TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1070: Direct empowerment

Pavilion lord felt relieved, I naturally understand!” Lu Xuan earnest saying. “阁主放心,我自然明白!”陆轩认真的说道。 Lu Xuan regards as important regarding own safety very much, will not easily take risk, previous life probes in the edge of the cliff of danger crazily, that also has no recourse. 陆轩对于自己的安危还是很看重的,不会轻易冒险,前世在危险的悬崖边缘疯狂试探,那也是迫不得已。 He has no family background background, is only a grassroots, every so often does not take life striving for success, cannot make the outlet. 他没有任何出身背景,只是一个草根,很多时候不拿命拼搏,是打不出出路的。 However his the situation was much better compared with previous life, strength or card in a hand, by far in previous life. 但是这一世他的情况比前世好多了,无论是自身实力还是底牌,都远胜于前世 previous life he, can only to Han Linzun such big shot, when the foot soldier attendant resists Zhang Family, the middle bad risk is not naturally no need to say. 前世的他,只能给韩林尊者这样的大佬当马前卒来对抗张家,中间凶险自然不必说。 However this is actually not true, in his mind, the cooperation with Han forest revering is the alliance, rather than becomes the foot soldier attendant of Han Linzun. 但是这一世却并非如此,在他的心中,与韩林尊者的合作是联盟,而非是成为韩林尊者的马前卒。 To work as the foot soldier attendant with him, must have a look at that good method and appetite. 想拿他当马前卒,也得看看有没有那么好的手段和胃口。 That is good!” Han forest revering smiles saying that he felt obtains the Lu Xuan attitude, but does not care, he holds straight, is broad-minded, has the big breadth of spirit. “那就好!”韩林尊者笑笑说道,他感觉得出陆轩的态度,但是并不在意,他持身端正,心胸广阔,有大气魄。 Initially initially entered the universe pavilion to be commended by universe Immortal King, and intended to train him for the successor, afterward Han Linzun also not let people down, becomes the pavilion lord in universe pavilion, stilled vanished in universe Immortal King does not see many years of turmoil in later universe pavilion. 当初初入太虚阁就被太虚仙王称赞,并且有意培养他为接班人,后来韩林尊者也是不负众望,成为了太虚阁的阁主,平定了在太虚仙王消失不见之后太虚阁的多年动乱。 But this is Lu Xuan is also willing to be at with the fundamental key that he cooperates, such person can work together as colleagues. 而这也是陆轩愿意和他合作的根本关键所在,这样的人可以共事。 After Lu Xuan has seen Han Linzun, two people discussed really happy, without the extremely thorough exchange, just knew after all, but the talk intimately with relative acquaintance was the taboo. 陆轩见过韩林尊者之后,两人相谈甚欢,没有太过深入的交流,毕竟才刚刚认识,而交浅言深本身就是大忌。 Senior, we have prepared the rest place for the senior, I lead the senior to go immediately!” “前辈,我们已经为前辈准备好了休息的地方,我马上带前辈前去!” Quick, then the young girl appears in the Lu Xuan front, this young girl is pretty, the stature is slender. 很快,便有一个少女出现在陆轩的面前,这少女眉清目秀,身材窈窕。 Lu Xuan swept this young girl, originally has not felt to have anything, finally carefully looked discovered this young girl is not common. 陆轩扫了一眼这个少女,本来没觉得有什么,结果仔细一看才发现这个少女不一般。 This young girl wants to be smaller than his age, cultivation base possibly has not naturally had his so Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, but actually also already cultivation to the Half-step Heaven Immortal situation. 这少女比他的年纪要小一些,修为自然没可能有他这般惊天动地,但是却也已经修行到了半步天仙的地步。 Dozens years old can cultivation become an immortal, even by Heaven, were still out of the ordinary, next were hardly used full strength training Lu Shanshan and the others by Lu Xuan. 数十岁就能修行成仙,即便是以天界来说,也是非同凡响了,几乎不下于被陆轩倾尽全力培养的陆姗姗等人。 