TWO :: Volume #14

#1347: The war casualty of Gondor

English Channel, is separates Gondor King Dynasty and Continent of Europe, and connects Atlantic Ocean and a North Sea channel, 560 kms in length, 240 kms in width, narrowest place only 34 kms in width. 英吉利海峡,是分隔钢铎王朝欧洲大陆,并连接大西洋北海的一处海峡,长560公里,宽240公里,最狭窄处仅宽34公里。 In the reality, two nations has constructed the Seabed tunnel in the narrowest place, calls the Europe tunnel. 现实中,两国在最窄处修建了海底隧道,称之为欧洲隧道。 Because English Channel is north Atlantic Ocean part, connects among the Europe land sea sea domain, therefore since old times was the Military School of Thought strategy strategic place, historical once had repeatedly the Military conflict and Naval Battle in this. 因为英吉利海峡是北大西洋的一部分,连通欧洲陆间海的海域,所以自古即是兵家战略要冲,历史上曾在此发生多次军事冲突和海战 Gondor King Dynasty Royal Fleet, in which two formations is stationed in this. 钢铎王朝皇家舰队,其中的两个编队就驻扎在此。 To Royal Fleet, defends English Channel, was equal to defending the Gondor King Dynasty marine lifeline, enabling Gondor King Dynasty to have room for maneuver at the Europe business. 皇家舰队而言,守住英吉利海峡,就等于守住了钢铎王朝的海上生命线,让钢铎王朝欧洲事务上可以进退自如。 Considering the transformation of Europe battle situation, in the near future, Gondor King Dynasty has intended to stay with the Europe battlefield army to remove, takes persevering the native place as the first important matter. 鉴于欧洲战局的转变,近期,钢铎王朝已经有意将留在欧洲战场的军队撤下来,以坚守本土为第一要务。 At this time, the cruise of Royal Fleet to English Channel was stricter. 这种时候,皇家舰队英吉利海峡的巡航就更严密了。 The accident happened. 意外还是发生了。 On the morning of April 1, the total replacement is ironclad ship Great Xia Atlantic Fleet, in which two formations attacks English Channel, raises big Naval Battle. 四月一日上午,已经全数更换为铁甲舰大夏大西洋舰队,其中的两个编队突袭英吉利海峡,掀起一场大海战 This is Atlantic Fleet encounters with Royal Fleet first time. 这是大西洋舰队皇家舰队第一次交锋。 On the military strength, the Naval Battle standard as well as the navigation level, two big Fleet are equally matched, conductor Gondor Royal Fleet is also History Naval Battle Famed General Nelson. 论兵力,海战水准以及航海水平,两大舰队可谓不相上下,指挥钢铎皇家舰队的也是历史海战名将纳尔逊 Basic well-matched. 基本旗鼓相当。 Atlantic Fleet is strong, in Weapons and Equipment. 大西洋舰队强,就强在武器装备上。 Atlantic Fleet after replacement, has formed ironclad ship, war opportunity|Fighter Aircraft and space three-dimensional War Operations system of Magic-powered Submarine Trinity, had the later generation Aircraft Carrier Fleet embryonic form faintly. 换装之后的大西洋舰队,形成了铁甲舰战机魔动力潜艇三位一体的空间立体作战体系,已经隐隐有了后世航母舰队的雏形。 In comparison, limited to the resources with the labor force, Gondor Royal Fleet Battleship also 50% is Windsail Battleship, not total replacement for more advanced ironclad ship. 相比之下,限于资源跟劳动力,钢铎皇家舰队战舰还有一半是风帆战列舰,并未全数更换为更先进的铁甲舰 This is very good to understand. 这很好理解。 By industrial strength of Great Xia all-round blooming, initially was the Pacific Fleet replacement has spent for nearly one year, Gondor Royal Fleet can have such progress, was quite good. 大夏全面开花的工业实力,当初为太平洋舰队换装都花了近一年的时间,钢铎皇家舰队能有如此进展,已经相当不错了。 