TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1044: Showdown of monster level

On that bronze lance even some people can also see the motley bloodstain, is sending out the dreadful bloodstain, as if has experienced fearful wars, making myriad lives drink the blood. 那一杆青铜长矛上甚至有的人还能看到斑驳的血迹,散发着滔天的血迹,仿佛是经历过一场场可怕的大战,让万千生灵饮血。 That cold aura, common Golden Immortal was unable to withstand! 那冷冽的气息,寻常的金仙就已经无法承受了! This Nangong boundlessly fearful, simply is the monster!” “这南宫无垠到底有多可怕,简直是怪物!” Some Golden Immortal only feel shocking, Nangong light/only stands there boundlessly, invincible power and influence, letting the person are unable to look straight ahead. 金仙只觉得触目惊心,南宫无垠光是站在那儿,就已经有一种无敌的威势,让人无法直视。 His strength is hard to guess radically, for these years, as if also no one can compel his full strength. 他的战力根本难以揣测,这么多年来,似乎还没有人能够逼出他的全力呢。 He is only the one person alone stands there, whether there is ratio power and influence! 他只是孤身立在那里,就有无比的威势! Murderous intention release, dreadfully, ice-cold piercing. 杀机释放,滔天而起,冰冷刺骨。 Even if away from Barrier, many cultivation base poor Golden Immortal actually felt that the whole body is shivering, the unexpectedly one type cannot bear the feeling that wants to run away. 哪怕隔着结界,许多修为差一点的金仙竟然都感觉浑身都在颤抖,竟然有一种忍不住想要逃走的感觉。 They cannot believe all these simply, is separated by Barrier, actually does not have the means to withstand Nangong boundless killing intent. 他们简直不敢相信这一切,相隔着一个结界,竟然没有办法承受住南宫无垠的杀意。 Many people are engaging in introspection, how this also hits, trading to do is they, at this time feared that knelt directly, was absorbed by this terrifying imposing manner, basic to Nangong boundless nearby. 许多人都在扪心自问,这还怎么打,换做是他们,这个时候怕是直接就跪了,被这一股恐怖的气势所摄,根本到不了南宫无垠的跟前。 Bang!” “轰!” In the people in the Nangong boundless terrifying imposing manner, actually sees panic-strickenly, Lu Xuan aura also erupted, a terrifying vitality soars to the heavens, broke through this ice-cold piercing killing intent. 就在众人惊骇于南宫无垠的恐怖气势之时,却见,陆轩身上的气息也爆发了,一股恐怖的气血冲霄而起,冲破了这冰冷刺骨的杀意。 That is the Lu Xuan imposing manner, contends with Nangong unexpectedly faintly boundlessly, does not fall disadvantageous position. 那是陆轩的气势,竟然隐隐和南宫无垠相抗衡,丝毫不落下风 Kills!” “杀!” Nangong were not boundlessly many says anything, was only loudly roared, it may be said that was daring, the trim vault of heaven moved with him, surprise attack of only one person, actually had the dreadful power and influence. 南宫无垠也不多说什么,只是大吼一声,可谓是气吞山河,整片苍穹都随着他一个人而动,只一个人的突袭,竟然带起了滔天威势。 The lance tore into shreds the vault of heaven directly, in an instant, had arrived at Lu Xuan nearby. 长矛直接撕碎了苍穹,刹那间,就已经来到了陆轩的跟前。 Quickly! 快! Quickly! 快! Quickly! 快! This lance speed was too fast, in an instant, has crushed the vacuum, then swept the body of Lu Xuan , before directly. 这一矛速度太快了,刹那间,就已经粉碎了真空,然后直接扫到了陆轩的身前。 Clang, clang, clang!” “锵,锵,锵!” The people only noticed that the Lu Xuan whole body had to protect the body astral Yuan to protect, that lance actually did not have the means to pierce, erupts a forceful sound, at that time a piece of sparks/Mars scattered. 众人只看到陆轩周身有护体罡元将自己保护在了其中,那长矛竟然没有办法刺穿,爆发出了一阵铿锵有力的声音,当时一片火星四溅。 The Nangong boundless pupil contracts slightly, oneself this strikes cannot pierce Lu Xuan unexpectedly directly, but in the meantime, Lu Xuan has killed him nearby. 