DNDB :: Volume #2

#129: section Zuohao comes to understand

Will plant senzu bean and hell's peach of immortality duty gave Popo, and after letting him, managed good Garden of Eden, Ye Chen and Bulma females returned to Seven Dragon Ball Corporation. 将种植仙豆地狱蟠桃的任务交给了波波,并让他以后管理好伊甸园,夜辰布尔玛众女则是回到了七龍珠公司 Had using not senzu bean and peach of immortality, Ye Chen also has now the capital of training the subordinate even is the army, but the next step plan also almost can start to execute. 有了用之不尽的仙豆蟠桃,夜辰现在也拥有了培养自己部下甚至是军队的资本,而下一步的计划也差不多可以开始施行。 First, according to the Ye Chen beforehand instruction, Bulma and Tights held a press conference of the world, announced that Seven Dragon Ball Corporation free will be public suits the civil extraterrestrial science and technology. 首先,按照夜辰之前的吩咐,布尔玛塔依丝召开了一场全球的记者招待会,宣布七龍珠公司将会免费公开许多适合于民用的外星科技。 Not accidental/surprised, this explosive news caused the stir of entire world! 毫无意外,这一爆炸性的消息引起了整个世界的轰动! Although organized short more than one year of time, but the Seven Dragon Ball Corporation given name has spread over world each corner, did not say anything well-known, but was also similar, people know that Seven Dragon Ball Corporation has many advanced science and technology, their products had brought about the huge change in this short more than one year of time to Earth. 虽然才创办短短一年多的时间,但七龍珠公司的大名早已传遍了世界的每一个角落,不说什么家喻户晓但也差不多了,人们都知道七龍珠公司有着许许多多先进的科学技术,他们的产品在这短短一年多的时间里就已经给地球带来了巨大的变化。 When heard Bulma and Tights said when wanted the free public civilian science, the first thought of many was Seven Dragon Ball Corporation that president Sir was insane, how so huge he to be willing to throw to the unquantifiable benefit? 当听到布尔玛塔依丝说要免费公开许多的民用科技时,很多人的第一念头都是七龍珠公司的那位社长大人疯了,如此巨大到难以估量的利益他怎么就舍得这么扔出来? Insane, he was certainly insane! 疯了,他一定是疯了! No matter how these people are shocked well also puzzled also good, this was the fact, Bulma and Tights also made some demonstrations in any case at the press conference personally. 但是不管这些人怎么震惊也好不解也好,反正这就是事实,布尔玛塔依丝还在记者会上亲自做了一些展示。 Is just like that type commonly used the medical cabin in the universe, although does not have senzu bean is so convenient and mysterious, so long as is not the fatal physical property injury soaks for several days almost to restore in inside, many former cureless diseases also possibly eliminated in that compared with the nowadays Earth medical technology does not know that wanted advanced many. 就好比那种在宇宙中常用的医疗舱,虽然没有仙豆那么方便和神奇,但只要不是致命的物理性伤势在里面泡几天差不多都可以恢复,许多以前无法医治的疾病在那里面也可能清除,比起现今地球的医疗技术不知道要先进多少。 The same and same extraterrestrial technology shocked the eyeball of people, even the stupid person can still imagine, after these technical really popularizations, entire Earth and human will welcome the huge leap! 一样又一样的外星技术震惊了人们的眼球,即使再笨的人也能够想像出来,等这些科技真的推广使用起来后整个地球以及人类将会迎来何等巨大的飞跃! Moreover, Bulma and Tights also announced that Seven Dragon Ball Corporation will invest hundreds of billions great sums of money to count 100,000 place Seven Dragon Ball Academy in the global construction, provides the free quality education for the entire world children. 不仅如此,布尔玛塔依丝还宣布七龍珠公司将会投资数千亿的巨款在全球修建数十万七龍珠学园,为全世界的孩子们提供免费的优质教育。 Really huge writing skill, people again by deep shock! 真是何等巨大的手笔,人们再一次被深深的震惊! What true goal no matter that Seven Dragon Ball Corporation president Sir has, he gives the contribution that Earth and human make is actually without a doubt! 