On Weapons and Equipment, Atlantic Fleet has the overwhelming superiority. 武器装备上,大西洋舰队占据压倒性优势。 Why this is also, after Great Xia regains the Mediterranean Sea domination, Gondor Royal Fleet does not make one of any statement reasons. 这也是为何,在大夏重新获得地中海控制权之后,钢铎皇家舰队根本不做任何表态的原因之一。 Without the energy of involvement. 因为没有介入的底气啊。 The Naval Battle result can be imagined, facing the surprise attack of Atlantic Fleet, Gondor Royal Fleet, although deals, Nelson is also conductor, if decides, but after nearly six hours of engaging in fierce battle, was defeated eventually. 海战的结果可想而知,面对大西洋舰队的突袭,钢铎皇家舰队虽然应对有度,纳尔逊也是指挥若定,但是经过近六个小时的鏖战,终究还是败下阵来。 In which bad risk and splendor, the solid non- words can describe. 其中的凶险与精彩,实非笔墨所能形容。 The Gondor Royal Fleet rout, like dazzling Signal Flare, has delimited the Europe nighttime sky, must to the undercurrent turbulent Europe situation, have the inestimable influence inevitably. 钢铎皇家舰队的溃败,就像一枚刺眼的信号弹,划过欧洲夜空,势必要对已经暗潮汹涌的欧洲局势,产生不可估量的影响。 In fact, the following influence was fermenting. 事实上,后续影响已经在发酵。 In the afternoon, under the cover of Atlantic Fleet, Zeng Guoquan conductor Specter Army, in Gondor King Dynasty coast log in|disembark, weapon's edge pointed to Gondor King Dynasty Capital City Alnwick Castle outrageously. 当天下午,在大西洋舰队的掩护下,曾国荃指挥幽灵军,悍然在钢铎王朝沿海登陆,兵锋直指钢铎王朝都城艾维克堡 300,000 Specter Army, to present Gondor King Dynasty, is simply fatal. 三十万幽灵军,对眼下的钢铎王朝而言,简直是致命的。 Limited to population weak trend, Gondor King Dynasty in peak, total soldier strength also 400,000. 限于人口弱势,钢铎王朝在巅峰时期,总兵力也不过四十万 After the Africa develop the savage lands setback, the persistent consumption as well as the native place of Europe battlefield resist the invasion of Germanic King Dynasty, even if in the process has two conscriptions, true may the armed forces of war already the insufficient 250,000 person. 经过非洲拓荒的挫折,欧洲战场的持续消耗以及本土抵御日耳曼王朝的入侵,即便过程中有过两次征兵,真正的可战之军已不足二十五万人。 As for Recruit that just recruited, does not raise. 至于刚招募的新兵,不提也罢。 What is more awful, in Gondor King Dynasty 250,000 main forces, near half, is 120,000 main forces also keeps the Europe battlefield, is the Hand of White-Silver Europe strategy messes about. 更加糟糕的是,钢铎王朝二十五万大军中,还有将近一半,也就是十二万大军还留在欧洲战场,为白银之手欧洲战略“瞎忙活”。 Also in other words , Gondor King Dynasty remains behind the army of native place truly, only then pitiful 130,000 person. Even if adds on place Garrison Force as well as Recruit, Gondor King Dynasty in total soldier strength of native place, is unable to achieve 200,000. 就是说,钢铎王朝真正留守本土的军队,只有可怜的十三万人。就算加上地方警备部队以及新兵,钢铎王朝在本土的总兵力,也无法达到二十万 This is a very embarrassed digit, completely has exposed the Gondor King Dynasty fatal weakness. 这是一个非常让人难堪的数字,完全暴露了钢铎王朝的致命弱点。 Although this 130,000 main forces equipment excellent, well-trained, may unable encircles the invasion Germanic main forces, while can also deal with the invasion of Great Xia Army. 虽然这十三万大军装备精良,训练有素,可也无法一边围剿入侵的日耳曼大军,一边还能应对大夏军的入侵。 A big storm, forward Gondor King Dynasty sweeps across. 一场大风暴,正向钢铎王朝席卷而来。 