TEIBF :: Volume #11

#1039: The anger of universe pavilion

Naturally, as Great Principle Golden Immortal her position can treat as an equal to Zhao Family Old Ancestor, has not naturally dreaded the meaning of Zhao Family. 当然,身为大罗金仙她的地位可以和赵家老祖平起平坐,自然没有畏惧赵家的意思。 The most important thing is, Zhao Family Great Principle Golden Immortal tears the space crack to emit the hell devil here, is this wants to do? 况且最重要的是,赵家大罗金仙在这里撕裂开空间裂缝放出地狱恶魔,这是想干什么? To make the entire profound state change into prison state such human purgatory? 是想让整个玄州化为狱州那样的人间炼狱么? The prison state most starts, is not this appearance, that is also a good place of beautiful scenery, one group of evil believers constructed an ultra-large altar here, summoned the hell devil, even hit Heavenly Court one to be caught off guard, the devil in a short time spread the state, to today is one of the Heavenly Court internal danger. 要知道,狱州最开始的时候,可不是这个模样,那也是一个山明水秀的好地方,就是有一群邪教徒在这里建设了一个超大型的祭坛,将地狱恶魔召唤过来,甚至打了天庭一个措手不及,恶魔就在很短的时间内蔓延了全州,一直到今天都是天庭的心腹之患之一。 Thinks of here, Nandou revering complexion then ugly, this is must thrust the hell their profound state. 想到这里,南斗尊者的脸色便难看了起来,这是要将他们玄州推入地狱啊。 Foundation that their Nandou sends all in profound state, if the profound state changes into the hell, then they also escape difficultly die. 他们南斗派的根基全在玄州,如果玄州化为地狱,那么他们也难逃一死。 Zhao Family is really great!” The Nandou revering facial expression solemn say/way, she believes that even if not she, trades to make Great Principle Golden Immortal of any family background profound state not to see that absolutely the profound state changes into a hell. 赵家真是好样的!”南斗尊者神情冷峻道,她相信,哪怕不是她,换做任何一个出身玄州的大罗金仙也绝对不愿意看到玄州化为一片地狱。 This time, Zhao Family, if cannot give a satisfactory confession, cannot put out the compensation, she will not give up absolutely. 这一次,赵家如果不能给出一个满意的交代,不能拿出赔偿,她绝对不会善罢甘休。 She is almost the earliest possible time responds, although this matter was controlled, but is actually one knocks a Zhao Family good opportunity. 她几乎是第一时间就反应过来,这事儿虽然被控制了下来,但是却是一个敲赵家一笔的好机会。 Who makes Zhao Family Great Principle Golden Immortal be cut to kill at the scene, the innumerable eyes saw Zhao Family big Luo Old Ancestor cut to break the barrier of hell and Heaven, wanted to emit the devil of hell. 谁让赵家大罗金仙都被人斩杀在当场,无数双眼睛看到了赵家的大罗老祖斩破了地狱和天界的屏障,想要放出地狱的恶魔。 Without grasping present, that's good, but since now caught present, that cannot make Zhao Family feel better absolutely. 如果没有抓现行,那还好,但是现在既然抓到了现行,那就绝对不能让赵家好过。 Thinks of here, Nandou revering looked to Lu Xuan, in the look full was the panic-stricken facial expression, although process of Lu Xuan to fight has brought, how regarding to cut to kill the matter of Great Principle Golden Immortal is also insufficiently detailed. 想到这里,南斗尊者看向了陆轩,眼神之中满是惊骇的神情,虽然陆轩对战斗的过程一笔带过,对于如何斩杀大罗金仙之事也是语焉不详。 However Lu Xuan cut to kill Zhao Jing is actually the indisputable fact. 但是陆轩斩杀了赵靖却是不争的事实。 In her heart knows, Lu Xuan resorted to the methods of certain taboos mostly, significantly enhances own strength forcefully. 她心中知晓,陆轩多半是动用了某些禁忌的手段,强行大幅度的提升自己的实力。 Such method she knows certainly, even she can also, but she is clearer, even has the methods of all sorts of taboos, enters the Golden Immortal young man younger generation to cut initially to kill the Great Principle Golden Immortal probability, including 1/10000 does not have. 这样的手段她当然知道,甚至连她也会,但是她却更清楚,即便有着种种禁忌的手段,一个初入金仙的后生晚辈要斩杀大罗金仙的概率,连万分之一都没有。 