Although the cultivation environment in the common custom cannot compared with Heaven, but the talent of this young girl truly is also different. 虽然在世俗之中修行环境远不能和天界相比,但是这少女的天赋也确实不同。 Lu Xuan opened Eye of True Sight, immediately many information get a panoramic view, the physique of this young girl is unusual, is a physique of named nine Yin god bodies, is many first of deity bodies, by the aptitude, only feared that will not compare Zhang Tao to be bad. 陆轩睁开了破妄之眼,顿时诸多的信息尽收眼底,这少女的体质就不同寻常,是一种名为九阴神体的体质,是诸多先天神体之一,论资质,只怕不会比张涛差。 What are you relate with Han forest revering?” Lu Xuan asked that he detected, this young girl supernatural power fluctuation and Han of Linzun was somewhat similar, obviously was some cultivation technique connections of cultivation. “你与韩林尊者是什么关系?”陆轩问道,他察觉到,这个少女身上的法力波动和韩林尊者有些类似,显然是修行功法有些关联。 Returns to the senior, girl Han Xianer, Han Linzun is my grandfather!” The young girl sees Lu Xuan to ask, immediately graceful saying. “回前辈,小女子韩仙儿,韩林尊者是我的祖父!”那少女见陆轩问,当即落落大方的说道。 So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Lu Xuan narrowed the eye, adds on by the talent of Han immortal again also has a Han Linzun such big backer, will not be lower than Zhang Tao by the achievement, will be only stronger. 陆轩眯了眯眼睛,以韩仙儿的天赋再加上还有韩林尊者这么一个大靠山,论成就是不会低于张涛的,甚至只会更强。 However Lu Xuan previous life has not actually heard Han Xianer, has never seen Han Xianer, that only had a possibility, that was Han Xianer died on the road of growth. 然而陆轩前世却从来没听说过韩仙儿,也从未见过韩仙儿,那就只有一种可能了,那就是韩仙儿在成长之路上夭折了。 In the Lu Xuan heart sighs, such person his previous life saw including this lot, even also had the natural talent is not inferior on Earth existence in Han immortal, however fell from the sky was also not infrequent. 陆轩心中叹了一口气,这样的人他前世包括这一世都见得多了,甚至在地球上也有天资不逊色于韩仙儿的存在,但是陨落的也不在少数。 Many Heaven's Chosen bloomed oneself ray to vanish in the world without enough time, many people also had such character to exist on don’t know from the start unexpectedly. 许多天骄都来不及绽放出自己的光芒就已经消失在了世界上,许多人压根就不知道居然还有这样的人物存在过。 Han immortal also taking this opportunity curious is sizing up Lu Xuan, regarding the Lu Xuan given name, she it can be said that had heard so much about you. 韩仙儿也借着这个机会好奇的打量着陆轩,对于陆轩的大名,她可以说是久仰大名了。 Ten years ago Lu Xuan moves a side on, Heavenly Court discusses the champion of grand ceremony, even possibly is in history the strongest champion. 十年前陆轩就名动一方,天庭论才大典的冠军,甚至可能是有史以来最强的冠军。 Even her grandfather Han Linzun must resist opposition, promised the extremely numerous advantage, won over to enter in the universe pavilion him. 甚至连她的祖父韩林尊者都要力排众议,许下了极多的好处,才将他拉拢进入了太虚阁之内。 Before just beat competitor Zhang Tao who she will order in the future. 之前更是刚刚击败了她未来预订的竞争对手张涛。 She in only certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen as the Han next generation, has nine Yin god body such god bodies furthermore, by condition also above Zhang Tao. 她作为韩家下一辈之中唯一的一个绝代天骄,更兼有九阴神体这样的神体,论条件还在张涛之上。 Therefore although she just showed talent for the first time, but is brought to compare by many people with Zhang Tao. 因此她虽然刚刚崭露头角,但是已经被许多人拿来和张涛做比较了。 She and Zhang Tao's age differs very in a big way, therefore is not naturally able compared with Zhang Tao, her Heaven Immortal cultivation base is not temporarily, but Zhang Tao is peak Golden Immortal. 