TWO :: Volume #14

#1335: King Ashoka, death!

Sudden declaring war of Great Xia, thorough entire was ignorant King Ashoka! 大夏的突然宣战,将阿育王彻底整懵了! King Ashoka speculated that many types, in the future with the way that Great Xia is together, has not thought only that Great Xia so has a falling out unexpectedly, just finished cooperation, wields the butcher knife to Ashoka King Dynasty. 阿育王推测过很多种,未来跟大夏相处的方式,独独没想到,大夏竟然如此翻脸无情,刚结束合作,就向阿育王朝挥动屠刀。 Gets angry such as flips through the book! 翻脸如翻书! Great Xia North Road Army, 14 Field Corps, 700,000 elite division, fans out in three groups, from the Xikang Province border pass fort, kills the Ashoka King Dynasty center outrageously. 大夏北路军,十四野战军团,七十万精锐之师,兵分三路,从西康行省边关要塞,悍然杀进阿育王朝腹地。 Two years ago, when Ashoka King Dynasty advances on Tubo, what walks is the same road. 两年前,阿育王朝进击吐蕃时,走的是同样一条路。 Meanwhile, already in Great Xia South Road Army that Gupta King Dynasty joins forces with West Road Army, commandeds the troops to go north rapidly, is expelling the tail of Ashoka King Dynasty main forces, to once allied force, launched the attack outrageously. 于此同时,已经在笈多王朝会师的大夏南路军西路军,迅速挥师北上,撵着阿育王朝大军的尾巴,悍然对曾经的友军,发起进攻。 Big Gupta King Dynasty, is the Great Xia Army logistics base, can be secure. 诺大的笈多王朝,就是大夏军后勤基地,可以有恃无恐。 Has saying that Great Xia this time chooses the opportunity of battling against, was really too skillful! 不得不说,大夏此番选择开战的时机,实在是太巧了! This time Ashoka King Dynasty, 50% military strength are stationed in Peacock King Dynasty, is responsible for detaining war captive as well as sweeps invader ; 40% military strength also to keep in Gupta King Dynasty. 此时的阿育王朝,一半兵力驻扎在孔雀王朝境内,负责看押战俘以及扫荡余寇四成兵力还留在笈多王朝境内。 Keeps the military strength of native place to have 10%, insufficient 150,000, basic centralized in Royal City Delhi City. 留在本土的兵力只有一成,不足十五万,基本集中在王城德里城 Such Military strength, facing conserving strength, Great Xia North Road Army that has eyed covetously, really not any strength to hit back. 这样的军事力量,面对养精蓄锐,一直虎视眈眈的大夏北路军,真的没什么还手之力。 Under Li Jing Arriving at Divine, Entering Transformation conductor, Great Xia North Road Army three attack, just likes the torrential flood, sweeps across all resistance forces, everywhere one visit, various city act as lookout to fall. 李靖出神入化指挥下,大夏北路军三面出击,犹如滔滔洪水,席卷一切抵抗力量,所到之处,诸城池望风而降。 North Road Army, has not given the enemy an opportunity. 北路军,没给敌人一丝机会。 This is Great Tang Military God Li Jing, he who does not make a mistake, simply is the enemy army nightmare. 这便是大唐军神李靖,不犯错误的他,简直是敌军的噩梦。 According to the plan, North Road Army three groups of main forces will join forces in Delhi City, seize Tianzhu Region this most essential city, takes Delhi City as the base at one fell swoop, sweeps away the entire Ganges River plain. 按计划,北路军的三路大军将在德里城会师,一举拿下天竺区这座最关键的城池,跟着以德里城为基地,横扫整个恒河平原。 This is most essential one step. 这是最关键的一步。 Once Delhi City as well as the peripheral Ganges River plain were seized by Great Xia, even if Ashoka King Dynasty has the Peacock King Dynasty territory to take the strategic rear area, is difficult to turn out any rough seas. 一旦德里城以及周边的恒河平原被大夏占领,阿育王朝即便有孔雀王朝领土作为战略后方,也再难翻出什么大浪来。 Therefore, Battle of Delhi City, is the key of this war. 因此,德里城之战,是此战之关键。 This time King Ashoka, but also comforts morale in Peacock King Dynasty, knew the news that Great Xia battles against, air/Qi spits blood three liters, was nearly mad to faint. 偏偏此时的阿育王,还在孔雀王朝境内安抚民心,得知大夏开战的消息,气得吐血三升,险些被气晕过去。 Shameless!” “无耻!” King Ashoka that sobers, the cold sweat is dripping. 