DNDB :: Volume #2

#132: Chapter Red Silk Battle Princess Group (First Part)

áááááng......” 昂昂昂……” The innumerable tentacles cut off, all small Andorra were also eliminated, parent body Andorra sent out calling out in grief of pain, lies to bend down in the land as if very weak. 无数的触手被斩断,所有的小型安多拉也被消灭,母体安多拉发出了痛苦的悲鸣,趴伏在大地上似乎非常的虚弱。 Launch and Mai several people float stand in airborne, other Red Silk young girls also fly one after another from the distant place. 兰琪小舞几人浮立在空中,其他的红绸少女也相继从远处飞来。 Hey, fellow who had not died?” “喂,没有死掉的家伙吧?” Takes a fast look around young girls who gathered, Launch asked. 扫视了一眼聚过来的少女们,兰琪问道。 „, Has not had, Sir Launch.” “没﹑没有,兰琪大人。” Complexion flood white, quite obviously distressed, a Red Silk young girl replied. 脸色泛白,颇显狼狈,一名红绸少女回答道。 The young girls more or less had some injuries, even several severe wounds can only depend upon the help of other companions to float stands in airborne, but young girls facial features firm and resolute no one uses senzu bean that provides along. 少女们或多或少都带了一些伤势,甚至好几个重伤的都只能依靠其他同伴的帮忙才能浮立在空中,但少女们一个个面容坚毅没有一人使用随身配备的仙豆 This is a to them important smelting trial, once uses senzu bean to represent is losing the qualifications. 这是一场对她们来说至关重要的试炼,一旦使用仙豆就代表着失去资格。 Can insist that now they have paid too many were too many, many are unable to imagine to them, the only faith is completes the smelting trial to obtain the approval of master now, if will be defeated their until now efforts and pays will not have the significance! 能够坚持到现在她们已经付出了太多太多,多到她们自己都无法想像,她们现在唯一的信念就是完成试炼得到主人的认可,要是失败的话她们至今的努力和付出都将毫无意义! Good, is great.” “不错,都是好样的。” This was fought finally, everyone put out the strength, annihilated that monster!” “这是最后的战斗了,所有人都拿出力气,消灭掉那个怪物!” Nods satisfied, then Launch said. 满意地点了点头,然后兰琪道。 Yes!” “是!” Responded with one voice, then bunch of scarlet ki flame erupted from within the body of young girls. 齐声回应,然后一团团赤红的气焰从少女们的体内爆发出来。 If North Kai saw that the present scene will certainly stare the eyeball, because the Red Silk young girls use he Kaio-ken! 如果北界王看到眼前的这副场景一定会把眼珠子都瞪出来吧,因为红绸少女们使用的正是他的【界王拳】! However the young girls use Kaio-ken Not is powerful, is only most foundation 1x Kaio-ken, Aura also grew original half. 不过少女们使用的【界王拳】并不是非常强大,只是最基础的【一倍界王拳】,身上的气息也只是增长了原本的一半。 But this was also astonishing! 但这也非常的惊人了! We also start.” “我们也开始吧。” Yes, Sir Launch.” “是,兰琪大人。” On the cheek of beautiful floated off the callous smiling face, then the body of Launch, Mai, Hasky and Violet also erupts scarlet ki flame. 美丽的脸蛋儿上浮起了冷酷的笑容,然后兰琪小舞郝思琪紫罗兰的身上亦是爆发出了赤红的气焰 However uses with other Red Silk young girls 1x Kaio-ken Different, the Launch four people of institutes use is 2x Kaio-ken! 不过和其他红绸少女使用的【一倍界王拳】不同,兰琪四人所使用的都是【两倍界王拳】! Ka... Me... Ha... Me... 龟……派……气……功…… Ha!!!!!” 波!!!!!” Both hands held the circle, the Launch four people display respectively Kamehameha Wave. ki burst wave of four powerful from the sky converged more powerful ki burst wave, then delimited spatially, but raided to the giant beast of distant place. 双手抱圆,兰琪四人又各自施展出了【龟派气功波】。四道强力的气功波在空中汇合成了一道更加强大的气功波,然后划空而去袭向了远方的巨兽。 áááááááááng!!!!!” 