不管那位七龍珠公司的社长大人有着什么样的真正目的,他给地球和人类做出的贡献却是毋庸置疑! Suddenly, the innumerable praises and gratitude well up to come insanely, Ye Chen and Seven Dragon Ball Corporation prestige does not have two for a while, ordinary staff members also following when production costs rise, prices rise too in Seven Dragon Ball Corporation, everyone takes can become the Seven Dragon Ball Corporation staff for the honor. 一时间,无数的赞誉和感激疯涌而来,夜辰以及七龍珠公司的声望更是一时无二,就连七龍珠公司里的普通职员们也跟着水涨船高,人人都以能够成为七龍珠公司的员工为荣。 Naturally, these praises are also good to feel grateful also good Ye Chen are indifferent, he makes all these for oneself goal. 当然了,那些赞誉也好感激也好夜辰是无所谓,他所做这一切都只是为了自己的目的。 According to the original plan, government that side Ye Chen also sold to the technologies of their some military weapons, earned massive benefits also obtained many privileges, even the senior officials of many governments became Seven Dragon Ball Corporation one by the Seven Dragon Ball Corporation buy. 按照原本的计划,政府那边夜辰也卖给了他们一些军用武器的技术,赚取了大量利益的同时也得到了许多特权,甚至许多政府的高官都被七龍珠公司收买成为了七龍珠公司的一员。 In brief, under the Ye Chen's layout, Seven Dragon Ball Corporation looks like a giant monster to start to invade the politics, economies , the military, cultures and other aspects this planet! 总而言之,在夜辰的布局之下,七龍珠公司就像是一头巨大的怪物开始入侵这颗星球的政治﹑经济﹑军事﹑文化以及其他的方方面面! However no one does not feel well, even everyone feels grateful and supports. 但是没有人觉得不好,甚至所有人都感激而又支持。 Because all of them are the winners of benefit! 因为他们所有人都是利益的获得者! But outside works as also when seething with excitement, Ye Chen had actually started his next plan...... 而就当外面还在沸沸腾腾之时,夜辰却是已经开始了他的下一步计划…… ...... …… In the giant basement, several hundred people are gathering here. 巨大的地下室中,足足有数百人正聚集在这里。 All is the female, moreover without any exception is the beautiful women. 全都是女性,而且无一例外的都是美女。 At this moment, the front door of basement opens, then Ye Chen, Bulma and Snake-hime princess walked. 就在这时,地下室的大门打开,然后夜辰布尔玛蛇姬公主走了进来。 Entire basement peaceful, several hundred females are also uneven looked that to several people that walked. 整个地下室都安静了下来,数百名女性也齐唰唰地看向了走进来的几人。 Bulma, were these acquired everyone?” 布尔玛,这些就是收集到的所有人了吗?” Took a fast look around female one in basement, Ye Chen opened the mouth to say. 扫视了地下室中的女性们一眼,夜辰开口道。 Snort, do you also consider too little? Has only consumed the large amounts of resources for their company.” “哼,你还嫌少吗?光是为了她们公司就已经耗费了大量的资源。” Light snort/hum, Bulma is pursing the lips to say. 轻哼一声,布尔玛撅着嘴说道。 „, As first group of members reluctantly also enough.” “嘛,作为第一批成员勉强也足够了吧。” worked hard, Bulma.” 辛苦了,布尔玛。” Slightly comforted under Bulma, the Ye Chen station on the stage 小小安抚了下布尔玛,夜辰站到了台上 beautiful woman young lady, welcome you to come here.” “各位美丽的女士小姐,欢迎你们来到这里。” I called Ye Chen, was the Seven Dragon Ball Corporation president, is your future masters.” “我叫夜辰,是七龍珠公司的社长,同时也是你们今后的主人。” Made under simple self introduction, but Ye Chen's words actually very bold direct. 作了下简单的自我介绍,不过夜辰的话却是非常的大胆直接。 Although has prepared, most females cannot bear the cheek flood red. 虽然早已经有所准备,不过大多数的女性还是忍不住脸蛋儿泛红。 In you some once were the teachers, some once were the nurses, some once were the staff members in company, even some also once were only ordinary female highschool lived, but “你们之中有的曾经是教师,有的曾经是护士,有的曾经是公司的职员,甚至有的还曾经只是普通的女高中生,但是 You only have a status from now henceforth, that is my tool! My possession!” “从今以后你们就只有一个身份,那就是我的工具!我的所有物!” Although does not have the loudspeaker, but the Ye Chen's sound is actually reverberating in the entire basement. 