However Lu Xuan actually achieved, Nandou revering promoted several scales the appraisal of Lu Xuan immediately, this is she has never seen the outstanding talent, is outstanding evildoer/monstrous talent. 然而陆轩却做到了,南斗尊者顿时将陆轩的评价提升了几个档次,这是一个她从未见过的盖代天才,也是一个盖代妖孽。 This time matter, you do is very good, defends one's country active!” “这次的事情,你做的很好,守土有功!” Nandou revering said. 南斗尊者说道。 As for the Zhao Family matter, we will look for the Zhao Family negotiation again!” “至于赵家的事情,我们会再去找赵家交涉!” Lu Xuan nods, he naturally understands, Nandou revering really does not stand this side him, but had the consciousness of sticking together. 陆轩点了点头,他自然明白,南斗尊者可不是真的站在他这一边,只是起了抱团的意识。 External Great Principle Golden Immortal does the matter in the profound state, if a Nandou revering response does not have, how others must see her. 一个外来的大罗金仙在玄州搞事情,如果南斗尊者一点反应也没有,别人要怎么看她。 The profound state is the weak remote section state, without Immortal King assumes personal command, therefore Great Principle Golden Immortal is the profound state's highest control, at this time naturally needs her personally to act. 玄州是弱势的偏远部州,没有仙王坐镇,所以大罗金仙已经是玄州的最高主宰,此时自然是需要她亲自出面的。 At this time, Nandou revering is the profound state these Great Principle Golden Immortal representatives and incarnations. 此时,南斗尊者就是玄州那些大罗金仙的代表和化身。 I have the matter, first walked, I have informed Heavenly Court, quick, Heavenly Court will send the specialized Barrier master to come seal crack!” Nandou revering said that then put up the escaping photodissociation in a hurry. “我还有事,先走了,我已经通知了天庭,很快,天庭就会派来专业的结界师来封印这一道裂缝!”南斗尊者说完便匆匆架着遁光离去了。 Obviously this matter involved Zhaozhou Zhao Family such colossus, Nandou revering cannot act arbitrarily, needs to go back to discuss with other Great Principle Golden Immortal. 显然此事牵扯到了赵州赵家这样的庞然大物,连南斗尊者都不能独断专行,需要回去和其他大罗金仙商议。 Although the profound state the overall strength is inferior to Zhaozhou, but does not allow some people to abuse power in their top of the heads. 玄州虽然整体实力不如赵州,但是也决不允许有人在他们的头顶上作威作福。 Also after passing several double-hour, the Heavenly Court specialized Barrier master came finally, just came to invest in short supply seal and erases the work of space crack. 又过了几个时辰之后,天庭专业的结界师终于来了,刚来就投入了紧张的封印和抹除空间裂缝的工作。 Although can also hear the hell devil the roaring sound, but nothing to be worried. 虽然其中还能听到地狱恶魔的咆哮声,但是已经不足为虑。 In a while, Kou Yuande hurries back, he also just obtained the news, the messenger as universe pavilion catches up in a hurry, when he saw fully is the sores looking semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, a facial expression paleness. 没过多久,寇元德又匆匆返回,他也是刚刚得到了消息,作为太虚阁的信使匆匆赶来,当他看到了满是疮痍的望月城,神情一片铁青。 Zhao Jing is really the good dog guts!” “赵靖真是好狗胆!” Kou Yuande startled and anger, he just gave Lu Xuan to have the warranty, Lu Xuan joined the universe pavilion to dare in view of Lu Xuan to kill on no one. 寇元德又惊又怒,他刚刚才给陆轩打了保票,陆轩加入太虚阁就没人敢针对陆轩袭杀。 Who knows that this outbreak this was not equal to is hitting his face, is hitting the face of universe pavilion? 谁知道这就突然发生了这不是等于在打他的脸面,在打太虚阁的脸面么? However after the anger, when he listened to Lu Xuan to say after later, in the heart incomparably sighed with emotion, this was also too exaggerating, got rid of Great Principle Golden Immortal by the body of Golden Immortal. 