The land area is small, the strategic depth does not have basically, the population is on the wane, hangs the overseas this lofty one...... 国土面积小,战略纵深基本没有,人口凋零,孤悬海外...... In the game world of this technical non- threshold, Gondor King Dynasty let alone duplicates the magnificence of historical British Empire, can defend the initial capital, must look that others meaningful glance handles affairs. 在这个技术无门槛的游戏世界,钢铎王朝别说复制历史上大英帝国的辉煌,能否守住老本,都还得看别人眼色行事。 Otherwise, William will not lose everything, clenches teeth to support the organization to attack Germanic King Dynasty. 不然的话,威廉也不会砸锅卖铁,咬牙支持组织进攻日耳曼王朝了。 Only then ensure the peace of Europe, can have the Gondor King Dynasty security. 只有确保欧洲的安宁,才能有钢铎王朝的安全。 What a pity, soldier little physically weak Gondor King Dynasty, is unable left and right Europe battle situation, only to swing with the wind. 可惜,兵少体弱的钢铎王朝,根本无法左右欧洲战局,只能随风摇摆。 William feared that now has not known, his keeps Europe battlefield 120,000 main forces, early quietly had been given to Germanic King Dynasty by Henry, as in the future the ritual of embarking on an official career. 威廉现在怕还不知道,他那留在欧洲战场的十二万大军,早已经被亨利悄悄献给了日耳曼王朝,作为日后进身之礼。 Sorrowful! 悲哀! Under the detection of Black Snake Guard, the Gondor King Dynasty soft rib naturally be outspoken exposes in front of Ouyang Shuo, this had Forging Steel Plan birth. 黑蛇卫的侦查下,钢铎王朝的软肋自然毫无保留地暴露在欧阳朔面前,这才有了“锻钢计划”的诞生。 Gondor King Dynasty, Great Xia affects a Continent of Europe best footboard. 钢铎王朝,正是大夏影响欧洲大陆的一个最佳踏板。 If can attack and occupy Gondor King Dynasty, to the Great Xia significance, certainly not only lay in overseas dominion, but has bigger strategic significance. 如果能够攻占钢铎王朝,对大夏的意义,绝不仅在于多了一块海外领土,而是有着更大的战略意义。 First, uses Gondor King Dynasty as footboard, Great Xia may control English Channel, then controls North Sea. 其一,以钢铎王朝为踏板,大夏可控制英吉利海峡,进而控制北海 Then, the Europe various King Dynasty estuaries basically were controlled by Great Xia, their livelihood Atlantic Ocean trades, will lock by Great Xia stubbornly, leeway that does not move. 如此一来,欧洲王朝的出海口基本被大夏控制,他们赖以生存的大西洋贸易,将被大夏死死锁住,毫无动弹的余地。 Atlantic Ocean opposite Dawson Sovereign Dynasty, must look at the Great Xia complexion conduct. 就连大西洋对面的道森皇朝,也得看大夏脸色行事。 The Atlantic Ocean trade regulations, will be rewritten from this, integrate the Great Xia conduct criterion to come up. 大西洋的贸易规则,将由此而被改写,纳入大夏的行事准则上来。 Second, Gondor King Dynasty may threaten Continent of Europe at any time. 其二,钢铎王朝可随时威胁欧洲大陆 In the Five Continents, influence of Great Xia to Continent of Europe is weakest. Had Gondor King Dynasty, happen to makes up this short board, the antenna puts in the Five Continents, a global chess. 五大洲中,大夏欧洲大陆的影响力是最弱的。有了钢铎王朝,正好补上这一短板,触角伸进五大洲,全球一盘棋。 Such enticement, Ouyang Shuo is unable to reject. 这样的诱惑,欧阳朔无法拒绝。 Forging Steel Plan the implementation, the major premise, cannot trigger the reactions of Europe various King Dynasty. 锻钢计划”的实施,有一个大前提,就是不能引起欧洲王朝的反弹。 