰对练,所以这种事情两人都已经轻车熟路了。 Under the gaze of Korin immortal, Ye Chen and Buku station between temple's, then suspended the Turtle School standard posture simultaneously. 卡林仙人的注视之下,夜辰舞空站到了神殿的中间,然后同时摆好了龟仙流的标准架式。 Ye Chen, I wanted on.” 夜辰,我要上了。” Come.” “来吧。” Also rubbish, Buku took the lead to launch the attack, the under foot stepped on, the whole person was similar to the shell to hit to Ye Chen. 也不废话,舞空率先发动了攻击,脚下一踩,整个人便如同炮弹般向夜辰撞去。 Yes, is leaning the body simple hit, but the speed extremely quick strength is also enormous, usually when goes out to go hunting these buffalos the dinosaur do not know that had been killed many by this girl like. 是的,就是侧着身体简单的撞击,但是速度极快力量也极大,平时出去打猎时那些野牛啊恐龍啊不知道被这丫头像这样撞死过多少。 However, regarding Ye Chen this also is just the attack of like another, before both hands protect, then blocked the Buku's hit with ease, although the under foot pulled out two long slippery marks in the ground, but the entire figure is still steady, if rock. 不过,对于夜辰来说这也只不过是普通平常的攻击而已,双手护前轻松地便挡住了舞空的撞击,虽然脚下在地面上拉出了两道长长的滑痕,但整个身形依然稳若磐石。 Óh ya ya ya ya ya!!!!!” 哦呀呀呀呀呀!!!!!” The true attack starts, Buku's two fists like raindrop to Ye Chen. 真正的攻击开始,舞空的两只拳头如同雨点般向夜辰袭来。 In the petite fist contains the tremendous strength, even Ye Chen does not dare readily to make it hit itself, wields both hands to resist unceasingly, each hit will from the sky produce the exploding air/Qi sound that sinks together stuffily. 嬌小的拳头中蕴含着巨大的力量,即使夜辰也不敢轻易地让它击中自己,亦是挥动着双手不断地抵挡着,两人每一次撞击都会在空中产生一道闷沉的爆气声。 Sees Ye Chen to defend airtight, Buku changed the strategy immediately, the figure lightened now on the pillar of temple edge, then borrowed the strength to step on and turn toward side Ye Chen's on the pillar. 夜辰防守得密不透风,舞空立马改变了策略,身形一闪出现在了神殿边缘的柱子上,然后在柱子上借力一踩又向着夜辰的侧面袭来。 Has understood the attacking mode of this girl, Ye Chen has been divided into five to scatter in all directions the leap, making Buku's attack to fail. 早就熟习了这丫头的攻击模式,夜辰一分为五四散飞跃,让舞空的攻击落了个空。 Hateful, I also come!” “可恶,我也来!” Is rousing the cheek panting in indignation, then a Buku's figure fuzziness, was melts several afterimage to pursue toward Ye Chen. 气呼呼地鼓着脸蛋儿,然后舞空的身形一阵模糊,亦是化出了几道残像向着夜辰追去。 Although very pure, somewhat is usually blurry, but Buku has the talent on martial arts extremely, let alone is relatively simple Afterimage Fist, Kamehameha Wave She has also learned before more than one year. 虽然非常的单纯,平时也有些迷糊,但是舞空武道上却是极有天赋,别说是相对还算简单的【残像拳】,就连【龟派气功波】她也在一年多前就已经学会了。 pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng!!!!! 砰砰砰砰砰!!!!! In entire temple is Ye Chen and Buku's afterimage is leaping up to jump, two people fights are also very intense, nearby Korin immortal also strokes own beard often to nod. 整个神殿中都是夜辰舞空的残像在蹿来跳去,两人的战斗也无比激烈,一旁的卡林仙人也捋着自己的胡须不时地点点头。 The Ye Chen good that small girl also is also good, so the age can have strength so, even if lived 800 many years of his still first seeing. 无论是夜辰也好还是那个小丫头也好,如此年纪就能够拥有这般实力,即使活了八百多年的他也还是第一次看到。 Naturally cannot use on the full power with Buku fight Ye Chen, the strength of basically using and she quite, what therefore of two people fights are more is the contest of martial arts and move of technique. 舞空战斗夜辰自然不会使用上全力,基本上使用的力量和她的相当,所以两人的战斗更多的还是武术与招术的较量。 