昂昂昂昂昂!!!!!” As if also felt the intense threat, Andorra shouted one, then opened the huge mouth is also condenses an energy ball to meet the approaching enemy. 似乎也感受到了强烈的威胁,安多拉嘶吼一声,然后张开巨口亦是凝聚出一颗能量弹迎击上去。 Huge ki burst wave and energy ball from the sky hits in the same place, the mutual extrusion wants to shove open the opposite party, but actually refuses to compromise at once, the energy storm that only then that spreads is wreaking havoc unceasingly below mountains land. 巨大的气功波与能量弹在空中撞在一起,相互挤压都想要推开对方,但一时之间却是僵持不下,只有那扩散出去的能量风暴不断地肆虐着下方的山川大地。 However other Red Silk young girls also gather the strength to complete one after another, is ki burst wave of a stream powerful joins, the energy ball that Andorra sends out retrocedes gradually weak unceasingly, until finally 不过其他的红绸少女也相继聚力完成,又是一道道强力的气功波加入进去,安多拉发出的能量弹渐渐不支不断地后退,直到最后 Bang!!!!!!!!!! 轰!!!!!!!!!! In the spaceship, looks that was submerged Andorra that tears into shreds by the wild energy storm, the Ye Chen's corners of the mouth also raised a curve. 飞船之中,看着被狂暴的能量风暴淹没撕碎的安多拉,夜辰的嘴角也扬起了一道弧度。 Does well, his tools, his Battle Princess...... 做得不错,他的工具们,他的战姬们…… ...... …… In the spaceship, Ye Chen is greeting returning in triumph of young girls 飞船之中,夜辰迎接着少女们的凯旋归来 „Hasn't Launch, been injured?” 兰琪,没受伤吧?” Naturally no, was dirty, that disgusting monster!” “当然没有,就是脏死了,那个恶心的怪物!” Pulled the Launch's waist, Ye Chen cared saying that but Launch is replying carelessly. 挽住了兰琪的腰肢,夜辰关心道,而兰琪则是大大咧咧地回答着。 Under heart funny, then Ye Chen looked to following number 10 Red Silk young girl 心下好笑,然后夜辰又看向了后面的数红绸少女 Does well, you were qualified.” “做得不错,你们都合格了。” From now henceforth, you are my bodyguard Red Silk Battle Princess Group.” “从今以后,你们便是我的亲卫队【红绸战姬团】。” Continues effort well, offers all your to me!” “继续好好的努力,向我献上你们的一切吧!” Although the Ye Chen's words are overbearing, but hears sound the young girls are actually joyful excited, even many people weep 虽然夜辰的话霸道无比,但是闻声的少女们却是欣喜激动,甚至许多人都喜极而泣 Yes, master!” “是,主人!” The single knee is well-grounded, the young girls return with one voice said. 单膝着地,少女们齐声回道。 Under the Ye Chen also cannot help but heart sighed, spent for three years, invested the innumerable resources, he built own Battle Princess Group finally. 夜辰也不由得心下感叹,花费了三年的时间,更是投入了无数的资源,他终于打造出了一只属于自己的战姬团 The hell-like brutal training, the absolute brainwashing education, senzu bean with hell's peach of immortality is when cabbage same uses to them, but the initial several hundred people can insist even so also only has one tenth, including Mai, Hasky and Violet, all Red Silk Battle Princess adds also to only have the 50 many people now. 地狱式的残酷训练,绝对的洗脑教育,仙豆地狱蟠桃更是当白菜一样的给她们使用,但即使如此当初的数百人能够坚持下来的也只有十分之一,包括小舞郝思琪紫罗兰在内,现在所有的红绸战姬加起来也只有五十多人。 However all are worth, in these Red Silk Battle Princess the weakest over a thousand points battle efficiencies, were appointed by Ye Chen like the performance as Mai, Hasky and Violet team leader prominently have 3000 point above battle efficiencies, moreover each of them grasped Turtle School Afterimage Fist, Kamehameha Wave Even is the resembles Kaio-ken Like this powerful martial arts! 