If Europe various King Dynasty, oppose the invasion of Great Xia to Gondor King Dynasty together, then by the Specter Army strength, attacks and captures Gondor King Dynasty very much difficultly in a short time. 如果欧洲王朝,一同反对大夏钢铎王朝的入侵,那么以幽灵军的实力,是很难在短时间内攻克钢铎王朝的。 Even if no participation of Germanic King Dynasty, if Europe Hand of White-Silver Five Great King Dynasties is also at the prosperous time, Great Xia does not dare to attack Gondor King Dynasty. 就算没有日耳曼王朝的参与,如果欧洲白银之手五大王朝还处在鼎盛时期,大夏也不敢进攻钢铎王朝 That will violate the popular anger. 那是会犯众怒的。 At present, the Spain King Dynasty destruction, Gaul King Dynasty betrays, is Hand of White-Silver, when Continent of Europe is weakest, Great Xia then has the opportunity to send out fatally strikes. 眼下,西班牙王朝覆灭,高卢王朝叛离,正是白银之手欧洲大陆最虚弱的时候,大夏这才有机会发出致命一击。 Late is not again good. 再晚一点也不行。 If made Germanic King Dynasty digest Gaul King Dynasty, fought back to Romanov King Dynasty again, after the strength increased Germanic King Dynasty, will allow Great Xia to attack and occupy Gondor? 如果让日耳曼王朝消化了高卢王朝,再对罗曼诺夫王朝发起反击,实力大增之后的日耳曼王朝,会允许大夏攻占钢铎吗? Fears is Gondor King Dynasty, already regarded as the it's in the bag by Manstein. 怕是钢铎王朝,早已被曼施泰因视为囊中之物。 So, Ouyang Shuo meets the Information work of Black Snake Guard to highly praise, is this key Information, making Great Xia elect in the most appropriate opportunity, sends out most fatally strikes. 正是如此,欧阳朔才会黑蛇卫情报工作大加赞赏,正是这一关键情报,让大夏选在一个最合适的时机,发出最致命的一击。 The victory of war of Gondor, Information must occupy the first in merit. 钢铎之战的胜利,情报要占首功。 ............ ………… On April 2, Gondor King Dynasty, Alnwick Castle. 四月二日,钢铎王朝,艾维克堡 In the Kingdom study room, atmosphere dignified scary, the air like must coagulate general, suffocating. 王国书房内,气氛凝重的吓人,空气就像要凝固一般,让人窒息。 The Gondor Nation King William complexion is pale, sits like Blockhead on the chair, motionless, this is one falls into the person of hopeless situation, manner that can present. 钢铎国王威廉脸色铁青,像木头一样坐在椅子上,一动不动,这是一位陷入绝境之人,才会出现的神态。 Proof this time William, did not have the escape route. 证明此时的威廉,已经没了退路。 On the same day of Royal Fleet rout, William held the five nations summit on the application, requested the reenforcement to the organization. William knows one are any situation, Gondor King Dynasty is incapable of alone facing this crisis radically. 皇家舰队溃败的当天,威廉就申请召开五国首脑会议,向组织请求增援。威廉知道自家是个什么情况,钢铎王朝根本无力独自面对这一场危机。 Those who embarrass William is, except for Dawson Sovereign Dynasty, which without is willing to extend the helping hands. 威廉难堪的是,除了道森皇朝,没有哪个愿意伸出援助之手。 Dawson Sovereign Dynasty is separated by seas and oceans, even if Jack has a mind, sends out main forces, when rushing, feared that was the day lily was cool, did not help matters. 道森皇朝远隔重洋,就算杰克真的有心,派出大军,等赶到时,怕是黄花菜都凉了,根本就无济于事。 Those who make William indignant is, William proposed that must remove the Continent of Europe army, actually encounters Henry resolutely opposed that claimed the Europe battlefield is at the crucial phase, at this time cannot withdraw troops. 更让威廉气愤的是,威廉提出,要将欧洲大陆的军队撤回来,却遭到亨利的坚决反对,声称欧洲战场正处在关键时期,此时绝不能撤军。 