DNDB :: Volume #2

#129: Chapter's second wishing

Has understood the original works Dragon Ball The person know, Dragon Ball is a very mysterious item, so long as collection simultaneous/uniform seven summoned Shenlong to realize oneself any desire. 了解过原著【龍珠】的人都知道,龍珠是一种非常神奇的道具,只要集齐七颗召唤出神龍就可以实现自己的任何愿望。 Although this any desire said somewhat exaggeratingly, so long as does not exceed the Shenlong strength range is actually basically can realize, it can be said that a very mysterious and convenient thing. 虽然这个任何愿望说得有些夸张,但只要不超过神龍的力量范围却是基本上都可以实现,可以说是一种非常神奇而又便利的东西。 However does not have the fault besides mysterious and convenient Dragon Ball, it will stimulate the ambition and desire of person infinitely makes one degenerate, once will fall into the hand of unprincipled person is will bring giant disaster to entire world ~. 不过除了神奇和便利外龍珠也并非就没有坏处,它会无限地激发人的野心和欲望引人堕落,而且一旦落入坏人的手中更是会给整个世界都带来巨大的灾难~。 Moreover, according to Dragon Ball GT Setting Dragon Ball each time was used to consume is accumulating the negative energy to the energy, after the negative energy is the certain extent Dragon Ball will then be separated from the control to become seven powerful incomparably to bring disaster- and ruin Evil Dragon to world! 不仅如此,按照【龍珠GT】中的设定龍珠每一次被使用都会消耗正向能源而积累负向能源,当负向能源达到一定程度后龍珠便会脱离掌控变为七头强大无比给世界带来灾难-毁灭邪恶龍 Original works Dragon Ball Old Supreme Kai also often warned that Son Goku and the others extremely do not rely on Dragon Ball this being contrary natural law the thing, will otherwise bring the giant disaster to the universe one day. 就连原著【龍珠】中的老界王神也经常告诫孙悟空等人不要太过依赖龍珠这种有违自然规律的东西,否则总有一天会给宇宙带来巨大的灾难。 As a result of these worries, initially in let itself after Shenlong wishing and Buku eternal youth and immortal life Ye Chen has not then used Dragon Ball again, even afterward and Bulma several female together collections simultaneous/uniform seven Dragon Ball, Ye Chen still their seal in the temple's deep place. 由于这些顾虑,当初在向神龍许愿让自己和舞空青春永驻长生不老夜辰便未再使用过龍珠,即使后来又和布尔玛几女一起集齐了七颗龍珠,夜辰也只是将它们封印在神殿的深处。 Not to mention excessively uses Dragon Ball to bring the giant disaster to world, on Ye Chen actually does not want extremely in depending upon the Dragon Ball strength. 且不说过度使用龍珠会给世界带来巨大的灾难,就夜辰自己其实也不想太过于依靠龍珠的力量。 Is only thinking with Pilaf that type makes Shenlong realize the ambition the small role to be different, although Ye Chen also has the huge ambition and desire, but he hopes that and goes to realize through own both hands diligently personally. 皮拉夫那种只想着让神龍来实现自己野心的小角色不同,夜辰虽然也有着巨大的野心和欲望,但是他更希望通过自己的双手和努力去亲自实现。 If what made Shenlong help itself realize, what power he did live also has also to have what meaning? 如果什么都让神龍去帮自己实现了,那他活着还有什么动力还有什么意思? Naturally, Ye Chen is not the inflexible person, so long as were not confused him who the conscience should use to use by the Dragon Ball strength, even if which naive has Evil Dragon born Ye Chen from Dragon Ball not to dread. 当然了,夜辰也并非死板之人,只要不被龍珠的力量迷惑本心该用的他还是会用的,而且就算哪天真的有邪恶龍龍珠中诞生出来夜辰也不畏惧。 Son Goku can defeat Evil Dragon to save world, isn't his night somebody why good? 孙悟空都可以打败邪恶龍拯救世界,他夜某人为什么就不行? Moreover even he is not good, does not have Buku in! 而且就算他不行,不是还有舞空在吗! How not to mention in the future, to have compared the original works on present Buku Dragon Ball Same age Son Goku powerful 100x continued! 