Although Buku of Ye Chen meeting almost can also, but her experience was short to be inferior to Ye Chen eventually, finally was held an opportunity fist to raid by Ye Chen in the abdomen, the whole person hit on the pillar of temple edge ended this fight. 虽然夜辰会的舞空差不多也都会,但是终究她的经验还是有所欠缺不如夜辰,最后被夜辰抓住机会一拳袭在了腹部,整个人都撞在神殿边缘的柱子上结束了这场战斗。 „...... Good pain.” “呜……好痛呀。” Is covering own abdomen, a Buku shouting pain. 捂着自己的小肚子,舞空一阵的呼痛。 All right, Buku.” “没事吧,舞空。” Held from the ground Buku, Ye Chen rubbed to be hit to her a moment ago the place, but Buku also revealed the appearance that sweet smiling face was all right completely quickly. 舞空从地上抱了起来,夜辰给她揉了揉刚才被打中的地方,而舞空也很快露出了甜甜的笑容一副完全没事的样子。 Un, you two are very good, Roshi has also taught you attentively.” “嗯,你们两个都很不错,想必武天也用心地教导过你们了。” But, you fight has not coordinated own breath, the unnecessary movement also has.” “不过,你们战斗的时候都没有配合好自己的呼吸,不必要的动作也有很多。” Moreover, after each you see time the opposite party acts, can react, cannot read the movement of opposite party completely ahead of time.” “而且,每一次你们都只是看到对方出手后才能做出反应,完全不能提前读取对方的动作。” „......” “还有……” Korin immortal walked, first commended two people, then selected a two people big pile of insufficiency. 卡林仙人走了过来,先是称赞了两人一句,然后便点出了两人一大堆的不足。 Survived 800 many years of immortal as one, the experience of Korin immortal is extremely rich, almost the point arrives is the place that Ye Chen and Buku are also short at present. 作为一名存活了八百多年的仙人,卡林仙人的经验极其丰富,几乎点到的全都是夜辰舞空目前还有所欠缺的地方。 Do not look at these is only some small insufficiency, does not seem to change is also not all that serious, but in effect it is not so. 别看这些都只是些小小的不足,似乎不改也没有什么大不了,但其实不然。 The experts contest, often is if you get even the smallest thing wrong you will end up making a loss. 高手过招,往往都是失之毫厘,差之千里。 In the boundless universe, human is actually an very weak lifeform, their body emaciated no powerful strengths, even were still closes right up against the wisdom to stand the peak of food chain on own planet. 在茫茫的宇宙之中,人类其实属于一种非常弱势的生物,他们身体孱弱没有什么强大的力量,即使在自己的星球上也是靠着智慧才站上了食物链的顶端。 Perhaps also because of this reason, in the civilization of human will be born martial arts, martial artist exercises own body and mind, constantly is improving on each small custom and detail, in order to be played the infinite might by oneself with the limited strength. 或许也正是因为这个原故,人类的文明之中才会诞生出武道,武道家们锻炼自己的身心,不断地改善着自己身上每一个微小的习惯和细节,以便让自己用有限的力量发挥出无限的威力。 Like in the Saiyan's civilization on no so-called martial arts, because they do not need. 像在赛亚人的文明中就没有什么所谓的武道,因为他们根本就不需要。 Saiyan then has the powerful bloodlines inborn, so long as the fight fight can promote own strength grow stronger unceasingly, therefore naturally does not need these things. 赛亚人天生便拥有着强大的血脉,他们只要不断地战斗战斗就能够提升自己的力量变强,所以自然也就不需要那些东西。 Cites a simple example, if lets Turtle Immortal with a powerful Saiyan soldier duel, without a doubt will be Turtle Immortal will be defeated, was killed by the opposite party relaxed second. 举一个简单的例子,如果让龟仙人与一名强大的赛亚人战士决斗,毫无疑问的将会是龟仙人落败,被对方轻松秒杀。 The strength disparity is too big, even if Turtle Immortal is honored as God of Martial Arts, but others strength falls the 10 meeting, casual ki burst sphere can rumble to become Chacha you. 彼此之间的力量差距太大,就算龟仙人被誉为武术之神,但人家一力降会,随便一颗气功弹就能将你轰成碴碴。 