TWO :: Volume #14

#1337: A Human History gloomy day

Gaia Year 9 in October the 20 date, the day that was worth humanity always remembering. 盖亚九年十月二十日,一个值得人类铭记的日子。 9 : 00 am, Gaia announced in the official site suddenly a video, in the picture presents advance Fleet in base Hope City that Planet Hope establishes. 上午九时,盖亚突然在官网公布了一段视频,画面中呈现的正是先遣舰队希望星球建立的基地希望城 player(s) is not strange to this city, because before soon, Gaia when announcing Planet Hope construction plan, made public the Hope City latest construction situation. 玩家对这座城池并不陌生,因为就在不久之前,盖亚在公布希望星球建设方案时,就公布了希望城的最新建设情况。 Broad grand city, makes the person feel at ease very much. 恢宏雄伟的城池,很让人安心。 What is frightening, the load bearing human hope city, is actually falling into a sea of fire at this time. 让人心惊的是,承载着人类希望城池,此时却陷入一片火海之中。 Sky over city, over a hundred have the flying dragon of sun-blocking wing and head big scale, is circling up and down, is covered with the big mouth of fang, the blowout bunch of burning hots roaring flame. 城池上空,上百头有着遮天蔽日羽翼、脑袋大鳞片的飞龙,正在上下盘旋,长满獠牙的大嘴里,喷出一团团炙热的烈焰。 This roaring flame is so overbearing, changes into the molten iron the city of steel and iron directly, making people scared. 这烈焰是如此霸道,直接将钢铁之城化为铁水,让人胆寒。 But in the city wall position, row of several meter high holding up day Titan Giant, grasps the automobile size the iron hammer, will seem like firm city wall, will pound directly is split up. 而在城墙位置,一排十几米高的擎天泰坦巨人,手持汽车大小的铁锤,将看似坚固的城墙,直接砸得四分五裂。 That iron hammer does not know that is what material quality forging, really has this grade of might, reinforced concrete city wall under the iron hammer, is ordinary with the bean waste, collapses at the first blow. 那铁锤也不知是何材质锻造而成,竟然有这等威力,钢筋混凝土城墙在铁锤之下,就跟豆腐渣一般,不堪一击。 great land is vibrating, the crack clears the way the lip big slit. 就连大地都在震动,裂开道道碗口大的缝隙。 Before then, appointed no one is able to imagine, in world has so overbearing peerless siege way unexpectedly. 在此之前,任谁也无法想象,世间竟有如此霸道绝伦的攻城方式。 As city wall collapses, has encircled in the outside the city Ominous Beast group, such as the tide spills into city generally. The beast group quantity is such, down to cannot count, has formed piece of Ominous Beast seas and oceans. 随着城墙倒塌,一直围在城外凶兽群,如潮水一般涌进城池。兽群数量是如此之多,以至根本数不过来,形成了一片凶兽海洋 In the beast group, player(s) discovered that familiar Tyranno Beast, Pterodact Beast as well as rapid Dragon Beast , etc., some are player(s) has not seen before this Ominous Beast, each one overwhelming powers are uncommon, are powerful. 兽群中,玩家发现熟悉的暴龙兽翼龙兽以及迅龙兽等,还有一些是玩家此前根本没见过的凶兽,个个威猛不凡,气势十足。 In city, humanity such as the ants are common, by various Ominous Beast devastations. 城池之中,人类如蝼蚁一般,被各种凶兽蹂躏。 Everywhere Beast Tide, almost will put in order city to submerge, what scared is, laser weapon of humanity, and even the laser cannon, hits on Fire Dragon or Titan Giant, actually does not have the effect. 漫天的兽潮,几乎将整座城池淹没,更让人胆寒的是,人类的激光武器,乃至激光炮,打在火龙或者泰坦巨人身上,竟然毫无效果。 Is other Ominous Beast, under the attack of laser gun, received a body wound. 就是其他凶兽,在激光枪的攻击下,也只是受了一点皮肉伤。 Examines carefully, originally in these Top Grade Ominous Beast outside the body, is covering the one layer light energy light membrane, separates the attack of human weapon completely, is unable to cause a damage to their main bodies. 