南宫无垠瞳孔微微收缩,自己这一击竟然没能直接将陆轩洞穿,而就在此时,陆轩已经杀到了他的跟前。 In the hand of Lu Xuan had/left treasure blade, is the broken demon. 陆轩的手上多出了一口宝刀,正是破魔。 Above the broken demon exploded splits blade intent that was inconceivable, the vault of heaven had the collapse, a blade cut to fall boundlessly toward Nangong. 破魔之上爆绽出了难以想象的刀意,天穹发生了崩溃,一刀朝着南宫无垠斩落下去。 Subdue prison!” “摩柯镇狱!” Lu Xuan displayed the Zhao Family town/subdues prison blade directly, a blade smashing vault of heaven, changed into the boundless hell, when anybody faced this boundless hell, did not have the odds of success, can only be cut to kill. 陆轩直接施展出了赵家的摩柯镇狱刀,一刀粉碎苍穹,化为无边地狱,任何人面对这无边地狱之时,都根本毫无胜算,只能被生生斩杀。 How possibly, he how can town/subdues prison blade!” “怎么可能,他怎么会摩柯镇狱刀!” The people can actually display town/subdues prison blade in Lu Xuan panic-strickenly, as we all know, this is giving up study of Zhao Family, town/subdues prison blade realm that but Lu Xuan displays is extremely high, obviously is not a beginner. 众人惊骇于陆轩竟然能够施展出摩柯镇狱刀,所有人都知道,这是赵家的绝学,但是陆轩施展出的摩柯镇狱刀境界极高,明显不是初学者。 The Zhao Family experts of mixture in crowd is full of the hatred looks at Lu Xuan, that broken demon blade they also recognized, clearly was their big Luo Old Ancestor Zhao Jing wearing a sword. 夹杂在人群之中的赵家高手更是充满恨意的看着陆轩,那一口破魔刀他们也都认出来了,分明就是他们的大罗老祖赵靖的佩刀。 This Lu Xuan not only even harms their Zhao Family vitality to damage severely has to break the arm to seek livehood, cut 1/3 members directly, had Golden Immortal many, and even Great Principle Golden Immortal. 陆轩不但害得他们赵家元气大伤甚至不得不断臂求生,直接斩掉了三分之一的成员,其中不乏有金仙,乃至大罗金仙 Let Zhao Family over ten thousand years be hard to recover. 赵家上万年都难以恢复元气。 Now also dares to take the broken demon blade to display town/subdues prison blade unexpectedly carelessly, goes too far simply, this is clearly applying makeup. 现在竟然还敢大大咧咧的拿着破魔刀施展出摩柯镇狱刀,简直是欺人太甚,这分明就是在打脸。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Subdue prison blade place visited, the vault of heaven also blasts open, in an instant divided to cut the Nangong boundless front. 摩柯镇狱刀所过之处,天穹都随之炸裂,刹那间就劈斩到了南宫无垠的面前。 The next flash, the Nangong boundless whole body presented a principle domain, in this domain, in Nangong boundless speed instantaneous increase several scales, unexpectedly danger dangerous avoided this fatal blade. 下一瞬间,南宫无垠的周身就出现了一个法则领域,在这个领域之中,南宫无垠的速度瞬间提升上了几个档次,竟然险之又险的避开了这致命的一刀。 Appeared, the Nangong boundless domain, this time is this Heavenly Court discussed in the grand ceremony, first time some people can the Nangong boundless domain compelling!” “出现了,南宫无垠的领域,这还是这一次的天庭论才大典之中,头一次有人能够将南宫无垠的领域给逼出来吧!” Many people stared in a big way the eye, they never saw Nangong to display the domain boundlessly, because of the beforehand opponent, did not match to make Nangong display the domain boundlessly. 许多人瞪大了眼睛,他们从未见过南宫无垠施展过领域,因为之前的对手,都根本不配让南宫无垠施展领域。 Is the domain of principle of wind, really hearsay right!” “是风之法则的领域,果然传闻没错!” Many people confirmed that in this domain is flooding a azure energy, the principle takes shape, clearly is the domain of principle of long-rumored wind. 许多人确认了,这个领域之中充斥着一种青色的能量,法则呼之欲出,分明就是传闻已久的风之法则的领域。 In the domain of principle of wind, the Nangong boundless speed promoted the pinnacle, this can avoid Lu Xuan the blade. 在风之法则的领域之中,南宫无垠的速度提升到了极致,这才能够避开陆轩的这一刀。 