且不说将来如何,就现在的舞空已经比原著【龍珠】中同龄的孙悟空强大了百倍不止! Moreover Ye Chen is confident, Buku under own training training will be only getting stronger and stronger, will not compare that Son Goku difference in original works! 而且夜辰有信心,在自己的培养调教下舞空只会越来越强,绝不会比原著中的那个孙悟空差! Decided does, Ye Chen brings Buku, Chi-Chi and Bulma females arrived at God's Temple, making Popo take Dragon Ball of seal, then recited the incantation to summon Shenlong. 决定了就做,夜辰带着舞空琪琪布尔玛众女来到了天神殿,让波波将封印的龍珠取了出来,然后念出咒语召唤出了神龍 The black cloud layer covered entire Earth, then Shenlong of huge military might under the gaze of people flushed to fly from Dragon Ball. 黑色的云层覆盖了整个地球,然后在众人的注视之下巨大威武的神龍龍珠中冲飞了出来。 ahhh...... ahhhhh......” 啊啊……啊啊啊……” This and this are Shenlong in legend......” “这﹑这就是传说中的神龍……” Shenlong, does not see for a long time!” 神龍,好久不见啦!” I am Buku, Buku!” “我是舞空,舞空呀!” First time Bulma, Tights, Launch and Chi-Chi that incomparable shock sees Shenlong, Buku jumps actually incomparably happily and Shenlong is greeting. 还是第一次看见神龍布尔玛塔依丝兰琪以及琪琪都无比的震惊,倒是舞空蹦蹦跳跳无比开心地和神龍打着招呼。 Shot a look at Buku one, Shenlong is maintaining the dignified expression, a heart small girl I am very ripe with you. 瞥了舞空一眼,神龍保持着自己威严的表情,心道小丫头我跟你很熟么。 Tries to get close also uselessly, I for am willing to only have one that you realize. 套近乎也没用,我为你们实现的愿意只有一个。 Said your desires.” “说出你们的愿望吧。” No matter what desire, I can realize for you.” “不管什么样的愿望,我都可以为你们实现。” But, realizes the desire the opportunity to only have one time!” “不过,实现愿望的机会只有一次!” Is overlooking below Ye Chen and Bulma females, the Shenlong formulation opens the mouth to say. 俯视着下方的夜辰布尔玛众女,神龍公式化地开口道。 Shenlong, how do you turn into yourself an attractive big beautiful woman?” 神龍,你把自己变成一个漂亮的大美女怎么样?” Feels own chin, the Ye Chen wicked interest proposition said. 摸着自己的下巴,夜辰恶趣味地提议道。 This desire is unable to be realized!” “这个愿望无法实现!” Hehe hehe......” “呵呵呵呵呵……” Nearly from airborne throws down, Shenlong exclaimed breathless, but the Bulma females also smiled. 差点儿从空中摔倒,神龍气极败坏地吼道,而布尔玛众女也都笑了起来。 Although seems like a dignified indifferent appearance, actually this Shenlong also interesting 1 虽然看上去一副威严冷漠的样子,其实这头神龍也蛮有趣的嘛一 „, Do not be angry, Shenlong, but cracks a joke.” “嘛嘛,不要生气,神龍,只是开开玩笑而已。” Snort, said your desires a bit faster, if I may probably walk if no.” “哼,快点儿说出你们的愿望,要是没有的话我可就要走了。” Ye Chen also said with a smile, but Shenlong was cold snort/hum an uncomfortable expression. 夜辰也笑道,而神龍则是冷哼一声一副不爽的表情。 Restrained the smiling face, Ye Chen exchanged the serious expression, then said own desire 收敛了笑容,夜辰换上了严肃的表情,然后说出了自己的愿望 Shenlong, please open to divide a space for me in temple, can plant any plant in universe in this space, moreover can speed up their growth to be mature.” 神龍,请为我在神殿中开劈出一片空间,在这片空间中可以种植宇宙中的任何植物,而且能够加快它们的生长成熟。” Got it.” “明白了。” This degree of desire still in the Shenlong strength range, looks below Ye Chen, in the eyes of Shenlong sends out the strange ray, then a leafed door then appeared on temple's. 这种程度的愿望还在神龍的力量范围内,看着下方的夜辰,神龍的双眼中散发出奇异的光芒,然后一扇门便出现在了神殿的上面。 Your desires have been realized.” “你们的愿望已经实现了。” „, Sees again.” “那么,再见了。” After the manner realizes the desire, each time will then leave, the body ray sparkle of Shenlong, then changes to seven Dragon Ball then to take four dispersions to shoot. 