细看,原来在这些顶级凶兽体外,覆盖着一层薄薄的能量光膜,将人类武器的攻击完全隔断,无法对它们的本体造成一丝创伤。 These Top Grade Ominous Beast, destroys the city prime culprit. 这些顶级凶兽,就是毁灭城池的元凶。 Without their leadership, beast group so smoothly has not kicked possibly in city. 没有它们的带领,兽群没可能如此顺利地攻进城池之中。 Ouyang Shuo looks in the picture, changes to Ruins Hope City gradually, the complexion feels uncomfortable intermittently, within heart has the anxiety, why in the Ominous Beast atlas of Gaia disclosure, has not seen this grade of Fire Dragon with Titan Giant. 欧阳朔看着画面中,渐渐化作废墟希望城,脸色阵阵发紧,心中更是生出疑虑,为何在盖亚披露的凶兽图册中,并未见过这等火龙泰坦巨人 Before this, Gaia has rewarded Ouyang Shuo «Planet Hope Resources manual», the conclusions of inside to various Planet Hope Ominous Beast, planned the game was more complete. 此前,盖亚奖励了欧阳朔一份《希望星球资源手册》,里面对希望星球各种凶兽的结束,比游戏里拟化的还要齐全。 Even if so, Ouyang Shuo looks at that fierce Beast Tide, feels very strange. 就算如此,欧阳朔看着那凶猛的兽潮,还是感到非常陌生。 It is reported that advance Fleet after building base, on the arranged outer space satellite, came one time to cover, the detection of non- dead angle to Planet Hope. 据悉,先遣舰队在建立基地之后,就安排太空人造卫星,对希望星球来了一次全覆盖、无死角的侦查。 In the following time, sends out the massive unmanned aerial vehicles, thorough Planet Hope Wilderness, forest, remote mountain, wilderness, bog and other places, carry on the careful detection. 接下来的时间里,更是派出大量无人机,深入希望星球荒野、森林、深山、荒漠、沼泽等地,进行细致的侦查。 The unmanned aerial vehicle, fights, reproduction these Ominous Beast Livelihood and other scenes, records truthfully, analyzes for Gaia, builds the perfect data storehouse. 无人机将这些凶兽生活、打斗、繁殖等场景,如实地记录下来,供盖亚分析,建立起完善的资料库。 When necessary, the unmanned aerial vehicle even can send out Robot, collected specimen data. 必要时,无人机甚至能派出机器人,搜集标本资料 Ominous Beast data in game, such comes basically. 游戏中的凶兽资料,基本都是这么来的。 Properly speaking, like Fire Dragon with Titan Giant so dazzling existence, has not escaped possibly the detection of unmanned aerial vehicle, other did not say that only the giant heat source of their within the body sending out, can be induced by the heat conduction installment of unmanned aerial vehicle. 按理来说,像火龙泰坦巨人这般耀眼的存在,没可能逃脱无人机的侦查,别的不说,仅他们体内散发的巨大热源,就能被无人机的热传导装置感应到。 If not, then the only explanation, is these Ominous Beast has the unusual wisdom, or hides in the remote mountain jungle, hides in the cavern, the ambush in the bog, has evaded the detection. 如果没有,那么唯一的解释,就是这些凶兽有着非同一般的智慧,或是躲在深山密林,或是藏在洞穴之中,或是潜伏在沼泽之内,躲过了侦查。 In the Titan Giant hand is grasping iron hammer, has verified this point. 泰坦巨人手中握着的铁锤,也印证了这一点。 The iron hammer obviously is Houtian (Post-natal|day after) forging, explained that these Top Grade Ominous Beast grasped has forged the method of tool. Perhaps, was unable to regard as simple Wild Beast them, but another type intelligent population. 铁锤明显是后天锻造而成,说明这些顶级凶兽已经掌握了锻造工具的方法。或许,已经不能将它们视为简单的野兽,而是另一个种类的智慧种群。 They with humanity, are equal existences. 它们跟人类,是平等的存在。 Entire four years later, these Ominous Beast are flowed from the place of ambush, builds up rapidly in together, under the leadership of Top Grade Grand Beast, has destroyed intruder at one fell swoop. 整整四年之后,这些凶兽才从潜伏之地一涌而出,迅速集结在一起,在顶级巨兽的带领下,一举摧毁了“入侵者”。 Such guess, makes Ouyang Shuo scared. 这样的猜测,更让欧阳朔胆寒。 Without a doubt, Gaia, is humanity itself, greatly had underestimated Planet Hope Dangerous degree, this is one also wants the bad risk compared with the game world the star. 