However the next flash, this domain blasts out under the attack of broken demon unexpectedly instantaneously, vanishes into thin air. 但是下一瞬间,这个领域竟然在破魔的攻击之下瞬间炸开,化为乌有。 That blade, I have heard, is Zhao Jing wearing a sword, broken demon, real Great Principle Golden Immortal magical artifact, otherwise is the impossible blade to cut the broken domain!” “那一口刀,我听说过,是赵靖的佩刀,破魔,货真价实的大罗金仙法器,否则是不可能一刀就斩碎领域的!” Some people recognized the blade in Lu Xuan hand, is the broken demon. 有人认出了陆轩手中的刀,正是破魔。 All these mentioned are long, was actually only the flash, when the people have almost not responded, this move fought has been completed, difficult minute of differentiation. 这一切说来长,其实不过只是一瞬间,在众人几乎都没怎么反应过来之时,这一招交手就已经完成了,难分轩轾。 Nangong is boundless, a little meaning, the principle of wind can cultivation to this situation, calculate that you are fierce!” “南宫无垠,有点意思,风之法则能够修行到这个地步,算你厉害!” Lu Xuan grins to smile, a blade cannot succeed to cut two halves Nangong a moment ago boundlessly, he also has nothing regrettably. 陆轩咧嘴笑笑,刚才一刀没能成功将南宫无垠斩成两半,他也没有任何遗憾。 In fact, this is they probes, on no one also useless full strength. 事实上,这都不过是他们彼此之间试探而已,谁都还没用上全力 Although his previous life knows Nangong to be boundless, even has also had a war with Nangong boundlessly, strongly but actually he and Nangong of don’t know this stage is boundless. 前世虽然知道南宫无垠,甚至和南宫无垠也有过一战,不过他并不知道这个阶段的南宫无垠究竟有多强。 Compared with the purple bright moonlight, gold/metal Che and the others can on strong many. 会比紫明月,金彻等人能够强上多少。 You can block my lance, is impressive, must know that other so-called generation of Heaven's Chosen, my lance cannot even block certainly!” “你能够挡得住我一矛,才是让人惊叹,要知道其他的所谓绝代天骄,连我一矛都挡不住!” Nangong has an absolute self-confidence boundlessly, his pupil light shining in all directions, there is a power and influence of looking disdainfully world. 南宫无垠有一种绝对的自信,他的眸子光芒四射,有一种睥睨天下的威势。 Two people imposing manners are one by one powerful, is one by one fierce, non- ordinary person. 两人的气势一个比一个强大,一个比一个厉害,都非等闲之辈。 Delivers you to start off!” “送你上路!” Nangong cried loud and long boundlessly, the invincible might was dreadful, in his behind, the supernatural power combustion just like one group of raging fire general, conceited power and influence, killed intent to turn in a flash well up like vast ocean, toward the Lu Xuan steamroll. 南宫无垠长啸一声,神威滔天,在他的身后,法力燃烧犹如一团烈火一般,有一种唯我独尊的威势,一瞬间杀意翻涌如同汪洋大海,朝着陆轩碾压了下去。 But he also in the Lu Xuan direction to/clashes horizontally, but. 而他本人也朝着陆轩的方向横冲而至。 In his behind, a windward principle condenses the pair of wings that becomes to flap, in a flash, the Nangong boundless lance, had arrived at the Lu Xuan front. 在他的身后,一对风之法则凝聚而成的双翼拍动起来,一瞬间,南宫无垠的长矛,就已经来到了陆轩的面前。 The lance crushes all, crushed the space, must give to pierce the head of Lu Xuan, at the scene red package. 长矛粉碎一切,粉碎了空间,直要将陆轩的头颅给洞穿,当场红包。 The Nangong boundless speed was too fast, the principle of wind excels at the speed extremely one principle, can, simply not have many principles in comparison. 南宫无垠的速度太快了,风之法则本身就是极为擅长速度的一种法则,能够与之相比的,都根本没有多少法则。 The world is trembling, many Golden Immortal that observes only thought that the back sends coolly, from the beginning as cool as foot. 天地都在震颤,就连观战的诸多金仙都只觉得后背发凉,从头凉到脚。 This Nangong was too boundlessly terrorist! 这南宫无垠太恐怖了!
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