不过在愤怒之后,当他听陆轩说了经过之后,心中还是无比感慨,这也太夸张了,以金仙之身干掉了大罗金仙 If not for saw with one's own eyes Zhao Jing corpse, he does not believe that because his too clear Great Principle Golden Immortal had was fearful, was no comparison between them radically. 若不是亲眼看到了赵靖的尸首,他是根本不信的,因为他太清楚大罗金仙有多么的可怕了,根本不可同日而语。 Relax, this matter our universe pavilion will not give up absolutely, Han Linzun before I embarks, went to Zhao Family, must make Zhao Family pay the price, his Zhao Family thinks that what our universe pavilion is?” Kou Yuande coldly said. “放心,此事我们太虚阁绝对不会善罢甘休,韩林尊者在我出发之前,就已经前往赵家,一定要让赵家付出代价,他赵家以为我们太虚阁是什么?”寇元德冷冷的说道 The Zhao Family actions had provoked the entire universe pavilion high and low anger. 赵家的所作所为已经激起了整个太虚阁上下的愤怒。 Really was too excessive, this had destroyed tacit understanding among the major influences. 着实是太过分了,这是已经破坏了各大势力之间的默契。 Lu Xuan nods, he knows that this most is Zhao Jing independently decides, but the Zhao Family naturally also difficult escaping responsibility, their relations is a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers. 陆轩点了点头,他知道这一次多半是赵靖自作主张,不过赵家自然也难逃干系,他们的关系本身就是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 Your this also too...” On the Kou Yuande face showed the facial expression of several points of forced smile, how his don’t know should appraise the performance of Lu Xuan , is extremely really astonishing, was extremely scary. “不过你这也太。。。”寇元德脸上露出了几分苦笑的神情,他都不知道该怎么评价陆轩的表现,也着实太过惊人,太过骇人了点。 He has not seen Lu Xuan this monster, therefore his also don’t know in the standard of monster, Lu Xuan is whether qualified. 他从来没见过陆轩这种怪物,所以他也不知道以怪物的标准,陆轩是否已经合格了。 „Aren't you really inborn sacred?” Kou Yuande looked at Lu Xuan, somewhat is really curious, the talent and strength that this Lu Xuan displays were really very terrifying, looked like in the legend radically inborn sacred, had exceeded common certainly generation of Heaven's Chosen completely. “你真的不是天生神圣么?”寇元德看了看陆轩,着实有些好奇,这陆轩表现出来的天分和实力实在是非常恐怖了,根本就像是传说中的天生神圣,已经完全超越了寻常的绝代天骄。 Lu Xuan shakes the head, he naturally is not inborn sacred, he is the Heavenly Venerable rebirth. 陆轩摇了摇头,他当然不是天生神圣,他是天尊重生。 However in some sense, Heavenly Venerable rebirth fearful degree far far surpass excessively general inborn sacred, because inborn wants achievement Heavenly Venerable that even if ten thousand years are difficult to see sacredly is still the countless sufferings and hardships, even simply not possibly. 不过从某种意义上来说,天尊重生的可怕程度远远超过一般的天生神圣,因为即便是万年难见的天生神圣想要成就天尊也是千难万难的,甚至根本没有可能。 Otherwise Heavenly Court ten big Emperor so many years, has not seen them to break through Heavenly Venerable. 不然天庭十大帝君这么多年了,也没见他们突破到天尊 They want the resources to have the resources, wants the talent to have the talent, properly speaking, such person, does not have the difficulty cultivation to Heavenly Venerable, but in fact is like this, their five people can break through to Heavenly Venerable realm, even if to the Lu Xuan previous life achievement Heavenly Venerable, is so. 他们要资源有资源,要天赋有天赋,照理说,这样的人,修行天尊根本毫无难度,但是事实上就是这样子,他们五人可以突破到天尊境界,哪怕一直到陆轩前世成就了天尊,也是如此。 You feel relieved to prepare, the Zhao Family that side we will process, will not make Zhao Family have the opportunity to act again!” “你就放心备战,赵家那边我们会去处理,不会让赵家再有机会出手!” Kou Yuande earnest saying, if makes Zhao Family come again one time, the face of that universe pavilion lost to be clean even. 寇元德认真的说道,如果再让赵家来一次,那太虚阁的脸面就算是丢了个干干净净了。
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