毫无疑问,无论是盖亚,还是人类本身,都大大低估了希望星球危险程度,这是一个远比游戏世界还要凶险的星球。 Above star, Livelihood too many mysterious biology. 星球之上,生活着太多的神秘生物。 Ouyang Shuo was unable to conclude that present Fire Dragon with Titan Giant, whether is existence of Planet Hope most Top Grade, perhaps, above them, overbearing species. 欧阳朔已经不敢断定,眼下的火龙泰坦巨人,是否就是希望星球顶级的存在,或许,在它们之上,还有更霸道的物种。 Copes with these Top Grade Ominous Beast, ordinary laser weapon was useless. 对付这些顶级凶兽,普通的激光武器已经没有用。 Perhaps the missile can create the heavy losses to these Ominous Beast, but may not kill . Moreover the missile is long-distance weapon, is not suitable to cope to kill city Ominous Beast. 或许导弹能对这些凶兽造成重创,但不一定能杀死,而且导弹是远程武器,并不适合对付已经杀进城池凶兽 Above the missile, was the nuclear bomb. 导弹之上,就是核弹了。 How in Era of the Federation, Earth has destroyed all nuclear weapon, let alone was advance Fleet, was interspace immigration Fleet, has not carried the nuclear bomb. 奈何早在联邦时代,地球就已经销毁了所有的核武器,别说是先遣舰队,就是星际移民舰队,都没有携带核弹。 Even if there are , not suitable use. 就算有,也不适合使用。 Planet Hope is the place of human final hope, if fires the nuclear bomb, is equal to courting destruction, delivers the dead end Planet Hope personally. 希望星球是人类最后的希望之地,如果发射核弹,等于是自取灭亡,亲自将希望星球送上末路。 Even if Continent Planet Hope, cannot withstand several nuclear bombs. 就算大陆希望星球,也承受不了几颗核弹。 Ouyang Shuo is the worry, if fires the nuclear bomb, the nuclear radiation will not only not have the side effect to Ominous Beast, instead will stimulate the Ominous Beast disassimilation, intensifies Planet Hope Dangerous. 欧阳朔更是担心,如果发射核弹,核辐射不仅不会对凶兽产生副作用,反而会刺激凶兽的异化,加剧希望星球危险 In that case, seriously is lifting a rock only to smash one's own foot. 那样的话,当真是搬起石头砸自己的脚 Final of picture, is changed to Ruins Hope City thoroughly, as well as above city Ruins, face upwards to roar, recklessly celebration Ominous Beast, on the face as if writes all over the satire. 画面的最后,是已经彻底化作废墟希望城,以及在城池废墟之上,仰天咆哮,肆意“庆祝”的凶兽,脸上似乎写满讽刺。 Entire advance Fleet, only remaining still in the two spaceships of Planet Hope outer space track, alone floats above the track, was relating some misery. 整个先遣舰队,只剩下还在希望星球太空轨道的两艘宇宙飞船,孤零零地漂浮在轨道之上,诉说着某种凄凉。 Going on a punitive expedition against of human first time to Planet Hope, ends with a crushing failure! 人类第一次希望星球的征伐,以惨败告终! Many player(s) look at the video, has cried directly, they are unable to accept such failure, some people even sad Cang said: „, Didn't humanity have means of livelihood?” 很多玩家看罢视频,直接哭了,他们无法接受这样的失败,有人甚至悲沧说道:“难道说,人类已经没有活路了吗?” Destruction of Hope City, as if representative destruction of human hope. 希望城的毁灭,似乎代表着人类希望的毁灭。 Lian Jianshe four years of Hope City, has appeared in front of Ominous Beast so collapses at the first blow, the people are not really able to imagine, three bases that Fleet will soon build, how survive in Planet Hope. 连建设了四年之久的希望城,在凶兽面前都显得如此不堪一击,人们实在无法想象,舰队即将建立的三个分基地,如何在希望星球生存下来。 Three quotas that Gaia gives, from wielding great power with great arrogance, one becomes the hot potato. 盖亚给出的三个名额,从炙手可热,一下成为烫手山芋。 What to do should we?” “我们该怎么办?” The people were crying out that in terrified, is seeking help...... 人们在呐喊,在惶恐,在求助…… Gaia has given the solution. 盖亚给出了解决方案。
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