清醒过来的阿育王,冷汗淋漓。 Matter that several months has, just likes shows a film general, flashes through in the King Ashoka mind fast, strings together a sober line gradually, making the will of the people tremble. 数月来发生的事情,犹如放电影一般,在阿育王脑海中快速闪过,渐渐串成一条清醒的线路,让人心颤。 Therefore, from the beginning, so-called Alliance is a trap?” “所以,从一开始,所谓的联盟就是一个陷阱吗?” In King Ashoka mouth dry, within heart sends intermittently painstakingly. 阿育王口中干涩,心中更是阵阵发苦。 Planning of Great Xia too evil and cruel, first provokes the Tianzhu Region internal strife, exhaustes the Tianzhu (India) strength, disguises to unite with Ashoka King Dynasty, eliminates Peacock King Dynasty with Gupta King Dynasty these two trusted friend big troubles. 大夏的算计实在太歹毒了,先是挑动天竺区内讧,消耗天竺实力,跟着假装跟阿育王朝联合,消灭孔雀王朝笈多王朝这两个心腹大患。 Finally reveals the true self, weapon's edge points to Ashoka King Dynasty. 最后才露出本来面目,兵锋直指阿育王朝 I early should think that the Great Xia wild ambition, how will satisfy Gupta King Dynasty.” King Ashoka a little hates own greedy with stupid, on working as of Great Xia. “我早该想到的,大夏狼子野心,岂会满足于一个笈多王朝。”阿育王有点痛恨自个儿的贪婪跟愚蠢,上了大夏的当。 Has hoodwinked King Ashoka Eyes greedily, lets him with Great Xia cooperation, starts the Tianzhu (India) chaos war. 正是贪婪蒙蔽了阿育王眼睛,让他跟大夏合作,掀起天竺大乱战。 Also is stupid, making King Ashoka Great Xia lose the heart of alert to ally gradually, the unceasing General team transfers from the native place, down to the native place defends void, has given Great Xia by the opportunity. 也是愚蠢,让阿育王对“盟友”大夏渐渐失去戒备之心,不断将军队从本土调走,以至本土防御空虚,给了大夏以可乘之机。 Those who make King Ashoka painful is, after previous round game update, Tianzhu Region only Delhi City has Transmission Array, King Ashoka wants to return to Delhi City rapidly, is at all the impossible matter. 更让阿育王痛苦的是,上轮游戏更新之后,天竺区德里城有一座传送阵,阿育王想迅速返回德里城,是根本不可能之事。 Thinks that the den momentarily possibly was broken through by enemy, King Ashoka is burning with impatience. 一想到老巢随时可能被敌人攻破,阿育王心急如焚。 No, I cannot give up!” “不,我不能放弃!” King Ashoka both eyes are red, like lost the gambler, prepares to detain all. In fact, to Ashoka King Dynasty, does not have the opportunity of win. 阿育王双眼通红,就像一个赌输了的赌徒,准备押上一切。事实上,对阿育王朝而言,并非没有取胜之机。 First, the Ashoka King Dynasty army still, has over 1.4 million, and has War after one year, completely is elite division. 其一,阿育王朝的军队还在,足足有一百四十余万,而且经过一年有余的大战,全部都是精锐之师 Second, so long as Ashoka King Dynasty endured at present the most difficult time, delays the war, can transform Peacock King Dynasty war captive as the effective strength, puts in the battlefield. 其二,只要阿育王朝熬过眼下最艰难的时刻,将战争拖延下去,就能将孔雀王朝战俘转化为有生力量,投入战场。 Meanwhile, King Ashoka can also conscription. 于此同时,阿育王还能就地征兵。 In brief, at present to Ashoka King Dynasty, two strategic targets must realize \; first, the arranged main forces day and night travels at double speed, rushes to rescue Delhi City. 总而言之,眼下对阿育王朝而言,有两个战略目标必须实现,一是安排大军昼夜兼程,驰援德里城 Ashoka King Dynasty main forces, only then Great Xia Army one step, enters Delhi City first, can defend this Royal City. 阿育王朝大军,只有先大夏军一步,进入德里城,才能守住这座王城 So long as Royal City not but actually, then Ashoka King Dynasty lasts forever! 只要王城不倒,则阿育王朝永存! Second, to win the time, turns into a protracted war this war, was King Dynasty recruits the army to win the opportunity. What is more wonderful, at present is in October, quick wants the beginning of winter. 二是要争取时间,将此战变成一场持久战,为王朝招募军队赢得时机。更妙的是,眼下已经是十月,很快就要入冬。 Therefore, looks from the day, to Ashoka King Dynasty is more advantageous. 因此,从天时看,对阿育王朝是更有利的。 