每次为人实现愿望后便会离开,神龍的身体光芒闪耀,然后化作七颗龍珠便要四散飞射。 Everyone!” “大家!” Understanding!” “了解!” Ye Chen and Bulma females jump onto the sky, grasps Dragon Ball that seven must fly away in the hand then falls returns to the ground. 夜辰布尔玛众女跃上天空,将七颗要飞走的龍珠抓在手中然后落回地面。 Stone and stone?” “石﹑石头?” Looks that turns into the stone unexpectedly Dragon Ball, Bulma and Tights several females somewhat are stunned. 看着竟然都变成石头的龍珠,布尔玛塔依丝几女都有些愕然。 „After each time wishing, Dragon Ball will then lose the strength to become the stone, only then and other year later can restore the strength to be able again wishing.” “每次许愿龍珠便会失去力量变为石头,只有等一年之后才能恢复力量可以再次许愿。” Ye Chen explained to Bulma several females, then gave nearby Popo seven Dragon Ball, making Popo take again the seal all Dragon Ball. 夜辰布尔玛几女解释了一下,然后将七颗龍珠交给了一旁的波波,让波波将所有的龍珠都拿回去重新封印。 The Dragon Ball strength is mysterious and dangerous, Ye Chen does not want to let besides oneself the person use, only if really will, otherwise Ye Chen will not easily use the Dragon Ball strength. 龍珠的力量神奇而又危险,夜辰可不想让除了自己之外的人使用,而且除非是真的必要,否则夜辰也不会轻易地使用龍珠的力量。 Walks, goes to have a look at Shenlong to be useful for the space that we open chop.” “走吧,进去看看神龍为我们开劈的空间有没有用。” Shouted that females, Ye Chen shoved open the gates and females walked together. 喊上了众女,夜辰推开门和众女一起走了进去。 Shenlong opens the space that chops to have several hundred mu size probably, too greatly is not too not small, but in the trim space does not have other things besides bare lands again. 神龍开劈出的这片空间大概有数百亩大小,不算太大也不算太小,而整片空间中除了一片光秃秃的土地外就再也没有其他的东西。 Tights.” 塔依丝。” Ye Chen is shouting to nearby Tights, but Tights also nods. 夜辰对着一旁的塔依丝喊道,而塔依丝也点了点头。 Will have prepared the pit of good senzu bean and hell's peach of immortality took, Tights chose a place, then planted senzu bean and pit. 将早就准备好的仙豆地狱蟠桃的果核取了出来,塔依丝选了一个地方,然后将仙豆和果核都种了下去。 Under Ye Chen and audience's female gaze, planted senzu bean and Immortal Peach nuclear place is unexpectedly quick emitted two small shoots, moreover two small shoots still rapidly grew in the by visible speed! 夜辰和众女的注视下,种下仙豆蟠桃果核的地方竟然很快就冒出了两株小嫩芽,而且两株小嫩芽还在以肉眼可见的速度迅速成长! Really and really useful!” “真﹑真的有用!” Good fierce......” “好厉害……” Bulma and Tights somewhat are unbelievable, before they put in massive manpower and resources to study mass production senzu bean and hell's peach of immortality method have not succeeded, finally made Shenlong open to divide such a space to achieve unexpectedly simply! 布尔玛塔依丝都有些难以置信,之前她们可是投入了大量的人力物力想要研究量产仙豆地狱蟠桃的方法都没有成功,结果让神龍开劈出这么一片空间竟然简简单单地就做到了! This time Ye Chen is also the eyes shines incomparable rousing, in the growth rate of plant according to this space, perhaps senzu bean can harvest for several days maturely. Although the hell's peach of immortality vegetative cycle wants longer, but almost several time of weeks are also enough. 此时的夜辰亦是双眼放光无比的振奋,按照这片空间中植物的生长速度,恐怕短短几天的时间仙豆就可以成熟收获。虽然地狱蟠桃的生长周期要长许多,但差不多几个周的时间也已经足够。 So long as type of completely different/two kinds divine object in this space, later he useful not senzu bean and hell's peach of immortality! 只要在这片空间中种满两样神物,以后他就有用之不尽的仙豆地狱蟠桃 Later, here called Garden of Eden......” “以后,这里就叫伊甸园吧……” To be continued...... 未完待续……
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