虽然没有扩音器,但夜辰的声音却是在整个地下室中回荡着。 Looks in the stage that young overbearing and charming man, finally some people cannot bear open the mouth saying: 看着高台上那个年轻霸道而又帅气的男人,终于有人忍不住开口道: Sir Y-Ye Chen, does not know that what you do need us to make for you?” 夜﹑夜辰大人,不知道您需要我们为您做什么?” Weak tone, what speech is a 16~17 young girl, the body also wears the sailor suit of school. 弱弱的语气,说话的是一名十六七少女,身上还穿着学校的水手服. ...... …… For various reasons, their here each people and their family members obtained a Seven Dragon Ball Corporation sum of money, many are impossible to make money that until their 10 lifetime, but as the price they from now henceforth is at present the possession of this Sir Ye Chen, from now on to his control. 因为各种各样的原因,她们这里的每一个人和她们的家人都得到了七龍珠公司的一笔钱,一笔多到她们辈子都不可能挣到的钱,而作为代价她们从今以后便是眼前这位夜辰大人的所有物,今后所有的一切都任由他的支配。 At first their most people also think that was this president Sir has a liking for their beautiful appearance to make them be his sweetheart, but how to see now is not this pure and low level goal! 起初她们大多数人还以为是这位社长大人看上了她们的美貌要让她们做他的情人,不过现在怎么看都不是这种单纯而又低级的目的啊! On the face showed the temperate smiling face, Ye Chen looked to the somewhat uneasy young girl: 脸上露出了温和的笑容,夜辰看向了有些忐忑不安的少女: Your anything does not need to do, going on living that only needs to try hard was OK.” “你们什么也不需要做,只需要努力的活下去就可以了。” After hearing the Ye Chen's words, the young girl long relaxes. 听到夜辰的话后,少女长长松了口气。 However suddenly realizes anything, the young girl the whole person is 不过突然意识到什么,少女又整个人都是一楞 Lives and goes on living?” “活﹑活下去?” The smiling face on face is more abundant, Ye Chen nods: 脸上的笑容愈盛,夜辰点了点头: Good, going on living that you only need to try hard.” “不错,你们只需要努力的活下去。” I need the tool, some can help my useful tool, but you selected person.” “我需要工具,一些能够帮助到我的有用的工具,而你们正是被选中的人。” Over the following several years, I will train you with the most brutal method, making you grow into the point soldier and sharp weapon in my hand.” “接下来的几年时间,我会用最残酷的手段训练你们,让你们成长为我手中的尖兵和利器。” However your future also only then two choices, live either to become a qualified tool in the training, either in the training died thoroughly on this world vanishes!” “而你们的未来也只有两个选择,要么在训练中活下来成为一件合格的工具,要么在训练中死去彻底的在这个世界上消失!” At this point, on the Ye Chen's face also revealed 5.0 to wipe the callous color. 说到这里,夜辰的脸上也露出5.0了一抹冷酷之色。 The entire basement becomes falls the needle to hear, obviously the Ye Chen's words gave to frighten these tender dī dī big or small beautiful women. 整个地下室都变得落针可闻,显然夜辰的话将这些娇滴滴的大小美女们都给吓到了。 Sir Y-Ye Chen, can I withdraw?” 夜﹑夜辰大人,我能不能退出?” Soon cried, wore the young girl of sailor suit saying that but many other people clearly also had this thoughts. 都快要哭出来了,身着水手服的少女道,而其他不少人显然也有这种心思。 However, Ye Chen is actually shakes the head 不过,夜辰却是摇了摇头 „It is not good.” “不行哦。” Enters starting from here that moment from you, you file in police station had then been destroyed completely, on this world does not have the trace that you have again, after even if even you go out , the family member friend will still deny your existences.” “从你们进入这里的那一刻开始,你们在警察局中的档案便已经被全部销毁,这个世界上也再没有你们存在的痕迹,甚至就算你们出去后你们的亲人朋友也会否认你们的存在。” Therefore “所以 Expression, a Ye Chen face smiling face satanically: 语气一顿,夜辰一脸恶魔般的笑容: My lovable tools, complete to come to understand.” “我可爱的工具们,做好觉悟吧。” Struggles in the hell!” “在地狱中挣扎!” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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