In addition Ashoka King Dynasty is native War Operations, at the right place at the right time all, so in fine weather and favorable geographical position the person about completely occupies superiorly, did not have the reason saying that Ashoka King Dynasty will unable to win this War. 再加上阿育王朝是本土作战,地利人和俱在,如此天时地利人合全部占优,没理由说,阿育王朝会打不赢这一场大战 When convening all generals discussing official business, King Ashoka so fervently expressed views. 在召集诸将议事时,阿育王如此慷慨陈词。 The King Ashoka words, have lightened the all generals within heart beacon light, in high feather, one's blood bubbles up to the brim, threatened that must expel Tianzhu (India) Great Xia thoroughly. 阿育王的一番话,点亮了诸将心中的明灯,一个个精神焕发,热血沸腾,扬言要将大夏彻底赶出天竺 Gupta King Dynasty does not give them!” General said. “连笈多王朝也不给他们!”将军们如是说。 In this military affairs conference, King Ashoka makes the resolution, wears Peacock King Dynasty with the Gupta King Dynasty two groups, sends 150,000 elite armed forces respectively, day and night travels at double speed, rushes to rescue Delhi City. 在此次军务会议上,阿育王做出决断,着孔雀王朝笈多王朝两路,各派十五万精锐部队,昼夜兼程,驰援德里城 King Ashoka is responsible for planning remaining armed forces, fights steadily, commands troops personally, fights a decisive battle with Great Xia Army. 阿育王则负责统筹剩下的部队,稳扎稳打,亲自率部,跟大夏军决战。 This war, if defeats, this King only has to die to apologize!” “此战若败,本王唯有以死谢罪!” Before going to battle, King Ashoka sets up the hemorrhaging to vow, audiences High-General exciting said. 出征之前,阿育王立下血誓,将一众将领刺激的嗷嗷直叫。 Fights to the last drop of blood!” “血战到底!” Extremely not also!” “不胜不还!” Has saying that King Ashoka this ruthless person, under does not have the coward, is the real men who dares to go. 不得不说,阿育王这个狠人,手下也没有孬种,都是敢于赴死的好汉。 ............ ………… In October 15 date, Bengaluru City. 十月十五日,班加罗尔城 After packing off advance armed forces, King Ashoka is bringing main forces, prepares set out. 送走先遣部队之后,阿育王带着大军,准备出发 On the same day, vast overwhelming over 500,000 main forces, carried on the pledge assembly, however was crowding around King Ashoka, left Bengaluru City, set out to the native place. 当天,浩浩然五十余万大军,进行誓师大会,然而簇拥着阿育王,出了班加罗尔城,向本土进发。 Facing the provocation of Great Xia, Ashoka King Dynasty accepted a challenge! 面对大夏的挑衅,阿育王朝应战了! This was Tianzhu Region biggest War, who won, who was Tianzhu Region owner. 这是天竺区最大的一场大战了,谁胜,谁就是天竺区主人 At the same time, National Capital. 同一时间,京师 News that King Ashoka commands troops to go to battle with, by the Black Snake Guard real-time report to National Capital. 阿育王率部出征的消息,被黑蛇卫实时汇报至京师 Imperial Palace, Imperial Study. 皇宫,御书房 Ouyang Shuo hangs up the video communication of Black Snake Guard secret agent, the corners of the mouth shows a complex happy expression. 欧阳朔挂断黑蛇卫密探的视频通讯,嘴角露出一丝复杂的笑意。 King Ashoka, walks!” 阿育王,一路走好!” Saying, Ouyang Shuo was taking out mysterious talisman from the bosom, when promoted Sovereign Dynasty Gaia reward «Emperor-King Instadeath Tally», after the use, may assign any NPC Emperor-King, instantly died. 说着,欧阳朔从怀中取出一张神秘符箓,正是晋升皇朝盖亚奖励的《帝王即死符》,使用之后,可指定任何一位NPC帝王,即刻死去。 Ouyang Shuo not hesitant, takes pen in hand, the King Ashoka name, fills in the talisman blank. 欧阳朔没有犹豫,提笔,将阿育王的名字,填写在符箓空白处。 Shortly, talisman does not select the self-ignition, then changes to together the golden light, whiz, passes through the impediment of space, invests in ten thousand li (0.5km) remote, King Ashoka within the body that marched. 顷刻之间,符箓不点自燃,然后化作一道金光,“嗖”的一下,穿越空间的阻隔,投入远在万里之遥,正在行军的阿育王体内。
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