I wanted the perishing country, what Europe battlefield but also managed?” “我都要亡国了,还管什么欧洲战场?” Always William that gentleman poses as, shouting abuse of air/Qi in conference site. 一向以绅士自居的威廉,在会场上气的破口大骂。 Sees this, Henry can only nod to comply, the look actually glitters, appears the word heart. 见此,亨利只能点头答应,眼神却闪烁,显得言不由心。 In fact, after knowing Great Xia invades Gondor King Dynasty, Henry is also mad with Manstein wants to curse at people, this pair of intriguer cannot think, is preparing to harvest the fruit in them, had such accident. 事实上,在得知大夏入侵钢铎王朝之后,亨利曼施泰因也气得想骂人,这一对阴谋家怎么也想不到,正在他们准备收割果实时,发生了这样的变故。 The invasion of Great Xia, has disrupted their plan completely. 大夏的入侵,完全打乱了两人的计划。 But, they can only speed up annexing the step, first eats up with Spain main forces Gondor main forces, then discussed that counter-attacks the matter of Romanov King Dynasty. 无奈之下,他们只能加快兼并步伐,先将钢铎大军西班牙大军吃下,再谈反击罗曼诺夫王朝之事。 Otherwise, likely loses 100 percent. 否则的话,很可能满盘皆输。 As for Gondor King Dynasty, can only drop, making Great Xia profit. 至于钢铎王朝,只能放手,让大夏占了便宜。 The William's heart was cool thoroughly! 威廉的心都凉透了! This morning, William tries to contact Europe army Commander, issues the withdrawal of troops order. Those who make William shocking is, the communication compass has not put through unexpectedly, obviously left the big accident. 今天一早,威廉试图联络欧洲军队统帅,下达撤军命令。让威廉震惊的是,通讯罗盘竟然没有接通,显然是出了大变故。 Then, William contacted in several armed forces High-General, without exception, cannot contact. William has not lost heart, tries to contact Henry, finally Henry drags into Blacklist him directly. 接下来,威廉又联络了几位军中将领,无一例外,都联络不上。威廉还不死心,试图联络上亨利,结果亨利直接将他拉入黑名单 Ended!” “完了!” William is stupid, knows that certainly is Gaul King Dynasty is being up to mischief. 威廉就是再蠢,也知道一定是高卢王朝在搞鬼。 He actually does not know that yesterday evening, Gaul main forces suddenly has surrounded Gondor Army Camp, in situation that in the match does not guard against, relieves arming 120,000 Gondor main forces, turned into war captive. 他却不知道,就在昨天晚上,高卢大军突然包围了钢铎军营,在对手毫无防备的情况下,将十二万钢铎大军解除武装,变成了战俘 Was disarmed together, Spain main forces. 一同被解除武装的,还有西班牙大军 Continent of Europe, was welcoming the unprecedented big great change, but in this drastic change, Gondor King Dynasty was acting Weakling pitifully, abandoned the role of child. 欧洲大陆,正迎来前所未有的大巨变,而在这一场剧变中,钢铎王朝可怜地扮演着一个弱者,一个弃子的角色。 elder brother, you must buoy up.” 哥哥,你要振作起来啊。” Opposite Annie saw, on face did not have the past appearance, heavyhearted. 对面的安妮见了,脸上也没了往日的神采,忧心忡忡。 Buoys up?” “振作?” The William corners of the mouth show the happy expression that self-ridicules. 威廉嘴角露出一丝自嘲的笑意。 Already like this, but can also buoy up? Goes along with them!” William has decided to admit defeat. “都已经这样了,还能怎么振作?随他们去吧!”威廉已经决定认输。 Annie worries saying: Cannot win, you must be Household strive for a best result, do not let Great Xia not remain the bone sediment that we eat.” 安妮着急说道:“就算打不赢,你也要为家族争取一个最好的结果啊,别让大夏将我们吃的连骨头渣子都不剩。”
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