她和张涛的年纪相差很大,所以自然暂时还是无法和张涛相比的,她连天仙修为都不是,而张涛已经是巅峰金仙 However if both sides cultivation to Great Principle Golden Immortal, by the Great Principle Golden Immortal long life span, both sides can be in as before the peer the person. 不过如果双方都修行大罗金仙的话,以大罗金仙漫长的寿命来说,双方依旧可以算是同辈中人。 Therefore Han Xianer goal is constantly to break Zhang Tao in the same age record, always, Han Xianer has not made on the person who she places the great expectations disappointed, constantly breaks Zhang Tao's record, suppressed a same period Zhang Tao head steadily. 所以韩仙儿的目标就是不断打破张涛在同龄的记录,一直以来,韩仙儿也没让许多对她寄予厚望的人失望,不断打破张涛的记录,稳稳压住了同时期的张涛一头。 However generally speaking, as before it can be said that evenly matched! 不过总的来说,依旧可以说是势均力敌! However Lu Xuan is different, Lu Xuan age compared with her at the worst is several years old, when she Heaven Immortal, Lu Xuan was unable to hang dozen of Zhang Tao completely. 但是陆轩不同,陆轩年纪比她大不了几岁,但是在她连天仙都不是的时候,陆轩已经能够完全吊打张涛了。 When knew that this news, her first response is shocking, although she treats as the goal Zhang Tao, felt, at least must wait the millenniums to fight with Zhang Tao again sufficiently. 当得知这个消息,她第一反应是震惊,她虽然将张涛当做目标,却也觉得,起码要再等千年才足以与张涛争锋。 But this young contemporaries actually achieved at the worst, even if her such generation of Heaven's Chosen must look up to certainly, almost like legend in inborn sacred. 而这个比自己大不了几岁的同龄人却做到了,即便是她这样的绝代天骄都要仰望,几乎如同神话传说中的天生神圣。 Has the hearsay, Lu Xuan stems from the emperor clan, is emperor clan Shi this generation of walks of outside, such status, in the entire world is extremely rare. 更有传闻,陆轩出自帝族,更是帝族石家这一代的在外行走,这样的身份,在整个天下都是极为罕见的。 Lu Xuan hesitated, said: „After I arrive at Heaven, was been many by the Han forest revering attendance, how also don’t know returns, this, I look at your card above Heaven Immortal realm, I helped your helping hand be good!” 陆轩沉吟了一下,道:“我来到天界之后,受韩林尊者照顾甚多,也不知道如何回报,这样吧,我看你卡在天仙境界之上,我助你一臂之力好了!” In a twinkling, Lu Xuan acts directly, a big hand changes to the rule the prisoner's cage to cover Han Xianer is one of them. 说时迟那时快,陆轩直接出手,一只大手化作规则的囚笼将韩仙儿笼罩在其中。 Has not waited for Han Xianer to respond, immediately the innumerable fairyism welled up toward Han immortal quickly. 还不等韩仙儿反应过来,登时无数的仙气以迅雷不及掩耳之势朝着韩仙儿涌了过来。 Has the sensibility of innumerable Heaven Immortal realm to flood into toward the Han immortal mind in like the tide generally. 更有无数的天仙境界的感悟如同潮水一般朝着韩仙儿的脑海之中涌入。 Reincarnation reincarnation secret art! 转世投胎诀! Lu Xuan displayed the reincarnation reincarnation secret art to Han immortal directly, direct empowerment cultivation base, Han Xianer only thought that own sensibility promotes at an astonishing speed, her card in Half-step Heaven Immortal, did not lack the resources. 陆轩直接对韩仙儿施展了转世投胎诀,直接灌顶修为,韩仙儿只觉得自己的感悟以一个惊人的速度提升起来,原本她卡在半步天仙,并非是缺乏资源。 She is Han next generation the heart of hope, whose resources lacked is not impossible to lack her resources, was only the card in regarding the comprehension of Heaven Immortal realm. 她是韩家下一代的希望之心,缺了谁的资源都不可能缺了她的资源,只是卡在了对于天仙境界的领悟上。 The matter of this comprehension, no one can help, even if Han forest revering of peak Great Principle Golden Immortal still. 这种领悟的事情,谁也帮不上忙,即便是身为巅峰大罗金仙的韩林尊者也不例外。 Now that is similar to the natural moat general barrier one step to leap, cultivation base with irresistible force, breaks into Heaven Immortal realm directly. 现在那原本如同天堑一般的障碍一步跃了过去,修为势如破竹,径直破入天仙境界
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