不过一切都是值得的,这些红绸战姬中最弱的都有上千点的战斗力,像表现突出被夜辰任命为队长的小舞郝思琪紫罗兰更是都拥有3000点以上的战斗力,而且她们每一个人都掌握了龟仙流的【残像拳】﹑【龟派气功波】甚至是像【界王拳】这样的强大武术! Naturally, all Red Silk Battle Princess under absolute brainwashing education to the Ye Chen also absolute loyalty, even if Hasky this wholeheartedly is once thinking the woman who must escape still regards only God of Ye Chen for her heart in now, to Ye Chen, only then absolute loyalty and frantic! 当然了,在绝对的洗脑教育下所有的红绸战姬夜辰也绝对的忠诚,即使郝思琪这个曾经一心都想着要逃跑的女人现在也视夜辰为她心中唯一的神明,对夜辰只有绝对的忠诚与狂热! Ok, fight worked hard, we will then return toward Earth, you go to rest one well.” “好了,战斗辛苦了,接下来我们会回往地球,你们都去好好的休息一下吧。” Your three come with me.” “你们三个跟我来。” Let other Red Silk young girls rest, Ye Chen said to Mai, Hasky and Violet, then held Launch then to enter one side bathroom. 让其他的红绸少女都去休息,夜辰小舞郝思琪紫罗兰说道,然后抱着兰琪便走进了一边的浴室。 Cheek one red, naturally knows anything that is going to have, but Mai three females with. 脸蛋儿一红,自然知道将要发生的什么,不过小舞三女还是跟了上去。 But when does not want to be many, in the bathroom then transmitted Launch and Mai several women's that persuasive melodious squeals...... 而不要多时,浴室中便传来了兰琪小舞几女那婉转悠扬的尖叫声…… ...... …… Earth, West City, Seven Dragon Ball Corporation headquarters 地球,西都,七龍珠公司总部 Top level in building Duke rooms, Bulma of OL uniform/subdue is lying down in the Ye Chen's bosom and Ye Chen kiss is entangling absorbed. 大厦顶层的公室室中,一身OL制服的布尔玛正躺在夜辰的怀中与夜辰忘我地吻缠着。 After three years, Bulma becomes beautiful even more is also moving. 经过三年的时间,布尔玛也出落得愈发的美丽动人。 Was short of a naivete of young girl, were many tender and beautiful of several points of young married woman. 少了一丝少女的稚气,多了几分少妇的娇艳。 This is also the natural matter, on that day of Bulma 18 th birthday, she all her gave to Ye Chen. 这也是理所当然的事情吧,就在布尔玛18岁生日的那天,她将她自己的所有都献给了夜辰 Un, including Tights is also same. 嗯,包括塔依丝也是一样。 „Did Bulma, think me?” 布尔玛,想我了没有?” Let loose Bulma, Ye Chen said with a smile. 放开了布尔玛,夜辰笑道。 Although leads the Red Silk young girls to go to the universe the smelting trial also several days, but does not see to young boys and girls one day such as separates the three autumn. 虽然带着红绸少女们去宇宙中试炼也就才几天的时间,不过对少年少女们来说一日不见都如隔三秋嘛。 I and I do not think you!” “我﹑我才不想你呢!” Blushing of whole face, Bulma said. 满脸的羞红,布尔玛说道。 You are dishonest, must punish!” “你不诚实哦,要惩罚!” Rashly, Ye Chen stopped up the Bulma's lip again. 不由分说,夜辰再次堵住了布尔玛的嘴唇。 Although is somewhat angry about somebody's hegemonic act, but knows oneself are unable to revolt, Bulma also can only close the eyes, whatever his mistreatment. 虽然对某人的霸道行径有些气恼,不过知道自己无法反抗,布尔玛也只能闭上双眼任由着他的欺负了。 At this moment, held Tights of folder to walk from outside, in two people degeneration act regarding office very tranquil. 就在这时,抱着文件夹的塔依丝从外面走了进来,对于办公室中两人的堕落行径非常的平静。 On this small scene, has seen compared with this more excessive her, even she was grabbed by some unprincipled person frequently does together, has become accustomed. 就这点儿小场面而已,比这更过份的她都见过呢,甚至连她自己都经常被某个坏人抓着一起做,早就已经习以为常。 Stood a while in side, after seeing Ye Chen Bulma almost bullies, Tights also opens the mouth saying: 在旁边站了一会儿,见夜辰布尔玛欺负得差不多后,塔依丝也开口道: Ye Chen, according to your instruction, we have bought out the World Martial Arts Tournament right to host.” 夜辰,按照你的吩咐,我们已经买断了天下第一武道会的举办权。” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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