However otherwise, if makes Turtle Immortal have the Saiyan soldier that powerful strength, then can definitely say, Turtle Immortal can with ease oppressive violent one crowd of Saiyan! 不过反之,若是让龟仙人也拥有赛亚人战士那么强大的力量,那么可以肯定的说,龟仙人可以轻松地虐暴一群赛亚人 This is so-called martial arts! 这就是所谓的武道 The Korin immortal one breath said that Ye Chen is listening every single word or phrase earnestly, although Buku also stands is listening earnestly, but is quick her small head blurry. 卡林仙人一口气讲了很多,夜辰一字一句都认真地听着,舞空虽然也站在旁边认真地听着,但很快她那颗小脑袋就已经迷迷糊糊的了。 „Did you who I said understand?” “我说的你们都明白了吗?” Spoke Ye Chen their insufficiency and proposed some directors, Korin immortal asked. 讲完了夜辰他们的不足并提出了一些指导,卡林仙人问道。 Ye Chen nods, but Buku was bewildered winked oneself that bright and intelligent big eyes: 夜辰点了点头,不过舞空则是一脸茫然地眨了眨自己那水汪汪的大眼睛: Completely no.” “完全没有。” Oh!” “唉呀!” Korin immortal one threw down on the ground, the sentiment he spoke such for quite a while to say white/in vain. 卡林仙人一下摔倒在了地上,感情他讲这么大半天都白讲了。 cough cough, Sir Korin, Buku is that type of body memory, so long as will make her experience her in the fight also to understand quickly.” 咳咳,卡林大人,舞空是属于身体记忆的那种类型,只要让她在战斗中体验一下她很快也会明白了的。” Held Korin immortal, Ye Chen also somewhat slightly slightly said awkwardly. 卡林仙人扶了起来,夜辰也有些小小尴尬地说道。 Really? I look at this small girl foolish and stupid appearance, perhaps isn't good?” “真的?我看这小丫头一副笨笨的样子,恐怕不行吧?” I am not stupid, I may be intelligent!” “我才不笨呢,我可聪明了!” Korin immortal was skeptical, but small Buku is grasping a pair of small fist panting in indignation said/tunnel. 卡林仙人表示怀疑,而小舞空则是握着一对小拳头气呼呼地道。 Ok, Buku, we trained again one time.” “好了,舞空,我们再来对练一次。” Under heart funny, Ye Chen caressed the Buku's small head to say. 心下好笑,夜辰抚了抚舞空的小脑袋说道。 Un!!!” “嗯!!!” Was making making faces to Korin immortal, then Buku and Ye Chen fought again. 对着卡林仙人做了做鬼脸,然后舞空夜辰再次战斗了起来。 Obeyed the instruction of Korin immortal, this Ye Chen changed the insufficient place, the movement or the imposing manner become swift and fierce, quick then forced into Buku leeward. 听从了卡林仙人的指导,这次夜辰改变了自己许多不足的地方,无论是动作还是气势都变得更加的凌厉,很快便将舞空逼入了下风。 Korin immortal nods satisfied, Ye Chen listened to his instruction and suggests to have made rapid progress, but that small girl is not good, with original is completely same. 卡林仙人满意地点了点头,夜辰听取了他的指导和建议进步很快,不过那个小丫头就不行了,完全还是和原来一样。 This thinks that this fight will end quickly, what makes Korin immortal accidental/surprised is, had been forced into leeward Buku to change the disadvantage unexpectedly gradually! 本以为这次的战斗很快就会结束,不过让卡林仙人意外的是,已经被逼入下风的舞空竟然又渐渐地扭转了劣势! The vision is sinister, Korin immortal then yes what's the matter, Ye Chen corrected own one to promote itself to let after the fight quickly every time insufficient Buku suffers, the small girl unexpectedly also quickly Ye Chen's these movements and main point duplicated the past. 眼光毒辣,卡林仙人很快便明白是怎么回事了,原来夜辰每改正自己的一处不足提升自己在战斗中让舞空吃到亏以后,那小丫头竟然也很快地就将夜辰的那些动作和要领复制了过去。 Narrows the eyes, Korin immortal is stroking own beard. 眯着双眼,卡林仙人捋着自己的胡须。 This small girl but actually also is really not very stupid...... 这个小丫头倒也真的不是很笨嘛…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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